Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 36 - Parks, Forests, and Public Property last revised: Feb 20, 2025
§ 1256.40 - What are general restrictions?

General restrictions apply to certain kinds of information or classes of records, regardless of the record group to which the records have been allocated. These general restrictions may apply to records and materials not covered by the Freedom of Information Act. The general restrictions are listed and explained in §§ 1256.46 through 1256.62.

§ 1256.42 - Who imposes general restrictions?

The Archivist of the United States imposes all general restrictions in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552,as,and.S.C. 2107(4), 2108, and 2111.

§ 1256.44 - Does NARA ever waive general restrictions?

NARA may provide access to records withheld under a general restriction only to:

(a) NARA employees for work purposes;

(b) The creating agency or its authorized agent in the conduct of agency business;

(c) The donor, in the case of donated historical materials; or

(d) The subject of the records in some cases or the subject's authorized agent.

§ 1256.46 - National security-classified information.

In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(1), NARA cannot disclose records containing information regarding national defense or foreign policy that is properly classified under the provisions of the pertinent Executive Order on Classified National Security Information and its implementing directive (Executive Order 12958, as amended).

§ 1256.48 - Information about internal agency rules and practices.

(a) NARA may withhold from disclosure, in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(2), the following:

(1) Records that contain information on substantial internal matters of agencies that, if disclosed, could risk circumvention of a legal requirement, such as a statute or an agency regulation.

(2) Records containing information that states or assesses an agency's vulnerability to outside interference or harm. NARA withholds records that identify agency programs, systems, or facilities deemed most sensitive. NARA also withholds records describing specific measures that can be used to counteract such agency vulnerabilities.

(b) The Archivist of the United States may determine that this general restriction does not apply to specific records because enough time has passed that agency statutes or regulations would not be compromised and programs, systems, and facilities would not be harmed.

§ 1256.50 - Information exempted from disclosure by statute.

In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(3), NARA withholds records containing information that is specifically exempted from disclosure by statute when that statute:

(a) Requires withholding information from the public, leaving no discretion; or

(b) Establishes particular criteria for withholding or refers to particular types of matters to be withheld.

§ 1256.52 - Trade secrets and commercial or financial information.

In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4), NARA may withhold records that contain trade secrets and commercial or financial information, obtained from a person, that is privileged or confidential. Such records may be disclosed only if:

(a) The person who provided the information agrees to its release; or

(b) In the judgment of the Archivist of the United States, enough time has passed that release of the information would not result in substantial competitive harm to the submitter of the information. See 36 CFR 1250.82 for additional regulatory guidance.

§ 1256.54 - Inter- and intra-agency memoranda (subject to privilege).

(a) In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(5), NARA may withhold information found in inter-agency or intra-agency records if that information is subject to a legally recognized privilege, including the:

(1) Deliberative process privilege;

(2) Attorney work product privilege; and

(3) Attorney-client privilege.

(b) The Archivist of the United States may determine that this general restriction does not apply to specific records because enough time has passed that release of the information would not result in the harm that the privilege was intended to protect or confidential attorney-client communications.

§ 1256.56 - Information that would invade the privacy of a living individual.

(a) In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(6), NARA will withhold records in personnel and medical and similar files containing information about a living individual that reveals details of a highly personal nature that, if released, would cause a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Privacy information may include, but is not limited to, information about the physical or mental health or the medical or psychiatric care or treatment of the individual, and that:

(1) Contains personal information not known to have been previously made public, and

(2) Relates to events less than 75 years old.

(b) The Archivist of the United States may determine that this general restriction does not apply to:

(1) Specific records because enough time has passed that the privacy of living individuals is not compromised; or

(2) Researchers for the purpose of biomedical and social science research when such researchers have provided NARA with adequate written assurance that the record(s) will be used solely as a research or reporting record and that no individually identifiable information will be disclosed.

§ 1256.58 - Information related to law enforcement investigations.

(a) In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(7), NARA will withhold records compiled for law enforcement purposes. Unless otherwise determined by the Archivist in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section, records compiled for law enforcement purposes may be disclosed only if all of the following conditions are met:

(1) The release of the information does not interfere with law enforcement proceedings;

(2) The release of the information would not deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or an impartial adjudication;

(3) The release of the information would not constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy;

(4) Confidential sources and information provided by a confidential source are not revealed;

(5) Confidential investigation techniques are not described; and

(6) Release of the information would not endanger the life or physical safety of any person.

(b) The Archivist of the United States may determine that this general restriction does not apply to specific records because enough time has passed that:

(1) The safety of persons is not endangered, and

(2) The public interest in disclosure outweighs the continued need for confidentiality.

§ 1256.60 - Information relating to financial institutions.

(a) In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(8), NARA may withhold information in records contained in or relating to the examination, operating, or condition reports prepared by, on behalf of, or for the use of an agency responsible for the regulation or supervision of financial institutions.

(b) The Archivist of the United States may determine that this general restriction does not apply to specific records because enough time has passed that current financial information is not compromised.

§ 1256.62 - Geological and geophysical information relating to wells.

(a) In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(9), NARA may withhold information in records that relates to geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells.

(b) The Archivist of the United States may determine that this general restriction does not apply to specific records because enough time has passed that current proprietary rights are not compromised.

authority: 44 U.S.C. 2101-2118; 22 U.S.C. 1461(b); 5 U.S.C. 552; E.O. 12958 (60 FR 19825, 3 CFR, 1995 Comp., p. 333; E.O. 13292, 68 FR 15315, 3 CFR, 2003 Comp., p. 196; E.O. 13233, 66 FR 56023, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 815
source: 69 FR 39325, June 30, 2004, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 36 CFR 1256.52