Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 36 - Parks, Forests, and Public Property last revised: Feb 20, 2025
§ 30.1 - Introduction.

(a) Administration of the Whiskeytown Unit is required to be coordinated with the other purposes of the Central Valley project and with the purposes of the recreation area as a whole so as to provide for: (1) Public outdoor recreation benefits; (2) conservation of scenic, scientific, historic, and other values contributing to public enjoyment; and (3) such management, utilization and disposal of renewable natural resources as in the judgment of the Secretary of the Interior will promote or is compatible with, and does not significantly impair, public recreation and conservation of scenic, scientific, historic, or other values contributing to public enjoyment.

(b) The Secretary may not acquire without consent of the owner any privately owned “improved property” or interests therein within the boundaries of the unit, so long as the appropriate local zoning agency (Shasta County), shall have in force and applicable to such property a duly adopted, valid, zoning ordinance that is approved by the Secretary. This suspension of the Secretary's authority to acquire “improved property” without the owner's consent would automatically cease: (1) If the property is made the subject to a variance or exception to any applicable zoning ordinance that does not conform to the applicable standards contained in the regulations in this part; or (2) if such property is put to any use which does not conform to any applicable zoning ordinance approved by the Secretary.

(c) “Improved property” as used in this section, means any building or group of related buildings, the actual construction of which was begun before February 7, 1963, together with not more than 3 acres of land in the same ownership on which the building or group of buildings is situated, but the Secretary may exclude from such “improved property” any shore or waters, together with so much of the land adjoining such shore or waters, as he deems necessary for public access thereto.

(d) The regulations in this part specify the standards with which local zoning ordinances for the Whiskeytown Unit must conform if the “improved property” within the boundaries of that unit is to be exempt from acquisition by condemnation. The objectives of the regulations in this part are to: (1) Prohibit new commercial or industrial uses other than those which the Secretary considers to be consistent with the purposes of the act establishing the national recreation area; (2) promote the protection and development of properties in keeping with the purposes of that act by means of use, acreage, frontage, setback, density, height, or other requirements; and (3) provide that the Secretary receive notice of any variance granted under, or any exception made to, the application of the zoning ordinance approved by him.

(e) Following promulgation of the regulations in this part in final form, the Secretary is required to approve any zoning ordinance or any amendment to an approved zoning ordinance submitted to him which conforms to the standards contained in the regulations in this part in effect at the time of adoption of the ordinance or amendment. Within 60 days following submission, the county will be notified of the Secretary's approval or disapproval of the zoning ordinances or amendments thereto. If more than 60 days is required the county will be notified of the expected delay and of the additional time deemed necessary to reach a decision. The Secretary's approval shall remain effective so long as the zoning ordinances or amendments thereto remain in effect as approved.

(f) Nothing contained in the regulations in this part or in the zoning ordinances or amendments adopted for the Whiskeytown Unit to implement the regulations in this part shall preclude the Secretary from exercising his power of condemnation at any time with respect to property other than “improved property” as defined herein. Nor shall the regulations in this part preclude the Secretary from otherwise fulfilling the responsibilities vested in him by the act authorizing establishment of the Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National Recreation Area, by the Act of August 25, 1916 (39 Stat. 535, 16 U.S.C. 3), as amended and supplemented, and such other statutory authorities relating to the National Park System.

§ 30.2 - General provisions.

(a) Following issuance of the regulations in this part, Shasta County shall submit to the Secretary for his approval, all zoning ordinances and amendments thereto duly adopted by the county which are in force and applicable to property within the Whiskeytown Unit and which demonstrate conformity with the standards contained in the regulations in this part. This shall include any ordinances and amendments in effect prior to the issuance of the regulations in this part which demonstrate such conformity and any that have been adopted specifically to implement the regulations in this part.

(b) Any new uses, and the location, design and scope of any new developments, permitted under the regulations in this part shall be harmonized with adjacent uses, developments and the natural features and shall be consistent with the current Master Plan proposed or adopted by the National Park Service for the Whiskeytown Unit, so as to minimize disruption of the natural scene and to further the public recreational purposes of the aforesaid establishment act for this unit.

