Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 34 - Education last revised: Feb 18, 2025
§ 222.90 - What definitions apply to this subpart?
In addition to the definitions in § 222.2, the following definitions apply to this subpart:
Indian children means children residing on Indian lands who are recognized by an Indian tribe as being affiliated with that tribe.
Indian tribe means any Indian tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community, including any Alaska Native village or regional or village corporation as defined in or established under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (85 Stat. 688), which is recognized as eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7713,7881,7938,8801
§ 222.91 - What requirements must a local educational agency meet to receive a payment under section 7003 of the Act for children residing on Indian lands?
(a) To receive a payment under section 7003 of the Act for children residing on Indian lands, an LEA must—
(1) Meet the application and eligibility requirements in section 7003 and subparts A and C of these regulations;
(2) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, develop and implement policies and procedures in accordance with § 222.94; and
(3) Include in its application for payments under section 7003—
(i) An assurance that the LEA established these policies and procedures in consultation with and based on information from tribal officials and parents of those children residing on Indian lands who are Indian children, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section;
(ii) An assurance that the LEA has provided a written response to the comments, concerns and recommendations received through the Indian policies and procedures consultation process, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section; and
(iii) Either a copy of the policies and procedures, or documentation that the LEA has received a waiver in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) An LEA is not required to comply with § 222.94 with respect to students from a tribe that has provided the LEA with a waiver that meets the requirements of this paragraph.
(1) A waiver must contain a voluntary written statement from an appropriate tribal official or tribal governing body that—
(i) The LEA need not comply with § 222.94 because the tribe is satisfied with the LEA's provision of educational services to the tribe's students; and
(ii) The tribe was provided a copy of the requirements in § 222.91 and § 222.94, and understands the requirements that are being waived.
(2) The LEA must submit the waiver at the time of application.
(3) The LEA must obtain a waiver from each tribe that has Indian children living on Indian lands claimed by the LEA on its application under section 7003 of the Act. If the LEA only obtains waivers from some, but not all, applicable tribes, the LEA must comply with the requirements of § 222.94 with respect to those tribes that did not agree to waive these requirements.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1810-0036)
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7703(a), 7704)
[81 FR 64743, Sept. 20, 2016]
§ 222.92 - What additional statutes and regulations apply to this subpart?
(a) The following statutes and regulations apply to LEAs that claim children residing on Indian lands for payments under section 8003:
(1) The General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) in 20 U.S.C. 1221 et seq., unless otherwise noted.
(2) Other relevant regulations in this part.
(b) The following statutes, rules, and regulations do not apply to any hearing proceedings under this subpart:
(1) Administrative Procedure Act.
(2) Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
(3) Federal Rules of Evidence.
(4) GEPA, part E.
(5) 34 CFR part 81.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1221 et seq. unless otherwise noted, 7703, and 7704)
§ 222.93 - [Reserved]
§ 222.94 - What are the responsibilities of the LEA with regard to Indian policies and procedures?
(a) An LEA that is subject to the requirements of § 222.91(a) must consult with and involve local tribal officials and parents of Indian children in the planning and development of:
(1) Its Indian policies and procedures (IPPs), and
(2) The LEA's general educational program and activities.
(b) An LEA's IPPs must include a description of the specific procedures for how the LEA will:
(1) Disseminate relevant applications, evaluations, program plans and information related to the LEA's education program and activities with sufficient advance notice to allow tribes and parents of Indian children the opportunity to review and make recommendations.
(2) Provide an opportunity for tribes and parents of Indian children to provide their views on the LEA's educational program and activities, including recommendations on the needs of their children and on how the LEA may help those children realize the benefits of the LEA's education programs and activities. As part of this requirement, the LEA will—
(i) Notify tribes and the parents of Indian children of the opportunity to submit comments and recommendations, considering the tribe's preference for method of communication, and
(ii) Modify the method of and time for soliciting Indian views, if necessary, to ensure the maximum participation of tribes and parents of Indian children.
(3) At least annually, assess the extent to which Indian children participate on an equal basis with non-Indian children in the LEA's education program and activities. As part of this requirement, the LEA will:
(i) Share relevant information related to Indian children's participation in the LEA's education program and activities with tribes and parents of Indian children; and
(ii) Allow tribes and parents of Indian children the opportunity and time to review and comment on whether Indian children participate on an equal basis with non-Indian children.
