Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 10, 2025

Title 31 - Money and Finance: Treasury last revised: Jan 17, 2025
Table of Contents

§ 535.201 - Transactions involving property in which Iran or Iranian entities have an interest.

§ 535.202 - Transactions with respect to securities registered or inscribed in the name of Iran.

§ 535.203 - Effect of transfers violating the provisions of this part.

§ 535.208 - Evasions; effective date.

§ 535.210 - Direction for establishing an escrow agreement.

§ 535.211 - Direction involving transfers by the Federal Reserve Bank concerning certain Iranian property.

§ 535.212 - Direction to transfer property in which Iran or an Iranian entity has an interest by branches and offices of United States banks located outside the United States.

§ 535.213 - Direction involving property held by offices of banks in the United States in which Iran or an Iranian entity has an interest.

§ 535.214 - Direction involving other financial assets in which Iran or an Iranian entity has an interest held by any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.

§ 535.215 - Direction involving other properties in which Iran or an Iranian entity has an interest held by any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.

§ 535.216 - Prohibition against prosecution of certain claims.

§ 535.217 - Blocking of property of the former Shah of Iran and of certain other Iranian nationals.

§ 535.218 - Prohibitions and nullifications with respect to property described in §535.212, 535.213, 535.214 and 535.215 and standby letters of credit.

§ 535.219 - Discharge of obligation by compliance with this part.

§ 535.220 - Timing of transfers required by § 535.212.

§ 535.221 - Compliance with directive provisions.

§ 535.222 - Suspension of claims eligible for Claims Tribunal.

§ 535.201 - Transactions involving property in which Iran or Iranian entities have an interest.

No property subject to the jurisdiction of the United States or which is in the possession of or control of persons subject to the jurisdiction of the United States in which on or after the effective date Iran has any interest of any nature whatsoever may be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn or otherwise dealt in except as authorized.

[45 FR 24432, Apr. 9, 1980]
§ 535.202 - Transactions with respect to securities registered or inscribed in the name of Iran.

Unless authorized by a license expressly referring to this section, the acquisition, transfer (including the transfer on the books of any issuer or agent thereof), disposition, transportation, importation, exportation, or withdrawal of, or the endorsement or guaranty of signatures on or otherwise dealing in any security (or evidence thereof) registered or inscribed in the name of any Iranian entity is prohibited irrespective of the fact that at any time (either prior to, on, or subsequent to the effective date) the registered or inscribed owner thereof may have, or appears to have, assigned, transferred or otherwise disposed of any such security.

§ 535.203 - Effect of transfers violating the provisions of this part.

(a) Any transfer after the effective date which is in violation of any provision of this part or of any regulation, ruling, instruction, license, or other direction or authorization thereunder and involves any property in which Iran has or has had an interest since such effective date is null and void and shall not be the basis for the assertion or recognition of any interest in or right, remedy, power or privilege with respect to such property.

(b) No transfer before the effective date shall be the basis for the assertion or recognition of any right, remedy, power, or privilege with respect to, or interest in, any property in which Iran has or has had an interest since the effective date unless the person with whom such property is held or maintained had written notice of the transfer or by any written evidence had recognized such transfer prior to such effective date.

(c) Unless otherwise provided, an appropriate license or other authorization issued by or pursuant to the direction or authorization of the Secretary of the Treasury before, during or after a transfer shall validate such transfer or render it enforceable to the same extent as it would be valid or enforceable but for the provisions of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act and this part and any ruling, order, regulation, direction or instruction issued hereunder.

