Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 30 - Mineral Resources last revised: Oct 03, 2024
§ 556.900 - Financial assurance requirements for an oil and gas or sulfur lease.

This section establishes financial assurance requirements for the lessee of an OCS oil and gas or sulfur lease.

(a) Before BOEM will issue a new lease to you as the lessee, you or another lessee for the lease must comply with one of the options in paragraphs (a)(1) through (3) of this section. Before BOEM will approve the assignment of a record title interest in an existing lease to you as the lessee, you or another lessee for the lease must provide any supplemental financial assurance required by the Regional Director and also comply with one of the options in paragraphs (a)(1) through (3).

(1) Maintain with the Regional Director a $50,000 lease bond that guarantees compliance with all the terms and conditions of the lease; or

(2) Maintain a $300,000 area-wide bond that guarantees compliance with all the terms and conditions of all your oil and gas and sulfur leases in the area where the lease is located; or

(3) Maintain a lease or area-wide bond in the amount required in § 556.901(a) or (b).

(b) For the purpose of this section, there are three areas. The three areas are:

(1) The Gulf of Mexico and the area offshore the Atlantic Coast;

(2) The area offshore the Pacific Coast States of California, Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii; and

(3) The area offshore the Coast of Alaska.

(c) The requirement to maintain a lease bond (or substitute security instrument) under paragraph (a)(1) of this section and § 556.901(a) and (b) may be satisfied if your operator or an operating rights owner provides a lease bond in the required amount that guarantees compliance with all the terms and conditions of the lease. Your operator or an operating rights owner may use an areawide bond under this paragraph to satisfy your bond obligation.

(d) If a surety makes payment to the United States under a bond or alternative form of security maintained under this section, the surety's remaining liability under the bond or alternative form of security is reduced by the amount of that payment. See paragraph (e) of this section for the requirement to replace the reduced bond coverage.

(e) If the value of your surety bond or alternative security is reduced because of a default or for any other reason, you must provide additional bond coverage sufficient to meet the security required under this subpart within 6 months, or such shorter period of time as the Regional Director may direct.

(f) You may pledge United States Department of the Treasury (Treasury) securities instead of a bond. The Treasury securities you pledge must be negotiable for an amount of cash equal to the value of the bond they replace.

(1) If you pledge Treasury securities under this paragraph (f), you must monitor their value. If their market value falls below the level of bond coverage required under this subpart, you must pledge additional Treasury securities to raise the value of the securities pledged to the required amount.

(2) If you pledge Treasury securities, you must include authority for the Regional Director to sell them and use the proceeds in the event that the Regional Director determines that you fail to satisfy any lease obligation.

(g) You may provide alternative types of financial assurance instead of providing a surety bond if the Regional Director determines that the alternative financial assurance protects the interests of the United States to the same extent as a surety bond.

(1) If you pledge an alternative type of security under this paragraph, you must monitor the security's value. If its market value falls below the level of bond coverage required under this subpart, you must pledge additional securities to raise the value of the securities pledged to the required amount.

(2) If you pledge an alternative type of security, you must include authority for the Regional Director to sell the security and use the proceeds when the Regional Director determines that you failed to satisfy any lease obligation.

(h) If you fail to replace deficient financial assurance or to provide supplemental financial assurance upon demand, the Regional Director may:

(1) Assess penalties under part 550, subpart N of this subchapter;

(2) Request BSEE to suspend production and other operations on your lease in accordance with § 250.173 of this title; and/or

(3) Initiate action to cancel your lease.

(i) In the event you amend your area-wide surety bond covering lease obligations, or obtain a new area-wide lease surety bond, to cover the financial assurance requirements for any RUE(s), your area-wide lease surety bond may be called in whole or in part to cover any or all the obligations on which you default that are associated with your RUE(s) located in the area covered by such area-wide lease surety bond.

[81 FR 18152, Mar. 30, 2016, as amended at 89 FR 31593, Apr. 24, 2024]
§ 556.901 - Base and supplemental financial assurance.

(a) You must provide the following financial assurance before commencing any lease exploration activities.

(1)(i) You must furnish the Regional Director $200,000 in lease exploration financial assurance that guarantees compliance with all the terms and conditions of the lease by the earliest of:

(ii) The Regional Director may authorize you to submit the $200,000 lease exploration bond after you submit an EP, but before approval of drilling activities under the EP.