(4) Modify the IPPs if necessary, based upon the results of any assessment or input described in paragraph (b) of this section.
(5) Respond at least annually in writing to comments and recommendations made by tribes or parents of Indian children, and disseminate the responses to the tribe and parents of Indian children prior to the submission of the IPPs by the LEA.
(6) Provide a copy of the IPPs annually to the affected tribe or tribes.
(c)(1) An LEA that is subject to the requirements of § 222.91(a) must implement the IPPs described in paragraph (b) of this section.
(2) Each LEA that has developed IPPs shall review those IPPs annually to ensure that they comply with the provisions of this section, and are implemented by the LEA in accordance with this section.
(3) If an LEA determines, after input from the tribe and parents of Indian children, that its IPPs do not meet the requirements of this section, the LEA shall amend its IPPs to conform to those requirements within 90 days of its determination.
(4) An LEA that amends its IPPs shall, within 30 days, send a copy of the amended IPPs to—
(i) The Impact Aid Program Director for approval; and
(ii) The affected tribe or tribes.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7704)
[81 FR 64744, Sept. 20, 2016]
§ 222.95 - How are Indian policies and procedures reviewed to ensure compliance with the requirements in section 8004(a) of the Act?
(a) The Director of the Impact Aid Program (Director) periodically reviews applicant LEAs' IPPs to ensure that they comply with the provisions of section 8004(a) and § 222.94.
(b) If the Director determines either that the LEA's IPPs do not comply with the minimum standards of section 8004(a), or that the IPPs have not been implemented in accordance with § 222.94, the Director provides the LEA with written notification of the deficiencies related to its IPPs and requires that the LEA take appropriate action.
(c) An LEA shall make the necessary changes within 90 days of receipt of written notification from the Director.
(d) If the LEA fails to make the necessary adjustments or changes within the prescribed period of time, the Director may withhold all or part of the payments that the LEA is eligible to receive under section 8003.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1810-0036)
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7704 (a) and (d)(2))
[60 FR 50778, Sept. 29, 1995, as amended at 62 FR 35416, July 1, 1997; 81 FR 64744, Sept. 20, 2016]
§§ 222.96-222.101 - §[Reserved]
§ 222.102 - Who may file a complaint about a local educational agency's Indian policies and procedures?
(a) Only a tribal chairman or an authorized designee for a tribe that has students attending an LEA's schools may file a written complaint with the Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education (Assistant Secretary) regarding any action of the LEA pursuant to, or relevant to, section 8004(a) and § 222.94.
(b) If a tribe files a complaint through a designee, the tribe shall acknowledge in writing in the complaint that the designee is authorized to act on its behalf.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7704(e)(1))
§ 222.103 - What must be included in a complaint?
For purposes of this subpart, a complaint is a signed statement that includes—
(a) An allegation that an LEA has failed to develop and implement IPPs in accordance with section 8004(a);
(b) Information that supports the allegation;
(c) A specific request for relief; and
(d) A statement describing what steps the tribe has taken to resolve with the LEA the matters on which the complaint is based.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7704(e)(1))
§ 222.104 - When does the Assistant Secretary consider a complaint received?
(a) The Assistant Secretary considers a complaint to have been received only after the Assistant Secretary determines that the complaint—
(1) Satisfies the requirements in §§ 222.102 and 222.103; and
(2) Is in writing and signed by the tribal chairman or the tribe's authorized designee.
(b) If the Assistant Secretary determines that a complaint fails to meet the requirements in §§ 222.102-222.103, the Assistant Secretary notifies the tribe or its designee in writing that the complaint has been dismissed for purposes of invoking the hearing procedures in §§ 222.102-222.113.
(c) Any notification that a complaint has been dismissed includes the reasons why the Assistant Secretary determined that the complaint did not meet the requirements in §§ 222.102 and 222.103.
(d) Notification that a complaint has been dismissed does not preclude other efforts to investigate or resolve the issues raised in the complaint, including the filing of an amended complaint.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7704(e)(1))
§§ 222.105-222.107 - §[Reserved]
§ 222.108 - What actions must be taken upon receipt of a complaint?
