Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 34 - Education last revised: Feb 18, 2025
§ 222.30 - What is “free public education”?
In addition to the terms defined in § 222.2, the following definition applies to this part:
Free public education. (1) The term means education that is provided—
(i) At public expense;
(ii)(A) As the complete elementary or secondary educational program as determined under State law through grade 12; and
(B) Preschool education, whether or not included as elementary education by State law;
(iii) In a school of the local educational agency (LEA) or under a tuition arrangement with another LEA or other educational entity; and
(iv) Under public supervision and direction, except with respect to children with disabilities.
(2) For the purpose of paragraph (1)(i) of this definition, education is provided at public expense if—
(i) There is no tuition charge to the child or the child's parents; and
(ii) Federal funds, other than Impact Aid funds and charter school startup funds, do not provide a substantial portion of the educational program, in relation to other LEAs in the State, as determined by the Secretary.
(3) For the purpose of paragraph (1)(ii) of this definition, the complete elementary or secondary educational program is the program recognized by the State as meeting all requirements for elementary or secondary education for the children claimed and, except for preschool education, does not include a program that provides only—
(i) Supplementary services or instruction; or
(ii) A portion of the required educational program.
(4) For the purpose of paragraph (1)(iii) of this definition, a tuition arrangement must—
(i) Satisfy all applicable legal requirements in the State; and
(ii) Genuinely reflect the applicant LEA's responsibility to provide a free public education to the children claimed under section 8003.
(5) For the purpose of paragraph (1)(iv) of this definition, education provided under public supervision and direction means education that is provided—
(i) In a school of the applicant LEA or another LEA; or
(ii) By another educational entity, over which the applicant LEA, or other public agency, exercises authority with respect to the significant aspects of the educational program for the children claimed. The Secretary considers significant aspects of the educational program to include administrative decisions relating to teachers, instruction, and curriculum.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7703,7709,7713,Sept. 29, 1995, as amended at 81 FR 64741, Sept. 20, 2016]
§ 222.31 - To which local educational agencies does the Secretary make basic support payments under section 8003(b) of the Act?
The Secretary makes payments to an LEA with an otherwise approvable application for children claimed under section 8003(b) of the Act if—
(a) The LEA meets the requirements in subpart A of these regulations and this subpart; and
(b)(1) The LEA is responsible under applicable State or Federal law for providing a free public education to those children;
(2) The LEA is providing a free public education to those children; and
(3) The State provides funds for the education of those children on the same basis as all other public school children in the State, unless permitted otherwise under section 8009 of the Act.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7703 and 7709)
§ 222.32 - What information does the Secretary use to determine a local educational agency's basic support payment?
(a) The Secretary determines an LEA's payment under section 8003(b) on the basis of information in the LEA's application, including information regarding the membership of federally connected children.
(b) The LEA must supply information in its timely and complete application regarding its federally connected membership on the basis of any count described in §§ 222.33 through 222.35.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1810-0036)
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7703 and 7705)
[60 FR 50778, Sept. 29, 1995, as amended at 81 FR 64741, Sept. 20, 2016]
§ 222.33 - When must an applicant make its first or only membership count?
(a)(1) An applicant must select a day in the current school year as the survey date for making the first membership count, which must be no earlier than the fourth day of the regular school year and before January 31.
(2) The applicant must use the same survey date for all schools in the LEA.
(b) As of the survey date, the applicant must—
(1) Count the membership of its federally connected children; and
(2) Count the total membership of its children—both federally connected and non-federally connected.
(c) The data on the application resulting from the count in paragraph (b) of this section must be accurate and verifiable by the application deadline.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1810-0036)
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7703,7705,Sept. 29, 1995, as amended at 80 FR 33163, June 11, 2015; 81 FR 64741, Sept. 20, 2016]
§ 222.34 - If an applicant makes a second membership count, when must that count be made?
(a)(1) The applicant may, but is not required to, make a second count of membership.
