Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 19, 2024

Title 32 - National Defense last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 552.84 - Purpose.

(a) This regulation establishes procedures governing entry upon the Army training areas on Ft. Lewis, WA, designated in § 552.84(c) of this section.

(b) These procedures have been established to ensure proper use of these Army training areas. Uninterrupted military use is vital to maintain and improve the combat readiness of the US Armed Forces. In addition, conditions exist within these training areas which could be dangerous to any unauthorized persons who enter.

(c) This regulation governs all use of the Ft Lewis Military Reservation outside cantonment areas, housing areas, Gray Army Airfield, Madigan Army Medical Center, and recreational sites controlled by the Director of Personnel and Community Activities (DPCA). The areas governed are designated on the overprinted 1:50,000 Ft Lewis Special Map as Impact Areas, lettered Close-In Training Areas (CTAs), or numbered Training Areas (TAs), and are hereafter referred to as the range complex. A full sized map is located at the Ft Lewis Area Access Office, Bldg. T-6127.

§ 552.85 - Applicability.

This regulation is applicable to all military and civilian users of the range complex.

§ 552.86 - References.

(a) AR 405-70 (Utilization of Real Estate).

(b) AR 405-80 (Granting Use of Real Estate).

(c) AR 420-74 (Natural Resources—Land, Forest, and Wildlife Management).

(d) FL Reg 215-1 (Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping).

(e) FL Reg 350-30 (I Corps and Fort Lewis Range Regulations).

(f) DA Form 1594 (Daily Staff Journal or Duty Officer's Log).

(g) HFL Form 473 (Range, Facility, and Training Area Request).

§ 552.87 - General.

(a) Military training. All use of the Ft. Lewis range complex for military training is governed by FL Reg 350-30. Military training always has priority for use of the range complex.

(b) Hunting. Hunting, fishing, and trapping on Ft. Lewis are governed by FL Reg 215-1.

(c) Recreational use. (1) All individuals or organizations, military or civilian, desiring access to the range complex for recreational purposes must apply for and possess a valid Ft. Lewis area access permit except as outlined in § 552.87(c) of this section. Procedures are described in §§ 552.91 and 552.92.

(2) Authorized Department of Defense (DOD) patrons enroute to or using DPCA recreational areas (appendix A) are not required to possess a permit. Travel to and from DPCA recreational use areas is restricted to the most direct route by paved or improved two lane roads, and direct trail access. Other travel in the range complex is governed by this regulation.

(3) Recreational use of CTAs without permit is authorized only for DOD personnel of Ft. Lewis and their accompanied guests. Driving Privately Owned Vehicles (POV) in the CTAs is restricted to paved or improved gravel roads, except for direct trail access to DPCA recreational areas at Shannon Marsh and Wright's Lake. Other recreational activities authorized in the CTAs for DOD personnel without permit are walking, jogging and picnicking at established picnic sites.

(4) Organizations or groups whose authorized recreational activity is of such a nature as to require special advanced confirmed commitments from Ft. Lewis for land, including Scout Camporees, seasonal or one-time regional meets, and so on, must apply to the Ft. Lewis Area Access Section in writing. If the area is available, the request will be forwarded to the Director of Engineering and Housing (DEH) for lease processing. Not less than 180 days are required for processing of these special requests. Organizations or groups whose activity requires military equipment or other special support from Ft. Lewis must also apply in writing. If a permit is granted, the special assistance request will be coordinated by the Public Affairs and Liaison Office (PALO). Sample request guide and mailing address are available for the Access Section.

(5) All other recreational uses require a permit in accordance with this regulation.

(d) commercial use. Individuals or organizations using the range complex for profit-generating activities must possess a Real Estate Agreement. Requests for Real Estate Agreements must be directed to the Real Property Branch, DEH, IAW AR 405-80. Real Estate Agreements issued after publication of this regulation will require Real Estate Agreement holders to notify the Area Access Section of their entry onto, and departure from, the range complex. Profit generating activities include individuals or organizations that collect fees for services or that sell materials collected from the range complex. Proposed timber sales require prior coordination with the Director of Plans, Training and Mobilization (DPTM) to ensure that access can be granted for the appropriate areas and times.

