Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 33 - Navigation and Navigable Waters last revised: Feb 25, 2025
§ 203.41 - General.

(a) Authority. Public Law 84-99 authorizes repair and restoration of the following types of projects to ensure their continued function:

(1) Flood control projects.

(2) Federally authorized and constructed hurricane/shore protection projects.

(b) Implementation of authority. The Rehabilitation and Inspection Program (RIP) implements Public Law 84-99 authority to repair and rehabilitate flood control projects damaged by floods and coastal storm events. The RIP consists of a process to inspect flood control work; a status determination, i.e., an inspection-based determination of qualification for future Rehabilitation Assistance; and the provision of Rehabilitation Assistance to those projects with Active status that are damaged in a flood or coastal storm event.

(c) Active status. In order for a flood control work to be eligible for Rehabilitation Assistance, it must be in an Active status at the time of damage from a flood or coastal storm event. To gain an Active status, a non-Federal flood control work must meet certain engineering, maintenance, and qualification criteria, as determined by the Corps during an Initial Eligibility Inspection (IEI). To retain an Active status, Federal and non-Federal flood control works must continue to meet inspection criteria set by the Corps, as determined by the Corps during a Continuing Eligibility Inspection (CEI). All flood control works not in an Active status are considered to be Inactive, regardless of whether or not they have previously received a Corps inspection, or Corps assistance.

(d) Modification of flood control projects. Modification of a flood control project to increase the level of protection, or to provide protection to a larger area, is beyond the scope of Public Law 84-99 assistance. Such modifications to Federal projects are normally accomplished under congressional authorization and appropriation, or under Continuing Authorities Programs of the Corps. Such modifications to non-Federal projects are normally accomplished by the non-Federal sponsor and local interests. Modifications necessary to preserve the structural integrity of an existing non-Federal flood control project may be funded by the RIP, but such work must meet the criteria established in § 203.47 to be eligible for funding under Public Law 84-99.

§ 203.42 - Inspection of non-Federal flood control works.

(a) Required inspections. The Corps will conduct inspections of non-Federal flood control works. These inspections are IEI's and CEI's. Conduct of IEI's and CEI's will be as provided for in § 203.48.

(1) Corps involvement with any non-Federal flood control work normally begins when the sponsor requests an IEI. The Corps will conduct an IEI to determine if the flood control work meets minimum engineering and maintenance standards and is capable of providing the intended degree of flood protection. An Acceptable or Minimally Acceptable rating (see § 203.48) on the IEI is required to allow the project to gain an Active status in the RIP.

(2) CEI's are conducted periodically to ensure that projects Active in the RIP continue to meet Corps standards, and to determine if the sponsor's maintenance program is adequate. A rating of Acceptable or Minimally Acceptable (see § 203.48) on a CEI is required in order to retain an Active status in the RIP.

(b) Advice and reporting. Information on the results of IEI and CEI inspections will be furnished in writing to non-Federal sponsors, and will be maintained in Corps district offices.

(1) Non-Federal sponsors will be informed that an IEI rating of Unacceptable will cause the flood control work to remain in an Inactive status, and ineligible for Rehabilitation Assistance.

(2) Non-Federal sponsors will be informed that a CEI rating of Unacceptable will cause the flood control work to be placed in an Inactive status, and ineligible for Rehabilitation Assistance.

(3) Non-Federal sponsors will be informed that maintenance deficiencies found during CEI's may negatively impact on eligibility of future Rehabilitation Assistance, and the degree of local cost-sharing participation in any proposed work. Follow-up inspections can be made by the Corps to monitor progress in correcting deficiencies when warranted.

§ 203.43 - Inspection of Federal flood control works.

(a) Required inspections. A completed Federal flood control project, or completed functional portions thereof, is granted Active status in the RIP upon transfer of the operation and maintenance of the project (or functional portion thereof) to the non-Federal sponsor. Federal flood control works will be periodically inspected in accordance with 33 CFR 208.10 and Engineer Regulation (ER) 1130-2-530, Flood Control Operations and Maintenance Policies. These periodic inspections of Federal flood control works are also, for simplicity, known as CEI's. If a Federal project is found to be inadequately maintained on a CEI, then it will be placed in an Inactive status in the RIP. [Note: This is a separate and distinct action from project deauthorization, which is not within the scope of PL 84-99 activities.] A Federal project will remain in an Inactive status until such time as an adequate maintenance program is restored, and the project is determined by the Corps to be adequately maintained.

