Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 20, 2024

Title 36 - Parks, Forests, and Public Property last revised: Oct 17, 2024
§ 294.20 - Purpose.

The purpose of this subpart is to provide, in the context of multiple-use management, State-specific direction for the conservation of inventoried roadless areas in the national forests within the State of Idaho. This subpart sets forth the procedures for management of Idaho Roadless Areas consistent with the Multiple-Use Sustained-Yield Act of 1960 (16 U.S.C. 528-531).

§ 294.21 - Definitions.

The following terms and definitions apply to this subpart.

At-risk community: As defined under section 101 of the Healthy Forests Restoration Act (HFRA).

Community protection zone: An area extending one-half mile from the boundary of an at-risk community or an area within one and a half miles of the boundary of an at-risk community, where any land:

(1) Has a sustained steep slope that creates the potential for wildfire behavior endangering the at-risk community;

(2) Has a geographic feature that aids in creating an effective fire break, such as a road or a ridge top; or

(3) Is in condition class 3 as defined by HFRA.

Fire hazard and risk: The fuel conditions on the landscape.

Fire occurrence: The probability of wildfire ignition based on historic fire occurrence records and other information.

Forest Plan Special Area: Certain lands identified on the Idaho Roadless Area Maps, § 294.22(c) and listed in § 294.29 shall be managed pursuant to applicable land management components. These lands include areas such as research natural areas, designated and eligible wild and scenic river corridors, developed recreation sites, or other specified management purposes, as described in the Roadless Area Conservation; National Forest System Lands in Idaho, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Appendix Q.

Forest road: As defined at 36 CFR 212.1, the term means a road wholly or partly within or adjacent to and serving the National Forest System that the Forest Service determines is necessary for the protection, administration, and use of the National Forest System and the use and development of its resources.

Forest type: A forest stand that is essentially similar throughout its extent in composition under generally similar environmental conditions, including temporary, permanent, climax, and cover types.

Hazardous fuels: Excessive live or dead wildland fuel accumulations that increase the potential for uncharacteristically intense wildland fire and decrease the capability to protect life, property, and natural resources.

Idaho Roadless Areas: Areas designated pursuant to this rule and identified in a set of maps maintained at the national headquarters office of the Forest Service.

Municipal water supply system: As defined under section 101 of the Healthy Forests Restoration Act, the term means the reservoirs, canals, ditches, flumes, laterals, pipes, pipelines, and other surface facilities and systems constructed or installed for the collection, impoundment, storage, transportation, or distribution of drinking water.

Responsible official: The Forest Service line officer with the authority and responsibility to make decisions about protection and management of Idaho Roadless Areas pursuant to this subpart.

Road: As defined at 36 CFR 212.1, the term means a motor vehicle route over 50 inches wide, unless identified and managed as a trail.

Road construction and reconstruction: As defined at 36 CFR 212.1, the terms mean supervising, inspecting, actual building, and incurrence of all costs incidental to the construction or reconstruction of a road.

Road decommissioning: As defined at 36 CFR 212.1, the term means activities that result in the stabilization and restoration of unneeded roads to a more natural state.

Road maintenance: The ongoing upkeep of a road necessary to retain or restore the road to the approved road management objective.

Road realignment: Activity that results in a new location of an existing road or portions of an existing road, and treatment of the old roadway.

Roadless characteristics: Resources or features that are often present in and characterize Idaho Roadless Areas, including:

(1) High quality or undisturbed soil, water, and air;

(2) Sources of public drinking water;

(3) Diversity of plant and animal communities;

(4) Habitat for threatened, endangered, proposed, candidate, and sensitive species, and for those species dependent on large, undisturbed areas of land;

(5) Primitive, semi-primitive non-motorized, and semi-primitive motorized classes of dispersed recreation;

(6) Reference landscapes;

(7) Natural appearing landscapes with high scenic quality;

(8) Traditional cultural properties and sacred sites; and

(9) Other locally identified unique characteristics.

Substantially altered portion: An area within an Idaho Roadless Area where past road construction, timber cutting, or other uses have materially diminished the area's roadless characteristics.

Temporary road: As defined at 36 CFR 212.1, the term means a road necessary for emergency operations or authorized by contract, permit, lease, or other written authorization that is not a forest road and that is not included in a forest transportation atlas. Temporary roads are available for administrative use until decommissioned.

