The Information and Privacy Coordinator shall within ten (10) days record each mandatory declassification review request received under this part, acknowledge receipt to the requester in writing (if received directly from a requester), and shall thereafter task the originator and other interested parties. Additional taskings, as required during the review process, shall be accomplished within ten (10) days of notification.
The Coordinator shall respond to the requester and deny any request where the information in question has been the subject of a classification review within the previous two (2) years or is the subject of pending litigation in the federal courts.
(a) In general. The originator of the classified information (document) is a required party to any mandatory declassification review request; other interested parties may become involved through a referral by the Coordinator when it is determined that some or all of the information is also within their official cognizance.
(b) Required determinations. These parties shall respond in writing to the Coordinator with a finding as to the classified status of the information including the category of protected information as set forth in § 1.5 of this Order, and, if older than ten (10) years, the basis for the extension of classification time under §§ 1.6 and 3.4 of this Order. These parties shall also provide a statement as to whether or not there is any other statutory, common law, or Constitutional basis for withholding as required by § 6.1(c) of this Order.
(c) Time. This response shall be provided expeditiously on a first-in, first-out basis taking into account the business requirements of the originator or interested parties and consistent with the information rights of members of the general public under the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act.
The Coordinator shall communicate the decision of NACIC to the requester within ten (10) days of completion of all review action. That correspondence shall include a notice of a right of administrative appeal to the Director, NACIC pursuant to § 3.6(d) of this Order.
authority: Section 3.6 of Executive Order 12958 (or successor Orders) and Section 102 of the National Security Act, as amended (
50 U.S.C. 403)
source: 64 FR 49890, Sept. 14, 1999, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 32 CFR 1803.21