Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 32 - National Defense last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 536.146 - Claims against nonappropriated fund employees—generally.

This subpart sets forth the procedures to follow in the settlement and payment of claims generated by the acts or omissions of the employees of nonappropriated fund (NAF) activities. NAF activities include NAF or Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) facilities, post exchanges, bowling centers, officers and noncommissioned officers' clubs, and other facilities located on land or situated in a building used by an activity that employs personnel compensated from NAFs.

§ 536.147 - Claims by NAFI employees for losses incident to employment.

Claims by employees for the loss of or damage to personal property incident to employment will be processed in the manner prescribed by AR 27-20, chapter 11 and will be paid from NAFs in accordance with § 536.152.

§ 536.148 - Claims generated by the acts or omissions of NAFI employees.

(a) Processing. Claims arising out of acts or omissions of employees of NAFI activities will be processed and settled in the manner specified for similar claims against the United States, except that payment will be made from NAFs in accordance with AR 215-1 (Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Activities and Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalites) and § 536.152 of this part.

(b) Procedural requirements. Procedural requirements of this part's pertinent subparts, as stated below, will be followed except as provided in §§ 536.151 and 536.152. However, when the Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality (NAFI) is protected by a commercial insurer (for example, flying and parachute activities), the claim will be referred to the insurer as outlined in § 536.148(d). See Department of Defense Directive (DODD) 5515.6, dated November 3, 1956, posted on the USARCS Web site (see § 536.2(a)).

(1) Claims arising within the United States, its territories, commonwealths, or possessions. Such claims will be processed in the manner prescribed by subparts C, D, E, F, H or J of this part, as appropriate.

(2) Claims arising outside the United States, its territories, commonwealths, or possessions. Such claims will be processed in accordance with the provisions of applicable Status of Forces Agreements (SOFAs) or in the manner prescribed by subparts C, D, E, F, H or J of this part, as appropriate.

(c) Reporting and investigation. Such claims will be investigated in accordance with AR 215-1 and subpart B of this part.

(1) Reporting. Personal injury, death, or property damage resulting from vehicular collisions, falls, falling objects, assaults, or accidents of similar nature will be reported immediately to the person in charge of the NAFI or activity at which it occurred. The report should be made by the employee who initially received notice of the incident, even if the individual involved denies sustaining personal injury or property damage. Upon receipt of the report of the incident, the person in charge of the NAF activity concerned will transmit the report to the area claims office (ACO) or claims processing office (CPO) for investigation.

(2) Investigation. Claims arising out of acts or omissions of employees of NAF activities will be investigated in the manner set forth in subpart B of this part. A determination as to whether the claim is cognizable under this section will be made as soon as practicable.

(d) Customer complaints. AAFES-generated complaints will be handled in accordance with Exchange Service Manual 57-2. NAFI-generated complaints will be handled in accordance with AR 215-1, chapter 3. Complaints generated by appropriated funds laundry and dry-cleaning operations will be handled in accordance with AR 210-130, chapter 2. Complaints generated by refunds of sales proceeds will be handled in accordance with Exchange Operating Procedures (EOP) 57-2.

(e) Commercial insurance. Certain NAFI activities (such as flying and parachute activities, and all AAFES concessionaires) may have private commercial insurance.

(1) A claims investigation under subpart B of this part will not be conducted except when the claim's estimated value may exceed the insurance policy limits. In that event, the Commander USARCS, will be notified immediately and an investigation will be conducted with a view to determining whether the United States may be liable under subparts C, D, F, H or J of this part. Otherwise, the ACO or CPO will refer the claim to the insurer and furnish copies to the USARCS AAO, as required in AR 27-20, paragraph 2-12. Assistance will be furnished to the insurer as needed. Copies of any other required investigations may be furnished to the insurer.

(2) The claim will be reviewed at key intervals to ensure that progress is being made, negotiations are properly conducted, and the file is closed. The Commander USARCS will be advised of any problems.

(3) If requested by either the insurer or NAFI officials, the appropriate claims authority will assist in or conduct negotiations.

