Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 31 - Money and Finance: Treasury last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 29.101 - Purpose and scope.

(a) This part contains the Department's regulations implementing Subtitle A, Subchapter B of Chapter 4 of Subtitle C, and Chapter 3 of Subtitle H, of Title XI of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, Public Law 105-33, 111 Stat. 251, 712-731, 756-759, enacted August 5, 1997, as amended.

(b) This subpart contains general information to assist in the use of this part including—

(1) Information about related regulations (§ 29.102),

(2) Definitions of terms used in more than one subpart of this part (§ 29.103), and

(3) The Department's general rules and procedures, applicable to the retirement plans for District of Columbia teachers, police and fire fighters, and judges that concern the administration of Federal Benefit Payments (§§ 29.104-29.106).

(c) This part applies to Federal Benefit Payments.

(d) This part does not apply to the program of annuities, other retirement benefits, or medical benefits for members and officers, retired members and officers, and survivors thereof, of the United States Park Police force, the United States Secret Service, or the United States Secret Service Uniformed Division.

(e) This part does not apply to the District of Columbia replacement plan, which covers payments based on service accrued after June 30, 1997, pursuant to section 11042 of the Act.

[65 FR 77501, Dec. 12, 2000, as amended at 70 FR 60004, Oct. 14, 2005]
§ 29.102 - Related regulations.

(a) This part contains the following subparts:

(1) General Provisions (Subpart A);

(2) Coordination with the District Government (Subpart B);

(3) Split Benefits (Subpart C); 1

1 The effective date for section 29.102(a)(3) and Subpart C, originally scheduled for March 31, 2001, has been postponed indefinitely.

(4) Claims and Appeals Procedures (Subpart D); and

(5) Debt Collection and Waivers of Collection (Subpart E).

(b) Part 581 of Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, contains information about garnishment of certain Federal payments to enforce awards of alimony or child support.

(c) Part 831 of Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, contains information about benefits under the Civil Service Retirement System.

(d) Part 870 of Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, contains information about benefits under the Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Program.

(e) Part 890 of Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, contains information about benefits under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.

(f) Parts 835 and 845 and subparts M, N, and R of part 831 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, contain information about debt collection and waiver of collection under the Civil Service Retirement System and the Federal Employees Retirement System.

[65 FR 77501, Dec. 12, 2000, as amended at 65 FR 80753, Dec. 22, 2000; 66 FR 36705, July 13, 2001]
§ 29.103 - Definitions.

(a) In this part—

Act means Subtitle A, Subchapter B of Chapter 4 of Subtitle C, and Chapter 3 of Subtitle H, of Title XI of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, Public Law 105-33, 111 Stat. 251, 712-731, 756-759, as amended.

Benefits Administrator means:

(1) For the Teachers Plan and the Police and Firefighters Plan under section 11041(a) of the Act:

(i) During the interim benefits administration period, the District of Columbia government; or

(ii) After the end of the interim benefits administration period:

(A) The Trustee selected by the Department under sections 11035(a) or 11085(a) of the Act;

(B) The Department, if a determination is made under sections 11035(d) or 11085(d) of the Act that, in the interest of economy and efficiency, the function of the Trustee shall be performed by the Department rather than the Trustee; or

(C) Any other agent of the Department designated to make initial benefit determinations and/or to recover or recoup or waive recovery or recoupment of overpayments of Federal Benefit Payments, or to recover or recoup debts owed to the Federal Government by annuitants; or

(2) For the Judges Plan under section 11252(b) of the Act:

(i) During the interim benefits administration period, the District of Columbia government; or

(ii) After the end of the interim benefits administration period for the Judges Plan:

(A) The Trustee selected by the Department under section 11251(a) of the Act;

(B) The Department, if a determination is made under section 11251(a) of the Act that, in the interest of economy and efficiency, the function of the Trustee shall be performed by the Department rather than the Trustee; or

(C) Any other agent of the Department designated to make initial benefit determinations and/or to recover or recoup or waive recovery or recoupment of overpayments of Federal Benefit Payments, or to recover or recoup debts owed to the Federal Government by annuitants.

District government means the government of the District of Columbia.

Department means the United States Department of the Treasury.

Federal Benefit Payment means a payment for which the Department is responsible under the Act, to which an individual is entitled under the Judges Plan, the Police and Firefighters Plan, or the Teachers Plan, in such amount and under such terms and conditions as may apply under such plans, including payments made under these plans before, on, or after the October 1, 1997, effective date of the Act. Service after June 30, 1997, shall not be credited for purposes of determining the amount of any Federal Benefit Payment under the Teachers Plan and the Police and Firefighters Plan.

Freeze date means June 30, 1997.