(b) Advice and reporting. Information on the results of CEI inspections will be furnished in writing to non-Federal sponsors, and will be maintained in Corps district offices. Non-Federal sponsors will be informed that a CEI rating of Unacceptable will cause the flood control work to be placed in an Inactive status, and not eligible for Rehabilitation Assistance. Non-Federal sponsors will be informed that maintenance deficiencies found during CEI's may negatively impact on eligibility of future Rehabilitation Assistance, and the degree of local cost-sharing participation in any proposed work. Follow-up inspections can be made by the Corps to monitor progress in correcting deficiencies when warranted.

§ 203.44 - Rehabilitation of non-Federal flood control works.

(a) Scope of work. The Corps will provide assistance in the rehabilitation of non-Federal projects only when repairs are clearly beyond the normal physical and financial capabilities of the project sponsor. The urgency of the work required will be considered in determining the sponsor's capability.

(b) Eligibility for Rehabilitation Assistance. A flood control project is eligible for Rehabilitation Assistance provided that the project is in an Active status at the time of the flood event, the damage was caused by the flood event, the work can be economically justified, and the work is not otherwise prohibited by this subpart D.

(c) Work at non-Federal expense. At the earliest opportunity prior to commencement of or during authorized rehabilitation work, the Corps will inform the project sponsor of any work that must be accomplished at non-Federal cost. This includes costs to correct maintenance deficiencies, and any modifications that are necessary to preserve the integrity of the project.

(d) Nonconforming works. Any non-Federal project constructed or modified without the appropriate local, State, tribal, and/or Federal permits, or waivers thereof, will not be rehabilitated under Public Law 84-99.

(e) Cooperation Agreements. A Cooperation Agreement is required in accordance with subpart G of this part.

§ 203.45 - Rehabilitation of Federal flood control works.

Rehabilitation of Federal flood control projects will be identical to rehabilitation of non-Federal projects (§ 203.44), except for those conditions contained in subpart G of this part concerning cooperation agreements, when the original PCA for the Federal project is sufficient. Additional requirements for Hurricane/Shore Protection Projects are covered in § 203.49.

§ 203.46 - Restrictions.

(a) Restrictions to flood control works. Flood control works are designed and constructed to have appreciable and dependable protection in preventing damage from irregular and unusual rises in water levels. Structures built primarily for the purposes of channel alignment, navigation, recreation, fish and wildlife enhancement, land reclamation, habitat restoration, drainage, bank protection, or erosion protection are generally ineligible for Public Law 84-99 Rehabilitation Assistance.

(b) Non-flood related rehabilitation. Rehabilitation of flood control structures damaged by occurrences other than floods, hurricanes, or coastal storms will generally not be provided under Public Law 84-99.

(c) Maintenance and deterioration deficiencies. Rehabilitation under Public Law 84-99 will not be provided for either Federal or non-Federal flood control projects that, as a result of poor maintenance or deterioration, require substantial reconstruction. All deficient or deferred maintenance existing when flood damage occurs will be accomplished by, or at the expense of, the non-Federal sponsor, either prior to or concurrently with authorized rehabilitation work. When work accomplished by the Corps corrects deferred or deficient maintenance, the estimated deferred or deficient maintenance cost will not be included as contributed non-Federal funds, and will be in addition to cost-sharing requirements addressed in § 203.82. Failure of project sponsors to correct deficiencies noted during Continuing Eligibility Inspections may result in ineligibility to receive Rehabilitation Assistance under Public Law 84-99.

(d) Economic justification. No flood control work will be rehabilitated unless the work required satisfies Corps criteria for a favorable benefit-to-cost ratio, and the construction cost of the work required exceeds $15,000. Construction costs greater than $15,000 do not preclude the Corps from making a determination that the required work is a maintenance responsibility of the non-Federal sponsor, and not eligible for Corps Rehabilitation Assistance.

§ 203.47 - Modifications to non-Federal flood control works.

