Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 20, 2024

Title 36 - Parks, Forests, and Public Property last revised: Oct 17, 2024
§ 251.120 - Applicability and scope.

(a) These regulations implement section 1307 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) (16 U.S.C. 3197) with regard to the continuation of visitor services offered as of January 1, 1979, and the granting of a preference to local residents and certain Native Corporations to obtain special use authorizations for visitor services provided on National Forest System lands within Conservation System Units of the Tongass and Chugach National Forests in Alaska.

(b) Except as may be specifically provided in this subpart, the regulations at subpart B shall apply to special use authorizations issued under this subpart. However, if subpart B conflicts with subpart E, subpart E controls.

(c) This subpart does not apply to the guiding of sport hunting and fishing.

§ 251.121 - Definitions.

In addition to the definitions in subpart B of this part, the following terms apply to this subpart:

Best application—the application, as determined by the authorized officer, that best meets the evaluation criteria contained in a prospectus to solicit visitor services.

Conservation System Unit (CSU) as it relates to the Tongass and Chugach National Forests in Alaska—a National Forest Monument or any unit of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, National Trails System, or National Wilderness Preservation System, including existing units and any such unit established, designated, or expanded hereafter.

Controlling interest—in the case of a corporation, an interest, beneficial or otherwise, of sufficient outstanding voting securities or capital of the business so as to permit the exercise of managerial authority over the actions and operations of the corporation or election of a majority of the board of directors of the corporation. In the case of a partnership, limited partnership, joint venture, or individual entrepreneurship, a beneficial ownership of or interest in the entity or its capital so as to permit the exercise of managerial authority over the actions and operations of the entity. In other circumstances, any arrangement under which a third party has the ability to exercise management authority over the actions or operations of the business.

Historical operator—a holder of a valid special use authorization to provide visitor services in a CSU under Forest Service jurisdiction who:

(1) On or before January 1, 1979, was lawfully and adequately providing visitor services in that CSU;

(2) Has continued lawfully and adequately to provide the same or similar types of visitor services within that CSU; and

(3) Is otherwise determined by the authorized officer to have a right to continue to provide the same or similar visitor services.

Local area—any site within 100 miles of the location within a CSU where any visitor services covered by a single solicitation by the Forest Service are to be authorized.

Local resident:

(1) For individuals—Alaska residents who have lived within the local area for 12 consecutive months prior to issuance of a solicitation of applications for a visitor services authorization for a CSU; who maintain their primary, permanent residence and business within the local area; and who, whenever absent from this primary, permanent residence, have the intention of returning to it.

(2) For corporations, partnerships, limited partnerships, joint ventures, individual entrepreneurships, and other circumstances—where the controlling interest is held by an individual or individuals who qualify as local residents within the meaning of this section.

(3) For nonprofit entities—where a majority of the board members and a majority of the officers qualify as local residents within the meaning of this section.

Native Corporation has the same meaning as under section 102(6) of ANILCA (16 U.S.C. 3197).

Preferred operator—a Native Corporation that is determined, pursuant to § 251.123, to be most directly affected by establishment or expansion of a CSU; or a local resident, as defined in this section, who competes for a visitor service special use authorization under § 251.124 of this subpart.

Responsive application—an application that is received in a timely manner and that meets the requirements stated in the prospectus.

Visitor service—any service or activity for which persons who visit a CSU pay a fee, commission, brokerage, or other compensation, including such services as providing food, accommodations, transportation, tours, and outfitting and guiding, except the guiding of sport hunting and fishing.

§ 251.122 - Historical operator special use authorizations.

(a) A historical operator has the right to continue to provide visitor services under appropriate terms and conditions contained in a special use authorization, as long as such services are determined by the authorized officer to be consistent with the purposes for which the CSU was established or expanded. A historical operator may not operate without such an authorization.

(b) Any person who qualifies as a historical operator under this subpart and who wishes to exercise the rights granted to historical operators under section 1307(a) of ANILCA (16 U.S.C. 1397(a)) must notify the authorized officer responsible for the CSU.

(c) A historical operator may apply for a special use authorization to provide visitor services similar to but in lieu of those provided by that historical operator before January 1, 1979. The authorized officer shall grant the application if those visitor services are determined by the authorized officer to be:

(1) Consistent with the purposes for which the applicable CSU was established or expanded;

(2) Similar in kind and scope to the visitor services provided by the historical operator before January 1, 1979; and

(3) Consistent with the legal rights of any other person.

