Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 32 - National Defense last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 247.1 - Purpose.
This part implements DoD Directive 5122.10
and implements policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures concerning authorized DoD Appropriated Funded (APF) newspapers and magazines, and Civilian Enterprise (CE) newspapers, magazines, guides, and installation maps in support of the DoD Internal Information Program.
1 Copies may be obtained, at cost, from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22121.
§ 247.2 - Applicability.
This part:
(a) Applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), the Military Departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Defense Agencies, and the DoD Field Activities (hereafter referred to collectively as “the DoD Components”). The term “Military Services,” as used herein, refers to the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marine Corps, and includes the Coast Guard when operating as a Military Service in the Navy. The term Commander, as used herein, also means Heads of the DoD Components.
(b) Does not apply to the Stars and Stripes (S&S) newspapers and business operations. S&S guidance is provided in DoD Directive 5122.11.
2 See footnote 1 to § 247.1.
(c) The term Commander, as used in this part, also means Heads of the DoD Components.
§ 247.3 - Definitions.
Civilian Enterprise (CE) guides and installation maps. Authorized publications containing advertising that are prepared and published under contract with commercial publishers. The right to circulate the advertising in these publications to the DoD readership constitutes contractual consideration to pay for these DoD publications. The publications become the property of the command, installation, or intended recipient upon delivery in accordance with terms of the contract. Categories of these publications are:
(1) Guides. Publications that provide DoD personnel with information about the mission of their command; the availability of command, installation, or community services; local geography; historical background; and other information. These publications may include installation telephone directories at the discretion of the commander.
(2) Installation maps. Publications designed for orientation of new arrivals or for visitors.
CE publications. CE newspapers, CE magazines, CE guides and installation maps produced commercially under the CE concept.
DoD newspapers. Authorized, unofficial publications, serving as part of the commander's internal information program, that support DoD command internal communication requirements. Usually, they are distributed weekly or monthly. DoD newspapers contain most, if not all, of the following elements to communicate with the intended DoD readership: command, military department, and DoD news and features; commanders' comments; letters to the editor; editorials; commentaries; features; sports; entertainment items; morale, welfare, and recreation news and announcements; photography; line art; and installation and local community news and announcements. DoD newspapers do not necessarily reflect the official views of, or endorsement of content by, the Department of Defense.
(1) CE newspapers. Newspapers published by commercial publishers under contract with the DoD Components or their subordinate commands. The commander or public affairs office provides oversight and final approval authority for the news and editorial content of the paper. Authorized news and information sources include the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs (OASD(PA)), AFIS, the Military Departments, their subordinate levels of command, and other Government Agencies. CE contractor personnel may provide material for use in the newspaper if approved by the commander or public affairs officer (PAO), as the commander's representative. These newspapers contain advertising sold by the commercial publisher on the same basis as for CE guides and installation maps and may contain supplements or inserts. They become the property of the command, installation, or intended recipient upon delivery in accordance with terms of the contract.
(2) Funded newspapers. Newspapers published by the DoD Components or their subordinate commands using appropriated funds. The editorial content of these newspapers is prepared by the internal information section of the public affairs staff or other internal sources. Usually, these newspapers are printed by the Government Printing Office (GPO) or under GPO contract in accordance with Government printing regulations. DoD Directive 5330.3
specifies DPS as the sole DoD conduit to the GPO.
3 See footnote 1 to § 247.1.
(3) Overseas Combatant Command newspapers. Newspapers published for overseas audiences approved by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs (ASD(PA)) to provide world, U.S., and regional news from commercial sources, syndicated columns, editorial cartoons, and applicable U.S. Government, Department of Defense, Component, and subordinate command news and information.
(4) News bulletins and summaries. Publications of deployed or isolated commands and ships compiled from national and international news and opinion obtained from authorized sources. News bulletins or summaries may be authorized by the next higher level of command when no daily English language newspapers are readily available.
Inserts. A flier, circular, or freestanding advertisement placed within the folds of the newspaper. No disclaimer or other labeling is required.
Magazines. Authorized, unofficial publications, serving as part of the commander's internal information program. They are produced and distributed periodically, usually monthly, and contain information of interest to personnel of the publishing DoD component or organization. They usually reflect a continuing policy as to purpose, format, and content. They are normally non-directive in nature and are published to inform, motivate, and improve the performance of the personnel and organization. They may be published as funded magazines or under the CE concept.
Option. A unilateral right in a contract by which, for a specified time, the Government may elect to acquire additional supplies or services called for by the contract, or may elect to extend the term of the contract.
Organizational terms—(1) Command. A unit or units, an organization, or an area under the command of one individual. It includes organizations headed by senior civilians that require command internal information-type media.
(2) DoD Components. See § 247.2 (a).
(3) Installation. A DoD facility or ship that serves as the base for one or more commands. Media covered by this part may serve the command communication needs of one or several commands located at one installation.
(4) Major command. A designated command such as the Air Mobility Command or the Army Forces Command that serves as the headquarters for subordinate commands or installations that have the same or related missions.
(5) Subordinate levels. Lower levels of command.
Publications. As used in this part, “publications” refers to DoD newspapers, magazines, guides and/or installation maps serving the commander's internal information program published in both paper and electronic format, including digital printing.
Supplements. Features, advertising sections, or morale, welfare and recreation sections printed with or inserted into newspapers for distribution. Supplements must be labeled “Supplement to the (name of newspaper).” Editorial content in supplements is subject to approval by the commander or the PAO as his or her agent.
§ 247.4 - Policy.
It is DoD policy that:
(a) A free flow of news and information shall be provided to all DoD personnel without censorship or news management. The calculated withholding of news unfavorable to the Department of Defense is prohibited.
(b) News coverage and other editorial content in DoD publications shall be factual and objective. News and headlines shall be selected using the dictates of good taste. Morbid, sensational, or alarming details not essential to factual reporting shall be avoided.
(c) DoD publications shall distinguish between fact and opinion, both of which may be part of a news story. When an opinion is expressed, the person or source shall be identified. Accuracy and balance in coverage are paramount.
(d) DoD publications shall distinguish between editorials (command position) and commentaries (personal opinion) by clearly identifying them as such.
(e) News content in DoD publications shall be based on releases, reports, and materials provided by the DoD Components and their subordinate levels, DoD newspaper staff members, and other government agencies. DoD publications shall credit sources of all material other than local, internal sources. This includes, but is not limited to, Military Department news sources, American Forces Information Service, and command news releases.
(f) DoD publications may contain articles of local interest to installation personnel produced outside official channels (e.g., stringers, local organizations), provided that the author's permission has been obtained, the source is credited, and they do not otherwise violate this part.
(g) DoD publications normally shall not be authorized the use of commercial news and opinion sources, such as Associated Press (AP), United Press International (UPI), New York Times, etc., except as stated in this paragraph and the following paragraph. The use of such sources is beyond the scope of the mission of command or installation publications and puts them in direct competition with commercial publications. The use of such sources may be authorized for a specific DoD newspaper by the cognizant DoD Component only when other sources of national and international news and opinion are not available.
(h) Overseas Combatant Command newspapers published outside the United States may purchase or contract for and carry news stories, features, syndicated columns, and editorial cartoons from commercial services or sources. A balanced selection of commercial news or opinion shall appear in the same issue and same page, whenever possible, but in any case, over a reasonable time period. Selection of commercial news sources, syndicated columns, and editorial cartoons to be purchased or contracted for shall be approved by the Commanders. Overseas Combatant Command newspapers, news bulletins, and news summaries authorized to carry national and world news may include coverage of U.S. political campaign news from commercial news sources. Presentation of such political campaign news shall be made on a balanced, impartial, and nonpartisan basis.
