Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 32 - National Defense last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 621.1 - Loan of Army/Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) owned property for use at national and State conventions.

(a) General. This section—

(1) Prescribes procedures for loan of Army-owned property to recognized National Veterans' Organizations for National or State conventions as authorized by Pub. L. 81-193.

(2) Request for loans for National Youth Athletic or recreation tournaments sponsored by veterans' organizations listed in the “Veterans Administration Bulletin 23 (ALPHA),” will be processed by parent veterans' organizations.

(3) Loans are not authorized for other types of conventions or tournaments.

(b) Items authorized for loan. If available, the following items may be loaned for authorized veterans' organizations requirements.

(1) Unoccupied barracks.

(2) Cots.

(3) Mattresses.

(4) Mattress covers.

(5) Blankets.

(6) Pillows.

(7) Chairs, folding.

(8) Tentage, only when unoccupied barracks are not available.

(c) Requests for loan. (1) Requests by authorized veterans' organizations for loan of authorized Government property will be submitted to the appropriate CONUS Army Commander of the area in which the convention will be held or the Commander, Military District of Washington (MDW) if within his area.

(2) The tenure of loan is limited to 15 days from the date of delivery, except under unusual circumstances. A narrative explanation will be provided to support loan requests for more than 15 days duration.

(3) Loan requests should be submitted by letter at least 45 days prior to required date, if practicable.

(4) Requests for loans will contain the following information:

(i) Name of veterans' organization requesting the loan.

(ii) Location where the convention will be held.

(iii) Dates of duration of loan.

(iv) Number of individuals to be accommodated.

(v) Type and quantity of equipment required.

(vi) Type of convention, (State or National).

(vii) Complete instructions for delivery of equipment and address of requesting organizations.

(viii) Other pertinent information necessary to insure prompt delivery.

(d) Responsibilities. The Army or MDW Commander will:

(1) When the availability of personal and real property is determined, notify the requesting veterans' organization of the following:

(i) The items and quantities available for loan and the source of supply.

(ii) No compensation will be required by the Government for the use of real property.

(iii) No expense will be incurred by the United States Government in providing equipment and facilities on loan.

(iv) Costs of packaging, packing, transportation and handling from source of supply to destination and return will be borne by the requesting organization.

(v) All charges for utilities (gas, water, heat, and electricity) based on meter readings or such other methods determined will be paid by the veterans' organization.

(vi) Charges which may accrue from loan of DLA/GSA material in accordance with paragraph III, AR 700-49/DSAR 4140.27, and GSA Order 4848.7 and Federal Property Management Regulations, subparagraph 101-27.5.

(vii) The Army will be reimbursed for any material not returned.

(viii) Costs of renovation and repair of items loaned will be borne by the requesting organization. Renovation and repair will be accomplished in accordance with agreement between the Army Commander and the loanee to assure expeditious return of items.

(ix) Transportation costs in connection with the repair and renovation of property will also be at the expense of the using organization.

(x) Assure that sufficient guards and such other personnel necessary to protect, maintain, and operate the equipment will be provided by the loanee.

(xi) The period of loan is limited to 15 days from date of delivery, except as provided for in paragraph (c) of this section.

(xii) Any building or barracks loaned will be utilized in place and will not be moved.

(xiii) Upon termination of use, the veterans' organization will vacate the premises, remove its own property therefrom, and turn over all Government property.

(2) Specify a bond in an amount to insure safe return of real and personal property in the same condition as when borrowed. (In the case of personal property, this amount will be equal to the total value of the items based on current acquisition costs.)

(i) An agreement will be executed between the Army Commander and the Veterans' Organization if the terms of the loan are acceptable. A sample loan agreement is shown at figure 7-5 of this subchapter.

(ii) When the agreement has been executed and the bond furnished, requisitions will be submitted to the appropriate source of supply. Requisitions will indicate shipping destination furnished by the veterans' organization. Transportation will be by commercial bills of lading on a collect basis.

(iii) Appoint a Property Book Officer to maintain accountability for the Government property furnished under this regulation.

(3) Property Book Officer will:

(i) Assume accountability from the document used in transferring property to the custody of the veterans' organization.

(ii) Perform a joint inventory with the veterans' organization representative. Survey any shortage or damages disclosed by the joint inventory in accordance with AR 735-11.

(iii) Maintain liaison with the veterans' organization during the period of the loan.

(iv) Prepare, in cooperation with the veterans' organization representative, an inventory of property being returned. Certify all copies of the receipt document with the veterans' organization representative.

(v) Insure the return of all property at the expense of loanee to the supply source or to repair facilities.

(vi) Obtain a copy of receipted shipping document from the installation receiving the property.

