Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 30 - Mineral Resources last revised: Oct 03, 2024
Table of Contents

§ 585.405 - How do I designate an operator?

§ 585.406 - Who is responsible for fulfilling lease and grant obligations?

§ 585.407 - [Reserved]

§§ 585.400-585.404 - §[Reserved]


§ 585.408 - May I assign my lease or grant interest?

§ 585.409 - How do I request approval of a lease or grant assignment?

§ 585.410 - When will my assignment result in a segregated lease?

§ 585.411 - How does an assignment affect the assignor's liability?

§ 585.412 - How does an assignment affect the assignee's liability?

§ 585.413 - How do I consolidate leases or grants?

§ 585.414 - [Reserved]


§ 585.415 - What is a lease or grant suspension?

§ 585.416 - How do I request a lease or grant suspension?

§ 585.417 - When may BOEM order a suspension?

§ 585.418 - How will BOEM issue a suspension?

§ 585.419 - What are my immediate responsibilities if I receive a suspension order?

§ 585.420 - What effect does a suspension order have on my payments?

§ 585.421 - How long will a lease or grant suspension be in effect?


§ 585.422 - When can my lease or grant be canceled?

§§ 585.423-585.424 - §[Reserved]


§ 585.425 - May I obtain a renewal of my lease or grant before it terminates?>You may request renewal of the operations period of your lease or the original authorized period of your grant. BOEM, at its discretion, may approve a renewal request to conduct substantially similar activities as were originally authorized under the lease or grant. BOEM will not approve a renewal request that involves development of a type of renewable energy not originally authorized in the lease or grant. BOEM may revise or adjust payment terms of the original lease, as a condition of lease renewal.

§ 585.426 - When must I submit my request for renewal?

§ 585.427 - How long is a renewal?

§ 585.428 - What effect does applying for a renewal have on my activities and payments?

§ 585.429 - What criteria will BOEM consider in deciding whether to renew a lease or grant?

§§ 585.430-585.431 - §[Reserved]


§ 585.432 - When does my lease or grant terminate?

§ 585.433 - What must I do after my lease or grant terminates?

§ 585.434 - When may BOEM authorize facilities to remain in place following termination of a lease or grant?


§ 585.435 - How can I relinquish a lease or a grant or parts of a lease or grant?

§ 585.436 - Can BOEM require lease or grant contraction?

§ 585.437 - [Reserved]

§ 585.438 - What happens to leases or grants (or portions thereof) that have been relinquished, contracted, or cancelled?

§§ 585.439-585.499 - §[Reserved]

§ 585.405 - How do I designate an operator?

(a) If you intend to designate an operator who is not the lessee or grant holder, you must identify the proposed operator in your SAP (under § 585.610(a)(3)), COP (under § 585.626(a)(2)), or GAP (under § 585.645(a)(2)), as applicable. If no operator is designated in a SAP, COP, or GAP, BOEM will deem the lessee or grant holder to be the operator.

(b) An operator must be designated in any SAP, COP, or GAP if there is more than one lessee or grant holder for any individual lease or grant.

(c) Once approved in your plan, the designated operator is authorized to act on your behalf and required to perform activities necessary to comply with the OCS Lands Act, the lease or grant, and the regulations in this part.

(d) You, or your designated operator, must immediately provide BOEM with a written notification of change of address of the lessee or operator.

(e) If there is a change in the designated operator, you must provide written notice to BOEM and identify the new designated operator within 72 hours on a form approved by BOEM. The lessee(s) or grantee(s) is the operator and responsible for compliance until BOEM approves designation of the new operator.

(f) Designation of an operator under any lease or grant issued under this part does not relieve the lessee or grant holder of its obligations under this part or its lease or grant.

(g) A designated operator performing activities on the lease must comply with all regulations governing those activities and may be held liable or penalized for any noncompliance during the time it was the operator, notwithstanding its subsequent resignation.

§ 585.406 - Who is responsible for fulfilling lease and grant obligations?

(a) When you are not the sole lessee or grantee, you and your co-lessee(s) or co-grantee(s) are jointly and severally responsible for fulfilling your obligations under the lease or grant and the provisions of this part and 30 CFR part 285, unless otherwise provided in this part.

