Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 33 - Navigation and Navigable Waters last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 136.101 - Time limitations on claims.

(a) Except as provided under section 1012(h)(3) of the Act (33 U.S.C. 2712(h)(3)) (minors and incompetents), the Fund will consider a claim only if presented in writing to the Director, NPFC, within the following time limits:

(1) For damages, within three years after—

(i) The date on which the injury and its connection with the incident in question were reasonably discoverable with the exercise of due care.

(ii) In the case of natural resources damages under section 1002(b)(2)(A) of the Act (33 U.S.C. 2702(b)(2)(A)), the date under paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section, or within three years from the date of completion of the natural resources damage assessment under section 1006(e) of the Act (33 U.S.C. 2706(e)), whichever is later.

(2) For removal costs, within six years after the date of completion of all removal actions for the incident. As used in this paragraph, “date of completion of all removal actions” is defined as the actual date of completion of all removal actions for the incident or the date the FOSC determines that the removal actions which form the basis for the costs being claimed are completed, whichever is earlier.

(b) Unless the Director, NPFC, directs in writing that the claim be submitted elsewhere, a claim is deemed presented on the date the claim is actually received at the Director, National Pollution Funds Center, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7605, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20593-7605. If the Director, NPFC, directs that the claim be presented elsewhere, the claim is deemed presented on the date the claim is actually received at the address in the directive.

[CGD 91-035, 57 FR 36316, Aug. 12, 1992; 57 FR 41104, Sept. 9, 1992, as amended by USCG-2009-0416, 74 FR 27441, June 10, 2009; USCG-2012-0306, 77 FR 37315, June 21, 2012; USCG-2016-0498, 82 FR 35081, July 28, 2017]
§ 136.103 - Order of presentment.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, all claims for removal costs or damages must be presented first to the responsible party or guarantor of the source designated under § 136.305.

(b) Claims for removal costs or damages may be presented first to the Fund only—

(1) By any claimant, if the Director, NPFC, has advertised, or otherwise notified claimants in writing, in accordance with § 136.309(e);

(2) By a responsible party who may assert a claim under section 1008 of the Act (33 U.S.C. 2708);

(3) By the Governor of a State for removal costs incurred by that State; or

(4) By a United States claimant in a case where a foreign offshore unit has discharged oil causing damage for which the Fund is liable under section 1012(a) of the Act (33 U.S.C. 2712(a)).

(c) If a claim is presented in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section and—

(1) Each person to whom the claim is presented denies all liability for the claim; or

(2) The claim is not settled by any person by payment within 90 days after the date upon which (A) the claim was presented, or (B) advertising was begun pursuant to § 136.309(d), whichever is later, the claimant may elect to commence an action in court against the responsible party or guarantor or to present the claim to the Fund.

(d) No claim of a person against the Fund will be approved or certified for payment during the pendency of an action by the person in court to recover costs which are the subject of the claim.

[CGD 91-035, 57 FR 36316, Aug. 12, 1992; 57 FR 41104, Sept. 9, 1992]
§ 136.105 - General requirements for a claim.

(a) The claimant bears the burden of providing all evidence, information, and documentation deemed necessary by the Director, NPFC, to support the claim.

(b) Each claim must be in writing for a sum certain for compensation for each category of uncompensated damages or removal costs (as described in Subpart C of this part) resulting from an incident. If at any time during the pendency of a claim against the Fund the claimant receives any compensation for the claimed amounts, the claimant shall immediately amend the claim.

(c) Each claim must be signed in ink by the claimant certifying to the best of the claimant's knowledge and belief that the claim accurately reflects all material facts.

(d) In addition to the other requirements of this section, any claim presented by a legal representative of the claimant must also be signed by the legal representative and—

(1) Be presented in the name of the claimant;

(2) Show the title or legal capacity of the representative; and

(3) Provide proof of authority to act for the claimant.

(e) Each claim must include at least the following, as applicable:

(1) The full name, street and mailing addresses of residence and business, and telephone numbers of the claimant.

(2) The date, time, and place of the incident giving rise to the claim.

(3) The identity of the vessel, facility, or other entity causing or suspected to have caused the removal costs or damages claimed and the basis for such identity or belief.

(4) A general description of the nature and extent of the impact of the incident, the costs associated with removal actions, and damages claimed, by category as delineated in Subpart C of this part, including, for any property, equipment, or similar item damaged, the full name, street and mailing address, and telephone number of the actual owner, if other than the claimant.

(5) An explanation of how and when the removal costs or damages were caused by, or resulted from, an incident.

(6) Evidence to support the claim.

(7) A description of the actions taken by the claimant, or other person on the claimant's behalf, to avoid or minimize removal costs or damages claimed.

(8) The reasonable costs incurred by the claimant in assessing the damages claimed. This includes the reasonable costs of estimating the damages claimed, but not attorney's fees or other administrative costs associated with preparation of the claim.

(9) To the extent known or reasonably identifiable by the claimant, the full name, street and mailing address, and telephone number of each witness to the incident, to the discharge, or to the removal costs or damages claimed, along with a brief description of that person's knowledge.

