Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 19, 2024

Title 32 - National Defense last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 552.160 - Purpose.

(a) This subpart establishes procedures for entry to maneuver training areas at Fort Lewis, Yakima Training Center (YTC), and Camp Bonneville. Procedures for other sub-installations to Fort Lewis will be developed by the Commanders of those installations.

(b) Uninterrupted military use of training areas is vital to the maintenance of US and Allied Armed Forces combat readiness. In addition, maneuver training areas may be dangerous to persons entering without warnings provided during training scheduling or use permit processing.

§ 552.161 - References.

See appendix E to this subpart.

§ 552.162 - Abbreviations.

See appendix F to this subpart.

§ 552.163 - Applicability.

(a) This subpart is applicable to all military and civilian users of the range complexes at Fort Lewis, Yakima Training Center, and Camp Bonneville.

(b) This subpart governs all use of the Fort Lewis, Yakima Training Center and Camp Bonneville Military Reservations outside cantonment areas, housing areas, and recreational sites controlled by the Director of Personnel and Community Activities (DPCA). These areas are designated on the Fort Lewis, Yakima Training Center and Camp Bonneville Military Installation Maps as Impact Areas and lettered or numbered Training Areas (TAs), and comprise the range complexes for each Installation.

§ 552.164 - General.

(a) Military training. Use of the Fort Lewis, Yakima Training Center, and Camp Bonneville range complexes for military training is governed by FL Regs 350-30, 350-31, and 350-32. Scheduling is per FL Policy Statement 350-2. Military training always has priority.

(b) Hunting. Hunting, fishing, and trapping on the range complexes are governed by FL Reg 215-1 and the Yakima Training Center Hunting Letter of Intent (LOI).

(c) Fund raising. Fund raising events for non-profit private organizations not affiliated with the Army or Fort Lewis per AR 210-1 require a Corps of Engineers Real Estate Agreement. Requests for fund-raisers by such non-profit organizations, to be conducted on the Fort Lewis range complex, will be sent to the Director of Plans, Training, and Mobilization (DPTM) Range Division of preparation of a DPTM staffing document. The document will be circulated for comment to Director of Personnel and Community Activities (DPCA), Staff Judge Advocate (SJA), Public Affairs Officer (PAO), and Director of Engineering and Housing (DEH). If the event can be supported, DPTM will advise the organization to contact the Director of Engineering and Housing Real Property Branch. Requests for such activities at Yakima Training Center will be sent to the Yakima Training Center Commander for review and processing. For Camp Bonneville, the entry point is the Vancouver Barracks Commander. Corps of Engineers Real Estate Agreements require up to 8 months to process, and includes payment of a $375.00 minimum administrative fee, with actual costs determined on a case by case basis. Requests for fundraisers in the cantonment area by private organizations are processed per AR 210-1 by the Director of Personnel and Community Activities (DPCA).

(d) Commercial use. Individuals or organizations using the range complex for profit-generating activities must possess a Corps of Engineers Real Estate Agreement. As stated above, these agreements require up to 8 months to process and include a minimum administrative fee of $375.00, with actual costs determined on a case by case basis. Entry point for these agreements is the DEH Real Property Branch. Profit-generating activities include collection of fees for services performed on the range complex, or selling materials collected from the range complex. Real Estate Agreement holders must check into the range complex daily by calling or coming to Area Access.

(e) Installation service and maintenance. Department of Defense (DoD) and contractor personnel on official business are authorized on the range complex per appendix C to this subpart. Access to hazard areas for such personnel is governed by the appropriate Installation Range Regulations.

(f) Non-DoD personnel in transit. Individuals in transit across Fort Lewis on State or County maintained roads, or roads designated for public access by the Installation Commander, require no special permits. See appendix B to this subpart. This measure does not apply at Yakima Training Center or Camp Bonneville.

(g) Alcoholic Beverages. No alcoholic beverages may be consumed on the range complexes except as authorized per FL Reg 210-1.

(h) Failure to comply. Persons entering the Fort Lewis, Yakima Training Center, or Camp Bonneville range complex without permit or scheduling, which constitute the consent of the Commanding Officer or his designated representative, are in violation of this regulation and trespassing on a controlled access Federal Reservation. Offenders may be cited by Military Police and may be subjected to administrative action or punishment under either the Uniform Code of Military Justice UCMJ) or Title 18 US Code Section 1382, or Title 50 U.S. Code Section 797, as appropriate to each individual's status. Administrative action may include suspension or loss of recreational privileges, or permanent expulsion from the Military Reservations.