(2) If the applicant chooses to make a second count of membership, the applicant must select a day after January 31, but no later than May 14, as the survey date for making the second membership count, and make that count in accordance with § 222.33(b).
(3) The applicant must use the same survey date for the second membership count for all schools in the LEA.
(b) The applicant may use the information obtained from a second membership count to amend its application for assistance as described in § 222.5(b).
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1810-0036)
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7703 and 7705)
[60 FR 50778, Sept. 29, 1995, as amended at 80 FR 33163, June 11, 2015]
§ 222.35 - How does a local educational agency count the membership of its federally connected children?
An applicant counts the membership of its federally connected children using one of the following methods:
(a) Parent-pupil survey. An applicant may conduct a parent-pupil survey to count the membership of its federally connected children, which must be counted as of the survey date.
(1) The applicant shall conduct a parent-pupil survey by providing a form to a parent of each pupil enrolled in the LEA to substantiate the pupil's place of residence and the parent's place of employment.
(2) A parent-pupil survey form must include the following:
(i) Pupil enrollment information (this information may also be obtained from school records), including—
(A) Name of pupil;
(B) Date of birth of the pupil; and
(C) Name of public school and grade of the pupil.
(ii) Pupil residence information, including:
(A) The complete address of the pupil's residence, or other acceptable location information for that residence, such as a complete legal description, a complete U.S. Geological Survey number, or complete property tract or parcel number, or acceptable certification by a Federal agency official with access to data or records to verify the location of the Federal property; and
(B) If the pupil's residence is on Federal property, the name of the Federal facility.
(3) If any of the following circumstances apply, the parent-pupil survey form must also include the following:
(i) If the parent is employed on Federal property, except for a parent who is a member of the uniformed services on active duty, parent employment information, including—
(A) Name (as it appears on the employer's payroll record) of the parent (mother, father, legal guardian or other person standing in loco parentis) who is employed on Federal property and with whom the pupil resides; and
(B) Name of employer, name and complete address of the Federal property on which the parent is employed (or other acceptable location information, such as a complete legal description or acceptable certification by a Federal agency).
(ii) If the parent is a member of the uniformed services on active duty, the name, rank, and branch of service of that parent.
(iii) If the parent is both an official of, and accredited by a foreign government, and a foreign military officer, the name, rank, and country of service.
(iv) If the parent is a civilian employed on a Federal vessel, the name of the vessel, hull number, homeport, and name of the controlling agency.
(4)(i) Every parent-pupil survey form must include the signature of the parent supplying the information, except as provided in paragraph (a)(4)(ii) of this section, and the date of such signature, which must be on or after the survey date.
(ii) An LEA may accept an unsigned parent-pupil survey form, or a parent-pupil survey form that is signed by a person other than a parent, only under unusual circumstances. In those instances, the parent-pupil survey form must show why the parent did not sign the survey form, and when, how, and from whom the residence and employment information was obtained. Unusual circumstances may include, but are not limited to:
(A) A pupil who, on the survey date, resided with a person without full legal guardianship of the child while the pupil's parent or parents were deployed for military duty. In this case, the person with whom the child is residing may sign the parent-pupil survey form.
(B) A pupil who, on the survey date, was a ward of the juvenile justice system. In this case, an administrator of the institution where the pupil was held on the survey date may sign the parent-pupil survey form.
(C) A pupil who, on the survey date, was an emancipated youth may sign his or her own parent-pupil survey form.
(D) A pupil who, on the survey date, was at least 18 years old but who was not past the 12th grade may sign his or her own parent-pupil survey form.
(iii) The Department does not accept a parent-pupil survey form signed by an employee of the school district who is not the student's mother, father, legal guardian or other person standing in loco parentis.
(b) Source check. A source check is a type of survey tool that groups children being claimed on the Impact Aid application by Federal property. This form is used in lieu of the parent-pupil survey form to substantiate a pupil's place of residence or parent's place of employment on the survey date.
(1) The source check must include sufficient information to determine the eligibility of the Federal property and the individual children claimed on the form.
