Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 34 - Education last revised: Sep 26, 2024
§ 668.234 - Scope and purpose.

This subpart establishes regulations that apply to an institution that offers prison education programs to confined or incarcerated individuals. A confined or incarcerated individual enrolled in an eligible prison education program is eligible for Federal financial assistance under the Federal Pell Grant program. Unless provided in this subpart, confined or incarcerated individuals and institutions that offer prison education programs are subject to the same regulations and procedures that otherwise apply to title IV, HEA program participants.

§ 668.235 - Definitions.

The following definitions apply to this subpart:

Additional location has the meaning given in 34 CFR 600.2.

Advisory committee is a group established by the oversight entity that provides nonbinding feedback to the oversight entity regarding the approval and operation of a prison education program within the oversight entity's jurisdiction.

Confined or incarcerated individual has the meaning given in 34 CFR 600.2.

Feedback process is the process developed by the oversight entity to gather nonbinding input from relevant stakeholders regarding the approval and operation of a prison education program within the oversight entity's jurisdiction. A feedback process may include an advisory committee.

Oversight entity means—

(1) The appropriate State department of corrections or other entity that is responsible for overseeing correctional facilities; or

(2) The Federal Bureau of Prisons.

Relevant stakeholders are individuals and organizations that provide input as part of a feedback process to the oversight entity regarding the approval and operation of a prison education program within the oversight entity's jurisdiction. These stakeholders must include representatives of confined or incarcerated individuals, organizations representing confined or incarcerated individuals, State higher education executive offices, and accrediting agencies and may include additional stakeholders as determined by the oversight entity.

§ 668.236 - Eligible prison education program.

(a) An eligible prison education program means an education or training program that—

(1) Is an eligible program under § 668.8 offered by an institution of higher education as defined in 34 CFR 600.4, or a postsecondary vocational institution as defined in 34 CFR 600.6;

(2) Is offered by an eligible institution that has been approved to operate in a correctional facility by the oversight entity;

(3) After an initial two-year approval, is determined by the oversight entity to be operating in the best interest of students as described in § 668.241;

(4) Offers transferability of credits to at least one institution of higher education (as defined in 34 CFR 600.4 and 600.6) in the State where the correctional facility is located, or, in the case of a Federal correctional facility, in the State where most of the individuals confined or incarcerated individuals in such facility will reside upon release as determined by the institution based on information provided by the oversight entity;

(5) Is offered by an institution that has not been subject, during the five years preceding the date of the determination, to—

(i) Any suspension, emergency action, or termination of programs under this title;

(ii) Any final accrediting action that is an adverse action as defined in 34 CFR 602.3 by the institution's accrediting agency; or

(iii) Any action by the State to revoke a license or other authority to operate;

(6) Subject to paragraph (b) of this section, is offered by an institution that is not subject to a current initiated adverse action;

(7) Satisfies any applicable educational requirements for professional licensure or certification, including any requirements to sit for licensure or certification examinations needed to practice or obtain employment in the sectors or occupations for which the program prepares the individual, in the State where the correctional facility is located or, in the case of a Federal correctional facility, in the State where most of the individuals confined or incarcerated individuals in such facility will reside upon release, as determined by the institution not less than annually based on information provided by the oversight entity; and

(8) Does not offer education that is designed to lead to licensure or employment for a specific job or occupation in the State if such job or occupation typically involves prohibitions on the licensure or employment of formerly confined or incarcerated individuals in the State where the correctional facility is located, or, in the case of a Federal correctional facility, in the State where most of the individuals confined or incarcerated individuals in such facility will reside upon release, as determined by the institution not less than annually based on information provided by the oversight entity.

(b) With respect to the criterion in paragraph (a)(6) of this section—

(1) If an accrediting agency initiates an adverse action, the institution cannot begin its first or a subsequent prison education program unless and until the initiated adverse action has been rescinded; and

(2) If the institution currently offers one or more prison education programs and is subject to an initiated adverse action, the institution must submit a teach-out plan and if practicable, a teach-out agreement, as defined in 34 CFR 600.2, to the institution's accrediting agency.

(c) With respect to the criterion in paragraph (a)(8) of this section—

(1) In the case of State and local correctional facilities, the postsecondary institution may not enroll any student in a prison education program if the student is prohibited or barred by any Federal law, or law in the State in which the correctional facility is located, from licensure or employment in the sectors or occupations for which the program prepares the individual based on any criminal conviction or specific types of criminal convictions; or

(2) In the case of a Federal correctional facility, the postsecondary institution may not enroll any student in a prison education program if the student is prohibited or barred by any Federal law, or law in the State in which more than half of the confined or incarcerated individuals in such facility will reside upon release, from licensure or employment in the sectors or occupations for which the program prepares the individual based on any criminal conviction or specific types of criminal convictions.