(vii) Determine cost and make demand on the loanee for:

(A) Items lost, destroyed, or damaged.

(B) Costs of repair or renovation. Estimated costs will be obtained from the accountable activity.

(C) Comply with instructions contained in AR 700-49/DSAR 4140.27 in the application of condition A and/or B, C, and T items utilized.

(D) Ascertain that items lost in transit are reconciled prior to assessing charges. Where the loss is attributable to other than the loanee, charges should not be borne by the borrower.

(viii) Request payment from the loanee. Checks are to be made payable to the Treasurer of the United States. Upon receipt of payment, appropriate fiscal accounts will be credited. The Property Transaction Record will be closed and the Stock Record Accounts audited.

(ix) Deposit collections in accordance with instructions contained in AR 37-103. In the event payment is not received within a reasonable period, Report of Survey Action will be initiated in accordance with AR 735-11.

(x) Reimburse DLA/GSA for the cost of any repair, reconditioning and/or materiel not returned.

§ 621.2 - Sales of ordnance property to individuals, non-Federal government agencies, institutions, and organizations.

(a) General. This section—

(1) Cites the statutory authority for, and prescribes the methods and conditions of sale of certain weapons, ammunition, and related items as specified herein.

(2) Applies to all sales of weapons and related material to individuals, organizations, and institutions, when authorized by the US Army Armament Materiel Readiness Command (ARRCOM), and overseas commanders.

(3) Provides that sales under this section will be limited to quantities of an item which authorized purchasers can put to their own use. It is not intended that property be sold under the provisions of this section for the purpose or resale or other disposition.

(4) Does not apply to sales of property determined to be surplus. (See AR 755 series.)

(b) Price. Except as noted below, when sales of the Army property are made and the title thereto passes from the US Government, the prices charged will be the standard list price contained in the SC 1305/30 Management Data List series, plus cost of packing, crating, and handling and administrative charges.

(c) Condition of sale. Provisions apply to sales under this section, as follows:

(1) Sales will be made without expense to the Government.

(i) All costs incident to sales (including packing, crating, handling, etc.) will be paid in advance by the purchaser.

(ii) All costs incident to shipment (transportation, parcel post charges, etc.) will also be paid by the customer.

(iii) Payment for items and charges incident to sale will be made only by cashier's check, certified check, bank money order, or postal money order made payable to the Treasurer of the United States.

(iv) For other than items of ammunition and ammunition components, cash will be acceptable when consignee pickup is authorized or purchase is made in person.

(2) All financial transactions will be accomplished in accordance with applicable Department of the Army directives and regulations. Moneys collected for cost of items, as well as packing, crating, and handling, will be deposited as an appropriate reimbursement as prescribed in applicable regulations.

(3) Generally, all sales are final and, normally, the US Government assumes no obligation or responsibility for repair, replacement, or exchange, except as provided in AR 920-20. Purchasers will be so advised prior to making the sale. All weapons sold, however, will be safe for firing.

(4) Weapons sold at standard price will be supplied with equipment. Weapons sold at less than standard price will be supplied less equipment.

(5) Sales of specific items may be suspended at any time by the direction of CDR, ARRCOM.

(d) Purchasing procedure. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, all requests originating within CONUS for the purchase of small arms weapons, repair parts, cleaning, preserving, and target material will be submitted to the Commander, ARRCOM, Rock Island, IL 61201.

(i) Upon approval, these items will be shipped from Army depots stocking such material, based upon availability of material. Customers will be furnished instructions for submission of remittance.

(ii) Upon receipt of proper remittance from eligible customers ARRCOM will issue the necessary documents directing shipment from an Army depot where the items are available.

(2) In implementing the subchapter, oversea commands should designate installations within the oversea command to which requests for purchase of ammunition and related material will be directed.

(3) Depots shipping weapons to individuals, Director of Civilian Marksmanship (DCM) affiliated rifle and pistol “clubs”, museums, veterans organizations, and other US Government agencies will annotate shipping documents with the serial number of all the weapons they ship. Firearms shipped will be reported to Commander, ARRCOM, ATTN: DR SAR-MMD-D, Rock Island, IL 61202, using DA Form 3535 (Weapons Sales Record), DA Form 3535 may be obtained from Commander, Letterkenny Army Depot, ATTN: DRXLE-ATD, Chambersburg, PA 17201.

(i) The transportation officer will ascertain estimated transportation costs, to include DA transportation security measures (costs) for shipment to destination. Such information will be transmitted by letter to consignee with request for acknowledgement that shipment will be accepted based on costs submitted.

(ii) Shipment will not be made unless consignee agrees to accept shipments. Refusal to accept shipment shall be reported to ARRCOM.