(i) The masthead of all DoD publications shall contain the following disclaimer printed in type no smaller than 6-point: “This (DoD newspaper, magazine, guide or installation map) is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of (name of the DoD newspaper/magazine/this guide/this installation map) are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or (the name of the publishing DoD Component).”
(j) The masthead of DoD CE publications shall contain the following statements in addition to that contained in paragraph (i) of this section:
(1) “Published by (name), a private firm in no way connected with the (Department of Defense/the U.S. Army/the U.S. Navy/the U.S. Air Force/the U.S. Marine Corps) under exclusive written contract with (DoD Component or subordinate level).”
(2) “The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the (Department of Defense/the U.S. Army/the U.S. Navy/the U.S. Air Force/the U.S. Marine Corps), or (name of commercial publisher) of the products or services advertised.”
(3) “Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron.” If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected.
(k) DoD publications shall not contain campaign news, partisan discussions, cartoons, editorials, or commentaries dealing with political campaigns, candidates, issues, or which advocate lobbying elected officials on specific issues. DoD CE publications shall not carry paid political advertisements for a candidate, party, which advocate a particular position on a political issue, or which advocate lobbying elected officials on a specific issue. This includes those advertisements advocating a position on any proposed DoD policy or policy under review.
(l) DoD newspapers shall support the Federal Voting Assistance Program by carrying factual information about registration and voting laws, especially those on absentee voting requirements of the various States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and U.S. territories and possessions. DoD newspapers shall use voting materials provided by the Director, Federal Voting Assistance Program; the OSD; and the Military Departments. Such information is designed to encourage DoD personnel to register as voters and to exercise their right to vote as outlined in DoD Directive 1000.4.
4 See footnote 1 to § 247.1.
(m) DoD publications shall comply with DoD Instruction 1100.13
pertaining to polls, surveys, and straw votes.
5 See footnote 1 to § 247.1.
(1) The DoD Components and subordinate levels may authorize polls on matters of local interest, such as soldier of the week, and favorite athlete.
(2) A DoD publication shall not conduct a poll, a survey, or a straw vote relating to a political campaign or issue.
(3) Opinion surveys must be in compliance with Military Service regulations.
(n) DoD newspapers will support officially authorized fund-raising campaigns (e.g., Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)) within the Department of Defense in accordance with DoD Directive 5035.1.
News coverage of the campaign will not discuss monetary goals, quotas, competition or tallies of solicitation between or among agencies. To avoid any appearance of endorsement, features and news coverage will discuss the campaign in general and not promote specific agencies within the CFC. Agencies may be mentioned routinely but must not be a main focus of features and news coverage.
6 See footnote 1 to § 247.1.
(o) DoD publications shall not:
(1) Contain any material that implies that the DoD Components or their subordinate levels endorse or favor a specific commercial product, commodity, or service.
(2) Subscribe, even at no cost, to a commercial or feature wire or other service whose primary purpose is the advertisement or promotion of commercial products, commodities, or services.
(3) Carry any advertisement that violates or rejects DoD equal opportunity policy. (See paragraph (j)(3) of this section).
(p) All commercial advertising, including advertising supplements, shall be clearly identifiable as such. Paid advertorials and advertising supplements may be included but must be clearly labeled as advertising and readily distinguishable from editorial content.
(q) Alteration of official photographic and video imagery will comply with DoD Directive 5040.5.
7 See footnote 1 to § 247.1.
(r) Commercial sponsors of Armed Forces Professional Entertainment Program events and morale, welfare and recreation events may be mentioned routinely with other pertinent facts in news stories and announcements in DoD newspapers. (See DoD Instructions 1330.13
and 1015.2.
8 See footnote 1 to § 247.1.
9 See footnote 1 to § 247.1.
(s) Book, radio, television, movie, travel, and other entertainment reviews may be carried if written objectively and if there is no implication of endorsement by the Department of Defense or any of its Components or their subordinate levels.
(t) All printing using appropriated funds will be obtained in accordance with DoD Directive 5330.3.
(u) Although DoD internet web sites are normally discouraged from linking to commercial activities, the commander may authorize an installation web site to be linked to the web site carrying the authorized civilian enterprise publication.
§ 247.5 - Responsibilities.
(a) The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs, consistent with DoD Directive 5122.5,
10 See footnote 1 to § 247.1.
(1) Develop policies and provide guidance on the administration of the DoD Internal Information Program.
(2) Provide policy and operational direction to the Director, AFIS.
(3) Monitor and evaluate overall mission effectiveness within the Department of Defense for matters under this part.
(b) The Director, American Forces Information Service, shall:
(1) Develop and oversee the implementation of policies and procedures pertaining to the management, content, and publication of DoD publications encompassed by this part.
(2) Serve as DoD point of contact with the Joint Committee on Printing, Congress of the United States, for matters under this part.
(3) Serve as the DoD point of contact in the United States for Combatant Command newspaper matters.
(4) Provide guidance to the Combatant Commands, Military Departments, and other DoD Components pertaining to DoD publications.
(5) Monitor effectiveness of business and financial operations of DoD publications and provide business counsel and assistance, as appropriate.
(6) Sponsor a DoD Interservice Newspaper Committee and a Flagship Magazine Committee composed of representatives of the Military Departments to coordinate matters on publications encompassed by this part and flagship magazine matters, respectively.
(7) Provide a press service for joint-Service news and information for use by authorized DoD publication editors.
(c) The Secretaries of the Military Departments shall:
(1) Provide policy guidance and assistance to the Department's publications.
(2) Encourage the use of CE publications when they are the most cost-effective means of fulfilling the command communication requirement.
(3) Ensure that adequate resources are available to support authorized internal information products under this part.
(4) Designate a member of their public affairs staff to serve on the DoD Interservice Newspaper Committee.
(5) Ensure all printing obtained with appropriated funds complies with DoD Directive 5330.3.
(d) The Commanders of Combatant Commands shall:
(1) Publish Combatant Command newspapers, if authorized. In discharging this responsibility, the Commander shall ensure that policy, direction, resources, and administrative support are provided, as required, to produce a professional quality newspaper to support the command mission.
(2) Ensure that the newspaper is prepared to support U.S. forces in the command area during contingencies and armed conflict.
§ 247.6 - Procedures.
(a) General. (1) National security information shall be protected in accordance with DoD Directive 5200.1
and DoD 5200.1-R.
11 See footnote 1 to § 247.1.
12 See footnote 1 to § 247.1.
(2) Specific items of internal information of interest to DoD personnel and their family members prepared for publication in DoD publications may be made available to requesters if the information can be released as provided in DoD Directive 5400.7
and DoD 5400.1-R.
13 See footnote 1 to § 247.1.
14 See footnote 1 to § 247.1.
(3) Editorial policies of DoD publications shall be designed to improve the ability of DoD personnel to execute the missions of the Department of Defense.
(4) DoD editors of publications covered under this part shall conform to applicable policies, regulations, and laws involving the collection, processing, storage, use, publication and distribution of information by DoD Components (e.g., libel, photographic image alteration, copyright, sexually explicit materials, classification of information, protection of sensitive information and U.S. Government printing and postal regulations).
(5) DoD publications shall comply with DoD Directive 5400.11
regarding the DoD privacy program.
15 See footnote 1 to § 247.1.
(b) Establishment of DoD newspapers. (1) Commanders are authorized to establish Funded newspapers (appendix A to this part) or CE newspapers (appendix B to this part) when:
(i) A valid internal information mission requirement exists.
(A) Command or installation newspapers provide the commander a primary means of communicating mission-essential information to members of the command. They provide feedback through such forums as letters to the editor columns. This alerts the commander to the emotional status and state of DoD knowledge of the command. The newspaper is used as a return conduit for command information to improve attitudes and increase knowledge.