(d) Transfers of property which otherwise would be null and void, or unenforceable by virtue of the provisions of this section shall not be deemed to be null and void, or unenforceable pursuant to such provisions, as to any person with whom such property was held or maintained (and as to such person only) in cases in which such person is able to establish each of the following:

(1) Such transfer did not represent a willful violation of the provisions of this part by the person with whom such property was held or maintained;

(2) The person with whom such property was held or maintained did not have reasonable cause to know or suspect, in view of all the facts and circumstances known or available to such person, that such transfer required a license or authorization by or pursuant to the provision of this part and was not so licensed or authorized or if a license or authorization did purport to cover the transfer, that such license or authorization had been obtained by misrepresentation or the withholding of material facts or was otherwise fraudulently obtained; and

(3) Promptly upon discovery that:

(i) Such transfer was in violation of the provisions of this part or any regulation, ruling, instruction, license or other direction or authorization thereunder, or

(ii) Such transfer was not licensed or authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury, or

(iii) If a license did purport to cover the transfer, such license had been obtained by misrepresentation or the withholding of material facts or was otherwise fraudulently obtained; the person with whom such property was held or maintained filed with the Treasury Department, Washington, D.C., a report in triplicate setting forth in full the circumstances relating to such transfer. The filing of a report in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph shall not be deemed to be compliance or evidence of compliance with paragraphs (d) (1) and (2) of this section.

(e) Unless licensed or authorized pursuant to this part any attachment, judgment, decree, lien, execution, garnishment, or other judicial process is null and void with respect to any property in which on or since the effective date there existed an interest of Iran.

(f) For the purpose of this section the term property includes gold, silver, bullion, currency, coin, credit, securities (as that term is defined in section 2(l) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended), bills of exchange, notes, drafts, acceptances, checks, letters of credit, book credits, debts, claims, contracts, negotiable documents of title, mortgages, liens, annuities, insurance policies, options and futures in commodities, and evidences of any of the foregoing. The term property shall not, except to the extent indicated, be deemed to include chattels or real property.

[44 FR 65956, Nov. 15, 1979, as amended at 45 FR 24432, Apr. 9, 1980]
§ 535.208 - Evasions; effective date.

(a) Any transaction for the purpose of, or which has the effect of, evading or avoiding any of the prohibitions set forth in this subpart is hereby prohibited.

(b) The term effective date means, with respect to transactions prohibited in § 535.201, 8:10 a.m. eastern standard time, November 14, 1979, and with respect to the transactions prohibited in §§ 535.206 and 535.207, 4:19 p.m. eastern standard time, April 7, 1980.

(c) With respect to any amendments of the foregoing sections or any other amendments to this part the term “effective date” shall mean the date of filing with the Federal Register.

[45 FR 24433, Apr. 9, 1980, as amended at 45 FR 26940, Apr. 21, 1980]
§ 535.210 - Direction for establishing an escrow agreement.

(a) The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, as fiscal agent of the United States, is licensed, authorized, directed and compelled to enter into escrow and related agreements under which certain money and other assets shall be credited to escrow accounts by the Bank of England or the N.V. Settlement Bank of the Netherlands.

(b) The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is licensed, authorized, directed and compelled, as fiscal agent of the United States, to receive certain money and other assets in which Iran or its agencies, instrumentalities or controlled entities have an interest and to hold or transfer such money and other assets, and any earnings or interest payable thereon, in such manner and at such times as the Secretary of the Treasury deems necessary to fulfill the rights and obligations of the United States under the Declaration of the government of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria dated January 19, 1981, and the Undertakings of the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Islamic Republic of Iran with respect to the Declaration of the Government of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria, and the escrow and related agreements described in paragraph (a) of this section. Such money and other assets may be invested, or not, at the discretion of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, as fiscal agent of the United States.

(Secs. 201-207, 91 Stat. 1626, 50 U.S.C. 1701-1706; E.O. 12170, 44 FR 65729; E.O. 12205, 45 FR 24099; E.O. 12211, 45 FR 26685; E.O. 12276, 46 FR 7913; E.O. 12279, 46 FR 7919; E.O. 12280, 46 FR 7921; E.O. 12281, 46 FR 7923; E.O. 12282, 46 FR 7925; E.O. 12283, 46 FR 7927, and E.O. 12294, 46 FR 14111) [46 FR 14333, Feb. 26, 1981, as amended at 46 FR 42063, Aug. 19, 1981]
§ 535.211 - Direction involving transfers by the Federal Reserve Bank concerning certain Iranian property.