(iii) You may satisfy the bond requirement of this paragraph (a) by providing a new bond or by increasing the amount of your existing bond.

(2) A $200,000 lease exploration bond pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of this section need not be submitted and maintained if the lessee either:

(i) Furnishes and maintains an areawide bond in the sum of $1 million issued by a qualified surety and conditioned on compliance with all the terms and conditions of oil and gas and sulfur leases held by the lessee on the OCS for the area in which the lease is situated; or

(ii) Furnishes and maintains a bond pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

(b) This paragraph (b) explains what financial assurance you must provide before lease development and production activities commence.

(1)(i) You must furnish the Regional Director $500,000 in lease development financial assurance that guarantees compliance with all the terms and conditions of the lease by the earliest of:

(A) The date you submit a proposed development and production plan (DPP) or development operations coordination document (DOCD) for approval; or

(B) The date you submit a request for approval of the assignment of a lease on which a DPP or DOCD has been approved.

(ii) The Regional Director may authorize you to submit the $500,000 lease development bond after you submit a DPP or DOCD, but before he/she approves the installation of a platform or the commencement of drilling activities under the DPP or DOCD.

(iii) You may satisfy the bond requirement of this paragraph by providing a new bond or by increasing the amount of your existing bond.

(2) You need not submit and maintain a $500,000 lease development bond pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) of this section if you furnish and maintain an areawide bond in the sum of $3 million issued by a qualified surety and conditioned on compliance with all the terms and conditions of oil and gas and sulfur leases you hold on the OCS for the area in which the lease is located.

(c) If you can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Regional Director that you can satisfy your decommissioning and other lease obligations for less than the amount of financial assurance required under paragraph (a)(1) or (b)(1) of this section, the Regional Director may accept financial assurance in an amount less than the prescribed amount but not less than the amount of the cost for decommissioning.

(d) The Regional Director may determine that supplemental financial assurance (i.e., financial assurance above the amounts prescribed in §§ 550.166(a) and 550.1011(a) of this subchapter, § 556.900(a), or paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section) is required to ensure compliance with your lease obligations, including decommissioning obligations; the regulations in this chapter; and the regulations in chapters II and XII of this title. The Regional Director may require you to provide supplemental financial assurance if you do not meet at least one of the following criteria:

(1) You have an investment grade credit rating. If any nationally recognized statistical rating organization, as that term is defined in section 3(a)(62) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, provides a credit rating for you that differs from that of any other nationally recognized statistical rating organization, BOEM will apply the highest rating for purposes of determining your financial assurance requirements.

(2) You have a proxy credit rating determined by the Regional Director that they determine reflects creditworthiness equivalent to an investment grade credit rating, which must be based on audited financial information for the most recent fiscal year (which must include an income statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flows, and the auditor's certificate).

(i) The audited financial information for your most recent fiscal year must cover a continuous twelve-month period within the twenty-four-month period prior to your receipt of the Regional Director's determination that you must provide supplemental financial assurance.

(ii) In determining your proxy credit rating, the Regional Director may include the total value of the offshore decommissioning liabilities associated with any lease(s) or grants in which you have an ownership interest. Upon the request of the Regional Director, you must provide the information that the Regional Director determines is necessary to properly evaluate the total value of your offshore decommissioning liabilities, including joint ownership interests and liabilities associated with your OCS leases and grants.

(3) Your co-lessee or co-grant holder has an issuer credit rating or proxy credit rating that meets the criterion set forth in paragraph (d)(1) or (2) of this section, as applicable. However, the presence of such co-lessee or co-grant holder will allow the Regional Director to not require financial assurance from you only to the extent that you and that co-lessee or co-grant holder share accrued liabilities, and the Regional Director may require you to provide supplemental financial assurance for decommissioning obligations for which such co-lessee or co-grant holder is not liable.

(4) There are proved oil and gas reserves on the lease, unit, or field, as defined by the SEC Regulation S-X at 17 CFR 210.4-10 and SEC Regulation S-K at 17 CFR 229.1200, the discounted value of which exceeds three times the estimated undiscounted cost of the decommissioning associated with the production of those reserves, and that value must be based on proved reserve reports submitted to the Regional Director and reported on a per-lease, unit, or field basis. BOEM will determine the decommissioning costs associated with the production of your reserves, and will use the following undiscounted decommissioning cost estimates:

(i) Where BSEE-generated probabilistic estimates are available, BOEM will use the estimate at the level at which there is a 70 percent probability that the actual cost of decommissioning will be less than the estimate (P70).