Uncharacteristic wildland fire effects: An increase in wildland fire size, severity, and resistance to control; and the associated impact on people, property, and fire fighter safety compared to that which occurred in the native system.

§ 294.22 - Idaho Roadless Areas.

(a) Designations. All National Forest System lands within the State of Idaho listed in § 294.29 are hereby designated as Idaho Roadless Areas.

(b) Management classifications. Management classifications for Idaho Roadless Areas express a management continuum. The following management classifications are established:

(1) Wild Land Recreation;

(2) Special Areas of Historic or Tribal Significance;

(3) Primitive;

(4) Backcountry/Restoration; and

(5) General Forest, Rangeland, and Grassland.

(c) Maps. The Chief shall maintain and make available to the public a map of each Idaho Roadless Area, including records regarding any corrections or modifications of such maps pursuant to § 294.27.

(d) Activities in Idaho Roadless Areas shall be consistent with the applicable management classification listed for each area under § 294.29.

§ 294.23 - Road construction and reconstruction in Idaho Roadless Areas.

(a) Wild Land Recreation, Special Areas of Historic or Tribal Significance, or Primitive. Road construction and reconstruction are prohibited in Idaho Roadless Areas designated as Wild Land Recreation, Special Areas of Historic or Tribal Significance, or Primitive. However, the Regional Forester may authorize a road to be constructed or reconstructed in an area designated as Wild Land Recreation, Special Area of Historic or Tribal Significance, or Primitive if pursuant to statute, treaty, reserved or outstanding rights, or other legal duty of the United States.

(b) Backcountry/Restoration. (1) Road construction and reconstruction are only permissible in Idaho Roadless Areas designated as Backcountry/Restoration where the Regional Forester determines:

(i) A road is needed to protect public health and safety in cases of an imminent threat of flood, wildland fire, or other catastrophic event that, without intervention, would cause the loss of life or property;

(ii) A road is needed to conduct a response action under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) or to conduct a natural resource restoration action under CERCLA, section 311 of the Clean Water Act, or the Oil Pollution Act;

(iii) A road is needed pursuant to statute, treaty, reserved or outstanding rights, or other legal duty of the United States;

(iv) A road realignment is needed to prevent irreparable resource damage that arises from the design, location, use, or deterioration of a road and cannot be mitigated by road maintenance. Road realignment may occur under this subsection only if the road is deemed essential for public or private access, natural resource management, or public health and safety;

(v) Road reconstruction is needed to implement a road safety improvement project on a road determined to be hazardous based on accident experience or accident potential on that road; or

(vi) The Secretary of Agriculture determines that a Federal Aid Highway project, authorized pursuant to Title 23 of the United States Code, is in the public interest or is consistent with the purpose for which the land was reserved or acquired and no other reasonable and prudent alternative exists.

(2) A responsible official may authorize temporary road construction or road reconstruction for community protection zone activities pursuant to § 294.24(c)(1)(i) if in the official's judgment the community protection objectives cannot be reasonably accomplished without a temporary road.

(3) The Regional Forester may approve temporary road construction or road reconstruction to reduce hazardous fuel conditions outside a community protection zone where in the Regional Forester's judgment the circumstances set out below exist. Temporary road construction or road reconstruction to reduce hazardous fuel conditions under this provision will be dependent on forest type and is expected to be infrequent.

(i) There is a significant risk that a wildland fire disturbance event could adversely affect an at-risk community or municipal water supply system pursuant to § 294.24(c)(1)(ii). A significant risk exists where the history of fire occurrence, and fire hazard and risk, indicate a serious likelihood that a wildland fire disturbance event would present a high risk of threat to an at-risk community or municipal water supply system.

(ii) The activity cannot be reasonably accomplished without a temporary road.

(iii) The activity will maintain or improve one or more roadless characteristics over the long-term.

(c) General Forest, Rangeland, and Grassland. (1) A forest road may be constructed or reconstructed or a temporary road may be constructed in Idaho Roadless Areas designated as General Forest, Rangeland, and Grassland, unless prohibited in § 294.25(e).

(2) Forest roads constructed or reconstructed pursuant to § 294.23(c)(1) must be conducted in a way that minimizes effects on surface resources and must be consistent with land management plan components as provided for in § 294.28(d).