(4) CDR, ARRCOM is responsible for maintaining a record by serial number of all weapons reported by depot in accordance with paragraph (d)(3) of this section. He will establish procedures to screen purchase requests to insure compliance with any limitations established by this section.

(e) Sales to individuals, organizations, and institutions. (1) Sales of small arms weapons and ammunition are limited by statute (10 U.S.C. 4308). Such sales will be made in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph and with other rules and regulations approved by the Secretary of the Army.

(2) Sales will be limited to M1 service rifles, either national match grade or service grade. Only one such rifle and spare parts for it will be sold to an individual. No ammunition will be sold to individuals.

(3) Junior marksmanship clubs and junior marksmanship division affiliated within the Director of Civilian Marksmanship (DCM) pursuant to AR 920-20 may purchase limited quantities of .22 caliber ammunition.

(4) The DCM will determine the maximum quantity of such ammunition that clubs will be permitted to purchase in each fiscal year.

(5) Approved, non-profit summer camp organizations that are of a civic nature are allowed to purchase from the DCM at cost plus shipping and handling charges, 300 rounds of .22 caliber ammunition for each junior who is participating in a summer camp marksmanship program.

(6) Requests for purchase of ammunition by marksmanship clubs and summer camp organizations will be submitted to the DCM for approval. If he approves, the application will be forwarded to ARRCOM for processing. If it is disapproved, it is returned to applicant with reason(s) stated for disapproval.

(f) Eligibility of purchasers. In order to purchase a rifle under this program, an individual must:

(1) Be a member of a marksmanship club affiliated with the DCM (AR 920-20).

(2) Based upon regular competitive shooting, have an established status as a marksman as determined by the DCM.

(g) Purchase procedure. (1) Individuals desiring to purchase National Match Grade M1 service rifles will submit requests to the Director of Civilian Marksmanship, Department of the Army, Washington, DC 20314-0110. The request should contain the name and address of the shooting club with which the purchaser is affiliated and appropriate evidence of status as a competitive marksman.

(2) Upon receipt of a request, the Director of Civilian Marksmanship will forward to the individual a Certificate for Purchase of Firearms in the suggested format at figure 5-1 to be completed, notarized and returned. When returned with check or arrangements for payment, the Certificate will be referred for appropriate verification in the records of US Government agencies and for other investigation as required. This is done to insure that the sale of a weapon to the applicant is not likely to result in a violation of law. The Privacy Act Statement for Certificate of Purchase of Firearms (figure 5-2) will be made available to the individual supplying data on the Certificate for Purchase of Firearms (suggested format, figure 5-1). Prior to requesting the individual to supply data on the Certificate for Purchase of Firearms (suggested format, figure 5-1) the Privacy Act Statement for Certificate will be made available to the individual concerned. (The Privacy Act Statement will be reproduced locally on 8 × 10 1/2 inch paper.)

(i) A purchase application will be denied if the applicant fails to meet all the conditions required in the Certificate.

(ii) If an application is denied, the applicant will be informed of the action and will be given an opportunity to submit additional information justifying approval of the application.

(iii) If the results of the investigation are favorable, the application will be forwarded to ARRCOM for processing.

(h) Marksmanship clubs affiliated with the DCM and individuals who are members of those clubs are authorized to purchase from the Army targets of types not otherwise available from commercial sources. Request for such purchases will be submitted to the Director of Civilian Marksmanship for approval and processing. Individuals who have in the past purchased rifles from the Army under the authority of 10 U.S.C. 4308(a)(5), may purchase spare parts for those rifles if the parts are available. Requests for purchase of spare parts will be submitted to the Director of Civilian Marksmanship for approval. If he/she approves the application, she/he will forward it to ARRCOM for processing. If he/she disapproves the application, she/he will return it to the applicant stating the reasons for disapproval. Current DA transportation security measures for weapons will be applied under procedures contained in paragraphs (d)(1) (i) and (ii) of this section.

(i) Cadets, US Military Academy. (1) When approved by the CDR DARCOM, the Superintendent, US Military Academy may sell to cadets upon graduation from the Academy those sabers which no longer meet prescribed standards of appearance and/or serviceability.

(2) Application to purchase sabers under these provisions will be made in accordance with procedures established by the Superintendent.

(j) Reserve Officer's Training Corps (ROTC) and National Defense Cadet Corps (NDCC). Supplies required by educational institution for the training of units and individuals of the Reserve Officer's Training Corps and National Defense Cadet Corps, in addition to authorized items normally furnished to ROTC and NDCC schools, may be sold when available by the activities listed in paragraph (g) of this section (10 U.S.C. 4627). Such purchases will be in accordance with AR 145-2.

(k) Manufacturers and designers. (1) Under the provisions of 10 U.S.C. 4506,the,drawings,and. Procedures for such sale are contained in APP 13-1502.

