Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 30 - Mineral Resources last revised: Feb 13, 2025
§ 586.200 - What must I do before I request an Alternate Use RUE?

If you are not the owner of the existing facility on the OCS and the lessee of the area in which the facility is located, you must contact the lessee and owner of the facility and reach a preliminary agreement as to the proposed activity for the use of the existing facility.

§ 586.201 - How do I request an Alternate Use RUE?

To request an Alternate Use RUE, you must submit to BOEM all of the following:

(a) The name, address, email address, and phone number of an authorized representative.

(b) A summary of the proposed activities for the use of an existing OCS facility, including:

(1) The type of activities that would involve the use of the existing OCS facility;

(2) A description of the existing OCS facility, including a map providing its location on the lease block;

(3) The names of the owner of the existing OCS facility, the operator, the lessee, and any owner of operating rights on the lease at which the facility is located;

(4) A description of additional structures or equipment that will be required to be located on or in the vicinity of the existing OCS facility in connection with the proposed activities;

(5) A statement indicating whether any of the proposed activities are intended to occur before existing activities on the OCS facility have ceased; and

(6) A statement describing how existing activities at the OCS facility will be affected if proposed activities are to occur at the same time as existing activities at the OCS facility.

(c) A statement affirming that the proposed activities sought to be approved under this subpart are not otherwise authorized by other provisions in this subchapter or any other Federal law.

(d) Evidence that you meet the requirements of § 586.107, as required by § 586.108.

(e) The signatures of the applicant, the owner of the existing OCS facility, and the lessee of the area in which the existing facility is located.

§ 586.202 - How will BOEM decide whether to issue an Alternate Use RUE?

(a) We will consider requests for an Alternate Use RUE on a case-by-case basis. In considering such requests, we will consult with relevant Federal agencies and evaluate whether the proposed activities involving the use of an existing OCS facility can be conducted in a manner that:

(1) Ensures safety and minimizes adverse effects to the coastal and marine environments, including their physical, atmospheric, and biological components, to the extent practicable;

(2) Does not inhibit or restrain orderly development of OCS mineral or energy resources;

(3) Avoids serious harm or damage to, or waste of, any natural resource (including OCS mineral deposits and oil, gas, and sulfur resources in areas leased or not leased), any life (including fish and other aquatic life), or property (including sites, structures, or objects of historical or archaeological significance);

(4) Is otherwise consistent with subsection 8(p) of the OCS Lands Act; and

(5) DOI can effectively regulate.

(b) Based on the evaluation that we perform under paragraph (a) of this section, BOEM may authorize, reject, or authorize with modifications or stipulations, the proposed activity.

§ 586.203 - What process will BOEM use for competitively offering an Alternate Use RUE?

(a) An Alternate Use RUE must be issued on a competitive basis unless BOEM determines, after public notice of the proposed Alternate Use RUE, that there is no competitive interest.

(b) We will issue a public notice in the Federal Register to determine if there is competitive interest in using the proposed facility for alternate use activities. BOEM will specify a time period for members of the public to express competitive interest.

(c) If we receive indications of competitive interest within the published timeframe, we will proceed with a competitive offering. As part of such competitive offering, each competing applicant must submit a description of the types of activities proposed for the existing facility, as well as satisfactory evidence that the competing applicant qualifies to hold a grant on the OCS, as required in §§ 586.107 and 586.108, by a date we specify. We may request additional information from competing applicants, as necessary, to adequately evaluate the competing proposals.

(d) We will evaluate all competing proposals to determine whether:

(1) The proposed activities are compatible with existing activities at the facility; and

(2) BOEM and BSEE have the expertise and resources available to regulate the activities effectively.

(e) We will evaluate all proposals under the requirements of NEPA, CZMA, and other applicable laws.

(f) Following our evaluation, we will select one or more acceptable proposals for activities involving the alternate use of an existing OCS facility, notify the competing applicants, and submit each acceptable proposal to the lessee and owner of the existing OCS facility. If the lessee and owner of the facility agree to accept a proposal, we will proceed to issue an Alternate Use RUE. If the lessee and owner of the facility are unwilling to accept any of the proposals that we deem acceptable, we will not issue an Alternate Use RUE.

§§ 586.204-586.209 - §[Reserved]
§ 586.210 - How long may I conduct activities under an Alternate Use RUE?

(a) We will establish on a case-by-case basis, and set forth in the Alternate Use RUE, the length of time for which you are authorized to conduct activities approved in your Alternate Use RUE instrument.

(b) In establishing this term, BOEM will consider the size and scale of the proposed alternate use activities, the type of alternate use activities, and any other relevant considerations.

(c) BOEM may authorize renewal of Alternate Use RUEs at its discretion.

§ 586.211 - What payments are required for an Alternate Use RUE?

We will establish rental or other payments for an Alternate Use RUE on a case-by-case basis, as set forth in the Alternate Use RUE grant, depending on our assessment of the following factors:

(a) The effect on the original OCS Lands Act approved activity;

(b) The size and scale of the proposed alternate use activities;

(c) The income, if any, expected to be generated from the proposed alternate use activities; and

(d) The type of alternate use activities.

§ 586.212 - What financial assurance is required for an Alternate Use RUE?