(ii) If there is no BSEE probabilistic estimate available, BOEM will use the BSEE-generated deterministic estimate.

(e) You may satisfy the Regional Director's demand for supplemental financial assurance by increasing the amount of your existing financial assurance or providing additional surety bonds or other types of acceptable financial assurance.

(f) The Regional Director will use the BSEE P70 decommissioning probabilistic estimate to determine the amount of supplemental financial assurance required to guarantee compliance when there is no lessee or co-lessee that meets the criterion in paragraph (d)(1) or (2) of this section. In making this determination, the Regional Director will also consider your potential underpayment of royalty and cumulative decommissioning obligations. Note that BOEM will use these P-values only in the context of determining how much financial assurance is required, and not in the context of bond forfeiture. Regardless of whether you are required to provide supplemental financial assurance at the P70 level, you remain liable for the full costs of decommissioning, and your surety remains liable for the full amount of decommissioning up to the limit of assurance provided.

(g) If your cumulative potential obligations and liabilities either increase or decrease, the Regional Director may adjust the amount of supplemental financial assurance required.

(1) If the Regional Director proposes an adjustment, the Regional Director will:

(i) Notify you and your financial assurance provider of any proposed adjustment to the amount of financial assurance required; and

(ii) Give you an opportunity to submit written or oral comment on the adjustment.

(2) If you request a reduction of the amount of supplemental financial assurance required, or oppose the amount of a proposed adjustment, you must submit evidence to the Regional Director demonstrating that the projected amount of royalties due to the United States Government and the estimated costs of decommissioning are less than the required financial assurance amount. Upon review of your submission, the Regional Director may reduce the amount of financial assurance required.

(h) During the first 3 years from June 24, 2024, you may, upon receipt of a demand letter for supplemental financial assurance under this section, request that the Regional Director allow you to provide, in three equal installments payable according to the schedule provided under this paragraph (h), the full amount of supplemental financial assurance required.

(1) If the Regional Director allows you to provide the amount required on such a phased basis, you must comply with the following:

(i) You must provide the initial one-third of the total supplemental financial assurance required within the timeframe specified in the demand letter or, if no timeframe is specified, within 60 calendar days of the date of receipt of the demand letter.

(ii) You must provide the second one-third of the required supplemental financial assurance to BOEM within 24 months of the date of receipt of the demand letter.

(iii) You must provide the final one-third of the required supplemental financial assurance to BOEM within 36 months of the date of receipt of the demand letter.

(2) If the Regional Director allows you to meet your supplemental financial assurance requirement in a phased manner, as set forth in this section, and you fail to timely provide the required supplemental financial assurance to BOEM, the Regional Director will notify you of such failure. You will no longer be eligible to meet your supplemental financial assurance requirement in the manner prescribed in this paragraph (h), and the remaining amount due will become due 10 calendar days after such notification is received.

[81 FR 18152, Mar. 30, 2016, as amended at 31594, Apr. 24, 2024]
§ 556.902 - General requirements for bonds or other financial assurance.

(a) Any surety bond or other financial assurance that you, as record title owner, operating rights owner, grant holder, or operator, provide under this part, or under part 550 of this subchapter, must:

(1) Be payable upon demand to the Regional Director;

(2) Guarantee compliance with all your obligations under the lease or grant, the regulations in chapters II and XII of this title, and all BOEM and BSEE orders; and

(3) Except as stated in § 556.905(b), guarantee compliance with the obligations of all record title owners, operating rights owners, and operators on the lease, and all grant-holders on a grant.

(b) All bonds and pledges you furnish under this part must be on a form or in a form approved by the Director. Surety bonds must be issued by a surety that the Treasury certifies as an acceptable surety on Federal bonds and that is listed in the current Treasury Circular No. 570. You may obtain a copy of the current Treasury Circular No. 570 from the Surety Bond Branch, Financial Management Service, Department of the Treasury, East-West Highway, Hyattsville, MD 20782.

(c) You and a qualified surety must execute your bond. When either party is a corporation, an authorized official for the party must sign the bond and attest to it by an imprint of the corporate seal.