§ 552.165 - Responsibilities.

(a) Commander, Yakima Training Center:

(1) Schedule the Yakima Training Center range complex per FL Reg 350-31 and FL PS 350-2.

(2) Process requests for non-military, non-commercial use per § 552.166.

(b) Commander, Vancouver Barracks:

(1) Schedule the Camp Bonneville range complex per FL Reg 350-32 and FL PS 350-2.

(2) Process requests for non-military, non-commercial use per Paragraph 6c.

(c) Fort Lewis DPTM.

(1) Schedule the Fort Lewis range complex per FL Reg 350-30 and FL PS 350-2, including allocation of and for recreational use.

(2) Operate the Fort Lewis Area Access Section.

(3) Respond to DEH coordination on timber sales and other commercial use of the range complex.

(d) Law Enforcement Agency (LEC). Provide law enforcement and game warden patrols on the range complexes.

(e) Director of Engineering and Housing (DEH).

(1) Coordinate with DPTM and the appropriate Sub-Installation Commander on Real Estate Agreements, timber sales, wildlife management, construction, forest management, Installation Training Area Management (ITAM), and other DEH or Corps of Engineers managed actions occurring on the range complex

(2) Ensure that Real Estate Agreement holders are required to notify Fort Lewis Area Access, YTC DPCA, or Camp Bonneville Range Control, as appropriate, of range complex entry.

(f) DPCA. With DEH, manage Installation hunting, fishing, and trapping programs. Manage picnic and recreation sites located in the Fort Lewis range complex, as listed in appendix A to this part. Advise DPTM on private organizations requesting use of the Fort Lewis range complex for fundraisers.

(g) Public Affairs Office (PAO).

(1) Act as interface to resolve community relations issues related to land use.

(2) Coordinate equipment and special assistance requests per § 552.165, and advise DPTM or the appropriate Sub-Installation Commander if permit requirements have been waived by the Command Group for a particular event or activity.

(3) Inform DPTM or the appropriate Sub-Installation Commander of public response to policy execution.

§ 552.166 - Recreational use.

(a) Fort Lewis:

(1) Individuals or organizations, military or civilian, desiring access to the Fort Lewis range complex for recreation must obtain a Fort Lewis Area Access permit, composed of HFL Form 652 and HFL Form 653. Exceptions are outlined below.

(2) Exception 1: DoD ID card holders enroute to or using DPCA recreational areas listed in appendix A to this subpart need no permit other than the ID card. However, travel to and from DPCA areas is restricted to the most direct paved or improved two lane roads. DoD personnel participating in non-commercial recreational activities listed in appendix C to this subpart must have an Area Access permit.

(3) Exception 2: Organizations or groups whose activity requires advanced commitment of a specific site or area, such as Scout Camporees, seasonal or one-time regional meets, and so on, must apply to the Fort Lewis DPTM, ATTN: Range Division, in writing. At least 30 days are required to process these requests. If the requested use is allowable and an appropriate area is available, DPTM may approve the request. Groups with approved land commitments will be scheduled onto the Range Complex using HFL 473. Actual commitments of land will not be made until after the Quarterly Range Scheduling Conference that covers the time period in question. Groups who need military equipment or other special support from Fort Lewis must apply in writing directly to the I Corps Public Affairs Office (PAO).

(b) Yakima Training Center: Access to the Yakima Training Center range complex for recreation requires application in writing to the Commander, Yakima Training Center, Yakima WA 98901-9399. Camping is normally not permitted on Yakima Training Center. Exceptions may be granted by the Yakima Training Center Commander for special events.

(c) Camp Bonneville: Access to the Camp Bonneville range complex for recreation requires a call to Range Control, telephone (206) 892-5800, the day before or the day of the activity. Access will be permitted if no military maneuver or live fire training is scheduled for the day requested.

§ 552.167 - Activities.

(a) Authorized activities are listed in appendix C to this subpart.

(b) Prohibited activities are listed in appendix D to this subpart.

§ 552.168 - Fort Lewis Area Access Office.

(a) DPTM Range Division operates the Area Access Section to issue permits and grant non-training access to the range complex.

(b) Area Access is located in Range Control, Building T-6127, 19th and Tacoma Streets, Main Post Fort Lewis. Telephone numbers are (206) 967-4686/6277. Fax extension is 967-4520. E-mail is “rangeflw.” Business hours vary dependent on personnel fill, and are available by calling the above numbers.