(d) Temporary roads. (1) Temporary road construction must be conducted in a way that minimizes effects on surface resources, is consistent with land management plan components as provided for in § 294.28(d), and may only be used for the specified purpose(s).

(2) Temporary roads must be decommissioned upon completion of the project or expiration of the contract or permit, whichever is sooner. A road decommissioning provision will be required in all such contracts or permits and may not be waived.

(e) Road maintenance. Maintenance of temporary and forest roads is permissible in Idaho Roadless Areas.

(f) Roads associated with mineral activities. Road construction or reconstruction associated with mineral activities is provided for in § 294.25.

§ 294.24 - Timber cutting, sale, or removal in Idaho Roadless Areas.

(a) Wild Land Recreation. The cutting, sale, or removal of timber is prohibited in Idaho Roadless Areas designated as Wild Land Recreation under this subpart, except:

(1) For personal or administrative use, as provided for in 36 CFR part 223; or

(2) Where incidental to the implementation of a management activity not otherwise prohibited by this subpart.

(b) Special Areas of Historic or Tribal Significance and Primitive. (1) The cutting, sale, or removal of timber is prohibited in Idaho Roadless Areas designated as a Special Area of Historic or Tribal Significance or as Primitive under this subpart, except:

(i) To improve threatened, endangered, proposed, or sensitive species habitat;

(ii) To maintain or restore the characteristics of ecosystem composition, structure, and processes;

(iii) To reduce the risk of uncharacteristic wildland fire effects to an at-risk community or municipal water supply system;

(iv) For personal or administrative use, as provided for in 36 CFR part 223; or

(v) Where such cutting, sale or removal is incidental to the implementation of a management activity not otherwise prohibited by this subpart.

(2) Any action authorized pursuant to paragraphs § 294.24(b)(1)(i) through (iii) shall be limited to situations that:

(i) Maintain or improve one or more of the roadless characteristics over the long-term;

(ii) Use existing roads or aerial harvest systems;

(iii) Maximize the retention of large trees as appropriate for the forest type, to the extent the trees promote fire-resilient stands;

(iv) Are consistent with land management plan components as provided for in § 294.28(d); and

(v) Is approved by the regional forester.

(c) Backcountry/Restoration. (1) The cutting, sale, or removal of timber is permissible in Idaho Roadless Areas designated as Backcountry/Restoration only:

(i) To reduce hazardous fuel conditions within the community protection zone if in the responsible official's judgment the project generally retains large trees as appropriate for the forest type and is consistent with land management plan components as provided for in § 294.28(d);

(ii) To reduce hazardous fuel conditions outside the community protection zone where there is significant risk that a wildland fire disturbance event could adversely affect an at-risk community or municipal water supply system. A significant risk exists where the history of fire occurrence, and fire hazard and risk, indicate a serious likelihood that a wildland fire disturbance event would present a high risk of threat to an at-risk community or municipal water supply system;

(iii) To improve threatened, endangered, proposed, or sensitive species habitat;

(iv) To maintain or restore the characteristics of ecosystem composition, structure, and processes;

(v) To reduce the risk of uncharacteristic wildland fire effects;

(vi) For personal or administrative use, as provided for in 36 CFR part 223;

(vii) Where incidental to the implementation of a management activity not otherwise prohibited by this subpart; or

(viii) In a portion of an Idaho Roadless Area designated as Backcountry/Restoration that has been substantially altered due to the construction of a forest road and subsequent timber cutting. Both the road construction and subsequent timber cutting must have occurred prior to October 16, 2008.

(2) Any action authorized pursuant to paragraphs § 294.24(c)(1)(ii) through (v) shall be approved by the Regional Forester and limited to situations that, in the Regional Forester's judgment:

(i) Maintains or improves one or more of the roadless characteristics over the long-term;

(ii) Maximizes the retention of large trees as appropriate for the forest type to the extent the trees promote fire-resilient stands; and

(iii) Is consistent with land management plan components as provided for in § 294.28(d).

(3) The activities in paragraph § 294.24(c)(1) may use any forest roads or temporary roads, including those authorized under § 294.23(b)(2 and 3) until decommissioned.