Modifications necessary to preserve the structural integrity of existing non-Federal projects may be constructed at additional Federal and non-Federal expense in conjunction with approved rehabilitation work. The additional Federal cost will be limited to not more than one-third of the estimated Federal construction cost of rehabilitation to preflood level of protection, or $100,000, whichever is less. The modification work must be economically justified. Non-Federal interests are required to contribute a minimum of 25% of the total construction costs of the modification, LERRD's, and any additional funds necessary to support the remaining cost of the modification beyond what the Corps can provide. Engineering and design costs will be at Corps cost.

(a) Cash contributions. Non-Federal contributions will be only in cash. In-kind services are not permitted for modification work.

(b) Protection of additional areas. Modifications designed to provide protection to additional area are not authorized.

§ 203.48 - Inspection guidelines for non-Federal flood control works.

(a) Intent. The intent of these guidelines is to facilitate inspections of the design, construction, and maintenance of non-Federal flood control works. The guidelines are not intended to establish design standards for non-Federal flood control works, but to provide uniform procedures within the Corps for conducting required inspections. The results of these inspections determine Active status in the RIP, and thus determine eligibility for Rehabilitation Assistance. The contents of this section are applicable to both IEI's and CEI's.

(b) Level of detail. Evaluations of non-Federal flood control works will be made through on site inspections and technical analyses by Corps technical personnel. The level of detail required in an inspection will be commensurate with the complexity of the inspected project, the potential for catastrophic failure to cause significant loss of life, the economic benefits of the area protected, and other special circumstances that may occur. Technical evaluation procedures are intended to establish the general capability of a non-Federal flood control work to provide reliable flood protection.

(c) Purposes. The IEI assesses the integrity and reliability of the flood control work. In addition, other essential information required to help determine the Federal interest in future repairs/rehabilitation to the flood control work will be obtained. The IEI will establish the estimated level of protection and structural reliability of the existing flood control work. Subsequent CEI's will seek to detect changed project conditions that may have an impact on the reliability of the flood protection provided by the flood control work, to include the level of maintenance being performed on the flood control work.

(d) Inspection components—(1) Hydrologic/hydraulic analyses. The level of protection provided by a non-Federal flood control work will be evaluated and expressed in terms of exceedence frequency (e.g., a 20% chance of a levee being overtopped in any given year). These analyses also include an evaluation of existing or needed erosion control features for portions of a project that may be threatened by stream flows, overland flows, or wind generated waves.

(2) Geotechnical analyses. The Geotechnical evaluation will be based primarily on a detailed visual inspection. As a minimum, for levees, the IEI will identify critical sections where levee stability appears weakest and will document the location, reach, and cross-section at these points.

(3) Maintenance. Project maintenance analysis will evaluate the maintenance performance of the non-Federal sponsor, and deficiencies of the project. This evaluation should reflect the level of maintenance needed to assure the intended degree of flood protection, and assess the performance of recent maintenance on the project. The effects of structures on, over, or under the flood control work, such as buried fiber optic cables, gas pipelines, etc., will be evaluated for impact on the stability of the structure.

(4) Other structural features. Other features that may be present, such as pump stations, culverts, closure structures, etc., will be evaluated.

(e) Ratings. Inspected flood control works will receive a rating in accordance with the table below. The table below provides the general assessment parameters used in assigning a rating to the inspected flood control work.

Rating Assessment
A—AcceptableNo immediate work required, other than routine maintenance. The flood control project will function as designed and intended, and necessary cyclic maintenance is being adequately performed.
M—Minimally AcceptableOne or more deficient conditions exist in the flood control project that need to be improved/corrected. However, the project will essentially function as designed and intended.
U—UnacceptableOne or more deficient conditions exist which can reasonably be foreseen to prevent the project from functioning as designed, intended, or required.

(f) Sponsor reclama. If the results of a Corps evaluation are not acceptable to the project sponsor, the sponsor may choose, at its own expense, to provide a detailed engineering study, preferably certified by a qualified Professional Engineer, as a reclama to attempt to change the Corps evaluation.

§ 203.49 - Rehabilitation of Hurricane and Shore Protection Projects.

(a) Authority. The Chief of Engineers is authorized to rehabilitate any Federally authorized hurricane or shore protection structure damaged or destroyed by wind, wave, or water action of an other than ordinary nature when, in the discretion of the Chief of Engineers, such rehabilitation is warranted for the adequate functioning of the project.

