Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 36 - Parks, Forests, and Public Property last revised: Oct 09, 2024
§ 1010.1 - Policy.

The Presidio Trust's policy is to:

(a) Use all practical means, consistent with the Trust's statutory authority, available resources, and national policy, to protect and enhance the quality of the human environment;

(b) Ensure that environmental factors and concerns are given appropriate consideration in decisions and actions by the Trust;

(c) Use systematic and timely approaches which will ensure the integrated use of the natural and social sciences and environmental design arts in planning and decision-making which may have an impact on the human environment;

(d) Develop and utilize ecological, cultural, and other environmental information in the management of the Presidio Trust Area and its natural, historic, scenic, cultural, and recreational resources pursuant to the Trust Act;

(e) Invite the cooperation and encourage the participation, where appropriate, of Federal, State, and local authorities and the public in Trust planning and decision-making processes that affect the quality of the human environment; and

(f) Minimize any possible adverse effects of Trust decisions and actions upon the quality of the human environment.

§ 1010.2 - Purpose.

The regulations in this part incorporate and supplement the Council on Environmental Quality's (CEQ) regulations at 40 CFR parts 1500 through 1508 for implementing the procedural provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA), and otherwise to describe how the Trust intends to consider environmental factors and concerns in the Trust's decision-making process within the requirements set forth in NEPA and CEQ regulations.

§ 1010.3 - Definitions.

(a) The following terms have the following meanings as used in this part:

Decision-maker means the Board or its designee.

EA means an environmental assessment, as defined at 40 CFR 1508.9.

EIS means an environmental impact statement, as defined at 40 CFR 1508.11.

Project applicant means an individual, firm, partnership, corporation, joint venture, or other public or private entity other than the Trust (including a combination of more than one such entities) which seeks to demolish, construct, reconstruct, develop, preserve, rehabilitate, or restore real property within the Presidio Trust Area.

(b) If not defined in this part or in this chapter, other terms used in this part have the same meanings as those provided in 40 CFR part 1508.

§ 1010.4 - NEPA Compliance Coordinator.

(a) The NEPA Compliance Coordinator, as designated by the Executive Director, shall be the Trust official responsible for implementation and operation of the Trust's policies and procedures on environmental quality and control. The delegation of this responsibility shall not abrogate the responsibility of the Executive Director and the Board to ensure that NEPA and other applicable laws are followed, or the right of the Executive Director and the Board to overrule or alter decisions of the NEPA Compliance Coordinator in accordance with the Trust's regulations and procedures.

(b) The NEPA Compliance Coordinator shall:

(1) Coordinate the formulation and revision of Trust policies and procedures on matters pertaining to environmental protection and enhancement;

(2) Establish and maintain working relationships with relevant government agencies concerned with environmental matters;

(3) Develop procedures within the Trust's planning and decision-making processes to ensure that environmental factors are properly considered in all proposals and decisions in accordance with this part;

(4) Develop, monitor, and review the Trust's implementation of standards, procedures, and working relationships for protection and enhancement of environmental quality and compliance with applicable laws and regulations;

(5) Monitor processes to ensure that the Trust's procedures regarding consideration of environmental quality are achieving their intended purposes;

(6) Advise the Board, officers, and employees of the Trust of technical and management requirements of environmental analysis, of appropriate expertise available, and, in consultation with the Trust's General Counsel, of relevant legal developments;

(7) Monitor the consideration and documentation of the environmental aspects of the Trust's planning and decision-making processes by appropriate officers and employees of the Trust;

(8) Ensure that all EA's and EIS's are prepared in accordance with the appropriate regulations adopted by the CEQ and the Trust;

(9) Consolidate and transmit to appropriate parties the Trust's comments on EIS's and other environmental reports prepared by other agencies;

(10) Acquire information and prepare appropriate reports on environmental matters required of the Trust;

(11) Coordinate Trust efforts to make available to other parties information and advice on the Trust's policies for protecting and enhancing the quality of the environment; and

(12) Designate other Trust employees to execute these duties under the supervision of the NEPA Compliance Coordinator, where necessary for administrative convenience and efficiency. As used in this chapter, the term “NEPA Compliance Coordinator” includes any such designee.

§ 1010.5 - Major decision points.

