Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 19, 2024

Title 32 - National Defense last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 552.105 - Purpose.

(a) This regulation establishes procedures governing access control requirements for the Main Cantonment Area, Fort Lewis, Washington, and prohibits certain forms of conduct upon the Fort Lewis Military Reservation.

(b) These procedures and requirements have been established in conjunction with other efforts to improve the physical security of the Fort Lewis Military Reservation. It is essential that entrance to, and exit from, the installation be made only at controlled access points, and that certain forms of conduct be restricted.

(c) This regulation governs all access to the Main Cantonment Area of the Fort Lewis Military Reservation, including, but not limited to, all housing areas, Gray Army Air Field, and Madigan Army Medical Center. It further prohibits all persons from engaging in certain forms of conduct anywhere on the Fort Lewis Military Reservation.

§ 552.106 - Applicability.

This regulation is applicable to all persons, both military and civilian, who enter the Fort Lewis Military Reservation.

§ 552.107 - References.

(a) AR 190-5 (Motor Vehicle Traffic Supervision)

(b) AR 190-52 (Countering Terrorism and Other Major Disruptions on Military Reservations)

(c) AR 210-7 (Commercial Solicitation on Army Installations)

(d) AR 210-10 (Administration)

(e) Fort Lewis Supplement 1 to AR 190-5 (Motor Vehicle Traffic Supervision)

(f) I Corps and Fort Lewis Installation Security and Closure Plan

(g) HFL Form 1138 (Fort Lewis Visitor Pass)

§ 552.108 - General.

(a) Access controls. (1) Fort Lewis is a closed post. Access to the installation is limited to persons with prior approved permission to enter.

(2) Public access into the Main Cantonment Area of Fort Lewis is controlled through a series of static security posts manned by sentries empowered to grant or deny access to persons and material. The “Main Cantonment Area” is that area of the Fort Lewis Military Reservation shown on the overprinted 1:50,000 Fort Lewis Special Map (DMA Stock No. V791SFTLEWIS) excluding those areas designated thereon as Impact Areas, lettered Close-In Training Areas, or numbered Training Areas. A full sized map is located at the Fort Lewis Area Access Office, Building T-6127. As defined, the Main Cantonment Area includes, but is not necessarily limited to, those areas of the installation containing Government housing areas, schools, medical facilities, troop billets, the installation command and control facilities, Gray Army Air Field, Madigan Army Medical Center, and certain recreational sites controlled by the Director of Personnel and Community Activities.

(3) Entry of the general public into the Main Cantonment Area at any location other than through established manned access control points is strictly prohibited. For the purposes of this regulation, entry includes the entrance of the person, or the insertion of any part of his body, or the introduction of any unauthorized material.

(b) Trespassers. Persons entering or remaining upon the Main Cantonment Area of the Fort Lewis Military Reservation in violation of this regulation are trespassing on a closed federal reservation and are subject to citation by the military police. Trespassers may be barred from subsequent access to the installation and will be subject to the provisions of this regulation. A person violates this regulation when he enters or remains upon the Main Cantonment Area when he is not licensed, invited, or otherwise authorized to so enter or remain. All such persons are trespassers for the purpose of this regulation.

(c) Prohibited Activities. Department of Defense policy permits commanders to prohibit any expressive activity which could interfere with or prevent the orderly accomplishment of the installation's mission, or which presents a clear danger to the loyalty, discipline or morale of their soldiers. Therefore, unless the prior approval of the installation commander or his designated representative has been obtained, no person while on the Fort Lewis Military Reservation shall:

(1) Engage in protests, public speeches, sit-ins, or demonstrations promoting a political point of view.

(2) Engage in partisan political campaigning or electioneering.

(3) Display or distribute commercial advertising or solicit business.

(4) Interrupt or disturb a military formation, ceremony, class or other activity.

(5) Obstruct movement on any street, sidewalk, or pathway without prior authority.

(6) Utter to any person abusive, insulting, profane, indecent or otherwise provocative language that by its very utterance tends to incite an immediate breach of the peace.

(7) Distribute or post publications, including pamphlets, newspapers, magazines, handbills, flyers, leaflets, and other printed material, except through regularly established and approved distribution outlets.

(8) Circulate petitions or engage in picketing or similar demonstrations for any purpose.

(9) Disobey a proper request or order by Department of Defense (DoD) police, military police, or other competent authority to disperse or to leave the installation.