(2) A source check may also include:
(i) Certification by a parent's employer regarding the parent's place of employment;
(ii) Certification by a military or other Federal housing official as to the residence of each pupil claimed;
(iii) Certification by a military personnel official regarding the military active duty status of the parent of each pupil claimed as active duty uniformed services; or
(iv) Certification by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) or authorized tribal official regarding the eligibility of Indian lands.
(c) Another method approved by the Secretary.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1810-0036)
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7703)
[81 FR 64741, Sept. 20, 2016]
§ 222.36 - How many federally connected children must a local educational agency have to receive a payment under section 8003?
(a) An LEA is eligible to receive a payment under section 8003 for a fiscal year only if the total number of eligible federally connected children for whom it provided a free public education for the preceding fiscal year was—
(1) At least 400 who were in average daily attendance (ADA); or
(2) At least 3 percent of the total number of children in ADA.
(b) An LEA is eligible to receive a payment under section 8003 for a fiscal year on behalf of federally connected children described in section 8003(a)(1)(F) or (G) only if the total number of those children for whom it provided a free public education for the preceding fiscal year was—
(1) At least 1,000 in ADA; or
(2) At least 10 percent of the total number of children in ADA.
(c) Children described in paragraph (b) of this section are counted for the purposes of paragraph (a) of this section only if the applicant LEA is eligible to receive a payment on behalf of those children under section 8003.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7703(a)(3) and (b)(1)(B))
[60 FR 50778, Sept. 29, 1995, as amended at 62 FR 35415, July 1, 1997; 80 FR 33163, June 11, 2015]
§ 222.37 - How does the Secretary calculate the average daily attendance of federally connected children?
(a) This section describes how the Secretary computes the ADA of federally connected children for each category in section 8003 to determine an applicant's payment.
(b)(1) For purposes of this section, actual ADA means raw ADA data that have not been weighted or adjusted to reflect higher costs for specific types of students for purposes of distributing State aid for education.
(2) If an LEA provides a program of free public summer school, attendance data for the summer session are included in the LEA's ADA figure in accordance with State law or practice.
(3) An LEA's ADA count includes attendance data for children who do not attend the LEA's schools, but for whom it makes tuition arrangements with other educational entities.
(4) Data are not counted for any child—
(i) Who is not physically present at school for the daily minimum time period required by the State, unless the child is—
(A) Participating via telecommunication or correspondence course programs that meet State standards; or
(B) Being served by a State-approved homebound instruction program for the daily minimum time period appropriate for the child; or
(ii) Attending the applicant's schools under a tuition arrangement with another LEA.
(c) An LEA may determine its average daily attendance calculation in one of the following ways:
(1) If an LEA is in a State that collects actual ADA data for purposes of distributing State aid for education, the Secretary calculates the ADA of that LEA's federally connected children for the current fiscal year payment as follows:
(i) By dividing the ADA of all the LEA's children for the second preceding fiscal year by the LEA's total membership on its survey date for the second preceding fiscal year (or, in the case of an LEA that conducted two membership counts in the second preceding fiscal year, by the average of the LEA's total membership on the two survey dates); and
(ii) By multiplying the figure determined in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section by the LEA's total membership of federally connected children in each subcategory described in section 7003 and claimed in the LEA's application for the current fiscal year payment.
(2) An LEA may submit its total preceding year ADA data. The Secretary uses these data to calculate the ADA of the LEA's federally connected children by—
(i) Dividing the LEA's preceding year's total ADA data by the preceding year's total membership data; and
(ii) Multiplying the figure determined in paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section by the LEA's total membership of federally connected children as described in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section.
(3) An LEA may submit attendance data based on sampling conducted during the previous fiscal year.
(i) The sampling must include attendance data for all children for at least 30 school days.
(ii) The data must be collected during at least three periods evenly distributed throughout the school year.
(iii) Each collection period must consist of at least five consecutive school days.
