Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 38 - Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief last revised: Oct 10, 2024
§ 21.1029 - Definitions.

The following definitions of terms apply to this subpart and subparts C, D, F, G, H, K, L, and P, to the extent that the terms are not otherwise defined in those subparts:

(a) Abandoned claim. A claim is an abandoned claim if:

(1) In connection with a formal claim VA requests that the claimant furnish additional evidence, and the claimant—

(i) Does not furnish that evidence within one year of the date of the request; and

(ii) Does not show good cause why the evidence could not have been submitted within one year of the date of the request; or

(2) In connection with an informal claim, VA requests a formal claim, and—

(i) VA does not receive the formal claim within one year of the date of request; and

(ii) The claimant does not show good cause why he or she could not have filed the formal claim in sufficient time for VA to have received it within one year of the date of the request.

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 5103(a))

(b) Date of claim. The date of claim is the date on which a valid claim or application for educational assistance is considered to have been filed with VA, for purposes of determining the commencing date of an award of that educational assistance.

(1) If an informal claim is filed and VA receives a formal claim within one year of the date VA requested it, or within such other period of time as provided by § 21.1033, the date of claim, subject to the provisions of paragraph (b)(3) of this section, is the date VA received the informal claim.

(2) If a formal claim is filed other than as described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the date of claim, subject to the provisions of paragraph (b)(3) of this section, is the date VA received the formal claim.

(3) If a formal claim itself is abandoned and a new formal or informal claim is filed, the date of claim is as provided in paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section, as appropriate.

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 5103)

(c) Educational institution. The term educational institution means:

(1) A vocational school or business school;

(2) A junior college, teachers' college, college, normal school, professional school, university, or scientific or technical institution;

(3) A public or private elementary school or secondary school;

(4) Any entity, other than an institution of higher learning, that provides training for completion of a State-approved alternative teacher certification program;

(5) An organization or entity offering a licensing or certification test; or

(6) Any private entity that offers, either directly or indirectly under an agreement with another entity, a course or courses to fulfill requirements for the attainment of a license or certificate generally recognized as necessary to obtain, maintain, or advance in employment in a profession or vocation in a high technology occupation.

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 3452,3501,3689. A claim is a formal claim when the claimant (or his or her authorized representative) files the claim with VA, and—

(1) The claim is a claim for—

(i) Educational assistance;

(ii) An increase in educational assistance; or

(iii) An extension of the eligibility period for receiving educational assistance; and

(2) If there is a form (either paper or electronic) prescribed under this part, the claim is filed on that form.

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 5101(a))

(e) Informal claim. (1) If a form (either paper or electronic) has been prescribed under this part to use in claiming the benefit sought, the term informal claim means—

(i) Any communication from an individual, or from an authorized representative or a Member of Congress on that individual's behalf that indicates a desire on the part of the individual to claim or to apply for VA-administered educational assistance; or

(ii) A claim from an individual or from an authorized representative on that individual's behalf for a benefit described in paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section that is filed in a document other than in the prescribed form.

(2) If a form (either paper or electronic) has not been prescribed to use in claiming the benefit sought, the term informal claim means any communication, other than a formal claim, from an individual, or from an authorized representative or a Member of Congress on that individual's behalf that indicates a desire on the part of the individual to claim or to apply for VA-administered educational assistance.

(3) When VA requests evidence in connection with a claim, and the claimant submits that evidence to VA after having abandoned the claim, the claimant's submission of the evidence is an informal claim.

(4) The act of enrolling in an approved educational institution or training establishment is not an informal claim.

(5) VA will not consider a communication received from a service organization, an attorney, or agent to be an informal claim if a valid power of attorney, executed by the claimant, is not in effect at the time the communication is written.

(Authority: 10 U.S.C. 16136(b); 38 U.S.C 501(a), 3034(a), 3241(a), 3323(a), 3471, 3513, 5101(a))

(f) Information. The term information means nonevidentiary facts, such as the claimant's Social Security number or address, or the name of the educational institution the claimant is attending.

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 5101,5102,5103. (1) The term substantially complete application means, for an individual's first application for educational assistance administered by VA, an application containing—

(i) The claimant's name;

(ii) His or her relationship to the veteran, if applicable;

(iii) Sufficient information for VA to verify the claimed service, if applicable;

(iv) The benefit claimed;

(v) The program of education, if applicable; and

(vi) The name of the educational institution or training establishment the claimant intends to attend, if applicable.