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is licensed, authorized, directed and compelled to transfer to its account at the Bank of England, and subsequently to transfer to accounts in the name of the Central Bank of Algeria as Escrow Agent at the Bank of England that are established pursuant to an escrow and related agreements approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, all gold bullion, together with all other assets in its custody (or the cash equivalent thereof), of Iran or its agencies, instrumentalities or controlled entities. Such transfers, and whatever further related transactions are deemed appropriate by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall be executed when and in the manner directed by the Secretary of the Treasury.

(Secs. 201-207, 91 Stat. 1626, 50 U.S.C. 1701-1706; E.O. 12170, 44 FR 65729; E.O. 12205, 45 FR 24099; E.O. 12211, 45 FR 26685; E.O. 12276, 46 FR 7913; E.O. 12279, 46 FR 7919; E.O. 12280, 46 FR 7921; E.O. 12281, 46 FR 7923; E.O. 12282, 46 FR 7925; E.O. 12283, 46 FR 7927, and E.O. 12294, 46 FR 14111) [46 FR 14333, Feb. 26, 1981]
§ 535.212 - Direction to transfer property in which Iran or an Iranian entity has an interest by branches and offices of United States banks located outside the United States.

(a) Any branch or office of a United States bank or subsidiary thereof, which branch, office or subsidiary is located outside the territory of the United States, and which, on or after 8:10 a.m., e.s.t., on November 14, 1979:

(1) Has been or is in possession of funds or securities legally or beneficially owned by the Government of Iran or its agencies, instrumentalities, or controlled entities, or

(2) Has carried or is carrying on its books deposits standing to the credit of or beneficially owned by such government, its agencies, instrumentalities or controlled entities, is licensed, authorized, directed and compelled to transfer such funds, securities and deposits, held on January 19, 1981, including interest from November 14, 1979, at commercially reasonable rates, to the account of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, as fiscal agent of the U.S., at the Bank of England, to be held or transferred as directed by the Secretary of the Treasury. The funds, securities and deposits described in this section shall be further transferred as provided for in the Declarations of the Government of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria and the Undertakings of the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran with respect to the Declaration.

(b) Any banking institution subject to the jurisdiction of the United States that has executed a set-off on or after 8:10 a.m., e.s.t., November 14, 1979, against Iranian funds, securities or deposits referred to in paragraph (a) of this section is hereby licensed, authorized, directed and compelled to cancel such set-off and to transfer all funds, securities and deposits which have been subject to such set-off, including interest from November 14, 1979, at commercially reasonable rates, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section.

(Secs. 201-207, 91 Stat. 1626, 50 U.S.C. 1701-1706; E.O. 12170, 44 FR 65729; E.O. 12205, 45 FR 24099; E.O. 12211, 45 FR 26685; E.O. 12276, 46 FR 7913; E.O. 12279, 46 FR 7919; E.O. 12280, 46 FR 7921; E.O. 12281, 46 FR 7923; E.O. 12282, 46 FR 7925; E.O. 12283, 46 FR 7927, and E.O. 12294, 46 FR 14111) [46 FR 14333, Feb. 26, 1981]
§ 535.213 - Direction involving property held by offices of banks in the United States in which Iran or an Iranian entity has an interest.

(a) Any branch or office of a bank, which branch or office is located within the United States and is, on the effective date of this section, either:

(1) In possession of funds or securities legally or beneficially owned by the Government of Iran or its agencies, instrumentalities or controlled entities, or

(2) Carrying on its books deposits standing to the credit of or beneficially owned by such government or its agencies, instrumentalities or controlled entities, is licensed, authorized, directed and compelled to transfer such funds, securities and deposits, held on January 19, 1981, including interest from November 14, 1979, at commercially reasonable rates, to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, as fiscal agent of the U.S., to be held or transferred as directed by the Secretary of the Treasury.

