Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 30 - Mineral Resources last revised: Oct 03, 2024
§ 1208.1 - General.

The regulations in this part govern the sale of royalty oil by the United States to eligible refiners. The regulations apply to royalty oil from leases on Federal lands onshore and on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).

§ 1208.2 - Definitions.

Allotment means the quantity of royalty oil that DOI determines is available to each eligible refiner that has applied for a portion of the total volume of royalty oil offered in a given royalty oil sale.

Application means the formal written request to DOI on Form MMS-4070 by an eligible refiner interested in purchasing a quantity of royalty oil from the approximate volume announced by DOI in a given “Notice of Availability of Royalty Oil.”

Area or Region means the geographic territory having Federal oil and gas leases over which ONRR has jurisdiction, unless the context in which those words are used indicates that a different meaning is intended.

Contracting officer means the Director, his or her delegate, or the person designated under a royalty oil purchase contract.

Contracting officer's decision means an ONRR order or decision that a contracting officer issues under this part to a purchaser of oil under a royalty oil purchase contract.

Delivery point means the point where the lessor, in accordance with lease terms, directs the lessee to deliver royalty oil to a purchaser. Title to the royalty oil, or to the quantity thereof in a commingled stream, passes from the Federal Government to the purchaser at this designated point, which is specified in the royalty oil contract. For onshore leases, the delivery point will be on or adjacent to the lease, except as provided in § 1208.8(a) of this part. In instances where an onshore delivery point is designated for offshore royalty oil, such point generally will be the first onshore point where the price of the oil, including transportation costs, can be determined and where the purchaser can either exchange or take delivery of the oil. The Government does not guarantee physical access to the oil at such point.

Director means the Director of ONRR, who is responsible for its overall direction, or his or her delegate(s).

DOI means the Department of the Interior, including the Secretary or his or her delegate(s).

Eligible refiner means a refiner of crude oil that meets the following criteria for eligibility to purchase royalty oil:

(1) For the purchase of royalty oil from onshore leases, it means a refiner that qualifies as a small and independent refiner as those terms are defined in sections 3(3) and 3(4) of the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act, 15 U.S.C. 751 et seq., except that the time period for determination contained in section 3(3)(A) would be the calendar quarter immediately preceding the date of the applicable “Notice of Availability of Royalty Oil.” A refiner that, together with all persons controlled by, in control of, under common control with, or otherwise affiliated with the refiner, inputs a volume of domestic crude oil from its own production exceeding 30 percent of its total refinery input of crude oil is ineligible to participate in royalty oil sales under this part. Crude oil received in exchange for such refiner's own production is considered to be that refiner's own production for purposes of this section.

(2) For the purchase of royalty oil from leases on the OCS, it means a refiner that qualifies as a small business enterprise under the rules of the Small Business Administration (13 CFR part 121).

Entitlement means the volume of royalty oil from the Federal Government's share of production from a Federal lease which a purchaser is entitled to receive under a royalty oil contract.

Exchange agreement means a written agreement between the purchaser and another person for the exchange of royalty oil purchased under this part for other oil on a volume or equivalent value basis.

Fair market value means the value of oil—(1) Computed at a unit price equivalent to the average unit price at which oil was sold pursuant to a lease during the period for which any royalty or net profit share is accrued or reserved to the United States pursuant to such lease, or

(2) If there were no such sales, or if the Secretary finds that there were an insufficient number of such sales to equitably determine such value, computed at the average unit price at which oil was sold pursuant to other leases in the same region of the OCS during such period, or

(3) If there were no sales of oil from such region during such period, or if the Secretary finds that there are an insufficient number of such sales to equitably determine such value, at an appropriate price determined by the Secretary.

Federal lease means a contractual agreement with the Federal Government which authorizes the exploration, development, and production of oil and gas on Federal lands onshore or on the OCS.

Interim sale means a sale conducted as a result of substantial additional royalty oil becoming available in a specific area prior to the scheduled expiration date of royalty oil contracts in effect for that area.

Lessee means any person to whom the United States issues a lease, or any person who has been assigned an obligation to make royalty or other payments required by the lease.

