Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 32 - National Defense last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 1630.2 - Classes.
Each registrant shall be classified in one of the classes prescribed in this part.
§ 1630.10 - Class 1-A: Available for unrestricted military service.
(a) All registrants available for unrestricted military service shall be in Class 1-A.
(b) All registrants in the selection groups as determined by the Director of Selective Service are available for unrestricted Military Service, except those determined by a classifying authority to be eligible for exemption or deferment from military service or for noncombatant or alternative service, or who have random sequence numbers (RSNs) determined by the Director not to be required to fill calls by the Secretary of Defense.
§ 1630.11 - Class 1-A-0: Conscientious objector available for noncombatant military service only.
In accord with part 1636 of this chapter any registrant shall be palced in Class 1-A-0 who has been found, by reason of religious, ethical, or moral belief, to be conscientiously opposed to participation in combatant military tranining and service in the Armed Forces.
§ 1630.12 - Class 1-C: Member of the Armed Forces of the United States, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or the Public Health Service.
In Class 1-C shall be placed:
(a) Every registrant who is or who becomes by enlistment or appointment, a commissioned officer, a warrant officer, a pay clerk, an enlisted man or an aviation cadet of the Regular Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marine Corps, the Coast Guard, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or the Public Health Service.
(b) Every registrant who is a cadet, United States Military Academy; or midshipman, United States Naval Academy; or a cadet, United States Air Force Academy; or cadet, United States Coast Guard Academy.
(c) Every registrant who by induction becomes a member of the Army of the United States, the United States Navy, the United States Marine Corps, the Air Force of the United States, or the United States Coast Guard.
(d) Exclusive of periods for training only, every registrant who is a member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces and is on active duty, and every member of the reserve of the Public Health Service on active duty and assigned to staff the various offices and bureaus of the Public Health Service including the National Institutes of Health, or assigned to the Coast Guard, the Bureau of Prisons of the Department of Justice, Environmental Protection Agency, or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or who are assigned to assist Indian tribes, groups, bands, or communities pursuant to the Act of August 5, 1954 (68 Stat. 674), as amended.
§ 1630.13 - Class 1-D-D: Deferment for certain members of a reserve component or student taking military training.
In Class 1-D-D shall be placed any registrant who:
(a)(1) Has been selected for enrollment or continuance in the Senior (entire college level) Army Reserve Officer's Training Corps, or the Air Force Reserve Officer's Training Corps, or the Naval Reserve Officer's Training Corps, or the Naval and Marine Corps officer candidate program of the Navy, or the platoon leader's class of the Marine Corps, or the officer procurement programs of the Coast Guard and the Coast Guard Reserve, or is appointed an ensign, U.S. Naval Reserve while undergoing professional training; and
(2) Has agreed in writing to accept a commission, if tendered, and to serve subject to order of the Secretary of the military department having jurisdiction over him (or the Secretary of Transportation with respect to the U.S. Coast Guard), not less than 2 years on active duty after receipt of a commission; and
(3) Has agreed to remain a member of a regular or reserve component until the eighth anniversary of his receipt of a commission. Such registrant shall remain eligible for Class 1-D-D until completion or termination of the course of instruction and so long thereafter as he continues in a reserve status upon being commissioned except during any period he is eligible for Class 1-C under the provision of § 1630.12; or
(b) Is a fully qualified and accepted aviation cadet applicant of the Army, Navy, or Air Force, who has signed an agreement of service and is within such numbers as have been designated by the Secretary of Defense. Such registrant shall be retained in Class 1-D-D during the period covered by such agreement but in no case in excess of four months; or
(c) Is other than a registrant referred to in paragraph (a) or (d) of this section who:
(1) Prior to the issuance of orders for him to report for induction; or
(2) Prior to the date scheduled for his induction and pursuant to a proclamation by the Governor of a State to the effect that the authorized strength of any unit of the National Guard of that State cannot be maintained by the enlistment or appointment of persons who have not been issued orders to report for induction; or
(3) Prior to the date scheduled for his induction and pursuant to a determination by the President that the strength of the Ready Reserve of the Army Reserve, Naval Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, Air Force Reserve, or Coast Guard Reserve cannot be maintained by the enlistment or appointment of persons who have not been issued orders to report for induction:
enlists or accepts an appointment before attaining the age of 26 years, in the Ready Reserve of any Reserve component of the Armed Forces, the Army National Guard, or the Air National Guard. Such registrant shall remain eligible for Class 1-D-D so long as he serves satisfactorily as a member of an organized unit of such Ready Reserve or National Guard, or satisfactorily performs such other Ready Reserve service as may be prescribed by the Secretary of Defense, or serves satisfactorily as a member of the Ready Reserve of another reserve component, the Army National Guard, or the Air National Guard, as the case may be; or
(d) At any time has enlisted in the Army Reserve, the Naval Reserve, the Marine Corps Reserve, the Air Force Reserve, or the Coast Guard Reserve and who thereafter has been commissioned therein upon graduation from an Officer's Candidate School of such Armed Force and has not has been ordered to active duty as a commissioned officer. Such registrant shall remain eligible for Class 1-D-D so long as he performs satisfactory service as a commissioned officer in an appropriate unit of the Ready Reserve, as determined under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the department concerned; or
(e) Is serving satisfactorily as a member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces and is not eligible for Class 1-D-D under the provisions of any other paragraph of this section: Provided: That, for the purpose of this paragraph, a member of a reserve component who is in the Standby Reserve or the Retired Reserve shall be deemed to be serving satisfactorily unless the Armed Forces of which he is a member informs the Selective Service System that he is not serving satisfactorily.
[52 FR 24455, July 1, 1987]
§ 1630.14 - Class 1-D-E: Exemption of certain members of a reserve component or student taking military training.
In Class 1-D-E shall be placed any registrant who:
(a) Is a student enrolled in an officer procurement program at a military college the curriculum of which is approved by the Secretary of Defense; or
(b) Has been enlisted in the Delayed Entry Program (DEP) at least ten days prior to his scheduled induction date; or
(c) Has been transferred to a reserve component of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps or Coast Guard after a period of extended active duty, which was not for training only.
§ 1630.15 - Class 1-H: Registrant not subject to processing for induction.
In Class 1-H shall be placed any registrant who is not eligible for Class 1-A and is not currently subject to processing for induction.
§ 1630.16 - Class 1-O: Conscientious objector to all military service.
(a) Any registrant whose acceptability for military service has been satisfactorily determined and who, in accord with part 1636 of this chapter, has been found, by reason of religious, ethical, or moral belief, to be conscientiously opposed to participation in both combatant and noncombatant training and service in the Armed Forces shall be classified in Class 1-O.
(b) Upon the written request of the registrant filed with his claim for classification in Class 1-O, the local board will consider his claim for classification in Class 1-O before he is examined. If the local board determines that the registrant would qualify for Class 1-O if he were acceptable for military service, it will delay such classification until he is found acceptable for military service. Upon the written request of such registrant, he will be deemed acceptable for military service without examination only for the purpose of paragraph (a) of this section.
[52 FR 8891, Mar. 20, 1987; 52 FR 12641, Apr. 17, 1987]
§ 1630.17 - Class 1-O-S: Conscientious objector to all military service (separated).
Any registrant who has been separated from the Armed Forces (including their reserve components) by reason of conscientious objection to participation in both combatant and noncombatant training and service in the Armed Forces shall be classified in Class 1-O-S unless his period of military service qualifies him for Class 4-A. A registrant in Class 1-O-S will be required to serve the remainder of his obligation under the Military Selective Service Act in Alternative Service.
[52 FR 8891, Mar. 20, 1987]
§ 1630.18 - Class 1-W: Conscientious objector ordered to perform alternative service.
In Class 1-W shall be placed any registrant who has been ordered to perform alternative service contributing to the mainenance of the national health, safety, or interest.
[52 FR 24456, July 1, 1987]
§ 1630.26 - Class 2-D: Registrant deferred because of study preparing for the ministry.
In accord with part 1639 of this chapter any registrant shall be placed in Class 2-D who has requested such deferment and:
(a) Who is preparing for the ministry under the direction of a recognized church or religious organization; and
(b) Who is satisfactorily pursuing a full-time course of instruction required for entrance into a recognized theological or divinity school in which he has been pre-enrolled; or
(c) Who is satisfactorily pursuing a full-time course of instruction in or at the direction of a recognized theological or divinity school; or
(d) Who having completed theological or divinity school is a student in a full-time graduate program or is a full-time intern. The registrant's studies must be related to and lead to entry into service as a regular or duly ordained minister of religion, and satisfactory progress in these studies as required by the school in which the registrant is enrolled must be maintained for continued eligibility for the deferment.