(d) Bonds must be non-cancellable, except as provided in § 556.906 of this part. Bonds must continue in full force and effect even though an event occurs that could diminish, terminate, or cancel a surety obligation under State surety law.

(e) Lease bonds must be:

(1) A surety bond;

(2) A pledge of Treasury securities, as provided in § 556.900(f);

(3) Another form of security approved by the Regional Director; or

(4) A combination of these security methods.

(f) You may submit a bond to the Regional Director executed on a form approved under paragraph (b) of this section that you have reproduced or generated by use of a computer. If you do, and if the document omits terms or conditions contained on the form approved by the Director, the bond you submit will be deemed to contain the omitted terms and conditions.

(g) If you believe that BOEM's supplemental financial assurance demand is unjustified, you may request an informal resolution of your dispute in accordance with the requirements of § 590.6 of this chapter. Your request for an informal resolution will not affect your right to request to meet your supplemental financial assurance requirement in a phased manner under § 556.901(h).

(h) You may file an appeal of a supplemental financial assurance demand with the Interior Board of Land Appeals (IBLA) pursuant to the regulations in part 590 of this chapter. However, if you request that the IBLA stay the demand pending a final ruling on your appeal, you must post an appeal surety bond equal to the amount of the demand that you seek to stay before any such stay is effective.

[81 FR 18152, Mar. 30, 2016, as amended at 89 FR 31595, Apr. 24, 2024]
§ 556.903 - Lapse of financial assurance.

(a) If your surety, guarantor, or the financial institution holding or providing your financial assurance becomes bankrupt or insolvent, or has its charter or license suspended or revoked, any financial assurance coverage from such surety, guarantor, or financial institution must be replaced. You must notify the Regional Director within 72 hours of learning of such event, and, within 30 calendar days of learning of such event, you must provide other financial assurance from a different financial assurance provider in the amount required under §§ 556.900 and 556.901, or § 550.166 of this subchapter, or § 550.1011 of this subchapter.

(b) You must notify the Regional Director within 72 hours of learning of any action filed alleging that you are insolvent or bankrupt or that your surety, guarantor, or financial institution is insolvent or bankrupt or has had its charter or license suspended or revoked. All surety bonds or other financial assurance instruments must require the surety, guarantor, or financial institution to timely provide this required notification both to you and directly to BOEM.

[89 FR 31595, Apr. 24, 2024]
§ 556.904 - Decommissioning accounts.

(a) The Regional Director may authorize you to establish a decommissioning account(s) in a federally insured financial institution to satisfy a supplemental financial assurance demand made pursuant to § 556.901(d), § 550.166(b) of this subchapter, or § 550.1011(d) of this subchapter. The decommissioning account must be set up in such a manner that funds may not be withdrawn without the written approval of the Regional Director.

(1) Funds in the account must be used only to meet your decommissioning obligations and must be payable upon demand to BOEM.

(2) You must fully fund the account to cover all decommissioning costs as estimated by BSEE, to the amount, and pursuant to the schedule, that the Regional Director prescribes.

(3) If you fail to make the initial payment or any scheduled payment into the decommissioning account and you fail to correct a missed payment within 30 days, you must immediately submit, and subsequently maintain, a surety bond or other financial assurance in an amount equal to the remaining unfulfilled portion of the supplemental financial assurance demand.

(b) Any interest paid on funds in a decommissioning account will become part of the principal funds in the account unless the Regional Director authorizes in writing the payment of the interest to the party who deposits the funds.

(c) The Regional Director may authorize or require you to create an overriding royalty, production payment obligation, or other revenue stream for the benefit of an account established as financial assurance for the decommissioning of your lease(s) or RUE or pipeline ROW grant(s). The obligation may be associated with oil and gas or sulfur production from a lease other than a lease or grant secured through the decommissioning account.

(d) BOEM may provide funds from the decommissioning account to the party that performs the decommissioning in response to a BOEM or BSEE order to perform such decommissioning or to cover the costs thereof. BOEM will distribute the funds from the decommissioning account upon presentation of paid invoices for reasonable and necessary costs incurred by the party performing the decommissioning.

[89 FR 31595, Apr. 24, 2024]
§ 556.905 - Third-party guarantees.

