Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 32 - National Defense last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 2001.40 - General.

(a) Classified information, regardless of its form, shall be afforded a level of protection against loss or unauthorized disclosure commensurate with its level of classification.

(b) Except for foreign government information, agency heads or their designee(s) may adopt alternative measures, using risk management principles, to protect against loss or unauthorized disclosure when necessary to meet operational requirements. When alternative measures are used for other than temporary, unique situations, the alternative measures shall be documented and provided to the Director of ISOO. Upon request, the description shall be provided to any other agency with which classified information or secure facilities are shared. In all cases, the alternative measures shall provide protection sufficient to reasonably deter and detect loss or unauthorized disclosure. Risk management factors considered will include sensitivity, value, and crucial nature of the information; analysis of known and anticipated threats; vulnerability; and countermeasure benefits versus cost.

(c) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) classified information shall be safeguarded in compliance with U.S. Security Authority for NATO Instruction (USSAN) 1-07. Other foreign government information shall be safeguarded as described herein for U.S. information except as required by an existing treaty, agreement or other obligation (hereinafter, obligation). When the information is to be safeguarded pursuant to an existing obligation, the additional requirements at § 2001.54 may apply to the extent they were required in the obligation as originally negotiated or are agreed upon during amendment. Negotiations on new obligations or amendments to existing obligations shall strive to bring provisions for safeguarding foreign government information into accord with standards for safeguarding U.S. information as described in this Directive.

(d) Need-to-know determinations. (1) Agency heads, through their designees, shall identify organizational missions and personnel requiring access to classified information to perform or assist in authorized governmental functions. These mission and personnel requirements are determined by the functions of an agency or the roles and responsibilities of personnel in the course of their official duties. Personnel determinations shall be consistent with section 4.1(a) of the Order.

(2) In instances where the provisions of section 4.1(a) of the Order are met, but there is a countervailing need to restrict the information, disagreements that cannot be resolved shall be referred by agency heads or designees to either the Director of ISOO or, with respect to the Intelligence Community, the Director of National Intelligence, as appropriate. Disagreements concerning information protected under section 4.3 of the Order shall instead be referred to the appropriate official named in section 4.3 of the Order.

§ 2001.41 - Responsibilities of holders.

Authorized persons who have access to classified information are responsible for:

(a) Protecting it from persons without authorized access to that information, to include securing it in approved equipment or facilities whenever it is not under the direct control of an authorized person;

(b) Meeting safeguarding requirements prescribed by the agency head; and

(c) Ensuring that classified information is not communicated over unsecured voice or data circuits, in public conveyances or places, or in any other manner that permits interception by unauthorized persons.

§ 2001.42 - Standards for security equipment.

(a) Storage. The Administrator of the General Services Administration (GSA) shall, in coordination with agency heads originating classified information, establish and publish uniform standards, specifications, qualified product lists or databases, and supply schedules for security equipment designed to provide secure storage for classified information. Whenever new secure storage equipment is procured, it shall be in conformance with the standards and specifications established by the Administrator of the GSA, and shall, to the maximum extent possible, be of the type available through the Federal Supply System.

(b) Destruction. Effective January 1, 2011, only equipment listed on an Evaluated Products List (EPL) issued by the National Security Agency (NSA) may be utilized to destroy classified information using any method covered by an EPL. However, equipment approved for use prior to January 1, 2011, and not found on an EPL, may be utilized for the destruction of classified information until December 31, 2016. Unless NSA determines otherwise, whenever an EPL is revised, equipment removed from an EPL may be utilized for the destruction of classified information up to six years from the date of its removal from an EPL. In all cases, if any such previously approved equipment needs to be replaced or otherwise requires a rebuild or replacement of a critical assembly, the unit must be taken out of service for the destruction in accordance with this section. The Administrator of the GSA shall, to the maximum extent possible, coordinate supply schedules and otherwise seek to make equipment on an EPL available through the Federal Supply System.

§ 2001.43 - Storage.

(a) General. Classified information shall be stored only under conditions designed to deter and detect unauthorized access to the information. Storage at overseas locations shall be at U.S. Government-controlled facilities unless otherwise stipulated in treaties or international agreements. Overseas storage standards for facilities under a Chief of Mission are promulgated under the authority of the Overseas Security Policy Board.

