Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 36 - Parks, Forests, and Public Property last revised: Feb 20, 2025
§ 51.4 - How will the Director invite the general public to apply for the award of a concession contract and how will the Director determine when to issue a prospectus for a new concession opportunity where no prior concession services had been provided?
(a) The Director must award all concession contracts, except as otherwise expressly provided in this part, through a public solicitation process. The public solicitation process begins with the issuance of a prospectus. The prospectus will invite the general public to submit proposals for the contract. The prospectus will describe the terms and conditions of the concession contract to be awarded and the procedures to be followed in the selection of the best proposal.
(b) Except as provided under § 51.47 (which calls for a final administrative decision on preferred offeror appeals prior to the selection of the best proposal) the terms, conditions and determinations of the prospectus and the terms and conditions of the proposed concession contract as described in the prospectus, including, without limitation, its minimum franchise fee, are not final until the concession contract is awarded. The Director will not issue a new prospectus for a concession contract earlier than eighteen months prior to the expiration of a related existing contract except when the Director determines it is necessary to provide additional time to potential offerors, such as when additional time is needed to avoid issuing a prospectus during a busy operating season or where potential offerors must make significant financial commitments to meet the requirements of the contract. This additional time should be as short as prudent.
(c) The Director will issue a prospectus for a new concession opportunity in a park area when the Director determines, in the Director's discretion, that a new concession opportunity is necessary and appropriate for public use and enjoyment of the park area and is consistent to the highest practicable degree with the preservation and conservation of the resources and values of the park area.
(d) The Director will establish procedures to solicit and consider suggestions for new concession opportunities within park areas from the public (including from potential concessioners) through the National Park Service's planning processes for such opportunities as well as through annual invitations for proposals for improving visitor experiences through third-party providers. The Director shall fully review all proposals received, provide a written evaluation for each proposal, and make all proposals and completed evaluations available to the public.
(e) In determining whether to issue a prospectus for a concession contract to provide such new concession opportunities, the Director will consider relevant factors including whether the suggested concession opportunities are adequately provided within the park area by other authorized commercial providers; the potential for augmented resources for park area operations; the effects of the suggested concession operations on the park area; the long-term viability of the suggested concession opportunities; the innovative quality of the suggestions; and the potential impacts on park area visitation and on communities located near the park area.
(f) No preference to a concession contract shall be granted to a party based on that party's having submitted a proposal for a new concession opportunity described in this section. The Director, however, may award a contract noncompetitively to such a party when determined appropriate as described in § 51.25.
(g) The Director may consider suggestions for new services as additional services to be provided through an existing concession contract as described in § 51.76.
(h) Nothing in this section shall constrain the discretion of the Director to solicit or consider suggestions for new concession opportunities or collect other information that can be used by the Director in connection with a new concession opportunity.
[65 FR 20668, Apr. 17, 2000, as amended at 88 FR 90117, Dec. 29, 2023]
§ 51.5 - What information will the prospectus include?
The prospectus must include the following information:
(a) The minimum requirements of the concession contract. The minimum requirements of the concession contract, include, but are not limited to the following:
(1) The minimum acceptable franchise fee or other forms of consideration to the Government;
(2) The minimum visitor services that the concessioner is to be authorized to provide;
(3) The minimum capital investment, if any, that the concessioner must make;
(4) The minimum measures that the concessioner must take to ensure the protection, conservation, and preservation of the resources of the park area; and
(5) Any other minimum requirements that the new contract may specify, including, as appropriate and without limitation, measurable performance standards;
(b) The terms and conditions of a current concession contract, if any, relating to the visitor services to be provided, including all fees and other forms of compensation provided to the Director under such contract;
(c) A description of facilities and services, if any, that the Director may provide to the concessioner under the terms of the concession contract, including, but not limited to, public access, utilities and buildings;
(d) An estimate of the amount of any compensation due a current concessioner from a new concessioner under the terms of an existing or prior concession contract;
(e) A statement identifying each principal selection factor for proposals, including subfactors, if any, and secondary factors, if any, and the weight and relative importance of the principal and any secondary factors in the selection decision;
(f) Such other information related to the proposed concession contract as is provided to the Director pursuant to a concession contract or is otherwise available to the Director, as the Director determines is necessary to allow for the submission of competitive proposals. Among other such necessary information a prospectus will contain (when applicable) are the gross receipts of the current concession contract broken out by department for the three most recent years; franchise fees charged under the current concession contract for the three most recent years; merchandise inventories of the current concessioner for the three most recent years; and the depreciable fixed assets and net depreciable fixed assets of the current concessioner; and
(g) Identification of a preferred offeror for a qualified concession contract, if any, and, if a preferred offeror exists, a description of a right of preference to the award of the concession contract.
§ 51.6 - Will a concession contract be developed for a particular potential offeror?