(d) Failure to comply. Any person who enters or remains upon the Main Cantonment Area of Fort Lewis Military Reservation when he is not licensed, invited or otherwise authorized by the terms of this regulation or who enters or remains upon the Fort Lewis Military Reservation for a purpose of engaging in any activity prohibited by this regulation is in violation of the provisions of the regulation. Violators of this regulation may be subjected to administrative action or criminal punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), title 18 U.S.C. 1382,or.S.C. 797, as appropriate to each individual's status. Maximum punishment under title 18 U.S.C. 1382 is a fine of not more than $500 or imprisonment for not more than six months, or both. Maximum punishment under 50 U.S.C. 797 is a fine of $5,000 or imprisonment for not more than one year, or both. Administrative action may include suspension of access privileges, or permanent expulsion from the Fort Lewis Military Reservation.

§ 552.109 - Routine security controls.

(a) Unimpeded access. Military vehicles, emergency vehicles, mail delivery vehicles, privately owned motor vehicles registered in accordance with Fort Lewis Supplement 1 to Army Regulation (AR) 190-5, and pedestrians in possession of current active duty, retired, dependent, or DoD civilian identification cards are authorized unimpeded access to Fort Lewis during periods of routine installation operations unless prohibited or restricted by action of the Installation Commander.

(b) Visitor access. All visitors to the installation will report to the visitor's information center where the visitor's name, vehicle license number, purpose and duration of visit will be recorded prior to granting access. Visitor's passes for visitors to Madigan Army Medical Center and the Logistics Center/Civilian Personnel Office will be issued at the Madigan and Logistics Center gates respectively.

(c) Visitor's passes. HFL Form 1138 (Fort Lewis Visitor Pass) valid for a period not to exceed 24 hours unless otherwise noted below, may be issued only when one or more of the following criteria is met.

(1) Personnel in possession of proper orders directing temporary duty at Fort Lewis may be issued a visitor's pass for periods not to exceed 13 days. Personnel ordered to temporary duty at Fort Lewis for periods in excess of 13 days but less than 90 days will be required to obtain a temporary vehicle registration.

(2) Persons visiting Fort Lewis military personnel or their family members may be issued visitor's passes for periods up to and including 13 days when personally requested by the military sponsor.

(3) Moving vans and commercial delivery vehicles will be issued visitor's passes after the operator displays a bill of lading or other official documentation demonstrating a legitimate need to enter Fort Lewis.

(4) Contract vehicles not qualifying for installation vehicle registration pursuant to Fort Lewis Supplement 1 to AR 190-5 will be issued a visitor's pass as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, after the purpose of the visit has been verified by the Contracting Officer's Representative, or the Contractor when the former is not available.

(5) Prior to issuing a visitor's pass to unsponsored personnel who desire to visit unit areas, club facilities and other recreational facilities, security personnel will telephonically contact the person to be visited. If the person to be visited cannot be contacted to verify the visit, the visitor will be denied entry. Unsponsored personnel desiring to visit the Fort Lewis Museum may be issued a visitor's pass valid until museum closing time on day of issue, provided security personnel telephonically contact the museum and verify the hours of public operation that day prior to issuing the visitor's pass.

(6) Soldiers, dependent family members, and Department of the Army employees who sponsor visitors to the installation remain responsible for the conduct of their guests on Fort Lewis for the duration of the visit.

(d) Heightened security controls. Access control measures implemented during periods of enhanced security will be in accordance with AR 190-52 and the I Corps and Fort Lewis Installation Security and Closure Plan. During periods of heightened security controls, sponsors may be required to personally report to the Visitor's Information Center to accept responsibility for the visitor.

§ 552.110 - Requests for exception.

The installation commander or his deputy may grant exceptions to the prohibitions contained in paragraph (c)(4) of this section. An application for exception shall be submitted to the installation Public Affairs Liaison Officer at least seven days prior to the date of the requested activity. The application must be in writing, and must specify the particular activity proposed, the names of the persons and organizations sponsoring the activity, the number of participants, and the time, date and specific place or places the requester proposes the activity occur. In addition, the application shall be signed by the requester or by a representative of the requesting organization, if any, and contain an address and local telephone number where the requester or representative can be reached in the event further information is needed.

§ 552.111 - Severability.

If a provision of this Regulation is declared unconstitutional, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the constitutionality or validity of every other provision of this Regulation shall not be affected thereby.