(b) Requirements for physical protection—(1) Top Secret. Top Secret information shall be stored in a GSA-approved security container, a vault built to Federal Standard (FED STD) 832, or an open storage area constructed in accordance with § 2001.53. In addition, supplemental controls are required as follows:

(i) For GSA-approved containers, one of the following supplemental controls:

(A) Inspection of the container every two hours by an employee cleared at least to the Secret level;

(B) An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) with the personnel responding to the alarm arriving within 15 minutes of the alarm annunciation. Acceptability of Intrusion Detection Equipment (IDE): All IDE must be in accordance with standards approved by ISOO. Government and proprietary installed, maintained, or furnished systems are subject to approval only by the agency head; or

(C) Security-In-Depth coverage of the area in which the container is located, provided the container is equipped with a lock meeting Federal Specification FF-L-2740.

(ii) For open storage areas covered by Security-In-Depth, an IDS with the personnel responding to the alarm arriving within 15 minutes of the alarm annunciation.

(iii) For open storage areas not covered by Security-In-Depth, personnel responding to the alarm shall arrive within five minutes of the alarm annunciation.

(2) Secret. Secret information shall be stored in the same manner as Top Secret information or, until October 1, 2012, in a non-GSA-approved container having a built-in combination lock or in a non-GSA-approved container secured with a rigid metal lockbar and an agency head approved padlock. Security-In-Depth is required in areas in which a non-GSA-approved container or open storage area is located. Except for storage in a GSA-approved container or a vault built to FED STD 832, one of the following supplemental controls is required:

(i) Inspection of the container or open storage area every four hours by an employee cleared at least to the Secret level; or

(ii) An IDS with the personnel responding to the alarm arriving within 30 minutes of the alarm annunciation.

(3) Confidential. Confidential information shall be stored in the same manner as prescribed for Top Secret or Secret information except that supplemental controls are not required.

(c) Combinations. Use and maintenance of dial-type locks and other changeable combination locks.

(1) Equipment in service. Combinations to dial-type locks shall be changed only by persons authorized access to the level of information protected unless other sufficient controls exist to prevent access to the lock or knowledge of the combination. Combinations shall be changed under the following conditions:

(i) Whenever such equipment is placed into use;

(ii) Whenever a person knowing the combination no longer requires access to it unless other sufficient controls exist to prevent access to the lock; or

(iii) Whenever a combination has been subject to possible unauthorized disclosure.

(2) Equipment out of service. When security equipment is taken out of service, it shall be inspected to ensure that no classified information remains and the combination lock should be reset to a standard combination of 50-25-50 for built-in combination locks or 10-20-30 for combination padlocks.

(d) Key operated locks. When special circumstances exist, an agency head may approve the use of key operated locks for the storage of Secret and Confidential information. Whenever such locks are used, administrative procedures for the control and accounting of keys and locks shall be included in implementing regulations required under section 5.4(d)(2) of the Order.

(e) Repairs. The neutralization and repair of GSA-approved security containers and vault doors will be in accordance with FED STD 809.

§ 2001.44 - Reciprocity of use and inspection of facilities.

(a) Once a facility is authorized, approved, certified, or accredited for classified use, then all agencies desiring to conduct classified work in the designated space(s) at the same security level shall accept the authorization, approval, certification, or accreditation without change, enhancements, or upgrades provided that no waiver, exception, or deviation has been issued or approved. In the event that a waiver exception, or deviation was granted in the original accreditation of the designated space(s), an agency seeking to utilize the designated facility space may require that a risk mitigation strategy be implemented or agreed upon prior to using the space(s).

(b) Subsequent security inspections or reviews for authorization, approval, certification, or accreditation purposes shall normally be conducted no more frequently than annually unless otherwise required due to a change in the designated facility space(s) or due to a change in the use or ownership of the facility space(s). This does not imply a formal one-year inspection or review requirement or establish any other formal period for inspections or review.

§ 2001.45 - Information controls.

(a) General. Agency heads shall establish a system of control measures which assure that access to classified information is provided to authorized persons. The control measures shall be appropriate to the environment in which the access occurs and the nature and volume of the information. The system shall include technical, physical, and personnel control measures. Administrative control measures which may include records of internal distribution, access, generation, inventory, reproduction, and disposition of classified information shall be required when technical, physical and personnel control measures are insufficient to deter and detect access by unauthorized persons.

(1) Combinations. Combinations to locks used to secure vaults, open storage areas, and security containers that are approved for the safeguarding of classified information shall be protected in the same manner as the highest level of classified information that the vault, open storage area, or security container is used to protect.