(iv) The Secretary uses these data to calculate the ADA of the LEA's federally connected children by—
(A) Determining the ADA of all children in the sample;
(B) Dividing the figure obtained in paragraph (c)(3)(iv)(A) of this section by the LEA's total membership for the previous fiscal year; and
(C) Multiplying the figure determined in paragraph (c)(3)(iv)(B) of this section by the LEA's total membership of federally connected children for the current fiscal year, as described in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section.
(d) An SEA may submit data to calculate the average daily attendance calculation for the LEAs in that State in one of the following ways:
(1) If the SEA distributes State aid for education based on data similar to attendance data, the SEA may request that the Secretary use those data to calculate the ADA of each LEA's federally connected children. If the Secretary determines that those data are, in effect, equivalent to attendance data, the Secretary allows use of the requested data and determines the method by which the ADA for all of the LEA's federally connected children will be calculated.
(2) An SEA may submit data necessary for the Secretary to calculate a State average attendance ratio for all LEAs in the State by submitting the total ADA and total membership data for the State for each of the last three most recent fiscal years that ADA data were collected. The Secretary uses these data to calculate the ADA of the federally connected children for each LEA in the State by—
(i)(A) Dividing the total ADA data by the total membership data for each of the three fiscal years and averaging the results; and
(B) Multiplying the average determined in paragraph (d)(2)(i)(A) of this section by the LEA's total membership of federally connected children as described in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section.
(e) The Secretary may calculate a State average attendance ratio in States with LEAs that would benefit from such calculation by using the methodology in paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1810-0036)
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7703,7706,7713,Sept. 20, 2016]
§ 222.38 - What is the maximum basic support payment that a local educational agency may receive under section 8003(b)(1)?
(a) The maximum basic support payment that an LEA may receive under section 8003(b)(1) for any fiscal year is the sum of its total weighted student units under section 8003(a)(2) for the federally connected children eligible to be counted as the basis for payment, multiplied by the greater of the following:
(1) One-half of the State average per pupil expenditure for the third fiscal year preceding the fiscal year for which the LEA seeks assistance.
(2) One-half of the national average per pupil expenditure for the third fiscal year preceding the fiscal year for which the LEA seeks assistance.
(3) The local contribution rate (LCR) based on generally comparable LEAs determined in accordance with §§ 222.39-222.41.
(4) The State average per pupil expenditure for the third preceding fiscal year multiplied by the local contribution percentage as defined in section 8013(8) of the Act for that same year.
(b) If satisfactory data from the third preceding fiscal year are not available for the expenditures described in paragraphs (a)(1) or (2), the Secretary uses data from the most recent fiscal year for which data that are satisfactory to the Secretary are available.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7703(a) and (b))
[80 FR 33163, June 11, 2015]
§ 222.39 - How does a State educational agency identify generally comparable local educational agencies for local contribution rate purposes?
(a) To identify generally comparable LEAs within its State for LCR purposes, the State educational agency (SEA) for that State, after appropriate consultation with the applicant LEAs in the State, shall use data from the third fiscal year preceding the fiscal year for which the LCR is being computed to group all of its LEAs, including all applicant LEAs, as follows:
(1) Grouping by grade span/legal classification alone. Divide all LEAs into groups that serve the same grade span and then subdivide the grade span groups by legal classification, if the Secretary considers this classification relevant and sufficiently different from grade span within the State. As an alternative grade-span division, divide all LEAs into elementary, secondary, or unified grade-span groups, as appropriate, within the State.
(2) Grouping by grade span/legal classification and size. (i) Divide all LEAs into groups by grade span (or the alternative grade-span groups described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section) and legal classification, if relevant and sufficiently different from grade span and size.
(ii) List all LEAs within each group in descending order by size as measured by ADA, placing the LEA with the largest ADA at the top of the list. A State that does not tabulate actual annual ADA shall use the same formula for establishing ADA for the purpose of ranking LEAs by size as the Department has approved for the purpose of calculating payments under section 8003 for applicant LEAs in the State.
(iii) Divide each group into either two subgroups or three subgroups.
