Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 34 - Education last revised: Feb 18, 2025
§ 681.50 - Which schools are eligible to be HEAL schools?
(a) In order to participate in the HEAL program, a school must enter into a written agreement with the Secretary. In the agreement, the school promises to comply with provisions of the HEAL law and the HEAL regulations. For initial entry into this agreement and for the agreement to remain in effect, a school must satisfy the following requirements:
(1)(i) The school must be legally authorized within a State to conduct a course of study leading to one of the following degrees:
(A) Doctor of Medicine.
(B) Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine.
(C) Doctor of Dentistry or equivalent degree.
(D) Bachelor or Master of Science in Pharmacy or equivalent degree.
(E) Doctor of Optometry or equivalent degree.
(F) Doctor of Veterinary Medicine or equivalent degree.
(G) Doctor of Podiatric Medicine or equivalent degree.
(H) Graduate or equivalent degree in Public Health.
(I) Doctor of Chiropractic or equivalent degree.
(J) Doctoral degree of Clinical Psychology.
(K) Masters or doctoral degree in Health Administration.
(ii) For the purposes of this section, the term “State” includes, in addition to the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (the Republic of Palau), the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Federated States of Micronesia.
(2)(i) The school must be accredited by a recognized agency approved for that course of study by the Secretary of Education, as described in paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section, except where a school is not eligible for accreditation solely because it is too new. A new school is eligible if the Secretary of Education determines that it can reasonably expect to be accredited before the beginning of the academic year following the normal graduation date of its first entering class. The Secretary of Education makes this determination after consulting with the appropriate accrediting agency and receiving reasonable assurance to that effect.
(ii) The approved accrediting agencies are:
(A) Liaison Committee on Medical Education.
(B) American Osteopathic Association, Bureau of Professional Education.
(C) American Dental Association, Commission on Dental Accreditation.
(D) American Veterinary Medical Association, Council on Education.
(E) American Optometric Association, Council on Optometric Education.
(F) American Podiatric Medical Association, Council on Podiatric Medical Education.
(G) Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education.
(H) Council on Education for Public Health.
(I) Council on Chiropractic Education, Commission on Accreditation.
(J) Accrediting Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education.
(K) American Psychological Association, Committee on Accreditation.
(b) If a HEAL school undergoes a change of controlling ownership or form of control, its agreement automatically expires at the time of that change. The school must enter into a new agreement with the Secretary in order to continue its participation in the HEAL program.
§ 681.51 - The student loan application.
When the student completes his or her portion of the student loan application and submits it to the school, the school must do the following:
(a) Accurately and completely fill out its portion of the HEAL application;
(b) Verify, to the best of its ability, the information provided by the student on the HEAL application, including, but not limited to, citizenship status and Social Security number. To comply with this requirement, the school may request that the student provide a certified copy of his or her birth certificate, his or her naturalization papers, and an original Social Security card or copy issued by the Federal Government, or other documentation that the school may require. The school must assure that the applicant's I-151 or I-551 is attached to the application, if the applicant is required to possess such identification by the United States;
(c) Certify that the student is eligible to receive a HEAL loan, according to the requirements of § 681.5;
(d) Review the financial aid transcript from each institution previously attended by the applicant on at least a half-time basis to determine whether the applicant is in default on any loans or owes a refund on any grants. The school may not approve the HEAL application or disburse HEAL funds if the borrower is in default on any loans or owes a refund on any educational grants, unless satisfactory arrangements have been made between the borrower and the affected lender or school to resolve the default or the refund on the grant. If the financial aid transcript has been requested, but has not been received at the time the applicant submits his or her first HEAL application, the school may approve the application and disburse the first HEAL installment prior to receipt of the transcript. Each financial aid transcript must include at least the following data:
(1) Student's name;
(2) Amounts and sources of loans and grants previously received by the student for study at an institution of higher education;
(3) Whether the student is in default on any of these loans, or owes a refund on any grants;
(4) Certification from each institution attended by the student that the student has received no financial aid, if applicable; and
(5) From each institution attended, the signature of an official authorized by the institution to sign such transcripts on behalf of the institution;
(e) State that it has no reason to believe that the borrower may not be willing to repay the HEAL loan;
(f) Make reasonable determinations of the maximum loan amount approvable, based on the student's circumstances. The student applicant determines the amount he or she wishes to borrow, up to this maximum amount. Only then may the school certify an eligible application. In determining the maximum loan amount approvable, the school will calculate the difference between:
(1) The total financial resources available to the applicant for his or her costs of education for the period covered by the proposed HEAL loan, and other student aid that the applicant has received or will receive during the period covered by the proposed HEAL loan. To determine the total financial resources available to the applicant for his or her costs of education for the period covered by the proposed HEAL loan (including familial, spousal, or personal income or other financial assistance that the applicant has received or will receive), the school must consider information provided through one of the national need analysis systems or any other procedure approved by the Secretary of Education, in addition to any other information which the school has regarding the student's financial situation. The school may make adjustments to the need analysis information only when necessary to accurately reflect the applicant's actual resources, and must maintain in the borrower's record documentation to support the basis for any adjustments to the need analysis information; and
(2) The costs reasonably necessary for each student to pursue the same or similar curriculum or program within the same class year at the school for the period covered by the proposed HEAL loan, using a standard student budget. The school must maintain in its general office records the criteria used to develop each standard student budget. Adjustments to the standard student budget may be made only to the extent that they are necessary for the student to complete his or her education, and documentation must be maintained in the borrower's record to support the basis for any adjustments to the standard student budget.