Within 10 working days of receipt of a complaint, the Secretary or his designee—
(a) Designates a hearing examiner to conduct a hearing;
(b) Designates a time for the hearing that is no more than 30 days after the designation of a hearing examiner;
(c) Designates a place for the hearing that, to the extent possible, is—
(1) Near the LEA; or
(2) At another location convenient to the tribe and the LEA, if it is determined that there is good cause to designate another location;
(d) Notifies the tribe and the LEA of the time, place, and nature of the hearing; and
(e) Transmits copies of the complaint to the LEA and the affected tribe or tribes.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7704(e))
§ 222.109 - When may a local educational agency reply to a complaint?
An LEA's reply to the charges in the complaint must be filed with the hearing examiner within 15 days of the date the LEA receives a copy of the notice and complaint described in § 222.108 (d) and (e) from the hearing examiner.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7704(e))
§ 222.110 - What are the procedures for conducting a hearing on a local educational agency's Indian policies and procedures?
Hearings on IPP complaints filed by an Indian tribe or tribes against an LEA are conducted as follows:
(a) The hearing must be open to the public.
(b) Parties may be represented by counsel.
(c)(1) Each party may submit oral and written testimony that is relevant to the issues in the proceeding and make recommendations concerning appropriate remedial actions.
(2) A party may object to evidence it considers to be irrelevant or unduly repetitious.
(d) No party shall communicate orally or in writing with the hearing examiner or the Assistant Secretary on matters under review, except minor procedural matters, unless all parties to the complaint are given—
(1) Timely and adequate notice of the communication; and
(2) Reasonable opportunity to respond.
(e) For each document that a party submits, the party shall—
(1) File one copy for inclusion in the record of the proceeding; and
(2) Provide a copy to each of the other parties to the proceeding.
(f) Each party shall bear only its own costs in the proceeding.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7704(e))
§ 222.111 - What is the authority of the hearing examiner in conducting a hearing?
The hearing examiner is authorized to conduct a hearing under section 8004(e) and §§ 222.109-222.113 as follows:
(a) The hearing examiner may—
(1) Clarify, simplify, or define the issues or consider other matters that may aid in the disposition of the complaint;
(2) Direct the parties to exchange relevant documents or information; and
(3) Examine witnesses.
(b) The hearing examiner—
(1) Regulates the course of proceedings and conduct of the parties;
(2) Arranges for the preparation of a transcript of each hearing and provides one copy to each party;
(3) Schedules the submission of oral and documentary evidence;
(4) Receives, rules on, excludes, or limits evidence;
(5) Establishes and maintains a record of the proceeding, including any transcripts referenced above;
(6) Establishes reasonable rules governing public attendance at the proceeding; and
(7) Is bound by all applicable statutes and regulations and may neither waive them nor rule them invalid.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7704(e))
§ 222.112 - What procedures are followed after the hearing?
(a) Each party may submit to the hearing examiner additional evidence that is relevant to the issues raised at the hearing, within the time period and in the manner specified by the hearing examiner.
(b) Within 30 days after the hearing, the hearing examiner—
(1) Makes, on the basis of the record, written findings of fact and recommendations concerning any appropriate remedial action that should be taken;
(2) Submits those findings and recommendations, along with the hearing record, to the Assistant Secretary; and
(3) Sends a copy of those findings and recommendations to each party.
(c)(1) Each party may file with the Assistant Secretary comments on the hearing examiner's findings and recommendations.
(2) The comments must be received by the Assistant Secretary within 10 days after the party receives a copy of the hearing examiner's findings and recommendations.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7704(e))
§ 222.113 - What are the responsibilities of the Assistant Secretary after the hearing?
(a) Within 30 days after receiving the entire hearing record and the hearing examiner's findings and recommendations, the Assistant Secretary makes, on the basis of the record, a written determination that includes—
(1) Any appropriate remedial action that the LEA must take;
(2) A schedule for completing any remedial action; and
(3) The reasons for the Assistant Secretary's decision.
(b) After completing the final determination required by paragraph (a) of this section, the Assistant Secretary sends the parties a copy of that determination.
