Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 19, 2024

Title 32 - National Defense last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 552.112 - Purpose.

To provide enhanced security for the protection of arms, ammunition, explosives (AA&E) and sensitive items at Fort Lewis.

§ 552.113 - References.

This regulation is to be used in conjunction with the following:

(a) AR-190-11 with Forces Command and Training Command Supplement 1 (Physical Security of Arms, Ammunition and Explosives).

(b) AR 190-13 with Forces Command and Training Command Supplement 1 (The Army Physical Security Program).

(c) Fort Lewis Regulation 210-1 (Installation Fort Lewis Post Regulations).

(d) Headquarters Fort Lewis Form 816 (Registration of Personal Firearms).

§ 552.114 - Violations.

Violations of the provisions of this regulation are subject to disciplinary actions under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, judicial action as authorized by state or federal law, or administrative action as provided by controlling regulation.

§ 552.115 - Applicability.

This regulation is applicable to all Active Army, Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), U.S. Army Reserve (USAR), and Army National Guard (ARNG) units training and/or assigned/attached to Fort Lewis and its sub-installations. This regulation also applies to tenant units/activities stationed on Fort Lewis. It is also applicable to all persons, both military and civilian, who reside on or who otherwise enter Fort Lewis Military Reservation for whatever reason.

§ 552.116 - Privately owned weapons—security.

Privately owned arms and ammunition will be secured in the manner required for military weapons and ammunition but separate from military arms, ammunition, and explosives (AA&E) items.

§ 552.117 - Disposition of Commander's Letter of Authorization.

The unit commander's written approval to withdraw privately owned weapons from the unit arms room will be attached to the record of the next weekly arms, ammunition, and explosive (AA&E) inventory. Following is a Sample Request for Authorization to Withdraw Weapon from Arms Room:

Office Symbol Date Memorandum for Commander of unit concerned, Fort Lewis, WA 98433 Subject: Request Authorization to Remove Privately Owned Firearm/Weapon from the Unit Arms Room

1. Request authorization to remove the following firearm/weapon registered in my name from the arms room. The firearm/weapon is a __________ (type) and serial number is ________________.

2. The firearm/weapon will be removed on __________ (date) and returned on __________ (date).

3. The reason for removal is

(Name/rank/unit/signature of individual making request) Office Symbol 1st End SFC Jones/mmm/telephone CDR, Unit concerned, Fort Lewis, WA 98433 FOR (individual making request plus complete address) Approval is granted. (Signature block of authorizing official)
§ 552.118 - Issuance from unit arms room.

When privately owned weapons are withdrawn from the arms room, DA Form 3749 (Equipment Receipt), will be turned in and the weapon will be signed out on Headquarters Fort Lewis Form 938 (Weapons/Ammunition and Sensitive Item Issue and Turn-In Register). The armorer will provide the owner with a copy of Headquarters Fort Lewis Form 816 (Registration of Personal Firearms), which will remain with the weapon at all times. When the weapon is turned back in to the arms room, the HFL Form 816 will be turned in also.

§ 552.119 - Registration and storage.

(a) All types of personal weapons to include rifles, shotguns, handguns and antique firearms owned by personnel residing on Fort Lewis Military Reservation will be registered at the Weapons Registration Office, Law Enforcement Command, within 72 hours (three working days) after signing in to his/her permanent unit of assignment. HFL Form 816, Registration of Personal Firearms, will be completed in triplicate. The unit commander is responsible for verifying proof of legal ownership paperwork on all data entered on HFL 816. The Military Police Weapons Registration Section will retain two copies of the completed registration form and issue one copy to the individual to be retained with the weapon at all times. The Weapons Registration Section will forward one copy of the form to the individual's unit commander. The commander's copy of the registration will be maintained in the unit arms room for personnel storing personal weapons in the unit arms room. When an individual possessing a personal weapon transfers (intra-installation), the losing commander will ensure that HFL Form 816 is forwarded to the gaining commander. The gaining commander will ensure that the individual re-registers the personal weapon within 72 hours (three working days). The commander of 525th Replacement Detachment is responsible for the storage of personal weapons of newly arriving personnel, temporarily assigned to the unit. Personnel residing off post who wish to bring personal weapons on post are also required to register those weapons. Weapons registration forms (HFL 816) will be turned in at the Weapons Registration Section when clearing post. Upon any sale or transfer of a registered weapon, the transaction will be immediately reported within 72 hours (three working days) to the Registration Office. For additional guidance on weapon registration, refer to Fort Lewis Regulation 210-1.