Notice of Availability of Royalty Oil means a notice published by DOI in the Federal Register (and in other printed media when appropriate, such as a newspaper or magazine of general or specialized circulation) to advise interested parties of the availability of royalty oil for purchase by eligible refiners and the approximate volume of royalty oil available to the applicants.

OCS means the Outer Continental Shelf, as defined in 43 U.S.C. 1331(a).

OCSLA means the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331 et seq., as amended by 43 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.).

Oil means a mixture of hydrocarbons that existed in the liquid phase in natural underground reservoirs and remains liquid at atmospheric pressure after passing through surface separating facilities and is marketed or used as such. Condensate recovered in lease separators or field facilities is considered to be oil.

ONRR means the Office of Natural Resources Revenue of the Department of the Interior.

Operator means any person, including a lessee, who has control of or who manages operations on an oil and gas lease site on Federal onshore lands or on the OCS.

Payor means any person responsible for reporting royalties from a Federal lease or leases on Form MMS-2014.

Person means any individual, firm, corporation, association, partnership, consortium, or joint venture.

Preference eligible refiner means an eligible refiner with at least one operating refinery which is located within the area designated as the preference eligible area in the “Notice of Availability of Royalty Oil.” A refiner may be deemed to be a preference eligible refiner if it owns a refinery located in the preference eligible area which is not operational if the refiner meets the requirements of § 1208.7(g) of this part.

Purchaser means anyone who acquires royalty oil sold by DOI under the Federal Government's Royalty-in-Kind (RIK) Program and who has a contractual obligation under an agreement to purchase royalty oil.

Reallocation means an offering of royalty oil previously allocated in a specific sale but subsequently turned back to ONRR. A reallocation would only be made if substantial amounts of royalty oil are turned back.

Refined petroleum product means gasoline, kerosene, distillates (including Number 2 fuel oil), refined lubricating oils, or diesel fuel.

Royalty oil means that amount of oil that DOI takes in kind in partial or full satisfaction of a lessee's royalty or net profit share obligations as determined by whatever lease interest the lessee holds under an applicable mineral leasing law.

Secretary means the Secretary of the Department of the Interior or his/her delegate(s).

Section 6 lease means an oil and gas lease originally issued by any State and currently maintained in effect pursuant to section 6 of the OCSLA.

Section 8 lease means an oil and gas lease originally issued by the United States pursuant to section 8 of the OCSLA.

[52 FR 41913, Oct. 30, 1987; 52 FR 45528, Nov. 30, 1987, as amended at 58 FR 64901, Dec. 10, 1993; 64 FR 26251, May 13, 1999]
§ 1208.3 - Information collection.

The information collection requirements contained in this part have been approved by OMB under 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. The form, filing date, and approved OMB clearance number are identified in 30 CFR 210.10.

[58 FR 64901, Dec. 10, 1993]
§ 1208.4 - Royalty oil sales to eligible refiners.

(a) Determination to take royalty oil in kind. The Secretary may evaluate crude oil market conditions from time to time. The evaluation will include, among other things, the availability of crude oil and the crude oil requirements of the Federal Government, primarily those requirements concerning matters of national interest and defense. The Secretary will review these items and will determine whether eligible refiners have access to adequate supplies of crude oil and whether such oil is available to eligible refiners at equitable prices. Such determinations may be made on a regional basis. The determination by the Secretary shall be published in the Federal Register concurrent with or included in the “Notice of Availability of Royalty Oil” required by § 1208.5.

(b) Sale to eligible refiners. (1) Upon a determination by the Secretary under paragraph (a) of this section that eligible refiners do not have access to adequate supplies of crude oil at equitable prices, the Secretary, at his or her discretion, may elect to take in kind some or all of the royalty oil accruing to the United States from oil and gas leases on Federal lands onshore and on the OCS. The Secretary may authorize ONRR to offer royalty oil for sale to eligible refiners only for use in their refineries and not for resale (other than under an exchange agreement).

(2) All sales of royalty oil from onshore leases will be priced at the royalty value that would have been determined for that oil pursuant to 30 CFR part 1206 had the royalties been paid in value rather than taken in kind. All sales of royalty oil from OCS leases will be priced at the fair market value of the oil including associated transportation costs to the designated delivery point, if applicable.