(2) Under the provisions of 10, U.S.C. 4507, the Secretary of the Army may sell to designers who are nationals of the United States, serviceable ordnance and ordnance stores necessary in the development of designs for the Armed Forces. Designers will submit application to purchase to the appropriate Commodity Command.

(3) If any item normally requiring demilitarization pursuant to the Defense Disposal Manual (DoD 4160.21-M) and the AR 755-series is sold, a special condition of sale will prohibit further disposition by the purchaser without prior approval of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Department of the Army.

(l) Sales of individual pieces of U.S. armament for sentimental reasons. Under the provisions of 10 U.S.C. 2574,individual.S. armament, which are not needed for their historical value and can be advantageously replaced, may be sold at a price not less than cost when there exists for such sale sentimental reasons adequate in the judgment of the Secretary of the Army.

(m) Method of sale. (1) Applications to purchase under the provisions of this act will be submitted to Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, ATTN: DALO-SMS, Department of the Army, with a complete identification including serial number, and location of desired item, if known.

(2) Approved applications for major items will be forwarded through Commander, U.S. Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command, ATTN: DRCMM-SP, to the Commander, U.S. Army Armament Materiel Readiness Command.

[44 FR 5651, Jan. 29, 1979, as amended at 54 FR 48097, Nov. 21, 1989]
§ 621.3 - [Reserved]
§ 621.4 - Issues, loans, and donations for scouting.

(a) General. This section provides information relative to issue, loan or donation of Government property to the Boy Scouts of America and the Girl Scouts of America.

(b) Guidance. (1) Issues are made under the provisions of the loan agreement and reimbursement is made for adjusted shortages and damages.

(2) Provisions for donations of surplus property to Scout organizations, including lists of classes of donable property, are contained in chapter III, part 3, Defense Disposal Manual (DOD 4160.21M).

(3) The loan of certain Army, Navy, Air Force and DLA equipment and the provision of transportation and other services for Jamborees is initially provided for by Pub. L. 92-249. Implementation on a current basis is made in DOD Directive 7420.1. Army implementation is provided as follows:

(i) Army stock fund in paragraph 2-6b(4), AR 37-111, Working Capital Fund-Army Stock Fund Uniform Policies, Principles and Procedures Governing Army Stock Fund Operations.

(ii) Non-stock fund in paragraph 2-18, AR 310-34, Equipment Authorization Policies and Criteria, and Common Table of Allowances.

(c) Procedure. Loan agreements are mutually developed preceding the actual lending of the equipment. Paragraph 1-16, AR 735-5, General Principles, Policies and Basic Procedures, is used as the guide for preparation of loan agreements. Authority for commanders to participate in World and National Jamborees is included in paragraph (d) of this section; Procedure for Loan of Equipment and Providing of Transportation and Other Services to the Boy Scouts of America for World and National Jamborees is included in paragraph (j) of this section; and sample loan agreement to be executed by area commanders is included as figure 7-5.

(d) World and National Boy Scout Jamborees. The Act of 10 March 1972 (Pub. L. 92-249; 86 Stat. 62) and (86 Stat. 63) authorized the Secretary of Defense to lend equipment and provide transportation and other services to the Boy Scouts of America in support of World and National Jamborees. The Secretary of Defense has delegated his authority and responsibility for the support of Jamborees to the Secretary of the Army. The Commander DARCOM ATTN: DRCMM-SP has been assigned to monitor the program for the Secretary of the Army.

(e) Group travel and visits. Many Scouts and Leaders will travel in groups and their itinerary will provide for visits to places of interest in CONUS en route to and from Jamborees. Such group travel may begin in June and extend into September and October of the Jamboree year. In keeping with Department of the Army policies, commanders of Army installations may extend an invitation to and honor requests from Scout groups enroute to and from the Jamboree to visit and encamp at their installation.

(f) Commissary and post privileges. Installation commanders are authorized to provide commissary and post exchange privileges to Scout groups en route to and from the Jamboree for food items such as bread, meat, and dairy products. These privileges will be extended only to Scout groups which are en route to or from the Jamboree and who are encamped or quartered at the installation or the Jamboree site. Commissary and post exchange privileges extended to Scout groups while encamped at the Jamboree site for supply and food items will only be honored upon-application by officials of the Boy Scouts of America to supplement supplies and rations not considered adequate for American Scouts or Scouters.

(g) Arrangements. Regional Scout Executives have been informed by the National Headquarters of the contents of this subchapter and that arrangements pursuant to this subchapter must be made in advance directly with the installation commanders. However, commanders will consider factors of extenuation or emergency which may preclude advance arrangements.

