Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 36 - Parks, Forests, and Public Property last revised: Feb 20, 2025
§ 903.1 - Purpose and scope.

The purpose of this part is to enable the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation to implement the Privacy Act of 1974, and in particular the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552a,as. The Act was designed to insure that personal information about individuals collected by Federal agencies be limited to that which is legally authorized and necessary, and that the information is maintained in a manner which precludes unwarranted intrusions upon individual privacy. The regulations in this part establish, and make public, procedures whereby an individual can:

(a) Request notification of whether or not the Corporation maintains or has disclosed a record pertaining to him or her,

(b) Request access to such a record or an accounting of its disclosure,

(c) Request that the record be amended, and

(d) Appeal any initial adverse determination of a request to amend a record.

§ 903.2 - Definitions.

As used in this part:

(a) Agency means agency as defined in 5 U.S.C. 552(e).

(b) Corporation means the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation.

(c) Workday shall be a day excluding a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday.

(d) Individual means a citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence.

(e) Maintain includes maintain, collect, use, or disseminate.

(f) Record means any items, collection, or grouping of information about an individual that is maintained by an agency, including, but not limited to, his or her education, financial transactions, medical history, and criminal or employment history and that contains his or her name, or the identifying number, symbol or other identifying particular assigned to the individual, such as a finger or voice print or a photograph.

(g) The term system of records means a group of records under the control of an agency from which information is retrieved by the name of the individual or by some identifying number, symbol, or other identifying particular assigned to the individual.

(h) The term statistical record means a record in a system of records maintained for statistical research or reporting purposes only and not used in whole or in part in making any determination about an identifiable individual except as provided by section 8 of title 13 U.S.C.

(i) The term routine use means, with respect to the disclosure of a record, the use of such record for a purpose which is compatible with the purpose for which it was collected.

§ 903.3 - Procedures for notification of records pertaining to individuals.

(a) An individual making a written or oral request under the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 522a) shall be informed of any Corporation systems of records which pertain to the individual, if the request contains a reasonable identification of the appropriate systems of records as described in the notice published in the Federal Register.

(b) Requests may be made in person between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, (except legal holidays). The request should be addressed to the Privacy Protection Officer, Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Suite 1220 North, Washington, DC 20004. The Privacy Protection Officer of the Corporation will require adequate personal identification before processing the request. If a request is made in writing it must be under the signature of the requesting individual and include the individual's address, date of birth, and an additional proof of identification, such as a photocopy of a driver's license or similar document bearing the individual's signature. A notarized, signed statement is acceptable to verify the identity of the individual involved without additional proof.

[42 FR 5973, Feb. 1, 1977, as amended at 50 FR 45824, Nov. 4, 1985]
§ 903.4 - Requests for access to records.

(a) Except as otherwise provided by law or regulation, an individual, upon request made in person or delivered in writing may gain access to his or her record or to any information pertaining to him or her which is contained in a system of records maintained by the Corporation, and to review the record and have a copy made of all or any portion thereof in a form comprehensible to him or her. An individual seeking access to a Corporation record may be accompanied by a person of his or her choosing. However, the Corporation will require a written statement from the individual authorizing discussion of his or her record in the accompanying person's presence.

(b) A request under paragraph (a) of this section shall be directed to the Privacy Protection Officer at the place, times and in the manner prescribed in § 903.3(a) and (b). The request should include the following information:

(1) The name of the individual;

(2) If made in writing, the information required under § 903.3(b);

(3) A description of system or systems of records which contain the record to which access is requested;

(4) The approximate dates covered by the record; and,

(5) A suggested date and time when the individual would like to view the record.

(c) Requests which do not contain information sufficient to identify the record requested will be returned promptly to the requester, with a notice indicating that information is lacking. Individuals making requests in person will be informed of any deficiency in the specification of records or identification at the time that the request is made. The Privacy Protection Officer of the Corporation will require adequate personal identification before processing a request made in person.

§ 903.5 - Response to request for access.

(a) Within 10 days of receipt of a request made under § 903.4 the Privacy Protection Officer shall determine whether access to the record is available under the Privacy Act and shall notify the requesting individual in person or in writing of that determination.

