Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 36 - Parks, Forests, and Public Property last revised: Feb 20, 2025
§ 702.1 - Applicability.

The rules and regulations in this part apply to all Federal property under the charge and control of the Librarian of Congress and to all persons entering in or on such property.

§ 702.2 - Conduct on Library premises.

(a) All persons using the premises shall conduct themselves in such manner as not to affect detrimentally the peace, tranquility, and good order of the Library. Such persons shall:

(1) Use areas that are open to them only at the times those areas are open to them and only for the purposes for which those areas are intended;

(2) Comply with any lawful order of the police or of other authorized individuals; and

(3) Comply with official signs of a restrictive or directory nature.

(b) All persons using the premises shall refrain from:

(1) Creating any hazard to oneself or another person or property, such as by tampering with fire detection and/or security equipment and devices, by fighting, by starting fires, or by throwing or deliberately dropping any breakable article, such as glass, pottery, or any sharp article, or stones or other missiles;

(2) Using Library facilities for living accommodation purposes, such as unauthorized bathing, sleeping, or storage of personal belongings, regardless of the specific intent of the individual;

(3) Engaging in inordinately loud or noisy activities;

(4) Disposing of rubbish other than in receptacles provided for that purpose;

(5) Throwing articles of any kind from or at a Library building or appurtenance;

(6) Committing any obscene or indecent act such as prurient prying, indecent exposure, and soliciting for illegal purposes;

(7) Removing, defacing, damaging, or in any other way so misusing a statue, seat, wall, fountain, or other architectural feature or any tree, shrub, plant, or turf;

(8) Stepping upon or climbing upon any statue, fountain, or other ornamental architectural feature or any tree, shrub, or plant;

(9) Bathing, wading, or swimming in any fountain;

(10) Painting, marking or writing on, or posting or otherwise affixing any handbill or sign upon any part of a Library building or appurtenance, except on bulletin boards installed for that purpose and with the appropriate authorization;

(11) Bringing any animal onto Library buildings and turf other than dogs trained to assist hearing or visually impaired persons;

(12) Threatening the physical well-being of an individual; and

(13) Unreasonably obstructing reading rooms, food service facilities, entrances, foyers, lobbies, corridors, offices, elevators, stairways, or parking lots in such manner as to impede or disrupt the performance of official duties by the Library staff or to prevent Library patrons from using or viewing the collections.

(c) Public reading rooms, research facilities, and catalog rooms are designated as nonpublic forums. As such, they shall be used only for quiet scholarly research or educational purposes requiring use of Library materials. All persons using these areas shall comply with the rules in effect in the various public reading rooms, shall avoid disturbing other readers, and shall refrain from engaging in disruptive behavior, including but not limited to (1) Eating, drinking, or smoking in areas where these activities are expressly prohibited;

(2) Using loud language or making disruptive noises;

(3) Using any musical instrument or device, loudspeaker, sound amplifier, or other similar machine or device for the production or reproduction of sound, except for devices to assist hearing or visually impaired persons, without authorization;

(4) Interfering by offensive personal hygiene with the use of the area by other persons;

(5) Spitting, defecating, urinating, or similar disruptive activities;

(6) Intentionally abusing the furniture or furnishings in the area;

(7) Intentionally damaging any item from the collections of the Library of Congress or any item of Library property;

(8) Using computing terminals for purposes other than searching or training persons to search the Library's data bases or those under contract to the Library, or misusing the terminals by intentional improper or obstructive searching; and

(9) Using the Library's photocopy machines or microfilm reader-printers for purposes other than copying Library materials, for copying that violates the copyright law (Title 17 U.S.C.), or for copying in violation of posted usage restrictions, e.g., “staff only.”

(10) Performing any other inappropriate or illegal act, such as accessing or showing child pornography, online or otherwise on Library premises; and

(11) failing to wear appropriate clothing in Library facilities, including, but not limited to, footwear (shoes or sandals) and shirts.

(12) any behavior or interaction by a member of the public that unnecessarily hinders staff from performing the Library's public service functions.

§ 702.3 - Demonstrations.