Judges Plan means the retirement program (under subchapter III of chapter 15 of title 11 of the D.C. Code) for judges of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals or Superior Court or with judicial service with the former Juvenile Court of the District of Columbia, District of Columbia Tax Court, police court, municipal court, Municipal Court of Appeals, or District of Columbia Court of General Sessions.

OPM means the United States Office of Personnel Management.

Police and Firefighters Plan means any of the retirement programs (under chapter 6 of title 4 of the D.C. Code) for members of the Metropolitan Police Force and Fire Department in effect on June 29, 1997.

Reconsideration means the process of reexamining an individual's entitlement to benefits or liability for a debt to determine whether—

(1) The law and regulations were properly applied; and/or

(2) The mathematical computation of the benefit or liability is correct.

Retirement Funds means the District of Columbia Teachers, Police Officers, and Firefighters Federal Pension Fund established under section 11081 of the Act, the District of Columbia Judicial Retirement and Survivors Annuity Fund established under section 11252 of the Act, and their predecessor funds.

Secretary means the Secretary of the United States Department of the Treasury or his or her designee.

Teachers Plan means any of the retirement programs for teachers (under chapter 12 of title 31 of the D.C. Code) in effect on June 29, 1997.

(b) In this subpart—

Legal process means—

(1) Any document that qualifies as legal process as defined in § 581.103 of Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations; or

(2) Any court order that Federal or District of Columbia law permits to cause all or any portion of a payment under the Judges Plan, the Police and Firefighters Plan, or the Teachers Plan to be made to a former spouse under chapter 30 of title 1 of the D.C. Code (1997).

Representative payee means a fiduciary to whom a payment under the Judges Plan, the Police and Firefighters Plan, or the Teachers Plan is made for the benefit of a plan participant or a survivor.

[65 FR 77501, Dec. 12, 2000, as amended at 66 FR 36705, July 13, 2001; 70 FR 60004, Oct. 14, 2005]
§ 29.104 - Schedule for Federal Benefit Payments.

Federal Benefit Payments are payable on the first business day of the month following the month in which the benefit accrues. (See § 29.105(b).)

§ 29.105 - Computation of time.

(a) For filing documents. In computing the number of days allowed for filing a document, the first day counted is the day after the action or event from which the period begins to run. If the date that ordinarily would be the last day for filing falls on a Saturday, a Sunday, a Federal holiday, or a District holiday, the period runs until the end of the next day that is not a Saturday, a Sunday, or a Federal or a District holiday.

(b) For benefit accrual. (1) Annuity accrues on a daily basis; one-thirtieth of the monthly rate constitutes the daily rate.

(2) Annuity does not accrue on the 31st day of any month except that annuity accrues on the 31st day of the initial month if the employee's annuity commences on the 31st day of a 31-day month.

(3) For accrual purposes the last day of a 28-day month counts as 3 days and the last day of a 29-day month counts as 2 days.

(c) For counting unused sick leave. (1) For annuity computation purposes—

(i) The service of a participant under the Police and Firefighters Plan who retires on an immediate annuity is increased by the number of days of unused sick leave to the participant's credit under a formal leave system; and

(ii) The service of a participant under the Teachers Plan who retires on an immediate annuity or dies leaving a survivor entitled to an annuity is increased by the number of days of unused sick leave to the participant's credit under a formal leave system.

(2) In general, 8 hours of unused sick leave increases total service by 1 day. In cases where more or less than 8 hours of sick leave would be charged for a day's absence, total service is increased by the number of days in the period between the date of separation and the date that the unused sick leave would have expired had the employee used it (except that holidays falling within the period are treated as work days, and no additional leave credit is earned for that period).

(3) If an employee's tour of duty changes from part time to full time or full time to part time within 180 days before retirement, the credit for unused sick leave is computed as though no change had occurred.

(d) For counting leave without pay (LWOP) that is creditable service. (1) Under the Police and Firefighters Plan, credit is allowed for no more than 6 months of LWOP in each calendar year.

(2)(i) Under the Teachers Plan, credit is allowed for no more than 6 months of LWOP in each fiscal year.

(ii)(A) For years prior to fiscal year 1976, each fiscal year started on July 1 and ended on the following June 30.

(B) Fiscal year 1976 started on July 1, 1975, and ended on September 30, 1976.

(C) For years starting in fiscal year 1977, each fiscal year starts on October 1 and ends on the following September 30.

§ 29.106 - Representative payees.

For Federal Benefit Payments, representative payees will be authorized to the same extent and under the same circumstances as each plan permits for non-Federal Benefit Payments under the plan. (See e.g., section 4-629(b) of the D.C. Code (1997) (applicable to the Police and Firefighters Plan).)

authority: Subtitle A and Chapter 3 of Subtitle H, of Pub. L. 105-33, 111 Stat. 712-731 and 786-787; as amended
source: 65 FR 77501, Dec. 12, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 31 CFR 29.105