(3) Prohibitions on licensure or employment do not include local laws, screening requirements for good moral character, or similar provisions; State or Federal laws that have been repealed, even if the repeal has not yet taken effect or if the repeal occurs between assessments of the postsecondary institution by the oversight entity; or other restrictions as determined by the Secretary.

§ 668.237 - Accreditation requirements.

(a) To be an eligible program under § 668.236, a prison education program must meet the requirements of the institution's accrediting agency or State approval agency.

(b) In order for any prison education program to qualify as an eligible program, the accrediting agency must have—

(1) Evaluated at least the first prison education program at the first two additional locations to ensure the institution's ability to offer and implement the program and that the program meets the agency's accreditation standards, and included it in the institution's grant of accreditation or pre-accreditation;

(2) Evaluated the first additional prison education program offered by a new method of delivery to ensure the institution's ability to offer and implement the program and that the program meets the agency's standards, and included it in the institution's grant of accreditation or pre-accreditation;

(3) Performed a site visit as soon as practicable but no later than one year after initiating the prison education program at the first two additional locations; and

(4) If the requirements under § 668.236(a)(3) are satisfied, reviewed and approved the methodology for how the institution, in collaboration with the oversight entity, made the determination that the prison education program meets the same standards as substantially similar programs that are not prison education programs at the institution.

[87 FR 66426, Oct. 28, 2022, as amended at 88 FR 18255, Mar. 28, 2023]
§ 668.238 - Application requirements.

(a) An institution that seeks to offer a prison education program must apply to the Secretary to have its first prison education program at the first two additional locations determined to be eligible programs for title IV, HEA program purposes. Following the Secretary's initial approval of an institution's prison education program, additional prison education programs offered by the same postsecondary institution at the same location may be determined eligible without further approvals from the Secretary except as required by 34 CFR 600.7, 600.10, 600.20(c)(1), or 600.21(a), as applicable, if such programs are consistent with the institution's accreditation or its State approval agency requirements.

(b) The institution's prison education program application must provide information satisfactory to the Secretary that includes—

(1) A description of the educational program, including the educational credential offered (degree level or certificate) and the field of study;

(2) Documentation from the institution's accrediting agency or State approval agency indicating that the agency has evaluated the prison education program and has included the program in the institution's grant of accreditation and approval documentation from the accrediting agency or State approval agency;

(3) The name of the correctional facility and documentation from the oversight entity that the prison education program has been approved to operate in the correctional facility;

(4) Documentation detailing the methodology, including thresholds, benchmarks, standards, metrics, data, and other information, the oversight entity used in approving the prison education program and how all the information was collected;

(5) Information about the types of services offered to admitted students, including orientation, tutoring, and academic and reentry counseling. If reentry counseling is provided by a community-based organization that has partnered with the eligible prison education program, institution, or correctional facility to provide reentry services, the application also must provide information about the types of services offered by that community-based organization;

(6) Affirmative acknowledgement that the Secretary can limit or terminate approval of an institution to provide a prison education program as described in § 668.237;

(7) Affirmative agreement to submit all required reports to the Secretary pursuant to § 668.239;

(8) Documentation that the institution has entered into an agreement with the oversight entity to obtain data about transfer and release dates of confined or incarcerated individuals, which will be reported to the Department of Education; and

(9) Such other information as the Secretary deems necessary.

(c) For the second or subsequent eligible prison education program at a location, to meet the requirements under 34 CFR 600.21, an institution must submit—

(1) Documentation from the institution's accrediting agency noting that the institution complies with § 668.236(a)(6) and was not subject in the last five years to any final accrediting action that is an adverse action by the institution's accrediting agency;

(2) Documentation from the institution confirming that it was not subject in the last five years to any State action to revoke a license or other authority to operate; and

(3) Documentation that the institution has entered into an agreement with the oversight entity to obtain data about transfer and release dates of confined or incarcerated individuals, which will be reported to the Department of Education pursuant to § 668.239.

§ 668.239 - Reporting requirements.

(a) An institution must submit reports, in accordance with deadlines established and published by the Secretary in the Federal Register.

(b) The institution reports such information as the Secretary requires, in compliance with procedures the Secretary describes.

(c) The institution reports information about transfer and release dates of confined or incarcerated individuals, as required by the Secretary, through an agreement with the oversight entity.

§ 668.240 - Limitation or termination of approval.

(a) The Secretary may limit or terminate or otherwise end the approval of an institution to provide an eligible prison education program if the Secretary determines that the institution violated any terms of this subpart or that the institution submitted materially inaccurate information to the Secretary, accrediting agency, State agency, or oversight entity.

(b) If the Secretary initiates action limiting or terminating an institution's approval to operate an eligible prison education program, the institution must submit a teach-out plan and, if practicable, a teach-out agreements (as defined in 34 CFR 600.2) to its accrediting agency upon occurrence of the event.