(c) Zoning ordinances for the districts hereinafter prescribed shall conform to the general and specific standards contained in the regulations in this part to assure that use and development of the lands within the Whiskeytown Unit are consistent with the objectives of the Congress to protect and preserve the values of the lands in such unit for public use and enjoyment, as set out in the Act of November 8, 1965 (79 Stat. 1295). Except as otherwise provided herein, no additional or increased commercial or industrial uses are permitted within these districts. Any existing nonconforming commercial or industrial uses shall be discontinued within 10 years from the date of this section: Provided, however, That with the approval of the Secretary such 10-year period may be extended by the county for an additional period of time sufficient to allow the owner a reasonable opportunity to amortize investments made in the property before November 8, 1965.

§ 30.3 - Recreation District I.

(a) Definition. This district shall comprise all those portions of the Whiskeytown Unit of the Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National Recreation Area delineated as “Recreation District I” on a map bearing the identification NRA-WHI1000, and dated August 1966.

(b) The following uses are permitted in Recreation District I provided the Shasta County Planning Commission has issued a use permit in each case:

(1) Single-family dwellings, not including tents and trailers, but including servants' quarters in the same structure or in an accessory dwelling, and one noncommercial guest house. Such residential uses shall meet the following requirements:

(i) Minimum building site area—3 acres; but a lesser acreage may be utilized for this purpose if, on or before February 7, 1963, the site was in separate ownership and within a recorded subdivision.

(ii) Maximum building height—35 feet.

(iii) Minimum frontage—150 feet.

(iv) Minimum front yard setback—75 feet.

(v) Minimum side yard setback—50 feet.

(vi) Minimum rear yard setback—25 feet.

(vii) Maximum percentage of lot coverage permitted—10 percent.

(2) Moving, alteration, or improvement of existing residences or accessory structures provided there is compliance with the acreage, frontage, setback, density, height, and other requirements prescribed for residential uses under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, And provided, further, That such moving alteration, or improvement does not alter the residential character of the premises. Any moving, alteration or improvement of such structures that would result in a deviation from these prescribed limitations and requirements would subject the property to acquisition without consent of the owner, unless the Secretary has waived such limitations or requirements.

(3) Tree farming under a timber management plan that conforms to the California Forest Practices Act.

(4) Riding stables.

(5) Campgrounds, organizational camps and picnic areas.

(6) Limited agricultural uses such as truck gardening, provided these uses do not require the extensive cutting or clearing of wooded areas and are not otherwise destructive of natural or recreational values.

(7) Clearing and removal of trees, shrubbery, and other vegetation to the extent necessary in order to permit the exercise of a use otherwise allowed within this district.

(8) Recreational pursuits such as horseshoe pitching, archery, croquet, tennis, softball, volley ball, and similar outdoor game-type activities compatible with the recreational purposes of the area.

(9) Religious and educational uses.

(10) Removal of gravel, sand, and rock or other alteration of the landscape to the minimum extent necessary for the construction of an access road to the property on which a use is permitted. In all other circumstances, such removal or alteration shall be permitted only to the minimum extent necessary to make possible the exercise of a use otherwise permitted in this district.

(11) Signs that are appurtenant to any permitted use and which (i) do not exceed 1 square foot in area for any residential use; (ii) do not exceed 4 square feet in area for any other use, including advertisement of the sale or rental of property; and (iii) which are not illuminated by any neon or flashing device. Such signs may be placed only on the property on which the advertised use occurs, or on the property which is advertised for sale or rental. Signs shall be subdued in appearance, harmonizing in design and color with the surroundings and shall not be attached to any tree or shrub. Nonconforming signs may continue such nonconformity until they are destroyed, moved, structurally altered or redesigned, but the period of such nonconformity may not exceed 2 years from the date a zoning ordinance containing this limitation is adopted by Shasta County.

(12) Accessory uses and temporary removable structures appurtenant to any permitted use.