The terms and conditions of a concession contract must represent the requirements of the Director in accordance with the purposes of this part and must not be developed to accommodate the capabilities or limitations of any potential offeror. The Director must not provide a current concessioner or other person any information as to the content of a proposed or issued prospectus that is not available to the general public.
§ 51.7 - How will information be provided to a potential offeror after the prospectus is issued?
Material information directly related to the prospectus and the concession contract (except when otherwise publicly available) that the Director provides to any potential offeror prior to the submission of proposals must be made available to all persons who have requested a copy of the prospectus.
§ 51.8 - Where will the Director publish the notice of availability of the prospectus?
The Director will publish notice of the availability of the prospectus at least once in the System for Award Management (SAM) where Federal business opportunities are electronically posted, or in a similar publication if this site ceases to be used. The Director, if determined appropriate, may also publish notices electronically on websites including social media and in local or national newspapers or trade magazines.
[88 FR 90118, Dec. 29, 2023]
§ 51.9 - How do I get a copy of the prospectus?
The Director will make the prospectus available upon request to all interested persons. The Director may charge a reasonable fee for a prospectus, not to exceed printing, binding and mailing costs.
§ 51.10 - How long will I have to submit my proposal?
The Director will allow an appropriate period for submission of proposals that is not less than 60 days unless the Director determines that a shorter time is appropriate in the circumstances of a particular solicitation. Proposals that are not timely submitted will not be considered by the Director.
§ 51.11 - May the Director amend, extend, or cancel a prospectus of solicitation?
The Director may amend a prospectus or extend the submission date, or both, prior to and on the proposal due date. The Director may cancel a solicitation at any time prior to award of the concession contract if the Director determines in his discretion that this action is appropriate in the public interest. No offeror or other person will obtain compensable or other legal rights as a result of an amended, extended, canceled, or resolicited solicitation for a concession contract.
[79 FR 58263, Sept. 29, 2014]
§ 51.12 - Are there any other additional procedures that I must follow to apply for a concession contract?
The Director may specify in a prospectus additional solicitation and/or selection procedures consistent with the requirements of this part in the interest of enhancing competition. Such additional procedures may include, but are not limited to, issuance of a two-phased prospectus—a qualifications phase and a proposal phase. The Director will incorporate simplified administrative requirements and procedures in prospectuses for concession contracts that the Director considers are likely to be awarded to a sole proprietorship or are likely to have annual gross receipts of less than $100,000. Such simplified requirements and procedures may include, as appropriate and without limitation, a reduced application package, a shorter proposal submission period, and a reduction of proposal information requirements.
§ 51.13 - When will the Director determine if proposals are responsive?
The Director will determine if proposals are responsive or non-responsive prior to or as of the date of selection of the best proposal.
§ 51.14 - What happens if no responsive proposals are submitted?
If no responsive proposals are submitted, the Director may cancel the solicitation, or, after cancellation, establish new contract requirements and issue a new prospectus.
§ 51.15 - May I clarify, amend or supplement my proposal after it is submitted?
(a) The Director may request from any offeror who has submitted a timely proposal a written clarification of its proposal. Clarification refers to making clear any ambiguities that may have been contained in a proposal but does not include amendment or supplementation of a proposal. An offeror may not amend or supplement a proposal after the submission date unless requested by the Director to do so and the Director provides all offerors that submitted proposals a similar opportunity to amend or supplement their proposals. Permitted amendments must be limited to modifying particular aspects of proposals resulting from a general failure of offerors to understand particular requirements of a prospectus or a general failure of offerors to submit particular information required by a prospectus.
(b) A proposal may suggest changes to the terms and conditions of a proposed concession contract and still be considered as responsive so long as the suggested changes are not conditions to acceptance of the terms and conditions of the proposed concession contract. The fact that a proposal may suggest changes to the proposed concession contract does not mean that the Director may accept those changes without a resolicitation of the concession opportunity.
§ 51.16 - How will the Director evaluate proposals and select the best one?
(a) The Director will apply the selection factors set forth in § 51.17 by assessing each timely proposal under each of the selection factors on the basis of a narrative explanation, discussing any subfactors when applicable. For each selection factor, the Director will assign a score that reflects the determined merits of the proposal under the applicable selection factor and in comparison to the other proposals received, if any. The maximum aggregate score available for all selection factors will be 40 points, and every selection factor used must have a maximum score of one point or higher. Each selection factor will be scored as identified in the prospectus, subject to the following criteria:
(1) The maximum score assignable for the principal selection factor described in § 51.17(a)(5) will be less than the lowest maximum score of the other principal selection factors described in § 51.17(a) with a score of one point for agreeing to the prospectus franchise fee (as defined in § 51.78) or, when the Director determines appropriate, the minimum acceptable franchise fee set forth in the prospectus.
(2) The maximum score assignable for the secondary selection factor set forth in § 51.17(b)(1) will be less than the maximum score for the principal selection factor described in § 51.17(a)(5); and,
(3) The maximum scores assignable for any additional secondary selection factors set forth in § 51.17(b) will be such that the maximum aggregate score assignable for all additional secondary selection factors will be less than the maximum score for the principal selection factor described in § 51.17(a)(5).