(iv) To determine the subgroups, divide each list at the point(s) that will result in as nearly equal numbers of LEAs in each subgroup as possible, so that no group is more than one LEA larger than any other group.
(3) Grouping by grade span/legal classification and location. Divide all LEAs into groups by grade span (or the alternative grade-span groups described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section) and, if relevant and sufficiently different from grade span and location, legal classification; then subdivide these groups by location, as determined by placement inside or outside a metropolitan statistical area (MSA) as defined by the U.S. Bureau of the Census. The Department will supply SEAs with lists of MSA classifications for their LEAs, and only the classifications on those lists will be recognized by the Department for the purposes of these regulations.
(4) Grouping by grade span/legal classification, size, and location. (i) Divide all LEAs into groups by grade span (or the alternative grade-span groups described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section) and, if relevant and sufficiently different from grade span, size, and location, legal classification; then subdivide these groups by size (into two or three subgroups for each grade span, as described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section); and further subdivide these groups by location (inside or outside an MSA).
(ii) In using both the size and location factors, the SEA shall subdivide according to the size factor before the location factor.
(b) After applying the following restrictions, the SEA shall compute an LCR according to the provisions of § 222.41 for each group of generally comparable LEAs identified under paragraph (a) of this section, as follows:
(1) The SEA shall not, when computing an LCR, include the following “significantly impacted” LEAs in any group of generally comparable LEAs:
(i) Any LEA having—in the third fiscal year preceding the fiscal year for which the LCR is being computed—20 percent or more of its ADA composed of children identified under section 8003(a)(1)(A)-(C).
(ii) Any LEA having—in the third fiscal year preceding the fiscal year for which the LCR is being computed—50 percent or more of its ADA composed of children identified under section 8003(a)(1)(A)-(G) who were eligible under § 222.36 to be counted as the basis for payment under section 8003.
(2) The SEA may not compute an LCR for any group that contains fewer than 10 LEAs.
(c) The LCR for a “significantly impacted” LEA described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section is the LCR of any group in which that LEA would be included based on grade span/legal classification, size, location, or a combination of these factors, if the LEA were not excluded as significantly impacted.
(d) This section does not apply to applicant LEAs located in—
(1) Puerto Rico;
(2) Wake Island;
(3) Guam;
(4) American Samoa;
(5) Any outlying area; and
(6) Any State in which there is only one LEA.
Example.An LEA applies for assistance under section 8003 and wishes to recommend to the Secretary an LCR based on generally comparable LEAs within its State.
1. Characteristics of Applicant LEA. The grade span of an applicant LEA is kindergarten through grade 8 (K-8). In the applicant's State, legal classification of LEAs is based on grade span, and thus does not act to further subdivide groups of LEAs.
The ADA of the applicant LEA is above the median ADA of LEAs serving only K-8 in the State.
The applicant LEA is located outside an MSA.
2. Characteristics of Other LEAs Serving Same Grade Span. The SEA of the applicant's State groups all LEAs in its State according to the factors in § 222.39.
a. The SEA identifies the following groups:
(i) One hundred and one LEAs serve only K-8. The SEA has identified a group of 50 LEAs having an ADA above the median ADA for the group of 101, one LEA having an ADA at the median, and a group of 50 LEAs having an ADA below the median ADA; and according to § 222.39(a)(2), the SEA considers 51 LEAs to have an ADA below the median ADA.
(ii) Of the 101 LEAs in the group, the SEA has identified a group of 64 LEAs as being inside an MSA and a group of 37 LEAs as being outside an MSA.
(iii) Among the group of 50 LEAs having an ADA above the median, the SEA has identified a group of 35 LEAs as being inside an MSA and a group of 15 LEAs as being outside an MSA.
(iv) Among the group of 51 LEAs having an ADA at or below the median, the SEA has identified a group of 29 LEAs as being inside an MSA and 22 LEAs as being outside an MSA.