(b) If your designated operator fails to fulfill any of your obligations under the lease or grant and this part, BOEM may require you or any or all of your co-lessees or co-grantees to fulfill those obligations or other operational obligations under the OCS Lands Act, the lease, grant, or this part.

(c) Whenever the regulations in this part require the lessee or grantee to conduct an activity in a prescribed manner, the lessee or grantee and operator (if one has been designated) are jointly and severally responsible for complying with this part.

§ 585.407 - [Reserved]
§§ 585.400-585.404 - §[Reserved]
§ 585.408 - May I assign my lease or grant interest?

(a) You may assign all or part of your lease or grant interest, including record title, to one or more parties, subject to BOEM approval under this subpart. Each instrument that creates or transfers an interest must describe the entire tract or describe by officially designated subdivisions the interest you propose to create or transfer. Your application to assign a lease or grant may include a request to modify the existing lease or grant period schedule consistent with § 585.235(d).

(b) If you submit an application to assign a lease or grant, you will continue to be responsible for payments that are or become due on the lease or grant until the date BOEM approves the assignment.

(c) The assignment takes effect on the first day of the month following the date on which BOEM approves your request, unless you request an earlier effective date and BOEM approves that earlier date, but such earlier effective date, if prior to the date of BOEM's approval, does not relieve you of your obligations accrued between that earlier effective date and the date of approval.

(d) You do not need to request an assignment for business mergers, name changes, or changes of business form. You must notify BOEM of these events under § 585.110.

§ 585.409 - How do I request approval of a lease or grant assignment?

(a) You must request approval of each assignment on a form approved by BOEM and submit originals of each instrument that creates or transfers ownership of record title or certified copies thereof within 90 days after the last party executes the transfer agreement.

(b) Any assignee will be subject to all the terms and conditions of your original lease or grant, including the requirement to furnish financial assurance in the amount required in §§ 585.516 through 585.537.

(c) The assignee must submit proof of eligibility and other qualifications specified in §§ 585.107 and 585.108.

(d) Persons executing on behalf of the assignor and assignee must furnish evidence of authority to execute the assignment.

§ 585.410 - When will my assignment result in a segregated lease?

(a) When there is an assignment by all record title owners of 100 percent of the record title to one or more aliquots in a lease, the assigned and retained portions become segregated into separate and distinct leases. In such a case, both the new lease and the remaining portion of the original lease are referred to as “segregated leases” and the assignee becomes the record title owner of the new lease, which is subject to all the terms and conditions of the original lease. The financial assurance requirements of subpart F of this part apply separately to each segregated lease.

(b) If a record title owner transfers an undivided interest of less than 100 percent of the record title interest in any given aliquot, that transfer will not segregate the portions of that aliquot, or the whole aliquot, in which part of the record title was transferred, into a separate lease from the portions in which no interest was transferred. Instead, that transfer will create a joint ownership between the assignee and assignor in the portions of the lease in which part of the record title interest was transferred.

(c) When a lease becomes segregated, BOEM may issue separate Plan approvals for a segregated lease or take other actions within its discretion.

§ 585.411 - How does an assignment affect the assignor's liability?

As assignor, you are liable for all obligations, monetary and nonmonetary, that accrued under your lease or grant before BOEM approves your assignment. Our approval of the assignment does not relieve you of these accrued obligations. BOEM may require you to bring the lease or grant into compliance to the extent the obligation accrued before the effective date of your assignment if your assignee or subsequent assignees fail to perform any obligation under the lease or grant.

§ 585.412 - How does an assignment affect the assignee's liability?

(a) As assignee, you are liable for all lease or grant obligations that accrue after BOEM approves the assignment. As assignee, you must comply with all the terms and conditions of the lease or grant and all applicable regulations, remedy all existing environmental and operational problems on the lease or grant, and comply with all decommissioning requirements under 30 CFR part 285, subpart I.

(b) Assignees are bound to comply with each term or condition of the lease or grant and the regulations in this part and 30 CFR part 285. You are jointly and severally liable for the performance of all obligations under the lease or grant and under the regulations in this part and 30 CFR part 285 with each prior and subsequent lessee who held an interest from the time the obligation accrued until it is satisfied, unless this part provides otherwise.

§ 585.413 - How do I consolidate leases or grants?

