Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 36 - Parks, Forests, and Public Property last revised: Feb 20, 2025
§ 1280.40 - Definitions.

(a) Filming, photographing, or videotaping for commercial purposes. Any filming, photographing, or videotaping to promote commercial enterprises or commodities.

(b) News filming, photographing, or videotaping. Any filming, photographing, or videotaping done by a commercial or non-profit news organization that is intended for use in a television or radio news broadcast, newspaper, or periodical.

(c) Personal use filming, photographing, or videotaping. Any filming, photographing, or videotaping intended solely for personal or non-commercial educational use that will not be commercially distributed.

§ 1280.42 - When the rules in this subpart apply.

(a) These rules apply to anyone who is filming, photographing, or videotaping inside any NARA facility or while on NARA property.

(b) Filming, photographing, and videotaping on the grounds of any NARA archival research room except the ones in Atlanta, GA, Fort Worth, TX, and Perris (Riverside), CA, or on the grounds surrounding the Washington National Records Center, are governed by GSA regulations, 41 CFR part 101-20, Management of Buildings and Grounds, and must be approved by a GSA official.

§ 1280.44 - Filming, photographing, or videotaping for commercial purposes.

You are not permitted to film, photograph, or videotape for commercial purposes on NARA property or in NARA facilities.

§ 1280.46 - Filming, photographing, or videotaping for personal use.

(a) You may film, photograph, or videotape on NARA property outside a NARA facility so long as you do not impede vehicular or pedestrian traffic.

(b) You may film, photograph, or videotape inside a NARA facility during regular business hours in public areas, including research rooms and exhibition areas, unless otherwise posted, under the following conditions:

(1) You may not use a flash or other supplemental lighting; and

(2) You may not use a selfie stick, monopod, tripod, or similar equipment.

[88 FR 58502, Aug. 28, 2023]
§ 1280.48 - Applying to film, photograph, or videotape for news purposes.

(a) If you wish to film, photograph, or videotape for news purposes at the National Archives Building (as delineated in § 1280.2(a)), the National Archives at College Park, or the Washington National Records Center, you must request permission from the NARA Public Affairs Officer by email at [email protected], by phone at 202.357.5300, or by mail at National Archives and Records Administration; 700 Pennsylvania Avenue NW; Public Affairs Office; Washington, DC 20408-0001. See also § 1280.42(b) for additional permissions relating to the Washington National Records Center.

(b) If you wish to film, photograph, or videotape for news purposes at a Presidential library or at an archival research room facility, you must contact the director of the library (see 36 CFR 1253.3 for contact information) or archival research room facility (see 36 CFR 1253.5 for contact information) to request permission.

(c) Your request for permission to film, photograph, or videotape for news purposes must contain the following information (OMB control number 3095-0040):

(1) The name of the organization you are working for;

(2) Areas you wish to film, photograph, or videotape;

(3) Documents, if any, you wish to film;

(4) The purpose of the project you are working on;

(5) What you intend to do with the film, photograph, or videotape; and

(6) How long you will need to complete your work on or in NARA property or facilities.

(d) You must request permission at least two weeks in advance of your desired filming date. If you make a request within a shorter time period, we may not be able to accommodate your request.

(e) If you would like to use NARA equipment, you must also sign an agreement, NA Form 11010, Waiver of Liability (OMB control number 3095-0040).

(f) This section does not apply to you if you have permission to use your own microfilming equipment to film archival records and donated historical materials under the provisions of 36 CFR 1254.90-1254.110. You must follow the procedures in 36 CFR part 1254 for permission to film archival records and donated materials for research purposes or for microfilm publications.

§ 1280.50 - What you may film, photograph, or videotape for news purposes.

(a) We will permit you to film, photograph, or videotape sections of the interior or exterior of any NARA facility or property only for stories about:

(1) NARA programs;

(2) NARA exhibits;

(3) NARA holdings;

(4) NARA services;

(5) A former President;

(6) A researcher who has made or is making use of NARA holdings (provided that the researcher also approves your request); or

(7) Any other NARA-related activity approved by the appropriate NARA representative.

(b) We reserve the right to reject any request that does not meet the criteria set forth in paragraphs (a) and (c) of this section or because of scheduling or staffing constraints.

(c) We will not grant you permission to film, photograph, or videotape if you intend to use the film, photographs, or videotape for commercial, partisan political, sectarian, or similar activities.

§ 1280.52 - Rules for filming, photographing, or videotaping for news purposes.

The following conditions and restrictions apply to anyone that has been granted permission to film, photograph, or videotape for news purposes under subpart B of this part:

(a) We may limit or prohibit use of artificial light in connection with filming, photographing, or videotaping documents for news purposes. You may not use any supplemental lighting devices while filming, photographing, or videotaping inside a NARA facility in the Washington, DC, area without the prior permission of the NARA Public Affairs Officer. If the Public Affairs Officer approves your use of artificial lighting in the Rotunda or other exhibit areas, we will use facsimiles in place of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, or other documents. If we approve your use of high intensity lighting, we will cover or replace with facsimiles all other exhibited documents that fall within the boundaries of such illumination. You may not use any supplemental lighting devices at the Presidential libraries and the archival research room facilities without permission from a NARA representative at that facility.

(b) While filming, photographing, or videotaping, you are liable for injuries to people or property that result from your activities on or in NARA property and facilities.

(c) At all times while on or in NARA property and facilities, you must conduct your activities in accordance with all applicable regulations contained in this part.

(d) Your filming, photographing, or videotaping activity may not impede people who are entering or exiting any NARA facility unless otherwise authorized by the facility's director, or by the NARA Public Affairs Officer for Washington, DC, area facilities.

(e) You must be accompanied by a NARA staff member when filming, photographing, or videotaping the interior of any NARA facility.

(f) We will approve your request to do press interviews of NARA personnel on or in NARA property and facilities only when such employees are being interviewed in connection with official business. Interviews with staff and researchers may take place only in areas designated by the NARA Public Affairs Officer for Washington, DC, area facilities, or by the appropriate NARA representative at other NARA facilities.

(g) You may film and photograph documents only in those areas which the NARA Public Affairs staff designates in the National Archives Building, the National Archives at College Park, or the Washington National Records Center, or in those areas designated as appropriate by the staff liaison at other NARA facilities.

(h) We will limit your film and photography sessions to two hours.

(i) You may not state or imply that NARA approves of or will sponsor:

(1) Your activities or views; or

(2) The uses to which you put images depicting any NARA facility.

authority: 44 U.S.C. 2102 notes, 2104(a), 2112, 2903
source: 85 FR 26851, May 6, 2020, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 36 CFR 1280.44