(a) The possible environmental effects of a proposed action or project within the Presidio Trust Area must be considered along with technical, financial, and other factors throughout the decision-making process. Most Trust projects have three distinct stages in the decision-making process:

(1) Conceptual or preliminary study stage;

(2) Detailed planning or final decision stage;

(3) Implementation stage.

(b) Environmental review will be integrated into the decision-making process of the Trust as follows:

(1) During the conceptual or preliminary study stage, the NEPA Compliance Coordinator shall determine whether the proposed action or project is one which is categorically excluded under § 1010.7, has been adequately reviewed in a previously prepared EA and/or EIS, or requires further NEPA review (i.e., an EA or an EIS).

(2) If the proposed action or project is not categorically excluded and has not been adequately reviewed in a previously prepared EA and/or EIS, then prior to the Trust's proceeding beyond the conceptual or preliminary study stage, the NEPA Compliance Coordinator must determine whether an EIS is required. When appropriate, prior to the determination as to whether an EIS is required, the NEPA Compliance Coordinator may initiate a public scoping process in order to inform such a determination.

(3) If an EIS is determined to be necessary, the Trust shall initiate a public scoping process in accordance with 40 CFR 1501.7. An EIS, if determined necessary, must be completed and circulated at the earliest point at which meaningful analysis can be developed for the proposed action or project and prior to the Trust's final approval of the proposed action or project.

§ 1010.6 - Determination of requirement for EA or EIS.

In deciding whether to require the preparation of an EA or an EIS, the NEPA Compliance Coordinator will determine whether the proposal is one that:

(a) Normally does not require either an EA or an EIS;

(b) Normally requires an EIS; or

(c) Normally requires an EA, but not necessarily an EIS.

§ 1010.7 - Actions that do not require an EA or EIS.

(a) Categorical Exclusions. Pursuant to 40 CFR 1508.4, the Trust has determined that the categories of action identified in this paragraph have no significant effect, either individually or cumulatively, on the human environment and are therefore categorically excluded. Such actions (whether approved by the Trust or undertaken by the Trust directly or indirectly) do not require the preparation of an EA or an EIS:

(1) Personnel actions and investigations and personal services contracts;

(2) Administrative actions and operations directly related to the operation of the Trust (e.g., purchase of furnishings, services, and equipment) provided such actions and operations are consistent with applicable Executive Orders;

(3) Internal organizational changes and facility and office expansions, reductions, and closings;

(4) Routine financial transactions, including such things as salaries and expenses, procurement, guarantees, financial assistance, income transfers, audits, fees, bonds and royalties;

(5) Management, formulation, allocation, transfer and reprogramming of the Trust's budget;

(6) Routine and continuing government business, including such things as supervision, administration, operations, maintenance, and replacement activities having limited context and intensity (limited size and magnitude or short-term effects);

(7) Preparation, issuance, and submittal of publications and routine reports;

(8) Activities which are educational, informational, or advisory (including interpretive programs), or otherwise in consultation with or providing technical assistance to other agencies, public and private entities, visitors, individuals, or the general public;

(9) Legislative proposals of an administrative or technical nature, including such things as changes in authorizations for appropriations or financing authority, minor boundary changes and land transactions; or having primarily economic, social, individual or institutional effects, as well as comments and reports on legislative proposals;

(10) Proposal, adoption, revision, and termination of policies, directives, regulations, and guidelines:

(i) That are of an administrative, financial, legal, technical, or procedural nature, the environmental effects of which are too broad, speculative, or conjectural to lend themselves to environmental analysis and the implementation of which will be subject to the NEPA process either collectively or on a case-by-case basis; or

(ii) Where such actions will not potentially:

(A) Increase public use to the extent of compromising the nature and character of the area or of causing significant physical damage to it;

(B) Introduce non-compatible uses that might compromise the nature and characteristics of the area or cause significant physical damage to it;

(C) Conflict with adjacent ownerships or land uses; or

(D) Cause a significant nuisance to adjacent owners or occupants;

(11) Preparation, approval, coordination, and implementation of plans, including priorities, justifications, and strategies, for research, monitoring, inventorying, and information gathering that is not or is only minimally manipulative and causes no or only minimal physical damage;

(12) Identification, nomination, certification, and determination of eligibility of properties for listing in the National Register of Historic Places and the National Historic Landmark and National Natural Landmark Programs;

(13) Minor or temporary changes in amounts or types of visitor use for the purpose of ensuring visitor safety or resource protection, minor changes in programs or regulations pertaining to visitor activities, and approval of permits or other use and occupancy agreements for special events or public assemblies and meetings, provided such events, assemblies, and meetings entail only short-term or readily mitigated environmental impacts;