(a) You may apply to consolidate all or part of two or more adjacent leases or grants held by the same lessee or grant holder into one new lease or grant, subject to BOEM's approval. The application must include a description of the leases or grants, or portions thereof, to be consolidated, including the relevant lease number, lease blocks, and aliquots.

(b) An approved consolidation will create a new lease or grant that will be subject to the terms and conditions of the consolidated leases or grants.

(c) To the extent the leases or grants to be consolidated have different times remaining in the relevant lease or grant periods, BOEM will default to using the shorter remaining periods in the new lease or grant but will consider requests for a revised lease or grant period schedule included in the consolidation application.

(d) To the extent the leases or grants to be consolidated have other different terms and conditions, BOEM will default to using the terms and conditions in the most recently issued lease or grant to be consolidated for the new lease. BOEM will consider requests for modifications on a case-by-case basis and, in its discretion, approve such requests for good cause.

(e) Before BOEM will approve your consolidation request, BOEM will assess appropriate financial assurance obligations for the new lease or grant per §§ 585.516 and 585.517 or §§ 585.520 and 585.521.

(f) Any consolidated leases and grants that have been absorbed into the new lease or grant in their entirety will be considered terminated at the time of consolidation approval.

§ 585.414 - [Reserved]
§ 585.415 - What is a lease or grant suspension?

(a) A suspension is an interruption of the period of your lease or grant that may occur:

(1) As approved by BOEM at your request, as provided in § 585.416; or

(2) As ordered by BOEM, as provided in § 585.417 or by BSEE as provided in 30 CFR 285.417.

(b) A lease or grant suspension extends the expiration date for the relevant period of your lease or grant for the length of time the suspension is in effect.

(c) Activities may not be conducted on your lease or grant during the period of a suspension except as expressly authorized under the terms of the lease or grant suspension.

§ 585.416 - How do I request a lease or grant suspension?

(a) You must submit a written request to BOEM that includes the following information no later than 90 calendar days before the expiration of your appropriate lease or grant period:

(1) The reasons you are requesting suspension of your lease or grant, including an explanation why the suspension is necessary.

(2) The length of additional time requested.

(3) An explanation why it is in the public interest to approve the suspension.

(4) Any other information BOEM may require.

(b) If you are unable to timely submit a COP or GAP, as required, you may request a suspension to extend the preliminary period of your lease or grant. Your request must include a revised schedule for submission of your COP or GAP, as appropriate.

§ 585.417 - When may BOEM order a suspension?

BOEM may order a suspension under the following circumstances:

(a) When necessary to comply with judicial decrees prohibiting some or all activities under your lease; or

(b) When the suspension is necessary for reasons of national security or defense.

§ 585.418 - How will BOEM issue a suspension?

(a) BOEM will issue a suspension order orally or in writing.

(b) BOEM will send you a written suspension order as soon as practicable after issuing an oral suspension order.

(c) The written order will explain the reasons for its issuance and describe the effect of the suspension order on your lease or grant and any associated activities. BOEM may authorize certain activities during the period of the suspension, as set forth in the suspension order.

§ 585.419 - What are my immediate responsibilities if I receive a suspension order?

You must comply with the terms of a suspension order upon receipt and take any action prescribed within the time set forth therein.

§ 585.420 - What effect does a suspension order have on my payments?

(a) While BOEM evaluates your request for a suspension under § 585.416, you must continue to fulfill your payment obligation until the end of the original term of your lease or grant. If our evaluation goes beyond the end of the original term of your lease or grant, the term of your lease or grant will be extended for the period of time necessary for BOEM to complete its evaluation of your request, but you will not be required to make payments during the time of the extension.

(b) If BOEM approves your request for a suspension under § 585.416, or orders a suspension under § 585.417, BOEM may waive or defer your payment obligations during the suspension. BOEM's decision to waive or defer payments will depend on the reasons for the suspension, including your responsibility for the circumstances necessitating a suspension.

§ 585.421 - How long will a lease or grant suspension be in effect?

A lease or grant suspension will be in effect for the period specified by BOEM.

(a) BOEM will not approve a lease or grant suspension request pursuant to § 585.416 for a period longer than 2 years.

(b) If BOEM determines that the circumstances giving rise to a suspension ordered under § 585.417 cannot be resolved within 5 years, the Secretary may initiate cancellation of the lease or grant.

§ 585.422 - When can my lease or grant be canceled?

