Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 31 - Money and Finance: Treasury last revised: Oct 08, 2024
§ 801.401 - Mandatory declarations under the pilot program.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the parties to a pilot program covered transaction shall submit to the Committee a declaration with information regarding the transaction in accordance with § 801.402.

(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, parties to a pilot program covered transaction may elect to submit a written notice pursuant to subpart E of this part regarding the transaction instead of a declaration. Parties to a pilot program covered transaction that have filed with the Committee a written notice regarding a transaction pursuant to § 801.501 may not submit to the Committee a declaration regarding the same transaction or a substantially similar transaction without the approval of the Staff Chairperson.

(c) Parties shall submit to the Committee the declaration required pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, or a written notice pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section, no later than:

(1) November 10, 2018, or promptly thereafter, if the completion date of the transaction is between November 10, 2018 and December 25, 2018; or

(2) 45 days before the completion date of the transaction, if the completion date of the transaction is after December 25, 2018.

(d) Section 800.204(e) of this chapter shall not apply with respect to any pilot program covered transaction for which the Committee completes all action under section 721 pursuant to § 801.407(a)(4).

§ 801.402 - Procedures for declarations under the pilot program.

(a) A party or parties shall submit a declaration of a pilot program covered transaction pursuant to § 801.401 by submitting electronically the information set out in § 801.403, including the certifications required thereunder, to the Staff Chairperson in accordance with the submission instructions on the Committee's section of the Department of the Treasury website at

(b) No communications other than those described in paragraph (a) of this section shall constitute the submission of a declaration for purposes of section 721.

(c) Information and other documentary material submitted to the Committee pursuant to this section shall be considered to have been filed with the President or the President's designee for purposes of section 721(c).

(d) Persons filing a declaration shall, during the time that the matter is pending before the Committee, promptly advise the Staff Chairperson of any material changes in plans, facts, or circumstances addressed in the declaration, and any material change in information required to be provided to the Committee under § 801.406(a)(3). Such changes shall become part of the declaration filed by such persons under § 801.401, and the certification required under § 801.405(c) shall apply to such changes.

§ 801.403 - Contents of declarations under the pilot program.

(a) The party or parties submitting a declaration of a pilot program covered transaction pursuant to § 801.401 shall provide the information set out in this section, which must be accurate and complete with respect to all parties and to the transaction. (See also paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section.)

(b) If fewer than all the parties to a transaction submit a declaration, the Committee may, at its discretion, request that the parties to the transaction file a written notice of the transaction under § 801.501, if the Staff Chairperson determines that the information provided by the submitting party or parties in the declaration is insufficient for the Committee to assess the transaction.

(c) Subject to paragraph (e) of this section, a declaration submitted pursuant to § 801.401 shall describe or provide, as applicable:

(1) The name of the foreign person(s) and pilot program U.S. business(es) that are parties to, or, in applicable cases, the subject of the transaction, as well as the name, telephone number, and email address of the primary point of contact for each party.

(2) The following information regarding the transaction in question, including:

(i) A brief description of the nature of the transaction and its structure (e.g., share purchase, merger, asset purchase);

(ii) The percentage of voting interest acquired;

(iii) The percentage of economic interest acquired;

(iv) Whether the pilot program U.S. business has multiple classes of ownership;

(v) The total transaction value in U.S. dollars;

(vi) The expected closing date; and

(vii) All sources of financing for the transaction.

(3) The following:

(i) A statement as to whether a party to the transaction is stipulating that the transaction is a pilot program covered transaction and a description of the basis for the stipulation; and

(ii) A statement as to whether a party to the transaction is stipulating that the transaction could result in control of a pilot program U.S. business by a foreign person or that the transaction is a foreign government-controlled transaction and, in each case, a description of the basis for the stipulation.

(4) A statement as to whether the foreign person will acquire any of the following in the pilot program U.S. business:

(i) Access to any material nonpublic technical information in the possession of the pilot program U.S. business, and if so, a brief explanation of the type of access and type of information;

(ii) Membership, observer rights, or nomination rights as set forth in § 801.209(b), and if so, a statement as to the composition of the board or other body both before and after the completion date of the transaction;

(iii) Any involvement, other than through voting shares, in substantive decisionmaking of the pilot program U.S. business regarding the use, development, acquisition, or release of critical technologies and if so, a statement as to the involvement in such substantive decisionmaking; or

(iv) Any rights that could result in the foreign person acquiring control of the pilot program U.S. business and, if so, a brief explanation of these rights.

(5) The following information regarding the pilot program U.S. business:

(i) Website address;

(ii) Principal place of business;

(iii) Place of incorporation or organization; and

(iv) A list of the addresses or geographic coordinates (to at least the fourth decimal) of all locations of the pilot program U.S. business, including the pilot program U.S. business's headquarters, facilities, and operating locations.

