Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 20, 2024

Title 36 - Parks, Forests, and Public Property last revised: Oct 17, 2024
§ 294.40 - Purpose.

The purpose of this subpart is to provide, within the context of multiple use management, State-specific direction for the protection of roadless areas on National Forest System lands in Colorado. The intent of this regulation is to protect roadless values by restricting tree cutting, sale, and removal; road construction and reconstruction; and linear construction zones within Colorado Roadless Areas (CRAs), with narrowly focused exceptions. Activities must be designed to conserve the roadless area characteristics listed in § 294.41, although applying the exceptions in § 294.42, § 294.43, and § 294.44 may have effects to some roadless area characteristics.

§ 294.41 - Definitions.

The following terms and definitions apply to this subpart.

At-Risk Community: As defined under section 101 of the Healthy Forests Restoration Act (HFRA).

Catchment: A watershed delineation beginning at the downstream point of occupation of native cutthroat trout and encompassing the upstream boundary of waters draining in the stream system.

Colorado Roadless Areas: Areas designated pursuant to this subpart and identified in a set of maps maintained at the national headquarters office of the Forest Service. Colorado Roadless Areas established by this subpart shall constitute the exclusive set of National Forest System lands within the State of Colorado to which the provisions 36 CFR 220.5(a)(2) shall apply.

Colorado Roadless Areas Upper Tier Acres: A subset of Colorado Roadless Areas identified in a set of maps maintained at the national headquarters office of the Forest Service which have limited exceptions to provide a high-level of protection for these areas.

Community Protection Zone: An area extending one-half mile from the boundary of an at-risk community; or an area within one and a half miles from the boundary of an at-risk community, where any land:

(1) Has a sustained steep slope that creates the potential for wildfire behavior endangering the at-risk community;

(2) Has a geographic feature that aids in creating an effective fire break, such as a road or a ridge top; or

(3) Is in condition class 3 as defined by HFRA.

Community Wildfire Protection Plan: As defined under section 101 of the HFRA, and used in this subpart, the term “community wildfire protection plan” means a plan for an at-risk community that:

(1) Is developed within the context of the collaborative agreements and the guidance established by the Wildland Fire Leadership Council and agreed to by the applicable local government, local fire department, and State agency responsible for forest management, in consultation with interested parties and the Federal land management agencies managing land in the vicinity of the at-risk community;

(2) Identifies and prioritizes areas for hazardous fuel reduction treatments and recommends the types and methods of treatment on Federal and non-Federal land that will protect one or more at-risk communities and essential infrastructure; and

(3) Recommends measures to reduce structural ignitability throughout the at-risk community.

Condition Class 3: As defined under section 101 of the HFRA the term “condition class 3” means an area of Federal land, under which:

(1) Fire regimes on land have been significantly altered from historical ranges;

(2) There exists a high risk of losing key ecosystem components from fire;

(3) Fire frequencies have departed from historical frequencies by multiple return intervals, resulting in dramatic changes to:

(i) The size, frequency, intensity, or severity of fires; or

(ii) Landscape patterns; and

(4) Vegetation attributes have been significantly altered from the historical range of the attributes.

Fire Hazard: A fuel complex defined by volume, type, condition, arrangement and location that determines the ease of ignition and the resistance to control; expresses the potential fire behavior for a fuel type, regardless of the fuel type's weather influenced fuel moisture condition.

Fire Occurrence: One fire event occurring in a specific place within a specific period of time; a general term describing past or current wildland fire events.

Fire Risk: The probability or chance that a fire might start, as affected by the presence and activities of causative agents.

Forest Road: As defined at 36 CFR 212.1, the term means a road wholly or partly within or adjacent to and serving the National Forest System that the Forest Service determines is necessary for the protection, administration, and utilization of the National Forest System and the use and development of its resources.

Hazardous Fuels: Excessive live or dead wildland fuel accumulations that increase the potential for intense wildland fire and decrease the capability to protect life, property and natural resources.

Linear Construction Zone: A temporary linear area of surface disturbance over 50-inches wide that is used for construction equipment to install or maintain a linear facility. The sole purpose of the linear disturbance is to accommodate equipment needed to construct and transport supplies and personnel needed to install or maintain the linear facility. It is not a road, not used as a motor vehicle route, not open for public use, and is not engineered to road specifications.

Linear Facility: Linear facilities include pipelines, electrical power lines, telecommunications lines, ditches, canals, and dams.