(3) An eligible refiner must have a representative at a sale in order to participate. The Secretary may, at his or her discretion, establish purchase limitations and withhold any royalty oil from any offering.

(c) Upon a determination by the Secretary under paragraph (a) of this section that eligible refiners do have access to adequate supplies of crude oil at equitable prices, ONRR will not take royalties in kind from oil and gas leases for exclusive sale to such refiners. Such determinations may be made on a regional basis.

(d) Interim sales. The ONRR generally will not conduct interim sales. However, interim sales may be held at the discretion of the Secretary if substantial addition royalty oil becomes available. The potentially eligible refiners, individually or collectively, must submit documentation demonstrating that adequate supplies of crude oil at equitable prices are not available for purchase. Although sufficient documentation must be submitted, it is not mandatory for each potentially eligible refiner to participate in a submission of such documentation to be determined eligible. The documentation must be submitted to ONRR for a determination as to whether an interim sale is needed.

[52 FR 41913, Oct. 30, 1987, as amended at 66 FR 28657, May 24, 2001]
§ 1208.5 - Notice of royalty oil sale.

If the Secretary decides to take royalty oil in kind for sale to eligible refiners, ONRR will issue a “Notice of Availability of Royalty Oil” specifying the manner in which the sale is to be effected, the approximate quantity of royalty oil to be offered, information required in applications, the closing date for the receipt of applications for royalty oil, and other general administrative details concerning the application, allocation, and contract award process for the royalty oil. The Notice will describe generally the terms under which the royalty oil contracts will be awarded and will specify which applicants will be deemed preference eligible refiners in the sale proceedings. The Notice will also contain guidelines for reallocation procedures in the event substantial quantities of royalty oil sold in that specific sale are subsequently turned back to ONRR. Only those purchasers that hold ongoing contracts from that specific sale will be allowed to participate in any reallocation, which would be voluntary, and then only if they continue to meet eligibility requirements as set forth in §§ 1208.2 and 1208.7. If a reallocation is held prior to the effective date of the contracts as specified in the “Notice of Availability of Royalty Oil”, all eligible refiners that selected a lease or leases in that specific sale would be allowed to participate, pursuant to the procedures in the Notice.

§ 1208.6 - General application procedures.

(a) To apply for the purchase of royalty oil, an applicant must file a Form MMS-4070 with ONRR in accordance with instructions provided in the “Notice of Availability of Royalty Oil” and in accordance with any instructions issued by ONRR for completion of Form MMS-4070. The applicant will be required to submit a letter of intent from a qualified financial institution stating that it would be granted surety coverage for the royalty oil for which it is applying, or other such proof of surety coverage, as deemed acceptable by ONRR. The letter of intent must be submitted with a completed Form MMS-4070.

(b) In addition to any other application requirements specified in the Notice, the following information is required on Form MMS-4070 at the time of application:

(1) Name and address of the applicant, the location of the applicant's refinery or refineries, and disclosure of the applicant's affiliation with any other persons.

(2) The capacity of the applicant's refineries in barrels of crude oil throughput per calendar day and a tabulation for the past 12 months of oil processed for each refinery, identified as to source (from own production or from other sources).

(3) Identification of any Government royalty oil contracts under which the applicant is currently receiving royalty oil.

(4) Identification of the locations (area/region and State) where the applicant proposes to purchase royalty oil, the volume of oil requested, and the specific refineries in which the oil will be refined.

(5) A certification from the applicant that it is an eligible refiner for the purchase of Government royalty oil, as defined in § 1208.2 of this part.

[52 FR 41913, Oct. 30, 1987, as amended at 58 FR 64901, Dec. 10, 1993]
§ 1208.7 - Determination of eligibility.

(a) The ONRR will examine each application and may request additional information if the information in the application is inadequate. An application received after the close of the application period will be rejected. If additional information is requested by ONRR, it must be received by the time specified or the application will be rejected.