(2) Computer and information system passwords. Passwords shall be protected in the same manner as the highest level of classified information that the computer or system is certified and accredited to process. Passwords shall be changed on a frequency determined to be sufficient to meet the level of risk assessed by the agency.

(b) Reproduction. Reproduction of classified information shall be held to the minimum consistent with operational requirements. The following additional control measures shall be taken:

(1) Reproduction shall be accomplished by authorized persons knowledgeable of the procedures for classified reproduction;

(2) Unless restricted by the originating agency, Top Secret, Secret, and Confidential information may be reproduced to the extent required by operational needs, or to facilitate review for declassification;

(3) Copies of classified information shall be subject to the same controls as the original information; and

(4) The use of technology that prevents, discourages, or detects the unauthorized reproduction of classified information is encouraged.

(c) Forms. The use of standard forms prescribed in subpart H of this part is mandatory for all agencies that create and/or handle national security information.

(d) Redaction—(1) Policies and procedures. Classified information may be subject to loss, compromise, or unauthorized disclosure if it is not correctly redacted. Agencies shall establish policies and procedures for the redaction of classified information from documents intended for release. Such policies and procedures require the approval of the agency head and shall be sufficiently detailed to ensure that redaction is performed consistently and reliably, using only approved redaction methods that permanently remove the classified information from copies of the documents intended for release. Agencies shall ensure that personnel who perform redaction fully understand the policies, procedures, and methods and are aware of the vulnerabilities surrounding the process.

(2) Technical guidance for redaction. Technical guidance concerning appropriate methods, equipment, and standards for the redaction of classified electronic and optical media shall be issued by NSA.

§ 2001.46 - Transmission.

(a) General. Classified information shall be transmitted and received in an authorized manner which ensures that evidence of tampering can be detected, that inadvertent access can be precluded, and that provides a method which assures timely delivery to the intended recipient. Persons transmitting classified information are responsible for ensuring that intended recipients are authorized persons with the capability to store classified information in accordance with this Directive.

(b) Dispatch. Agency heads shall establish procedures which ensure that:

(1) All classified information physically transmitted outside facilities shall be enclosed in two layers, both of which provide reasonable evidence of tampering and which conceal the contents. The inner enclosure shall clearly identify the address of both the sender and the intended recipient, the highest classification level of the contents, and any appropriate warning notices. The outer enclosure shall be the same except that no markings to indicate that the contents are classified shall be visible. Intended recipients shall be identified by name only as part of an attention line. The following exceptions apply:

(i) If the classified information is an internal component of a packable item of equipment, the outside shell or body may be considered as the inner enclosure provided it does not reveal classified information;

(ii) If the classified information is an inaccessible internal component of a bulky item of equipment, the outside or body of the item may be considered to be a sufficient enclosure provided observation of it does not reveal classified information;

(iii) If the classified information is an item of equipment that is not reasonably packable and the shell or body is classified, it shall be concealed with an opaque enclosure that will hide all classified features;

(iv) Specialized shipping containers, including closed cargo transporters or diplomatic pouch, may be considered the outer enclosure when used; and

(v) When classified information is hand-carried outside a facility, a locked briefcase may serve as the outer enclosure.

(2) Couriers and authorized persons designated to hand-carry classified information shall ensure that the information remains under their constant and continuous protection and that direct point-to-point delivery is made. As an exception, agency heads may approve, as a substitute for a courier on direct flights, the use of specialized shipping containers that are of sufficient construction to provide evidence of forced entry, are secured with a combination padlock meeting Federal Specification FF-P-110, are equipped with an electronic seal that would provide evidence of surreptitious entry and are handled by the carrier in a manner to ensure that the container is protected until its delivery is completed.

(c) Transmission methods within and between the U.S., Puerto Rico, or a U.S. possession or trust territory—(1) Top Secret. Top Secret information shall be transmitted by direct contact between authorized persons; the Defense Courier Service or an authorized government agency courier service; a designated courier or escort with Top Secret clearance; electronic means over approved communications systems. Under no circumstances will Top Secret information be transmitted via the U.S. Postal Service or any other cleared or uncleared commercial carrier.