(c) Any use not included above as a permitted use shall be deemed a prohibited use. Moreover, all land within the boundaries of the Whiskeytown Unit, except certain “improved property” as defined herein, will be acquired by the United States as rapidly as appropriated funds are made available therefor and before any development occurs thereon. Any property that is developed before such acquisition takes place will be subject to acquisition by the Secretary without consent of the owner.

§ 30.4 - Recreation District II.

(a) Definition: This district shall comprise all those portions of the Whiskeytown Unit of the Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National Recreation Area delineated as “Recreation District II” on a map bearing the identification NRA-WHI-1000 and dated August 1966.

(b) The following uses are permitted in Recreation District II:

(1) All uses permitted in Recreation District I, subject to all the limitations, conditions and requirements prescribed for such uses in that district.

(2) The following additional uses are permitted in Recreation District II, provided the Shasta County Planning Commission has issued a use permit in each case:

(i) Agricultural pursuits such as crop farming, grazing, animal husbandry, nurseries, and greenhouses.

(ii) Stands for retail sales of products produced on the premises.

(iii) Measures to promote conservation of soil, water, and vegetation, including reforestation and tree stand improvement, and measures to reduce fire hazards.

(iv) Public or privately operated parks and playgrounds.

(v) Trailer campgrounds.

(vi) Golf courses.

(vii) Heliports, provided they are located and screened so their operations will cause a minimum of interference with public recreational use and enjoyment of the area.

(viii) Accessory structures, facilities, and utilities as necessary to make possible the exercise of any use otherwise permitted.

(c) Structures developed for the exercise of the additional uses listed under paragraph (b)(2) of this section shall not exceed two stories in height (35 feet), shall have a minimum principal use area of 5 acres, and shall have a front yard setback of not less than 100 feet from the nearest right-of-way line of a road or street. However, a lesser area than 5 acres may be utilized for such purposes if the property in question was in separate ownership on February 7, 1963.

(d) Any use not included above as a permitted use shall be deemed a prohibited use. Moreover, all land within the boundaries of the Whiskeytown Unit, except certain “improved property” as defined herein, will be acquired by the United States as rapidly as appropriated funds are made available therefor and before any development occurs thereon. Any property that is developed before such acquisition takes place will be subject to acquisition by the Secretary without consent of the owner.

§ 30.5 - Variances, exceptions, and use permits.

(a) Zoning ordinances or amendments thereto, for the zoning districts comprising the Whiskeytown Unit of the Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National Recreation Area may provide for the granting of variances and exceptions.

(b) Zoning ordinances or amendments thereto for each of the districts established by the regulations in this part shall contain provisions advising applicants for variances and exceptions that, under section 2(f) of the Act of November 8, 1965, the authority of the Secretary to acquire “improved property” without the owner's consent would be reinstated (1) if such property is made the subject of a variance or exception to any applicable zoning ordinance that does not conform to any applicable standard contained in the regulations in this part; or (2) if such property is put to any use which does not conform to any applicable zoning ordinance approved by the Secretary.

(c) The Shasta County Planning Commission, or private owners of “improved property” may consult the Secretary as to whether the grant of any proposed variance or exception would terminate the suspension of his authority to acquire the affected property without consent of the owner, and may request the approval of a variance or exception by the Secretary: Provided, The Secretary is notified in writing at least 30 days in advance of the hearing on the application for the variance or exception. The Secretary within 30 days after the receipt of a request for approval of a variance or exception, shall advise the owner or the Commission whether or not the intended use will subject the property to acquisition by condemnation. If more than 30 days is required by the Secretary for such determination, he shall so notify the owner or Commission, stating the additional time required and the reasons therefor.

(d) The Secretary shall be given written notice of any variance granted under, or exception made to the application of, a zoning ordinance or amendment thereof approved by him. The Secretary shall be provided a copy of every use permit granted by the Shasta County Planning Commission authorizing any use or development of lands within the boundaries of the Whiskeytown Unit of the recreation area.

authority: Subsection 2(e), 79 Stat. 1295, 1297; sec. 3, 39 Stat. 535; 16 U.S.C. 460q-1(e); 16 U.S.C. 3.
source: 32 FR 13189, Sept. 16, 1967, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 36 CFR 30.4