(6) With respect to the pilot program U.S. business that is the subject of the transaction and any entity of which that pilot program U.S. business is a parent, a brief summary of their respective business activities, as, for example, set forth in annual reports, and the product or service categories of each, including the applicable six-digit NAICS codes.

(7) A statement as to which critical technology or critical technologies the pilot program U.S. business and its subsidiaries produce, design, test, manufacture, fabricate, or develop, and the relevant six-digit NAICS code or codes, as applicable under §§ 801.212 and 801.213, for each critical technology listed. This statement shall include a description (which may group similar items into general product categories) of the items and a list of any relevant Export Control Classification Numbers under the EAR and United States Munitions List categories under the ITAR, and, if applicable, identify whether any are specially designed and prepared nuclear equipment, parts and components, materials, software, and technology covered by 10 CFR part 810, nuclear facilities, equipment, and materials covered by 10 CFR part 110 or select agents and toxins covered by 7 CFR part 331, 9 CFR part 121 or 42 CFR part 73.

(8) A statement as to whether the pilot program U.S. business has any contracts (including any subcontracts, if known) that are currently in effect or were in effect within the past three years with any U.S. Government agency or component, or in the past 10 years if the contract included access to personally identifiable information of U.S. Government personnel.

(9) A statement as to whether the pilot program U.S. business has any contracts (including any subcontracts, if known) that are currently in effect or were in effect within the past five years involving information, technology, or data that is classified under Executive Order 12958, as amended.

(10) A statement as to whether the pilot program U.S. business has received any grant or other funding from the Department of Defense or the Department of Energy, or participated in or collaborated on any defense or energy program or product involving one or more critical technologies or pilot program industries within the past five years.

(11) A statement as to whether the pilot program U.S. business participated in a Defense Production Act Title III Program (50 U.S.C. 4501 et seq.) within the past seven years.

(12) A statement as to whether the pilot program U.S. business has received or placed priority rated contracts or orders under the Defense Priorities and Allocations System (DPAS) regulation (15 CFR part 700), and the level(s) of priority of such contracts or orders (DX or DO) within the past three years.

(13) The name of the ultimate parent of the foreign person.

(14) A complete organizational chart, including, without limitation, information that identifies the name, principal place of business and place of incorporation or other legal organization (for entities), and nationality (for individuals) for each of the following:

(i) The immediate parent, the ultimate parent, and each intermediate parent, if any, of each foreign person that is a party to the transaction;

(ii) Where the ultimate parent is a private company, the ultimate owner(s) of such parent; and

(iii) Where the ultimate parent is a public company, any shareholder with an interest of greater than five percent in such parent.

(15) Information regarding all foreign government ownership in the foreign person's ownership structure, including nationality and percentage of ownership, as well as any rights that a foreign government holds, directly or indirectly, with respect to the foreign person.

(16) With respect to the foreign person that is party to the transaction and any of its parents, as applicable, a brief summary of their respective business activities, as, for example, set forth in annual reports.

(17) A statement as to whether any party to the transaction has been party to another transaction previously notified or submitted to the Committee, and the case number assigned by the Committee regarding such transaction(s).

(18) A statement (including relevant jurisdiction and criminal case law number or legal citation) as to whether the pilot program U.S. business, the foreign person, or any parent or subsidiary of the foreign person has been convicted in the last ten years of a crime in any jurisdiction.

(d) Each party submitting a declaration shall provide a certification of the information contained in the declaration consistent with § 800.202 of this chapter. A sample certification may be found on the Committee's section of the Department of the Treasury website at

(e) A party that offers a stipulation pursuant to paragraph (c)(3) of this section acknowledges that the Committee and the President are entitled to rely on such stipulation in determining whether the transaction is a pilot program covered transaction, a transaction that could result in control of a pilot program U.S. business by a foreign person, or a foreign government-controlled transaction for the purposes of section 721 and all authorities thereunder, and waives the right to challenge any such determination. Neither the Committee nor the President is bound by any such stipulation, nor does any such stipulation limit the ability of the Committee or the President to act on any authority provided under section 721 with respect to any pilot program covered transaction.

§ 801.404 - Beginning of thirty-day period.

(a) Upon receipt of a declaration submitted pursuant to § 801.401, the Staff Chairperson shall promptly inspect the declaration and shall promptly notify in writing all parties to a transaction that have submitted a declaration that:

(1) The Staff Chairperson has accepted the declaration and circulated the declaration to the Committee, and the date on which the assessment described in paragraph (b) of this section begins; or

(2) The Staff Chairperson has determined not to accept the declaration and circulate the declaration to the Committee because the declaration is incomplete, and provide an explanation of the material respects in which the declaration is incomplete.