(b) All soldiers are required to inform the unit commander if they are storing privately owned weapons within a 100 mile radius of Fort Lewis. Soldiers residing off-post must inform the unit of the location of the weapon(s). Those weapons must be registered if they are to be brought onto the installation for any type of authorized use.

(c) Privately owned weapons of soldiers residing in the unit billets, Bachelor Enlisted Quarters (BEQ), or Bachelor Officer Quarters (BOQ), will be stored in the assigned unit arms room under the following provisions:

(1) Commanders may authorize their personnel who reside in billets, BEQ or BOQ to store privately owned weapons in the off post quarters of another member of his/her unit or in the quarters of immediate family members residing in the area.

Family members will be considered sponsors for paragraph (b) (2) thru (5) of this section.

(2) A unit member who resides off post may sponsor a maximum of one unit member who resides in billets, BEQ or BOQ for storage of privately owned weapons.

(3) Request to store weapons off post must be submitted in writing to the unit commander, indicating the name, exact address and phone number of the proposed unit sponsor. Request must be accompanied by a written authorization from the sponsor to store the weapons, and a copy of HFL 816. Request must be kept on file in the unit arms room until legal disposition of the weapon is presented to the unit commander.

(4) Civilians (except for immediate family residing in the area) and military dependents will not be considered as sponsors to store privately owned weapons for military members.

(5) Unit commanders have the responsibility to verify the off post location for off post storage requests and ensure that military members comply with both local and state laws governing possession and use of privately owned weapons.

(d) Weapons stored in unit arms rooms may be issued to registered owners only for authorized hunting or participation in authorized target practices or matches. Request for issue of a privately owned weapon from the arms room must be in writing indicating the inclusive dates and times, reasons and serial number of weapon for issue. Weapons stored in the unit arms rooms may not be issued to anyone other than the registered owner.

(e) Properly registered privately owned weapons may be kept at the owners assigned government family quarters if approved in writing by the unit commander. One copy of the completed HFL Form 816 will be maintained on file in the unit arms room. Intra-post transfer rules as stated in paragraph (a) of this section apply.

(f) Privately owned weapons with a maximum of 100 rounds of ammunition (per weapon) may be stored in the unit arms room. Weapons and ammunition will be stored separately. The owner of a privately owned weapon will be issued a hand receipt when the weapon and/or ammunition is turned in to the arms room. The owner will return the hand receipt when the weapon and/or ammunition is removed from the arms room for any reason.

(g) Weapons cancellation and installation clearance will be as follows:

(1) Commander will ensure that privately owned weapons registered with Weapons Registration Section are de-registered during the outprocessing or when legally disposed of.

(2) Individuals who register a privately owned weapon and legally dispose of the weapon while it is still registered will surrender the registration certificate to the Weapons Registration Section at the time of disposal along with appropriate disposition documents.

§ 552.120 - Possession and control.

(a) Possession of weapons on the post by civilians is prohibited with the following exceptions:

(1) Engaged in authorized hunting.

(2) Engaged in authorized target practice.

(3) Engaged in authorized and organized shooting matches.

(b) Request for authorization for these exceptions will be submitted in writing to the Commanding General, I Corps and Fort Lewis. Prior coordination for the use of ranges will be made through the Range Control Officer or Range Scheduling. Civilians who fail to comply with this regulation are subject to charges of Trespassing, Unlawful Discharge of a Firearm, and other criminal offenses as applicable.

(c) Military or civilian personnel are not authorized to bring personal weapons into field training sites.

(d) Carrying of concealed privately owned weapons by either military or civilian personnel is prohibited while on the Fort Lewis Military Reservation regardless of whether a state or county permit has been obtained. For the purpose of this regulation, a concealed weapon is any instrument used or designed to be used in an offensive or defensive manner which is carried in such a way as to be hidden from ordinary view. Folding knives with a blade of three inches or less are specifically excluded from this definition. Request to carry concealed weapons will be submitted in writing, with full what and why justification, to the Commanding General, I Corps and Fort Lewis, through appropriate channels.