(h) Hospitalization. Boy Scouts and Scout Leaders attending Jamborees are considered designees of the Secretary of the Army for the purpose of receiving medical care at US Army Medical facilities. The reciprocal rate will not be charged. Subsistence charges will be at the rate of $1.80 per day for hospitalized patients, but will not be collected locally. Each Boy Scout and Leader participating in Jamborees and hospitalized in Army medical treatment facilities will be reported to The Surgeon General, ATTN: DASG-SGRE-SSC, Department of the Army, Washington, DC 20314, on DD Form 7 (Report of Treatment Furnished Pay Patients; Hospitalization Furnished (part A)). No local collections are authorized.

(i) Service coordination. (1) The Departments of the Navy and the Air Force and the Defense Logistics Agency will assist the Department of the Army in providing necessary equipment, transportation, and services in support of the Boy Scouts of America attending Jamborees. The Secretary of the Army or his designee will maintain liaison, as appropriate, with such agencies to avoid duplication of effort.

(2) Other departments (agencies) of the Federal Government are authorized under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary (Administrator) thereof, to provide to the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), equipment and other services, under the same conditions and restrictions prescribed for the Secretary of Defense.

(j) Procedure for loan of equipment and providing of transportation and other services to the Boy Scouts of America for world and national jamborees. Preliminary actions. (1) In accordance with the provisions of Pub. L. 92-249, H.R. 11738, 10 March 1972, and Secretary of Defense Memo of 17 May 1972, Subject: Loan of Equipment and Providing of Transportation and Other Services to the Boy Scouts of America for Boy Scout Jamborees; Memo of 23 January 1973, Subject: Military Transportation Support for Boy Scout Jamborees; and Memo of 19 August 1974, Subject: Military Transportation Support for Boy Scout Jamborees, the DOD is authorized to lend certain items and provide transportation and certain other services to such Jamborees. Prior to the loan of property and providing transportation and other services, an appropriate agreement will be executed between the United States of America and the activity to be supported. A bond (fig. 7-6), in an amount specified by the Commander, DARCOM, based on statute taken by the Commander-in-Chief/Commander, Major Army Command (MACOM), and held until termination of the encampment and final settelment is made for each Jamboree.

(2) The Commander-in-Chief/Commander, MACOM designated, on behalf of the Commander, DARCOM, representing the Secretary of Defense will enter into legal arrangements with the Boy Scouts of America for the loan of equipment and the providing of transportation and certain other services for Boy Scouts World and National Jamborees. National Jamborees include Jamborees conducted by and within the United States and also those conducted by and within foreign nations.

(3) The Commander-in-Chief/Commander, MACOM, will appoint a Property Book Officer who will maintain separate stock records in order to provide for a single final billing to the supported activity (Boy Scouts of America) for items consumed, lost, damaged or destroyed. The Department of the Army will not be billed for items obtained from other than Army sources, except medical supply losses. Bills for medical supply losses will be submitted to the US Army Area Surgeon for payment. He will establish liaison with the activity to be supported. The property book account will be established in accordance with section II, chapter 2, AR 710-2.

(4) The Commander-in-Chief, MACOM, will task the Army Area Surgeon for Medical Supply Support to the Jamborees. Each Surgeon designated should appoint an accountable officer and furnish the name, location, and routing identifier of a project office wherein medical supply problems can be resolved.

(5) The Property Book Officer is authorized direct communication with the source of supply, other military department liaison personnel and DARCOM ICP's to resolve routine supply problems.

(k) Preparing bills of material. (1) The activity (BSA) will submit a list of equipment and supplies desired to the Commander-in-Chief/Commander, MACOM. This list will be edited during and subsequent to preliminary conferences with representatives of the activity and furnished to Commander, DARCOM, ATTN: DRCMM-SP.

(2) HQ, DARCOM will convert the informal list to a tentative Bill of Material and will furnish the respective Commodity Command that part of the Bill of Material for their items of logistical responsibility. A suggested format for the Bill of Material is included as figure 7-1. Local reproduction is authorized. Copies of the entire tentative Bill of Material will also be furnished to each of the military departments authorized to participate in the support of the encampments. The Bill of Material forwarded to the Commander-in-Chief/Commander, MACOM will be screened to determine inhouse availability prior to placing requisitions on CONUS supply points.

(3) At such time as item availability information is on hand and the sources to be used are determined (paragraph (m) of this section, a Bill of Material (figure 7-1) will be prepared by HQ, DARCOM, and forwarded to the Commander-in-chief/Commander, MACOM.