(b) A thirty-day period for assessment of a pilot program covered transaction that is the subject of a declaration shall commence on the date on which the declaration is received by the Committee from the Staff Chairperson. Such period shall end no later than the thirtieth day after it has commenced, or if the thirtieth day is not a business day, no later than the next business day after the thirtieth day.

§ 801.405 - General.

(a) In assessing a pilot program covered transaction submitted pursuant to § 801.401, the Committee should consider the factors specified in section 721(f) and, as appropriate, require parties to provide to the Committee the information necessary to consider such factors. The Committee's assessment shall examine, as appropriate, whether:

(1) The transaction constitutes a pilot program covered transaction and whether it could result in foreign government control over a pilot program U.S. business;

(2) There is credible evidence to support a belief that any foreign person exercising control of the pilot program U.S. business or exercising rights related to a pilot program covered investment might take action that threatens to impair the national security of the United States; and

(3) Provisions of law, other than section 721 and the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, provide adequate and appropriate authority to protect the national security of the United States with respect to the risk arising from the pilot program covered transaction.

(b) During the thirty-day assessment period, the Staff Chairperson may invite the parties to a pilot program covered transaction to attend a meeting with the Committee staff to discuss and clarify issues pertaining to the transaction.

(c) If the Committee notifies the parties to a transaction that have submitted a declaration pursuant to § 801.401 that the Committee intends to complete all action under section 721 with respect to that transaction, each party that has submitted additional information subsequent to the original declaration shall file a certification as described in § 800.202 of this chapter. A sample certification may be found on the Committee's section of the Department of the Treasury website at

(d) If a party fails to provide the certification required under paragraph (c) of this section, the Committee may, at its discretion, take any of the actions under § 801.407(a).

§ 801.406 - Rejection, disposition, or withdrawal of declarations.

(a) The Committee, acting through the Staff Chairperson, may:

(1) Reject any declaration that does not comply with § 801.403 and so inform the parties promptly in writing;

(2) Reject any declaration at any time, and so inform the parties promptly in writing, if, after the declaration has been submitted and before the Committee has taken one of the actions specified in § 801.407(a):

(i) There is a material change in the pilot program covered transaction as to which a declaration has been submitted; or

(ii) Information comes to light that contradicts material information provided in the declaration by the party (or parties); or

(3) Reject any declaration at any time after the declaration has been submitted, and so inform the parties promptly in writing, if the party (or parties) that submitted the declaration does not provide follow-up information requested by the Staff Chairperson within two business days of the request, or within a longer time frame if the party (or parties) so request in writing and the Staff Chairperson grants that request in writing.

(b) The Staff Chairperson shall notify the parties that submitted a declaration when the Committee has found that the transaction that is the subject of a declaration is not a pilot program covered transaction.

(c) Parties to a transaction that have submitted a declaration pursuant to § 801.401(a) may request in writing, at any time prior to the Committee taking action under § 801.407(a), that such declaration be withdrawn. Such request shall be directed to the Staff Chairperson and shall state the reasons why the request is being made and state whether the transaction that is the subject of the declaration is being fully and permanently abandoned. An official of the Department of the Treasury will promptly advise the parties to the transaction in writing of the Committee's decision.

(d) The Committee may not request or recommend that a declaration be withdrawn and refiled, except to permit parties to a pilot program covered transaction to correct material errors or omissions in the declaration submitted with respect to that pilot program covered transaction.

(e) A party (or parties) may not submit more than one declaration for the same or a substantially similar transaction without approval from the Staff Chairperson.

§ 801.407 - Committee actions.

(a) Upon receiving a declaration submitted pursuant to § 801.401 with respect to a pilot program covered transaction, the Committee may, at the discretion of the Committee:

(1) Request that the parties to the transaction file a written notice pursuant to subpart E;

(2) Inform the parties to the transaction that the Committee is not able to complete action under section 721 with respect to the transaction on the basis of the declaration and that the parties may file a written notice under part 800 to seek written notification from the Committee that the Committee has concluded all action under section 721 with respect to the transaction;

(3) Initiate a unilateral review of the transaction under § 801.504; or

(4) Notify the parties in writing that the Committee has concluded all action under section 721 with respect to the transaction.

(b) The Committee shall take action under paragraph (a) within the time period set forth in § 801.404(b).

§ 801.408 - Confidentiality.

The provisions of § 800.702 of this chapter shall apply to information submitted to the Committee through a declaration.

§ 801.409 - Penalties.

(a) Any person who fails to comply with the requirements of § 801.401 may be liable to the United States for a civil penalty not to exceed the value of the pilot program covered transaction.

(b) The provisions of § 800.801(a), (d), (e), (f), (g), and (h) shall apply to a declaration submitted to the Committee pursuant to § 801.401.

authority: 50 U.S.C. 4565; Pub. L. 115-232
source: 83 FR 51327, Oct. 11, 2018, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 31 CFR 801.404