(c) The Assistant Secretary's final determination under paragraph (a) of this section is the final action of the Department concerning the complaint and is subject to judicial review.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7704(e))
§ 222.114 - How does the Assistant Secretary implement the provisions of this subpart?
The Assistant Secretary implements section 8004 of the Act and this subpart through such actions as the Assistant Secretary determines to be appropriate, including the withholding of funds in accordance with §§ 222.115-222.122, after affording the affected LEA, parents, and Indian tribe or tribes an opportunity to present their views.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7704 (d)(2), (e) (8)-(9))
§ 222.115 - When does the Assistant Secretary withhold payments from a local educational agency under this subpart?
Except as provided in § 222.120, the Assistant Secretary withholds payments to an LEA if—
(a) The Assistant Secretary determines it is necessary to enforce the requirements of section 8004 of the Act or this subpart; or
(b) After a hearing has been conducted under section 8004(e) of the Act and §§ 222.102-222.113 (IPP hearing)—
(1) The LEA rejects the final determination of the Assistant Secretary; or
(2) The LEA fails to implement the required remedy within the time established and the Assistant Secretary determines that the required remedy will not be undertaken by the LEA even if the LEA is granted a reasonable extension of time.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7704 (a), (b), (d)(2), (e)(8)-(9))
§ 222.116 - How are withholding procedures initiated under this subpart?
(a) If the Assistant Secretary decides to withhold an LEA's funds, the Assistant Secretary issues a written notice of intent to withhold the LEA's payments.
(b) In the written notice, the Assistant Secretary—
(1) Describes how the LEA failed to comply with the requirements at issue; and
(2)(i) Advises an LEA that has participated in an IPP hearing that it may request, in accordance with § 222.117(c), that its payments not be withheld; or
(ii) Advises an LEA that has not participated in an IPP hearing that it may request a withholding hearing in accordance with § 222.117(d).
(c) The Assistant Secretary sends a copy of the written notice of intent to withhold payments to the LEA and the affected Indian tribe or tribes by certified mail with return receipt requested.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7704 (a), (b), (d)(2), and (e) (8)-(9))
§ 222.117 -
(a) The withholding of payments authorized by section 8004 of the Act is conducted in accordance with section 8004 (d)(2) or (e)(8)-(9) of the Act and the regulations in this subpart.
(b) An LEA that receives a notice of intent to withhold payments from the Assistant Secretary is not entitled to an Impact Aid hearing under the provisions of section 8011 of the Act and subpart J of this part.
(c) After an IPP hearing. (1) An LEA that rejects or fails to implement the final determination of the Assistant Secretary after an IPP hearing has 10 days from the date of the LEA's receipt of the written notice of intent to withhold funds to provide the Assistant Secretary with a written explanation and documentation in support of the reasons why its payments should not be withheld. The Assistant Secretary provides the affected Indian tribe or tribes with an opportunity to respond to the LEA's submission.
(2) If after reviewing an LEA's written explanation and supporting documentation, and any response from the Indian tribe or tribes, the Assistant Secretary determines to withhold an LEA's payments, the Assistant Secretary notifies the LEA and the affected Indian tribe or tribes of the withholding determination in writing by certified mail with return receipt requested prior to withholding the payments.
(3) In the withholding determination, the Assistant Secretary states the facts supporting the determination that the LEA failed to comply with the legal requirements at issue, and why the provisions of § 222.120 (provisions governing circumstances when an LEA is exempt from the withholding of payments) are inapplicable. This determination is the final decision of the Department.
(d) An LEA that has not participated in an IPP hearing. (1) An LEA that has not participated in an IPP hearing has 30 days from the date of its receipt of the Assistant Secretary's notice of intent to withhold funds to file a written request for a withholding hearing with the Assistant Secretary. The written request for a withholding hearing must—
(i) Identify the issues of law and facts in dispute; and
(ii) State the LEA's position, together with the pertinent facts and reasons supporting that position.
(2) If the LEA's request for a withholding hearing is accepted, the Assistant Secretary sends written notification of acceptance to the LEA and the affected Indian tribe or tribes and forwards to the hearing examiner a copy of the Assistant Secretary's written notice, the LEA's request for a withholding hearing, and any other relevant documents.