(B) News reports and feature stories on individuals and organizational elements of the command provides a crossfeed of DoD information, which improves internal cooperation and mission performance. Recognition of excellence in individual or organizational performance motivates and sets forth expected norms for mission accomplishment.
(C) The newspaper improves morale by quelling rumors and keeping members informed on DoD information that will affect their futures. It provides information and assistance to family members, which improve their spirits and thereby the effectiveness of their military service and/or civilian member. The newspaper encourages participation in various positive leisure-time activities to improve morale and deter alcohol abuse and other pursuits that impair their ability to perform.
(D) The newspaper provides information to make command members aware of the hazards of the abuse of drugs and other substances, and of the negative impact that substance abuse has on readiness.
(E) CE newspapers provide advertisements that guide command members to outlets where they may fulfill their purchasing needs. A by-product of this commercial contact is increased installation-community communication, which enhances mutual support.
(F) The newspaper increases organizational cohesiveness and effectiveness by providing a visual representation of the essence of the command itself.
(G) Good journalistic practices are vital, but are not an end unto themselves. They are the primary means to enhance receptivity of command communication through the newspaper.
(H) The newspaper exists to facilitate accomplishment of the command or installation mission. That is the only basis for the expenditure of DoD resources to produce them.
(ii) A newspaper is determined by the commander and the next higher level of command to be the most cost-effective means of fulfilling the command internal communication requirement.
(2) The use of appropriated funds is authorized to establish a Funded newspaper if a CE newspaper is not feasible. The process of establishing a newspaper must include an investigation of the feasibility of publishing under the CE concept. This investigation must include careful consideration of the potential for real or apparent conflict of interest. If publishing under the CE concept is determined to be feasible, commanders must ensure that they have obtained approval to establish the newspaper before authorizing their representatives to negotiate a contract with a CE publisher.
(3) DoD newspapers are mission activities. The use of nonappropriated funds for any aspect of their operations is not authorized.
(4) Appropriated funds shall not be used to pay any part of the commercial publisher's costs incurred in publishing a CE publication.
(5) Only one DoD newspaper or magazine is authorized for each command or installation.
(i) If a newspaper is required at an installation where more than one command or headquarters is collocated, the host commander shall be responsible for publication of one funded or CE newspaper for all. The host command shall provide balanced and sufficient coverage of the other commands, their personnel, and activities in that locality. These commands, or headquarters, shall assist the staff of the host newspaper with coverage. If required by unusual circumstance, a commander other than the host may publish the single authorized newspaper when the majority of affected organizations concur.
(ii) This provision is not intended to prohibit the headquarters of a geographically dispersed command that receives its local coverage in the host installation newspaper from publishing a command-wide newspaper; nor is it intended to prohibit a command that has information needs that are significantly different from the majority of the host installation audience from publishing a separate newspaper, when authorized by the designated approving authority. (See appendix E to this part).
(iii) Establishment of CE Guides and Installation Maps. When valid communication requirements exist, publications in this category may be established by the commander, if feasible. (See appendix B to this part) Only one CE guide and installation map is authorized for each command or installation. The requirements of paragraph (b)(4) of this section, apply to CE guides and installation maps. These publications shall be approved by the next higher level. Approval authorities shall exercise care not to overburden community advertisers.
(iv) Use of trademark. The DoD Components and their subordinate levels shall trademark—State, Federal, or both—the names of their publications when possible.
(v) Use of recycled products. The public affairs office shall, whenever possible, based on contractual agreements, use recycled paper for publications covered under this part.
(vi) Mailing requirements and sales and distribution of non-DoD publications. See appendix C to this part.
(vii) AFIS print media directorate. See appendix D to this part.
(viii) DoD command newspaper and magazine review system. See appendix E to this part.
(6) When, in the opinion of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs, or the Combatant Command Commander, a Combatant Command newspaper is needed, establishment shall be directed by the Secretary of Defense. Both appropriated and nonappropriated funds may be used in the publication of overseas Combatant Command newspapers.
(7) Establishment of magazines. New magazines shall be approved by the Head of the publishing DoD Component. New magazines serving the Military Services shall be approved in accordance with Service procedures. Only one DoD magazine or newspaper is authorized for each command or installation. Magazines are normally financed through appropriated funds. When CE magazines are approved, provisions in this part regarding advertising and contracting for CE publications apply to CE magazines. Magazines must:
(i) Serve a clearly defined purpose in support of the mission of the publishing DoD Component, and the purpose must justify the cost.
(ii) Not duplicate equivalent magazines serving the same, or substantially the same purpose.
(iii) Be published and distributed efficiently and economically.
(iv) Be reviewed every two years by the publishing DoD Component to ensure they are in compliance with this part, are mission essential, and are economically achieving their desired objective.
§ 247.7 - Information requirements.
The biennial reporting requirement contained in this part has been assigned Report Control Symbol DD-PA(BI) 1638.
Appendix Appendix A - Appendix A to Part 247—Funded Newspapers and Magazines
A. Purpose. Funded newspapers and magazines support the command communication requirements of the DoD Components and their subordinate commands. Normally, printing is accomplished by a commercial printer under contract or in government printing facilities in accordance with DoD Directive 5330.3.
The editorial content of these publications and distribution are accomplished by the contracting command. Overseas, Funded newspapers are authorized to be printed under contract with the S&S. Where printing by S&S is not feasible because of distance or other factors, Funded newspapers may be printed by other means. These are evaluated on a case-by-case basis with the cognizant DPS office.
1 Copies may be obtained, at cost, from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22121.
B. Name. The name of the publication may include the name of the command or installation, or, the name of the command or installation may appear separately in the nameplate (flag). The emblem of the command or installation may be included in the nameplate, also. When possible, the DoD Components and their subordinate levels shall trademark the names of their publications, as stated in § 247.5(d).
C. Masthead. The masthead shall include the names of the commanding officer and the PAO, the names and editorial titles of the primary staff of the publication, and the mailing address and telephone number of the editorial staff, in addition to that required in § 247.4(i).
D. News and editorial materials. The commander and the public affairs staff shall generate and select news, information, photographs, editorial, and other materials to be used. Authorized news and information sources include the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs (OASD(PA)), AFIS, the Military Departments, their subordinate levels of command, and other Government Agencies. Civilian community service news and announcements of benefit to personnel assigned to the command or installation and their family members may also be used. Photographic images used will be in compliance with § 247.4(r).
E. Assignment of personnel. Military and DoD civilian personnel may not be assigned to duty at the premises of the contract printer to perform any job functions that are part of the business activities or contractual responsibilities of the contract printer. Members of the public affairs staff who produce editorial content may work on the premises as liaison and monitor to specify and coordinate layout and other production details provided for in the command contract with the contract printer. A member of the public affairs staff shall review proof copy to prevent mistakes.
F. Funding. The expense of publishing and distributing Funded newspapers and magazines is charged to appropriated funds of the publishing command.
G. Printing. Printing of a funded publication shall be handled in accordance with DoD Directive 5330.3 in conjunction with the DoD Component's printing function with public affairs as the office of primary publishing interest. The use of color is authorized if the cognizant commander, the DoD Component's printing function and the PAO determine it enhances communication.
H. Distribution. Funded publications may be distributed through official channels. Appropriated funds and manpower may be used for distribution of Funded publications, as required.
I. Advertising. Funded publications shall not carry commercial advertising. As a service, the Funded newspaper may carry nonpaid listings of personally owned items and services for sale by members of the command. Noncommercial news stories and announcements concerning nonappropriated fund activities and commissaries may be published in funded publications.
J. Employment and gratuities. DoD personnel shall not accept any gratuities from or employment with any GPO-contracted printers in violation of the DoD 5500.7-R,
the Joint Ethics Regulation. In addition, DoD personnel whose spouse or children (or other relatives as described in the Joint Ethics Regulation) are offered employment by, or work for, a GPO-contracted printer, must take appropriate action to avoid conflicts of interest.
