Members of the public shall address all communications to the point of contact specified above and clearly delineate the communication as a request under this part. Requests and appeals on requests received from members of the public who owe outstanding fees for information services under this Order or the Freedom of Information Act at this or another federal agency will not be accepted until such debts are resolved.
The request shall identify the document(s) or material(s) with sufficient specificity (e.g., National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Document Accession Number or other applicable, unique document identifying number) to enable NACIC to locate it with reasonable effort. Broad or topical requests for records on a particular subject may not be accepted under this provision. A request for documents contained in the various Presidential libraries shall be effected through the staff of such institutions who shall forward the document(s) in question for NACIC review. The requester shall also provide sufficient personal identifying information when required by NACIC to satisfy requirements of this part.
Requests submitted via NARA or the various Presidential libraries shall be responsible for reproduction costs required by statute or regulation. Requests made directly to NACIC will be liable for costs in the same amount and under the same conditions as specified in part 1800 of this chapter.
authority: Section 3.6 of Executive Order 12958 (or successor Orders) and Section 102 of the National Security Act, as amended (
50 U.S.C. 403)
source: 64 FR 49890, Sept. 14, 1999, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 32 CFR 1803.13