(3) If the LEA's request for a withholding hearing is rejected, the Assistant Secretary notifies the LEA in writing that its request for a hearing has been rejected and provides the LEA with the reasons for the rejection.
(4) The Assistant Secretary rejects requests for withholding hearings that are not filed in accordance with the time for filing requirements described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section. An LEA that files a timely request for a withholding hearing, but fails to meet the other filing requirements set forth in paragraph (d)(1) of this section, has 30 days from the date of receipt of the Assistant Secretary's notification of rejection to submit an acceptable amended request for a withholding hearing.
(e) If an LEA fails to file a written explanation in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section, or a request for a withholding hearing or an amended request for a withholding hearing in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section, the Secretary proceeds to take appropriate administrative action to withhold funds without further notification to the LEA.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7704 (a), (b), (d)(2), and (e) (8)-(9))
§ 222.118 - How are withholding hearings conducted in this subpart?
(a) Appointment of hearing examiner. Upon receipt of a request for a withholding hearing that meets the requirements of § 222.117(d), the Assistant Secretary requests the appointment of a hearing examiner.
(b) Time and place of the hearing. Withholding hearings under this subpart are held at the offices of the Department in Washington, DC, at a time fixed by the hearing examiner, unless the hearing examiner selects another place based upon the convenience of the parties.
(c) Proceeding. (1) The parties to the withholding hearing are the Assistant Secretary and the affected LEA. An affected Indian tribe is not a party, but, at the discretion of the hearing examiner, may participate in the hearing and present its views on the issues relevant to the withholding determination.
(2) The parties may introduce all relevant evidence on the issues stated in the LEA's request for withholding hearing or other issues determined by the hearing examiner during the proceeding. The Assistant Secretary's notice of intent to withhold, the LEA's request for a withholding hearing, and all amendments and exhibits to those documents, must be made part of the hearing record.
(3) Technical rules of evidence, including the Federal Rules of Evidence, do not apply to hearings conducted under this subpart, but the hearing examiner may apply rules designed to assure production of the most credible evidence available, including allowing the cross-examination of witnesses.
(4) Each party may examine all documents and other evidence offered or accepted for the record, and may have the opportunity to refute facts and arguments advanced on either side of the issues.
(5) A transcript must be made of the oral evidence unless the parties agree otherwise.
(6) Each party may be represented by counsel.
(7) The hearing examiner is bound by all applicable statutes and regulations and may neither waive them nor rule them invalid.
(d) Filing requirements. (1) All written submissions must be filed with the hearing examiner by hand-delivery, mail, or facsimile transmission. The Secretary discourages the use of facsimile transmission for documents longer than five pages.
(2) If agreed upon by the parties, a party may serve a document upon the other party by facsimile transmission.
(3) The filing date for a written submission under this subpart is the date the document is—
(i) Hand-delivered;
(ii) Mailed; or
(iii) Sent by facsimile transmission.
(4) A party filing by facsimile transmission is responsible for confirming that a complete and legible copy of the document was timely received by the hearing examiner.
(5) Any party filing a document by facsimile transmission must file a follow-up hard copy by hand-delivery or mail within a reasonable period of time.
(e) Procedural rules. (1) If the hearing examiner determines that no dispute exists as to a material fact or that the resolution of any disputes as to material facts would not be materially assisted by oral testimony, the hearing examiner shall afford each party an opportunity to present its case—
(i) In whole or in part in writing; or
(ii) In an informal conference after affording each party sufficient notice of the issues to be considered.
(2) With respect to withholding hearings involving a dispute as to a material fact the resolution of which would be materially assisted by oral testimony, the hearing examiner shall afford to each party—
(i) Sufficient notice of the issues to be considered at the hearing;
(ii) An opportunity to present witnesses on the party's behalf; and
(iii) An opportunity to cross-examine other witnesses either orally or through written interrogatories.
(f) Decision of the hearing examiner. (1) The hearing examiner—
(i) Makes written findings and an initial withholding decision based upon the hearing record; and
(ii) Forwards to the Secretary, and mails to each party and to the affected Indian tribe or tribes, a copy of the written findings and initial withholding decision.