(a) Library buildings and grounds are designated as limited public forums, except for those areas designated as nonpublic forums. However, only Library grounds (defined in 2 U.S.C. 167j), not buildings, may be utilized for demonstrations, including assembling, marching, picketing, or rallying. In addition, as the need for the determination of other matters arises, the Librarian will determine what additional First Amendment activities may not be permitted in a limited public forum. In making such determination, The Librarian will consider only whether the intended activity is incompatible with the primary purpose and intended use of that area.

(b) The Director, Integrated Support Services, shall designate certain Library grounds as available for demonstrations. Persons seeking to use such designated areas for the purpose of demonstrations shall first secure written permission from the Director, Integrated Support Services. An application for such permission shall be filed with Facility Services no later than four business days before the time of the proposed demonstration and shall include:

(1) The name of the organization(s) or sponsor(s) of the demonstration;

(2) The contact person's name and telephone number;

(3) The proposed purpose of the demonstration;

(4) The proposed location of the demonstration;

(5) The date and hour(s) planned for the demonstration;

(6) The anticipated number of demonstrators;

(7) A concise statement detailing arrangements for the prompt cleanup of the site after the demonstration;

(8) Any request for permission to use loudspeakers, microphones, or other amplifying devices, hand held or otherwise; and

(9) A signed agreement by the applicant(s) to comply with Library regulations and terms and conditions established for the demonstration.

(c) Upon receipt of an application, Facility Services shall forward the application, along with any comments and recommendations, to the Director, Integrated Support Services, within one business day of the office's receipt of said application. The Director, Integrated Support Services, shall respond to the request within three business days of his or her receipt of said application. The Director, Integrated Support Services, shall request advice from the Office of the General Counsel on any legal questions arising from said application.

(d) Permission to demonstrate shall be based upon:

(1) The availability of the requested location;

(2) The likelihood that the demonstration will not interfere with Library operations or exceed city noise limitations as defined by District of Columbia regulations; and

(3) The likelihood that the demonstration will proceed peacefully in the event that a volatile situation in the United States or abroad might lead to a potentially harmful threat toward the Capitol complex, including Library buildings and grounds.

§ 702.4 - Photographs.

(a) The policy set out herein applies to all individuals who are photographing Library of Congress buildings.

(b) Special permission is not required for photographing public areas, if no tripods, lights or other specialized equipment is used. Public areas do not include reading rooms, exhibition areas or other areas where photographing is prohibited by signage.

(c) For all other photographing, requests for permission must be made at least one week prior to the photographing. The Director of Communications, or his/her designee, is authorized to grant or deny permission, in writing, to photograph the interior of Library buildings and may set the conditions under which the photographing may take place. Such conditions may include provision for a fee for services rendered consistent with the Library's policies and procedures for the revolving fund under 2 U.S.C. 182b.

§ 702.5 - Gambling.

Participation in any illegal gambling, such as the operation of gambling devices, the conduct of an illegal pool or lottery, or the unauthorized sale or purchase of numbers or lottery tickets, on the premises is prohibited.

§ 702.6 - Alcoholic beverages and controlled substances.

(a) The use of alcoholic beverages on the premises is prohibited except on official occasions for which advance written approval has been given and except for concessionaires to whom Library management has granted permission to sell alcoholic beverages on the premises.

(b) The illegal use or possession of controlled substances on the premises is prohibited.

§ 702.7 - Weapons and explosives.

Except where duly authorized by law, and in the performance of law enforcement functions, no person shall carry firearms, other dangerous or deadly weapons, or explosives, either openly or concealed, while on the premises.

§ 702.8 - Use and carrying of food and beverages in Library buildings.

Consumption of food and beverages in Library buildings is prohibited except at point of purchase or other authorized eating places. Under no circumstances may food or beverages be carried to the bookstacks or other areas where there exists significant risk to Library materials or property or where there may result a detraction from the dignity or efficiency of public service.

§ 702.9 - Inspection of property.

(a) Individuals entering Library buildings do so with the understanding that all property in their possession including, but not limited to, suitcases, briefcases, large envelopes, packages, and office equipment may be inspected.

(b) Upon entering the Library buildings privately owned office machines including but not limited to typewriters, computing machines, stenotype machines, and dictating machines, shall be registered with the police officer at the entrance to buildings for the purpose of controlling such equipment.