(g) Comply with the requirements of § 681.61.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control numbers 1845-0125)
§ 681.52 - The student's loan check.
(a) When a school receives from a HEAL lender a loan disbursement check or draft payable jointly to the school and to one of its students, it must:
(1) If the school receives the instrument after the student is enrolled, obtain the student's endorsement, retain that portion of funds due the school, and disburse the remaining funds to the student.
(2) If the school receives the instrument before the student is enrolled, it must, prior to endorsing the instrument, send the instrument to the student to endorse and return to the school. The school may then retain that portion of funds then due the school but must hold the remaining funds for disbursement to the student at the time of enrollment. However, if the student is unable to meet other educational expenses due before the time of enrollment, the school may obtain the student's endorsement and disburse to the student that portion of funds required to meet these other educational expenses.
(b) If a school determines that a student does not plan to enroll, the school must return a loan disbursement check or draft to the lender within 30 days of this determination.
§ 681.53 - Notification to lender or holder of change in enrollment status.
Each school must notify the holder of a HEAL loan of any change in the student's enrollment status within 30 days following the change in status. Each notice must contain the student's full name under which the loan was received, the student's current name (if different), the student's Social Security number, the date of the change in the enrollment status, or failure to enroll as scheduled for any academic period as a full-time student, the student's latest known permanent and temporary addresses, and other information which the school may decide is necessary to identify or locate the student. If the school does not know the identity of the current holder of the HEAL loan, it must notify the HEAL Program Office of a change in the student's enrollment status. This notification is not required for vacation periods and leaves of absence or other temporary interruptions which do not exceed one academic term.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1845-0125)
§ 681.54 - Payment of refunds by schools.
A participating school must pay that portion of a refund that is allocable to a HEAL loan directly to the original lender (or to a subsequent holder of the loan note, if the school has knowledge of the holder's identity). At the same time, the school must provide to the borrower written notice that it is doing so.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1845-0125)
§ 681.55 - Administrative and fiscal procedures.
Each school must establish and maintain administrative and fiscal procedures necessary to achieve the following objectives:
(a) Proper and efficient administration of the funds received from students who have HEAL loans;
(b) Protection of the rights of students under the HEAL program;
(c) Protection of the United States from unreasonable risk of loss due to defaults; and
(d) Compliance with applicable requirements for HEAL schools.
§ 681.56 - Records.
(a) In addition to complying with the requirements of section 739(b) of the Act, each school must maintain an accurate, complete, and easily retrievable record with respect to each student who has a HEAL loan. The record must contain all of the following information:
(1) Student's name, address, academic standing and period of attendance;
(2) Name of the HEAL lender, amount of the loan, and the period for which the HEAL loan was intended;
(3) If a noncitizen, documentation of the student's alien registration status;
(4) Amount and source of other financial assistance received by the student during the period for which the HEAL loan was made;
(5) Date the school receives the HEAL check or draft and the date it either gives it to the student or returns it to the lender (if the school is not the lender);
(6) Date the school disburses the loan to a student (if the school is the lender);
(7) Date the school signs the loan check or draft (if the school is a copayee);
(8) Amount of tuition, fees and other charges paid by the student to the school for the academic period covered by the loan and the dates of payment;
(9) Photocopy of each HEAL check or draft received by the student;
(10) Documentation of each entrance interview, including the date of the entrance interview and the signature of the borrower indicating that the entrance interview was conducted;
(11) Documentation of the exit interview, including the date of the exit interview and the signature of the borrower indicating that the exit interview was conducted, or documentation of the date that the school mailed exit interview materials to the borrower if the borrower failed to report for the exit interview;
(12) A photocopy made by the school of the borrower's I-151 or I-551, if the borrower is required to possess such identification by the United States, or other documentation, if obtained by the school, to verify citizenship status and Social Security number (e.g., a certified copy of the borrower's birth certificate or a photocopy made by the school of the borrower's original Social Security card or copy issued by the Federal Government);
(13) Documentation of the calculations made which compare the financial resources of the applicant with the cost of his or her education at the school;
(14) Copy(s) of the borrower's financial aid transcript(s);
(15) The standard budget used for the student, and documentation to support the basis for any deviations made to the standard budget;
(16) Copies of all correspondence between the school and the borrower or between the school and the lender or its assignee regarding the loan;
(17) Copy of each form used by the school in connection with the loan; and
(18) Expected postgraduate destination of borrower.
