Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 32 - National Defense last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 228.1 - Applicability.

This part applies to all property under the charge and control of the Director, NSA, and to all persons entering in or on such property (hereinafter referred to as “protected property”). Employees of the NSA and any other persons entering upon protected property shall be subject to these regulations.

§ 228.2 - Control of activities on protected property.

Persons in and on protected property shall at all times comply with official signs of a prohibitory, regulatory, or directory nature and with the direction of Security Protective Officers and any other duly authorized personnel.

§ 228.3 - Restrictions on admission to protected property.

Access to protected property shall be restricted to ensure the orderly and secure conduct of Agency business. Admission to protected property will be restricted to employees and other persons with proper authorization who shall, when requested, display government or other identifying credentials to the Security Protective Officers or other duly authorized personnel when entering, leaving, or while on the property.

§ 228.4 - Control of vehicles on protected property.

Drivers of all vehicles entering or while on protected property shall comply with the signals and directions of Security Protective Officers or other duly authorized personnel and any posted traffic instructions. All vehicles shall be driven in a safe and careful manner at all times, in compliance with applicable motor vehicle laws.

§ 228.5 - Enforcement of parking regulations.

For reasons of security, parking regulations shall be strictly enforced. Except with proper authorization, parking on protected property is not allowed without a permit. Parking without a permit or other authorization, parking in unauthorized locations or in locations reserved for other persons, or parking contrary to the direction of posted signs or applicable state or federal laws and regulations is prohibited. Vehicles parked in violation, where warning signs are posted, shall be subject to removal at the owner's risk, which shall be in addition to any penalties assessed pursuant to § 228.18. The Agency assumes no responsibility for the payment of any fees or costs related to such removal which may be charged to the owner of the vehicle by the towing organization. This paragraph may be supplemented from time to time with the approval of the NSA Director of Security or his designee by the issuance and posting of such specific traffic directives as may be required, and when so issued and posted such directives shall have the same force and effect as if made a part hereof. Proof that a vehicle was parked in violation of these regulations or directives may be taken as prima facie evidence that the registered owner was responsible for the violation.

§ 228.6 - Security inspection.

Any personal property, including but not limited to any packages, briefcases, containers or vehicles brought into, while on, or being removed from protected property are subject to inspection. A search of a person may accompany an investigative stop or an arrest.

§ 228.7 - Prohibition on weapons and explosives.

No persons entering or while on protected property shall carry or possess, either openly or concealed, firearms, any illegal or legally controlled weapon (e.g., throwing stars, switchblades), explosives, or items intended to be used to fabricate an explosive or incendiary device, except as authorized by the NSA Director of Security or his designee at each Agency facility. The use of chemical agents (Mace, tear gas, etc.) on protected property in circumstances that do not include an immediate and unlawful threat of physical harm to any person or persons is prohibited; however, this prohibition does not apply to use by law enforcement personnel in the performance of their duties.

§ 228.8 - Prohibition on photographic or electronic recording or transmitting equipment.

No person entering or while on protected property shall bring or possess any kind of photographic, recording or transmitting equipment (including but not limited to cameras, cellular telephones, or recorders), except as specially authorized by the NSA Director of Security or his designee at each Agency facility.

§ 228.9 - Prohibition on narcotics and illegal substances.

Entering or being on protected property under the influence of, or while using or possessing, any narcotic drug, hallucinogen, marijuana, barbiturate or amphetamine is prohibited. Operation of a motor vehicle entering or while on protected property by a person under the influence of narcotic drugs, hallucinogens, marijuana, barbiturates or amphetamines is also prohibited. These prohibitions shall not apply in cases where the drug is being used as prescribed for a patient by a licensed physician.

§ 228.10 - Prohibition on alcohol.

Entering or being on protected property under the influence of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. Operation of a motor vehicle entering or while on protected property by a person under the influence of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. The use of alcoholic beverages on protected property is also prohibited, except on occasions and on protected property for which the NSA Deputy Director for Support Services or his designee has granted approval for such use.

§ 228.11 - Restrictions on the taking of photographs.

In order to protect the security of the Agency's facilities, photographs may be taken on protected property only with the consent of the NSA Director of Security or his designee. The taking of photographs includes the use of television cameras, video taping equipment, and still or motion picture cameras.

§ 228.12 - Physical protection of facilities.

The willful destruction of, or damage to any protected property, or any buildings or personal property thereon, is prohibited. The theft of any personal property, the creation of any hazard on protected property to persons or things, and the throwing of articles of any kind at buildings or persons on protected property is prohibited. The improper disposal of trash or rubbish, or any unauthorized or hazardous materials on protected property is also prohibited.

§ 228.13 - Disturbances on protected property.

Any conduct which impedes or threatens the security of protected property, or any buildings or persons thereon, or which disrupts the performance of official duties by Agency employees, or which interferes with ingress to or egress from protected property is prohibited. Also prohibited is any disorderly conduct, any failure to obey an order to depart the premises, any unwarranted loitering, any behavior which creates loud or unusual noise or nuisance, or any conduct which obstructs the usual use of entrances, foyers, lobbies, corridors, offices, elevators, stairways or parking lots.

§ 228.14 - Prohibition on gambling.

Participating in games for money or other personal property, or the operating of gambling devices, the conduct of a lottery, or the selling or purchasing of numbers tickets, in or on protected property is prohibited. This prohibition shall not apply to the vending or exchange of chances by licensed blind operators of vending facilities for any lottery set forth in a State law and conducted by an agency of a State as authorized by section 2(a)(5) of the Randolph-Sheppard Act, as amended (20 U.S.C. 107(a)(5)).

§ 228.15 - Restriction regarding animals.

No animals except guide dogs for the blind or hearing impaired, or guard or search dogs used by authorized state or federal officials, shall be brought upon protected property, except as authorized by the NSA Director of Security or his designee at each Agency facility.

§ 228.16 - Soliciting, vending, and debt collection.

Commercial or political soliciting, vending of all kinds, displaying or distributing commercial advertising, collecting private debts or soliciting alms on protected property is prohibited. This does not apply to:

(a) National or local drives for welfare, health, or other purposes as authorized by the “Manual on Fund Raising Within the Federal Service,” issued by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management under Executive Order 12353, 47 FR 12785, 3 CFR, 1982 Comp., p. 139, or by other federal laws or regulations; and

(b) Authorized employee notices posted on Agency bulletin boards.

§ 228.17 - Distribution of unauthorized materials.

Distributing, posting or affixing materials, such as pamphlets, handbills, or flyers, on protected property is prohibited, except as provided by § 228.16, as authorized by the NSA Director of Security or his designee at each Agency facility, or when conducted as part of authorized Government activities.

§ 228.18 - Penalties and the effect on other laws.

Whoever shall be found guilty of violating any provision of these regulations is subject to a fine of not more than $50 or imprisonment of not more than 30 days, or both. In the case of traffic and parking violations, fines assessed shall be in accordance with the schedule(s) of fines adopted by the United States District Court for the District where the offense occurred. Nothing in these regulations shall be construed to abrogate or supersede any other Federal laws or any State or local laws or regulations applicable to any area in which the protected property is situated.

authority: 40 U.S.C. 318-318c.
source: 59 FR 5948, Feb. 9, 1994, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 32 CFR 228.5