(10) A copy of written communications and the substance of verbal communications, if any, between the claimant and the responsible party or guarantor of the source designated under § 136.305 and a statement indicating that the claim was presented to the responsible party or guarantor, the date it was presented, that it was denied or remains not settled and, if known, the reason why it was denied or remains not settled.

(11) If the claimant has insurance which may cover the removal costs or damages claimed, the information required under § 136.111.

(12) A statement by the claimant that no action has been commenced in court against the responsible party or guarantor of the source designated under § 136.305 or, if an action has been commenced, a statement identifying the claimant's attorney and the attorney's address and phone number, the civil action number, and the court in which the action is pending.

(13) In the discretion of the Director, NPFC, any other information deemed relevant and necessary to properly process the claim for payment.

§ 136.107 - Subrogated claims.

(a) The claims of subrogor (e.g., insured) and subrogee (e.g., insurer) for removal costs and damages arising out of the same incident should be presented together and must be signed by all claimants.

(b) A fully subrogated claim is payable only to the subrogee.

(c) A subrogee must support a claim in the same manner as any other claimant.

§ 136.109 - Removal costs and multiple items of damages.

(a) A claimant must specify all of the claimant's known removal costs or damages arising out of a single incident when submitting a claim.

(b) Removal costs and each separate category of damages (as described in subpart C of this part) must be separately listed with a sum certain attributed to each type and category listed.

(c) At the sole discretion of the Director, NPFC, removal costs and each separate category of damages may be treated separately for settlement purposes.

§ 136.111 - Insurance.

(a) A claimant shall provide the following information concerning any insurance which may cover the removal costs or damages for which compensation is claimed:

(1) The name and address of each insurer.

(2) The kind and amount of coverage.

(3) The policy number.

(4) Whether a claim has been or will be presented to an insurer and, if so, the amount of the claim and the name of the insurer.

(5) Whether any insurer has paid the claim in full or in part or has indicated whether or not payment will be made.

(b) If requested by the Director, NPFC, the claimant shall provide a copy of the following material:

(1) All insurance policies or indemnification agreements.

(2) All written communications, and a summary of all oral communications, with any insurer or indemnifier.

(c) A claimant shall advise the Director, NPFC, of any changes in the information provided under this section.

§ 136.113 - Other compensation.

A claimant must include an accounting, including the source and value, of all other compensation received, applied for, or potentially available as a consequence of the incident out of which the claim arises including, but not limited to, monetary payments, goods or services, or other benefits.

§ 136.115 - Settlement and notice to claimant.

(a) Payment in full, or acceptance by the claimant of an offer of settlement by the Fund, is final and conclusive for all purposes and, upon payment, constitutes a release of the Fund for the claim. In addition, acceptance of any compensation from the Fund precludes the claimant from filing any subsequent action against any person to recover costs or damages which are the subject of the compensated claim. Acceptance of any compensation also constitutes an agreement by the claimant to assign to the Fund any rights, claims, and causes of action the claimant has against any person for the costs and damages which are the subject of the compensated claims and to cooperate reasonably with the Fund in any claim or action by the Fund against any person to recover the amounts paid by the Fund. The cooperation shall include, but is not limited to, immediately reimbursing the Fund for any compensation received from any other source for the same costs and damages and providing any documentation, evidence, testimony, and other support, as may be necessary for the Fund to recover from any person.

(b) Claimant's failure to accept an offer of settlement within 60 days after the date the offer was mailed to the claimant automatically voids the offer. The Director, NPFC, reserves the right to revoke an offer at any time.

(c) A claimant will be notified in writing sent by certified or registered mail whenever a claim against the Fund is denied. The failure of the Director, NPFC, to make final disposition of a claim within six months after it is filed shall, at the option of the claimant any time thereafter, be deemed a final denial of the claim.

(d) The Director, NPFC, upon written request of the claimant or of a person duly authorized to act on the claimant's behalf, reconsiders any claim denied. The request for reconsideration must be in writing and include the factual or legal grounds for the relief requested, providing any additional support for the claim. The request must be received by the Director, NPFC, within 60 days after the date the denial was mailed to the claimant or within 30 days after receipt of the denial by the claimant, whichever date is earlier. Reconsideration may only be requested once for each claim denied. The Director, NPFC will provide the claimant seeking reconsideration with written notification of the decision within 90 days after receipt of the request for reconsideration. This written decision is final. The failure of the Director, NPFC, to make final disposition of a reconsideration within 90 days after it is received shall, at the option of the claimant any time thereafter, be deemed a final denial of the reconsideration.

authority: 33 U.S.C. 2713(e) and 2714; Sec. 1512 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, Pub. L. 107-296, Title XV, Nov. 25, 2002, 116 Stat. 2310 (6 U.S.C. 552(d)); E.O. 12777, 56 FR 54757, 3 CFR, 1991 Comp., p. 351, as amended by E.O. 13286, 68 FR 10619, 3 CFR, 2004 Comp., p.166; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1, para. 2(80)
source: CGD 91-035, 57 FR 36316, Aug. 12, 1992, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 33 CFR 136.115