(b) The school must maintain the record for not less than 5 years following the date the student graduates, withdraws or fails to enroll as a full-time student. The school may store the records in microform or computer format.
(c) The school must comply with the Department's biennial audit requirements of section 705 of the Act.
(d) The school must develop and follow written procedures for the receipt, verification of amount, and disbursement of HEAL checks or drafts. These procedures must be maintained in the school's policies and procedures manuals or other general office records.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1845-0125)
§ 681.57 - Reports.
A school must submit reports to the Secretary at the times and in the manner the Secretary may reasonably prescribe. The school must retain a copy of each report for not less than 5 years following the report's completion, unless otherwise directed by the Secretary. A school must also make available to a HEAL lender or holder, upon the lender's or holder's request, the name, address, postgraduate destination and other reasonable identifying information for each of the school's students who has a HEAL loan.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1845-0125)
§ 681.58 - Federal access to school records.
For the purposes of audit and examination, a HEAL school must provide the Secretary of Education, the Comptroller General of the United States, and any of their authorized representatives access to the records that the school is required to keep and to any documents and records pertinent to the administration of the HEAL program.
§ 681.59 - Records and Federal access after a school is no longer a HEAL school.
In the event a school ceases to participate in the HEAL program, the school (or its successor, in the case of a school which undergoes a change in ownership) must retain all required HEAL records and provide the Secretary of Education, the Comptroller General of the United States, and any of their authorized representatives access to them.
§ 681.60 - Limitation, suspension, or termination of the eligibility of a HEAL school.
(a) The Secretary may limit, suspend, or terminate the eligibility under the HEAL program of an otherwise eligible school that violates or fails to comply with any provision of the Act, these regulations, or agreements with the Secretary concerning the HEAL program. Prior to terminating a school's participation in the program, the Secretary will provide the school an opportunity for a hearing in accordance with the procedures under paragraph (b) of this section.
(b)(1) The Secretary will provide any school subject to termination with a written notice, sent by certified mail, specifying his or her intention to terminate the school's participation in the program and stating that the school may request, within 30 days of the receipt of this notice, a formal hearing. If the school requests a hearing, it must, within 90 days of the receipt of the notice, submit material, factual issues in dispute to demonstrate that there is cause for a hearing. These issues must be both substantive and relevant. The hearing will be held in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. The Secretary will deny a hearing if:
(i) The request for a hearing is untimely (i.e., fails to meet the 30-day requirement);
(ii) The school does not provide a statement of material, factual issues in dispute within the 90-day required period; or
(iii) The statement of factual issues in dispute is frivolous or inconsequential.
(2) In the event that the Secretary denies a hearing, the Secretary will send a written denial, by certified mail, to the school setting forth the reasons for denial. If a hearing is denied, or if as a result of the hearing, termination is still determined to be necessary, the school will be terminated from participation in the program. A school will be permitted to reapply for participation in the program when it demonstrates, and the Secretary agrees, that it is in compliance with all HEAL requirements.
(c) This section does not apply to a determination that a HEAL school fails to meet the statutory definition of an “eligible school.”
(d) This section does not apply to administrative action by the Department of Education based on any alleged violation of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (section 444 of the General Education Provisions Act, as amended), as governed by 34 CFR part 99.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0915-0144)
§ 681.61 - Responsibilities of a HEAL school.