(a) The Regional Director may accept a third-party guarantee to satisfy a supplemental financial assurance demand made pursuant to § 556.901(d), § 550.166(b) of this subchapter, or § 550.1011(d) of this subchapter, if:

(1) The guarantor meets the credit rating or proxy credit rating criterion set forth in § 556.901(d)(1) or (2), as applicable; and

(2) The guarantor or guaranteed party submits a third-party guarantee agreement containing each of the provisions in paragraph (d) of this section.

(b) Notwithstanding § 556.902(a)(3), a third-party guarantor may, as agreed to by BOEM at the time the third-party guarantee is provided, limit its cumulative obligations to a fixed dollar amount or limit its obligations so as to cover the performance of one or more specific lease obligations (with no fixed dollar amount).

(c) If, during the life of your third-party guarantee, your guarantor no longer meets the criterion referred to in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, you must, within 72 hours of so learning:

(1) Notify the Regional Director; and

(2) Submit, and subsequently maintain, a surety bond or other financial assurance covering those obligations previously secured by the third-party guarantee.

(d) Your third-party guarantee must contain each of the following provisions:

(1) If you fail to comply with the terms of any lease or grant covered by the guarantee, or any applicable regulation, your guarantor must either:

(i) Take corrective action to bring the lease or grant into compliance with its terms or any applicable regulation, to the extent covered by the guarantee; or

(ii) Be liable under the third-party guarantee agreement to provide, within 7 calendar days, sufficient funds for the Regional Director to complete such corrective action to the extent covered by the guarantee. Such payment does not result in the cancellation of the guarantee, but instead reduces the remaining value of the guarantee in an amount equal to the payment.

(2) If your guarantor wishes to terminate the period of liability under its guarantee, it must:

(i) Notify you and the Regional Director at least 90 calendar days before the proposed termination date;

(ii) Obtain the Regional Director's approval for the termination of the period of liability for all or a specified portion of the guarantee; and

(iii) Remain liable for all liabilities that accrued or began accruing prior to the termination and responsible for all work and workmanship performed during the period of liability.

(3) Before the termination of the period of liability of the third-party guarantee, you must provide acceptable replacement financial assurance.

(e) If you or your guarantor request BOEM to cancel your third-party guarantee, BOEM will cancel the guarantee under the same terms and conditions provided for cancellation of supplemental financial assurance and return of pledged financial assurance in § 556.906(b) and/or (d)(3).

(f) The guarantor or guaranteed party must submit a third-party guarantee agreement that meets the following criteria:

(1) The third-party guarantee agreement must be executed by your guarantor and all persons and parties bound by the agreement.

(2) The third-party guarantee agreement must bind, jointly and severally, each person and party executing the agreement.

(3) When your guarantor is a corporate entity, two corporate officers who are authorized to bind the corporation must sign the third-party guarantee agreement.

(g) Your corporate guarantor and any other corporate entities bound by the third-party guarantee agreement must provide the Regional Director copies of:

(1) The authorization of the signatory corporate officials to bind their respective corporations;

(2) An affidavit certifying that the agreement is valid under all applicable laws; and

(3) Each corporation's corporate authorization to enter into the third-party guarantee agreement.

(h) If your third-party guarantor or another party bound by the third-party guarantee agreement is a partnership, joint venture, or syndicate, the third-party guarantee agreement must:

(1) Bind each partner or party who has a beneficial interest in your guarantor; and

(2) Provide that each member of the partnership, joint venture, or syndicate is jointly and severally liable for the obligations secured by the guarantee.

(i) The third-party guarantee agreement must provide that, in the event forfeiture is called for under § 556.907, your guarantor will either:

(1) Take corrective action to bring your lease or grant into compliance with its terms, and the regulations, to the extent covered by the guarantee; or

(2) Provide sufficient funds within 7 calendar days to permit the Regional Director to complete such corrective action to the extent covered by the guarantee.

(j) The third-party guarantee agreement must contain a confession of judgment. It must provide that, if the Regional Director determines that you are in default of the lease or grant covered by the guarantee or not in compliance with any regulation applicable to such lease or grant, the guarantor:

(1) Will not challenge the determination; and

(2) Will remedy the default to the extent covered by the guarantee.

(k) Each third-party guarantee agreement is deemed to contain all terms and conditions contained in paragraphs (d), (i), and (j) of this section, even if the guarantor has omitted these terms from the third-party guarantee agreement.

[89 FR 31596, Apr. 24, 2024]
§ 556.906 - Termination of the period of liability and cancellation of financial assurance.