(e) Installation service and maintenance. DOD personnel and contractual personnel on official business are authorized on the Ft. Lewis Military Reservation range complex as provided in appendix B. Access to hazard areas for such personnel is governed by FL Reg 350-30.

(f) Non-DOD personnel in transit. Individuals in transit along State or County maintained roads or roads designated for public access by the Installation Commander require no special permits. These routes are listed in appendix B.

(g) Trespassers. Persons or organizations entering or using the Ft. Lewis range complex outside one of the access channels described above are trespassing on a controlled-access federal reservation and are subject to citation by the military police. Trespassers may be barred from subsequent authorized access to the installation, and will be subject to the provisions of this section.

(h) Failure to comply. Any person who enters the range complex of the Ft. Lewis Military Reservation without the consent of the Commanding Officer or his designated representative is in violation of the provisions of this regulation. Offenders may be subjected to administrative action or punishment under either the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) or title 18 U.S.C. 1382,of.S.C. 797, as appropriate to each individual's status. Administrative action may include suspension or loss of recreational privileges, or permanent expulsion from the Ft. Lewis Military Reservation.

§ 552.88 - Responsibilities.

(a) DPTM. Operate the Ft. Lewis Area Access Section as a part of Range Control.

(b) Law Enforcement Command. Provide law enforcement and game warden patrols to respond to known or suspected trespassers or other criminal activity on the range complex.

(c) DEH. Coordinate with the Ft. Lewis Area Access Section (thru DPTM) all Real Estate Agreements, timber sales, wildlife management, construction, and other DEH or Corps of Engineers managed actions occurring on the range complex. Ensure all Real Estate Agreements issued after publication of this regulation require Real Estate Agreement holders to notify the Area Access Section of their entry onto, and departure from, the range complex.

(d) DPCA. Manage the Installation Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping programs in conjunction with DEH Wildlife. Manage those picnic and recreation sites located in the range complex, as listed in appendix A.

(e) PALO. Make initial public release of Ft. Lewis Land Use Policy and area access procedures, and provide periodic updates through media. Act as interface, when necessary, to resolve community relations issues related to land use. Coordinate special assistance requests per § 552.86(b). Inform DPTM of public response to policy execution.

§ 552.89 - Activities.

(a) Examples of authorized activities are listed in appendix C.

(b) Activities listed in appendix D are not authorized on Ft. Lewis and no permit will be issued.

§ 552.90 - Permit office.

DPTM Range Control operates the Ft. Lewis Area Access Section in Bldg T-6126 to issue permits and grant non-training acess to the range complex. The office is open 0700-1900 hours, seven days a week, for permit processing and access control. At other hours, Range Operations will take calls for access only.

§ 552.91 - Individual permit procedures.

(a) Individuals desiring area access for authorized activities (see appendix C) must register in person at the Ft. Lewis Area Access Section, Bldg T-6127. Minimum age is 18 years, except for active duty military personnel. Individuals under 18 years of age must be sponsored and accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

(b) Individual registration requires:

(1) Picture ID.

(2) Personal information including Social Security Number.

(3) Vehicle identification and license number, if a vehicle is to be brought on post.

(4) Names and ages of minor family members who will accompany a registered person.

(5) Liability release signature.

(6) Certification that intended activities are on the authorized list and are not for-profit commercial activities. Persons who submit false certificates are subject to prosecution in Federal Court Under 5 U.S.C. 1001,and.

(c) A permit and a vehicle pass will be issued to each person authorized area access. The permit is not transferable. Entry to the range complex without the issued permit is forbidden.

(d) Individual write-in requests may be authorized for extraordinary circumstances.