§ 1630.30 - Class 3-A: Registrant deferred because of hardship to dependents.
(a) In accord with part 1642 of this chapter any registrant shall be classified in Class 3-A:
(1) Whose induction would result in extreme hardships to his wife when she alone is dependent upon him for support; or
(2) Whose deferment is advisable because his child(ren), parent(s), grrandparent(s), brother(s), or sister(s) is dependent upon him for support; or
(3) Whose deferment is advisable because his wife and his child(ren), parent(s), grandparent(s), brother(s), or sister(s) are dependent upon him for support.
(b) The classification of each registrant in Class 3-A will not be granted for a period longer than 365 days.
[52 FR 24456, July 1, 1987]
§ 1630.31 - Class 3-A-S: Registrant deferred because of hardship to dependents (separated).
Any registrant who has been separated from active military service by reason of dependency or hardship shall be placed in Class 3-A-S unless his period of military service qualifies him for Class 4-A or 1-D-E. No registrant shall be retained in Class 3-A-S for more than six months.
[52 FR 24456, July 1, 1987]
§ 1630.40 - Class 4-A: Registrant who has completed military service.
(a) In Class 4-A shall be placed any registrant other than a registrant eligible for classification in Class 1-C, 1-D-D, or 1-D-E who is within any of the following categories:
(1) A registrant who was discharged or transferred to a reserve component of the Armed Forces for the convenience of the Government after having served honorably on active duty for a period of not less than six months in the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marine Corps, or the Coast Guard; or
(2) A registrant who has served honorably on active duty for a period of not less than one year in the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marine Corps, or the Coast Guard; or
(3) A registrant who has served on active duty for a period of not less than twenty-four months as a commissioned officer in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or the Public Health Service, provided that such period of active duty in the Public Health Service as a commissioned Reserve Officer shall have been performed by the registrant while assigned to staff any of the various offices and bureaus of the Public Health Service including the National Institutes of Health, or while assigned to the Coast Guard, or the Bureau of Prisons of the Department of Justice, Environmental Protection Agency, or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or who are assigned to assist Indian tribes, groups, bands or communities pursuant to the Act of August 5, 1954 (68 Stat. 674), as amended;
(4) [Reserved]
(5) A registrant who has completed six years of satisfactory service as a member of one or more of the Armed Forces including the Reserve components thereof.
(b) For the purpose of computation of periods of active duty referred to in paragraphs (a) (1), (2), or (3) of this section, no credit shall be allowed for:
(1) Periods of active duty training performed as a member of a reserve component pursuant to an order or call to active duty solely for training purposes; or
(2) Periods of active duty in which the service consisted solely of training under the Army specialized training program, the Army Air Force college training program, or any similar program under the jurisdiction of the Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard; or
(3) Periods of active duty as a cadet at the United States Military Academy, United States Air Force Academy, or United States Coast Guard Academy, or as a midshipman at the United States Naval Academy, or in a preparatory school after nomination as a principal, alternate, or candidate for admission to any such academies; or
(4) Periods of active duty in any of the Armed Forces while being processed for entry into or separation from any educational program or institute referred to in paragraph (b) (2) or (3) of this section; or
(5) Periods of active duty of members of the Reserve of the Public Health Service other than when assigned to staff any of the various offices and bureaus of the Public Health Service, including the National Institute of Health, or the Coast Guard or the Bureau of Prisons of the Department of Justice, Environmental Protection Agency, or the Environmental Science Services Administration, or who are assigned to assist Indian tribes, groups, bands, communities pursuant to the Act of August 5, 1954 (68 Stat. 674), as amended.
[47 FR 4651, Feb. 1, 1982, as amended at 52 FR 24456, July 1, 1987]
§ 1630.41 - Class 4-B: Official deferred by law.
In Class 4-B shall be placed any registrant who is the Vice President of the United States, a governor of a State, Territory or possession, or any other official chosen by the voters of the entire State, Territory or Possession; a member of a legislative body of the United States or of a State, Territory or Possession; a judge of a court of record of the United States or of a State, Territory or Possession, or the District of Columbia.
§ 1630.42 - Class 4-C: Alien or dual national.