(c) Individuals desiring access for authorized activities must register in person at Area Access during business hours. Minimum age is 18 years, except for active duty military personnel. Persons under 18 years of age must be sponsored and accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Individual registration requires:

(1) Picture ID.

(2) Address and telephone number.

(3) Vehicle identification and license number, if a vehicle is to be brought on post.

(4) Names and ages of minor family members who will accompany a sponsor or permit holder.

(5) Liability release signature.

(6) Certification that intended activities are on the authorized list and are not for profit or fund-raising. Persons who submit false certificates are subject to prosecution in Federal Court under Title 18, United States Code, Section 1001, and the provisions of § 552.165 of this subpart.

(d) A wallet-sized permit (HFL Form 653) and a vehicle pass (HFL Form 652) will be issued to each person authorized access. The permit is not transferable. Entry to the Fort Lewis range complex without the permit is prohibited.

(e) A collective permit will be issued to an organization desiring to conduct a one-time group event not tied to a specific area or site, maximum length 3 days. The group leader must register in person at the Area Access Office and must be 21 years of age or older except for active duty military personnel.

(1) Group registration requires the information listed for individual permits above for the group leader(s), plus a list of names of all persons in the group.

(2) Group permits require that all members of the group be with the leader throughout the event. If the group plans to separate while on Fort Lewis, sub-group leaders must be appointed and must obtain separate group permits. The group leader permit is not transferable.

(3) Events requiring commitment of land must be processed per § 552.166.

(f) Aside from the land commitment coordination time requirement in § 552.166, there is no deadline for permit application. Permits for authorized activities that do not require commitment of land may be obtained on the day of the event.

(g) Group event permits for specialized one-time activities are valid for the duration of the event, not to exceed 3 days. Individuals activities permits are valid for one year. When a permit expires, the holder must re-register to renew privileges, and a new permit will be issued.

(h) Access hours are 30 minutes after daylight to 30 minutes before dark, except for authorized overnight activities and as outlined in FL Reg 215-1.

(i) All permit holders must check in with Area Access, either telephonically or in person, no earlier than 0800 the day prior to the event. It is the responsibility of each permit holder to inform a friend or relative of the area being used, the estimated time of return, and the vehicle being used.

(j) Except when land commitment has been coordinated and approved, Area Access will determine when called for entry whether the area requested is available. If the requested area is not open for permit holders and an alternate area cannot be provided or is not acceptable to the requestor, access will be denied.

§ 552.169 - Yakima Training Center Area Access Office.

The Yakima Training Center DPCA functions as the Area Access Officer (AAO).

§ 552.170 - Camp Bonneville Area Access Office.

Camp Bonneville Range Control (CBRC) functions as Area Access.

§ 552.171 - Compatible use.

(a) Military unit commanders may request during initial scheduling or subsequent training event coordination that no permit holders be allowed in areas they have scheduled for training. If this restriction is granted, the Installation Range Control will close appropriate areas. The following military activities are considered incompatible with non-training access and automatically close affected areas:

(1) Live-fire training events with danger zones extending into training areas.

(2) Parachute and air assault operations.

(3) Field Artillery firing. The numbered training area occupied by the weapons will be closed.

(4) Training involving riot agents or smoke generating equipment.

(b) The Installation Range Officer may also close training areas based on density of occupation by military units, unit size, or training to be conducted.

(c) Areas allocated to modern firearm deer hunting are closed to both training and other recreational activities. At Fort Lewis, when pheasant release sites can be isolated by swamps, streams, or roads from the rest of a training area, multiple use of the affected training area (TA) is authorized.

§ 552.172 - Violations.

Anyone observing violators of this or other regulations must report the activity, time, and location to the appropriate Area Access Office or the Military Police (MP) as soon as possible.

Appendix Appendix A - Appendix A to Subpart M of Part 552—DPCA Recreational Areas in Training Areas

1. This listing applies to Fort Lewis only. There are no such facilities at Yakima Training Center or Camp Bonneville.

2. For DoD member use only, no permit other than ID card required.


Use of specific sites is authorized only to military, retired military, DoD civilian personnel, their family members and accompanied guests.