(2) Secret. Secret information shall be transmitted by:

(i) Any of the methods established for Top Secret; U.S. Postal Service Express Mail and U.S. Postal Service Registered Mail, as long as the Waiver of Signature block on the U.S. Postal Service Express Mail Label shall not be completed; and cleared commercial carriers or cleared commercial messenger services. The use of street-side mail collection boxes is strictly prohibited; and

(ii) Agency heads may, when a requirement exists for overnight delivery within the U.S. and its Territories, authorize the use of the current holder of the GSA contract for overnight delivery of information for the Executive Branch as long as applicable postal regulations (39 CFR. Chapter I) are met. Any such delivery service shall be U.S. owned and operated, provide automated in-transit tracking of the classified information, and ensure package integrity during transit. The contract shall require cooperation with government inquiries in the event of a loss, theft, or possible unauthorized disclosure of classified information. The sender is responsible for ensuring that an authorized person will be available to receive the delivery and verification of the correct mailing address. The package may be addressed to the recipient by name. The release signature block on the receipt label shall not be executed under any circumstances. The use of external (street side) collection boxes is prohibited. Classified Communications Security Information, NATO, and foreign government information shall not be transmitted in this manner.

(3) Confidential. Confidential information shall be transmitted by any of the methods established for Secret information or U.S. Postal Service Certified Mail. In addition, when the recipient is a U.S. Government facility, the Confidential information may be transmitted via U.S. First Class Mail. However, Confidential information shall not be transmitted to government contractor facilities via first class mail. When first class mail is used, the envelope or outer wrapper shall be marked to indicate that the information is not to be forwarded, but is to be returned to sender. The use of streetside mail collection boxes is prohibited.

(d) Transmission methods to a U.S. Government facility located outside the U.S. The transmission of classified information to a U.S. Government facility located outside the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or a U.S. possession or trust territory, shall be by methods specified above for Top Secret information or by the Department of State Courier Service. U.S. Registered Mail through Military Postal Service facilities may be used to transmit Secret and Confidential information provided that the information does not at any time pass out of U.S. citizen control nor pass through a foreign postal system.

(e) Transmission of U.S. classified information to foreign governments. Such transmission shall take place between designated government representatives using the government-to-government transmission methods described in paragraph (d) of this section or through channels agreed to by the National Security Authorities of the two governments. When classified information is transferred to a foreign government or its representative a signed receipt is required.

(f) Receipt of classified information. Agency heads shall establish procedures which ensure that classified information is received in a manner which precludes unauthorized access, provides for inspection of all classified information received for evidence of tampering and confirmation of contents, and ensures timely acknowledgment of the receipt of Top Secret and Secret information by an authorized recipient. As noted in paragraph (e) of this section, a receipt acknowledgment of all classified material transmitted to a foreign government or its representative is required.

§ 2001.47 - Destruction.

Classified information identified for destruction shall be destroyed completely to preclude recognition or reconstruction of the classified information in accordance with procedures and methods prescribed by agency heads. The methods and equipment used to routinely destroy classified information include burning, cross-cut shredding, wet-pulping, melting, mutilation, chemical decomposition or pulverizing. Agencies shall comply with the destruction equipment standard stated in § 2001.42(b) of this Directive.

§ 2001.48 - Loss, possible compromise or unauthorized disclosure.

(a) General. Any person who has knowledge that classified information has been or may have been lost, possibly compromised or disclosed to an unauthorized person(s) shall immediately report the circumstances to an official designated for this purpose.

(b) Cases involving information originated by a foreign government or another U.S. government agency. Whenever a loss or possible unauthorized disclosure involves the classified information or interests of a foreign government agency, or another U.S. government agency, the department or agency in which the compromise occurred shall advise the other government agency or foreign government of the circumstances and findings that affect their information or interests. However, foreign governments normally will not be advised of any security system vulnerabilities that contributed to the compromise.

(c) Inquiry/investigation and corrective actions. Agency heads shall establish appropriate procedures to conduct an inquiry/investigation of a loss, possible compromise or unauthorized disclosure of classified information, in order to implement appropriate corrective actions, which may include disciplinary sanctions, and to ascertain the degree of damage to national security.

(d) Reports to ISOO. In accordance with section 5.5(e)(2) of the Order, agency heads or senior agency officials shall notify the Director of ISOO when a violation occurs under paragraphs 5.5(b)(1), (2), or (3) of the Order that:

(1) Is reported to oversight committees in the Legislative branch;

(2) May attract significant public attention;

(3) Involves large amounts of classified information; or

(4) Reveals a potential systemic weakness in classification, safeguarding, or declassification policy or practices.