2 See footnote 1 to section A. of this appendix.
Appendix Appendix B - Appendix B to Part 247—CE Publications
A. Purpose. CE publications consist of DoD newspapers, magazines, guides, and installation maps. They support command internal communications. The commander or public affairs office provides oversight and final approval authority for the news and editorial content of the publication. CE publishers sell advertising to cover costs and secure earnings, print the publications, and may make all or part of the distribution. Periodically, CE publishers compete for contracts to publish these publications. Neither appropriated nor nonappropriated funds shall be used to pay for any part of a CE publisher's costs incurred in publishing a CE publication.
B. Name. The name of the publication may include the name of the command or installation, or the name of the command or installation may appear separately in the nameplate (flag). The emblem of the command or installation may also be included in the nameplate. When possible, the DoD Components and their subordinates shall trademark the names of their publications, as stated in § 247.6(d).
C. Masthead. The masthead shall include the following in addition to that required in § 247.4 (i) and (j). “The editorial content of this publication is the responsibility of the (name of command or installation) Public Affairs Office.” The names of the commanding officer and PAO, the names and editorial titles of the staff assigned the duty of preparing the editorial content, and the office address and telephone number of the editorial staff shall be listed in the masthead of DoD newspapers, but is not required in CE guides and installation maps. The names of the publisher and employees of the publisher may be listed separately.
D. News and editorial materials. The commander or the public affairs office shall provide oversight and final approval authority for news, information, photographs, editorial, and other materials to be used in a CE publication in the space allotted for that purpose by written contract with the commercial publisher. Authorized news and information sources include the OASD(PA), AFIS, the Military Departments and their subordinate levels of command, and other Government Agencies. CE contractor personnel may provide material for use in the publication if approved by the commander or PAO, as the commander's representative. Commercial news and opinion sources, such as AP, UPI, New York Times, etc., are not normally authorized for use in DoD publications except as stated in § 247.4(q). Newspapers may publish community service news and announcements of the civilian community for the benefit of command or installation personnel and their families. Imagery used will be in compliance with § 247.4(r).
E. Assignment of personnel. Neither military nor DoD civilian personnel shall be assigned to duty at the premises of the CE publisher. Neither military nor DoD civilian personnel shall perform any job functions that are part of the business activities or contractual responsibilities of the CE publisher either at the contractor's facility or the Government facility. The PAO and staff who produce the non-advertising content of the CE publication may perform certain installation liaison functions on publisher premises including monitoring and coordinating layout and design and other publishing details set forth in the contract to ensure the effective presentation of information. One or more members of the public affairs staff shall review proof copy to prevent mistakes. Newspaper text-editing-system pagination and copy terminals owned by the CE publisher may be placed in the command or installation public affairs office under contractual agreement for use by the public affairs staff to coordinate layout and ensure that the preparation of editorial material is performed in such a way as to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the printing and publication functions performed by the CE publisher. All costs of these terminals shall be borne by the CE newspaper publishers who shall retain title to the equipment and full responsibility for any damage to or loss of such equipment. The relationship between the public affairs staff and employees of the CE contractor is that of Government employees working with employees of a private contractor. Supervision of CE employees; that is, the responsibility to rate performance, set rate of pay, grant vacation time, exercise discipline, assign day-to-day administrative tasks, etc., remains with the CE publisher. Any modification of the contract must be made by the responsible contracting officer. Public affairs staff members must be aware that employees of the contractor are not employees of the government and should be treated accordingly.
F. Distribution of CE publications.
1. A funded newspaper shall not be distributed as an insert to a CE newspaper, unless provided for in the CE contract, nor shall a CE newspaper be distributed as an insert to a funded newspaper.
2. Supplements, clearly labeled as such, and advertising inserts, may be inserted into and distributed with a CE newspaper.
3. The commercial publisher of a CE publication shall make as much of the distribution to the intended readership as possible. CE publications may be distributed through official channels.
4. Except as authorized by the next higher headquarters for special situations or occasions (such as an installation open house), CE publications shall not be distributed outside the intended DoD audience and retirees, which includes family members. Electronic publication on the internet/world wide web is not considered distribution outside the intended DoD audience. The CE publisher may provide complete copies of each specific issue of a CE publication to an advertiser whose advertisement is carried therein.
5. The CE publisher of a CE newspaper will provide the appropriate number of news racks determined by the installation commander for publication distribution.
CE publishers are responsible for maintenance of these racks.
6. CE guides, magazines, and installation maps may be delivered in bulk quantities to the appropriate installation offices to distribute these publications through official channels as necessary.
G. Responsibilities regarding advertising.
1. Only the CE publisher shall use the space agreed upon for advertising. While the editorial content of the publication is completely controlled by the installation, the advertising section, including its content, is the responsibility of the CE publisher. The public affairs staff, however, retains the responsibility to review advertisements before they are printed.
2. Any decision by a CE publisher to accept or reject an advertisement is final. The PAO may discuss with a publisher their decision not to run an advertisement, but cannot substitute his judgment for that of the publisher.
3. Before each issue of a CE publication is printed, the public affairs staff shall review advertisements to identify any that are contrary to law or to DoD or Military Service regulations, including this part, or that may pose a danger or detriment to DoD personnel or their family members, or that interfere with the command or installation missions. It is in the command's best interest to carefully apply DoD and Service regulations and request exclusion of only those advertisements that are clearly in violation of this part. If any such advertisements are identified, the public affairs office shall obtain a legal coordination of the proposed exclusion. After coordination, the public affairs office shall request, in writing if necessary, that the commercial publisher delete any such advertisements. If the publisher prints the issue containing the objectionable advertisement(s), the commander may prohibit distribution in accordance with DoD Directive 1325.6.
1 Copies may be obtained, at cost, from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.
4. DoD Directive 1325.6 gives the commander authority to prohibit distribution on the installation of a CE publication containing advertising he or she determines likely to promote a situation leading to potential riots or other disturbances, or when the circulation of such advertising may present a danger to loyalty, discipline, or morale of personnel. Each commander shall determine whether particular advertisements to be placed by the publisher in a CE publication serving the command or installation may interfere with successful mission performance. Some considerations in this decision are the local situation, the content of the proposed advertisement, and the past performance of the advertiser. Prior to making a determination to prohibit distribution of a CE publication, the commander shall obtain a legal coordination.
5. CE publications may carry paid and nonpaid advertising of the products and services of nonappropriated fund activities and commissaries, if allowed by DoD and Military Service regulations. (See DoD Instruction 1015.2
2 See footnote 1 to section G.3. of this appendix.
6. The Military Departments will coordinate a standard set or ratios of advertising-to-editorial copy for multiples of pages for run of the publication advertising in CE publications that will be included in all DoD Component regulations supplementing this part. The recommended annual average is a ratio of 60/40. Inserts and advertising supplements will not count in the total ad-to-copy ratio; However, the commander may prohibit the distribution of supplemental advertising deemed excessive.
7. Bingo games and lotteries conducted by a commercial organization whose primary business is conducting lotteries may not be advertised in CE publications. Non-lottery activities (such as dining at a restaurant or attending a musical performance) of a commercial organization whose primary business is conducting lotteries may be advertised in CE publications. Exceptions are allowed for authorized State lotteries, lotteries conducted by a not-for-profit organization or a governmental organization, or conducted as a promotional activity by a commercial organization and clearly occasional and ancillary to the primary business of that organization. An exception also pertains to any gaming conducted by an Indian tribe under 25 U.S.C. 2720. See section D. of appendix C to this part.