(a) A HEAL school is required to carry out the following activities for each HEAL applicant or borrower:
(1) Conduct and document an entrance interview with each student (individually or in groups) no later than prior to the loan recipient's first HEAL disbursement in each academic year that the loan recipient obtains a HEAL loan. The school must inform the loan recipient during the entrance interview of his or her rights and responsibilities under a HEAL loan, including the consequences for noncompliance with those responsibilities, and must gather personal information which would assist in locating the loan recipient should he or she depart from the school without receiving an exit interview. A school may meet this requirement through correspondence where the school determines that a face-to-face meeting is impracticable.
(2) Conduct and document an exit interview with each HEAL loan recipient (individually or in groups) within the final academic term of the loan recipient's enrollment prior to his or her anticipated graduation date or other departure date from the school. The school must inform the loan recipient in the exit interview of his or her rights and responsibilities under each HEAL loan, including the consequences for noncompliance with those responsibilities. The school must also collect personal information from the loan recipient which would assist the school or the lender or holder in skiptracing activities and to direct the loan recipient to contact the lender or holder concerning specific repayment terms and options. A copy of the documentation of the exit interview, including the personal information collected for skiptracing activities, and any other information required by the Secretary regarding the exit interview must be sent to the lender or holder of each HEAL loan within 30 days of the exit interview. If the loan recipient departs from the school prior to the anticipated date or does not receive an exit interview, the exit interview information must be mailed to the loan recipient by the school within 30 days of the school's knowledge of the departure or the anticipated departure date, whichever is earlier. The school must request that the loan recipient forward any required information (e.g., skiptracing information, request for deferment, etc.) to the lender or holder. The school must notify the lender or holder of the loan recipient's departure at the same time it mails the exit interview material to the loan recipient.
(3) Verify the accuracy and completeness of information provided by each student on the HEAL loan application, particularly in regard to the HEAL eligibility requirements, by comparing the information with previous loan applications or other records or information provided by the student to the school. Notify the potential lender of any discrepancies which were not resolved between the school and the student.
(4) Develop and implement procedures relating to check receipt and release which keep these functions separate from the application preparation and approval process and assure that the amount of the HEAL loan check(s) does(do) not exceed the approved total amount of the loan and the statutory maximums. Checks must not be cashed without the borrower's personal endorsement. Documentation of these procedures and their usage shall be maintained by the school.
(5) Maintain accurate and complete records on each HEAL borrower and related school activities required by the HEAL program. All HEAL records shall be properly safeguarded and protected from environmental threats and unauthorized intrusion for use and theft.
(6) Maintain documentation of the criteria used to develop the school's standard student budgets in the school's general records, readily available for audit purposes, and maintain in each HEAL borrower's record a copy of the standard budget which was actually used in the determination of the maximum loan amount approvable for the student, as described in § 681.51.
(7) Notify the lender or its assignee of any changes in the student's name, address, status, or other information pertinent to the HEAL loan not more than 30 days after receiving information indicating such a change.
(b) Any school which has information which indicates potential or actual commission of fraud or other offenses against the United States involving these loan funds must promptly provide this information to the appropriate Regional Office of Inspector General for Investigations.
(c) The school will be considered responsible and the Secretary may seek reimbursement from any school for the amount of a loan in default on which the Secretary has paid an insurance claim, if the Secretary finds that the school did not comply with the applicable HEAL statute and regulations, or its written agreement with the Secretary. The Secretary may excuse certain defects if the school satisfies the Secretary that the defect did not contribute to the default or prejudice the Secretary's attempt to collect the loan from the borrower.
(d) A school is authorized to withhold services from a HEAL borrower who is in default on a HEAL loan received while enrolled in that school, except in instances where the borrower has filed for bankruptcy. Such services may include, but are not limited to academic transcripts and alumni services. Defaulted HEAL borrowers who have filed for bankruptcy shall provide court documentation that verifies the filing for bankruptcy upon the request of the school. Schools will also supply this information to the Secretary upon request. All academic and financial aid transcripts that are released on a defaulted HEAL borrower must indicate on the transcript that the borrower is in default on a HEAL loan. It is the responsibility of the borrower to provide the school with documentation from the lender, holder, or Department when a default has been satisfactorily resolved, in order to obtain access to services that are being withheld, or to have the reference to default removed from the academic and financial aid transcripts.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1845-0125)
authority: Sec. 215, Pub. L. 78-410, 58 Stat. 690, as amended, 63 Stat. 35 (
42 U.S.C. 216); secs. 727-739A, Pub. L. 78-410, 90 Stat. 2243, as amended, 93 Stat. 582, 99 Stat. 529-532, 102 Stat. 3122-3125 (
42 U.S.C. 294-294
source: 82 FR 53378, Nov. 15, 2017, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 34 CFR 681.53