(4) The Bill of Material will list, by commodity command (military department), all items desired, identified by National Stock Number (NSN) description, quantity desired and required delivery date. The NSN will provide identification of the items required. Items will be identified by the Property Book Officer to the responsible commodity command or military department as indicated below:

(i) CERCOM1 US Army Communications and Electronics Materiel Readiness Command.
(ii) TSARCOM2 US Army Troop and Aviation Materiel Readiness Command.
(iii) ARRCOM3 US Army Armament Materiel Readiness Command.
(iv) TARCOM4 U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Materiel Readiness Command.
(v) DLA5 Defense Logistics Agency.
(vi) NavyN Department of the Navy.
(vii) Air ForceF Department of the Air Force.
(viii) Other InstallationsA
The Bill of Material will be screened to insure that radioactive items restricted for military use are not included.

(l) Establish property transaction records. (1) A Property Transaction Record reflecting complete information about each item loaned to the activity will be established and maintained by the Property Book Officer (figure 7-2) and the respective commodity command military department (figure 7-3). Suggested formats for the Property Transaction Records are found in figures 7-2, 7-3, and 7-4, Local reproduction is authorized.

(2) The Property Book Officer will also establish and maintain separate Property Transaction Records for items obtained from supply sources other than Army commodity commands, i.e., other Army installations, Department of the Navy, Department of the Air Force (figure 7-4).

(3) Each entry on the Property Transaction Record will be supported by appropriate documentation (commodity command: copies of shipping documents, copies of return documents and copies of surveillance inspection report—Property Book Officer: Requisition voucher files and hand receipt cards). This is particularly important for reconciliation purposes in order that all property received from each source will be returned to that source upon termination of each encampment.

(m) Locating and obtaining equipment and supplies. (1) The respective commodity commands (military departments) will screen the tentative Bill of Material (paragraph (k)(2) of this section) and determine availability and source of supply identified by Routing Identifier Code. They will advise HQ, DARCOM, ATTN: DRCMM—SP of availability, appropriate substitute items when the requested items are not available in sufficient quantity, and the source of supply for requisitioning purposes.

(2) Concurrently, the Bill of Material will be screened within the MACOM to determine those items that can be obtained from assets available in the command.

(3) The Property Book Officer will requisition equipment and supplies from the source of supply as indicated by Commander, DARCOM in accordance with AR 725-50 or other separately furnished instructions. The requisition number, quantity requisitioned, stock number and source of supply will be entered in the Property Transaction Record. Requisitions will cite the appropriate project code assigned and appropriate activity address code on all requisitions submitted. Project codes will be assigned by Commander, Logistic Systems Support Activity, ATTN: DRXLS-LCC, Chambersburg, PA, 17201 and distributed by message to all interested addressees.

(4) Loan of General Services Administration (GSA) General Supply Fund Material—The Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, authorizes the Administrator, GSA to loan GSA General Supply Fund Material to the Department of Defense and other federal agencies. Loan shall be made to the extent that items are readily available and that such loans will not jeopardize the GSA stock inventory. The loan of GSA General Supply Fund Material shall normally be limited to 90 Calendar days. Requisitions for GSA material should be submitted to the nearest GSA Regional Office by the CINC/CDR MACOM.

(5) Formal accountability for all items shipped to the site of the activity will be retained by the appropriate accountable activity. Property and financial accounting will be in accordance with respective military department regulations governing loans.

(6) The shipping depot or other source will furnish a copy of the shipping document to the respective commodity command (military department) where the quantity charged, date shipped, condition of the property and total value will be posted to the Property Transaction Record.

(7) Upon receipt of the advance copy of the shipping document, the commodity command (military department) will post information to his Transaction Record, by source as in paragraph (l)(1) of this section.

(8) When the shipment is received, the Property Book Officer will inspect the property. A narrative statement of condition will be prepared if condition of the property is other than that indicated on the shipping document and referenced to the condition entry on the Property Transaction Record. The source of supply, as appropriate, will be immediately notified of overages or shortages and verified in condition, as provided in chapter 8, AR 735-11. The Property Book Officer will enter on the shipping document the quantity actually received when it differs from quantity shown as shipped and will post the quantities received to the property book record.

(9) Discrepancies between the quantity shipped by the depot and that received by the Property Book Officer and variance in condition will be reconciled as rapidly as possible and appropriate records will be brought into agreement. When shortage or damage is not attributable to the carrier, the Property Book Officer will immediately contact the responsible source of supply, furnishing the stock number and document number involved, together with an explanation of the discrepancy. Reconciliation is particularly important in order to ensure a common point of departure in determining charges to be assessed upon termination of the activity. Replacement shipments, when required, will be covered by appropriate shipping documents.

(10) Special Instructions for Defense Logistics Agency, Clothing and Textile Items. (See DSAR 4140.27/AR 700-49).