(b) Transfer of funds, securities or deposits under paragraph (a) of this section shall be in accordance with the provisions of § 535.221 of this part, and such funds, securities or deposits, plus interest at commercially reasonable rates from November 14, 1979, to the transfer date, shall be received by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York by 11 a.m., E.D.T., July 10, 1981. For periods for which rates are to be determined in the future, whether by agreement between Iran and the bank or otherwise (see § 535.440), interest for such periods shall be transferred to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York promptly upon such determination. Such interest shall include interest at commercially reasonable rates from July 19, 1981, on the interest which would have accrued by July 19, 1981.

(c) Any funds, securities or deposits subject to a valid attachment, injunction or other like proceeding or process not affected by § 535.218 need not be transferred as otherwise required by this section.

(d) The transfers of securities required by this section shall be made notwithstanding § 535.202.

(Secs. 201-207, 91 Stat. 1626, 50 U.S.C. 1701-1706; E.O. 12170, 44 FR 65729; E.O. 12205, 45 FR 24099; E.O. 12211, 45 FR 26685; E.O. 12276, 46 FR 7913; E.O. 12279, 46 FR 7919; E.O. 12280, 46 FR 7921; E.O. 12281, 46 FR 7923; E.O. 12282, 46 FR 7925; E.O. 12283, 46 FR 7927, and E.O. 12294, 46 FR 14111) [46 FR 26477, May 13, 1981, as amended at 46 FR 30341, June 8, 1981; 46 FR 35106, July 7, 1981; 48 FR 253, Jan. 4, 1983]
§ 535.214 - Direction involving other financial assets in which Iran or an Iranian entity has an interest held by any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.

(a) Any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States which is not a banking institution and is on January 19, 1981, in possession or control of funds or securities of Iran or its agencies, instrumentalities or controlled entities is licensed, authorized, directed and compelled to transfer such funds or securities to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, as fiscal agent of the U.S. to be held or transferred as directed by the Secretary of the Treasury. However, such funds and securities need not be transferred until any disputes (not relating to any attachment, injunction or similar order) as to the entitlement of Iran and its entities to them are resolved.

(b) Transfers of funds and securities under paragraph (a) of this section shall be in accordance with the provisions of § 535.221 of this part, and such funds and securities shall be received by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York by 11 a.m., E.D.T., July 10, 1981.

(c) Any funds, securities or deposits subject to a valid attachment, injunction or other like proceeding or process not affected by § 535.218 need not be transferred as otherwise required by this section.

(d) The transfers of securities required by this section shall be made notwithstanding § 535.202.

(Secs. 201-207, 91 Stat. 1626, 50 U.S.C. 1701-1706; E.O. 12170, 44 FR 65729; E.O. 12205, 45 FR 24099; E.O. 12211, 45 FR 26685; E.O. 12276, 46 FR 7913; E.O. 12279, 46 FR 7919; E.O. 12280, 46 FR 7921; E.O. 12281, 46 FR 7923; E.O. 12282, 46 FR 7925; E.O. 12283, 46 FR 7927, and E.O. 12294, 46 FR 14111) [46 FR 26447, May 13, 1981, as amended at 46 FR 30341, June 8, 1981; 46 FR 35107, July 7, 1981]
§ 535.215 - Direction involving other properties in which Iran or an Iranian entity has an interest held by any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.

(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, all persons subject to the jurisdiction of the United States in possession or control of properties, as defined in § 535.333 of this part, not including funds and securities owned by Iran or its agencies, instrumentalities or controlled entities, are licensed, authorized, directed and compelled to transfer such properties held on January 18, 1981 as directed after that day by the Government of Iran, acting through its authorized agent. Such directions shall include arrangements for payment of the costs of transporting the properties, unless the possessors of the properties were required to pay such costs by contract or applicable law on January 19, 1981. Except where specifically stated, this license, authorization and direction does not relieve persons subject to the jurisdiction of the United States from existing legal requirements other than those based upon the International Emergency Economic Powers Act.