(b) Policies. (1) Rehabilitation of HSPP's is limited to the repair/restoration of the HSPP to a pre-storm condition that allows for the adequate functioning of the project, provided that the damage was caused by an extraordinary storm.

(2) To be eligible for Rehabilitation Assistance, HSPP's must be:

(i) A completed element of a Federally authorized project; or,

(ii) A portion of a Federally authorized project constructed by non-Federal interests when approval of such construction was obtained from the Commander, Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (HQUSACE), or his designated representative; or,

(iii) A portion of a Federally authorized project constructed by non-Federal interests and designated by an Act of Congress as a Federal project; and

(3) Rehabilitation Assistance for sacrificial features will be limited to that necessary to reduce the immediate threat to life and property, or restoration to pre-storm conditions, whichever is less.

(4) To be eligible for rehabilitation, the sacrificial features of an HSPP must be substantially eroded by wind, wave, or water action of an other than ordinary nature. The determination of whether a storm qualifies as extraordinary will be made by the Director of Civil Works, and may be delegated to the Chief, Operations Division, Directorate of Civil Works.

(5) Rehabilitation will not be provided for uncompleted HSPP's. An HSPP (or separable portion thereof) is considered completed when transferred to the non-Federal sponsor for operation and maintenance.

(6) Definition of extraordinary storm. An extraordinary storm is a storm that, due to prolongation or severity, creates weather conditions that cause significant amounts of damage to a Hurricane/Shore Protection Project. “Prolongation or severity” means a Category 3 or higher hurricane as measured on the Saffir-Simpson scale, or a storm that has an exceedance frequency equal to or greater than the design storm of the project. “Significant amounts of damage” have occurred when:

(i) The cost of the construction effort to effect repair of the HSPP or separable element thereof (exclusive of dredge mobilization and demobilization costs) exceeds $1 million and is greater than two percent of the original construction cost (expressed in current day dollars) of the HSPP or separable element thereof; or,

(ii) The cost of the construction effort to effect repair of the HSPP or separable element thereof (exclusive of dredge mobilization and demobilization costs) exceeds $6 million; or,

(iii) More than one-third of the planned or historically placed sand for renourishment efforts for the HSPP (or separable element thereof) is lost.

(c) Procedural requirements. Rehabilitation of HSPP'S will be done in accordance with § 203.45, except as modified by this section.

(d) Combined rehabilitation and periodic nourishment. In some cases, the non-Federal sponsor may wish to fully restore the sacrificial features of a project where only a partial restoration is justifiable as Rehabilitation Assistance. In these cases, a cost allocation between Rehabilitation Assistance and periodic nourishment under the terms of the project PCA will be determined by the Director of Civil Works.

§ 203.50 - Nonstructural alternatives to rehabilitation of flood control works.

(a) Authority. Under Public Law 84-99, the Chief of Engineers is authorized, when requested by the non-Federal sponsor, to implement nonstructural alternatives (NSA's) to the rehabilitation, repair, or restoration of flood control works damaged by floods or coastal storms.

(b) Policy. (1) The option of implementing an NSA project (NSAP) in lieu of a structural repair or restoration is available only to non-Federal sponsors of flood control works eligible for Rehabilitation Assistance in accordance with this regulation, and only upon the request of such non-Federal sponsors.

(2) A sponsor is required for implementation of an NSAP. The NSAP sponsor must be either a non-Federal sponsor as defined in § 203.15, or another Federal agency. The NSAP sponsor must demonstrate that it has the legal authority and financial capability to provide for the required items of local cooperation.

(3) The Corps shall not be responsible for the operation, maintenance, or management of any NSAP implemented in accordance with this section.

(4) The Corps may, in its sole discretion, reject any request for an NSA that would:

(i) Lead to significantly increased flood protection expenses or flood fighting expenses for public agencies, flood control works sponsors, public utilities, or the Federal Government; or,

(ii) Threaten or have a significant adverse impact on the integrity, stability, or level of protection of adjacent or nearby flood control works; or,

(iii) Lead to increased risk of loss of life or property during flood events.

(5) The principal purposes of an NSAP are for:

(i) Floodplain restoration;

(ii) Provision or restoration of floodways; and,

Note to paragraphs (b)(5)(i) and (ii):

Habitat restoration is recognized as being a significant benefit that can be achieved with an NSAP, and may be a significant component of an NSAP, but is not considered to be a principal purpose under PL 84-99 authority.