(c) In the discharge of official duties, Library officials are authorized to inspect Government-owned or furnished property assigned to readers and the general public for their use, such as cabinets, lockers, and desks. Unauthorized property or contraband found in the possession of members of the Library staff, readers, or the general public as a result of such inspections will be subject to confiscation by Library officials.

§ 702.10 - Protection of property.

(a) Any person who shall steal, wrongfully deface, injure, mutilate, tear, or destroy library materials, or any portion thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than 3 years, or both (18 U.S.C. 641; 18 U.S.C. 1361; 18 U.S.C. 2071).

(b) Any person who embezzles, steals, purloins, or, without authority, disposes of anything of value of the United States, or willfully injures or commits any depredation against any Government property shall be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both; but if the value of such property does not exceed the sum of $100, he shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both. (18 U.S.C. 641; 18 U.S.C. 1361.)

§ 702.11 - Smoking in Library buildings.

Smoking in Library areas is prohibited except in those areas specifically designated for this purpose.

§ 702.12 - Space for meetings and special events.

Information about the use of space for meeting and special events at the Library can be found at, or by accessing the Library's home page at and following the link “About the Library” to “Event Facilities.”

§ 702.13 - Soliciting, vending, debt collection, and distribution of handbills.

(a) The soliciting of alms and contributions, commercial soliciting and vending of all kinds, the display or distribution of commercial advertising, the offering or exposing of any article for sale, or the collecting of private debts on the grounds or within the buildings of the Library is prohibited. This rule does not apply to national or local drives for funds for welfare, health, or other purposes sponsored or approved by The Librarian of Congress, nor does it apply to authorized concessions, vending devices in approved areas, or as specifically approved by the Librarian or designee.

(b) Distribution of material such as pamphlets, handbills, and flyers is prohibited without prior approval.

(c) Peddlers and solicitors will not be permitted to enter Library buildings unless they have a specific appointment, and they will not be permitted to canvass Library buildings.

§ 702.14 - Penalties.

(a) Persons violating provisions of 2 U.S.C. 167a to 167e, inclusive, regulations promulgated pursuant to 2 U.S.C. 167f,this,or,including,are,to,and.

(b) Upon written notification by the Director of Security, disruptive persons may be denied further access to the premises and may be prohibited from further use of the Library's facilities.

(1) Within three workdays of receipt of such notification, an affected individual may make a written request, including the reasons for such a request, to the Director of Security for a reconsideration of said notification.

(2) The Director of Security shall respond within three workdays of receipt of such request for reconsideration and may, at his or her option, rescind, modify, or reaffirm said notification.

(c) Readers who violate established conditions and/or procedures for using material are subject to penalties to be determined by or in consultation with the unit head responsible for the custody of the material used.

(1) When a reader violates a condition and/or procedure for using material, the division chief or head of the unit where the infraction occurred may, upon written notification, deny further access to the material, or to the unit in which it is housed, to be determined by the nature of the infraction and the material involved.

(2) Within five workdays of receipt of such notification, the reader may make a written request, including the reasons for such request to the Associate Librarian for that service unit, or his/her designee, for a reconsideration of said notification.

(3) The Associate Librarian for that service unit, or his/her designee, shall respond within five workdays of receipt of such request for reconsideration and may rescind, modify, or reaffirm said notification, as appropriate.

(4) Repeated violations of established conditions and/or procedures for using material may result in denial of further access to the premises and further use of the Library's facilities or revocation of the reader's User Card, in accordance with established access regulations.

(5) Mutilation or theft of Library property also may result in criminal prosecution, as set forth in 18 U.S.C. 641,1361,and; and 22 D.C. Code 3106.

(6) In certain emergency situations requiring prompt action, the division chief or head of the unit where the infraction occurred may immediately deny further access to the material or unit prior to formally taking written action. In such cases, the reader shall be notified, in writing, within three days of the action taken and the reasons therefor. The reader then may request reconsideration.

(7) A copy of any written notification delivered pursuant to this part shall be forwarded to the Captain, Library Police, the service unit, and the Director, Integrated Support Services, for retention.

authority: Sec. 1, 29 Stat. 544; 2 U.S.C. 136.
source: 69 FR 39840, July 1, 2004, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 36 CFR 702.4