(4) Where NAFI vehicles are required to be covered by insurance in foreign countries, the insurer will process the claim. However, if the policy coverage limit is exceeded or the insurer is insolvent, the claim may be processed under subpart G, §§ 536.114 through 536.116 (Claims arising overseas) or, if subpart G does not apply, under subparts C or J of this part. See § 536.139(c) for additional guidance.

§ 536.149 - Identification of persons whose actions may generate liability.

Claims resulting from the acts or omissions of members of the classes of persons listed below may be processed under this section. An ACO or a CPO authority will ask the Commander USARCS, for an advisory opinion prior to settling any claim where the person whose conduct generated the claim does not clearly fall within one of the following categories:

(a) Civilian employees of NAFI activities whose salaries are paid from NAFs.

(b) Active duty military personnel while performing off-duty part-time work for which they are compensated from NAFIs, not to include members who are acting in their capacity as an officer or other official of the NAFI.

(c) Volunteers serving in an official capacity in furtherance of the business of the United States, limited to those categories set forth in DA Pam 27-162, paragraph 2-45d.

§ 536.150 - Claims payable from appropriated funds.

Claims payable from appropriated funds will be processed under the appropriate subpart. Appropriated fund payable claims include those resulting from:

(a) Acts or omissions of military personnel while performing assigned military duties in connection with NAFI activities.

(b) Acts or omissions of civilian employees paid from appropriated funds in connection with NAFI activities.

(c) Negligent maintenance of an appropriated funds facility used by a NAFI activity but for which the Department of Defense or Department of the Army (DA) command concerned is responsible and has been notified of the deficiency by the NAF. Where liability is determined to exist for both a NAFI and an appropriated fund activity, liability will be apportioned between the two activities.

(d) Temporary use of a NAFI facility by an appropriated fund activity.

(e) Operation of government owned or rented vehicles on authorized missions for NAFI activities where the driver is a DA soldier or civilian employee and is paid from APFs.

§ 536.151 - Settlement authority for claims generated by acts or omissions of NAFI employees.

(a) Settlement. Claims cognizable under this section and processed under subparts C, D, E, G, H or J of this part will be settled by claims authorities authorized to settle claims under those subparts subject to the same monetary and denial authority limitations, except that The Judge Advocate General (TJAG), The Assistant Judge Advocate General (TAJAG), and the Commander USARCS may settle such claims without regard to monetary limitations. However, the approval of the Attorney General or Assistant General Counsel may be required for an apportioned amount to be paid from APFs when subpart D of this part procedures are used and the amount to be paid from APFs exceeds $200,000. Similarly, approval of TAJAG, the Attorney General or the Assistant General Counsel is required when using procedures under subparts C, F, H, or J of this part and an apportioned amount to be paid from APFs exceeds the limits set for the Commander, USARCS.

(b) Finality of settlement. A determination made by a claims settlement authority on a claim processed under subpart D of this part is subject to suit. A claim processed under subparts C or F of this part may be appealed. Claims processed under subparts C, D, E, H, or J of this part, or AR 27-20, chapter 11 may be reconsidered in accordance with the sections addressing reconsideration in those subparts (or paragraphs in the case of Chapter 11).

§ 536.152 - Payment of claims generated by acts or omissions of NAFI employees.

(a) The settlement or approval authority will forward the appropriate payment documents to the office listed in DA Pam 27-162, paragraph 2-80h, for payment.

(b) Reimbursement to a foreign country of the United States' pro rata share of a claim paid pursuant to an international agreement will be made from NAFs.

§ 536.153 - Claims involving tortfeasors other than nonappropriated fund employees: NAFI contractors.

AAFES concessionaires and NAFI contractors, such as entertainment performers or groups, carnival operators, and fireworks displayers are considered independent contractors and claims arising from their activities should be disposed of as set forth in DA Pam 27-162, paragraph 2-15f. If a dispute arises as to the availability of liability or workers compensation insurance the claims should be referred to AAFES Dallas (see address in § 536.30(e)(4)) or the Central Insurance Fund, U.S. Army Community and Family Support Agency as applicable.

§ 536.154 - Claims involving tortfeasors other than nonappropriated fund employees: NAFI risk management program (RIMP) claims.

