Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 19, 2025

Title 32 - National Defense last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 202.5 - Creating a mission statement.

The installation and community co-chair, in conjunction with the RAB members, shall determine the RAB mission statement in accordance with guidance provided by the DoD Components.

§ 202.6 - Selecting co-chairs.

(a) DoD installation co-chair. The DoD installation co-chair shall be selected by the Installation Commander or equivalent, or in accordance with Military Component-specific guidance.

(b) Community co-chair. The community co-chair shall be selected by the community RAB members.

[71 FR 27617, May 12, 2006; 71 FR 30719, May 30, 2006]
§ 202.7 - Developing operating procedures.

Each RAB shall develop a set of operating procedures and the co-chairs are responsible for carrying them out. Areas that should be addressed in the procedures include:

(a) Clearly defined goals and objectives for the RAB, as determined by the co-chairs in consultation with the RAB,

(b) Meeting announcements,

(c) Attendance requirements of members at meetings,

(d) Development, approval and distribution procedures for the minutes of RAB meetings,

(e) Meeting frequency and location,

(f) Rules of order,

(g) The frequency and procedures for conducting training,

(h) Procedures for selecting or replacing co-chairs and selecting, replacing, or adding RAB members,

(i) Specifics on the size of the RAB, periods of membership, and co-chair length of service,

(j) Review of public comments and responses,

(k) Participation of the general public,

(l) Keeping the public informed about proceedings of the RAB,

(m) Discussing the agenda for the next meeting and issues to be addressed, and

(n) Methods for resolving disputes.

§ 202.8 - Training RAB members.

Training is not required for RAB members. It may be advisable, however, to provide RAB members with some initial orientation training regarding the purpose and responsibilities of the RAB, familiarization on cleanup technologies, chemicals of concern, and sampling protocols, as well as informing them of the availability of independent technical advice and document review through EPA's Technical Assistant Grant program and DoD's Technical Assistance for Public Participation (TAPP) program, to enable them to fulfill their responsibilities. Training should be site-specific and beneficial to RAB members. The DoD installation may also provide in-house assistance to discuss technical issues. Funding for training activities must be within the scope of administrative support for RABs, as permitted in § 202.12.

§ 202.9 - Conducting RAB meetings.

(a) Public participation. RAB meetings shall be open to the public.

(1) The installation co-chair shall prepare and publish a timely public notice in a local newspaper of general circulation announcing each RAB meeting. If applicable, it is recommended that the meeting also be announced on the installation's Web site.

(2) Each RAB meeting shall be held at a reasonable time and in a manner or place reasonably accessible to and usable by all participants, including persons with disabilities.

(3) Presentation materials and readable maps should be provided to all meeting participants as appropriate.

(4) Interested persons shall be permitted to attend, appear before, or file statements with any RAB, subject to such reasonable rules or regulations as may be prescribed. Open solicitation of public comments shall be permitted and members of the public will have a designated time on the agenda to speak to the RAB committee as a whole.

(b) Nature of discussions. The installation shall give careful consideration to all comments provided by individual RAB members. Group consensus is not a prerequisite for RAB input. Each member of the RAB may provide advice as an individual; however, when a RAB decides to vote or poll for consensus, only community members should participate.

(c) Meeting minutes. The installation co-chair, in coordination with the community co-chair, shall prepare the minutes of each RAB meeting.

(1) The RAB meeting minutes shall contain a record of the persons present; a complete and accurate description of matters discussed and comments received; and copies of all reports received, issued, or approved by the RAB. The accuracy of all minutes shall be certified by the RAB co-chairs. RAB minutes should be kept in the information repository; however, if the RAB minutes reflect decision-making, copies should also be documented in the Administrative Record.

(2) The records, reports, minutes, appendixes, working papers, drafts, studies, agenda, or other documents that were made available to or prepared for or by each RAB shall be available for public inspection and copying at a publicly accessible location, such as the information repositories established under the installation's Community Relations Plan, a public library, or in the offices of the installation to which the RAB reports, until the RAB ceases to exist.

[71 FR 27617, May 12, 2006; 71 FR 30719, May 30, 2006]
§ 202.10 - RAB adjournment and dissolution.

(a) RAB adjournment—(1) Requirements for RAB adjournment. An Installation Commander may adjourn a RAB with input from the community when there is no longer a need for a RAB or when community interest in the RAB no longer exists. An Installation Commander may consider adjourning the RAB in the following situations:

(i) A record of decision has been signed for all DERP sites on the installation,

(ii) An installation has achieved response complete at all sites and no further environmental restoration decisions are required,

(iii) An installation has all remedies in place,

(iv) The RAB has achieved the desired end goal as defined in the RAB Operating Procedures,

(v) There is no longer sufficient, sustained community interest, as documented by the installation with RAB community members and community-at-large input, to sustain the RAB. The installation shall continue to monitor for any changes in community interest that could warrant reactivating or reestablishing the RAB, or

(vi) The installation has been transferred out of DoD control and day-to-day responsibility for making restoration response decisions has been assumed by the transferee.

(2) Adjournment procedures. If the Installation Commander is considering adjourning the RAB, the Installation Commander shall:

(i) Consult with EPA, state, tribes, RAB members, and the local community, as appropriate, regarding adjourning the RAB and consider all responses before making a final decision.