(14) Designation of environmental study areas and research areas, including those closed temporarily or permanently to the public, provided such designation would cause no or only minimal environmental impact;

(15) Land and boundary surveys and minor boundary adjustments or transfers of administrative jurisdiction resulting in no significant change in land use;

(16) Archaeological surveys and permits involving only surface collection or small-scale test excavations;

(17) Changes or amendments to an approved plan or action when such changes or amendments would cause no or only minimal environmental impact;

(18) Contracts, work authorizations, or procurement actions related to proposals, programs, and master agreements related to administrative operation of the Trust;

(19) The leasing, permitting, sale, or financing of, or granting of non-fee interests regarding, real or personal property in the Presidio Trust Area, provided that such actions would have no or only minimal environmental impact;

(20) Extension, reissuance, renewal, minor modification, or conversion in form of agreements for use of real property (including but not limited to leases, permits, licenses, concession contracts, use and occupancy agreements, easements, and rights-of-way), so long as such agreements were previously subject to NEPA and do not involve new construction or new or substantially greater environmental impacts, and so long as no new information is known or no changed circumstances have occurred that would give rise to new or substantially greater environmental impacts.

(21) Rehabilitation, modification, or improvement of historic properties that have been determined to be in conformance with the Secretary of the Interior's “Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties” at 36 CFR part 68 and that would have no or only minimal environmental impact;

(22) Rehabilitation, maintenance, modification or improvement of non-historic properties that is consistent with applicable Executive Orders, provided there is no potential for significant environmental impacts, including impacts to cultural landscapes or archaeological resources;

(23) Removal, reduction, or restraint of resident individuals of species that are not threatened or endangered which pose dangers to visitors, residents, or neighbors or immediate threats to resources of the Presidio Trust Area;

(24) Removal of non-historic materials and structures in order to restore natural conditions when such removal has no potential for significant environmental impacts, including impacts to cultural landscapes or archaeological resources and is consistent with applicable Executive Orders;

(25) Installation of signs, displays, and kiosks, etc.;

(26) Replacement of minor structures and facilities (e.g., signs, kiosks, fences, comfort stations, and parking lots) with little or no change in location, capacity, or appearance;

(27) Repair, resurfacing, striping, installation of traffic control devices, and repair/replacement of guardrails, culverts, signs, and other minor features, on existing roads and parking facilities, provided there is no potential for significant environmental impact;

(28) Minor trail relocation, development of compatible trail networks on roads or other formally established routes, and trail maintenance and repair;

(29) Construction or rehabilitation in previously disturbed or developed areas required to meet health or safety regulations, or to meet requirements for making facilities accessible to the handicapped provided such construction or rehabilitation is implemented in a manner consistent with applicable Executive Orders;

(30) Landscaping and landscape maintenance in previously disturbed or developed areas;

(31) Minor changes in programs and regulations pertaining to visitor activities;

(32) Routine maintenance, property management, and resource management, with no potential for significant environmental impact and that are consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's “Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties” at 36 CFR part 68, as applicable, and with applicable Executive Orders;

(33) Upgrading or adding new utility facilities to existing poles, or replacement poles which do not change existing pole line configurations.

(34) Issuance of rights-of-way for overhead utility lines to an individual building or well from an existing line where installation will not result in significant visual intrusion or non-conformance with the Secretary's “Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties” at 36 CFR part 68, as applicable, and will involve no clearance of vegetation other than for placement of poles;

(35) Issuance of rights-of-way for minor overhead utility lines not involving placement of poles or towers and not involving vegetation management or significant visual intrusion in an area administered by NPS or the Trust or non-conformance with the Secretary's “Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties” at 36 CFR part 68, as applicable;

(36) Installation of underground utilities in previously disturbed areas having stable soils, or in an existing utility right-of-way; and

(37) Experimental testing of no longer than 180 days of mass transit systems, and changes in operation of existing systems with no potential for significant environmental impact.