Boat launch adjacent to Officer's Club Beach on American Lake—Beachwood area Cat Lake Picnic and Fishing Area—Training Area 19 Chambers Lake Picnic and Fishing Area—Training Area 12 (See Para 3 below) Fiander lake Picnic and Fishing Area—Training Area 20 Johnson Marsh—Training Area 10 Lewis Lake Picnic and Fishing Area—Training Area 16 No Name Lake—Training Area 22 Sequalitchew Lake Picnic Area—Training Area 2 Shannon Marsh—CTA D Skeet Trap Range—2d Division Range Road, CTA E Solo Point Boat Launch—North Fort, CTA A West Sportman's Range—East Gate Road, Range 15 Wright Marsh/Lake—CTA C Vietnam Village Marsh—Training Area 9 and 10 Spanaway Marsh—Training Area 9 Sears Pond—Beachwood Housing Nisqually River—Training Area 18

3. For non-DoD member use, permit required: Chambers Lake and Nisqually River for fishing only.

4. The Solo Point road and the South Sanitary Fill roads are also open in an east-west direction only to personnel of the Weyerhaeuser Corporation and Lone Star Corporation, and their assigns, for business or recreation access to adjacent Army owned real estate.

Appendix Appendix B - Appendix B to Subpart M of Part 552—Non-Permit Access Routes

1. This listing applies only to Fort Lewis. There are no such routes on Yakima Training Center or Camp Bonneville.

2. The following public easement routes may be used without permit or check-in: I-5.

Steilacoom-DuPont Road (ET 286163 or ET 301229). Pacific Highway Southeast (ET 231121 to ET 249143). Washington State Route 507 (ET 363065 to ET 428146). Goodacre and Rice Kandle Roads (ET 386090 to ET 449076). 8th Avenue South (ET 424047 to ET 423127). 8th Avenue East (ET 439077 or ET 439128). 208th Avenue (ET 423128 to ET 431128). Washington State Route 510 (ET 234065 to ET 246056 and ET 260048 to ET 272022). Yelm Highway (ET 231058 to ET 238061). Rainier Road Southeast (ES 167999 to ES 212943). Military Road Southeast (ES 212943 to ES 214945). Spurgeon Creek Road (ES 177988 to ES 178999). Stedman Road (ES 152989 to ES 167998).

3. The following military routes may be used without permit ot check-in:

Huggins Meyer Road (North Fort Road, ET 304204-ET 327215) East Gate Road (C-5 Mock-up to 8th Ave South, ET 423097) Roy Cut-off (Chambers Lake) Road (East Gate Road to Roy City Limits), when open. Lincoln Avenue (Old Madigan to ET 390179)

4. The Solo Point Road is open to Weyerhauser Corporation personnel for business and recreation.

5. DoD personnel and Fort Lewis contractor personnel on official business may use all DEH-maintained range roads and trails in the training areas.

6. Range roads closed for training by barricades or road guards will not be used. Barricades and guards will not be by-passed.

Appendix Appendix C - Appendix C to Subpart M of Part 552—Authorized Activities for Maneuver Training Area Access

1. Fort Lewis:

Military Training (FL Reg 350-30) DEH or Corps of Engineers Real Estate Agreement for commercial use (AR 405-80) Installation service and maintenance (AR 420-74, FL Reg 350-30)

Non-DoD personnel in transit on public-access routes (appendix B) non-commercial recreational use:

Hunting, fishing and trapping (FL Reg 215-1) Dog training (not allowed 1 April through 31 July in selected areas per FL Reg 215-1) Horseback riding on roads and vehicle tracks Walking, distance running Model airplane and rocket flying (Range Control scheduling and Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) required) Model boating Orienteering Sport parachuting Organized rifle and pistol competition (Range Control scheduling required) Scout activities and weekend camporees Observation of wildlife and vegetation Non-commercial picking of ferns, mushrooms, blackberries, apples and other vegetation Photography Hiking

2. Yakima Training Center:

Military Training (FL Reg 350-31) DEH or Corps of Engineers Real Estate Agreement for commercial use (AR 405-80) Installation service and maintenance (AR 420-74)

Non-Commercial recreational use:

Hunting, fishing and trapping (FL Reg 215-1) Dog training Horseback riding on roads and vehicle tracks Walking, distance running Model airplane and rocket flying (Range Control scheduling and Notice to Airmen (NOTAM required) Orienteering Sport parachuting Organized rifle and pistol competition (Range Control scheduling required) Scout activities Observation of wildlife and vegetation Photography Hiking Camping, per Paragraph 6

3. Camp Bonneville:

Military Training (FL Reg 350-32) DEH or Corps of Engineers Real Estate Agreement for commercial use (AR 405-80) Installation service and maintenance (AR 420-74)

Non-Commercial recreational use:

Hunting, fishing and trapping (FL Reg 215-1) Dog training Horseback riding on roads and vehicle tracks Walking, distance running Model boating Orienteering Organized rifle and pistol competition (Range Control scheduling required) Scout activities and weekend camporees Observation of wildlife and vegetation Non-commercial picking of ferns, mushrooms, blackberries, apples and other vegetation Photography Hiking Note:

Permit holders for the above activities must certify that they are non-commercial and not for profit.