(v) One LEA has 20 percent of its ADA composed of children identified under section 8003(a)(1)(A)-(C) and, therefore, must be excluded from any group it falls within before the SEA computes an LCR for the group. The LEA has an ADA below the median ADA and is located outside an MSA.
b. On the basis of § 222.41, the SEA computes the LCR for each group of generally comparable LEAs that the SEA has identified.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1810-0036)
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7703(b)(1)(C)(iii))
[60 FR 50778, Sept. 29, 1995, as amended at 80 FR 33163, June 11, 2015]
§ 222.40 - What procedures does a State educational agency use for certain local educational agencies to determine generally comparable local educational agencies using additional factors, for local contribution rate purposes?
(a) To use the procedures in this section, the applicant LEA, for the year of application, must either—
(1)(i) Be located entirely on Federal land; and
(ii) Be raising either no local revenues or an amount of local revenues the Secretary determines to be minimal; or
(2)(i) Be located in a State where State aid makes up no more than 40 percent of the State average per pupil expenditure in the third fiscal year preceding the fiscal year for which the LCR is being computed;
(ii) In its application, have federally connected children identified under section 8003(a)(1)(A)-(C) equal to at least 20 percent of its total ADA; and
(iii) In its application, have federally connected children identified under section 8003(a)(1)(A)-(G) who were eligible to be counted as the basis for payment under section 8003 equal to at least 50 percent of its total ADA.
(b) If requested by an applicant LEA described in paragraph (a) of this section, the SEA follows the procedures in this section, in consultation with the LEA, to determine generally comparable LEAs using additional factors for the purpose of calculating and certifying an LCR for that LEA.
(c) The SEA identifies—
(1) The subgroup of generally comparable LEAs from the group identified under § 222.39(a)(2) (grouping by grade span/legal classification and size) that includes the applicant LEA; or
(2) For an LEA described in paragraph (a) of this section that serves a different span of grades from all other LEAs in its State (and therefore cannot match any group of generally comparable LEAs under § 222.39(a)(2)), for purposes of this section only, a group using only legal classification and size as measured by ADA.
(d) From the subgroup described in paragraph (c) of this section, the SEA then identifies 10 or more generally comparable LEAs that share one or more additional common factors of general comparability with the applicant LEA described in paragraph (a) of this section, as follows:
(1)(i) The SEA must consider one or more generally accepted, objectively defined factors that affect the applicant's cost of educating its children. Examples of such cost-related factors include location inside or outside an MSA, an unusually large geographical area or an economically depressed area, sparsity or density of population, and the percentage of its students who are from low-income families or who are children with disabilities, neglected or delinquent children, low-achieving children, or children with limited English proficiency.
(ii) The SEA may not consider cost-related factors that can be varied at the discretion of the applicant LEA or its generally comparable LEAs or factors dependent on the wealth of the applicant LEA or its generally comparable LEAs. Examples of factors that may not be considered include special alternative curricular programs, pupil-teacher ratio, and per pupil expenditures.
(iii) If an SEA proposes to use one or more special additional factors to determine generally comparable LEAs, the SEA must submit, with its annual submission of generally comparable data to the Department, its rationale for selecting the additional factor or factors and describe how they affect the cost of education in the LEA.
(2) The SEA applies the factor or factors of general comparability identified under paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section in one of the following ways in order to identify 10 or more generally comparable LEAs for the eligible applicant LEA, none of which may be significantly impacted LEAs:
(i) The SEA identifies all of the LEAs in the group to which the eligible applicant LEA belongs under § 222.39(a)(2) that share the factor or factors. If the subgroup containing the eligible applicant LEA includes at least 10 other LEAs (excluding significantly impacted LEAs), it will be the eligible applicant LEA's new group of generally comparable LEAs. The SEA computes the LCR for the eligible applicant LEA using the data for all of the LEAs in the subgroup except the eligible applicant LEA.
Example 1.An eligible applicant LEA contains a designated economically depressed area, and the SEA, in consultation with the LEA, identifies “economically depressed area” as an additional factor of general comparability. From the group of LEAs under § 222.39(a)(2) that includes the eligible applicant LEA, the SEA identifies two subgroups, those LEAs that contain a designated economically depressed area and those that do not. The entire subgroup identified by the SEA that includes the eligible applicant LEA is that LEA's new group of generally comparable LEAs if it contains at least 10 LEAs.