H. CE guides and maps.
1. The name of the publication may include the name and emblem of the command or installation.
2. At the discretion of the commander, an installation telephone directory may be included as a section of a CE guide. The telephone section shall be part of the guide contract specifications. Separate contracts for CE telephone directories are not authorized. Over-run printing of the telephone directory/yellow pages section of the installation guide is authorized. The number of guides with integral telephone directories and the number of over-run copies of the telephone directory/yellow pages will be clearly specified in the single guide contract. Required communication security information shall be printed on the first page of the telephone section and not on the cover of the guide. The cover of the guide may notify users that the publication contains the telephone directory.
3. CE contracts for guides and maps shall establish firm delivery dates and shall contain provisions to ensure distribution is controlled by the command. Delivery dates may vary for guides and maps to make them more attractive to advertisers. The contract provisions shall specify delivery dates.
I. Employment and gratuities. DoDpersonnel shall not accept any gratuities from or employment with any CE publisher in violation of DoD Directive 5500.7-R.
In addition, DoD personnel whose spouse or children (or other relations as described in DoD Directive 5500.7-R) are offered employment by, or work for, a CE publisher, must take appropriate action to avoid conflicts of interest.
3 See footnote 1 to section G.3. of this appendix.
J. Contracting for a CE publication.
1. General. The DoD Components and their subordinate commands are authorized to contract in writing for CE publications. The underlying premise of the CE concept is that the DoD Components and their subordinate commands will save money by transferring certain publishing and distribution functions to a commercial publisher selected through a competitive process. The CE publication is printed and delivered to the command, installation, or its readership in accordance with the terms of a written contract. Oral contracts are not acceptable. The right to sell and circulate advertising to the complete readership in the CE publication provides the publisher revenue to cover costs and secure earnings. The command or installation guarantees first publication and distribution of locally-produced editorial content in the publication. The publication becomes the property of the command, installation, or intended reader upon delivery in accordance with terms of the contract.
2. Contracting process. Whether a first time initiative to establish a CE publication or a recompetition of an existing CE contract, the process must start with advance planning as to the nature of the command's requirements, the contracting strategy, and the market of potential advertisers and competitors for the job. The CE contract solicitation and the contract itself must contain a statement of work that describes in legally sufficient detail the Government's requirements and the conditions and restrictions under which the contractor will perform. The cognizant contracting office for the CE contracting action shall be the contracting office which normally provides contracting support to the command for service contracts and other procurements of a general nature which are above the simplified small purchase threshold. The contracting officer shall combine the statement of work with appropriate contractual terms and conditions, using 48 CFR chapter I and II as guides, although CE contracts are not subject to the FAR or DFARS, because they do not involve the expenditure of appropriated funds. The resulting solicitation and contract shall completely identify the rights and obligations of both parties. Proposals shall be solicited from all known commercial publishers who could potentially become the CE contractor. Upon evaluation of the competing proposals by the Source Selection Advisory Committee (SSAC) and selection of a winner by the selecting official, the CE contract shall be awarded by the contracting officer. The CE contract shall not require the contractor to pay money to the command or to provide goods, services, or other consideration not directly related to the CE publication. In the event that only one offer is received, the SSAC may recommend to the selecting official that no award be made or that the contracting officer enter into negotiations with the sole offeror to obtain the best possible service and product for the Government.
3. Statement of Work (SOW). The SOW should be written to have the CE contractor perform as many of the publishing and distribution functions as practical to generate maximum savings to the Department of Defense. In so doing, care must be taken to balance Government requirements with a realistic view of the advertising revenue potential so as to achieve a contract that is commercially viable. The command's internal information needs shall be paramount. Some of the key issues that shall be addressed in the SOW follow:
a. A general description of the scope of the proposed contract including the name and nature of the publication involved; for example, weekly newspaper, monthly magazine, annual guide and installation map. Normally, guides and installation maps are included in the same contract.
b. A description of editorial content to be carried; e.g., news, features, supplements, and factual information, along with provisions addressing the possible inclusion of contractor-furnished advertising supplements for newspapers, provided any such supplement shall have the prior approval of the commander.
c. A description of the rules for the inclusion of advertising in the publication, substantially as follows: “The contractor agrees not to include in the publication any advertising of the following types: (1) paid political advertisements for a candidate, party, or which advocate a particular position on a political issue, including advertisements advocating a position on any proposed DoD policy or policy under review, or which advocate lobbying elected officials on a specific issue; (2) advertisements for any establishment declared “off limits” by the command; (3) advertisements that are contrary to law or to DoD or Military Service regulations or that in the government's opinion pose a danger or detriment to DoD personnel or their family members, or that interfere with the command or installation missions; (4) advertisements for bingo games or lotteries conducted by a commercial organization whose primary business is conducting lotteries; (5) (other restrictions deemed appropriate by the Service/command, if any.)” Additionally, the contract will contain provisions which: (1) specify the annual average advertising-to-editorial ratio for newspapers and magazines; (2) state that the commander's representative shall have the authority to specify newspaper advertising layout when required to enhance communication's effectiveness of the publication; and (3) which requires the contractor to notify advertisers of the requirements in § 247.4(i) and § 247.4(j).
d. A provision substantially as follows: “The contractor agrees not to enter into any exclusive advertising agreement with any firm, broker, or individual for the purpose of selling advertising associated with this contract.”
e. A description of the CE contractor's responsibilities for distribution of the publication. This provision should address such matters as contractor furnishing of news racks along with contractor responsibility for maintenance of these racks.
f. A description of contractor-owned and/or contractor-furnished equipment such as text editing, copy terminals, and modems determined to be required to coordinate layout and ensure that the preparation of editorial material is performed in such a way as to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the publication process.
g. A description of contractor-furnished editorial support services determined to be required. Such description must be in terms of the end product required; e.g., photography service and/or writer/reporter services, and not as a requirement to make available certain contractor personnel. In day-to-day performance and administration of the CE contract, contractor personnel performing such support services shall not be treated in any way as though they are Government employees.
h. A provision that the use, where economically feasible, of recycled paper for internal products will be a consideration for awarding the contract, as stated in § 247.6 (e).
i. SOW's and RFP's for CE newspapers shall specify standard newsprint, recyclable, subject to requirements of applicable laws and regulations.
j. For CE magazines, a provision requiring the contractor to provide a bulk number of copies of each printing to the Government Printing Office (GPO) for distribution to Federal Depository Libraries. The number of copies to be provided will be determined on the number of libraries desiring to subscribe to the publication. The number could be a maximum of 1,400, but has historically averaged approximately 500 to 600 copies for military magazines. The contractor would be required to contact GPO to initiate this procedure at (202) 512-1071.
4. Contract provisions. The CE concept is based on an exception to the Government Printing and Binding Regulations
published by the Congressional Joint Committee on Printing. While CE contracts are not subject to the FAR (48 CFR chapter I) or the DFARS (48 CFR chapter II), the FAR contains many clauses that are useful in protecting the interests of the Government. The following clauses may be helpful in obtaining the best possible CE publication:
4 Copies may be obtained, at cost, from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
a. Status of FAR clause. To clarify the status of FAR clauses appearing in CE contracts, the following clause shall be included in all new CE contracts:
“The (name of DoD installation/unit/organization) is an element of the United States Government. This agreement is a United States Government contract authorized under the provisions of DoD Instruction 5120.4
as an exception to the Government Printing and Binding Regulations published by the Congressional Joint Committee on Printing. Although this contract is not subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) or the Defense FAR Supplement (DFARS), FAR clauses useful in protecting the interests of the Government and implementing those provisions required by law are included in this contract.”
