Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 30 - Mineral Resources last revised: Oct 03, 2024
§ 1218.700 - What definitions apply to the regulations in this subpart?

As used in this subpart:

Administrative offset means the withholding of funds payable by the United States (including funds payable by the United States on behalf of a state government) to any person, or the withholding of funds held by the United States for any person, in order to satisfy a debt owed to the United States.

Agency means a department, agency, court, court administrative office, or instrumentality in the executive, judicial, or legislative branch of government, including a government corporation.

Day means calendar day. To count days, include the last day of the period unless it is a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal legal holiday.

Debt and claim are synonymous and interchangeable. They refer to, among other things, royalties, rentals, and any other monies due to, or collectible by, the United States as well as fines, fees, assessments, penalties, and any other monies that have been determined to be legally enforceable and due to the United States from any person, organization, or entity, except another Federal agency. For the purposes of administrative offset under 31 U.S.C. 3716 and this subpart, the terms “debt” and “claims” include money, funds, or property owed to, or collectible by, the United States.

Debtor means a lessee, payor, or other person that owes a debt to the United States or ONRR, or from whom ONRR collects debts on behalf of the United States, the Department, or an Indian lessor.

Delinquent or past due refers to the status of a debt and means a debt that is legally enforceable and has not been paid within the time limit prescribed by the applicable act, law, regulation, lease, order, demand, notice of noncompliance, and/or assessment of civil penalties, contract, decision, or any other agreement.

Department means the Department of the Interior, and any of its bureaus or offices.

Director means the Director of the Office of Natural Resources Revenue, or his or her designee.

DOJ means the U.S. Department of Justice.

FCCS means the Federal Claims Collection Standards, which are published at 31 CFR parts 900 through 904.

FMS means the Financial Management Service, a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

Lease means any contract, profit-share arrangement, joint venture, or other agreement issued or approved by the United States under any statutory authority including, but not limited to, a mineral leasing law that authorizes exploration for and development or extraction of oil, gas, coal, any other mineral or geothermal resources, or power generation from renewable energy sources, on Federal or Indian tribal or allotted lands or the Outer Continental Shelf. Depending on the context, lease may also refer to the land area covered by that authorization.

Legally enforceable means that there has been a final non-appealable agency determination that the debt, in the amount stated, is due, and there are no legal bars to collection by offset.

Lessee means any person to whom the United States or an Indian tribe or individual Indian mineral owner issues a Federal or Indian mineral or other resource lease, easement, right-of-way, or other agreement, an assignee of all or a part of the record title interest, or any person to whom operating rights have been assigned.

ONRR means the Office of Natural Resources Revenue, an office of the Department.

Other agreement means any agreement other than a lease and includes, but is not limited to, any agreement between you and the Department to pay the Department money, funds, or property, regardless of form.

Past due has the same meaning as “delinquent” as defined above.

Payor means any person who reports and pays royalties under a lease, regardless of whether that person is also a lessee.

Person includes a natural person or persons, profit or nonprofit corporation, partnership, association, limited liability company, trust, estate, consortium, or other entity that owes a debt to the United States.

Tax refund offset means the reduction of a tax refund by the amount of a past-due, legally enforceable debt.

You and your refer to the debtor.

§ 1218.701 - What is ONRR's authority to issue these regulations?

(a) The ONRR is issuing the regulations in this subpart under the authority of the FCCS, the Debt Collection Act of 1982, and the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, 31 U.S.C. 3711,3716,and.

(b) The regulations in this subpart adopt and supplement the FCCS as necessary.

§ 1218.702 - What happens to delinquent debts you owe ONRR?

(a) The ONRR will collect debts from you under the regulations in this subpart in addition to other applicable statutory and regulatory authorities.

(b) The ONRR will transfer to the U.S. Department of the Treasury any past due, legally enforceable nontax debt that is delinquent within 180 days from the date the debt becomes delinquent so that Treasury may take appropriate action to collect the debt or terminate the collection action under 26 U.S.C. 6402(d)(1) and (2); 31 U.S.C. 3711,3716,and; the FCCS; and 31 CFR 285.2 and 285.5.

§ 1218.703 - What notice will ONRR give you of our intent to refer a matter to Treasury to collect a debt?

(a) When the Director determines that you owe, or may owe, a legally enforceable debt to ONRR, the Director will send a written notice to you informing you that ONRR intends to refer the debt to Treasury. We will send the notice by facsimile or mail to the most current address known to us. The notice will inform you of the following:

(1) The amount, nature, and basis of the debt.

(2) The methods of offset that ONRR or Treasury may use.