(ii) After the SEA identifies all of the LEAs in the group to which the eligible applicant LEA belongs under § 222.39(a)(2) that share the factor or factors, the SEA then systematically orders by ADA all of the LEAs in the group that includes the eligible applicant LEA. The SEA may further divide the ordered LEAs into subgroups by using logical division points (e.g., the median, quartiles, or standard deviations) or a continuous interval of the ordered LEAs (e.g., a percentage or a numerical range). If the subgroup containing the eligible applicant LEA includes at least 10 other LEAs (excluding significantly impacted LEAs), it will be the eligible applicant LEA's new group of generally comparable LEAs. The SEA computes the LCR for the eligible applicant LEA using the data for all of the LEAs in the subgroup except the eligible applicant LEA.
Example 2.An eligible applicant LEA serves an unusually high percentage of children with disabilities, and the SEA, in consultation with the LEA, identifies “proportion of children with disabilities” as an additional comparability factor. From the group of LEAs under § 222.39(a)(2) that includes the eligible applicant LEA, the SEA lists the LEAs in descending order according to the percentage of children with disabilities enrolled in each of the LEAs. The SEA divides the list of LEAs into four groups containing equal numbers of LEAs. The group containing the eligible applicant LEA is that LEA's new group of generally comparable LEAs if it contains at least 10 LEAs.
(iii) The SEA may apply more than one factor of general comparability in identifying a new group of 10 or more generally comparable LEAs for the eligible applicant LEA. If the subgroup containing the eligible applicant LEA includes at least 10 other LEAs (excluding significantly impacted LEAs), it will be the eligible applicant LEA's new group of generally comparable LEAs. The SEA computes the LCR for the eligible applicant LEA using the data from all of the LEAs in the subgroup except the eligible applicant LEA.
Example 3.An eligible applicant LEA is very sparsely populated and serves an unusually high percentage of children with limited English proficiency. The SEA, in consultation with the LEA, identifies “sparsity of population” and “proportion of children with limited English proficiency” as additional comparability factors. From the group of LEAs under § 222.39(a)(2) that includes the eligible applicant LEA, the SEA identifies all LEAs that are sparsely populated. The SEA further subdivides the sparsely populated LEAs into two groups, those that serve an unusually high percentage of children with limited English proficiency and those that do not. The subgroup of at least 10 sparsely populated LEAs that serve a high percentage of children with limited English proficiency is the eligible applicant LEA's new group of generally comparable LEAs.
(e)(1) Using the new group of generally comparable LEAs selected under paragraph (d) of this section, the SEA computes the LCR for the eligible applicant LEA according to the provisions of § 222.41.
(2) The SEA certifies the resulting LCR by submitting that LCR to the Secretary and providing the Secretary a description of the additional factor or factors of general comparability and the data used to identify the new group of generally comparable LEAs.
(3) The Secretary reviews the data submitted by the SEA, and accepts the LCR for the purpose of use under section 8003(b)(1)(C)(iii) in determining the LEA's maximum payment under section 8003 if the Secretary determines that it meets the purposes and requirements of the Act and this part.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7703(b)(1)(C)(iii))
[80 FR 33164, June 11, 2015, as amended at 81 FR 64743, Sept. 20, 2016]
§ 222.41 - How does a State educational agency compute and certify local contribution rates based upon generally comparable local educational agencies?
Except as otherwise specified in the Act, the SEA, subject to the Secretary's review and approval, computes and certifies an LCR for each group of generally comparable LEAs within its State that was identified using the factors in § 222.39, and § 222.40 if appropriate, as follows:
(a)(1) The SEA shall compile the aggregate local current expenditures of the comparable LEAs in each group for the third fiscal year preceding the fiscal year for which the LCR is being computed.