(n) Transportation. (1) Transportation of equipment and supplies—The responsibility of coordinating movement of equipment and supplies placed on loan to the Boy Scouts of America during National and World Jamborees is delegated to the Commander, US Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command, ATTN: DRCMM-ST.

(2) All requisitions for items in question, will cite the appropriate project code and will be shipped by commercial bill of lading on a collect basis to all National Jamborees and World Jamborees held in the United States.

(3) Shipments to Boy Scout contingents at World Jamborees in foreign countries will be by Government bills of lading, unless otherwise specified by the Boy Scouts of America.

(4) All shipments directed to Boy Scout Jamborees will be routed by the most feasible means as determined by the shipper. Shipments will be consolidated to the maximum extent possible to assure the lowest charges available to the Boy Scouts of America.

(5) Separate shipping instructions will be provided for each Jamboree to assure that correct consignee and railhead addresses are furnished.

(6) Movement of Boy Scouts, Scouters, and officials living in the United States of America to a Jamboree within the United States of America or to a Jamboree in an oversea area shall be the responsibility of the Boy Scouts of America or the individuals concerned.

(7) No authority exists under Pub. L. 92-249 for the movement of Boy Scouts, Scouters, and officials via military capabilities other than those of the Military Airlift Command or the Military Sealift Command.

(o) Transportation by vessels of the Military Sealift Command (MSC). (1) The MSC does not operate any ships suitable for carriage of passengers on transoceanic routes. Although pertinent directives and Pub. L. 92-249 authorize the movement of Boy Scouts on Military Vessels, the MSC has no capability to provide such transportation.

(2) The MSC is an industrial-funded organization and charges the military service for sealift services provided in accordance with established rates. The host command will be responsible to compensate the MSC for any equipment or material moved on MSC ships. The limitations inherent in Pub. L. 92-249 stipulate that transportation support provided will be at no cost to the Government. Under these directions, Boy Scout equipment or materiel is not authorized movement on a space available basis without prior approval of the Secretary of Defense. Such approval is not anticipated.

(3) All billings for transportation provided by MSC will be forwarded to the appropriate Commander-in-Chief/Commander of the support major Army command (MACOM). Reimbursement will be requested by the MACOM Commander from the Boy Scouts of America.

(p) Transportation of oversea based scouts, scouters, and other authorized personnel by military airlift to national or international jamborees. (1) Space required reimbursable transportation by Military Airlift Command (MAC) airlift over established MAC channels is authorized from points outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) to aerial ports within CONUS, or to other oversea locations and return. Such transportation will be provided only to the extent that it does not interfere with the requirements of military operations, and only to those Boy Scouts, Scouters, and officials residing overseas and certified by the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) as representing the BSA at the Jamboree. Certification by the BSA will be in the form of a letter identifying each such individual as their authorized representative at the Jamboree. This letter of authorization must be presented to the sponsoring overseas command.

(2) Boy Scouts, Scouters, officials and their equipment will be moved after all space-required traffic, but before any space-available traffic.

(3) Each passenger is authorized the normal accompanying free baggage allowance of 66 pounds while traveling on MAC aircraft. It is not contemplated that any excess baggage allowance will be authorized.

(4) Transportation of Boy Scouts, Scouters, officials, and their equipment provided by MAC controlled aircraft will be reimbursed at the common user tariff rates assessed U.S. Government Traffic, as contained in AFR 76-11.

(5) On the basis of letters of authorization issued by the BSA, the BSA will monitor services provided by the Department of Defense. One copy of each BSA letter of authorization will be forwarded to the Commander, US Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command, ATTN: DRCMM-SP, 5001 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22333, for planning purposes. This letter of authorization should specify whether one way or round trip transportation is requested.

(6) DACROM responsibilities include the following:

(i) Compiling a passenger forecast to be submitted to MAC in accordance with AR 59-8/OPNAVINST 4630.18C/AFR 76-38/MCO 4630.6B.

(ii) Providing Military Traffic Management Command (MTMC) an information copy of the passenger forecast.

(iii) Submitting all passenger requirements for one way and round trip transportation originating overseas to the appropriate overseas command.

(7) The responsibilities of the sponsoring overseas command include:

(i) Verifying that Scout passengers are officially authorized representatives of BSA in accordance with paragraph (p)(1) of this section.

(ii) Making all necessary passenger reservations with MAC, for transportation originating overseas, in accordance with AR 55-6/AFR 76-5/OPNAVINST 4630.23/MCO P4630.11. The oversea command will submit CONUS outbound return passenger requirements to Commander, Military Traffic Management Command, ATTN: MTMC-PTO-P, Washington, DC 20315.