(2) For subsequent applications for educational assistance administered by VA, a substantially complete application means an application containing the information specified in paragraphs (g)(1)(i) through (g)(1)(vi) of this section, except that the application may omit any information specified in paragraphs (g)(1)(ii) or (g)(1)(iii) of this section that is already of record with VA.

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 5102,5103,5103A)

(h) Training establishment. The term training establishment means any establishment providing apprentice or other training on-the-job, including those under the supervision of a college, university, any State department of education, any State apprenticeship agency, any State board of vocational education, any joint apprenticeship committee, the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training established in accordance with 29 U.S.C. chapter 4C, or any agency of the Federal government authorized to supervise such training.

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 3452(e), 3501(a)(9))

(i) VA. The term VA means the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 301) [64 FR 23770, May 4, 1999, as amended at 72 FR 16964, Apr. 5, 2007; 74 FR 14665, Mar. 31, 2009]
§ 21.1030 - Claims.

(a) Claim for educational assistance. (1) The first time an individual claims educational assistance administered by VA for pursuit of a program of education, he or she must file an application for educational assistance using a form the Secretary prescribes for that purpose.

(2) If an individual changes his or her program of education or place of training after filing his or her first application for educational assistance, he or she must file an application requesting the change of program or place of training using a form the Secretary prescribes for that purpose.

(3) A servicemember must consult with his or her education service officer before filing an application for educational assistance, whether it is the first application or an application to request a change of program or place of training.

(Authority: 10 U.S.C. 16136(b); 38 U.S.C. 501(a), 3034(a), 3241(a), 3323(a), 3471, 3513, 5101(a))

(b) Filing a claim for educational assistance to pay for a licensing or certification test. To receive educational assistance to pay for a licensing or certification test, an individual must file a claim for educational assistance.

(1) If the claim is the first claim for educational assistance administered by VA, the individual must file an application for educational assistance using a form the Secretary prescribes for that purpose and must include the information described in paragraphs (b)(2)(i) through (b)(2)(vi) of this section.

(2) If the claim is the second or subsequent claim for educational assistance, the claim must include:

(i) The name of the test;

(ii) The name and address of the organization or entity issuing the license or certificate;

(iii) The date the claimant took the test;

(iv) The cost of the test;

(v) A statement authorizing release of the claimant's test information to VA, such as: “I authorize release of my test information to VA”; and

(vi) Such other information as the Secretary may require.

(Authority: 10 U.S.C. 16136(b); 38 U.S.C. 501(a), 3034(a), 3241(a), 3323(a), 3471, 3513, 5101(a))

(c) Filing a claim for educational assistance to supplement tuition assistance provided under a program administered by the Secretary of a military department. To receive tuition assistance top-up as defined in § 21.4200(hh), an individual must file a claim for educational assistance.

(1) If the claim is the first claim for educational assistance administered by VA, the individual must file an application for educational assistance using a form the Secretary prescribes for that purpose.

(2) If the claim is the second or subsequent claim for educational assistance, the claimant may submit a statement that he or she wishes to receive tuition assistance top-up.

(3) The claimant must also submit a copy of the form(s) that the military service with jurisdiction requires for tuition assistance and that had been presented to the educational institution, covering the course or courses for which the claimant wants tuition assistance top-up. Examples of these forms include:

(i) DA Form 2171, Request for Tuition Assistance-Army Continuing Education System;

(ii) AF Form 1227, Authority for Tuition Assistance-Education Services Program;

(iii) NAVMC 10883, Application for Tuition Assistance, and either NAVEDTRA 1560/5, Tuition Assistance Authorization or NAVMC (page 2), Tuition Assistance Authorization;

(iv) Department of Homeland Security, USCG CG-4147, Application for Off-Duty Assistance; and

(v) Request for Top-Up: eArmyU Program.

(4) The claimant must also provide to VA the following information, to the extent it is not contained on any form filed under paragraph (c)(1) or (c)(3) of this section:

(i) His or her name;

(ii) His or her Social Security number;

(iii) The name of the educational institution;

(iv) The name of the course or courses for which the claimant wants educational assistance;

(v) The number of the course or courses;

(vi) The number of credit hours for each course;

(vii) The beginning and ending date of each course;

(viii) The cost of the course or courses; and

(ix) If the claimant doesn't want to receive the full amount of that cost not met by the Secretary of the military department concerned, the portion that the claimant wishes to receive.