(b) Any properties subject to a valid attachment, injunction or other like proceeding or process not affected by § 535.218 need not be transferred as otherwise required by this section.

(c) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, persons subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, including agencies, instrumentalities and entities controlled by the Government of Iran, who have possession, custody or control of blocked tangible property covered by § 535.201, shall not transfer such property without a specific Treasury license, if the export of such property requires a specific license or authorization pursuant to the provisions of any of the following acts, as amended, or regulations in force with respect to them: the Export Administration Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2403, et seq., the Aims Export Control Act, 22 U.S.C. 2751, et seq., the Atomic Energy Act, 42 U.S.C. 2011, et seq., or any other act prohibiting the export of such property, except as licensed.

(Secs. 201-207, 91 Stat. 1626, 50 U.S.C. 1701-1706; E.O. 12170, 44 FR 65729; E.O. 12205, 45 FR 24099; E.O. 12211, 45 FR 26685; E.O. 12276, 46 FR 7913; E.O. 12279, 46 FR 7919; E.O. 12280, 46 FR 7921; E.O. 12281, 46 FR 7923; E.O. 12282, 46 FR 7925; E.O. 12283, 46 FR 7927, and E.O. 12294, 46 FR 14111) [46 FR 14334, Feb. 26, 1981, as amended at 46 FR 26477, May 13, 1981; 49 FR 21322, May 21, 1984; 66 FR 38554, July 25, 2001]
§ 535.216 - Prohibition against prosecution of certain claims.

(a) Persons subject to the jurisdiction of the United States are prohibited from prosecuting in any court within the United States or elsewhere, whether or not litigation was commenced before or after January 19, 1981, any claim against the Government of Iran arising out of events occurring before January 19, 1981 relating to:

(1) The seizure of the hostages on November 4, 1979;

(2) The subsequent detention of such hostages;

(3) Injury to United States property or property of United States nationals within the United States Embassy compound in Tehran after November 3, 1979; or

(4) Injury to United States nationals or their property as a result of popular movements in the course of the Islamic Revolution in Iran which were not an act of the Government of Iran.

(b) Any persons who are not United States nationals are prohibited from prosecuting any claim described in paragraph (a) of this section in any court within the United States.

(c) No further action, measure or process shall be taken after the effective date of this section in any judicial proceeding instituted before the effective date of this section which is based upon any claim described in paragraph (a) of this section, and all such proceedings shall be terminated.

(d) No judicial order issued in the course of the proceedings described in paragraph (c) of this section shall be enforced in any way.

(Secs. 201-207, 91 Stat. 1626, 50 U.S.C. 1701-1706; E.O. 12170, 44 FR 65729; E.O. 12205, 45 FR 24099; E.O. 12211, 45 FR 26685; E.O. 12276, 46 FR 7913; E.O. 12279, 46 FR 7919; E.O. 12280, 46 FR 7921; E.O. 12281, 46 FR 7923; E.O. 12282, 46 FR 7925; E.O. 12283, 46 FR 7927, and E.O. 12294, 46 FR 14111) [46 FR 14334, Feb. 26, 1981]
§ 535.217 - Blocking of property of the former Shah of Iran and of certain other Iranian nationals.

(a) For the purpose of protecting the rights of litigants in courts within the United States, all property and assets located in the United States in the control of the estate of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the former Shah of Iran, or any close relative of the former Shah served as a defendant in litigation in such courts brought by Iran seeking the return of property alleged to belong to Iran, is blocked as to each such estate or person, until all such litigation against such estate or person is finally terminated. This provision shall apply only to such estate or persons as to which Iran has furnished proof of service to the Office of Foreign Assets Control and which the Office has identified in paragraph (b) of this section.

(b) [No persons presently listed].

(c) The effective date of this section is January 19, 1981, except as otherwise specified after the name of a person identified in paragraph (b) of this section.

