Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 36 - Parks, Forests, and Public Property last revised: Feb 20, 2025
§ 11.1 - Definitions.

(a) The term Arrowhead Symbol, as used in this part, refers to the insignia of the National Park Service prescribed as its official symbol by notice published in the Federal Register of March 15, 1962 (27 FR 2486). That symbol, use of which had been limited by notice published in the Federal Register of October 22, 1968 (33 FR 15605-06), has been reinstated as the Service's official emblem. The term “Parkscape Symbol,” as used in this part, is the same insignia referred to in the Federal Register notice of October 22, 1968, as the “National Park Service Symbol.” The “Parkscape Symbol” has been prescribed as the official tie tack or pin to be worn by all National Park Service uniformed employees. Moreover, the tie tack or pin may be worn by employees of the Service when not in uniform as a part of their civilian attire.

(b) The term commercial use as used in the regulations of this part refers to use of the “Arrowhead Symbol” or the “Parkscape Symbol” on souvenirs or other items of merchandise presented for sale to the public by private enterprise operating either within or outside of areas of the National Park System.

(c) The term noncommercial use as used in the regulations of this part refers to nongovernmental use of the “Arrowhead Symbol” or the “Parkscape Symbol” other than as described in paragraph (c) of this section.

[35 FR 8734, June 5, 1970, as amended at 62 FR 30234, June 3, 1997]
§ 11.2 - Uses.

The Director may permit the reproduction, manufacture, sale, and use of the “Arrowhead Symbol” or the “Parkscape Symbol”, with or without charge, for uses that will contribute to purposes of education and conservation as they relate to the program of the National Park Service. All other uses are prohibited.

[36 FR 16508, Aug. 21, 1971]
§ 11.3 - Power to revoke.

Permission granted under this part by the Director may be rescinded by him at any time upon a finding that the use of the symbol or symbols involved is injurious to their integrity or inconsistent with the purposes of the National Park Service in the fields of conservation and recreation, or for disregard of any limitations or terms contained in the permits.

[35 FR 8734, June 5, 1970, as amended at 36 FR 16508, Aug. 21, 1971]
§ 11.4 - Penalties.

Whoever manufactures, sells or uses the “Arrowhead Symbol” or the “Parkscape Symbol” in violation of the regulations of this part shall be subject to the penalties prescribed in section 701 of title 18 of the United States Code.

[35 FR 8734, June 5, 1970, as amended at 36 FR 16508, Aug. 21, 1971]
cite as: 36 CFR 11.4