(d) Upon the authorized officer's determination that the person qualifies as a historical operator, under either paragraph (a) or paragraph (c) of this section, the authorized officer shall amend the current special use authorization or issue a new special use authorization to identify that portion of the authorized services that is deemed to be historical operations. The special use authorization shall identify the location, type, and frequency or volume of visitor services to be provided.

(e) When a historical operator's special use authorization expires, the authorized officer shall offer to reissue the special use authorization for the same or similar visitor services, as long as the visitor services remain consistent with the purposes for which the CSU was established or expanded, the historical operator was lawfully and adequately providing visitor services under the previous special use authorization, and the historical operator continues to possess the capability to provide the visitor services adequately.

(1) If the operator accepts the offer to reissue, the authorized officer shall issue a new special use authorization that clearly identifies the historical operations as required by paragraph (d) of this section.

(2) If the authorized officer determines that it is necessary to reduce the visitor services to be provided by a historical operator, the authorized officer shall modify the historical operator's special use authorization to reflect the reduced services as follows:

(i) If more than one historical operator provides services in the area where visitor service capacity is to be reduced, the authorized officer shall apportion the reduction among the historical operators, taking into account historical operating levels and such other factors as are relevant to achieve a proportionate reduction among the operators.

(ii) If the reductions in visitor service capacity make it necessary to reduce operators in an area, the authorized officer shall select, through a competitive process that is limited to historical operators only, the operator or operators to receive a special use authorization from among the historical operators. Historical operators participating in this competitive process may not claim a preference as a preferred operator under § 251.124.

(f) Any of the following shall result in the loss of historical operator status:

(1) Revocation of a special use authorization for historical types and levels of visitor services for failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the special use authorization;

(2) A historical operator's refusal of an offer to reissue a special use authorization made pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section;

(3) A change in the controlling interest of a historical operator through sale, assignment, devise, transfer, or otherwise, except as provided in paragraph (g) of this section; or

(4) An operator's failure to provide the authorized services for a period of more than 24 consecutive months.

(g) A change in the controlling interest of a historical operator that results only in the acquisition of the controlling interest by an individual or individuals, who were personally engaged in the visitor service activities of the historical operator before January 1, 1979, shall not be deemed a change in the historical operator's controlling interest for the purposes of this subpart.

(h) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the authorized officer from authorizing persons other than historical operators to provide visitor services in the same area, as long as historical operators receive authorization to provide visitor services that are the same as or similar to those they provided on or before January 1, 1979.

(i) If an authorized officer grants to a historical operator an increase in the scope or level of visitor services from what was provided on or before January 1, 1979, beyond what was authorized under paragraph (d) of this section, for either the same or similar visitor services, the historical operator has no right of preference for the increased amount of authorized services. If additional operations are authorized, the special use authorization shall explicitly state that they are not subject to the historical operator preference.

§ 251.123 - Most directly affected Native Corporation determination.

(a) Before issuance of the first special use authorization for a specific CSU pursuant to § 251.124 on or after the effective date of this subpart, the authorized officer shall give notice to Native Corporations interested in providing visitor services within the CSU and give them an opportunity to submit an application to be considered the Native Corporation most directly affected by the establishment or expansion of the CSU under section 1307(b) of ANILCA (16 U.S.C. 1397(b)). In giving notice of the application procedure, the authorized officer shall make clear that this is the only opportunity to apply for most directly affected status for that particular CSU.

(1) At a minimum, an application from an interested Native Corporation shall include the following:

(i) Name, address, and telephone number of the Native Corporation; date of its incorporation; its articles of incorporation and structure; and the name of the applicable CSU and the solicitation to which the Native Corporation is responding;

(ii) Location of the Native Corporation's population centers; and

(iii) An assessment of the socioeconomic impacts (including changes in historical and traditional use and landownership patterns) on the Native Corporation resulting from establishment or expansion of the applicable CSU.

(2) In addition to the minimum information required by paragraph (a)(1) of this section, Native Corporations may submit such additional information as they consider relevant.

(b) Upon receipt of all applications from interested Native Corporations, the authorized officer shall determine the most directly affected Native Corporation considering the following factors:

(1) Distance and accessibility from the Native Corporation's population centers and/or business address to the applicable CSU;

(2) Socioeconomic impacts (including changes in historical and traditional use and landownership patterns) on Native Corporations resulting from establishment or expansion of the applicable CSU; and

(3) Information provided by Native Corporations and other information considered relevant by the authorized officer to assessment of the effects of establishment or expansion of the applicable CSU.