Appendix Appendix D - Appendix D to Subpart M of Part 552—Unauthorized Activities in Maneuver Training Areas

1. Fort Lewis:

Civilian paramilitary activities and combat games. Off-pavement motorcycle riding. Off-road vehicle operation. Hang gliding. Ultralight aircraft flying. Hot air ballooning. Souvenir hunting and metal-detecting, including recovery of ammunition residue or fragments, archaeological or cultural artifacts, or geological specimens. Vehicle speed contests. Wood cutting or brush picking, without DEH or Corps of Engineer permit. Commercial activities conducted for profit, including horseback riding rentals or guide service, dog training for reimbursement, or fund-raising events for other than non-profit organizations working in the public good. Fund raisers require DEH Real Estate Agreement. For-profit activities require Corps of Engineer leases or permits, obtained through the DEH Real Estate Office. Overnight camping outside of DPCA sites (camping on DPCA sites is open to DoD members only, per above). Consumption of alcoholic beverages.

2. Yakima Training Center:

Civilian paramilitary activities and combat games. Off-pavement motorcycle riding. Off-road vehicle operation. Hang gliding. Ultralight aircraft flying. Hot air ballooning. Souvenir hunting and metal-detecting, including recovery of ammunition residue or fragments, archaeological or cultural artifacts. Vehicle speed contests. Commercial activities conducted for profit, including dog training for reimbursement, or fund-raising events for other than non-profit organizations working in the public good. Fund raisers require DEH Real Estate Agreement. For-profit activities require Corps of Engineer leases or permits, obtained through the DEH Real Estate Office. Overnight camping except where specifically permitted as part of the activity by the Commander, Yakima Training Center. Consumption of alcoholic beverages.

3. Camp Bonneville:

Civilian paramilitary activities and combat games. Off-pavement motorcycle riding. Off-road vehicle operation. Hang gliding. Ultralight aircraft flying. Hot air ballooning. Souvenir hunting and metal-detecting, including recovery of ammunition residue or fragments, archaeological or cultural artifacts, or geological specimens. Vehicle speed contests. Wood cutting or brush picking, without DEH or Corps of Engineer permit. Commercial activities conducted for profit, including horseback riding rentals or guide service, dog training for reimbursement, or fund-raising events for other than non-profit organizations working in the public good. Fund raisers require DEH Real Estate Agreement. For-profit activities require Corps of Engineer leases or permits, obtained through the DEH Real Estate Office. Overnight camping. Consumption of alcoholic beverages. Model airplane and rocket flying. Sport parachuting.
Appendix Appendix E - Appendix E to Subpart M of Part 552—References

Army Regulations referenced in this subpart may be obtained from National Technical Information Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.

Fort Lewis Regulations and forms referenced in this subpart may be viewed at the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate General, Fort Lewis, Washington or at the Range Office, Headquarters, I Corps and Fort Lewis.

AR 210-1 (Private Organizations on Department of the Army Installations), with Fort Lewis Supplement 1 AR 405-70 (Utilization of Real Estate) AR 405-80 (Granting Use of Real Estate) AR 420-74 (Natural Resources—Land, Forest, and Wildlife Management) FL Reg 190-11 (Physical Security of Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives) FL Reg 210-1 (Fort Lewis Post Regulations) FL Reg 215-1 (Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping) FL Reg 250-30 (I Corps and Fort Lewis Range Regulations) FL Reg 350-31 (Yakima Training Center Range Regulations) FL Reg 350-32 (Camp Bonneville Range Regulations) FL Policy Statement 350-2 (Training Resource Scheduling) HFL Form 473 (Training Resource Request) HFL Form 652 (Range Control Vehicle Permit) HFL Form 653 (Range Control Area Access Card)
Appendix Appendix F - Appendix F to Subpart M of Part 552—Abbreviations
AAO Area Access Officer AR Army Regulation CBRC Camp Bonneville Range Control DEH Director of Engineering and Housing DPCA Director of Personnel and Community Activities DPTM Director of Plans, Training and Mobilization FL Fort Lewis ITAM Installation Training Area Management LEC Law Enforcement Command LOI Letter of Intent MP Military Police PAO Public Affairs Office TA Training Area SJA Staff Judge Advocate UCMJ Uniform Code of Military Justice YTC Yakima Training Center