§ 552.92 - Group permit procedures.

(a) A collective permit will be issued to an organization desiring to conduct a group event. The group leader must register in person at the Ft. Lewis Area Access Section, Bldg T-6127, and must be 21 years of age or older except for active duty military personnel.

(b) Group registration requires the information listed in § 552.91, except that a legible list of names of all persons in the group is required in lieu of the names and ages of minors.

(c) Group permits will be issued with the requirement that all members of the group will be with the leader throughout the event. If the group plans to separate while still on post, sub-group leaders must be appointed and must each obtain a permit as noted in this section. The group leader permit is not transferable.

(d) Other group write-in requests may be authorized for extraordinary circumstances.

§ 552.93 - Permit deadline and duration.

(a) Permits will be issued 0700-1900 hours daily and may be obtained no earlier than six months prior to the event date. Permits for authorized activities may be requested and issued on the day of the event, but must be in hand prior to individual or group entry on to the range complex.

(b) Permits for one-time events are valid for the duration of the event. Otherwise, permits are valid for six months and are not renewable. When a permit expires, the holder must reapply as described in this section.

(c) Access hours are thirty minutes after daylight to thirty minutes before dark, except for authorized overnight activities and as outlined in FL Reg 215-1.

§ 552.94 - Area access procedures.

(a) Holders of current permits desiring access must call the Ft. Lewis Area Access Section on the date of entry at the telephone numbers listed on the permit and state the area to be entered, estimated time of entry, and estimated time of departure. This check-in may also be done in person at the Ft. Lewis Area Access Section, Bldg T-6126. Procedures for permits and access for hunting and trapping are outlined on FL Reg 215-1.

(b) The Ft. Lewis Area Access Section will determine whether the area is available and, if so, authorize entry. If the area is not open for permit holders, and an alternate area cannot be provided, access will be denied. All calls and actions will be recorded on DA Form 1594 (Daily Staff Journal or Duty Officer's Log).

(c) Permit holders must call or visit the Ft. Lewis Area Access Section immediately after leaving the authorized area to obtain checkout clearance. If a checkout is not received within three hours after the estimated time of departure, the Ft. Lewis Area Access Section will call the contact phone number in the permit holder's record and, if necessary, initiate a search through the Military Police Desk. Permit holders who fail to call out twice will be barred from area access for thirty days. A third failure to check out will result in suspension of the permit for the remainder of its normal duration or ninety days, whichever is longer.

(d) Failure to comply with the provisions of this paragraph shall subject all persons to the provisions of this section.

§ 552.95 - Compatible use.

(a) Unit commanders may, during training area scheduling, request that no permit holders be allowed in their areas. Justification must be in the remarks column of HFL Form 473 (Range, Facility and Training Area Request). If this restriction is granted, the Ft. Lewis Area Access Section will close the appropriate areas. In the absence of a trainer's request for closure, the following military activities are considered incompatible with non-training access and will, when scheduled, block affected areas:

(1) Live-fire training events with surface danger zones falling into training areas.

(2) Parachute and air assault operations.

(3) Field artillery firing. The numbered training area occupied by the weapons will be closed.

(4) Motorized infantry operations that will use the majority of the road net in a training area, traveling at higher than normal speeds.

(5) Training employing riot agents or smoke generating equipment.

(b) The Range Officer may close training areas based on multiple occupation by large units.

(c) Areas allocated to modern firearm deer hunting are closed to training and recreational activities. When State Fish and Game pheasant release sites can be isolated by swamps, streams, or roads from the rest of a training area, multiple occupancy is authorized.

§ 552.96 - Violations.

Anyone observing violators of this or other regulations must report the activity, time, and location to the Ft. Lewis Area Access Section or the Military Police as soon as possible.

§ 552.97 - Communications.

The Ft. Lewis Area Access Section communicates by telephone as noted on the permit. Tactical FM contact may be made through Range Operations.