(5) If the claimant's military department uses an electronic tuition assistance application process with electronic signatures, VA will accept an electronic transmission of the approved tuition assistance application directly from the military department concerned on behalf of the claimant if—

(i) The electronic tuition assistance application indicates the servicemember's intent to claim tuition-assistance top-up; and

(ii) The information described in paragraph (c)(4) of this section is included in the electronic application.

(Authority: 10 U.S.C. 16136(b); 38 U.S.C. 501(a), 3034(a), 3241(a), 3323(a), 3471, 3513, 5101(a)) (The Office of Management and Budget has approved the information collection provisions in this section under control numbers 2900-0074, 2900-0098, 2900-0099, 2900-0154, 2900-0695, and 2900-0698) [72 FR 16964, Apr. 5, 2007, as amended at 74 FR 14665, Mar. 31, 2009]
§ 21.1031 - VA responsibilities when a claim is filed.

(a) VA will furnish forms. VA will furnish all necessary VA claim forms and instructions, and, if appropriate, a description of any supporting evidence required upon receipt of an informal claim.

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 5102)

(b) VA has a duty to notify claimants of necessary information or evidence. (1) Except when a claim cannot be substantiated because there is no legal basis for the claim, or undisputed facts render the claimant ineligible for the claimed benefit, when VA receives a complete or substantially complete application for educational assistance provided under subpart C, D, G, H, K, L, or P of this part VA will—

(i) Notify the claimant of any information and evidence that is necessary to substantiate the claim; and

(ii) Inform the claimant which information and evidence, if any, the claimant is to provide to VA and which information and evidence, if any, VA will try to obtain for the claimant.

(2) The information and evidence that VA, pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) of this section informs the claimant that the claimant must provide, must be provided within one year from the date of the notice. If VA does not receive such information and evidence from the claimant within that time period, VA may adjudicate the claim based on the information and evidence in the file.

(3) If the claimant has not responded to the request within 30 days, VA may decide the claim before the expiration of the one-year period prescribed in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, based on all the information and evidence in the file, including information and evidence it has obtained on behalf of the claimant. If VA does so, however, and the claimant subsequently provides the information and evidence within one year of the date of the request, VA must readjudicate the claim. If VA's decision on a readjudication is favorable to the claimant, the award shall take effect as if the prior decision by VA on the claim had not been made.

(4) If VA receives an incomplete application for benefits, it will notify the claimant of the information necessary to complete the application and will defer assistance until the claimant submits this information. If the information necessary to complete the application is not received by VA within one year from the date of such notice, VA cannot pay or provide any benefits based on that application.

(5) For the purpose of this paragraph, if VA must notify the claimant, VA will provide notice to:

(i) The claimant;

(ii) His or her fiduciary, if any; and

(iii) His or her representative, if any.

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 5102,5103,5103A(a)(3)) [64 FR 23771,May,1999,as,Apr. 5, 2007; 74 FR 14665, Mar. 31, 2009]
§ 21.1032 - VA has a duty to assist claimants in obtaining evidence.

(a) VA's duty to assist begins when VA receives a complete or substantially complete application. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, upon receipt of a complete or substantially complete application for educational assistance under subpart C, D, G, H, K, L, or P of this part, VA will—

(i) Make reasonable efforts to help a claimant obtain evidence necessary to substantiate the claim; and

(ii) Give the assistance described in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section to an individual attempting to reopen a finally decided claim.

(2) VA will not pay any fees a custodian of records may charge to provide the records VA requests.

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 5103A)

(b) Obtaining records not in the custody of a Federal department or agency. (1) VA will make reasonable efforts to obtain relevant records not in the custody of a Federal department or agency. These records include relevant records from:

(i) State or local governments;

(ii) Private medical care providers;

(iii) Current or former employers; and

(iv) Other non-Federal governmental sources.

(2) The reasonable efforts described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section will generally consist of an initial request for the records and, if VA does not receive the records, at least one follow-up request. The following are exceptions to this provision concerning the number of requests that VA generally will make:

(i) VA will not make a follow-up request if a response to the initial request indicates that the records sought do not exist or that a follow-up request for the records would be futile.

(ii) If VA receives information showing that subsequent requests to the initial or another custodian could result in obtaining the records sought, reasonable efforts will include an initial request and, if VA does not receive the records, at least one follow-up request to the new source or an additional request to the original source.