In Class 4-C shall be placed any registrant who:
(a) Establishes that he is a national of the United States and of a country with which the United States has a treaty or agreement that provides that such person is exempt from liability for military service in the United States.
(b) Is an alien and who has departed from the United States prior to being issued an order to report for induction or alternative service that has not been canceled. If any registrant who is classified in Class 4-C pursuant to this paragraph returns to the United States he shall be classified anew.
(c) Is an alien and who has registered at a time when he was required by the Selective Service Law to present himself for and submit to registration and thereafter has acquired status within one of the groups of persons exempt from registration.
(d) Is an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence as defined in paragraph (2) of section 101(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended (66 Stat. 163, 8 U.S.C. 1101), and who by reason of occupational status is subject to adjustment to nonimmigrant status under paragraph (15)(A), (15)(E), or (15)(G) or section 101(a) but who executes a waiver in accordance with section 247(b) of that Act of all rights, privileges, exemptions, and immunities which would otherwise accrue to him as a result of that occupational status. A registrant placed in Class 4-C under the authority of this paragraph shall be retained in Class 4-C only for so long as such occupational status continues.
(e) Is an alien and who has not resided in the United States for one year, including any period of time before his registration. When such a registrant has been within the United States for two or more periods and the total of such period equals one year, he shall be deemed to have resided in the United States for one year. In computing the length of such periods, any portion of one day shall be counted as a day.
§ 1630.43 - Class 4-D: Minister of religion.
In accord with part 1645 of this chapter any registrant shall be placed in Class 4-D who is a:
(a) Duly ordained minister of religion; or
(b) Regular minister of religion.
§ 1630.44 - Class 4-F: Registrant not acceptable for military service.
In Class 4-F shall be placed any registrant who is found by the Secretary of Defense, under applicable physical, mental or administrative standards, to be not acceptable for service in the Armed Forces; except that no such registrant whose further examination or re-examination is determined by the Secretary of Defense to be justified shall be placed in Class 4-F until such further examination has been accomplished and such registrant continues to be found not acceptable for military service.
[52 FR 24456, July 1, 1987]
§ 1630.45 - Class 4-G: Registrant exempted from service because of the death of his parent or sibling while serving in the Armed Forces or whose parent or sibling is in a captured or missing in action status.
In Class 4-G shall be placed any registrant who, except during a period of war or national emergency declared by Congress, is:
(a) A surviving son or brother:
(1) Whose parent or sibling of the whole blood was killed in action or died in the line of duty while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States after December 31, 1959, or died subsequent to such date as a result of injuries received or disease incurred in the line of duty during such service; or
(2) Whose parent or sibling of the whole blood is in a captured or missing status as a result of such service in the Armed Forces during any period of time; or
(b) The sole surviving son of a family in which the father or one or more siblings were killed in action before January 1, 1960 while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States, or died after that date due to injuries received or disease incurred in the line of duty during such service before Janaury 1, 1960.
[47 FR 4651, Feb. 1, 1982, as amended at 52 FR 24456, July 1, 1987]
§ 1630.46 - Class 4-T: Treaty alien.
In Class 4-T shall be placed any registrant who is an alien who established that he is exempt from military service under the terms of a treaty or international agreement between the United States and the country of which he is a national, and who has made application to be exempted from liability for training and service in the Armed Forces of the United States.
§ 1630.47 - Class 4-W: Registrant who has completed alternative service in lieu of induction.
In Class 4-W shall be placed any registrant who subsequent to being ordered to perform alternative service in lieu of induction has been released from such service after satisfactorily performing the work for a period of 24 months, or has been granted an early release by the Director of Selective Service after completing at least 6 months of satisfactory service.
§ 1630.48 - Class 4-A-A: Registrant who has performed military service for a foreign nation.
In Class 4-A-A shall be placed any registrant who, while an alien, has served on active duty for a period of not less than 12 months in the armed forces of a nation determined by the Department of State to be a nation with which the United States is associated in mutual defense activities and which grants exemptions from training and service in its armed forces to citizens of the United States who have served on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States for a period of not less than 12 months; Provided: That all information which is submitted to the Selective Service System concerning the registrant's service in the armed forces of a foreign nation shall be written in the English language.
[52 FR 24456, July 1, 1987]
source: 47 FR 4651, Feb. 1, 1982, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 32 CFR 1630.15