(Secs. 201-207, 91 Stat. 1626, 50 U.S.C. 1701-1706; E.O. 12170, 44 FR 65729; E.O. 12205, 45 FR 24099; E.O. 12211, 45 FR 26685; E.O. 12276, 46 FR 7913; E.O. 12279, 46 FR 7919; E.O. 12280, 46 FR 7921; E.O. 12281, 46 FR 7923; E.O. 12282, 46 FR 7925; E.O. 12283, 46 FR 7927, and E.O. 12294, 46 FR 14111) [46 FR 26478, May 13, 1981, as amended at 61 FR 8216, Mar. 4, 1996; 61 FR 15382, Apr. 8, 1996]
§ 535.218 - Prohibitions and nullifications with respect to property described in §535.212, 535.213, 535.214 and 535.215 and standby letters of credit.

(a) All licenses and authorizations for acquiring or exercising any right, power or privilege, by court order, attachment, or otherwise, including the license contained in § 535.504, with respect to the property described in §§ 535.211, 535.212, 535.213, 535.214 and 535.215 are revoked and withdrawn.

(b) All rights, powers and privileges relating to the property described in §§ 535.211, 535.212, 535.213, 535.214 and 535.215 and which derive from any attachment, injunction, other like proceedings or process, or other action in any litigation after November 14, 1979, at 8:10 a.m., e.s.t., including those derived from § 535.504, other than rights, powers and privileges of the Government of Iran and its agencies, instrumentalities and controlled entities, whether acquired by court order or otherwise, are nullified, and all persons claiming any such right, power or privilege are hereafter barred from exercising the same.

(c) All persons subject to the jurisdiction of the United States are prohibited from acquiring or exercising any right, power or privilege, whether by court order or otherwise, with respect to property (and any income earned thereon) referred to in §§ 535.211, 535.212, 535.213, 535.214 and 535.215.

(d) The prohibitions contained in paragraph (c) of this section shall not apply to Iran, its agencies, instrumentalities or controlled entities.

(e) Paragraph (a) of this section does not revoke or withdraw specific licenses authorizing the operation of blocked accounts which were issued prior to January 19, 1981, and which do not relate to litigation. Such licenses shall be deemed to be revoked as of May 31, 1981, unless extended by general or specific license issued subsequent to February 26, 1981.

(f) The provisions of paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this section shall apply to contested and contingent liabilities and property interests of the Government of Iran, its agencies, instrumentalities or controlled entities, including debts.

(g) All existing attachments on standby letters of credit, performance bonds and similar obligations and on substitute blocked accounts established under § 535.568 relating to standby letters of credit, performance bonds and similar obligations are nullified and all future attachments on them are hereafter prohibited. All rights, powers and privileges relating to such attachments are nullified and all persons hereafter are barred from asserting or exercising any rights, powers or privileges derived therefrom.

(Secs. 201-207, 91 Stat. 1626, 50 U.S.C. 1701-1706; E.O. 12170, 44 FR 65729; E.O. 12205, 45 FR 24099; E.O. 12211, 45 FR 26685; E.O. 12276, 46 FR 7913; E.O. 12279, 46 FR 7919; E.O. 12280, 46 FR 7921; E.O. 12281, 46 FR 7923; E.O. 12282, 46 FR 7925; E.O. 12283, 46 FR 7927, and E.O. 12294, 46 FR 14111) [46 FR 14334, Feb. 26, 1981, as amended at 46 FR 26477, May 13, 1981]
§ 535.219 - Discharge of obligation by compliance with this part.

Compliance with §§ 535.210, 535.211, 535.212, 535.213, 535.214 and 535.215, or any other orders, regulations, instructions or directions issued pursuant to this part licensing, authorizing, directing or compelling the transfer of the assets described in those sections, shall, to the extent thereof, be a full acquittance and discharge for all purposes of the obligation of the person making the same. No person shall be held liable in any court for or with respect to anything done or omitted in good faith in connection with the administration of, or pursuant to and in reliance on, such orders, regulations, instructions or directions.