Municipal Water Supply System: As defined under Section 101 of the HFRA, and used in this subpart, the term means the reservoirs, canals, ditches, flumes, laterals, pipes, pipelines, and other surface facilities and systems constructed or installed for the collection, impoundment, storage, transportation, or distribution of drinking water.

Native Cutthroat Trout: Collectively, all the native subspecies of cutthroat trout historically occurring in Colorado before European settlement which includes yellowfin, Rio Grande, Greenback, and Colorado River Trout.

Permanent Road: Roads that are either a forest road; private road (a road under private ownership authorized by an easement granted to a private party or a road that provides access pursuant to a reserved or outstanding right); or public road (a road under the jurisdiction of and maintained by a public road authority and open to public travel).

Pre-Existing Water Court Decree: An adjudicated conditional or absolute decree issued by a Colorado Court, the initial application for which was filed prior to July 3, 2012, adjudicating as the point of a diversion or the place of use a location within a Colorado Roadless Area. A pre-existing water court decree does not include decrees for water rights with a point of diversion and place of use outside of a Colorado Roadless Area, the holder of which proposes to change the point of diversion or place of use to within a Colorado Roadless Area, except for a change in location of a head gate and associated ditch pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute 2011 § 37-86-111.

Responsible Official: The Forest Service line officer with the authority and responsibility to make decisions about protection and management of Colorado Roadless Areas pursuant to this subpart.

Road: As defined at 36 CFR 212.1, the term means a motor vehicle route over 50 inches wide, unless identified and managed as a trail.

Roadless Area Characteristics: Resources or features that are often present in and characterize Colorado Roadless Areas, including:

(1) High quality or undisturbed soil, water, and air;

(2) Sources of public drinking water;

(3) Diversity of plant and animal communities;

(4) Habitat for threatened, endangered, proposed, candidate, and sensitive species, and for those species dependent on large, undisturbed areas of land;

(5) Primitive, semi-primitive non-motorized and semi-primitive motorized classes of dispersed recreation;

(6) Reference landscapes;

(7) Natural-appearing landscapes with high scenic quality;

(8) Traditional cultural properties and sacred sites; and

(9) Other locally identified unique characteristics.

Temporary Road: As defined at 36 CFR 212.1, the term means a road necessary for emergency operations or authorized by contract, permit, lease, or other written authorization that is not a forest road and that is not included in a forest transportation atlas.

Water Conveyance Structures: Facilities associated with the transmission, storage, impoundment, and diversion of water on and across National Forest System lands. Water conveyance structures include, but are not limited to: Reservoirs and dams, diversion structures, headgates, pipelines, ditches, canals, and tunnels.

Water Influence Zone: The land next to water bodies where vegetation plays a major role in sustaining long-term integrity of aquatic systems. It includes the geomorphic floodplain (valley bottom), riparian ecosystem, and inner gorge. Its minimum horizontal width (from top of each bank) is 100 feet or the mean height of mature dominant late-seral vegetation, whichever is greater.

Watershed Conservation Practice: The watershed conservation practices are stewardship actions based upon scientific principles and legal requirements to protect soil, aquatic and riparian resources. Each watershed conservation practice consists of a management measure, a set of design criteria used to achieve the management measure, and guidance for monitoring and restoration. For specific information, refer to Forest Service Manual 2509.25.

§ 294.42 - Prohibition on tree cutting, sale, or removal.

(a) General. Trees may not be cut, sold, or removed in Colorado Roadless Areas, except as provided in paragraph (b) and (c) of this section.

(b) Upper Tier Acres. Notwithstanding the prohibition in paragraph (a) of this section, trees may be cut, sold, or removed in Colorado Roadless Areas upper tier acres if the responsible official determines the activity is consistent with the applicable land management plan, and:

(1) Tree cutting, sale, or removal is incidental to the implementation of a management activity not otherwise prohibited by this subpart; or

(2) Tree cutting, sale, or removal is needed and appropriate for personal or administrative use, as provided for in 36 CFR part 223, subpart A.

(c) Non-Upper Tier Acres. Notwithstanding the prohibition in paragraph (a) of this section, trees may be cut, sold, or removed in Colorado Roadless Areas outside upper tier acres if the responsible official, unless otherwise noted, determines the activity is consistent with the applicable land management plan, one or more of the roadless area characteristics will be maintained or improved over the long-term with the exception of paragraph (5) and (6) of this section, and one of the following circumstances exists:

(1) The Regional Forester determines tree cutting, sale, or removal is needed to reduce hazardous fuels to an at-risk community or municipal water supply system that is:

(i) Within the first one-half mile of the community protection zone, or

(ii) Within the next one-mile of the community protection zone, and is within an area identified in a Community Wildfire Protection Plan.