(b) Notices granting access shall inform the individual when and where the requested record may be seen, how copies may be obtained, and of any anticipated fees or charges which may be incurred under § 903.11. Access shall be provided within 30 days of receipt of the request unless the Corporation, for good cause shown, is unable to provide prompt access, in which case the individual shall be informed in writing within the 30 days as to the cause for delay and when it is anticipated that access will be granted.

(c) Notices denying access shall state the reasons for the denial, and advise the individual that the decision may be appealed in accordance with the procedures set forth in § 903.6.

§ 903.6 - Appeal of initial denial of access.

(a) After receiving notification of an initial denial of access to a record, an individual may request a review and reconsideration of the request by the Executive Director of the Corporation, or an officer of the Corporation designated by him, but other than the Privacy Protection Officer. Appeals for review shall be in writing, addressed to the Executive Director, Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Suite 1220 North, Washington, DC 20004. The appeal shall identify the record as in the original request, shall indicate the date of the original request and the date of the initial denial, and shall indicate the expressed basis for the denial.

(b) Not later than 30 days after receipt of an appeal, the Executive Director, or an officer of the Corporation designated by him, will complete review of the appeal and the initial denial and either:

(1) Determine that the appeal should be granted, and notify the individual in writing to that effect; or,

(2) Determine that the appeal should be denied because the information requested is exempt from disclosure. If the reviewing official denies the appeal, he or she shall advise the individual in writing of the decision and the reasons for reaching it, and that the denial of the appeal is a final agency action entitling the individual to seek judicial review in the appropriate district court of the United States as provided in 5 U.S.C. 552a(g).

[42 FR 5973, Feb. 1, 1977, as amended at 50 FR 45824, Nov. 4, 1985]
§ 903.7 - Requests for amendment of record.

(a) An individual may request amendment of a Corporation record pertaining to him or to her, if the individual believes that the record contains information which is not accurate, relevant, timely, or complete. The request shall be in writing, whether presented in person or by mail, shall state with specificity the record sought to be amended, and shall propose wording of the correction or amendment sought. The request shall be directed to the Privacy Protection Officer at the place, times, and in the manner specified in § 903.3 (a) and (b). Assistance in preparing a request to amend a record, or to appeal an initial adverse determination under § 903.3(a), may be obtained from the Privacy Officer, Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Suite 1220 North, Washington, DC 20004.

(b) Not later than 10 days after the date of receipt of a request the Privacy Protection Officer will acknowledge it in writing. The acknowledgement will clearly describe the request, and if a determination has not already been made, will advise the individual when he or she may expect to be advised of action taken on the request. For requests presented in person, written acknowledgement will be provided at the time when the request is presented. No separate acknowledgement of receipt will be issued if the request can be reviewed and the individual advised of the results of the review within the 10 day period.

[42 FR 5973, Feb. 1, 1977, as amended at 50 FR 45824, Nov. 4, 1985]
§ 903.8 - Review of request for amendment of record.

(a) Upon receipt of a request for amendment of a record the Privacy Protection Officer will promptly review the record and: Either:

(1) Amend any portion thereof which the individual believes is not accurate, relevant, timely, or complete; or

(2) Inform the individual of refusal to amend the record in accordance with the request. In reviewing a record pursuant to a request to amend it, the Corporation will assess the accuracy, relevance, timeliness and completeness of the record in terms of the criteria established in 5 U.S.C. 522a(e)(5). In reviewing a record in response to a request to amend it by deleting information, the Corporation will ascertain whether or not the information is relevant and necessary to accomplish a purpose of the Corporation required to be accomplished by statute or by executive order of the President, as prescribed by 5 U.S.C. 522a(e)(1).

(b) The Corporation shall take the action specified in paragraph (a) of this section within 30 days of receipt of a request for amendment of a record, unless unusual circumstances preclude completion of the action within that time. If the expected completion date for the action, as indicated in the acknowledgement provided pursuant to § 903.5 cannot be met, the individual shall be advised of the delay and of a revised date when action is expected to be completed. If necessary for an accurate review of the record, the Corporation will seek, and the individual will supply, additional information in support of his or her request for amending the record.