(b) After the close of the application period and the receipt of any additional requested information, ONRR will determine which applicants may participate in the royalty oil sale and the quantity of royalty oil which each applicant is authorized to purchase.

(c) When applications are filed by two or more eligible refiners for the same royalty oil, the oil will be allocated among such applicants on an equitable basis as determined by ONRR. Preference eligible refiners will be given priority in the allocation procedures in sales and subsequent reallocations of royalty oil.

(d) No eligible refiner shall be awarded contracts for volumes of royalty oil that, when added to volumes of other Federal royalty oil being received, are in excess of 60 percent of the combined refinery capacity of that refiner.

(e) The ONRR may exclude any section 6 lease from a royalty oil sale.

(f) If two or more eligible refiners are related through common ownership or control or otherwise affiliated, only one of them shall be entitled to an allotment of royalty oil from a specific sale.

(g) Any applicant whose refinery is not in operation during the 60-day period prior to the date of the royalty oil sale shall not be entitled to participate in the sale unless such applicant self-certifies and demonstrates to the satisfaction of ONRR that it will begin operations by the first month in which oil becomes available under a royalty oil contract. If operations do not begin by that month, ONRR will terminate the contract.

(h) Applicants or purchasers that have delinquent balances with ONRR as of the date of a royalty oil sale or subsequent reallocation will not be allowed to participate in that sale or reallocation. If a person which is controlled by, in control of, under common control with, or otherwise affiliated with an applicant or purchaser has such delinquent balances, the applicant or purchaser will not be allowed to participate in a royalty oil sale or reallocation. To the extent a purchaser or affiliated person has appealed a billing and posted a surety instrument in accordance with the contract terms and applicable ONRR regulations or other law, the balance shall not be considered delinquent.

(i) A purchaser must meet the eligibility criteria on the date of contract issuance. However, a change in a purchaser's eligibility status during the term of the contract will not affect the purchaser's right to continue that contract until its term expires, including any extensions thereof.

[52 FR 41913, Oct. 30, 1987, as amended at 58 FR 64901, Dec. 10, 1993]
§ 1208.8 - Transportation and delivery.

(a) The lessee shall deliver royalty oil from onshore leases to the purchaser at a point on or adjacent to the lease pursuant to the terms of the lease. If the purchaser does not have access to its onshore royalty oil entitlement at facilities on or adjacent to the lease, the operator of the lease must designate an alternate delivery point at no additional cost to the purchaser or the Government. The purchaser must have physical access to the oil at the alternate delivery point and such point must be approved by ONRR.

(b) The lessee shall deliver royalty oil from section 8 offshore leases issued after September 1969 at a delivery point to be designated by ONRR. The lessee shall deliver royalty oil from section 8 offshore leases issued before October 1969 or from section 6 leases at a delivery point to be designated by the lessee. If the delivery point is on or immediately adjacent to the lease, the royalty oil will be delivered without cost to the Federal Government as an undivided portion of production in marketable condition at pipeline connections or other facilities provided by the lessee, unless other arrangements are approved by ONRR. If the delivery point is not on or immediately adjacent to the lease, ONRR will reimburse the lessee for the reasonable cost of transportation to such point in an amount not to exceed the transportation allowance determined pursuant to 30 CFR part 1206. The ONRR will include such transportation costs in the price charged for the oil taken in kind to reflect the value of the oil at the delivery point. Arrangements for delivery of the royalty oil from, or exchange of the oil at, the delivery point, and related transportation costs, are the responsibility of the purchaser of the royalty oil. In addition, quality differentials between the royalty oil to which a purchaser is entitled and the oil which is made available at the delivery point are matters to be resolved between the purchaser and the operator.

(c) When the purchaser has physical access to the royalty oil at the delivery point, the lessee shall deliver such oil in marketable condition at pipeline connections or other facilities designated by ONRR. If the lessee is unable to provide the royalty portion of actual production from the lease, the lessee must provide crude oil to the purchaser which is equivalent in volume or value to the royalty oil to which the purchaser is entitled. The lessee will deliver the royalty oil to the purchaser during normal operating hours and in reasonable quantities and intervals. The lessee will make available and the purchaser will accept delivery of the royalty oil entitlement no later than the last day of the calendar month immediately following the calendar month in which the oil was produced. Failure to accept deliveries shall constitute grounds for the termination of the contract.