(b) The Director will then assign a cumulative point score to each proposal based on the assigned score for each selection factor.
(c) The responsive proposal with the highest cumulative point score will be selected by the Director as the best proposal. If two or more responsive proposals receive the same highest point score, the Director will select as the best proposal (from among the responsive proposals with the same highest point score), the responsive proposal that the Director determines on the basis of a narrative explanation will, on an overall basis, best achieve the purposes of this part. Consideration of revenue to the United States in this determination and in scoring proposals under principal selection factor five will be subordinate to the objectives of protecting, conserving, and preserving the resources of the park area and of providing necessary and appropriate visitor services to the public at reasonable rates.
[65 FR 20668, Apr. 17, 2000, as amended at 88 FR 90118, Dec. 29, 2023]
§ 51.17 - What are the selection factors?
(a) The five principal selection factors are:
(1) The responsiveness of the proposal to the objectives, as described in the prospectus, of protecting, conserving, and preserving resources of the park area;
(2) The responsiveness of the proposal to the objectives, as described in the prospectus, of providing necessary and appropriate visitor services at reasonable rates;
(3) The experience and related background of the offeror, including the past performance and expertise of the offeror in providing the same or similar visitor services as those to be provided under the concession contract;
(4) The financial capability of the offeror to carry out its proposal; and
(5) The amount of the proposed minimum franchise fee, if any, and/or other forms of financial consideration to the Director. However, consideration of revenue to the United States will be subordinate to the objectives of protecting, conserving, and preserving resources of the park area and of providing necessary and appropriate visitor services to the public at reasonable rates.
(b) The secondary selection factors are:
(1) The quality of the offeror's proposal to conduct its operations in a manner that furthers the protection, conservation and preservation of park area and other resources through environmental management programs and activities, including, without limitation, energy conservation, waste reduction, and recycling. A prospectus may exclude this secondary factor if the prospectus solicits proposals for a concession contract that is anticipated to have annual gross receipts of less than $100,000 and the activities that will be conducted under the contract are determined by the Director as likely to have only limited impacts on the resources of the park area; and
(2) Any other selection factors the Director may adopt in furtherance of the purposes of this part, including, where appropriate and otherwise permitted by law, the extent to which a proposal calls for the employment of Indians (including Native Alaskans) and/or involvement of businesses owned by Indians, Indian Tribes, Native Alaskans, or minority or women-owned businesses in operations under the proposed concession contract. When appropriate, the Director will include a secondary selection factor requesting suggestions for new services.
(c) A prospectus may include subfactors under each of the principal and secondary factors to describe specific elements of the selection factor.
[65 FR 20668, Apr. 17, 2000, as amended at 88 FR 90118, Dec. 29, 2023]
§ 51.18 - When must the Director reject a proposal?
The Director must reject any proposal received, regardless of the franchise fee offered, if the Director makes any of the following determinations: the offeror is not a qualified person as defined in this part; The offeror is not likely to provide satisfactory service; the proposal is not a responsive proposal as defined in this part; or, the proposal is not responsive to the objectives of protecting and preserving the resources of the park area and of providing necessary and appropriate services to the public at reasonable rates.
§ 51.19 - Must the Director award the concession contract that is set forth in the prospectus?
Except for incorporating into the concession contract appropriate elements of the best proposal, the Director must not award a concession contract which materially amends or does not incorporate the terms and conditions of the concession contract as set forth in the prospectus.
§ 51.20 - Does this part limit the authority of the Director?
Nothing in this part may be construed as limiting the authority of the Director at any time to determine whether to solicit or award a concession contract, to cancel a solicitation, or to terminate a concession contract in accordance with its terms.
§ 51.21 - When must the selected offeror execute the concession contract?
The selected offeror must execute the concession contract promptly after selection of the best proposal and within the time established by the Director. If the selected offeror fails to execute the concession contract in this period, the Director may select another responsive proposal or may cancel the selection and resolicit the concession contract.
§ 51.22 - When may the Director award the concession contract?
Before awarding a concession contract with anticipated annual gross receipts in excess of $5,000,000 or of more than 10 years in duration, the Director must submit the concession contract to the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate. The Director must not award any such concession contract until 60 days after the submission. Award of these contracts may not be made without the Director's written approval. The Director may not delegate this approval except to a Deputy Director or an Associate Director. The Director may award a concession contract that is not subject to these or other special award requirements at any time after selection of the best proposal and execution of the concession contract by the offeror.
[65 FR 20668, Apr. 17, 2000, as amended at 79 FR 58263, Sept. 29, 2014]
authority: 54 U.S.C. 101901-101926 and title IV of the National Parks Omnibus Management Act of 1998 (Pub. L. 105-391)
source: 65 FR 20668, Apr. 17, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 36 CFR 51.8