(iii) Reduction of future flood damages and associated flood control works repair costs.

(c) Limitation on Corps expenditures. Exclusive of the costs of investigation, report preparation, engineering and design work, and related costs, Corps expenditures for implementation of an NSAP are limited to the lesser of the Federal share of rehabilitation construction costs of the project were the flood control work to be structurally rehabilitated in accordance with subpart D of this part, or the Federal share of computed benefits which would be derived from such structural rehabilitation. This limitation on Corps expenditures may be waived by the Director of Civil Works or the Chief, Operations Division, Directorate of Civil Works when compelling reasons exist.

(d) Responsibilities of the NSAP non-Federal sponsor. (1) Operate and maintain the NSAP;

(2) Provide, or arrange for and obtain, all funding required to implement the NSAP in excess of the limitation established in paragraph (c) of this section.

(3) Accept the transfer of ownership of any lands or interests in lands acquired by the Corps and determined by the Corps to be necessary to implement the NSAP.

(e) Responsibilities of other Federal agencies acting as NSAP sponsor. The Corps may participate with one or more Federal agencies in NSAP's. If the Corps is the lead Federal agency, based on mutual agreement of the Federal agencies, then a non-Federal NSAP sponsor is required. (See paragraph (d) of this section.) If another Federal agency is the lead Federal agency, then Corps participation in the NSAP will be based on the content of this section, with appropriate allowances for effecting an NSAP in accordance with the authority and ultimate goal of the lead Federal agency. In such cases, a Memorandum of Agreement between the Corps and the lead Federal agency is required, in accordance with paragraph (1) of this section.

(f) Responsibilities of the requesting flood control work project sponsor. (1) The flood control work project sponsor must request the Corps undertake an NSA project in lieu of rehabilitation of the flood control work, in accordance with the sponsor's applicable laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations.

(2) If not also the NSAP sponsor, the flood control work project sponsor must:

(i) Divest itself of responsibility to operate and maintain the flood control work involved in the NSAP; and

(ii) Provide to the NSAP sponsor such lands or interests in lands as it may have which the Corps determines are necessary to implement the NSAP.

(g) Allowable Public Law 84-99 expenses for NSAP's. (1) Acquisition of land or interests in land.

(2) Removal of structures, including manufactured homes, for salvage and/or reuse purposes.

(3) Demolition and removal of structures, including utility connections and related items.

(4) Debris removal and debris reduction.

(5) Removal, protection, and/or relocation of highways, roads, utilities, cemeteries, and railroads.

(6) Construction to promote, enhance, control, or modify water flows into, out of, through, or around the nonstructural project area.

(7) Nonstructural habitat restoration, to include select planting of native and desirable plant species, native species nesting site enhancements, etc.

(8) Total or partial removal or razing of existing reaches of levee, to include removal of bank protection features and/or riprap.

(9) Protection/floodproofing of essential structures and facilities.

(10) Supervision, administrative, and contract administration costs of other expenses allowed in this subparagraph.

(h) Time limitation. Corps participation in development and implementation of an NSAP may cease, at the sole discretion of the Corps, one year after the date of approval of rehabilitation of the damaged flood control work or the date of receipt of the flood control work public sponsor's request for an NSAP, whichever is earlier, if insufficient progress is being made to develop and implement the NSAP for reasons beyond the control of the Corps. In such circumstances, the Corps may, at its sole discretion, determine that Rehabilitation Assistance for the damaged flood control project may also be denied.

(i) Participation and involvement of other Federal, State, tribal, local, and private agencies. Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the participation of other Federal, State, tribal, local, and private agencies in the development, implementation, or future operations and maintenance of an NSAP under this section, subject to the limitations of such participating agency's authorities and regulations.

(j) Future assistance. After transfer of NSAP operation and maintenance responsibility to the NSAP sponsor or the lead Federal agency, flood-related assistance pursuant to Public Law 84-99 will not be provided anywhere within the formerly protected area of the flood control work, except for rescue operations provided in accordance with § 203.13(b). As an exception, on a case-by-case basis, certain structural flood control works (or elements thereof) repaired or set back as part of the implementation of an NSAP having a non-Federal sponsor may be considered for future flood-related assistance.