(d) Upon termination of deliveries under a royalty oil contract, the transportation allowance and delivery point designation authorized by this section no longer will remain in effect.

§ 1208.9 - Agreements.

(a) A purchaser must submit to ONRR two copies of any written third-party agreements, or two copies of a full written explanation of any oral third-party agreements, relating to the method and costs of delivery of royalty oil, or crude oil exchanged for the royalty oil, from the point of delivery under the contract to the purchaser's refinery. In addition, the purchaser must submit copies of agreements pertaining to quality differentials which may occur between leases and delivery points.

(b) A purchaser may not sell royalty oil which it purchases pursuant to this part except for purposes of an exchange for other crude oil on a volume or equivalent value basis.

(c) Royalty oil purchased under this part, or crude oil received in exchange for such royalty oil, must be processed into refined petroleum products in the purchaser's refinery.

§ 1208.10 - Notices.

(a) The ONRR shall notify each operator, by certified mail, of the Secretary's decision to take royalty oil in kind. This notice shall be mailed at least 45 days in advance of the effective date of delivery and will specify delivery points for offshore oil for OCS leases issued after September 1969.

(b) Deliveries of royalty oil may be partially terminated only with the written approval of the Director, ONRR.

(c) Before terminating the delivery of royalty oil taken in kind, ONRR, if possible, will notify each operator by certified mail of the change in requirements at least 30 days in advance of the effective date.

(d) After ONRR notification that royalty oil will be taken in kind, the operator shall be responsible for notifying each working interest on the Federal lease. As soon as practicable after the date of each royalty oil sale, ONRR will publish in the Federal Register a notice of the leases from which royalty oil will be taken, the purchasers of the royalty oil, and the leases from which royalty oil deliveries will be discontinued on terminated contracts.

(e) A purchaser cannot transfer, assign, or sell its rights or interest in a royalty oil contract without written approval of the Director, ONRR. If the purchaser changes ownership or its assets are sold or liquidated for any reason, it cannot transfer, assign, or sell its rights or interest in the royalty oil contract without written approval of the Director, ONRR. Without express written consent from ONRR for a change in ownership, the royalty oil contract shall be terminated. The successor company must meet the definition of an eligible refiner in § 1208.2 of this part for ONRR to consider assignment of the royalty oil contract.

§ 1208.11 - Surety requirements.

(a) The eligible purchaser, prior to execution of the contract, shall furnish an “ONRR-specified surety instrument,” in an amount equal to the estimated value of royalty oil that could be taken by the purchaser in a 99-day period, plus related administrative charges. The ONRR may require the purchaser to increase the amount of the surety instrument when necessary to protect the Government's interest or may allow the purchaser to decrease the amount of the surety instrument where necessary to further the purposes of the Royalty-in-Kind Program.

(b) If a letter of credit is furnished as the surety instrument, it must be effective for a 9-month period beginning the first day the royalty oil contract is effective, with a clause providing for automatic renewal monthly for a new 9-month period. The purchaser or its surety company may elect not to renew the letter of credit at any monthly anniversary date, but must notify ONRR of its intent not to renew at least 30 days prior to the anniversary date. The ONRR may grant the purchaser 45 days to obtain a new surety instrument. If no replacement surety instrument is provided, ONRR will terminate the contract effective at least 6 months prior to the expiration date of the letter of credit. Notwithstanding the above provisions, the letter of credit also may contain a clause providing for automatic termination 6 months after the royalty oil contract terminates. If a certificate of deposit is furnished as the surety instrument, it must be effective for the life of the contract plus 6 months after the royalty oil contract terminates.

(c) For the purposes of this section, an “ONRR-specified surety instrument” means either: an ONRR-specified surety bond, an ONRR-specified irrevocable letter of credit, or a financial institution book-entry certificate of deposit.