(b) Extraordinary circumstances. An action that falls into one or more of the categories in paragraph (a) of this section may still require the preparation of an EIS or an EA if the NEPA Compliance Coordinator determines that it meets the criteria stated in § 1010.8(b) or § 1010.10(b), respectively, or involves extraordinary circumstances that may have a significant environmental effect. At its discretion, the Trust may require the preparation of an EA or an EIS for a proposal or action that otherwise qualifies for a categorical exclusion. Criteria used in determining whether to prepare an EA or EIS for an action that otherwise qualifies for a categorical exclusion include whether an action may:

(1) Have significant adverse effects on public health or safety;

(2) Have significant adverse effects on such unique geographic characteristics as historic or cultural resources, park, recreation or refuge lands, sole or principal drinking water aquifers, wetlands, floodplains, or ecologically significant or critical areas;

(3) Have highly controversial environmental effects;

(4) Have highly uncertain and potentially significant environmental effects or involve unique or unknown environmental risks;

(5) Establish a precedent for future action or represent a decision in principle about future actions with potentially significant environmental effects;

(6) Be directly related to other actions with individually insignificant but cumulatively significant environmental effects;

(7) Have significant adverse effects on properties listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places;

(8) Have significant adverse effects on species listed or proposed to be listed on the List of Endangered or Threatened Species, or have adverse effects on designated Critical Habitat for these species;

(9) Require compliance with Executive Order 11988 (Floodplain Management), Executive Order 11990 (Protection of Wetlands), Executive Order 13007 (Indian Sacred Sites), or the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act; and/or

(10) Threaten to violate a Federal, State, local or tribal law or requirement imposed for the protection of the environment.

§ 1010.8 - Actions that normally require an EIS.

(a) General procedure. So long as a proposed action or project is not categorically excluded under § 1010.7, the Trust shall require the preparation of an EA to determine if the proposed action or project requires an EIS. Nevertheless, if it is readily apparent to the NEPA Compliance Coordinator that the proposed action or project will have a significant impact on the environment, an EA is not required, and the Trust will prepare or direct the preparation of an EIS without preparing or completing the preparation of an EA. To assist the NEPA Compliance Coordinator in determining if a proposal or action normally requires the preparation of an EIS, the following criteria and categories of action are provided.

(b) Criteria. Criteria used to determine whether proposals or actions may significantly affect the environment and therefore require an EIS are described in 40 CFR 1508.27.

(c) Categories of action. The following categories of action normally require an EIS:

(1) Legislative proposals made by the Trust to the United States Congress, other than those described in § 1010.7(b)(9);

(2) Approval, funding, construction, and/or demolition in preparation for construction of any new building, if that activity has a significant effect on the human environment;

(3) Proposals that would significantly alter the kind and amount of natural, recreational, historical, scenic, or cultural resources of the Presidio Trust Area or the integrity of the setting; and

(4) Approval or amendment of a general land use or resource management plan for the entire Presidio Trust Area.

§ 1010.9 - Preparation of an EIS.

(a) Notice of intent. When the Trust decides to prepare an EIS, it shall publish a notice of intent in the Federal Register in accordance with 40 CFR 1501.7 and 1508.22. Where there is a lengthy period between the Trust's decision to prepare an EIS and the time of actual preparation, then at the discretion of the NEPA Compliance Coordinator the notice of intent shall be published at a reasonable time in advance of preparation of the EIS.

(b) Preparation. After having determined that an EIS will be prepared and having published the notice of intent, the Trust will begin to prepare or to direct the preparation of the EIS. The EIS shall be formatted in accordance with 40 CFR 1502.10.

(c) Supplemental environmental impact statements. The Trust may supplement a draft or final EIS at any time. The Trust shall prepare a supplement to either a draft or final EIS when:

(1) Substantial changes are proposed to an action analyzed in the draft or final EIS that are relevant to environmental concerns;

(2) There are significant new circumstances or information relevant to environmental concerns and bearing on the proposed action or its impacts; or

(3) Actions are proposed which relate to or are similar to other actions taken or proposed and that together will have a cumulatively significant impact on the human environment.

§ 1010.10 - Actions that normally require an EA.

(a) General procedure. If a proposal or action is not one that normally requires an EIS, and does not qualify for a categorical exclusion under § 1010.7, the Trust will require, prepare, or direct the preparation of an EA. An EA should be prepared when the Trust has insufficient information on which to determine whether a proposal may have significant impacts. An EA assists the Trust in complying with NEPA when no EIS is necessary, and it facilitates the preparation of an EIS, if one is necessary.