This section defines the terms and conditions under which BOEM will terminate the period of liability of, or cancel, financial assurance. Terminating the period of liability ends the period during which obligations continue to accrue, but does not relieve the financial assurance provider of the responsibility for obligations that accrued during the period of liability. Canceling a financial assurance instrument relieves the financial assurance provider of all liability. The liabilities that accrue during a period of liability include obligations that started to accrue prior to the beginning of the period of liability and had not been met, and obligations that begin accruing during the period of liability.

(a) When you or your financial assurance provider request termination:

(1) The Regional Director will terminate the period of liability under your financial assurance within 90 calendar days after BOEM receives the request; and

(2) If you intend to continue operations, or have not met all decommissioning obligations, within 90 calendar days after BOEM receives your termination request, you must provide replacement financial assurance of an equivalent amount.

(b) If you provide replacement financial assurance, the Regional Director will cancel your previous financial assurance and the previous financial assurance provider will not retain any liability, provided that:

(1) The amount of the new financial assurance is equal to or greater than that of the financial assurance that was cancelled, or you provide an alternative form of financial assurance, and the Regional Director determines that the alternative form of financial assurance provides a level of security equal to or greater than that provided by the financial assurance that is proposed to be cancelled;

(2) For financial assurance submitted under § 556.900(a), § 556.901(a) or (b), § 550.166(a) of this subchapter, or § 550.1011(a) of this subchapter, the new financial assurance provider agrees to assume all outstanding obligations that accrued during the period of liability that was terminated; and

(3) For supplemental financial assurance submitted under § 556.901(d), § 550.166(b) of this subchapter, or § 550.1011(d) of this subchapter, the new financial assurance provider agrees to assume that portion of the outstanding obligations that accrued during the period of liability that was terminated and that the Regional Director determines may exceed the coverage of the financial assurance submitted under § 556.900(a), § 556.901(a) or (b), § 550.166(a) of this subchapter, or § 550.1011(a) of this subchapter. The Regional Director will notify the provider of the new financial assurance of the amount required.

(c) This paragraph (c) applies if the period of liability is terminated, but the financial assurance is not replaced with financial assurance of an equivalent amount pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section. The financial assurance provider will continue to be responsible for obligations that accrued prior to the termination of the period of liability:

(1) Until the obligations are satisfied; and

(2) For additional periods of time in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section.

(d) BOEM will cancel the financial assurance for your lease or grant, and the Regional Director will return any pledged financial assurance, as shown in the following table:

For the following: Your financial assurance will be reduced or cancelled, or your pledged financial assurance will be returned:
(1) Financial assurance submitted under § 556.900(a), § 556.901(a) or (b), § 550.166(a) of this subchapter, or § 550.1011(a) of this subchapter. (i) 7 years after the lease or grant expires or is terminated, 6 years after the Regional Director determines that you have completed all covered obligations, or at the conclusion of any appeals or litigation related to your covered obligations, whichever is the latest. The Regional Director will reduce the amount of your financial assurance or return a portion of your pledged financial assurance if the Regional Director determines that less than the full amount of the financial assurance or pledged financial assurance is required to cover any potential obligations.
(ii) [Reserved]
(2) Financial assurance submitted under § 556.901(d), § 550.166(b) of this subchapter, or § 550.1011(d) of this subchapter.(i) When the lease or grant expires or is terminated and the Regional Director determines you have met your covered obligations, unless the Regional Director:
(A) Determines that the future potential liability resulting from any undetected problem is greater than the amount of the financial assurance submitted under § 556.900(a), § 556.901(a) or (b), § 550.166(a) of this subchapter, or § 550.1011(a) of this subchapter; and
(B) Notifies the provider of financial assurance submitted under § 556.901(d), § 550.166(b) of this subchapter, or 550.1011(d) of this subchapter that the Regional Director will wait 7 years before cancelling all or a part of such financial assurance (or longer period as necessary to complete any appeals or judicial litigation related to your secured obligations).
(ii) At any time when:
(A) BOEM has determined, using the criteria set forth in § 556.901(d)(1), as applicable, that you no longer need to provide the supplemental financial assurance for your lease, RUE grant, or pipeline ROW grant.
(B) The operations for which the supplemental financial assurance was provided ceased prior to accrual of any decommissioning obligation; or,
(C) Cancellation of the financial assurance is appropriate because, under the regulations, BOEM determines such financial assurance never should have been required.
(3) Third-party Guarantee under § 556.901(d), § 550.166(b) of this subchapter, or § 550.1011(d) of this subchapter.(i) When the Regional Director determines you have met your obligations secured by the guarantee (or longer period as necessary to complete any appeals or judicial litigation related to your obligations secured by the guarantee).
(ii) [Reserved]