(iii) Projects undertaken pursuant to paragraphs (c)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section will focus on cutting and removing generally small diameter trees to create fuel conditions that modify fire behavior while retaining large trees to the maximum extent practical as appropriate to the forest type.

(2) The Regional Forester determines tree cutting, sale, or removal is needed outside the community protection zone where there is a significant risk that a wildland fire disturbance event could adversely affect a municipal water supply system or the maintenance of that system. A significant risk exists where the history of fire occurrence, and fire hazard and risk indicate a serious likelihood that a wildland fire disturbance event would present a high risk of threat to a municipal water supply system.

(i) Projects will focus on cutting and removing generally small diameter trees to create fuel conditions that modify fire behavior while retaining large trees to the maximum extent practical as appropriate to the forest type.

(ii) Projects are expected to be infrequent.

(3) Tree cutting, sale, or removal is needed to maintain or restore the characteristics of ecosystem composition, structure and processes. These projects are expected to be infrequent.

(4) Tree cutting, sale, or removal is needed to improve habitat for federally threatened, endangered, proposed, or Agency designated sensitive species; in coordination with the Colorado Department of Natural Resources, including the Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife.

(5) Tree cutting, sale, or removal is incidental to the implementation of a management activity not otherwise prohibited by this subpart.

(6) Tree cutting, sale, or removal is needed and appropriate for personal or administrative use, as provided for in 36 CFR part 223, subpart A.

§ 294.43 - Prohibition on road construction and reconstruction.

(a) General. A road may not be constructed or reconstructed in a Colorado Roadless Area except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.

(b) Upper Tier Acres. Notwithstanding the prohibition in paragraph (a) of this section, a road may only be constructed or reconstructed in Colorado Roadless Area upper tier acres if the responsible official determines that the conditions in subsection 1 or 2 are met.

(1) A road is needed pursuant to reserved or outstanding rights, or as provided for by statute or treaty, or

(2) A road is needed to protect public health and safety in cases of an imminent threat of flood, fire or other catastrophic event that, without intervention, would cause the loss of life or property.

(3) For any road construction/reconstruction authorized pursuant to this provision, subject to the legal rights identified in 36 CFR 294.43(b)(1), the responsible official must determine:

(i) Motorized access, without road construction is not feasible;

(ii) When proposing to construct a forest road, that a temporary road would not provide reasonable access;

(iii) Road construction is consistent with the applicable land management plan direction;

(iv) Within a native cutthroat trout catchment or identified recovery watershed, road construction will not diminish, over the long-term, conditions in the water influence zone and the extent of the occupied native cutthroat trout habitat; and

(v) That watershed conservation practices will be applied to all projects occurring in native cutthroat trout habitat.

(c) Non-Upper Tier Acres. Notwithstanding the prohibition in paragraph (a) of this section, a road or temporary road may only be constructed or reconstructed in Colorado Roadless Areas outside upper tier acres if the responsible official determines:

(1) That one of the following exceptions exists:

(i) A road is needed pursuant to reserved or outstanding rights, or as provided for by statute or treaty;

(ii) Road realignment is needed to prevent irreparable resource damage that arises from the design, location, use, or deterioration of a forest road and that cannot be mitigated by road maintenance. Road realignment may occur under this paragraph only if the road is deemed essential for administrative or public access, public health and safety, or uses authorized under permit, easement or other legal instrument;

(iii) Road reconstruction is needed to implement a road safety improvement project on a forest road determined to be hazardous on the basis of accident experience or accident potential on that road;

(iv) The Regional Forester determines a road or temporary road is needed to allow for the construction, reconstruction, or maintenance of an authorized water conveyance structure which is operated pursuant to a pre-existing water court decree with the use of the road limited to the water right identified in the pre-existing water court decree (see also § 294.44(b)(2));

(v) A temporary road is needed to protect public health and safety in cases of imminent threat of flood, fire, or other catastrophic event that, without intervention, would cause the loss of life or property;

(vi) The Regional Forester determines a temporary road is needed to facilitate tree cutting, sale, or removal (§ 294.42(c)(1)) within the first one-half mile of the community protection zone to reduce the wildfire hazard to an at-risk community or municipal water supply system;

(vii) The Regional Forester determines a temporary road is needed to facilitate tree cutting, sale, or removal (§ 294.42(c)(3)) within the first one-half mile of the community protection zone to maintain or restore characteristics of ecosystem composition, structure and processes;