(3) The claimant must cooperate fully with VA's reasonable efforts to obtain relevant records from non-Federal agency or department custodians. The claimant must provide enough information to identify and locate the existing records, including—

(i) The person, company, agency, or other custodian holding the records;

(ii) The approximate time frame covered by the records; and

(iii) In the case of medical treatment records, the condition for which treatment was provided.

(4) If necessary, the claimant must authorize the release of existing records in a form acceptable to the person, company, agency, or other custodian holding the records.

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 5103A)

(c) Obtaining records in the custody of a Federal department or agency. (1) VA will make as many requests as are necessary to obtain relevant records from a Federal department or agency. These records include but are not limited to:

(i) Military records;

(ii) Medical and other records from VA medical facilities;

(iii) Records from non-VA facilities providing examination or treatment at VA expense; and

(iv) Records from other Federal agencies.

(2) VA will end its efforts to obtain records from a Federal department or agency only if VA concludes that the records sought do not exist or that further efforts to obtain those records would be futile. Cases in which VA may conclude that no further efforts are required include cases in which the Federal department or agency advises VA that the requested records do not exist or that the custodian of such records does not have them.

(3) The claimant must cooperate fully with VA's reasonable efforts to obtain relevant records from Federal department or agency custodians. At VA's request, the claimant must provide enough information to identify and locate the existing records, including—

(i) The custodian or agency holding the records;

(ii) The approximate time frame covered by the records; and

(iii) In the case of medical treatment records, the condition for which treatment was provided.

(4) If necessary, the claimant must authorize the release of existing records in a form acceptable to the custodian or agency holding the records.

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 5103A)

(d) Circumstances where VA will refrain from or discontinue providing assistance. VA will refrain from providing assistance in obtaining evidence for a claim if the substantially complete or complete application for benefits indicates that there is no reasonable possibility that any assistance VA would provide to the claimant would substantiate the claim. VA will discontinue providing assistance in obtaining evidence for a claim if the evidence obtained indicates that there is no reasonable possibility that further assistance would substantiate the claim. Circumstances in which VA will refrain from or discontinue providing assistance in obtaining evidence include, but are not limited to:

(1) The claimant's ineligibility for the benefit sought because of lack of qualifying service, lack of veteran status, or other lack of legal eligibility;

(2) Claims that are inherently not credible or clearly lack merit; and

(3) An application requesting a benefit to which the claimant is not entitled as a matter of law.

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 5103A)

(e) Duty to notify claimant of inability to obtain records. (1) VA will notify the claimant either orally or in writing when VA:

(i) Makes reasonable efforts to obtain relevant non-Federal records, but is unable to obtain them; or

(ii) After continued efforts to obtain Federal records, concludes that it is reasonably certain they do not exist or that further efforts to obtain them would be futile.

(2) For non-Federal records requests, VA may provide the notice to the claimant at the same time it makes its final attempt to obtain the relevant records.

(3) VA will make a record of any oral notice conveyed under paragraph (e) of this section to the claimant.

(4) The notice to the claimant must contain the following information:

(i) The identity of the records VA was unable to obtain;

(ii) An explanation of the efforts VA made to obtain the records;

(iii) The fact described in paragraph (e)(1)(i) or (e)(1)(ii) of this section;

(iv) A description of any further action VA will take regarding the claim, including, but not limited to, notice that VA will decide the claim based on the evidence of record unless the claimant submits the records VA was unable to obtain; and

(v) A notice that the claimant is ultimately responsible for obtaining the evidence.

(5) If VA becomes aware of the existence of relevant records before deciding the claim, VA will notify the claimant of the existence of such records and ask that the claimant provide a release for the records. If the claimant does not provide any necessary release of the relevant records that VA is unable to obtain, VA will ask that the claimant obtain the records and provide them to VA.

(6) For the purpose of this section, if VA must notify the claimant, VA will provide notice to:

(i) The claimant;

(ii) His or her fiduciary, if any; and

(iii) His or her representative, if any.

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 5102(b), 5103(a), 5103A) [72 FR 16965, Apr. 5, 2007, as amended at 74 FR 14665, Mar. 31, 2009]
§ 21.1033 - Time limits.

The provisions of this section are applicable to informal claims and formal claims.

