Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 34 - Education last revised: Feb 18, 2025
§ 12.4 - How does the Secretary provide notice of availability of surplus Federal real property?
The Secretary notifies potential applicants of the availability of surplus Federal real property for transfer for educational uses in accordance with 41 CFR 101-47.308-4.
(Authority: 40 U.S.C. 484(k)(1))
§ 12.5 - Who may apply for surplus Federal real property?
The following entities may apply for surplus Federal real property:
(a) A State.
(b) A political subdivision or instrumentality of a State.
(c) A tax-supported institution.
(d) A nonprofit institution.
(e) Any combination of these entities.
(Authority: 40 U.S.C. 484(k)(1)(A))
§ 12.6 - What must an application for surplus Federal real property contain?
An application for surplus Federal real property must—
(a) Contain a program and plan of use;
(b) Contain a certification from the applicant that the proposed program is not in conflict with State or local zoning restrictions, building codes, or similar limitations;
(c) Demonstrate that the proposed program and plan of use of the surplus Federal real property is for a purpose that the applicant is authorized to carry out;
(d) Demonstrate that the applicant is able, willing, and authorized to assume immediate custody, use, care, and maintenance of the surplus Federal real property;
(e) Demonstrate that the applicant is able, willing, and authorized to pay the administrative expenses incident to the transfer or lease;
(f) Demonstrate that the applicant has the necessary funds, or the ability to obtain those funds immediately upon transfer or lease, to carry out the proposed program and plan of use for the surplus Federal real property;
(g) Demonstrate that the applicant has an immediate need and ability to use all of the surplus Federal real property for which it is applying;
(h) Demonstrate that the surplus Federal real property is needed for educational purposes at the time of application and that it is so needed for the duration of the period of restriction;
(i) Demonstrate that the surplus Federal real property is suitable or adaptable to the proposed program and plan of use; and
(j) Provide information requested by the Secretary in the notice of availability, including information of the effect of the proposed program and plan of use on the environment.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1880-0524)
(Authority: 40 U.S.C. 484(k))
§ 12.7 - How is surplus Federal real property disposed of when there is more than one applicant?
(a) If there is more than one applicant for the same surplus Federal real property, the Secretary transfers or leases the property to the applicant whose proposed program and plan of use the Secretary determines provides the greatest public benefit, using the criteria contained in appendix A to this part that broadly address the weight given to each type of entity applying and its proposed program and plan of use. (See example in § 12.10(d)).
(b) If, after applying the criteria described in paragraph (a) of this section, two or more applicants are rated equally, the Secretary transfers or leases the property to one of the applicants after—
(1) Determining the need for each applicant's proposed educational use at the site of the surplus Federal real property;
(2) Considering the quality of each applicant's proposed program and plan of use; and
(3) Considering each applicant's ability to carry out its proposed program and plan of use.
(c) If the Secretary determines that the surplus Federal real property is capable of serving more than one applicant, the Secretary may apportion it to fit the needs of as many applicants as is practicable.
(d)(1) The Secretary generally transfers surplus Federal real property to a selected applicant that meets the requirements of this part.
(2) Alternatively, the Secretary may lease surplus Federal real property to a selected applicant that meets the requirements of this part if the Secretary determines that a lease will promote the most effective use of the property consistent with the purposes of this part or if having a lease is otherwise in the best interest of the United States, as determined by the Secretary.
(Authority: 40 U.S.C. 484(k))
§ 12.8 - What transfer or lease instruments does the Secretary use?
(a) The Secretary transfers or leases surplus Federal real property using transfer or lease instruments that the Secretary prescribes.
(b) The transfer or lease instrument contains the applicable terms and conditions described in this part and any other terms and conditions the Secretary or Administrator determines are appropriate or necessary.
(Authority: 40 U.S.C. 484(c))
§ 12.9 - What warranties does the Secretary give?
The Secretary transfers or leases surplus Federal real property on an “as is, where is,” basis without warranty of any kind.
(Authority: 40 U.S.C. 484(k)(1))
§ 12.10 - How is a Public Benefit Allowance (PBA) calculated?
(a) The Secretary calculates a PBA in accordance with the provisions of appendix A to this part taking into account the nature of the applicant, and the need for, impact of, and type of program and plan of use for the property, as described in that appendix.
(b) The following are illustrative examples of how a PBA would be calculated and applied under appendix A:
(1) Entity A is a specialized school that has had a building destroyed by fire, and that has existing facilities determined by the Secretary to be between 26 and 50% inadequate. It is proposing to use the surplus Federal real property to add a new physical education program. Entity A would receive a basic PBA of 70%, a 10% hardship organization allowance, a 20% allowance for inadequacy of existing school plant facilities, and a 10% utilization allowance for introduction of new instructional programs. Entity A would have a total PBA of 110%. If Entity A is awarded the surplus Federal real property, it would not be required to pay any cash for the surplus Federal real property, since the total PBA exceeds 100%.
(2) Entity B proposes to use the surplus Federal real property for nature walks. Because this qualifies as an outdoor educational program, Entity B would receive a basic PBA of 40%. If Entity B is awarded the surplus Federal real property, it would be required to pay 60% of the fair market value of the surplus Federal real property in cash at the time of the transfer.
(3) Entity C is an accredited university, has an ROTC unit, and proposes to use the surplus Federal real property for a school health clinic and for special education of the physically handicapped. Entity C would receive a basic PBA of 50% (as a college or university), a 20% accreditation organization allowance (accredited college or university), a 10% public service training organization allowance (ROTC), a 10% student health and welfare utilization allowance (school health clinic), and a 10% service to the handicapped utilization allowance (education of the physically handicapped). Entity C would have a total PBA of 100%. If Entity C is awarded the surplus Federal real property, it would not be required to pay any cash for the surplus Federal real property, since the total PBA is 100%.
(4) Entities A, B, and C all submit applications for the same surplus Federal real property. Unless the Secretary decides to apportion it, the Secretary transfers or leases the surplus Federal real property to Entity A, since its proposed program and plan of use has the highest total PBA.
(Authority: 40 U.S.C. 484(k)(1)(c))
source: 57 FR 60394, Dec. 18, 1992, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 34 CFR 12.4