(2) A hearing examiner's initial withholding decision constitutes the Secretary's final withholding decision without any further proceedings unless—
(i) Either party to the withholding hearing, within 30 days of the date of its receipt of the initial withholding decision, requests the Secretary to review the decision and that request is granted; or
(ii) The Secretary otherwise determines, within the time limits stated in paragraph (g)(2)(ii) of this section, to review the initial withholding decision.
(3) When an initial withholding decision becomes the Secretary's final decision without any further proceedings, the Department notifies the parties and the affected Indian tribe or tribes of the finality of the decision.
(g) Administrative appeal of an initial decision. (1)(i) Any party may request the Secretary to review an initial withholding decision.
(ii) A party must file this request for review within 30 days of the party's receipt of the initial withholding decision.
(2) The Secretary may—
(i) Grant or deny a timely request for review of an initial withholding decision; or
(ii) Otherwise determine to review the decision, so long as that determination is made within 45 days of the date of receipt of the initial decision by the Secretary.
(3) The Secretary mails to each party and the affected Indian tribe or tribes, by certified mail with return receipt requested, written notice of—
(i) The Secretary's action granting or denying a request for review of an initial decision; or
(ii) The Secretary's determination to review an initial decision.
(h) Secretary's review of an initial withholding decision. (1) When the Secretary reviews an initial withholding decision, the Secretary notifies each party and the affected Indian tribe or tribes in writing, by certified mail with return receipt requested, that it may file a written statement or comments; and
(2) Mails to each party and to the affected Indian tribe or tribes, by certified mail with return receipt requested, written notice of the Secretary's final withholding decision.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7704)
§ 222.119 - What is the effect of withholding under this subpart?
(a) The withholding provisions in this subpart apply to all payments that an LEA is otherwise eligible to receive under section 8003 of the Act for any fiscal year.
(b) The Assistant Secretary withholds funds after completion of any administrative proceedings under §§ 222.116-222.118 until the LEA documents either compliance or exemption from compliance with the requirements in section 8004 of the Act and this subpart.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7704 (a), (b), (d)(2), (e) (8)-(9))
§ 222.120 - When is a local educational agency exempt from withholding of payments?
Except as provided in paragraph (d)(2) of this section, the Assistant Secretary does not withhold payments to an LEA under the following circumstances:
(a) The LEA documents that it has received a written statement from the affected Indian tribe or tribes that the LEA need not comply with section 8004 (a) and (b) of the Act, because the affected Indian tribe or tribes is satisfied with the provision of educational services by the LEA to the children claimed on the LEA's application for assistance under section 8003 of the Act.
(b) The Assistant Secretary receives from the affected Indian tribe or tribes a written request that meets the requirements of § 222.121 not to withhold payments from an LEA.
(c) The Assistant Secretary, on the basis of documentation provided by the LEA, determines that withholding payments during the course of the school year would substantially disrupt the educational programs of the LEA.
(d)(1) The affected Indian tribe or tribes elects to have educational services provided by the Bureau of Indian Affairs under section 1101(d) of the Education Amendments of 1978.
(2) For an LEA described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section, the Secretary recalculates the section 8003 payment that the LEA is otherwise eligible to receive to reflect the number of students who remain in attendance at the LEA.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7703(a), 7704(c), (d)(2) and (e)(8))
§ 222.121 - How does the affected Indian tribe or tribes request that payments to a local educational agency not be withheld?
(a) The affected Indian tribe or tribes may submit to the Assistant Secretary a formal request not to withhold payments from an LEA.
(b) The formal request must be in writing and signed by the tribal chairman or authorized designee.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7704 (d)(2) and (e)(8))
§ 222.122 - What procedures are followed if it is determined that the local educational agency's funds will not be withheld under this subpart?
If the Secretary determines that an LEA's payments will not be withheld under this subpart, the Assistant Secretary notifies the LEA and the affected Indian tribe or tribes, in writing, by certified mail with return receipt requested, of the reasons why the payments will not be withheld.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7704 (d)-(e))
§§ 222.123-222.129 - §[Reserved]
source: 60 FR 50778, Sept. 29, 1995, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 34 CFR 222.114