(viii) A temporary road is needed within a Colorado Roadless Area pursuant to the exploration or development of an existing oil and gas lease that does not prohibit road construction or reconstruction, including the construction of infrastructure necessary to transport the product, on National Forest System lands that are under lease issued by the Secretary of the Interior as of July 3, 2012. The Forest Service shall not authorize the Bureau of Land Management to grant any request for a waiver, exception, or modification to any oil or gas lease if doing so would result in any road construction within a Colorado Roadless Area beyond that which was authorized by the terms and conditions of the lease at the time of issuance; or

(ix) A temporary road is needed for coal exploration and/or coal-related surface activities for certain lands with Colorado Roadless Areas within the North Fork Coal Mining Area of the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forests as defined by the North Fork Coal Mining Area displayed on the final Colorado Roadless Areas map. Such roads may also be used for collecting and transporting coal mine methane. Any buried infrastructure, including pipelines, needed for the capture, collection, and use of coal mine methane, will be located within the rights-of-way of temporary roads that are otherwise necessary for coal-related surface activities including the installation and operation of methane venting wells.

(2) If proposed road construction/reconstruction meets one of the exceptions, subject to the legal rights identified in § 294.43(c)(1), the responsible official must determine:

(i) Motorized access, without road construction is not feasible;

(ii) When proposing to construct a forest road, that a temporary road would not provide reasonable access;

(iii) Road construction is consistent with the applicable land management plan direction;

(iv) Within a native cutthroat trout catchment or identified recovery watershed, road construction will not diminish, over the long-term, conditions in the water influence zone and the extent of the occupied native cutthroat trout habitat; and

(v) That watershed conservation practices will be applied to all projects occurring in native cutthroat trout habitat.

(d) Road construction/reconstruction/decommissioning project implementation and management. The following elements will be incorporated into any road construction/reconstruction projects implemented within Colorado Roadless Areas.

(1) Road construction/reconstruction. If it is determined that a road is authorized in a Colorado Roadless Area, conduct construction in a manner that reduces effects on surface resources, and prevents unnecessary or unreasonable surface disturbance.

(2) Road decommissioning. Decommission any road and restore the affected landscape when it is determined that the road is no longer needed for the established purpose prior to, or upon termination or expiration of a contract, authorization, or permit, if possible; or upon termination or expiration of a contract, authorization, or permit, whichever is sooner. Require the inclusion of a road decommissioning provision in all contracts or permits. Design decommissioning to stabilize, restore, and revegetate unneeded roads to a more natural state to protect resources and enhance roadless area characteristics. Examples include obliteration, denial of use, elimination of travelway functionality, and removal of the road prism (restoration of the road corridor to the original contour and hydrologic function).

(3) Road designations. The designation of a temporary road constructed or reconstructed pursuant to this subpart may not be changed to forest road except where a forest road is allowed under paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.

(4) Road use. Use of motor vehicles for administrative purposes by the Forest Service and by fire, emergency, or law enforcement personnel is allowed. All roads constructed pursuant to paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section shall prohibit public motorized vehicles (including off-highway vehicles) except:

(i) Where specifically used for the purpose for which the road was established; or

(ii) Motor vehicle use that is specifically authorized under a Federal law or regulation.

(5) Road maintenance. Maintenance of roads is permissible in Colorado Roadless Areas.

[77 FR 39602, July 3, 2012, as amended at 81 FR 91821, Dec. 19, 2016]
§ 294.44 - Prohibition on linear construction zones.

(a) General. A linear construction zone may not be authorized in Colorado Roadless Areas except as provided in paragraph (b) and (c) of this section and § 294.48 (a).

(b) Upper Tier Acres. Notwithstanding the prohibition in paragraph (a) of this section, a linear construction zone may only be authorized within Colorado Roadless Area upper tier acres if the Regional Forester determines the LCZ is needed:

(1) Pursuant to reserved or outstanding rights, or as provided for by statute or treaty.

(2) For the construction, reconstruction, or maintenance of an authorized water conveyance structure which is operated pursuant to a pre-existing water court decree (see § 294.43(c)(1)(iv));

(c) Non-Upper Tier Acres. Notwithstanding the prohibition in paragraph (a) of this section, a linear construction zone may only be authorized within Colorado Roadless Area non-upper tier acres if the Regional Forester determines the LCZ is needed:

(1) Pursuant to reserved or outstanding rights, or as provided for by statute or treaty.

