Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 31 - Money and Finance: Treasury last revised: Oct 08, 2024
§ 802.401 - Procedures for declarations.

(a) A party or parties may submit a voluntary declaration of a transaction by submitting electronically the information set out in § 802.402, including the certifications required thereunder, to the Staff Chairperson in accordance with the submission instructions on the Committee's section of the Department of the Treasury website.

(b) No communications other than those described in paragraph (a) of this section shall constitute the submission of a declaration for purposes of section 721.

(c) Information and other documentary material submitted to the Committee under this section shall be considered to have been filed with the President or the President's designee for purposes of section 721(c) and § 802.802.

(d) Persons filing a declaration shall, during the time that the matter is pending before the Committee, promptly advise the Staff Chairperson of any material changes in plans, facts, or circumstances regarding the transaction, and any material change in information provided or required to be provided to the Committee under § 802.402. Unless the Committee rejects the declaration on the basis of such material changes in accordance with § 802.404(a)(2)(i), such changes shall become part of the declaration filed by such persons under this section, and the certification required under § 802.403(d) shall apply to such changes.

(e) Parties to a transaction that have filed with the Committee a written notice regarding a transaction under § 802.501 or § 800.501 or a declaration under § 800.403 may not submit to the Committee a declaration regarding the same transaction or a substantially similar transaction without the written approval of the Staff Chairperson.

§ 802.402 - Contents of declarations.

(a) The party or parties submitting a voluntary declaration of a transaction under § 802.401 shall provide the information set out in this section, which must be accurate and complete with respect to the party or parties filing the voluntary declaration and to the transaction. (See also paragraphs (d), (e), and (f) of this section.)

(b) Other than as provided under paragraph (f) of this section, if fewer than all the parties to a transaction submit a declaration, the Committee may, at its discretion, request that the parties to the transaction file a written notice of the transaction under § 802.501, if the Staff Chairperson determines that the information provided by the submitting party or parties in the declaration is insufficient for the Committee to assess the transaction.

(c) Subject to paragraph (e) of this section, a declaration submitted under § 802.401 shall describe or provide, as applicable:

(1) The name of the foreign person(s) and the current holder(s) of interest in the real estate that are parties to, or, in applicable cases, the subject of the transaction, as well as the name, telephone number, and email address of the primary point of contact for each party.

(2) The following information regarding the transaction in question:

(i) A brief description of the rationale for and nature of the transaction, including its structure (e.g., purchase, lease, or concession) and term, whether the foreign person is acquiring a collection of assets or interest in an entity, and whether it is part of a larger project undertaken by the foreign person;

(ii) The total transaction value in U.S. dollars;

(iii) The status of the transaction, including the actual or expected completion date of the transaction;

(iv) All sources of financing for the transaction and any real estate agents/brokers involved; and

(v) A copy of the definitive documentation of the transaction, such as a purchase, lease, or concession agreement, or if none exists, the document establishing the material terms of the transaction, which in the context of a transaction involving a covered port, must be signed and dated.

(3) The following information regarding the real estate that is the subject of the transaction:

(i) The location, by address and geographic coordinates in decimal degrees to the fourth digit, of the real estate that is the subject of the transaction;

(ii) The name(s) of and distance(s) to any covered port, military installation, or any other facility or property of the U.S. Government as identified in this part and that is relevant to CFIUS jurisdiction given the location of the real estate.

(iii) A description of the real estate that is the subject of the transaction including the approximate size (in acres, feet, or other appropriate measurement); nature of the real estate (e.g., zoning type and the major topographical or other features of the real estate); and current use of the real estate including any physical security measures.

(iv) A description of the plans of the foreign person with respect to the real estate and structures that are or will be on the real estate; and

(v) A description of any leases, licenses, permits, easements, encumbrances, or other grants or approvals associated with the real estate, including whether any involve the U.S. Government.

(4) A statement as to whether the foreign person will have any of the following rights or abilities with respect to the real estate as a result of the transaction:

(i) To physically access the real estate;

(ii) To exclude others from physically accessing the real estate;

(iii) To improve or develop the real estate; or

(iv) To attach fixed or immovable structures or objects to the real estate.

(5) The name of the ultimate parent of the foreign person.

(6) The address and principal place of business of the foreign person and its ultimate parent.

(7) A complete pre-transaction organizational chart (and post-transaction, if different) including, information that identifies the name, principal place of business, place of incorporation or other legal organization (for entities); nationality (for individuals); and ownership percentage (expressed in terms of both voting and economic interest, if different) for each of the following:

(i) The immediate parent, the ultimate parent, and each intermediate parent, if any, of each foreign person that is a party to the transaction;

(ii) Where the ultimate parent is a private company, the ultimate owner(s) of such parent; and

(iii) Where the ultimate parent is a public company, any shareholder with an interest of greater than five percent in such parent.

(8) Information regarding all foreign government ownership in the foreign person's ownership structure, including nationality and percentage of ownership, as well as any rights that a foreign government holds, directly or indirectly, with respect to the foreign person.

(9) With respect to the foreign person that is party to the transaction and any of its parents, as applicable, a brief summary of their respective business activities.

(10) A statement as to whether a party to the transaction is stipulating that the transaction is a covered real estate transaction and a description of the basis for the stipulation.

(11) A statement as to whether any party to the transaction has been party to another transaction previously notified or submitted to the Committee, and the case number assigned by the Committee regarding such transaction(s).