(d) General Forest, Rangeland, and Grassland. Timber may be cut, sold, or removed within Idaho Roadless Areas designated as General Forest, Rangeland, and Grassland but shall be consistent with the land management plan components as provided for in § 294.28(d).

§ 294.25 - Mineral activities in Idaho Roadless Areas.

(a) Nothing in this subpart shall be construed as restricting mineral leases, contracts, permits, and associated activities authorized prior to October 16, 2008.

(b) Nothing in this subpart shall affect mining activities conducted pursuant to the General Mining Law of 1872.

(c) Wild Land Recreation, Special Areas of Historic or Tribal Significance, or Primitive. (1) For mineral leases, contracts, permits, and other associated activities authorized after the effective date of this subpart the Forest Service will not recommend, authorize, or consent to road construction, road reconstruction, or surface occupancy associated with mineral leases in Idaho Roadless Areas designated as Wild Land Recreation, Special Areas of Historic or Tribal Significance, or Primitive themes.

(2) After October 16, 2008, the Forest Service will not authorize sale of common variety mineral materials in Idaho Roadless Areas designated as Wild Land Recreation, Special Areas of Historic or Tribal Significance, or Primitive themes.

(d) Backcountry/Restoration. (1) For mineral leases, contracts, permits, and other associated activities authorized after the effective date of this subpart, the Forest Service will not recommend, authorize, or consent to road construction or road reconstruction associated with mineral leases in Idaho Roadless Areas designated as Backcountry/Restoration. Surface use or occupancy without road construction or reconstruction is permissible for all mineral leasing unless prohibited in the applicable land management plan.

(2) After October 16, 2008, the Forest Service may authorize the use or sale of common variety mineral materials, and associated road construction or reconstruction to access these mineral materials, in Idaho Roadless Areas designated as Backcountry/Restoration only if the use of these mineral materials is incidental to an activity otherwise permissible in backcountry/restoration under this subpart.

(e) General Forest, Rangeland, and Grassland. (1) For mineral leases, contracts, permits, and other associated activities authorized after October 16, 2008, the Forest Service will not recommend, authorize, or consent to road construction or reconstruction associated with mineral leases in Idaho Roadless Areas designated as General Forest, Rangeland, and Grassland theme; except such road construction or reconstruction may be authorized by the responsible official in association with phosphate deposits as described in Figure 3-20 in section 3.15 Minerals and Energy in the Roadless Area Conservation; National Forest System Lands in Idaho Final Environmental Impact Statement. Surface use or occupancy without road construction or reconstruction is permissible for all mineral leasing unless prohibited in the land management plan components.

(2) After October 16, 2008, the Forest Service may authorize the use or sale of common variety mineral materials, and associated road construction or reconstruction to access these mineral materials, in Idaho Roadless Areas designated as General Forest, Rangeland, and Grassland only if the use of these mineral materials is incidental to an activity otherwise permissible in General Forest, Rangeland, and Grassland under this subpart.

(3) Road construction or reconstruction associated with mining activities permissible under this subsection may only be approved after evaluating other access options.

(4) Road construction or reconstruction associated with mining activities permissible under this subsection must be conducted in a manner that minimizes effects on surface resources and must be consistent with land management plan components as provided for in § 294.28(d). Roads constructed or reconstructed must be decommissioned upon completion of the project, or expiration of the lease, or permit, or other authorization, whichever is sooner.

§ 294.26 - Other activities in Idaho Roadless Areas.

(a) Motorized travel. Nothing in this subpart shall be construed as affecting existing roads or trails in Idaho Roadless Areas. Decisions concerning the future management of existing roads or trails in Idaho Roadless Areas shall be made during the applicable travel management process.

(b) Grazing. Nothing in this subpart shall be construed as affecting existing grazing permits in Idaho Roadless Areas. Future road construction associated with livestock operations shall conform to this subpart.

(c) Motorized equipment and mechanical transport. Nothing in this subpart shall be construed as affecting the use of motorized equipment and mechanical transport in Idaho Roadless Areas.

§ 294.27 - Corrections and modifications.

Correction or modification of designations made pursuant to this subpart may occur under the following circumstances:

(a) Administrative corrections. Administrative corrections to the maps of lands identified in § 294.22(c) include, but are not limited to, adjustments that remedy clerical errors, typographical errors, mapping errors, or improvements in mapping technology. The Chief may issue administrative corrections after a 30-day public notice and opportunity to comment.