(2) For the construction, reconstruction, or maintenance of an authorized water conveyance structure which is operated pursuant to a pre-existing water court decree (see § 294.43(c)(1)(iv));

(3) For the construction, reconstruction, or maintenance of existing or future authorized electrical power lines or telecommunication lines. Electrical power lines or telecommunication lines within Colorado Roadless Areas will only be authorized if there is no opportunity for the project to be implemented outside of a Colorado Roadless Area without causing substantially greater environmental damage; or

(4) For the construction, reconstruction or maintenance of a pipeline associated with operation of an oil and gas lease that allows surface use within a Colorado Roadless Area or the construction, reconstruction or maintenance of a pipeline needed to connect to infrastructure within a Colorado Roadless Area from outside a Colorado Roadless Area where such a connection would cause substantially less environmental damage than alternative routes. The construction of pipelines for the purposes of transporting oil or natural gas through a Colorado Roadless Area, where the source(s) and destination(s) of the pipeline are located exclusively outside of a Colorado Roadless Area, shall not be authorized.

(d) Proposed Linear Construction Zones. If a proposed linear construction zone meets one of the above exceptions, then the following must be determined:

(1) Motorized access, without a linear construction zone, is not feasible;

(2) A linear construction zone is consistent with the applicable land management plan direction;

(3) A linear construction zone is no wider than its intended use;

(4) Within a native cutthroat trout catchment or identified recovery watershed, a linear construction zone will not diminish, over the long-term, conditions in the water influence zone and the extent of the occupied native cutthroat trout habitat;

(5) Reclamation of a linear construction zone will not diminish, over the long-term, roadless area characteristics; and

(6) That watershed conservation practices will be applied to all projects occurring in catchments with occupied native cutthroat trout habitat.

(e) Linear construction zone decommissioning. Where a linear construction zone is authorized in a Colorado Roadless Area, installation of the linear facility will be done in a manner that minimizes ground disturbance, including placement within existing right-of-ways where feasible. All authorizations approving the installation of linear facilities through the use of a linear construction zone shall include a responsible official approved reclamation plan for reclaiming the affected landscape while conserving roadless area characteristics over the long-term. Upon completion of the installation of a linear facility via the use of a linear construction zone, all areas of surface disturbance shall be reclaimed as prescribed in the authorization and the approved reclamation plan and may not be waived.

§ 294.45 - Environmental documentation.

(a) Environmental documentation will be prepared pursuant to Section 102 of the National Environmental Policy Act, 40 CFR part 1500, and 36 CFR part 220 for any proposed action within a Colorado Roadless Area. Proposed actions that would significantly alter the undeveloped character of a Colorado Roadless Area require an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

(b) The Forest Service will offer cooperating agency status to the State of Colorado, for all proposed projects and planning activities subject to this rule that would be implemented on lands within Colorado Roadless Areas. Where the Forest Service does not have the authority to offer formal cooperating agency status, the Forest Service shall offer to coordinate with the State.

§ 294.46 - Other activities.

(a) Water Rights. This subpart in no manner restricts any party from seeking modification of a pre-existing water court decree, but after July 3, 2012 any Forest Service authorization required for road construction, road reconstruction, tree cutting, or linear construction zones associated with a modified water court decree must conform to the requirements in this subpart; provided that road construction or reconstruction may be authorized where necessary to change the location of a headgate and associated ditch, pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute 2011 § 37-86-111.

(b) Oil and Gas Leases. Oil and gas leases issued within a Colorado Roadless Area after July 3, 2012 will prohibit road construction/reconstruction. The Forest Service shall not authorize the Bureau of Land Management to grant any request for a waiver, exception, or modification to any oil or gas lease if doing so would result in any road construction within a Colorado Roadless Area. For oil and gas leases issued in a Colorado Roadless Area prior to July 3, 2012, the rule preserves any existing leases and surface development rights. The rule also preserves any existing limitations on surface development rights arising from lease terms, lease stipulations, conditions of approval, 36 CFR 228.100, and Onshore Oil and Gas Orders.

(c) Oil and Gas Leases on Upper Tier Acres. Oil and gas leases issued within upper tier acres after July 3, 2012 will require a no surface occupancy stipulation. The Forest Service shall not authorize the Bureau of Land Management to grant any request for a waiver, exception, or modification to any oil or gas lease if doing so would result in surface occupancy within an upper tier area.

(d) Oil and Gas Surface Use Plans of Operation. Where applicable and consistent with lease rights, during the review of any application for a surface use plan of operations affecting lands within a Colorado Roadless Area, the responsible official will:

(1) Locate, without compromising health and safety standards, roads, well sites, and facilities on pre-existing areas of surface disturbance. Project design shall minimize the amount of necessary temporary road construction or reconstruction.

