Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 31 - Money and Finance: Treasury last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 361.1 - Scope of regulations.

This part governs the reporting of loss or destruction of, or damage to, valuables shipped pursuant to section 1 of the Government Losses in Shipment Act (hereafter the Act) (40 U.S.C. 721) and proof of claim for replacement under section 3 of the Act (40 U.S.C. 723) by executive departments, independent establishments, agencies, wholly owned corporations, officers and employees of the United States, and Federal Reserve banks when acting on behalf of the United States or agencies thereof (hereafter consignors). Failure by any consignor or agent or employee thereof to comply with these regulations may delay recoveries, preclude reimbursement from the fund for the payment of Government losses in shipment (hereafter the Fund) or other relief under the Act, and render the consignor responsible for any loss occurring through such failure.

§ 361.2 - Definitions.

(a) The term valuables means any articles or things or representatives of value in which the United States has any interest, or in connection with which it has any obligation or responsibility, direct or indirect, and which have been declared to be valuables by the Secretary of the Treasury (hereafter Secretary) pursuant to the Act, as listed in § 362.1 of this title.

(b) The term shipment means the transportation, or the effecting of transportation, of valuables, without limitation as to the means or facilities used or by which the transportation is effected or the person to whom it is made, and includes, but is not limited to, shipments made to any executive department, independent establishment, agency, wholly or partly owned corporation, officer, or employee of the United States, or any person acting on his or its behalf or at his or its direction.

(c) The term replacement means payment, reimbursement, replacement, or duplication or the expenses incident thereto.

(d) The term carrier means any person, corporation, or other entity which effectuates the shipment for consignors of valuables.

§ 361.3 - Shipping procedure.

Shipments of valuables shall be made so as to provide the greatest possible protection against risk of loss and destruction of, and damage to, valuables, in accordance with requirements prescribed by the consignors after notice to the Secretary.

§ 361.4 - Preparation of shipment.

Each shipment shall be inspected and verified by two responsible employees of a consignor before final preparation (i.e., before sealing, locking, etc.) for delivery to the carrier. The shipment shall be finally prepared for delivery in the presence of the two employees and before leaving their immediate control. If strict compliance herewith is impossible or impracticable, administrative officers of the consignor shall make adequate provision, through the establishment of accounting controls or otherwise, for the maintenance of basic records which will enable them to prove, to the satisfaction of the Secretary, the extent of loss, destruction, or damage in connection with a claim against the Fund. The requirements of this section shall apply irrespective of the carrier or method of transportation employed in making shipments.

§ 361.5 - Record of shipment.

(a) A record of each shipment shall be maintained by the consignor. The record shall include:

(1) The name and address of the consignee designated to receive the shipment;

(2) A complete description of the contents of the shipment (if the shipment is made up of securities, the record shall be maintained by issue, series, denomination and serial number, and a description of any coupons attached to such securities at the time of shipment);

(3) The face or par value of the shipment in the case of securities, currency, etc., or the replacement value in the case of other valuables;

(4) The registry number or the lock and rotary numbers, if any, under which shipped;

(5) The number of the registry receipt, or other receipt of the carrier;

(6) The date and hour of delivery to the carrier;

(7) A record of the signatures of the consignor's employees who verified the contents of the package and witnessed its sealing;

(8) A record of the signature(s) of the consignor's employee(s) who thereafter had custody of the package until it was delivered at the post office for registration or deposited with the post office or other carrier for shipment; and

(9) The name of the carrier.

(b) The consignor shall also preserve, until assured that shipment has been completed and no claims action will be initiated, all registry receipts or other carriers' receipts, and other documents incidental to the shipments.

§ 361.6 - Advice of shipment.

(a) If the value of any one shipment to one consignee at one time by one consignor, except in the case of any intracity shipment or the shipment of registered securities by certified mail, or by another means providing the same protection as certified mail, equals or exceeds $10,000, immediate notice thereof shall be forwarded by the consignor to the consignee by separate mail. Such notice shall include:

(1) A complete record of the contents of the shipment;

(2) The method of transportation employed and the name of the carrier; and

(3) The date of delivery to such carrier.