(d) The “ONRR-specified surety instrument” shall be in a form specified by ONRR instructions or approved by ONRR. A bond must be issued by a qualified surety company that has been approved by the Department of the Treasury. An irrevocable letter of credit or a certificate of deposit must be from a financial institution acceptable to ONRR. The ONRR will use a bank rating service to determine whether a financial institution has an acceptable rating to provide a surety instrument deemed adequate to indemnify the Government from loss or damage.

(e) All surety instruments must be in a form acceptable to ONRR and must include such other specific requirements as ONRR may require adequately to protect the Government's interests.

[58 FR 64901, Dec. 10, 1993]
§ 1208.12 - Payment requirements.

(a) All payments to ONRR by a purchaser of royalty oil will be due on the date and at the location specified in the contract, or, if there is no contractual provision, as specified by ONRR. The purchaser shall tender all payments to ONRR in accordance with § 1218.51 of this chapter. Payments made by a payor pursuant to the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section and § 1208.13 also shall be tendered in accordance with § 1218.51 of this chapter.

(b)(1) Payments from a purchaser of royalty oil not received by ONRR when due, or that portion of the payment less than the full amount due, will be subject to a late payment charge equivalent to an interest assessment on the amount past due for the number of days that the payment is late at the underpayment rate applicable under section 6621 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.

(2) The ONRR may assess interest to a payor for any underpayments which are the result of the payor's late or underreporting, or for adjustments reported by the payor, or made as a result of audit, reconciliation, or other procedures. The interest for late payment and underpayment will be assessed pursuant to § 1218.54 of this chapter.

(c) If payment for royalty oil is not received by the due date specified in the contract, a notice of nonreceipt will be sent to the purchaser by certified mail. If payment is not received by ONRR within 15 days from the date of such notice, ONRR may cancel the contract and collect under the ONRR-specified surety instrument. See § 1208.11.

(d) If the purchaser disagrees with the amount of payment due, it must pay the amount due as computed by ONRR, unless the purchaser appeals the amount and posts an ONRR-specified surety instrument pursuant to the provisions of 30 CFR part 1243. The ONRR may, at its discretion, waive the appeal surety requirements if it determines that the contract surety instrument is sufficient protection for an amount under appeal.

[52 FR 41913, Oct. 30, 1987, as amended at 64901, Dec. 10, 1993]
§ 1208.13 - Reporting requirements.

If ONRR underbills a purchaser under a royalty oil contract because of a payor's underreporting or failure to report on Form MMS-2014 pursuant to § 1210.52 of this chapter, the payor will be liable for payment of such underbilled amounts plus interest if they are unrecoverable from the purchaser or the surety instrument related to the contract.

[58 FR 64902, Dec. 10, 1993]
§ 1208.14 - Civil and criminal penalties.

Failure to abide by the regulations in this part may result in civil and criminal penalties being levied on that person as specified in sections 109 and 110 of the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982, 30 U.S.C. 1719-20,and. Civil penalties applicable under the OCSLA and the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 may also be imposed.

§ 1208.15 - Audits.

Audits of the accounts and books of lessees, operators, payors, and/or purchasers of royalty oil taken in kind may be made annually or at such other times as may be directed by ONRR. Such audits will be for the purpose of determining compliance with applicable statutes, regulations, and royalty oil contracts. ONRR may require you to provide records for the audit by one or more of the methods specified in 30 CFR 1217.10.

[88 FR 53793, Aug. 9, 2023]
§ 1208.16 - How to appeal a contracting officer's decision that you receive.

If you receive a contracting officer's decision, you may:

(a) Appeal that decision to the Board of Contract Appeals in the Office of Hearings and Appeals, Office of the Secretary, in accordance with the procedures provided in 43 CFR part 4, subpart C; or

(b) File an action in the United States Court of Federal Claims.

[64 FR 26251, May 13, 1999]
§ 1208.17 - Suspensions for national emergencies.

The Secretary of the Department of the Interior, upon a recommendation by the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of Energy and with the approval of the President, may suspend operations under these regulations and suspend royalty oil contracts during a national emergency declared by the Congress or the President.

authority: 5 U.S.C. 301
source: 52 FR 41913, Oct. 30, 1987, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 75 FR 61080, Oct. 4, 2010.
cite as: 30 CFR 1208.16