(3) Your opportunity to inspect and copy agency records related to the debt.

(4) Your opportunity to enter into a written agreement with us to repay the debt.

(5) Our policy concerning interest and administrative costs under § 1218.704, including a statement that we will make such assessments against you unless we determine otherwise under the criteria of the FCCS and this part.

(6) The date by which you must remit payment to avoid additional late charges and enforced collection.

(7) The name, address, and telephone number of a contact person (or office) at ONRR who is available to discuss your debt.

(b)(1) You may not appeal the notice issued under this section unless the notice specifically provides you with the opportunity for review under 30 CFR parts 1290 or 1241 because you did not previously receive a notice of the order, decision on appeal, or any other notice or decision that is the basis of the debt that ONRR intends to refer to Treasury, and for which you may be liable in whole or in part under applicable law. You may not dispute matters related to your delinquent debt that were the subject of a final order or appeal decision of which you were the recipient, or to which you were a party that is the basis of your delinquent debt.

(2) This section applies whether or not you appealed the order, demand, notice of noncompliance, or assessment of civil penalties under 30 CFR parts 1290 or 1241.

§ 1218.704 - What is ONRR's policy on interest and administrative costs?

(a) Interest. (1) The ONRR will assess interest on all delinquent debts as prescribed by applicable statutes and regulations.

(i) Interest will accrue on debts involving Federal and Indian oil and gas leases under 30 CFR 1218.54, 1218.102, and 1218.150.

(ii) Interest will accrue on debts involving Federal and Indian solid mineral and geothermal resource leases under 30 CFR 1218.202 and 1218.302.

(iii) Interest will accrue on civil penalties ONRR assesses under 30 CFR part 1241.

(2) Interest begins to accrue on all debts from the date that the payment was due unless otherwise specified by law or lease terms.

(b) Penalties. The ONRR will assess penalties under our authority in 30 U.S.C. 1719 and 1720a, and implementing regulations at 30 CFR part 1241.

(c) Administrative costs. The ONRR initially will assess $436 for administrative costs incurred as a result of your failure to pay a delinquent debt. We will publish a notice of any increase in administrative costs assessed under this section in the Federal Register. The ONRR also may assess $436 for administrative costs that continue to accrue during any appeal process if:

(1) The notice we provide you under 30 CFR 1218.703 grants you the right to appeal and you exercise that right; and

(2) Your appeal is denied and we refer the delinquent debt to Treasury under this subpart.

(d) Allocation of payments. The ONRR will apply a partial or installment payment you make on a delinquent debt sent to Treasury, first to outstanding penalty assessments, second to administrative costs, third to accrued interest, and fourth to the outstanding debt principal.

(e) Additional authority. The ONRR may assess interest, penalty charges, and administrative costs on debts that are not subject to 31 U.S.C. 3717 to the extent authorized under common law or other applicable statutory or regulatory authority.

(f) Waiver. The Director may decide to waive collection of all or part of the administrative costs under paragraph (c) of this section either in compromise of the delinquent debt or if the Director determines collection of this charge would be against equity and good conscience or not in the Government's best interest.

(g) The ONRR's decision whether to collect or waive collection of administrative costs under paragraph (f) of this section is the final decision for the Department and is not subject to administrative review.

§ 1218.705 - What is ONRR's policy on recommending revocation of your ability to engage in Federal or Indian leasing, licensing, or granting of easements, permits, or rights-of-way?

The Director may recommend that the leasing or issuing agency, under statutory or regulatory authority applicable to that agency, revoke your ability to engage in Federal or Indian leasing, licensing, or granting of easements, permits, or rights-of-way if you inexcusably or willfully fail to pay a debt. The Director will recommend that any revocation of your ability to engage in Federal or Indian leasing, licensing, or granting of easements, permits, or rights-of-way should last only as long as your debt remains unpaid or unresolved.

§ 1218.706 - What debts may ONRR refer to Treasury to collect by administrative offset or tax refund offset?

(a) The ONRR may refer any past due, legally enforceable debt you owe to ONRR to Treasury to collect through administrative offset or tax refund offset at least 60 days after we give you notice under 30 CFR 1218.703 if the debt:

(1) Is at least $25.00 or another amount established by Treasury; and

(2) Does not involve Federal oil and gas lease obligations for which offset is precluded under 30 U.S.C. 1724(b)(3).

(b) The ONRR may refer debts reduced to judgment to Treasury for tax refund offset at any time.

authority: 5 U.S.C. 301
source: 48 FR 35641, Aug. 5, 1983, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 75 FR 61084, Oct. 4, 2010.
cite as: 30 CFR 1218.703