§ 552.121 - Possession or retention of prohibited weapons.

Prohibited weapons are defined as:

(a) Any instrument or weapon of the kind usually known as a sling shot, sand club, metal knuckles, spring blade knife, or any knife from which the blade is automatically released by a spring mechanism or other mechanism or other mechanical device, or any knife having a blade which opens, falls, or is effected into position by force of gravity or an outward thrust or centrifugal movement, or any knife with a blade with a length in excess of three inches. This does not include knives designed for and used during hunting and fishing activities. However, such knives may only be carried while participating in those activities. The possession of knives kept in quarters and designed for the use in the preparation of food is authorized.

(b) Any incendiary devices, military ammunition and/or explosives.

(c) Any weapons not legally obtained.

(d) Any instrument commonly used in the practice of martial arts, for example, a nunchaku, except during the legitimate martial arts training. If martial arts use is authorized, storage of these instruments during nontraining periods will be in a location other than the arms room, as designed by the unit commander for soldiers residing in troop billets, BEQ or BOQ. Martial arts instruments may be stored in assigned government family quarters during nontraining periods.

(e) Any weapons on which the name of the manufacturer, serial number of identification have been changed, altered, removed or obliterated unless done for legitimate repair or part replacement.

§ 552.122 - Personnel not authorized to possess or retain personal weapons.

(a) Possession, retention or storage of personal weapons or ammunition by person(s) described below is prohibited:

(1) Any person who has been convicted in any court of a crime of violence. For the purpose of this regulation, a crime of violence is one in which the use of force or threat of force is an element.

(2) Any person who is a fugitive from justice.

(3) Any person who has been convicted in any court of the possession, use, or sale of marijuana, dangerous or narcotic drugs.

(4) Any person who is presently declared as mentally incompetent or who is presently committed to any mental institution.

(5) Any civilian, or other than a military family member or a law enforcement officer authorized to carry the weapon under state or federal law, while on Fort Lewis or a sub-installation, except while hunting or engaged in authorized target practice or an organized match, unless specifically authorized in writing by the Commanding General, I Corps and Fort Lewis.

(b) Any person under the age of eighteen is prohibited from the use of firearms unless accompanied and supervised by a parent or legal guardian.

(c) Delivery of a personal handgun to persons known to be under the age of twenty-one, persons known to have been convicted of a crime or violence, persons known to be a drug abuser or under the influence of drugs, persons known to be an alcoholic or currently under the influence of alcohol or a person known to be of unsound mind, is prohibited.

§ 552.123 - Storage of personal weapons other than firearms or handguns.

Privately owned weapons, such as knives, swords, air guns, BB guns, cross bows, pellet guns, bow and arrows, of personnel residing the unit billets will be stored in a separate locked container, within a secured storage area designated for this purpose by the unit commander, in a location other than the unit arms room.

§ 552.124 - Transportation of privately owned weapons and ammunition.

(a) Privately owned firearms and ammunition will be transported in the following manner:

(1) Weapons, other than weapons being transported into Fort Lewis for the first time, may be carried in vehicles only when traveling to and from an authorized hunting area during hunting seasons or enroute to or from authorized target practice and matches.

(2) The carrying of loaded privately owned weapons in a vehicle is prohibited.

(3) Privately owned weapons carried in a vehicle will be secured in the trunk or encased and carried in such a manner that they will not be readily available to the driver or passenger.

(b) Personnel who remove privately owned weapons from Fort Lewis or sub-installations will comply with applicable Federal, state, and local laws pertaining to the ownership, possession and/or registration of weapons.

§ 552.125 - Disposition of confiscated weapons.

Commanders will maintain confiscated weapons in the unit arms room pending final disposition. They will provide written notification of the circumstances or loss or recovery of such weapons and a complete and accurate description of the weapon to Commander, I Corps and Fort Lewis, ATTN: AFZH-PMS-P, Fort Lewis, WA 98433-5000. A copy of this notification will be maintained with the weapon pending final disposition.