(a) The holder of an Alternate Use RUE will be required to secure financial assurances in an amount determined by BOEM that is sufficient to cover all obligations under the Alternate Use RUE, including decommissioning obligations, and must retain such financial assurance amounts until all obligations have been fulfilled, as determined by BOEM.

(b) We may revise financial assurance amounts, as necessary, to ensure that there is sufficient financial assurance to secure all obligations under the Alternate Use RUE.

(c) We may reduce the amount of the financial assurance that you must retain if it is not necessary to cover existing obligations under the Alternate Use RUE.

§ 586.213 - Is an Alternate Use RUE assignable?

(a) BOEM may authorize assignment of an Alternate Use RUE.

(b) To request assignment of an Alternate Use RUE, you must submit a written request for assignment that includes the following information:

(1) BOEM-assigned Alternate Use RUE number;

(2) The names of both the assignor and the assignee, if applicable;

(3) The names and telephone numbers of the contacts for both the assignor and the assignee;

(4) The names, titles, and signatures of the authorizing officials for both the assignor and the assignee;

(5) A statement affirming that the owner of the existing OCS facility and lessee of the lease in which the facility is located approve of the proposed assignment and assignee;

(6) A statement that the assignee agrees to comply with and to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Alternate Use RUE;

(7) Evidence required by § 586.108 that the assignee satisfies the requirements of § 586.107; and

(8) A statement on how the assignee will comply with the financial assurance requirements set forth in the Alternate Use RUE.

(c) The assignment takes effect on the date we approve your request.

(d) The assignor is liable for all obligations that accrue under an Alternate Use RUE before the date we approve your assignment request. An assignment approval by BOEM does not relieve the assignor of liability for accrued obligations that the assignee, or a subsequent assignee, fails to perform.

(e) The assignee and each subsequent assignee are liable for all obligations that accrue under an Alternate Use RUE after the date we approve the assignment request.

§ 586.214 - When will BOEM suspend an Alternate Use RUE?

(a) BOEM may suspend an Alternate Use RUE if:

(1) necessary to comply with judicial decrees; or

(2) necessary for reasons of national security or defense.

(b) A suspension will extend the term of your Alternate Use RUE grant for the period of the suspension.

§ 586.215 - How do I relinquish an Alternate Use RUE?

(a) You may voluntarily surrender an Alternate Use RUE by submitting a written request to us that includes the following:

(1) The name, address, email address, and phone number of an authorized representative;

(2) The reason you are requesting relinquishment of the Alternate Use RUE;

(3) BOEM-assigned Alternate Use RUE number;

(4) The name of the associated OCS facility, its owner, and the lessee for the lease in which the OCS facility is located;

(5) The name, title, and signature of your authorizing official (which must match exactly the name, title, and signature in the BOEM qualification records); and

(6) A statement that you will adhere to the decommissioning requirements in the Alternate Use RUE.

(b) We will not approve your relinquishment request until you have paid all outstanding rentals (or other payments) and fines.

(c) The relinquishment takes effect on the date we approve your request.

§ 586.216 - When will an Alternate Use RUE be cancelled?

The Secretary may cancel an Alternate Use RUE if it is determined, after notice and opportunity to be heard:

(a) You no longer qualify to hold an Alternate Use RUE;

(b) You failed to provide any additional financial assurance required by BOEM, replace or provide additional coverage for a de-valued bond, or replace a lapsed or forfeited bond within the prescribed time period;

(c) Continued activity under the Alternate Use RUE is likely to cause serious harm or damage to natural resources; life (including human and wildlife); property; the marine, coastal, or human environment; or sites, structures, or objects of historical or archaeological significance;

(d) Continued activity under the Alternate Use RUE is determined to be adversely impacting the original OCS Lands Act approved activities on the existing OCS facility;

(e) You failed to comply with any of the terms and conditions of your approved Alternate Use RUE or your approved plan; or

(f) You otherwise failed to comply with applicable laws or regulations.

§ 586.217 - [Reserved]
§ 586.218 - Who is responsible for decommissioning an OCS facility subject to an Alternate Use RUE?

(a) The holder of an Alternate Use RUE is responsible for all decommissioning obligations that accrue following the issuance of the Alternate Use RUE and which pertain to the Alternate Use RUE.

(b) The lessee under the lease originally issued under 30 CFR chapter V will remain responsible for decommissioning obligations that accrued before issuance of the Alternate Use RUE, as well as for decommissioning obligations that accrue following issuance of the Alternate Use RUE to the extent associated with continued activities authorized under other parts of this title.

§ 586.219 - What are decommissioning requirements for an Alternate Use RUE?

(a) Decommissioning requirements will be determined by BOEM and BSEE on a case-by-case basis and will be included in the terms of the Alternate Use RUE.

(b) Decommissioning activities must be completed within 1 year of termination of the Alternate Use RUE.

(c) If you fail to satisfy all decommissioning requirements within the prescribed time period, BOEM will call for the forfeiture of your bond or other financial guarantee, and you will remain liable for all accidents or damages that might result from such failure.

authority: 43 U.S.C. 1337.
source: 88 FR 6468, Jan. 31, 2023, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 30 CFR 586.219