(12) A statement (including relevant jurisdiction and criminal case law number or legal citation) as to whether the holder of the real estate, the foreign person, any parent of the foreign person, or any person of which the foreign person is a parent, has been convicted in the last 10 years of a crime in any jurisdiction.

(d) Each party submitting a declaration shall provide a certification of the information contained in the declaration consistent with § 802.202. A sample certification may be found on the Committee's section of the Department of the Treasury website.

(e) A party that offers a stipulation under paragraph (c)(10) of this section acknowledges that the Committee and the President are entitled to rely on such stipulation in determining whether the transaction is a covered real estate transaction for the purposes of section 721 and all authorities thereunder, and waives the right to challenge any such determination. Neither the Committee nor the President is bound by any such stipulation, nor does any such stipulation limit the ability of the Committee or the President to act on any authority provided under section 721 with respect to any covered real estate transaction.

(f) In the case of a transaction where a U.S. public entity is a party to the transaction and is not submitting a declaration, the other party or parties to the transaction shall provide the information set out in this section with respect to itself and, to the extent known or reasonably available to it, with respect to the U.S. public entity.

§ 802.403 - Beginning of 30-day assessment period.

(a) Upon receipt of a declaration submitted under § 802.401, the Staff Chairperson shall promptly inspect the declaration and shall promptly notify in writing all parties to a transaction that have submitted a declaration that:

(1) The Staff Chairperson has accepted the declaration and circulated the declaration to the Committee, and the date on which the assessment described in paragraph (b) of this section begins; or

(2) The Staff Chairperson has determined not to accept the declaration and circulate the declaration to the Committee because the declaration is incomplete, and an explanation of the material respects in which the declaration is incomplete.

(b) A 30-day period for assessment of a transaction that is the subject of a declaration shall commence on the date on which the declaration is received by the Committee from the Staff Chairperson. Such period shall end no later than the thirtieth day after it has commenced, or if the thirtieth day is not a business day, no later than the next business day after the thirtieth day.

(c) During the 30-day assessment period, the Staff Chairperson may invite the parties to a covered real estate transaction to attend a meeting with the Committee staff to discuss and clarify issues pertaining to the transaction.

(d) If the Committee notifies the parties to a transaction that have submitted a declaration under § 802.401 that the Committee intends to conclude all action under section 721 with respect to that transaction, each party that has submitted additional information subsequent to the original declaration shall file a certification as described in § 802.202. A sample certification may be found on the Committee's section of the Department of the Treasury website.

(e) If a party fails to provide the certification required under paragraph (d) of this section, the Committee may, at its discretion, take any of the actions under § 802.405.

§ 802.404 - Rejection, disposition, or withdrawal of declarations.

(a) The Committee, acting through the Staff Chairperson, may:

(1) Reject any declaration that does not comply with § 802.402 and so inform the parties promptly in writing;

(2) Reject any declaration at any time, and so inform the parties promptly in writing, if, after the declaration has been submitted and before the Committee has taken one of the actions specified in § 802.405:

(i) There is a material change in the covered real estate transaction as to which a declaration has been submitted; or

(ii) Information comes to light that contradicts material information provided in the declaration by the party (or parties); or

(3) Reject any declaration at any time after the declaration has been submitted, and so inform the parties promptly in writing, if the party (or parties) that submitted the declaration does not provide follow-up information requested by the Staff Chairperson within two business days of the request, or within a longer time frame if the party (or parties) so request in writing and the Staff Chairperson grants that request in writing.

(b) The Staff Chairperson shall notify the party (or parties) that submitted a declaration when the Committee has found that the transaction that is the subject of a declaration is not a covered real estate transaction.

(c) Parties to a transaction that have submitted a declaration under § 802.401 may request in writing, at any time prior to the Committee taking action under § 802.405, that such declaration be withdrawn. Such request shall be directed to the Staff Chairperson and shall state the reasons why the request is being made and state whether the transaction that is the subject of the declaration is being fully and permanently abandoned. An official of the Department of the Treasury will promptly advise the parties to the transaction in writing of the Committee's decision.

(d) The Committee may not request or recommend that a declaration be withdrawn and refiled, except to permit parties to a covered real estate transaction to correct material errors or omissions, or describe material changes to the transaction, in the declaration submitted with respect to that covered real estate transaction.

(e) A party (or parties) may not submit more than one declaration for the same or a substantially similar transaction without approval from the Staff Chairperson.

Note 1 to § 802.404:

See § 802.401(e) regarding the prohibition on submitting a declaration regarding the same transaction or a substantially similar transaction for which a written notice has been filed, or a declaration submitted under part 800 of this chapter, without the approval of the Staff Chairperson.

§ 802.405 - Committee actions.

(a) Upon receiving a declaration submitted under § 802.401 with respect to a covered real estate transaction, the Committee may, at the discretion of the Committee:

(1) If the Committee has reason to believe that the transaction may raise national security considerations, request that the parties to the transaction file a written notice under subpart E;

(2) Inform the parties to the transaction that the Committee is not able to conclude action under section 721 with respect to the transaction on the basis of the declaration and that the parties may file a written notice under subpart E to seek written notification from the Committee that the Committee has concluded all action under section 721 with respect to the transaction;

(3) Initiate a unilateral review of the transaction under § 802.501(c); or

(4) Notify the parties in writing that the Committee has concluded all action under section 721 with respect to the transaction.

(b) The Committee shall take action under paragraph (a) of this section within the time period set forth in § 802.403(b).

authority: 50 U.S.C. 4565; E.O. 11858, as amended, 73 FR 4677
source: 85 FR 3166, Jan. 17, 2020, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 31 CFR 802.401