5 See footnote 1 to section G.3. of this appendix.
b. Option clause. Insert a clause substantially the same as the following to extend the term of the CE publisher contract:
(1) “The Government may extend the term of this contract by written notice to the contractor within [insert in the clause the period of time in which the contracting officer has to exercise the option]; provided that the Government shall give the contractor a preliminary written notice of its intent to exercise the option at least 60 days before the contract expires. The preliminary notice does not commit the government to exercise the option.” In the case of base closure or realignment the publisher has the right to request a renegotiation of the contract.
(2) “If the Government exercises this option, the extended contract shall be considered to include this option provision.”
(3) “The total duration of this contract, including the exercise of any options under this clause, shall not exceed 6 years.”
c. Default clause. Insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts:
(1) “The Government may, by written notice of default to the contractor, terminate this contract in whole or in part if the contractor fails to:
(a) Deliver the CE publications in the quantities required or to perform the services within the time specified in this contract or any extension;
(b) Make progress, so as to endanger performance of this contract;
(c) Perform any of the other provisions of this contract.”
(2) “If the Government terminates this contract in whole or in part, it may acquire, under the terms and in the manner the contracting officer considers appropriate, supplies or services similar to those terminated. However, the contractor shall continue the work not terminated.”
(3) “The rights and remedies of the Government in this clause are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this contract.”
d. Termination for convenience of the Government. Insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts:
“The contracting officer, by written notice, may terminate this contract, in whole or in part if the services contracted for are no longer required by the Government, or when it is in the Government's interest, such as with installation closures. Any such termination shall be at no cost to the Government.” The Government will use its best efforts to mitigate financial hardship on the publisher.
5. Term of contract. CE contracts may be entered into for an initial period of up to 2 years, and may contain options to extend the contract for one or more additional periods of 1 or 2 years duration. The total period of the contract, including options, shall not exceed 6 years, after which the contract must be recompeted.
6. Exercise of options. Under normal circumstances, when the contractor is performing satisfactorily, options for additional periods of performance should be exercised. However, the exercise of the option is the exclusive right of the Government.
7. Modification of the contract. Any changes to the SOW or other terms and conditions of the contract shall be made by written contract modification signed by both parties.
8. SSAC. The commander shall appoint an SSAC. The committee shall participate in the development of the Source Selection Plan (SSP) before the solicitation of proposals, evaluate proposals, and recommend a source to the selecting official. Since cost is not a factor in the evaluation, award will be based on technical proposals, the offeror's experience and/or qualifications, and past performance.
a. The SSAC shall consist of a minimum of five voting members: a chairperson, who shall be a senior member of the command; senior representatives from public affairs and printing; and a minimum of two other functional specialists with skills relevant to the selection process. Each SSAC shall have non-voting legal and contracting advisors to assist in the selection process.
b. In arriving at its recommendations, the SSAC shall follow the SSP and avail itself of all relevant information, including the proposals submitted, independently derived data regarding offerors' performance records, the results of on-site surveys of offerors' facilities, where feasible, and in appropriate cases, personal presentations by offerors.
c. The work of the SSAC must be coordinated with the contracting officer to ensure that the process is objective and fair. All communications between the offerors and the Government shall be through the contracting officer. No member of the SSAC or the selecting official shall communicate directly with any offeror regarding the source selection.
d. In cases where a losing competitor requests a debriefing from the contracting officer, members of the SSAC may be called upon to participate so as to give the losing competitor the most thorough explanation practical as to why its proposal was not successful. No information regarding competitors' proposals shall be discussed with the unsuccessful offerors during debriefings, discussions, or negotiations.
9. SSP. A SSP (see sample SSP at attachment 1 to this appendix) must be developed early in the planning process to serve as a guide for the personnel involved and ensure a fair and objective process and a successful outcome. The contracting officer is primarily responsible for development of the SSP, in coordination with the PAO and other members of the SSAC. Ideally, the SSP should be completed and approved prior to issuance of the solicitation; it must be completed and approved before the receipt of proposals.
10. Evaluation criteria and proposal requirements. The solicitation must specify, in relative order of importance, the factors the Government will consider in selecting the most advantageous proposal. In addition, the solicitation must specify the types of information the proposal must contain to be properly evaluated. These two aspects of the solicitation must closely parallel one another. The contracting officer is primarily responsible for development of these two solicitation provisions, in coordination with the PAO, legal counsel, and members of the SSAC.
a. Evaluation criteria for award. Drawing upon the SSP, this feature of the solicitation must advise offerors what factors the Government will consider in evaluating proposals and the relative importance of each factor. The sample SSP (attachment 1 to this appendix) provides an example of criteria that might be used. Note that under the “Services and/or Items Offered” factor, paragraph E.2.b. of attachment 1 to this appendix, it is necessary to list and indicate the relative importance of services and/or items above the minimum requirements of the SOW that the command would consider desirable and that, if offered, will enhance the offeror's evaluation standing. The offer of services and/or items not listed in the evaluation criteria shall not be considered in the evaluation of proposals, but may be accepted in the contract award if deemed valuable to the Government, PROVIDED the service and/or item involved is directly related to producing the publication and not in violation of any other statute or regulation. Examples of items that cannot be considered during the evaluation process are; press kits, laminated maps, economic development reports, or other separate publications not an integral part of the CE publication.
b. Proposal requirements. This provision of the solicitation must describe the specific and general types of information necessary to be submitted as part of the proposal to be evaluated. Offerors shall be notified that unnecessarily elaborate proposals are not desired.
Attachment 1 to Appendix B to Part 247—SSP
A. Introduction
1. The objectives of this plan are:
a. To ensure an impartial, equitable, and thorough evaluation of all offerors' proposals in accordance with the evaluation criteria presented in the request for proposals (RFP).
b. To ensure that the contracting officer is provided technical evaluation findings of the SSAC in such a manner that selection of the offer most advantageous to the Government is ensured.
c. To document clearly and thoroughly all aspects of the evaluation and decision process to provide effective debriefings to unsuccessful offerors, to respond to legal challenges to the selection, and to ensure adherence to evaluation criteria.
2. This plan will be used to select a CE contractor for publication of the ____________________ newspaper (CE guide, magazine, or installation map) and will:
a. Give each SSAC member a clear understanding of his or her responsibilities as well as a complete overview of the evaluation process.
b. Establish a well-balanced evaluation structure, equitable and uniform scoring procedures, and a thorough and accurate appraisal of all considerations pertinent to the negotiated contracting process.
c. Provide the selecting official with meaningful findings that are clearly presented and founded on the collective, independent judgment of technical and managerial experts.
d. Ensure identification and selection of a contractor whose final proposal offers optimum satisfaction of the Government's technical and managerial requirements as expressed in the RFP.
e. Serve as part of the official record for the evaluation process.
B. Organization and Staffing
1. The SSAC will consist of the Chairperson and a minimum of four other voting committee members plus the non-voting advisors to the SSAC.
2. The SSAC committee members are:
| Position
| Chairperson
| Member
| Member
| Member
| Member
| Legal
| Contract
C. Responsibilities
1. Selecting Official:
a. Approves the SSP.
b. Reviews the evaluation and findings of the SSAC.
c. Considers the SSAC's recommendation of award.
d. Selects the successful offeror.
2. Chairperson of the Source Selection Advisory Committee (C/SSAC):
a. Reviews the SSP.
b. Approves membership of the SSAC.
c. Analyzes the evaluation and findings of the SSAC and applies weights to the evaluation results.
d. Approves the SSAC report for submission to the selecting official.
3. Contracting Officer:
a. Is responsible for the proper and efficient conduct of the entire source selection process encompassing solicitation, evaluation, selection, and contract award.
b. Provides SSAC and the selecting official with guidance and instructions to conduct the evaluation and selection process.
c. Receives proposals submitted and makes them available to the SSAC, taking necessary precautions to ensure against premature or unauthorized disclosure of source selection information.