(b) The consignee shall arrange that:

(1) Shipment when received, be opened and inspected by one or more responsible employees;

(2) Immediate advice of any difference between the amounts or quantity indicated in the notice by the consignor to the consignee and in the shipment when opened be forwarded to the consignor;

(3) The consignor and the post office, or office of other carrier through which delivery would be made, be notified immediately in the event of the failure of the shipment to arrive in due course;

(4) The consignor be advised immediately concerning any damage to the shipment; and

(5) All findings of the consignee in such cases be made a matter of record subject to the inspection of the Secretary or other Government officer, in connection with any necessary investigation.

[41 FR 19302, May 12, 1976. Redesignated at 49 FR 47002, Nov. 30, 1984. Further redesignated at 50 FR 51394, Dec. 17, 1985, as amended at 51 FR 19751, June 2, 1986]
§ 361.7 - Report of loss, destruction or damage.

(a) If a consignor receives notice that loss or destruction of, or damage to, valuables shipped in accordance with the Act has occurred, an immediate written report shall be forwarded by the consignor to the Secretary, to the attention of the Bureau of the Fiscal Service, Division of Financial Management, Room 201, P. O. Box 1328, Parkersburg, WV 26106-1328. If the loss, destruction or damage represents a value equal to, or in excess of, $10,000 or if delay in reporting is likely to delay the Government in recovering such valuables, the report shall be transmitted by wire and promptly confirmed in writing.

(b) The report shall state:

(1) The date of shipment;

(2) The amount and character of the valuables lost, destroyed, or damaged;

(3) The name and address of the consignee;

(4) The method of transportation, the name of the carrier, and the location of the office of the carrier from which shipment was made;

(5) The registry or other receipt number; and

(6) The cause of the loss, destruction or damage, if known.

(c) The consignor shall immediately report the loss, destruction or damage to the agent in charge of the nearest United States Secret Service office, and to the local post office or local office of other carrier. The consignor shall also place a tracer on the shipment and take such other action as may be necessary to facilitate recovery.

[41 FR 19302, May 12, 1976. Redesignated and amended at 49 FR 47002, Nov. 30, 1984. Further redesignated and amended at 50 FR 51394, Dec. 17, 1985; 61 FR 20437, May 7, 1996]
§ 361.8 - Claim for replacement.

Claim for replacement shall be made in writing to the Secretary, to the attention of the Bureau of the Fiscal Service, Division of Financial Management, Room 201, P. O. Box 1328, Parkersburg, WV 26106-1328. The claim, accompanied by a recommendation regarding the manner of replacement, shall be submitted through the head of the consignor concerned, or his designee. The manner of replacement shall be determined by the Secretary in accordance with section 3 of the Act, i.e., by replacement out of the Fund or by a credit in the accounts of the claimant.

[41 FR 19302, May 12, 1976. Redesignated and amended at 49 FR 47002, Nov. 30, 1984. Further redesignated and amended at 50 FR 51394, Dec. 17, 1985; 61 FR 20437, May 7, 1996]
§ 361.9 - Proof of claim.

The Secretary will require proof of claim in such form, and in such manner, as he deems necessary. Proof of claim will include satisfactory proof of shipment and satisfactory proof of loss, destruction or damage. The claim shall be supported by the original “record of shipment” required pursuant to § 361.5, which will be returned after adjustment of the claim. The consignor shall submit a statement concerning the loss or destruction of, or damage to, the shipment or any part thereof. If the shipment has been received by the consignee with contents not intact, such statement shall set forth all the circumstances relating to the condition in which the shipment was received and the manner of inspection and verification of its contents. Affidavits covering the loss, destruction or damage to the shipment shall be obtained from the consignee and the carrier. The consignor shall submit the statement and recommendations of the investigating officers.

§ 361.10 - Recoveries.

If relief is granted, the consignor shall take all necessary and reasonable steps to recover the lost, destroyed or damaged valuables, or their value. All recoveries and repayments, in connection with valuables for which replacement has been made out of the Fund, shall be forwarded to the Secretary for credit to the Fund.

authority: Sec. 6, 50 Stat. 480; 40 U.S.C. 728.
source: 41 FR 19302, May 12, 1976, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 49 FR 47002, Nov. 30, 1984, and further redesignated at 50 FR 51394, Dec. 17, 1985.
cite as: 31 CFR 361.7