(e) For all financial assurance, the Regional Director may reinstate your financial assurance as if no cancellation had occurred if:

(1) A person makes a payment under the lease, RUE grant, or pipeline ROW grant, and the payment is rescinded or must be returned by the recipient because the person making the payment is insolvent, bankrupt, subject to reorganization, or placed in receivership; or

(2) The responsible party represents to BOEM that it has discharged its obligations under the lease, RUE grant, or pipeline ROW grant and the representation was materially false when the financial assurance was cancelled.

[89 FR 39516, Apr. 24, 2024]
§ 556.907 - Forfeiture of bonds or other financial assurance.

This section explains how a bond or other financial assurance may be forfeited.

(a) The Regional Director will call for forfeiture of all or part of the bond, or other form of financial assurance, including a guarantee you provide under this part, if:

(1) You, or any party with the obligation to comply, refuse to comply with any term or condition of your lease, RUE grant, pipeline ROW grant, or any BOEM or BSEE order, or any applicable regulation, or the Regional Director determines that you are unable to so comply; or

(2) You default on one of the conditions under which the Regional Director accepts your bond, third-party guarantee, and/or other form of financial assurance.

(b) The Regional Director may pursue forfeiture of your surety bond or other financial assurance without first making demands for performance against any other record title owner, operating rights owner, grant holder, or other person authorized to perform lease or grant obligations.

(c) The Regional Director will:

(1) Notify you, your surety, guarantor, or the financial institution holding or providing your financial assurance, of a determination to call for forfeiture of your financial assurance, whether it takes the form of a surety bond, guarantee, funds, or other type of financial assurance.

(i) This notice will be in writing and will provide the reason for the forfeiture and the amount to be forfeited.

(ii) The Regional Director will determine the amount to be forfeited based upon an estimate of the total cost of corrective action to bring your lease or grant into compliance, subject, in the case of a guarantee, to any limitation in the guarantee authorized by § 556.905(b).

(2) Advise you and your financial assurance provider that forfeiture may be avoided if, within five business days:

(i) You agree to and demonstrate that you will bring your lease or grant into compliance within the timeframe the Regional Director prescribes; or

(ii) The provider of your financial assurance agrees to and demonstrates that it will complete the corrective action to bring your lease or grant into compliance within the timeframe the Regional Director prescribes, even if the cost of compliance exceeds the amount of that financial assurance.

(d) If the Regional Director finds you are in default under paragraph (a)(1) or (2) of this section, the Regional Director may cause the forfeiture of any financial assurance provided to ensure your compliance with BOEM and BSEE orders, the terms and conditions of your lease or grant, and the regulations in this chapter and chapters II and XII of this title.

(e) If the Regional Director determines that your financial assurance is forfeited, the Regional Director will:

(1) Collect the forfeited amount; and

(2) Use the funds collected to bring your lease or grant into compliance and to correct any default.

(f) If the amount the Regional Director collects under your financial assurance is insufficient to pay the full cost of corrective action, the Regional Director may:

(1) Take or direct action to obtain full compliance with your lease or grant and the regulations in this chapter; and

(2) Recover from you, any other record title owner, operating rights owner, co-grant holder or, to the extent covered by the guarantee, any third-party guarantor responsible under this subpart, all costs in excess of the amount the Regional Director collects under your forfeited financial assurance.

(g) If the amount that the Regional Director collects under your forfeited financial assurance exceeds the costs of taking the corrective action required to bring your lease or grant into compliance with its terms and the regulations in this chapter, BOEM and BSEE orders, and chapters II and XII of this title, the Regional Director will return the excess funds to the party from whom they were collected.

(h) The Regional Director may pay the funds from the forfeited financial assurance to a co- or predecessor lessee or third party who is taking the corrective action required to obtain partial or full compliance with the regulations, BOEM or BSEE orders, and/or the terms of your lease or grant.

[89 FR 31597, Apr. 24, 2024]
source: 81 FR 18152, Mar. 30, 2016, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 30 CFR 556.906