(Secs. 201-207, 91 Stat. 1626, 50 U.S.C. 1701-1706; E.O. 12170, 44 FR 65729; E.O. 12205, 45 FR 24099; E.O. 12211, 45 FR 26685; E.O. 12276, 46 FR 7913; E.O. 12279, 46 FR 7919; E.O. 12280, 46 FR 7921; E.O. 12281, 46 FR 7923; E.O. 12282, 46 FR 7925; E.O. 12283, 46 FR 7927, and E.O. 12294, 46 FR 14111) [46 FR 14334, Feb. 26, 1981]
§ 535.220 - Timing of transfers required by § 535.212.

Transfers required by § 535.212 to the account of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, as fiscal agent of the U.S., at the Bank of England shall be executed no later than 6 a.m., e.s.t., January 20, 1981, when the banking institution had knowledge of the terms of Executive Order 12278 of January 19, 1981.

(Secs. 201-207, 91 Stat. 1626, 50 U.S.C. 1701-1706; E.O. 12170, 44 FR 65729; E.O. 12205, 45 FR 24099; E.O. 12211, 45 FR 26685; E.O. 12276, 46 FR 7913; E.O. 12279, 46 FR 7919; E.O. 12280, 46 FR 7921; E.O. 12281, 46 FR 7923; E.O. 12282, 46 FR 7925; E.O. 12283, 46 FR 7927, and E.O. 12294, 46 FR 14111) [46 FR 14335, Feb. 26, 1981]
§ 535.221 - Compliance with directive provisions.

(a) Transfers of deposits or funds required by §§ 535.213 and 535.214 of this part shall be effected by means of wire transfer to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for credit to the following accounts: with respect to transfers required by § 535.213, to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, as fiscal agent of the United States, Special Deposit Account A, and with respect to transfers required by § 535.214, to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, as fiscal agent of the United States, Special Deposit Account B.

(b) Securities to be transferred as required by §§ 535.213 and 535.214 of this part that are not presently registered in the name of Iran or an Iranian entity shall be delivered to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in fully transferable form (bearer or endorsed in blank), accompanied by all necessary transfer documentation, e.g., stock or bond powers or powers of attorney. All securities transferred, including those presently registered in the name of Iran or an Iranian entity, shall be accompanied by instructions to deposit such securities to the following accounts: with respect to transfers required by § 535.213, to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, as fiscal agent of the United States, Special Custody Account A, and with respect to transfers required by § 535.214, to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, as fiscal agent of the United States, Special Custody Account B.

(1) Securities which are in book-entry form shall be transferred by wire transfer to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to the appropriate account named in this paragraph.

(2) Definitive securities which are in bearer or registered form shall be hand delivered or forwarded by registered mail, insured, to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Safekeeping Department, to the appropriate account named in this paragraph.

(c) If a security in which Iran or an Iranian entity has an interest is evidenced by a depositary receipt or other evidence of a security, the legal owner of such security shall arrange to have the security placed in fully transferable form (bearer or endorsed in blank) as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, and transferred pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

(d) Any person delivering a security or securities to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York under paragraph (b) of this section, shall provide the Bank at least 2 business days prior written notice of such delivery, specifically identifying the sending person, the face or par amount and type of security, and whether the security is in bearer, registered or book-entry form.

(Secs. 201-207, 91 Stat. 1626, 50 U.S.C. 1701-1706; E.O. 12170, 44 FR 65729; E.O. 12205, 45 FR 24099; E.O. 12211, 45 FR 26685; E.O. 12276, 46 FR 7913; E.O. 12279, 46 FR 7919; E.O. 12280, 46 FR 7921; E.O. 12281, 46 FR 7923; E.O. 12282, 46 FR 7925; E.O. 12283, 46 FR 7927, and E.O. 12294, 46 FR 14111) [46 FR 30341, June 8, 1981]
§ 535.222 - Suspension of claims eligible for Claims Tribunal.