(ii) Document the rationale for adjournment in a memorandum in a memorandum for inclusion in the Administrative Record, notify the public of the decision through written notice to the RAB members and through publication of a notice in a local newspaper of general circulation, and describe other ongoing public involvement opportunities that are available if the Installation Commander decides to adjourn the RAB.

(b) RAB dissolution—(1) Requirements for RAB dissolution. An Installation Commander may recommend dissolution of a RAB when a RAB is no longer fulfilling the intended purpose of advising and providing community input to an Installation Commander and decision makers on environmental restoration projects as described in § 202.1(b).

(2) Dissolution procedures. If the Installation Commander is considering dissolving the RAB, the Installation Commander shall:

(i) Consult with EPA, state, tribal and local government representatives, as appropriate, regarding dissolving the RAB.

(ii) Notify the RAB community co-chair and members in writing of the intent to dissolve the RAB and the reasons for doing so and provide the RAB members 30 days to respond in writing. The Installation Commander shall consider RAB member responses, and in consultation with EPA, state, tribal and local government representatives, as appropriate, determine the appropriate actions.

(iii) Notify the public of the proposal to dissolve the RAB and provide a 30-day public comment period on the proposal, if the Installation Commander decides to proceed with dissolution. At the conclusion of the public comment period, the Installation Commander will review the public comments, consult with EPA, state, tribal and local government representatives, as appropriate, and, if the Installation Commander still believes dissolution is appropriate, render a recommendation to that effect.

(iv) Send the recommendation, responsiveness summary, and all supporting documentation via the chain-of-command to the Military Component's Environmental Deputy Assistant Secretary (or equivalent) for approval or disapproval. The Military Component's Environmental Deputy Assistant Secretary (or equivalent) shall notify the Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Installations & Environment) (or equivalent) of the decision to approve or disapprove the request to dissolve the RAB and the rationale for that decision.

(v) Document the recommendation, responsiveness summary, and the rationale for dissolution in a memorandum for inclusion in the Administrative Record, notify the public of the decision through written notice to the RAB members and through publication of a notice in a local newspaper of general circulation and describe other ongoing public involvement opportunities that are available, once the Military Component's Environmental Deputy Assistant Secretary (or equivalent) makes a final decision.

(c) Reestablishing an adjourned or dissolved RAB. An Installation Commander may reestablish an adjourned or dissolved RAB if there is sufficient and sustained community interest in doing so, and there are environmental restoration activities still ongoing at the installation or that may start up again. Where a RAB is adjourned or dissolved and environmental restoration activities continue, the Installation Commander should reassess community interest at least every 24 months. When all environmental restoration decisions have been made and required remedies are in place and are properly operating at an installation, reassessment of the community interest for reestablishing the RAB is not necessary. When additional environmental restoration decisions have to be made resulting from subsequent actions, such as long-term management and five-year reviews, the installation will reassess community interest for reestablishing the RAB. Where the reassessment finds sufficient and sustained community interest at previously adjourned or dissolved RABs, the Installation Commander should reestablish a RAB. Where the reassessment does not find sufficient and sustained community interest in reestablishing the RAB, the Installation Commander shall document in a memorandum for the record the procedures followed in the reassessment and the findings of the reassessment. This document shall be included in the Administrative Record for the installation. If there is interest in reestablishment at a previously dissolved RAB, but the Installation Commander determines that the same conditions exist that required the original dissolution, he or she will request, through the chain-of-command to the Military Component's Deputy Assistant Secretary, an exception to reestablishing the RAB. If those conditions no longer exist at a previously dissolved RAB, and there is sufficient and sustained interest in reestablishment, the Installation Commander should recommend to the Deputy Assistant Secretary that the RAB be reestablished. The Deputy Assistant Secretary will take the Installation Commander's recommendation under advisement and may approve that RAB for reestablishment.

(d) Public comment. If the Installation Commander intends to recommend dissolution of a RAB or reestablish a dissolved RAB, the Installation Commander shall notify the public of the proposal to dissolve or reestablish the RAB and provide a 30-day public comment period on the proposal. At the conclusion of the public comment period, the Installation Commander shall review public comments; consult with EPA and state, tribal, or local government representatives, as appropriate; prepare a responsiveness summary; and render a recommendation. The recommendation, responsiveness summary, and all supporting documentation should be sent via the chain-of-command to the Military Component's Environmental Deputy Assistant Secretary (or equivalent) for approval or disapproval. The Installation Commander shall notify the public of the decision.

§ 202.11 - Documenting RAB activities.

(a) The installation shall document information on the activities of a RAB in the Information Repository. These activities shall include, but are not limited to:

(1) Installation's efforts to survey community interest in forming a RAB,

(2) Steps taken to establish a RAB where there is sufficient and sustained community interest,

(3) How the RAB relates to the overall community involvement program, and

(4) Steps taken to adjourn, dissolve, or reestablish the RAB.

(b) When RAB input has been used in decision-making, it should be documented as part of the Administrative Record.

[71 FR 27617, May 12, 2006; 71 FR 30719, May 30, 2006]
authority: 5 U.S.C. 551
source: 71 FR 27618, May 12, 2006, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 32 CFR 202.9