(2) Consider an alternative for proposed operations that addresses locating directional drilling of multi-well sites on pre-existing areas of surface disturbance. Such an alternative can be dismissed from detailed analysis with clear justification.

(3) Restrict road construction for leases partially within Colorado Roadless Areas to portions of the lease outside of Colorado Roadless Areas except when doing so will be substantially more environmentally damaging, compromise safety standards, or is unfeasible due to surface and/or operational conditions.

(4) Perform reclamation of surface disturbances incrementally, to minimize the total area of disturbance at any given point in time during the exploration or development of a lease.

(5) Design temporary roads and facilities to blend with the terrain to minimize visual impacts and to facilitate restoration when the road is no longer needed.

(6) Co-locate, consistent with health and safety standards, power lines, flow lines and pipelines within the right-of-way of roads or other LCZs to minimize the area of surface disturbance.

(7) Consider new and developing low impact techniques and technologies and either apply or dismiss with justification.

(8) Consider the best available technology to minimize noise and air emissions.

(e) Trails. Nothing in this subpart shall affect the current or future management of motorized and non-motorized trails in Colorado Roadless Areas. Decisions concerning the management or status of motorized and non-motorized trails within Colorado Roadless Areas under this subpart shall be made during the applicable forest travel management processes.

(f) Motorized access. Nothing in this subpart shall be construed as limiting the authority of the responsible official to approve existing and future motorized access not requiring road construction or reconstruction in Colorado Roadless Areas associated with grazing permits, special use authorizations, and other authorizations.

(g) Livestock grazing. The authority to issue livestock grazing permits on national forest system lands within a Colorado Roadless Area is not affected by this subpart; however, no new temporary or forest roads shall be authorized through grazing permits issued after July 3, 2012.

§ 294.47 - Modifications and administrative corrections.

Modifications and administrative corrections pursuant to this subpart, after coordination with the State, may be made under the following circumstances:

(a) Modifications to boundaries. The Chief of the Forest Service may modify the boundaries of any designated Colorado Roadless Area identified in § 294.49 or add new Colorado Roadless Areas based on changed circumstances. Modifications and additions will be reflected in the set of maps maintained at the national headquarters office of the Forest Service. The construction or reconstruction of a temporary road or tree cutting, sale, or removal will not result in any boundary modification of a Colorado Roadless Area. Public notice with a minimum 90-day comment period will be provided for any proposed Colorado Roadless Area boundary modifications or additions.

(b) Administrative corrections to boundaries. The Chief of the Forest Service may issue administrative corrections after public notice and a 30-day comment period. Administrative corrections to the maps of any designated Colorado Roadless Areas identified in § 294.49, including upper tier acres are adjustments to remedy errors such as clerical or improvements in mapping technology. Other than clerical errors, an administrative correction is based on improved field data due to updated imagery, global positioning system data, or other collected field data.

(c) Amendments to rule language. Any amendment of this subpart will include coordination with the State and the appropriate level of NEPA analysis. A minimum 90-day comment period will be provided.

§ 294.48 - Scope and applicability.

(a) This subpart does not revoke, suspend, or modify any permit, contract, lease, or other legal instrument authorizing or granting rights to the occupancy and use of National Forest system land issued prior to July 3, 2012 nor does it affect the authority or the discretion of the responsible official to reissue any such permit, contract, or other legal instrument upon its expiration or termination.

(b) This subpart does not revoke, suspend, or modify any project or activity decision made prior to July 3, 2012.

(c) The provisions set forth in this subpart provide the maximum level of tree cutting, sale and removal, and road construction and reconstruction activity allowed within Colorado Roadless Areas. Land management plan components can be more restrictive than this subpart and will continue to provide direction and guidance for projects and activities within Colorado Roadless Areas. Nothing in this subpart shall prohibit a responsible official from further restricting activities allowed within Colorado Roadless Areas. This subpart does not compel the amendment or revision of any land management plan.

(d) The prohibitions and restrictions established in this subpart are not subject to reconsideration, revision, or rescission in subsequent project decisions or land management plan amendments or revisions undertaken pursuant to 36 CFR part 219.

(e) Nothing in this subpart waives any applicable requirements regarding site specific environmental analysis, public involvement, consultation with Tribes and other agencies, or compliance with applicable laws.

(f) If any provision in this subpart or its application to any person or to certain circumstances is held to be invalid, the remainder of the regulations in this subpart and their application remain in force.

(g) After July 3, 2012 36 CFR 294.10 through 294.14 shall have no effect within the State of Colorado.