(a) The Secretary will cancel any lease or grant issued under this part upon proof that it was obtained by fraud or misrepresentation, and after notice and opportunity to be heard has been afforded to the lessee or grant holder.

(b) The Secretary may cancel any lease or grant issued under this part when:

(1) The Secretary determines after notice and opportunity for a hearing that, with respect to the lease or grant that would be canceled, the lessee or grantee has failed to comply with any applicable provision of the OCS Lands Act or this part; any order of the Director; or any term, condition, or stipulation contained in the lease or grant, and that the failure to comply continued 30 days (or other period BOEM specifies) after you receive notice from BOEM. The Secretary will mail a notice by registered or certified letter to the lessee or grantee at its record post office address;

(2) The Secretary determines after notice and opportunity for a hearing that you have terminated commercial operations under your COP, as provided in § 585.635, or other approved activities under your GAP, as provided in § 585.656;

(3) Required by national security or defense; or

(4) The Secretary determines after notice and opportunity for a hearing that continued activity under the lease or grant:

(i) Would cause serious harm or damage to natural resources; life (including human and wildlife); property; the marine, coastal, or human environment; or sites, structures, or objects of historical or archaeological significance; and

(ii) That the threat of harm or damage would not disappear or decrease to an acceptable extent within a reasonable period of time; and

(iii) The advantages of cancellation outweigh the advantages of continuing the lease or grant in force.

§§ 585.423-585.424 - §[Reserved]
§ 585.425 - May I obtain a renewal of my lease or grant before it terminates?>You may request renewal of the operations period of your lease or the original authorized period of your grant. BOEM, at its discretion, may approve a renewal request to conduct substantially similar activities as were originally authorized under the lease or grant. BOEM will not approve a renewal request that involves development of a type of renewable energy not originally authorized in the lease or grant. BOEM may revise or adjust payment terms of the original lease, as a condition of lease renewal.
§ 585.426 - When must I submit my request for renewal?

(a) You must request a renewal from BOEM:

(1) No later than 180 days before the termination date of your limited lease or grant.

(2) No later than two years before the termination date of the operations period of your commercial lease.

(b) You must submit to BOEM all information we request pertaining to your lease or grant and your renewal request.

§ 585.427 - How long is a renewal?

BOEM will set the length of the renewal at the time of renewal on a case-by-case basis.

(a) For commercial leases, the length of the renewal will not exceed the original operations period unless a longer time is negotiated by the parties.

(b) For limited leases, the length of the renewal will not exceed the original operations period.

(c) For RUE and ROW grants, a renewal will continue for as long as the associated activities are conducted and facilities properly maintained and used for the purpose for which the grant was made, unless otherwise expressly stated.

§ 585.428 - What effect does applying for a renewal have on my activities and payments?

If you timely request a renewal:

(a) You may continue to conduct activities approved under your lease or grant under the original terms and conditions for as long as your request is pending decision by BOEM.

(b) You may request a suspension of your lease or grant, as provided in § 585.416, while we consider your request.

(c) For the period BOEM considers your request for renewal, you must continue to make all payments in accordance with the original terms and conditions of your lease or grant.

§ 585.429 - What criteria will BOEM consider in deciding whether to renew a lease or grant?

BOEM will consider the following criteria in deciding whether to renew a lease or grant:

(a) Design life of existing technology.

(b) Availability and feasibility of new technology.

(c) Environmental and safety record of the lessee or grantee.

(d) Operational and financial compliance record of the lessee or grantee.

(e) Competitive interest and fair return considerations.

(f) Effects of the lease or grant on generation capacity and reliability within the regional electrical distribution and transmission system.

(g) Other relevant factors, as appropriate.

§§ 585.430-585.431 - §[Reserved]
§ 585.432 - When does my lease or grant terminate?

Your lease or grant terminates on whichever of the following dates occurs first:

(a) The expiration of the applicable period of your lease or grant, unless the relevant period is extended under § 585.235(b) or § 585.236(b), a request for renewal of your lease or grant is pending a decision by BOEM, or your lease or grant is suspended or renewed as provided in this subpart, in which case it terminates on the date set forth in the notice of suspension or renewal;

(b) A cancellation, as set forth in § 585.422; or

(c) Relinquishment, as set forth in § 585.435.

§ 585.433 - What must I do after my lease or grant terminates?