(b) Criteria. Criteria used to determine those categories of action that normally require an EA, but not necessarily an EIS, include:

(1) Potential for degradation of environmental quality;

(2) Potential for cumulative adverse impact on environmental quality; and

(3) Potential for adverse impact on protected resources (e.g., natural, scenic, recreational, historical, and cultural resources).

(c) Categories of action. The following categories of action normally require the preparation of an EA:

(1) Promulgation of regulations and requirements that are not categorically excluded;

(2) Proposals submitted by project applicants to the Trust for its review, as described in § 1010.14;

(3) Proposals to add or alter access between the Presidio Trust Area and surrounding neighborhoods; and

(4) Contracts, work authorizations, and master agreements related to and implementing programs, policies, and proposals which are not categorically excluded and for which there is no previously prepared EA and/or EIS.

§ 1010.11 - Preparation of an EA.

(a) When to prepare. The Trust will begin the preparation of an EA (or require it to be begun) as early as possible after it is determined by the NEPA Compliance Coordinator to be required. The Trust will provide notice of such determinations in accordance with § 1010.12. The Trust may prepare or require an EA at any time to assist planning and decision-making.

(b) Content and format. An EA is a concise public document used to determine whether to prepare an EIS. An EA should address impacts, including cumulative impacts, on those resources that are specifically relevant to the particular proposal. Those impacts should be addressed in as much detail as is necessary to allow an analysis of the alternatives and the proposal. The EA shall contain brief discussions of the following topics:

(1) Purpose and need for the proposed action.

(2) Description of the proposed action.

(3) Alternatives considered, including a No Action alternative.

(4) Environmental effects of the proposed action and the alternatives, including mitigation measures.

(5) Listing of agencies, organizations, and/or persons consulted.

(c) Finding of no significant impact (FONSI). If an EA is completed and the NEPA Compliance Coordinator determines that an EIS is not required, then the NEPA Compliance Coordinator shall prepare a finding of no significant impact. The finding of no significant impact shall be made available to the public by the Trust as specified in 40 CFR 1506.6.

(d) Mitigated FONSI. If an EA is completed and the NEPA Compliance Coordinator determines that an EIS is required, then prior to preparation of an EIS, the proposal may be revised in order to mitigate the impacts identified in the EA through adherence to legal requirements, inclusion of mitigation as an integral part of the proposal, and/or fundamental changes to the proposal. A supplemental EA will be prepared on the revised proposal and will result in a Mitigated Finding of No Significant Impact, preparation of an EIS, or additional revision of the proposal and a supplemental EA.

§ 1010.12 - Public involvement.

The Trust will make public involvement an essential part of its environmental review process. Public notice of anticipated Trust actions that may have a significant environmental impact, opportunities for involvement, and availability of environmental documents will be provided through announcements in the Trust's monthly newsletter, postings on its web site (, placement of public notices in newspapers, direct mailings, and other means appropriate for involving the public in a meaningful way. The Trust will conduct scoping with interested federal, state and local agencies and Indian tribes, will solicit and accept written scoping comments and will hold public scoping meetings to gather early input whenever it determines an EIS to be necessary and otherwise as appropriate. Notice of all public scoping meetings will be given in a timely manner. Interested persons may also obtain information concerning any pending EIS or any other element of the environmental review process of the Trust by contacting the NEPA Compliance Coordinator at the following address: Presidio Trust, P.O. Box 29052, San Francisco, California 94129-0052.

§ 1010.13 - Trust decision-making procedures.

To ensure that at major decision-making points all relevant environmental concerns are considered by the decision-maker, the following procedures are established.

(a) An environmental document (i.e., the EA, finding of no significant impact, EIS, or notice of intent), in addition to being prepared at the earliest point in the decision-making process, shall accompany the relevant proposal or action through the Trust's decision-making process to ensure adequate consideration of environmental factors.

(b) The Trust shall consider in its decision-making process only decision alternatives encompassed by the range of alternatives discussed in the relevant environmental documents. Also, where an EIS has been prepared, the Trust shall consider all alternatives described in the EIS, a written record of the consideration of alternatives during the decision-making process shall be maintained, and a monitoring and enforcement program shall be adopted and summarized where applicable for any mitigation.

(c) Any environmental document prepared for a proposal or action shall be made part of the record of any formal rulemaking by the Trust.

§ 1010.14 - Review of proposals by project applicants.