(e) Department of Justice and legal counsel coordination. Agency heads shall establish procedures to ensure coordination with legal counsel whenever a formal action, beyond a reprimand, is contemplated against any person believed responsible for the unauthorized disclosure of classified information. Whenever a criminal violation appears to have occurred and a criminal prosecution is contemplated, agency heads shall use established procedures to ensure coordination with:

(1) The Department of Justice, and

(2) The legal counsel of the agency where the individual responsible is assigned or employed.

§ 2001.49 - Special access programs.

(a) General. The safeguarding requirements of this Directive may be enhanced for information in special access programs (SAP), established under the provisions of section 4.3 of the Order by the agency head responsible for creating the SAP. Agency heads shall ensure that the enhanced controls are based on an assessment of the value, critical nature, and vulnerability of the information.

(b) Significant interagency support requirements. Agency heads must ensure that a Memorandum of Agreement/Understanding is established for each SAP that has significant interagency support requirements, to appropriately and fully address support requirements and supporting agency oversight responsibilities for that SAP.

§ 2001.50 - Telecommunications automated information systems and network security.

Each agency head shall ensure that classified information electronically accessed, processed, stored or transmitted is protected in accordance with applicable national policy issuances identified in the Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS) issuances and the Intelligence Community Directive (ICD) 503, Intelligence Community Information Technology Systems Security Risk Management, Certification, and Accreditation.

§ 2001.51 - Technical security.

Based upon the risk management factors referenced in § 2001.40 of this directive, agency heads shall determine the requirement for technical countermeasures such as Technical Surveillance Countermeasures and TEMPEST necessary to detect or deter exploitation of classified information through technical collection methods and may apply countermeasures in accordance with NSTISSI 7000, TEMPEST Countermeasures for Facilities, and SPB Issuance 6-97, National Policy on Technical Surveillance Countermeasures.

§ 2001.52 - Emergency authority.

(a) Agency heads or any designee may prescribe special provisions for the dissemination, transmission, safeguarding, and destruction of classified information during certain emergency situations.

(b) In emergency situations, in which there is an imminent threat to life or in defense of the homeland, agency heads or designees may authorize the disclosure of classified information to an individual or individuals who are otherwise not routinely eligible for access under the following conditions:

(1) Limit the amount of classified information disclosed to the absolute minimum to achieve the purpose;

(2) Limit the number of individuals who receive it;

(3) Transmit the classified information via approved Federal Government channels by the most secure and expeditious method to include those required in § 2001.46, or other means deemed necessary when time is of the essence;

(4) Provide instructions about what specific information is classified and how it should be safeguarded; physical custody of classified information must remain with an authorized Federal Government entity, in all but the most extraordinary circumstances;

(5) Provide appropriate briefings to the recipients on their responsibilities not to disclose the information and obtain a signed nondisclosure agreement;

(6) Within 72 hours of the disclosure of classified information, or the earliest opportunity that the emergency permits, but no later than 30 days after the release, the disclosing authority must notify the originating agency of the information by providing the following information:

(i) A description of the disclosed information;

(ii) To whom the information was disclosed;

(iii) How the information was disclosed and transmitted;

(iv) Reason for the emergency release;

(v) How the information is being safeguarded; and

(vi) A description of the briefings provided and a copy of the nondisclosure agreements signed.

(7) Information disclosed in emergency situations shall not be required to be declassified as a result of such disclosure or subsequent use by a recipient.

§ 2001.53 - Open storage areas.

This section describes the minimum construction standards for open storage areas.

(a) Construction. The perimeter walls, floors, and ceiling will be permanently constructed and attached to each other. All construction must be done in a manner as to provide visual evidence of unauthorized penetration.

(b) Doors. Doors shall be constructed of wood, metal, or other solid material. Entrance doors shall be secured with a built-in GSA-approved three-position combination lock. When special circumstances exist, the agency head may authorize other locks on entrance doors for Secret and Confidential storage. Doors other than those secured with the aforementioned locks shall be secured from the inside with either deadbolt emergency egress hardware, a deadbolt, or a rigid wood or metal bar which extends across the width of the door, or by other means approved by the agency head.

(c) Vents, ducts, and miscellaneous openings. All vents, ducts, and similar openings in excess of 96 square inches (and over 6 inches in its smallest dimension) that enter or pass through an open storage area shall be protected with either bars, expanded metal grills, commercial metal sounds baffles, or an intrusion detection system.