4. SSAC members shall:
a. Familiarize themselves with the RFP and SSP.
b. Provide a fair and impartial review and evaluation of each proposal against the solicitation requirements and evaluation criteria.
c. Provide written documentation substantiating their evaluations to include strengths, weaknesses, and any deficiencies of each proposal.
5. Legal advisor:
a. Reviews RFP and SSP for form and legality.
b. Advises the SSAC members of their duties and responsibilities, regarding procurement integrity issues and confidentiality requirements.
c. Participate in SSAC meetings and provide legal advice as required.
d. Provides legal review of all documents supporting the selection decision to ensure legal sufficiency and consistency with the evaluation criteria in the RFP and SSP.
e. Advises the selecting official on the legality of the selection decision.
D. Administrative Instructions
1. Evaluation overview. The advisory committee will operate with maximum flexibility. Collective discussion by evaluators at committee meetings of their evaluation findings is permitted in the interchange of viewpoints regarding strengths, weaknesses, and deficiencies noted in the proposals relating to evaluation items. Evaluators will not suggest or disclose numerical scores or other information regarding the relative standing of offerors outside of committee meetings.
2. Evaluation procedure. The evaluation of offers is based on good judgment and a thorough knowledge of the guidelines and criteria applicable to each evaluation factor.
a. Numerical scoring is merely reflective of the composite findings of the SSAC. The evaluation scoring system is used as a tool to assist the Chairperson of the SSAC in determining the proposal most advantageous to the Government.
b. The most important documents supporting the contract award will be the findings, conclusions, and reports of the SSAC.
3. Safeguarding data. The sensitivity of the proceedings and documentation require stringent and special safeguards throughout the evaluation process:
a. Inadvertent release of information could be a source of considerable misunderstanding and embarrassment to the Government. It is imperative, therefore, for all members of the SSAC to avoid any unauthorized disclosures of information pertaining to this evaluation. Evaluation participants will observe the following rules:
(1) All offeror and evaluation materials will be secured when not in use (i.e., during breaks, lunch, and at the end of the day).
(2) All attempted communications by offeror's representatives shall be directed to the contracting officer. No communications between members of the SSAC or the selecting official and offerors regarding the contract award or evaluation is permitted except when called upon under the provisions of paragraph J.8.d, of appendix B to this part.
(3) Neither SSAC members or the selecting official shall disclose anything pertaining to the source selection process to any offeror except as authorized by the contracting officer.
(4) Neither SSAC members or the selecting official shall discuss the substantive issues of the evaluation with any unauthorized individual, even after award of the contract.
E. Technical Evaluation Procedures
1. Evaluation process. Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria as indicated in Section M of the solicitation: The evaluation worksheet (attachment 2 to this appendix) shall be used to score the technical factors. Using the technical evaluation worksheet, each member of the SSAC will independently review each proposal and assign an appropriate number of points to each factor being considered. Point scores for each factor will range from “0” to “5” based on the committee member's evaluation of the proposal. Upon completion of individual evaluations, the group will meet in committee with the Chairperson and arrive at a single numeric score for each factor in the proposal.
2. Criteria. An example of applicable evaluation criteria and their relative order of importance are listed below in paragraphs E.2. a. through d. of this appendix. Criteria and weights are provided as an example only. The SSAC must determine its own weighting factors tailored to meet the needs of the particular CE publication and describe the relative weights assigned in the RFP; e.g., “Evaluation factors are listed in descending order of importance; criteria #1 is twice as important as criteria #2,” etc.
a. Technical and production capability. Scores will range from “0” (unacceptable), to “5” (exhibits state-of-the-art, award winning, or clearly superior technical ability to produce the required newspaper, magazine, guide, or installation map). Factors to be considered for newspaper contracts include: level of automation; compatibility of automation with existing PAO automation (unless other automation is provided); printing capability; production equipment; physical plant (capabilities); and driving distance to the plant. Similar factors may be considered for magazines, guides and installation maps.
b. Services and/or items offered. Scores will range from “0” (unacceptable), to “5” (the offer of equipment, such as automation equipment; or services, such as editorial or photographic services as set forth in the contract solicitation that will greatly enhance the newspaper and/or its production). Factors to be considered for newspapers include: offer of automation equipment and the quality and amount of equipment offered; the quality and amount of services offered; the usefulness of the services and/or items to the public affairs office in enhancing the newspaper; the impact of the services and/or items on other parts of the contract. Similar factors may be considered for magazines, guides and installation maps. The offer of equipment or services not specifically related to producing the publication will not result in the assignment of a higher score.
c. Past performance record. Scores will range from “0” (no experience in newspaper, magazine, guide, or installation map publishing and/or unsatisfactory, previous performance), to “5” (long-term, highly successful experience publishing similar newspapers, magazines, guides, or installation maps). Factors to be considered include: demonstrated ability to successfully produce a CE or similar publication; demonstrated printing ability (types of printing, history of newspaper, magazine, guide, or installation map printing); demonstrated success in contract performance in a timely and responsive manner; demonstrated capability to sell advertising and successfully recoup publication costs.
d. Management approach. Scores will range from “0” (approach unacceptable), to “5” (proposal demonstrates a sound and innovative approach to interfacing with the PAO and managing the CE publication operation). Factors to be considered include: The offeror's proposed approach to:
(1) Interfacing with the PAO staff.
(2) Controlling the quality and timeliness of the finished product.
(3) Sale of ads of the type that enhance the publication's image in the community and with the readership at large.
(4) Ensuring that contractor's personnel are properly supervised and managed.
3. Weighting factors. Points will be assigned to the final score of each factor in a proposal as determined by multiplying the score assigned (e.g., “0,” “1,” “2,” “3,” “4,” or “5”) by the relative weight of the individual criterion as indicated:
| Relative weight (percent)
| Maximum points
CRITERION 1 | 40 | 200
CRITERION 2 | 30 | 150
CRITERION 3 | 20 | 100
CRITERION 4 | 10 | 50
| | 500 |
| |
CRITERION 1: Score 5 (5 × 40), Total Points | 200
CRITERION 1: Score 4 (4 × 30), Total Points | 120
CRITERION 1: Score 3 (3 × 20), Total Points | 60
CRITERION 1: Score 2 (2 × 10), Total Points | 20
| 400 |
4. Report of findings and recommendations. After the SSAC has completed final evaluation of proposals and all weighting has been completed, the committee will prepare a written report of its findings and recommendations, setting forth the consensus of the committee and its composite scores (Sample at attachment 3 to this appendix). The Chairperson will sign the report to confirm its accuracy and his agreement with the recommendation. All copies of proposals and evaluation worksheets will be returned to the contracting officer.
Attachment 2 to Appendix B to Part 247—Sample Evaluation Worksheet
1. Technical and production
2. Services and items
3. Past performance
4. Management
1 Discussions of strengths, weaknesses, and deficiencies should reference the specific evaluation factor involved to ensure that proposals are evaluated only against the criterion set forth in the RFP, to facilitate debriefings, and to provide an effective defense to any challenges regarding the legality of the selection process.)
Attachment 3 to Appendix B to Part 247—Sample Memorandum for Selecting Official
SUBJECT: Evaluation of Proposals
1. All proposals received in response to subject RFP have been evaluated by the Source Selection Advisory Committee (SSAC). The results and comments are listed below.
a. Offeror's proposals were rated as follows:
Offeror Name Numerical Score
b. Summary Narrative Comments.
(This section of the report shall be a summary of the individual strengths and weaknesses in each proposal, along with any deficiencies that are susceptible to being cured through written or oral discussions with the offeror, as noted by the SSC evaluators. This summary should be supported by detailed narratives contained on the individual evaluator's worksheets.)