(c) If the Corporation agrees with all or any portion of an individual's request to amend a record, the Corporation will so advise the individual in writing, and amend the record to the extent agreed to by the Corporation. Where an accounting of disclosures has been kept, the Corporation will advise all previous recipients of the record of the fact that the amendment was made and the substance of the amendment.

(d) If the Corporation disagrees with all or any portion of an individual's request to amend a record, the Corporation shall:

(1) Advise the individual of its adverse determination and the reasons therefor, including the criteria used by the Corporation in conducting the review;

(2) Inform the individual that he or she may request a review of the adverse determination by the Executive Director of the Corporation, or by an officer of the Corporation designated by the Executive Director; and,

(3) Advise the individual of the procedures for requesting such a review including the name and address of the official to whom the request should be directed.

(e) If the Corporation is apprised by another agency of any corrections or other amendments made to a record contained in the Corporation's system of records, the Corporation will promptly amend its record and advise in writing all previous recipients of the record of the fact that the amendment was made and the substance of the amendment.

§ 903.9 - Appeal of initial adverse determination of request for amendment of record.

(a) After receipt by an individual of notice of an adverse determination by the Privacy Protection Officer concerning a request to amend a record, the individual may, within 60 working days after the date of receipt of the notice, appeal the determination by seeking a review by the Executive Director of the Corporation, or by an officer of the Corporation designated by him. The appeal shall be in writing, mailed or delivered to the Executive Director, Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 1220 North, Washington, DC 20004. The appeal shall identify the record in the same manner as it was identified in the original request, shall indicate the dates of the original request and of the adverse determination and shall indicate the expressed basis for that determination. In addition, the appeal shall state briefly the reasons why the adverse determination should be reversed.

(b) Not later than 30 days after receipt of an appeal, the Executive Director, or an officer of the Corporation designated by him, will complete a review of the appeal and the initial determination, and either: (1) Determine that the appeal should be granted, take the appropriate action with respect to the record in question, and notify the individual accordingly; or, (2) determine that the appeal should be denied.

(c) The reviewing official may, at his or her option, request from the individual such additional information as is deemed necessary to properly conduct the review. If additional time is required, the Executive Director may, for good cause shown, extend the period for action beyond the 30 days specified above. The individual will then be informed in writing of the delay and the reasons therefor, and of the approximate date on which action is expected to be completed.

(d) If the reviewing official denies the appeal, he or she shall advise the individual in writing:

(1) Of the decision and the reasons for reaching it;

(2) That the denial of the appeal is a final agency action entitling the individual to seek judicial review in the appropriate district court of the United States, as provided in 5 U.S.C. 552a(g); and,

(3) That the individual may file with the Corporation a concise statement setting forth the reasons for his or her disagreement with the refusal of the Corporation to amend the record in question.

(e) Any individual having received notices of a denial of an appeal to amend a record may file a statement of disagreement with the Executive Director not later than 60 working days from the date of receipt of the notice. Such statements shall ordinarily not exceed one page in length, and the Corporation reserves the right to reject statements of excessive length. Upon receipt of a proper and timely statement of disagrement, the Corporation will clearly annotate the record in question to indicate the portion of the record which is in dispute. In any subsequent disclosure containing information about which the individual has filed a statement of disagreement, the Corporation will provide a copy of the statement together with the record to which it pertains. In addition, prior recipients of the disputed record will be provided with a copy of statements of disagreement to the extent that an accounting of disclosures was maintained. If the Corporation deems it apropriate, it may also include in any disclosure its own concise statement of the reasons for not making the amendments requested.

[42 FR 5973, Feb. 1, 1977, as amended at 50 FR 45824, Nov. 4, 1985]
§ 903.10 - Disclosure of records to persons or agencies.

(a) The Corporation will not disclose any record which is contained in a system of records, by any means of communication to any person or to another agency except:

(1) Pursuant to a written request by, or with the prior written consent of, the individual to whom the record pertains;

(2) To those officers and employees of the Corporation who have a need for the record in the performance of their duties;

(3) When required under 5 U.S.C. 522 (The Freedom of Information Act); or

(4) Pursuant to the conditions of disclosure contained in 5 U.S.C. 552a(b)(3) through 5 U.S.C. 522a(b)(11).