§ 668.241 - Best interest determination.

(a) An oversight entity's determination that a prison education program is operating in the best interest of students—

(1) Must include an assessment of—

(i) Whether the experience, credentials, and rates of turnover or departure of instructors for the prison education program are substantially similar to other programs at the institution, accounting for the unique geographic and other constraints of prison education programs;

(ii) Whether the transferability of credits for courses available to confined or incarcerated individuals and the applicability of such credits toward related degree or certificate programs is substantially similar to those at other similar programs at the institution, accounting for the unique geographic and other constraints of prison education programs;

(iii) Whether the prison education program's offering of relevant academic and career advising services to participating confined or incarcerated individuals, while they are confined or incarcerated, in advance of reentry, and upon release, is substantially similar to offerings to a student who is not a confined or incarcerated individual and who is enrolled in, and may be preparing to transfer from, the same institution, accounting for the unique geographic and other constraints of prison education programs; and

(iv) Whether the institution ensures that all formerly confined or incarcerated individuals are able to fully transfer their credits and continue their programs at any location of the institution that offers a comparable program, including by the same mode of instruction; and

(2) May include an assessment of—

(i) Whether the rates of recidivism, which do not include any recidivism by the student after a reasonable number of years of release and which only include new felony convictions, defined as each sentence of imprisonment exceeding one year and one month (see United States Sentencing Guideline section 4A1.1(a)), meet thresholds set by the oversight entity;

(ii) Whether the rates of completion reported by the Department, which do not include any students who were transferred across facilities and which account for the status of part-time students, meet thresholds set by the oversight entity with input from relevant stakeholders;

(iii) Whether the rate of confined or incarcerated individuals continuing their education post-release, as determined by the percentage of students who reenroll in higher education reported by the Department, meets thresholds established by the oversight entity with input from relevant stakeholders;

(iv) Whether job placement rates in the relevant field for such individuals meet any applicable standards required by the accrediting agency for the institution or program or a State where the institution is authorized. If no job placement rate standard applies to prison education programs offered by the institution, the oversight entity may define, and the institution may report, a job placement rate, with input from relevant stakeholders;

(v) Earnings for such individuals, which could include measuring such earnings against a threshold established by the oversight entity; and

(vi) Other indicators pertinent to program success as determined by the oversight entity.

(b) An oversight entity makes the best interest determination—

(1) Through a feedback process that considers input from relevant stakeholders; and

(2) In light of the totality of the circumstances.

(c) If the oversight entity does not find a program to be in the best interest of students, it must allow for programs to re-apply within a reasonable timeframe.

(d) After the two years of initial approval under § 668.236, the oversight entity must determine that the prison education program is operating in the best interest of students, under paragraph (a) of this section.

(e)(1) After its initial determination under paragraph (d) of this section that a program is operating in the best interest of confined or incarcerated individuals, the institution must obtain subsequent evaluations of each eligible prison education program from the responsible oversight entity not less than 120 calendar days prior to the expiration of the institution's Program Participation Agreements. The oversight entity may also make a determination between subsequent evaluations based on the oversight entity's regular monitoring and evaluation of program outcomes.

(2) Each subsequent evaluation must—

(i) Include the entire period following the prior determination and be based on the applicable factors in paragraph (a) of this section for all students enrolled in the program since the prior determination;

(ii) Include input from relevant stakeholders through the oversight entity's feedback process; and

(iii) Be submitted to the Secretary no later than 30 days following completion of the evaluation.

(f)(1) The institution must obtain and maintain documentation of the methodology by which the oversight entity made each determination under this section and under § 668.236(a)(2) and (3) for review by the institution's accrediting agency, for submission to the Department for approval of the first program at the first two additional locations, to document input from relevant stakeholders through the oversight entity's feedback process in paragraphs (b)(1) and (e)(2)(ii) of this section, for reporting to the Department, and for public disclosure.

(2) The institution must maintain the documentation described in paragraph (f)(1) of this section for as long as the program is active or, if the program is discontinued, for three years following the date of discontinuance.

§ 668.242 - Transition to a prison education program.

For institutions operating eligible prison education programs in a correctional facility that is not a Federal or State penal institution:

(a) A confined or incarcerated individual who otherwise meets the eligibility requirements to receive a Federal Pell Grant and is enrolled in an eligible program that does not meet the requirements under subpart P of this part may continue to receive a Federal Pell Grant until the earlier of—

(1) July 1, 2029;

(2) The student reaches the maximum timeframe for program completion under § 668.34; or

(3) The student has exhausted Pell Grant eligibility under 34 CFR 690.6(e).

(b) An institution is not permitted to enroll a confined or incarcerated individual on or after July 1, 2023, who was not enrolled in an eligible program prior to July 1, 2023, unless the institution first converts the eligible program into an eligible prison education program as defined in § 668.236.

cite as: 34 CFR 668.234