2. Recommendation.
Chairperson, SSAC
Appendix Appendix C - Appendix C to Part 247—Mailing of DoD Newspapers, Magazines, CE Guides, and Installation Maps; Sales and Distribution of Non-DoD Publications
A. Policy. It is DoD policy that mailing costs shall be kept at a minimum consistent with timeliness and applicable postal regulations. (See DoD Instruction 4525.7
and DoD 4525.8-M.
Responsible officials shall consult with appropriate postal authorities to obtain resolution of specific problems.
1 Copies may be obtained, at cost, from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.
2 See footnote 1 to section A. of this appendix.
B. Definition. DoD appropriated fund postage includes all means of paying postage using funds appropriated for the Department of Defense. These means include meter imprints and stamps, permit imprints, postage stamps, and other means authorized by the U.S. Postal Service.
C. Use of appropriated fund postage.
1. DoD appropriated fund postage shall be used only for:
a. Mailing copies to satisfy mandatory distribution requirements.
b. Mailing copies to other public affairs offices for administrative purposes.
c. Mailing copies to headquarters in the chain of command.
d. Bulk mailings of DoD newspapers and magazines to subordinate units for distribution to members of the units.
e. Mailing information copies to other U.S. Government Agencies, Members of Congress, libraries, hospitals, schools, and depositories.
f. Mailing of an individual copy of a DoD newspaper, magazine, or CE publication in response to an unsolicited request from a private person, firm, or organization, if such response is in the best interest of the DoD Component or its subordinate levels of command.
g. Mailing copies of DoD newspapers, magazines, guides, or installation maps to incoming DoD personnel and their families to orient them to their new command, installation, and community.
2. DoD appropriated fund postage shall not be used for mailing:
a. To the general readership of DoD newspapers, magazines, guides, and installation maps, unless specifically excepted in this part.
b. By a CE publisher.
c. CE publications other than newspapers and magazines in bulk. (See paragraph C.1.d. of this section).
3. Generally, DoD newspapers, magazines, and CE publications shall be mailed as second class Requester Publication Rate, third-class bulk, or third- or fourth-class mail.
D. Legal prohibitions. Compliance with 18 U.S.C., 1302 and 1307 is mandatory. 18 USC Section 1302 prohibits the mailing of publications containing advertisements of any type of lottery or scheme that is based on lot or chance. 18 USC 1307 authorizes exceptions pertaining to authorized State lotteries, lotteries conducted by a not-for-profit organization or a governmental organization, or conducted as a promotional activity by a commercial organization and clearly occasional and ancillary to the primary business of that organization. An exception also pertains to any gaming conducted by an Indian tribe under 25 U.S.C. 2720. Lottery is defined as containing the following three elements:
1. Prize (whatever items of value are offered in the particular game).
2. Chance (random selection of numbers to produce a winning combination).
3. Consideration (requirement to pay a fee to play).
E. Review of mailing and distribution effectiveness.
1. Mailing and distribution lists shall be reviewed annually to determine distribution effectiveness and continuing need of each recipient to receive the publication.
2. Distribution techniques, target audiences, readers-per-copy ratios, and use of the U.S. Postal Service to ensure the most economical use of mail services consistent with timeliness shall be revalidated annually.
F. Non-DoD publications. A commander shall afford reputable distributors of other publications the opportunity to sell or give away publications at the activity he or she commands in accordance with DoD Directive 1325.6.
Such publications shall not be distributed through official channels. These publications may be made available through subscription paid for by the recipient or placed in specific general use areas designated by the commander, such as the foyers of open messes or exchanges. They will be placed only in stands or racks provided by the responsible publisher. The responsible publisher will maintain the stand or rack to present a neat and orderly appearance. Subscriptions paid for by a recipient may be home-delivered by the commercial distributor in installation residential areas.
3 See footnote 1 to section A. of this appendix.
Appendix Appendix D - Appendix D to Part 247—AFIS Print Media Directorate
A. General. The Print Media Directorate (PMD), an element of AFIS, develops, publishes, and distributes a variety of print media products that support DoD-wide programs and policies for targeted audiences throughout the DoD community. Products include the following:
1. American Forces Press Service, news and feature articles, photographs, and art targeted principally to editors of DoD newspapers.
2. DEFENSE magazine, a bimonthly magazine featuring articles authored by senior military and civilian officials on DoD programs and policies. An annual almanac edition highlights DoD's organization and statistical information.
3. Defense Billboard, a monthly poster featuring topics of particular interest to junior Military Service members, but applicable to general DoD audiences.
4. Pamphlets, booklets, and other posters covering a variety of joint interest information topics.
5. PMD posts the Press Service on Military Service computer bulletin boards and internet world wide web sites. PAOs and editors may download text and art in a form readily usable for word processing or desktop publishing. All other PMD publications should be requisitioned through the Military Service's or organization's publications distribution system.
6. Additional information may be obtained on the internet using the AFIS Uniform Resource Locator:
B. Use of materials published by print media directorate. With the exception of copyrighted matter, all materials published by PMD may be reproduced or adapted for use by DoD newspaper and magazine editors as appropriate. When PMD material is edited or revised, accuracy and conformance to DoD policy and accepted standards of good taste will be maintained. Due to the policy-oriented nature of DEFENSE magazine contents, particular care shall be taken to preserve the original context, tone, and meaning of any material adapted, revised, or edited from this publication.
C. Eligible activities. The following activities are eligible to receive the above listed PMD products:
1. All authorized DoD newspapers and magazines.
2. Headquarters of the DoD Components and their subordinate commands.
3. Proponent offices of DoD periodicals published by the DoD Components.
4. Armed Forces Radio and Television Service networks and outlets.
5. Isolated commands and detachments at which DoD newspapers are not readily available.
Appendix Appendix E - Appendix E to Part 247—DoD Command Newspaper and Magazine Review System
A. Purpose. The purpose of the DoD command newspaper and magazine review system is to assist commanders in establishing and maintaining cost-effective internal communications essential to mission accomplishment. The system also enables internal information managers to assess the cost and effective use of resources devoted to command newspapers and to provide requested reports.
B. Policy. DoD newspapers and magazines shall be reviewed and reported biennially. The review process is not intended to replace day-to-day quality assurance procedures or established critique programs.
C. Review criteria. Each newspaper and magazine shall be evaluated on the basis of mission essentiality, communication effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and compliance with applicable regulations.
D. Reporting requirements.
1. The DoD Components (less the Military Departments) shall forward, by January 31 of each even numbered year, the information indicated at attachment 1 to this appendix for each newspaper published to: Director, American Forces Information Service, ATTN: Print Media Plans and Policy, 601 North Fairfax Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-2007.
2. No later than April 15 of each even-numbered year, the Secretary (or designee) of each Military Department shall forward to the address above a report of the Military Department's review of newspapers and magazines. This report shall include summary data on total number of newspapers and magazines, along with a listing of the information indicated at attachment 1 to this appendix.
3. One information copy of each issue of all DoD newspapers and magazines shall be forwarded on publication date to the address in paragraph H.1. of this appendix.
4. Information copies of CE contracts shall be forwarded to the address in paragraph H.1. of this appendix, upon request.
5. Administrative Instructions shall be issued by the Director, AFIS, for the annual review and reporting of newspapers and magazines.
Attachment 1 to Appendix E to Part 247—Newspaper and Magazine Reporting Data
As required by section H. of this appendix, the following information shall be provided biennially regarding newspapers and magazines:
A. Name of newspaper or magazine.
B. Publishing command and mailing address.
C. Printing arrangement:
1. Government equipment.
2. Government contract with commercial printer.
3. CE contract with commercial publisher (provide name, mailing address, and phone number of commercial publisher).
D. Frequency and number of issues per year.
E. Number of copies printed and estimated readership.
F. Paper size (metro, tabloid, or magazine format).
source: 62 FR 42905, Aug. 11, 1997, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 32 CFR 247.5