(b) Modifications. The Chief may add to, remove from, or modify the designations and management classifications listed in § 294.29 based on changed circumstances or public need. The Chief shall provide at least a 45-day public notice and opportunity to comment for all modifications.

§ 294.28 - Scope and applicability.

(a) After October 16, 2008 subpart B of this part shall have no effect within the State of Idaho.

(b) This subpart does not revoke, suspend, or modify any permit, contract, or other legal instrument authorizing the occupancy and use of National Forest System land issued prior to October 16, 2008.

(c) This subpart does not revoke, suspend, or modify any project or activity decision made prior to October 16, 2008.

(d) The provisions set forth in this subpart shall take precedence over any inconsistent land management plan component. Land management plan components that are not inconsistent with this subpart will continue to provide guidance for projects and activities within Idaho Roadless Areas; as shall those related to protection of threatened and endangered species. This subpart does not compel the amendment or revision of any land management plan.

(e) The prohibitions and permissions set forth in the subpart are not subject to reconsideration, revision, or rescission in subsequent project decisions or land and resource management plan amendments or revisions undertaken pursuant to 36 CFR part 219.

(f) This subpart shall not apply to Forest Plan Special Areas within Idaho Roadless Areas.

(g) Nothing in this subpart waives any applicable requirements regarding site-specific environmental analysis, public involvement, consultation with Tribes and other agencies, or compliance with applicable laws.

(h) This subpart does not modify the unique relationship between the United States and Indian Tribes that requires the Federal Government to work with federally recognized Indian Tribes government-to-government as provided for in treaties, laws or Executive orders. Nothing herein limits or modifies prior existing tribal rights, including those involving hunting, fishing, gathering, and protection of cultural and spiritual sites.

(i) If any provision of the rules in this subpart or its application to any person or to certain circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of the regulations in this subpart and their application remain in force.

§ 294.29 - List of designated Idaho Roadless Areas.

The acronyms used in the list are Wild Land Recreation (WLR), Backcountry/Restoration (BCR), General Forest, Rangeland, and Grassland (GFRG), Special Areas of Historic or Tribal Significance (SAHTS) and Forest Plan Special Areas (FPSA).