(2) For purposes of this section, the SEA shall consider only those aggregate current expenditures made by the generally comparable LEAs from revenues derived from local sources. No State or Federal funds may be included.
(b) The SEA shall compile the aggregate number of children in ADA to whom the generally comparable LEAs in each group provided a free public education during the third fiscal year preceding the fiscal year for which the LCR is being computed.
(c) The SEA shall divide—
(1) The aggregate current expenditures determined under paragraph (a) of this section by;
(2) The aggregate number of children determined under paragraph (b) of this section.
(d) The SEA certifies the resulting figure for each group as the LCR for that group of generally comparable LEAs to be used by the Secretary under section 8003(b)(1)(C)(iii) in determining the LEA's maximum payment amount under section 8003.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7703(b)(1)(C)(iii))
[60 FR 50778, Sept. 29, 1995, as amended at 80 FR 33165, June 11, 2015]
§ 222.42 - [Reserved]
§ 222.43 - What requirements must a local educational agency meet in order to be eligible for financial assistance under section 8003(b)(1)(F) due to unusual geographic features?
An LEA is eligible for financial assistance under section 8003(b)(1)(F) if the Secretary determines that the LEA meets all of the following requirements—
(a)(1) The LEA is eligible for a basic support payment under section 8003(b), including meeting the maintenance of effort requirements in section 8003(g) of the Act;
(2) The LEA timely applies for assistance under section 8003(b)(1)(F) and meets all other requirements of subparts A and C;
(3) The LEA is meeting the tax rate requirement in § 222.68(c) and the other applicable requirements of §§ 222.68 through 222.72; and
(4) The LEA is not in a State that takes the LEA's payment under section 8003(b)(1)(F) into account in an equalization program that qualifies under section 8009 of the Act.
(b)(1) As part of its section 8003 application, the LEA indicates in writing that it wishes to apply for an “unusual geographic” payment and it will provide the Secretary with documentation upon request that demonstrates that the LEA is unable to provide a level of education equivalent to that provided by its generally comparable LEAs because—
(i) The applicant's current expenditures are affected by unusual geographic factors; and
(ii) As a result, those current expenditures are not reasonably comparable to the current expenditures of its generally comparable LEAs.
(2) The LEA's documentation must include—
(i) A specific description of the unusual geographic factors on which the applicant is basing its request for compensation under this section and objective data demonstrating that the applicant is more severely affected by the factors than any other LEA in its State;
(ii) Objective data demonstrating the specific ways in which the unusual geographic factors affect the applicant's current expenditures so that they are not reasonably comparable to the current expenditures of its generally comparable LEAs;
(iii) Objective data demonstrating the specific ways in which the unusual geographic factors prevent the applicant from providing a level of education equivalent to that provided by its generally comparable LEAs; and
(iv) Any other information that the Secretary may require to make an eligibility determination under this section.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7703(b)(1)(F))
[80 FR 33165, June 11, 2015]
§ 222.44 - How does the Secretary determine a maximum payment for local educational agencies that are eligible for financial assistance under section 8003(b)(1)(F) and § 222.43?
The Secretary determines a maximum payment under section 8003(b)(1)(F) for an eligible LEA, using data from the third preceding fiscal year, as follows:
(a) Subject to paragraph (b) of this section, the Secretary increases the eligible LEA's local contribution rate (LCR) for section 8003(b) payment purposes to the amount the Secretary determines will compensate the applicant for the increase in its current expenditures necessitated by the unusual geographic factors identified under § 222.43(b)(2).
(b) The Secretary does not increase the LCR under this section to an amount that is more than—
(1) Is necessary to allow the applicant to provide a level of education equivalent to that provided by its generally comparable LEAs; or
(2) The per pupil share for all children in ADA of the increased current expenditures necessitated by the unusual geographic factors identified under § 222.43, as determined by the Secretary.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7703(b)(1)(F))
[80 FR 33165, June 11, 2015]
§§ 222.45-222.49 - §[Reserved]
source: 60 FR 50778, Sept. 29, 1995, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 34 CFR 222.37