(d) Windows. (1) All windows which might reasonably afford visual observation of classified activities within the facility shall be made opaque or equipped with blinds, drapes, or other coverings.

(2) Windows within 18 feet of the ground will be constructed from or covered with materials which provide protection from forced entry. The protection provided to the windows need be no stronger than the strength of the contiguous walls. Open storage areas which are located within a controlled compound or equivalent may eliminate the requirement for forced entry protection if the windows are made inoperable either by permanently sealing them or equipping them on the inside with a locking mechanism and they are covered by an IDS (either independently or by the motion detection sensors within the area).

§ 2001.54 - Foreign government information.

The requirements described below are additional baseline safeguarding standards that may be necessary for foreign government information, other than NATO information, that requires protection pursuant to an existing treaty, agreement, bilateral exchange or other obligation. NATO classified information shall be safeguarded in compliance with USSAN 1-07. To the extent practical, and to facilitate its control, foreign government information should be stored separately from other classified information. To avoid additional costs, separate storage may be accomplished by methods such as separate drawers of a container. The safeguarding standards described in paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section may be modified if required or permitted by treaties or agreements, or for other obligations, with the prior written consent of the National Security Authority of the originating government, hereafter “originating government.”

(a) Top Secret. Records shall be maintained of the receipt, internal distribution, destruction, access, reproduction, and transmittal of foreign government Top Secret information. Reproduction requires the consent of the originating government. Destruction will be witnessed.

(b) Secret. Records shall be maintained of the receipt, external dispatch and destruction of foreign government Secret information. Other records may be necessary if required by the originator. Secret foreign government information may be reproduced to meet mission requirements unless prohibited by the originator. Reproduction shall be recorded unless this requirement is waived by the originator.

(c) Confidential. Records need not be maintained for foreign government Confidential information unless required by the originator.

(d) Restricted and other foreign government information provided in confidence. In order to assure the protection of other foreign government information provided in confidence (e.g., foreign government “Restricted,” “Designated,” or unclassified provided in confidence), such information must be classified under the Order. The receiving agency, or a receiving U.S. contractor, licensee, grantee, or certificate holder acting in accordance with instructions received from the U.S. Government, shall provide a degree of protection to the foreign government information at least equivalent to that required by the government or international organization that provided the information. When adequate to achieve equivalency, these standards may be less restrictive than the safeguarding standards that ordinarily apply to U.S. Confidential information. If the foreign protection requirement is lower than the protection required for U.S. Confidential information, the following requirements shall be met:

(1) Documents may retain their original foreign markings if the responsible agency determines that these markings are adequate to meet the purposes served by U.S. classification markings. Otherwise, documents shall be marked, “This document contains (insert name of country) (insert classification level) information to be treated as U.S. (insert classification level).” The notation, “Modified Handling Authorized,” may be added to either the foreign or U.S. markings authorized for foreign government information. If remarking foreign originated documents or matter is impractical, an approved cover sheet is an authorized option;

(2) Documents shall be provided only to persons in accordance with sections 4.1(a) and (h) of the Order;

(3) Individuals being given access shall be notified of applicable handling instructions. This may be accomplished by a briefing, written instructions, or by applying specific handling requirements to an approved cover sheet;

(4) Documents shall be stored in such a manner so as to prevent unauthorized access;

(5) Documents shall be transmitted in a method approved for classified information, unless this method is waived by the originating government.

(e) Third-country transfers. The release or disclosure of foreign government information to any third-country entity must have the prior consent of the originating government if required by a treaty, agreement, bilateral exchange, or other obligation.

§ 2001.55 - Foreign disclosure of classified information.

Classified information originating in one agency may be disseminated by any other agency to which it has been made available to a foreign government or international organization of governments, or any element thereof, in accordance with statute, the Order, directives implementing the Order, direction of the President, or with the consent of the originating agency, unless the originating agency has determined that prior authorization is required for such dissemination and has marked or indicated such requirement on the medium containing the classified information. Markings used to implement this section shall be approved in accordance with § 2001.24(j). With respect to the Intelligence Community, the Director of National Intelligence may issue policy directives or guidelines pursuant to section 6.2(b) of the Order that modify such prior authorization.

authority: Sections 5.1(a) and (b), E.O. 13526, (75 FR 707, January 5, 2010)
source: 75 FR 37254, June 28, 2010, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 32 CFR 2001.52