Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 31 - Money and Finance: Treasury last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 34.600 - General.

This subpart describes policies and procedures applicable to the NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program. The program's purpose is to carry out research, observation, and monitoring to support, to the maximum extent practicable, the long-term sustainability of the ecosystem, fish stocks, fish habitat, and the recreational, commercial, and charter fishing industries in the Gulf of Mexico.

§ 34.601 - Responsibility for administration—NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program.

NOAA is responsible for establishing and administering this program, in consultation with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. NOAA must develop, publish, and apply policies and procedures for the NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program consistent with the Act, this subpart, and Federal laws and policies on grants. NOAA must monitor compliance with its grant agreements, cooperative agreements, contracts, and agreements funded through the Trust Fund. NOAA and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service will consult with the Regional Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council and the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission in carrying out the program.

§ 34.602 - Use of funds and eligible activities—NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program.

(a) Amounts made available to NOAA may be expended to carry out a program comprised of activities described in section 1604 of the Act. These activities include coordination of science and technology programs and stakeholder engagement, in accordance with section 1604(f) of the Act, as well as the following activities with respect to the Gulf of Mexico:

(1) Marine and estuarine research.

(2) Marine and estuarine ecosystem monitoring and ocean observation.

(3) Data collection and stock assessments.

(4) Pilot programs for fishery independent data and reduction of exploitation of spawning aggregations.

(5) Cooperative research.

(b) NOAA may also expend amounts made available from the Trust Fund for administrative expenses connected with the program. All funds must be expended in compliance with the Act, these regulations, and other applicable law.

§ 34.603 - Limitations on activities—NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program.

None of the Trust Fund amounts may be used for the following activities:

(a) For any existing or planned research led by NOAA, unless agreed to in writing by the grant recipient.

(b) To implement existing regulations or initiate new regulations promulgated or proposed by NOAA.

(c) To develop or approve a new limited access privilege program (as that term is used in section 303A of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act [16 U.S.C. 1853(a)]) for any fishery under the jurisdiction of the South Atlantic, Mid-Atlantic, New England, or Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Councils.

§ 34.604 - Limitations on administrative expenses—NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program.

(a) Of the amounts received by NOAA under the NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program, not more than three percent may be used for administrative expenses.

(b) The three percent limit is applied to the total amount of funds received by NOAA, beginning with the first fiscal year it receives funds through the end of the fourth, or most recent fiscal year, whichever is later.

(c) NOAA may seek reimbursement of administrative expenses incurred after the first deposit into the Trust Fund, to the extent permitted by Federal law. Administrative expenses incurred prior to the first deposit into the Trust Fund are not reimbursable.

§ 34.605 - Reports—NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program.

NOAA must submit reports as prescribed by Treasury.

§ 34.606 - Recordkeeping—NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program.

Recipients and other entities receiving funds under the NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program must maintain records as prescribed by NOAA and make the records available to NOAA.

§ 34.607 - Audits—NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program.

NOAA and the Treasury Inspector General may conduct audits and reviews of recipient's accounts and activities relating to the Act as either of them deems appropriate.

source: 80 FR 77243, Dec. 14, 2015, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 31 CFR 34.605