Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 31 - Money and Finance: Treasury last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 0.101 - Purpose.

The regulations in this part prescribe procedures and standards of conduct that are appropriate to the particular functions and activities of the Department of the Treasury (Department).

§ 0.102 - Applicability.

(a) Unless otherwise specified, the regulations in this part apply to all employees of the Department at all times, regardless of whether they are on duty or on leave, including leave without pay.

(b) The regulations in this part may be supplemented by regulations, interpretive guidelines and procedures issued by the Department's offices and bureaus. The absence of a specific published rule of conduct covering an action or omission does not validate that action or omission nor indicate that the action or omission would not result in corrective or disciplinary action.

§ 0.103 - Other rules of conduct applicable to Department employees.

In addition to the regulations in this part, employees of the Department are subject to other applicable statutes and regulations, including the following:

(a) The Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch at 5 CFR part 2635;

(b) The Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Department of the Treasury at 5 CFR part 3101;

(c) Political Activities of Federal Employees regulations at 5 CFR part 734;

(d) The Employee Responsibilities and Conduct regulations at 5 CFR part 735; and

(e) Department of the Treasury Disclosure of Records regulations at 31 CFR part 1.

§ 0.104 - Definitions.

The following definitions are used throughout this part:

(a) Bureau means:

(1) Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau;

(2) Bureau of Engraving and Printing;

(3) Bureau of the Fiscal Service;

(4) Departmental Offices;

(5) Financial Crimes Enforcement Network;

(6) Internal Revenue Service;

(7) Office of the Comptroller of the Currency;

(8) Office of the Inspector General;

(9) Office of the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program;

(10) Office of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration;

(11) United States Mint; and

(12) Any other organization designated as a bureau by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to appropriate authority.

(b) Person means an individual, corporation, company, association, firm, partnership, society, joint stock company, or any other entity, organization, or institution.

(c) Employee means an officer or employee of the Department regardless of grade, status or place of employment, including an employee on leave with pay or on leave without pay. Unless stated otherwise, employee shall include a special government employee.

(d) Special government employee means an officer or employee of the Department who is retained, designated, appointed, or employed, regardless of type of appointment, to perform temporary duties on a full-time or intermittent basis, with or without compensation, for not to exceed 130 days during any period of 365-consecutive days. 18 U.S.C. 202(a).

(e) On Department property means present in a building, on property, or in space owned by, leased by, occupied by, or under the control of the Department.

§ 0.105 - Responsibilities of employees and supervisors.

(a) Employees shall comply with all generally accepted rules of conduct, the specific provisions of this part, and other applicable regulations. An employee with questions about generally accepted rules of conduct, the specific provisions of this part, and other applicable regulations should consult his or her supervisor, a human resources specialist, or Bureau counsel.

(b) Supervisors, because of their day-to-day relationships with their employees, are responsible for ensuring that their employees maintain high standards of conduct. Supervisors must be familiar with this part and other applicable regulations and must apply generally accepted rules of conduct, the standards in this part, and the standards in other applicable regulations to the work they do and supervise. Supervisors shall take appropriate action, including disciplinary action, when violations of this part or other applicable regulations occur.

§ 0.106 - Corrective action.

An employee's violation of generally accepted rules of conduct, the standards in this part, or the standards in other applicable regulations may result in appropriate corrective or disciplinary action, in addition to any penalty prescribed by law.

authority: 5 U.S.C. 301.
source: 81 FR 8403, Feb. 19, 2016, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 31 CFR 0.104