(k) Environmental considerations. NSAP's are subject to the same environmental requirements, restrictions, and limitations as are structural rehabilitation projects.

(l) Requirements for Cooperation Agreement (CA)/Items of Local Cooperation—(1) Requirement for Local Cooperation. In order to clearly define the obligations of the Corps and of non-Federal interests, a CA with the NSAP non-Federal sponsor is required. Requirements are addressed in paragraphs (l)(2) through (10) of this section. When another Federal agency is the lead Federal agency, a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Corps and that agency is required. Wording of MOA's will be similar to, and consistent with, requirements detailed in paragraphs (l)(2) through (10) of this section for CA's, with appropriate modifications based on the other Federal agencies' authorized expenditures and programs.

(2) The CA requirements of subpart G of this part are not applicable to NSAP's.

(3) Items of Local Cooperation. For NSAP's, non-Federal interests shall:

(i) Provide without cost to the United States all borrow sites and dredged or excavated material disposal areas necessary for the project;

(ii) Hold and save the United States free from damages due to the project, except for damages due to the fault or negligence of the United States or its contractor; and

(iii) Maintain and operate the project after completion in a manner satisfactory to the Chief of Engineers.

(4) Cost sharing. The Corps may assume up to 100 percent of the costs of implementing an NSAP, subject to the limitations set forth in paragraph (c) of this section.

(5) Eligibility under other Federal programs. NSAP CA's shall not prohibit non-Federal interests from accepting funding from other Federal agencies, so long as the provision of such other Federal agency funding is not prohibited by statute.

(6) Contributed funds. Contributed funds may be accepted without further approval by the Chief of Engineers upon execution of the CA by all parties. The required certificate of the district commander will cite 33 U.S.C. 701h as the pertinent authority.

(7) Obligation of contributed funds. In accordance with OMB Circular A-34, all contributed funds must be received in cash and deposited with the Treasury before any obligations can be made against such funds.

(8) Prohibition of future assistance. The prohibition of future assistance described in paragraph (j) of this section must be included in the NSAP CA.

(9) Assurance of compliance with Executive Order 11988. NSAP CA's shall include acknowledgment of, and a statement of planned adherence to, Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Management, 3 CFR 117 (1977 Compilation), or as it may be revised in the future, by the NSAP sponsor.

(10) The CA must include a statement of legal restrictions placed on formerly protected lands that would preclude future use and/or development of such lands in a fashion incompatible with the purposes of the NSAP.

(m) Acquisition of LERRD's. (1) For the acquisition of LERRD's, reimbursement may be made to the non-Federal sponsor of an NSAP. Such reimbursements are subject to the normal Corps land acquisition process, funding caps set forth in (c) of this section, and availability of appropriations.

(2) For the acquisition of LERRD's, Corps funding may be combined with the funding of other Federal agencies, absent specific statutory language or principle prohibiting such combinations, under the terms of the MOA with other Federal agencies.

§ 203.51 - Levee owner's manual.

(a) Authority. In accordance with section 202(f) of Public Law 104-303, the Corps will provide a levee owner's manual to the non-Federal sponsor of all flood control works in an Active status in the RIP.

(b) Policies—(1) Active non-Federal projects. A levee owner's manual developed and distributed by the Corps will be provided to all sponsors of Active non-Federal projects. The levee owner's manual will include the standards that must be met to maintain an Active status in the Rehabilitation and Inspection Program. Levee owner's manuals will also be provided, upon request, to sponsors of Inactive non-Federal projects so that the sponsors may evaluate their projects and prepare for an IEI to gain an Active status in the RIP.

(2) Federal projects. The Operation and Maintenance Manual specified by 33 CFR 208.10(a)(10) will fulfill the requirement of providing a levee owner's manual if the Corps has not provided a separate levee owner's manual to the sponsor of a Federal project.

(c) Procedural requirements. Levee Owner's Manuals will be initially provided to non-Federal sponsors of Active flood control works during scheduled CEI's and IEI's. Sponsors of Inactive projects and private levee owners will be provided manuals upon written request to the responsible Corps district.

§ 203.52 - [Reserved]
authority: 33 U.S.C. 701n.
source: 68 FR 19359, Apr. 21, 2003, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 33 CFR 203.51