(a) After your lease or grant terminates, you must:

(1) Make all payments due, including any accrued rentals and deferred bonuses; and

(2) Perform any other outstanding obligations under the lease or grant within 6 months.

(b) Within 2 years following termination of a lease or grant, you must remove or dispose of all facilities, installations, and other devices permanently or temporarily attached to the seabed on the OCS in accordance with your BOEM-issued lease for hydrokinetic facilities or an application approved by BSEE under 30 CFR part 285, subpart I.

(c) If you fail to comply with your BOEM-issued lease for hydrokinetic facilities or decommissioning application:

(1) BOEM may call for the forfeiture of your financial assurance; and

(2) You remain liable for removal or disposal costs and responsible for accidents or damages that might result from such failure.

§ 585.434 - When may BOEM authorize facilities to remain in place following termination of a lease or grant?

(a) In your decommissioning application that you submit to BSEE in accordance with 30 CFR 285.905 and 285.906, you may request that certain facilities authorized in your lease or grant remain in place for activities authorized in this part, elsewhere in this subchapter, or by other applicable Federal laws.

(b) BOEM may approve such requests on a case-by-case basis considering the following:

(1) Potential impacts to the marine environment;

(2) Competing uses of the OCS;

(3) Impacts on marine safety and national defense;

(4) Maintenance of adequate financial assurance; and

(5) Other factors determined by the Director.

(c) Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, if BOEM authorizes facilities to remain in place, the former lessee or grantee under this part remains jointly and severally liable for decommissioning the facility unless satisfactory evidence is provided to BOEM showing that another party has assumed that responsibility and has secured adequate financial assurances.

(d) In your decommissioning application, you may request that certain facilities authorized in your lease or grant be converted to an artificial reef or otherwise toppled in place. BOEM will evaluate all such requests.

§ 585.435 - How can I relinquish a lease or a grant or parts of a lease or grant?

(a) You may surrender a lease or grant, or a designated subdivision thereof, by filing with BOEM a properly completed official relinquishment form available on the BOEM website. A relinquishment takes effect on the date BOEM receives your completed form, subject to the continued obligation of the lessee or grant holder and the surety to:

(1) Make all payments due on the lease or grant, including any accrued rent and deferred bonuses;

(2) Decommission all facilities on the relinquished lease or grant (or portion thereof) to BSEE's satisfaction; and

(3) Perform any other outstanding obligations under the lease or grant.

(b) After you submit a completed relinquishment form for a lease or grant, ONRR will bill you for any outstanding payments that have accrued from obligations arising under the relinquished lease or grant.

§ 585.436 - Can BOEM require lease or grant contraction?

At an interval no more frequent than every 5 years, BOEM may review your lease or grant area to determine whether the lease or grant area is larger than needed to develop the project and manage activities in a manner that is consistent with the provisions of this part. BOEM will notify you of our proposal to contract the lease or grant area.

(a) BOEM will give you the opportunity to present orally or in writing information demonstrating that you need the area in question to manage lease or grant activities consistent with this part.

(b) Prior to taking action to contract the lease or grant area, BOEM will issue a decision addressing your contentions that the area is needed.

(c) You may appeal this decision under § 585.118.

§ 585.437 - [Reserved]
§ 585.438 - What happens to leases or grants (or portions thereof) that have been relinquished, contracted, or cancelled?

(a) If a lease or grant (or portion thereof) is relinquished, contracted, or cancelled under § 585.435, § 585.436, or § 585.422, respectively, BOEM may restart the competitive leasing process at any point set forth in § 585.210 that it deems reasonable and appropriate (e.g., Call, area identification, PSN, or FSN), subject to all necessary environmental analyses and consultations.

(b) If a competitively issued lease or grant (or portion thereof) is relinquished or cancelled under § 585.435 or § 585.422, respectively, within six months of the auction, BOEM may reoffer the lease or grant (or portion thereof) to the next highest bidder from that auction, if one can be identified. If BOEM decides to reoffer to the next highest bidder, the price will be the next best bid, or a prorated amount based on the size of the relinquished share, as long as the next best bid reflects a fair return to the government.

§§ 585.439-585.499 - §[Reserved]
authority: 43 U.S.C. 1337.
source: 88 FR 6430, Jan. 31, 2023, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 30 CFR 585.408