§ 294.49 - List of designated Colorado Roadless Areas.

All National Forest System lands within the State of Colorado listed in this section are hereby designated as Colorado Roadless Areas. An “X” in the third column indicates that some or all of that CRA contains upper tier acres.

Line No. Colorado roadless area name Includes upper tier acres
Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest
1Bard CreekX
2Byers PeakX
3Cache La Poudre Adjacent AreasX
4Cherokee Park
5Comanche Peak Adjacent AreasX
6Copper Mountain
7Crosier Mountain
8Gold RunX
9Green Ridge -EastX
10Green Ridge -WestX
11Grey Rock
12Hell Canyon
13Indian Peaks Adjacent AreasX
14James Peak
15Kelly CreekX
16Lion Gulch
17Mount Evans Adjacent AreasX
18Mount SniktauX
19Neota Adjacent AreaX
20Never Summer Adjacent Area
21North Lone PineX
22North St. VrainX
23Rawah Adjacent AreasX
24Square Top MountainX
26Vasquez Adjacent AreaX
27White Pine Mountain
28Williams ForkX
Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, Gunnison National Forest
29Agate Creek
30American Flag Mountain
35Calamity Basin
36Cannibal Plateau
37Canyon Creek-Antero
38Canyon Creek
42Cimarron Ridge
43Clear Fork
45Cochetopa Hills
47Crystal Creek
48Crystal PeakX
50Currant Creek
51Deer Creek
53Double Top
54East Elk
55Electric Mountain
56Failes Creek-Soldier CreekX
58Flattop Mountain
59Flattops-Elk Park
61Granite BasinX
63Hope LakeX
64Horse Ranch Park
65Horsefly CanyonX
66Huntsman Ridge
67Italian Mountain
68Johnson BasinX
69Kannah Creek
70Kelso Mesa
71Last Dollar-Sheep Creek
72Little CimarronX
73Long Canyon
74Matchless Mountain
76McClure Pass
78Mineral MountainX
79Mirror Lake
80Mount LambornX
82Naturita CanyonX
83North Henson
84Pilot Knob
85Poverty GulchX
86Salt Creek
87Sanford BasinX
89Schofield Pass
90Soap CreekX
94Texas Creek
96Turner Creek
97Turret RidgeX
101Whitehouse MountainX
102Willow Creek
104Windy Point
Manti-La Sal National Forest
105Roc CreekX
Pike-San Isabel National Forest
106Antelope Creek
107Aspen RidgeX
108Babcock Hole
109Badger CreekX
111Buffalo Peaks EastX
112Buffalo Peaks South
113Buffalo Peaks WestX
114Burning BearX
115Chicago Ridge
117Cuchara North
118Cuchara South
119Elk Mountain-Collegiate NorthX
120Elk Mountain-Collegiate South
121Elk Mountain-Collegiate WestX
123Green Mountain
124Greenhorn Mountain: Badito Cone to Dry CreekX
125Greenhorn Mountain: Cisneros Creek to Upper Turkey Creek
126Greenhorn Mountain: Graneros Creek to Section 10X
127Greenhorn Mountain: Little Saint Charles Creek to Greenhorn Creek
131Holy CrossX
132Hoosier RidgeX
134Kaufman Ridge
136Little Fountain CreekX
137Lost Creek East
138Lost Creek South
139Lost Creek West
140Methodist Mountain
141Mount Antero
142Mount Elbert
143Mount EvansX
144Mount MassiveX
145Pikes Peak East
146Pikes Peak West
147Porphyry Peak
148Puma Hills
150Rampart EastX
151Rampart West
152Reveille Canyon
154Saint Charles Peak
155Sangre de Cristo: Alvarado Campground to Music PassX
156Sangre de Cristo: Blanca Peak to Slide MountainX
157Sangre de Cristo: Lake Creek to Hermit CreekX
158Sangre de Cristo: Medano Pass to Carbonate MountainX
159Sangre de Cristo: Silverheels Gulch to Hunts Creek
160Sangre de Cristo: West Creek to Big Cottonwood
161Schoolmarm Mountain
162Scraggy Peaks
163Sheep Rock
165Spanish PeaksX
166Square Top MountainX
167Starvation Creek
168Tanner PeakX
169Thirtynine Mile MountainX
170Thunder Butte
171Weston PeakX
Rio Grande National Forest
172Alamosa RiverX
173Antora Meadows-Bear CreekX