(c) In the event that two or more Native Corporations are determined to be equally affected for purposes of the most directly affected Native Corporation determination pursuant to this section, each such Native Corporation shall be considered a preferred operator under this subpart.

(d) A Native Corporation determined to be most directly affected for a CSU shall maintain that status for all future visitor service solicitations for that CSU.

§ 251.124 - Preferred operator competitive special use authorization procedures.

(a) In selecting persons to provide visitor services for a CSU, the authorized officer shall, if the number of visitor service authorizations is to be limited, give a preference (subject to any rights of historical operators under this subpart) to preferred operators as defined in this subpart who are determined to be qualified to provide such visitor services.

(b) In such circumstances, the authorized officer shall solicit applications competitively by issuing a prospectus for persons to apply for a visitor services authorization. Notwithstanding Forest Service outfitting and guiding policy in Forest Service Handbook 2709.14, Chapter 50, when authorizations, including priority use permits for activities other than sport hunting and fishing, expire in accordance with their terms, they shall not be reissued if there is a need to limit use and when there is competitive interest by preferred operators.

(c) To qualify as a preferred operator under this subpart, an applicant responding to a solicitation made under this section must be determined by the authorized officer to be a local resident as defined in § 251.121 of this subpart, or the Native Corporation most directly affected by establishment or expansion of the CSU covered by the solicitation pursuant to § 251.123 of this subpart.

(d) Applicants seeking preferred operator status based on local residency must provide documentation verifying their claim. Factors demonstrating the location of an individual's primary, permanent residence and business include, but are not limited to, the permanent address indicated on licenses issued by the State of Alaska, tax returns, and voter registration.

(e) An application from a preferred operator in the form of a corporation, partnership, limited partnership, joint venture, individual entrepreneurship, nonprofit entity, or other form of organization shall be considered valid only when the application documents to the satisfaction of the authorized officer that the preferred operator holds the controlling interest in the corporation, partnership, limited partnership, joint venture, individual entrepreneurship, nonprofit entity, or other form of organization.

(f) A qualified preferred operator shall be given preference, pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section, over all other applicants, except with respect to use allocated to historical operators pursuant to § 251.122 of this subpart.

(g) If the best application from a preferred operator is at least substantially equal to the best application from a non-preferred operator, the preferred operator shall be issued the visitor service authorization. If an application from an applicant other than a preferred operator is determined to be the best application (and no preferred operator submits a responsive application that is substantially equal to it), the preferred operator who submitted the best application from among the applications submitted by preferred operators shall be given the opportunity, by amending its application, to meet the terms and conditions of the best application received. If the amended application of that preferred operator is considered by the authorized officer to be at least substantially equal to the best application, the preferred operator shall be issued the visitor service authorization. If a preferred operator does not amend its application to meet the terms and conditions of the best application, the authorized officer shall issue the visitor service authorization to the applicant who submitted the best application in response to the prospectus.

[68 FR 35121, June 11, 2003, as amended at 88 FR 84709, Dec. 6, 2023]
§ 251.125 - Preferred operator privileges and limitations.

(a) A preferred operator has no preference within a National Forest in Alaska beyond that authorized by section 1307 of ANILCA (16 U.S.C. 1397) and by § 251.124 of this subpart.

(b) Local residents and most directly affected Native Corporations have equal priority for consideration in providing visitor services pursuant to § 251.124 of this subpart.

(c) Nothing in this subpart shall prohibit the authorized officer from issuing special use authorizations to other applicants within the CSU, as long as the requirements of § 251.124 are met.

(d) If an operator qualifies as a local resident for any part of an area designated in the solicitation for a specific visitor service, in matters related solely to that solicitation, the operator shall be treated as a local resident for the entire area covered by that solicitation.

(e) The preferences described in this section may not be sold, assigned, transferred, or devised, either directly or indirectly, in whole or in part.

§ 251.126 - Appeals.

Decisions related to the issuance of special use authorizations in response to written solicitations by the Forest Service under this subpart or related to the modification of special use authorizations to reflect historical use are subject to administrative appeal under 36 CFR part 214.

[78 FR 33725, June 5, 2013]
cite as: 36 CFR 251.121