Forest Idaho roadless area # WLR Primitive BCR GFRG SAHTS FPSA
BoiseBald Mountain019XX
BoiseBear Wallow125XX
BoiseBlack Lake036XX
BoiseBlue Bunch923XX
BoiseBurnt Log035XX
BoiseCathedral Rocks038XX
BoiseCaton Lake912XXX
BoiseCow Creek028X
BoiseElk Creek022XX
BoiseGrand Mountain007XX
BoiseGrimes Pass017XXX
BoiseHanson Lakes915XXX
BoiseHawley Mountain018X
BoiseHorse Heaven925XX
BoiseHouse Mountain001XX
BoiseLime Creek937X
BoiseLost Man Creek041XX
BoiseMeadow Creek913XXX
BoiseMt Heinen003X
BoiseNameless Creek034X
BoisePeace Rock026XXX
BoisePoison Creek042X
BoisePoker Meadows032XX
BoiseRed Mountain916XXXXX
BoiseReeves Creek010X
BoiseSheep Creek005XX
BoiseSmoky Mountains914XX
BoiseSteel Mountain012XX
BoiseStony Meadows027XX
BoiseTen Mile/Black Warrior013XXXX
BoiseWhiskey Jack009X
BoiseWhitehawk Mountain021XX
BoiseWilson Peak040X
CaribouBear Creek615XXXX
CaribouBonneville Peak154XXX
CaribouCaribou City161XXX
CaribouClarkston Mountain159XX
CaribouDeep Creek158XXX
CaribouDry Ridge164XX
CaribouElkhorn Mountain156XX
CaribouGannett-Spring Creek111XXXX
CaribouHell Hole168XX
CaribouHuckleberry Basin165XX
CaribouLiberty Creek175XXX
CaribouMeade Peak167XXXX
CaribouMink Creek176XXX
CaribouMount Naomi758XXXX
CaribouNorth Pebble155XX
CaribouOxford Mountain157XXX
CaribouParis Peak177XX
CaribouPole Creek160XX
CaribouRed Mountain170XX
CaribouSage Creek166XX
CaribouSchmid Peak163XX
CaribouScout Mountain152XXX
CaribouSherman Peak172XX
CaribouSoda Point171XXX
CaribouStation Creek178XX
CaribouStauffer Creek173X
CaribouStump Creek162XXXX
CaribouSwan Creek180X
CaribouTelephone Draw169XXX
CaribouWest Mink151XXX
CaribouWilliams Creek174XXX
CaribouWorm Creek170XXX
ChallisBlue Bunch Mountain923X
ChallisBorah Peak012XXX
ChallisBoulder-White Clouds920XX
ChallisCamas Creek901X
ChallisChallis Creek004X
ChallisCold Springs026X
ChallisCopper Basin019X
ChallisDiamond Peak601XX
ChallisGrouse Peak010X
ChallisHanson Lake915X
ChallisJumpoff Mountain014X
ChallisKing Mountain013X
ChallisLemhi Range903XX
ChallisLoon Creek908X
ChallisPahsimeroi Mountain011X
ChallisPioneer Mountains921XXX
ChallisProphyry Peak017X
ChallisRailroad Ridge922X
ChallisRed Hill027X
ChallisRed Mountain916X
ChallisSpring Basin006X
ChallisSquaw Creek005X
ChallisTaylor Mountain902X
ChallisWarm Creek024X
ChallisWhite Knob025X
ChallisWood Canyon028X
ClearwaterEldorado Creek312XX
ClearwaterLochsa Face311XXXX
ClearwaterLolo Creek (LNF)805X
ClearwaterMeadow Creek—Upper North Fork302XX
ClearwaterMoose Mountain305XX
ClearwaterNorth Fork Spruce—White Sand309XXX
ClearwaterNorth Lochsa Slope307XXXX
ClearwaterPot Mountain304XX
ClearwaterSneakfoot Meadows314XXXX
ClearwaterWeir-Post Office Creek308XXX
Idaho PanhandleBeetop130X
Idaho PanhandleBig Creek143X
Idaho PanhandleBlacktail Mountain122XX
Idaho PanhandleBlacktail Mountain161X
Idaho PanhandleBuckhorn Ridge661X
Idaho PanhandleContinental Mountain004X
Idaho PanhandleEast Cathedral Peak131XX
Idaho PanhandleEast Fork Elk678X
Idaho PanhandleGilt Edge-Silver Creek792X
Idaho PanhandleGraham Coal139XX
Idaho PanhandleGrandmother Mountain148XXXX
Idaho PanhandleHammond Creek145X
Idaho PanhandleHellroaring128X
Idaho PanhandleKatka Peak157XX
Idaho PanhandleKootenai Peak126X
Idaho PanhandleLittle Grass Mountain121X
Idaho PanhandleLost Creek137XX
Idaho PanhandleMagee132X
Idaho PanhandleMallard-Larkins300XXX
Idaho PanhandleMaple Peak141X
Idaho PanhandleMeadow Creek-Upper N. Fork302XX
Idaho PanhandleMidget Peak151XX
Idaho PanhandleMosquito-Fly150XX
Idaho PanhandleMt. Willard-Lake Estelle173XX
Idaho PanhandleNorth Fork147XX
Idaho PanhandlePacksaddle155X
Idaho PanhandlePinchot Butte149X