(iii) Issuing each passenger a MAC Transportation Authorization (DD Form 1482) for transportation from the overseas location and return, when round trip transportation has been requested. The customer identification code, item (7) of the DD Form 1482, should be designated—JBWJ—which was approved by MAC as the permanent CIC for direct billing purposes to HQ, Boy Scouts of America, North Brunswick, New Jersey, 08902.

(iv) Ensuring that each Scout passenger has a completed DD Form 1381, signed by a parent, guardian or other legally responsible individual.

(v) Evaluating the use and necessity of military airlift within or between overseas locations. This evaluation will include such factors as reasonable travel time, number of connections required, and assurance of Scout group integrity. Surface transportation will normally be used for travel within an overseas area.

(8) The responsibilities of the MTMC include:

(i) Evaluating the return outbound passenger requirements and making the necessary transportation arrangements so as to maintain Scout group integrity at all times.

(ii) Assisting the BSA in completing required documentation and insuring that passengers are ready prior to the return flight.

(iii) Pub. L. 92-249 does not provide authorization for the use of the Department of Defense transportation by Scouts, Scouters, and Officials of foreign nations. All requests to transport such persons should be forwarded through the unified command channels to the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs). However, DOD does not contemplate authorization for the use of MAC aircraft for other than U.S. Scouts, Scouters, and Officials.

(iv) Use of military helicopters in support of medical evacuation, VIP, press and photo-services—The Director of Army Aviation, the Department of the Army Staff Judge Advocate, and the Comptroller of the Army have furnished the general opinion that Pub. L. 92-249 authorizes the use of Military helicopters in support of the above described services to the extent they are reasonably available and permits the use of appropriated funds.

(q) Determination of charges and settlement. (1) All property on which repair cost is claimed will be held at the depot or post, camp or station until final charges are determined and a release is given by CDR, DARCOM, Department of the Army.

(2) The commodity command (military department) will prepare the following information and statement, and forward them, to CDR, DARCOM, Department of the Army, for final review:

(i) Complete Property Transaction Record and supporting documents.

(ii) Proper accounts for which reimbursement received for shortages and repairs are to be deposited.

(iii) The following statement: “The losses and/or damages indicated on the Property Transaction Report in the amount of $______ represent the total claim by (appropriate commodity command or military department) relative to commodity command or military department property loaned to (Boy Scouts of America). Upon settlement and deposit to the proper account, the CDR of the commodity command or military department releases the (Boy Scouts of America) from further obligations.”

(iv) Statements as to the general type of repair (e.g., tentage, repair tears, insert new panels, replace grommets) will be reported on separate addendum to the Property Transaction Record for items requiring repair.

(3) The CINC/CDR, MACOM, will prepare the following information and statement for property furnished for assets in the command and will forward this to CDR, DARCOM:

(i) Same as (q)(2)(i) of this section.

(ii) Same as (q)(2)(ii) of this section.

(iii) The following statement: The losses and/or damages indicated on the Property Transaction Record in the amount of $______ represent the total claim by (appropriate Army) relative to (appropriate Army) property loaned to (Boy Scouts of America). Upon settlement and deposit to the proper account, the CINC/CDR, MACOM releases the (Boy Scouts of America) from further obligations.

(iv) Same as (q)(2)(iv) of this section.

(4) CDR, DARCOM, will review the charges, inspect property to be repaired, if necessary, reconcile any discrepancies and determine final charges to be levied against the supported activity. Approved list of charges will be forwarded to the CINC/CDR, MACOM, for collection, and property being held for repair will be released.

(5) The CINC/CDR, MACOM, will prepare and dispatch a letter to the supporting activity and request payment made payable to the Treasurer of the United States. Upon receipt of payment, collection documents will be prepared and appropriate fiscal accounts, as furnished by the commodity command (military departments) ((q)(2) and (3) of this section) credited. The MACOM Surgeon will take action to reimburse the DLA stock fund for expendable medical supply losses reported. The CINC/CDR, MACOM, will close the Property Transaction Record Account.

(6) The CINC/CDR, MACOM, will advise the CDR, commodity command (military departments and CDR, DARCOM, DA) that settlement has been accomplished. Commodity command (military department) Property Transaction Records will be closed upon receipt of the foregoing advice.

(7) The CDR, DARCOM will advise the CINC/CDR, MACOM, to return the bond to Boy Scouts of America.

(8) In the event of unsatisfactory settlement, the proceeds of the bond will be used to satisy the claim. The Power of Attorney executed in connection with the agreement will be invoked and proceeds collected from the bond (fig. 7-7).

authority: Pub. L. 81-193; 10 U.S.C. secs. 2574, 4308, 4506, 4507, 4627, and 4655, and Pub. L. 92-249
source: 44 FR 5651, Jan. 29, 1979, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 32 CFR 621.4