The risk management program (RIMP) is administered by the U.S. Army Community and Family Support Center under the provisions of AR 215-1 and AR 608-10 (Family Child Care Provider Claims). Providers in order to encourage authorized personnel, that is, military and civilian employees, to use the family child care program and sports equipment, such claims are processed in a manner similar to NAFI claims in §§ 536.146 through 536.152 of this subpart. Certain claims are payable from nonappropriated funds even though the U.S. is not liable under the FTCA or the MCA as the tortfeasor is not an appropriated fund or nonappropriated fund employee.

§ 536.155 - Claims payable involving tortfeasors other than nonappropriated fund employees.

(a) Non-NAFI RIMP claims can arise from the activities of:

(1) Members of NAFIs or authorized users of NAFI sports equipment or devices for recreational purposes, while using such property, except real property, in the manner and for the purposes authorized by DA regulations and the charter, constitution, and bylaws of the particular NAF activity.

(2) Family child care providers, authorized members of the provider's household and approved substitute providers while care under the family child care program is being provided in the manner prescribed in AR 608-10, except as excluded below. Such claims are generally limited to injuries to, or death of, children receiving care under the family child care program that are caused by the negligence of authorized providers. Claims arising from the transportation of such children in motor vehicles and claims involving loss of or damage to property are not cognizable.

(b) An ACO or a CPO will ask the Commander USARCS for an advisory opinion prior to settling any non-NAFI RIMP claim where the person whose conduct generated liability does not fall clearly within the categories listed above. Such authorities may also ask, through the Commander USARCS, for an advisory opinion from the U.S. Army Community and Family Support Center prior to settling any claim arising under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, where it is not clear that the injured or deceased child was receiving care within the scope of the family child care program.

(c) Where liability has been determined to exist for both non-NAFI RIMP and APF activities, liability will be apportioned between the two activities.

(d) The total payment for all claims (including derivative claims), arising as a result of injury to, or death of, any one person is limited to $500,000 for each incident. Continuous or repeated exposure to substantially the same or similar harmful activity or conditions is treated as one incident for purposes of determining the limits of liability.

§ 536.156 - Procedures for claims involving tortfeasors other than nonappropriated fund employees.

(a) Reporting. Non-NAFI RIMP claims (regardless of the amount claimed) and incidents that could give rise to non-NAFI RIMP claims will be reported to USARCS and the Army Central Insurance Fund immediately.

(b) Investigation. ACOs and CPOs are responsible for the investigation of non-NAFI RIMP claims. Such investigation will be closely coordinated with program managers responsible for the activity generating the claim. Close coordination with USARCS is also required, and USARCS will maintain mirror files containing the investigative materials of all actual and potential claims.

(c) Payment. Non-NAFI RIMP claims will be transmitted for payment to: The Army Central Insurance Fund, ATTN: CFSC-FM-I, 4700 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22302-4406.

(d) Commercial insurance. The provisions of § 536.148(d) also apply to claims arising under this section, except that in claims involving family child care providers, a claims investigation will be conducted regardless of whether commercial insurance exists.

§ 536.157 - Settlement/approval authority for claims involving tortfeasors other than nonappropriated fund employees.

(a) Settlement authority. TJAG, TAJAG, and the Commander USARCS are authorized to approve in full or in part, or deny a non-NAFI RIMP claim, regardless of the amount claimed, except where an apportioned amount to be paid from APFs exceeds their monetary authority and the action of the Attorney General or Assistant General Counsel is required as set forth in § 536.151(a).

(b) Approval authority. (1) The staff judge advocate, Commander or chief of a command claims service, and a head of an area claims office are authorized to approve in full or in part non-NAFI RIMP claims presented in the amount of $50,000 or less, provided the acceptance is in full settlement and all claims and potential claims arising out of a single incident do not exceed $100,000.

(2) The above authorities are not delegated authority to deny or make a final offer on a claim under this section. Claims requiring such action will be forwarded to the Commander USARCS with an appropriate recommendation.

(c) Finality of settlement. A denial or final offer on a non-NAFI RIMP claim is final and conclusive and is not subject to reconsideration or appeal.