Idaho PanhandleRoland Point146X
Idaho PanhandleSaddle Mountain154X
Idaho PanhandleSalmo-Priest981XX
Idaho PanhandleSchafer Peak160XX
Idaho PanhandleScotchman Peaks662XXX
Idaho PanhandleSelkirk125XXXX
Idaho PanhandleSheep Mountain-State Line799XX
Idaho PanhandleSkitwish Ridge135X
Idaho PanhandleSpion Kop136XX
Idaho PanhandleStevens Peak142X
Idaho PanhandleStorm Creek144X
Idaho PanhandleTepee Creek133X
Idaho PanhandleTrestle Peak129X
Idaho PanhandleTrouble Creek138XX
Idaho PanhandleTrout Creek664XX
Idaho PanhandleUpper Priest123XX
Idaho PanhandleWhite Mountain127XX
Idaho PanhandleWonderful Peak152X
KootenaiBuckhorn Ridge661X
KootenaiMt. Willard-Lake Estelle173XX
KootenaiScotchman Peaks662X
KootenaiWest Fork Elk692X
Nez PerceClear Creek844X
Nez PerceDixie Summit—Nut Hill235XX
Nez PerceEast Meadow Creek845XX
Nez PerceGospel Hump921X
Nez PerceGospel Hump Adjacent to WildernessX
Nez PerceJohn Day852X
Nez PerceLick Point227X
Nez PerceLittle Slate Creek851X
Nez PerceLittle Slate Creek North856XX
Nez PerceMallard847X
Nez PerceNorth Fork Slate Creek850X
Nez PerceO'Hara—Falls Creek226XX
Nez PerceRackliff—Gedney841XX
Nez PerceRapid River922XX
Nez PerceSalmon Face855X
Nez PerceSelway BitterrootX
Nez PerceSilver Creek—Pilot Knob849X
Nez PerceWest Fork Crooked RiverX
Nez PerceWest Meadow Creek845XX
PayetteBig Creek Fringe009X
PayetteCaton Lake912XX
PayetteChimney Rock006XX
PayetteCottontail Point/Pilot Peak004XXX
PayetteCouncil Mountain018XX
PayetteCrystal Mountain005XX
PayetteCuddy Mountain016XXX
PayetteFrench Creek026XXXX
PayetteHells Canyon/7 Devils Scenic001XX
PayetteHorse Heaven925X
PayetteIndian Creek019X
PayetteMeadow Creek913X
PayettePatrick Butte002XXX
PayettePlacer Creek008XX
PayettePoison Creek042X
PayetteRapid River922XX
PayetteSheep Gulch017X
PayetteSmith Creek007X
PayetteSugar Mountain014X
SalmonAgency Creek512XX
SalmonAllan Mountain946XX
SalmonAnderson Mountain942X
SalmonBlue Joint Mountain941X
SalmonCamas Creek901X
SalmonDeep Creek509X
SalmonDuck Peak518XX
SalmonGoat Mountain944X
SalmonGoldbug Ridge903X
SalmonHaystack Mountain507XX
SalmonItalian Peak945X
SalmonJesse Creek510X
SalmonLemhi Range903XX
SalmonLittle Horse514X
SalmonLong Tom521XX
SalmonNapoleon Ridge501XXX
SalmonPerreau Creek511X
SalmonSal Mountain513X
SalmonSouth Deep Creek509XX
SalmonSouth Panther504X
SalmonTaylor Mountain902X
SalmonWest Big Hole943XXXX
SalmonWest Panther Creek504X
SawtoothBlack Pine003XX
SawtoothBlackhorse Creek039X
SawtoothBoulder-White Clouds920XXXX
SawtoothButtercup Mountain038XX
SawtoothCache Peak007XX
SawtoothElk Ridge019X
SawtoothFifth Fork Rock Creek023XX
SawtoothHanson Lakes915XXXX
SawtoothLiberal Mountain040XX
SawtoothLime Creek937XX
SawtoothLone Cedar011X
SawtoothLoon Creek908X
SawtoothMahogany Butte012X
SawtoothMount Harrison006XXXX
SawtoothPioneer Mountains921XXXX
SawtoothRailroad Ridge922XX
SawtoothSmoky Mountains914XXX
SawtoothThird Fork Rock Creek009XX
TargheeBald Mountain614XX
TargheeBear Creek615XXX
TargheeCaribou City161XX
TargheeDiamond Peak601XXXXX
TargheeGarfield Mountain961XXXX
TargheeGarns Mountain611XXX
TargheeItalian Peak945XXX
TargheeMt. Jefferson962XXXX
TargheePoker Peak616XX
TargheePole Creek160X
TargheeRaynolds Pass603X
TargheeTwo Top604X
TargheeWest Slope Tetons610XX
TargheeWinegar Hole347XXX
Wallowa-WhitmanBig Canyon Id853X
Wallowa-WhitmanKlopton Creek—Corral Creek Id854X
[73 FR 61489, Oct. 16, 2008, as amended at 76 FR 17342, Mar. 29, 2011; 79 FR 33437, June 11, 2014]
authority: 16 U.S.C. 472,529,551,1131,1608,and.S.C. 201 and 205
source: 38 FR 5852, Mar. 5, 1973, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 36 CFR 294.23