(b) The Privacy Protection Officer of the Corporation shall keep an accounting of each disclosure made pursuant to paragraph (a)(4) of this section, in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552a(c). Except for disclosures made pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(b)(7), the Privacy Protection Officer shall make the accounting kept under this paragraph available to an individual to whom the record pertains, upon his or her request. An individual requesting an accounting of disclosures should do so at the place, times and in the manner specified in § 903.3 (a) and (b).

§ 903.11 - Routine uses of records maintained in the system of records.

(a) It shall be a routine use of the records in this system of records to disclose them to the Department of Justice when:

(1) The Corporation, or any component thereof; or

(2) Any employee of the Corporation in his or her official capacity; or

(3) Any employee of the Corporation in his or her individual capacity where the Department of Justice has agreed to represent the employee; or

(4) The United States, where the Corporation determines that litigation is likely to affect the Corporation or any of its components, is a party to litigation or an interest in such litigation, and the use of such records by the Department of Justice is deemed by the Corporation to be relevant and necessary to the litigation, provided, however, that in each case, the Corporation determines that disclosure of the records to the Department of Justice is a use of the information contained in the records that is compatible with the purpose for which the records were collected.

(b) It shall be a routine use of records maintained by the Corporation to disclose them in a proceeding before a court or adjudicative body before which the Corporation is authorized to appear, when:

(1) The Corporation, or any component thereof; or

(2) Any employee of the Corporation is his or her individual capacity;

(3) Any employee of the agency in his or her individual capacity where the Department of Justice has agreed to represent the employee; or

(4) The United States, where the Corporation determines that litigation is likely to affect the Corporation or any of its components is a party to litigation or has an interest in such litigation and the Corporation determines that use of such records is relevant and necessary to the litigation, provided, however, that, in each case, the Corporation determines that disclosure of the records to the Department of Justice is a use of the information contained in the records that is compatible with the purpose for which the records were collected.

[52 FR 34384, Sept. 11, 1987; 52 FR 39224, Oct. 21, 1987]
§ 903.12 - Fees for furnishing and reproducing records.

(a) Individuals will not be charged a fee for:

(1) The search and review of the record;

(2) Any copies of the record produced as a necessary part of the process of making the record available for access;

(3) Any copies of the requested record when it has been determined that access can only be accomplished by providing a copy of the record through the mail. The Privacy Protection Officer may provide additional copies of any record without charge when it is determined that it is in the interest of the Government to do so.

(b) Except as provided in paragraph (a) of this section, fees will be charged for the duplication of records at a rate of 10¢ per page. If it is anticipated that the total fee chargeable to an individual under this subpart will exceed $25, the Corporation shall promptly notify the requester of the anticipated cost. An advance deposit equal to 50% of the anticipated total fee will be required unless waived by the Privacy Protection Officer. In notifying the requester of the anticipated fee, the Privacy Protection Officer shall extend an offer to the requester to consult so that the request might be reformulated in a manner which will reduce the fee, yet still meet the needs of the requester.

(c) Fees must be paid in full prior to delivery of the requested copies. Remittances may be in the form of cash, personal check, bank draft or a postal money order. Remittances, other than cash shall be made payable to the Treasurer of the United States.

[42 FR 5973, Feb. 1, 1977. Redesignated at 52 FR 34384, Sept. 11, 1987; 52 FR 39224, Oct. 21, 1987]
§ 903.13 - Penalties.

The provision of 5 U.S.C. 552a(i), as added by section 3 of the Privacy Act, make it a misdemeanor subject to a maximum fine of $5,000, to knowingly and willfully request or obtain any record concerning an individual from an agency under false pretenses. Similar penalties attach for violations by agency officers and employees of the Privacy Act or regulations established thereunder.

[42 FR 5973, Feb. 1, 1977. Redesignated at 52 FR 34384, Sept. 11, 1987; 52 FR 39224, Oct. 21, 1987]
source: 42 FR 5973, Feb. 1, 1977, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 36 CFR 903.5