(a) An EA shall be required for each proposal for demolition, construction, reconstruction, development, preservation, rehabilitation, or restoration of real property submitted by a project applicant to the Trust for its review, and which the decision-maker agrees to consider, unless categorically excluded or covered by a previously prepared EA and/or EIS.

(b) The decision-maker may not take any approval action on such a proposal submitted by a project applicant until such time as the appropriate environmental review documents have been prepared and submitted to the decision-maker.

(c) At a minimum, and as part of any submission made by a project applicant to the decision-maker for its approval, such project applicant shall make available data and materials concerning the proposal sufficient to permit the Trust to carry out its environmental review responsibilities. When requested, the project applicant shall provide additional information that the NEPA Compliance Coordinator believes is necessary to permit it to satisfy its environmental review functions.

(d) With respect to each project proposed for consideration for which the NEPA Compliance Coordinator determines that an EA shall be prepared, the decision-maker may require a project applicant to submit a draft EA regarding its proposal for the Trust's evaluation and revision. In accordance with 40 CFR 1506.5(b), the Trust shall make its own evaluation of the environmental issues and shall take responsibility for the scope and content of the final EA.

(e) With respect to each project proposed for consideration for which the NEPA Compliance Coordinator determines an EIS shall be prepared, the decision-maker may require a project applicant to pay a non-refundable fee to the Trust sufficient to cover a portion or all of the Trust's anticipated costs associated with preparation and review of the EIS, including costs associated with review under other applicable laws. Such fee shall be paid to the Trust in full prior to commencement of the preparation of the EIS or any amendment or supplement thereto.

(f) In accordance with 40 CFR 1506.5(c), the EIS shall be prepared by the Trust and/or by contractors who are selected by the Trust and who certify that they have no financial or other interest in the outcome of the project, and the Trust shall independently evaluate the EIS prior to its approval and take responsibility for ensuring its adequacy. The EIS shall be prepared in accordance with 40 CFR part 1502.

(g) The NEPA Compliance Coordinator may set time limits for environmental review appropriate to each proposal, consistent with 40 CFR 1501.8 and 1506.10.

(h) The NEPA Compliance Coordinator shall at the earliest possible time ensure that the Trust commences its environmental review on a proposed project and shall provide the project applicant with any policies or information deemed appropriate in order to permit effective and timely review by the Trust of a proposal once it is submitted to the decision-maker for approval.

§ 1010.15 - Actions where lead agency designation is necessary.

(a) Consistent with 40 CFR 1501.5, where a proposed action by the Trust involves one or more other Federal agencies, or where actions by the Trust and one or more Federal agencies are directly related to each other because of their functional interdependence or geographical proximity, the Trust will seek designation as lead agency for those actions that relate solely to the Presidio Trust Area.

(b) For an action that qualifies as one for which the Trust will seek designation as lead agency, the Trust will promptly consult with the appropriate Federal agencies to establish lead agency, joint lead agency, and/or cooperating agency designations.

(c) For an action as to which the Trust undertakes lead, joint lead, or cooperating agency status, the Trust is authorized to enter into a memorandum of understanding or agreement to define the rights and responsibilities of the relevant agencies.

§ 1010.16 - Actions to encourage agency cooperation early in the NEPA process.

Consistent with 40 CFR 1501.6, the Trust may request the NPS to be a cooperating agency for actions or projects significantly affecting the quality of the Presidio. In addition, upon request of the Trust, any other Federal, State, local, or tribal agency that has jurisdiction by law or special expertise with respect to any environmental issue that should be addressed in the analysis may be a cooperating agency. The Trust shall use the environmental analysis and proposals of cooperating agencies with jurisdiction by law or special expertise to the maximum extent possible consistent with its responsibility as lead or joint lead agency.

§ 1010.17 - Actions to eliminate duplication with State and local procedures.

Consistent with 40 CFR 1506.2, the Trust shall cooperate with State and local agencies to the fullest extent possible to reduce duplication between NEPA and State and local requirements. Such cooperation shall to the fullest extent possible include:

(a) Joint planning processes;

(b) Joint environmental research and studies;

(c) Joint public hearings (except where otherwise provided by statute); and

(d) Joint environmental assessments and/or Environmental Impact Statements/Environmental Impact Reports.

authority: Pub. L. 104-333, 110 Stat. 4097 (16 U.S.C. sec. 460bb note); 42 U.S.C. sec. 4321
source: 65 FR 55905, Sept. 15, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 36 CFR 1010.10