175Beaver MountainX
176Bennet Mountain-Blowout-Willow Creek-Lion Point-Greenie MountainX
177Big Buck-Kitty-RubyX
178Box-Road CanyonX
179Bristol HeadX
181Chama BasinX
182Conejos River-Lake Fork
183Copper Mountain-SulphurX
184Cotton Creek
187Deep Creek-Boot MountainX
188Dorsey CreekX
189Elkhorn PeakX
190Four Mile CreekX
191Fox CreekX
192Fox MountainX
193Gibbs Creek
194Gold Creek-Cascade CreekX
195Hot Springs
196Indian RidgeX
197Kitty Creek
198La GaritaX
199Lake ForkX
200Lower East BellowsX
201Middle AlderX
202Miller Creek
203Pole Creek
204Pole Mountain-Finger MesaX
205Red MountainX
206Ruby LakeX
208Sheep MountainX
209Silver Lakes-StunnerX
210Snowshoe MountainX
211Spectacle Lake
212Spruce Hole-Sheep CreekX
213Stunner Pass-Dolores CanyonX
214Sulphur Tunnel
215Summit Peak-Elwood PassX
216Taylor CanyonX
218Tobacco LakesX
219Trout Mountain-Elk MountainX
220Ute PassX
221Wason ParkX
222Wightman Fork-Upper BurroX
223Wightman Fork -LookoutX
224Willow MountainX
Routt National Forest
225Barber Basin
226Black Mountain
227Bunker BasinX
228Bushy Creek
230Chedsey Creek
232Dome PeakX
234Gold Creek
235Grizzly Helena
236Kettle LakesX
237Little Green Creek
238Long Park
239Mad Creek
240Morrison Creek
241Never Summer North
242Never Summer South
243Nipple Peak NorthX
244Nipple Peak SouthX
245Pagoda PeakX
246Shield MountainX
247South ForkX
248Sugarloaf North
249Sugarloaf SouthX
250Troublesome NorthX
251Troublesome SouthX
252Walton Peak
253Whalen Creek
San Juan National Forest
255Blackhawk Mountain
256East AnimasX
257Fish Creek
258Florida River
259Graham ParkX
260HD Mountains
262Lizard Head AdjacentX
263Piedra Area AdjacentX
264Runlett Park
266San MiguelX
267South San Juan AdjacentX
268Storm Peak
269Treasure MountainX
270Turkey CreekX
271Weminuche AdjacentX
272West NeedlesX
273Winter Hills/Serviceberry Mountain
White River National Forest
274Adam Mountain
276Assignation RidgeX
277Baldy Mountain
278Basalt Mountain A
279Basalt Mountain B
280Berry Creek
281Big Ridge to South Fork AX
282Big Ridge to South Fork BX
283Black Lake East
284Black Lake West
285Blair Mountain
288Buffer Mountain
289Burnt Mountain
290Chicago RidgeX
291Corral CreekX
292Crystal River
293Deep CreekX
294Dome PeakX
295East Divide-Four Mile Park
296East Vail
297East Willow
298Elk Creek B
299Elliot RidgeX
300Fawn Creek-Little Lost Park
301Freeman CreekX
302Gallo Hill
303Game Creek
304Grizzly Creek
305Gypsum CreekX
307Hay Park
308Holy Cross City
310Hoosier RidgeX
311Housetop Mountain
313Little Grand MesaX
314Lower Piney
315Mamm Peak
316Maroon East
317Maryland Creek
318McClure Pass
320Meadow Mountain A
321Meadow Mountain B
322Morapos A
323Morapos B
324Mormon CreekX
325No Name
326North Elk
327North Independent AX
328North Independent B
329North Woody
330Pagoda Peak
331Piney Lake
332Porcupine PeakX
333Ptarmigan A
334Ptarmigan BX
335Ptarmigan CX
336Ptarmigan Hill A
337Ptarmigan Hill B
338Red Dirt A
339Red Dirt B
340Red Mountain
341Red TableX
342Reno Mountain
343Ripple Creek Pass-Trappers LakeX
344Ryan Gulch
345Salt Creek
346Sloan PeakX
347Spraddle Creek AX
348Spraddle Creek B
349Sweetwater AX
350Sweetwater B
351Tenderfoot MountainX
353Thompson Creek
355Treasure MountainX
356West Brush Creek
357West Lake Creek
358Wildcat Mountain
359Wildcat Mountain B
360Wildcat Mountain C
361Williams Fork
363Woods LakeX
authority: 16 U.S.C. 472,529,551,1131,1608,and.S.C. 201 and 205
source: 38 FR 5852, Mar. 5, 1973, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 36 CFR 294.49