(a) All claims which may be presented to the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal under the terms of Article II of the Declaration of the Government of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria Concerning the Settlement of Claims by the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, dated January 19, 1981, and all claims for equitable or other judicial relief in connection with such claims, are hereby suspended, except as they may be presented to the Tribunal. During the period of this suspension, all such claims shall have no legal effect in any action now pending in any court in the United States, including the courts of any state and any locality thereof, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, or in any action commenced in any such court after the effective date of this section.

(b) Nothing in paragraph (a) of this section shall prohibit the assertion of a defense, set-off or counterclaim in any pending or subsequent judicial proceeding commenced by the Government of Iran, any political subdivision of Iran, or any agency, instrumentality or entity controlled by the Government of Iran or any political subdivision thereof.

(c) Nothing in this section precludes the commencement of an action after the effective date of this section for the purpose of tolling the period of limitations for commencement of such action.

(d) Nothing in this section shall require dismissal of any action for want of prosecution.

(e) Suspension under this section of a claim or a portion thereof submitted to the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal for adjudication shall terminate upon a determination by the Tribunal that it does not have jurisdiction over such claim or portion thereof.

(f) A determination by the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal on the merits that a claimant is not entitled to recover on a claim or part thereof shall operate as a final resolution and discharge of such claim or part thereof for all purposes. A determination by the Tribunal that a claimant shall have recovery on a claim or part thereof in a specified amount shall operate as a final resolution and discharge of such claim or part thereof for all purposes upon payment to the claimant of the full amount of the award including any interest awarded by the Tribunal.

(g) Nothing in this section shall apply to any claim concerning the validity or payment of a standby letter of credit, performance or payment bond, or other similar instrument that is not the subject of a determination by the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal on the merits thereof. However, assertion of such a claim through judicial proceedings is governed by the general license in § 535.504. A determination by the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal on the merits that a standby letter of credit, performance bond or similar obligation is invalid, has been paid or otherwise discharged, or has no further purpose, or any similar determination shall operate as a final resolution and discharge or Iran's interest therein and, notwithstanding the provisions of § 535.504, may be enforced by a judicial proceeding to obtain a final judicial judgment or order permanently disposing of that interest.

(h) The effective date of this section is February 24, 1981.

(Secs. 201-207, 91 Stat. 1626, 50 U.S.C. 1701-1706; E.O. 12170, 44 FR 65729; E.O. 12205, 45 FR 24099; E.O. 12211, 45 FR 26685; E.O. 12276, 46 FR 7913; E.O. 12279, 46 FR 7919; E.O. 12280, 46 FR 7921; E.O. 12281, 46 FR 7923; E.O. 12282, 46 FR 7925; E.O. 12283, 46 FR 7927, and E.O. 12294, 46 FR 14111) [46 FR 14335, Feb. 26, 1981, as amended at 47 FR 29529, July 7, 1982; 56 FR 6546, Feb. 15, 1991]
authority: 3 U.S.C. 301; 18 U.S.C. 2332d; 31 U.S.C. 321(b); 50 U.S.C. 1601-1651,1701; Pub. L. 101-410, 104 Stat. 890, as amended (28 U.S.C. 2461 note); E.O. 12170, 44 FR 65729, 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 457; E.O. 12205, 45 FR 24099, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 248; E.O. 12211, 45 FR 26685, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 253; E.O. 12276, 46 FR 7913, 3 CFR, 1981 Comp., p. 104; E.O. 12279, 46 FR 7919, 3 CFR, 1981 Comp., p. 109; E.O. 12280, 46 FR 7921, 3 CFR, 1981 Comp., p. 110; E.O. 12281, 46 FR 7923, 3 CFR, 1981 Comp., p. 112; E.O. 12282, 46 FR 7925, 3 CFR, 1981 Comp., p. 113; E.O. 12283, 46 FR 7927, 3 CFR, 1981 Comp., p. 114; E.O. 12294, 46 FR 14111, 3 CFR, 1981 Comp., p. 139
source: 44 FR 65956, Nov. 15, 1979, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 31 CFR 535.214