(a) Failure to furnish form, information, or notice of time limit. VA's failure to give a claimant or potential claimant any form or information concerning the right to file a claim or to furnish notice of the time limit for the filing of a claim will not extend the time periods allowed for these actions.

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 5101,5113.S.C. chapter 1606, or 38 U.S.C. chapter 30, 32, 33, or 35. VA must receive a claim for an extended period of eligibility provided by § 21.3047, § 21.5042, § 21.7051, § 21.7551, or § 21.9535 by the later of the following dates:

(1) One year from the date on which the spouse's, surviving spouse's, veteran's, reservist's, or other eligible individual's original period of eligibility ended; or

(2) One year from the date on which the spouse's, surviving spouse's, veteran's, reservist's, or other eligible individual's physical or mental disability no longer prevented him or her from beginning or resuming a chosen program of education.

(Authority: 10 U.S.C. 16133(b); 38 U.S.C. 3031(d), 3232(a), 3321, 3512)

(d) Time limit for filing for an extension of eligibility due to suspension of program (38 U.S.C. chapter 35). VA must receive a claim for an extended period of eligibility due to a suspension of an eligible child's program of education as provided in § 21.3043 by the later of the following dates.

(1) One year from the date on which the child's original period of eligibility ended; or

(2) One year from the date on which the condition that caused the suspension of the program of education ceased to exist.

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 3512(c))

(e) Extension for good cause. (1) VA may extend for good cause a time limit within which a claimant or beneficiary is required to act to perfect a claim or challenge an adverse VA decision. VA may grant such an extension only when the following conditions are met:

(i) When a claimant or beneficiary requests an extension after expiration of a time limit, he or she must take the required action concurrently with or before the filing of that request; and

(ii) The claimant or beneficiary must show good cause as to why he or she could not take the required action during the original time period and could not have taken the required action sooner.

(2) Denials of time limit extensions are separately appealable issues.

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 5101,5113. (1) In computing the time limit for any action required of a claimant or beneficiary, including the filing of claims or evidence requested by VA, VA will exclude the first day of the specified period, and will include the last day. This rule is applicable in cases in which the time limit expires on a workday. When the time limit would expire on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, the VA will include the next succeeding day in the computation.

(2) The first day of the specified period referred to in paragraph (f)(1) of this section will be the date of the letter of notification to the claimant or beneficiary for purposes of computing time limits. As to appeals, see §§ 20.203 and 20.110 of this chapter.

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501(a)) [64 FR 23771, May 4, 1999, as amended at 71 FR 1497, Jan. 10, 2006. Redesignated and amended at 72 FR 16965, 16966, Apr. 5, 2007; 74 FR 14665, Mar. 31, 2009; 84 FR 194, Jan. 18, 2019]
§ 21.1034 - Review of decisions.

(a) Decisions. A claimant may request a review of a decision on eligibility or entitlement to educational assistance under title 38, United States Code. A claimant may request review of a decision on entitlement to educational assistance under 10 U.S.C. 510,and.S.C. chapters 106a, 1606, and 1607. A claimant may not request review of a decision on eligibility under 10 U.S.C. 510,and.S.C. chapters 106a, 1606, and 1607 or for supplemental or increased educational assistance under 10 U.S.C. 16131(i) or 38 U.S.C. 3015(d), 3021, or 3316 to VA as the Department of Defense solely determines eligibility to supplemental and increased educational assistance under these sections.

(b) Reviews available. Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, within one year from the date on which the agency of original jurisdiction issues notice of a decision described in paragraph (a) of this section as subject to a request for review, a claimant may elect one of the following administrative review options:

(1) Supplemental Claim Review. See § 3.2501 of this chapter.

(2) Higher-level Review. See § 3.2601 of this chapter.

(3) Board of Veterans' Appeals Review. See 38 CFR part 20.

(c) Part 3 provisions. See § 3.2500(b)-(d) of this chapter for principles that generally apply to a veteran's election of review of a decision described in paragraph (a) of this section as subject to a request for review.

(d) Contested claims. See subpart E of part 20 of this title for the timeline pertaining to contested claims.

(e) Applicability. This section applies where notice of a decision described in paragraph (a) of this section was provided to a veteran on or after the effective date of the modernized review system as provided in § 19.2(a) of this chapter, or where a veteran has elected review of a legacy claim under the modernized review system as provided in § 3.2400(c) of this chapter.

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501,5104B,Jan. 18, 2019]
§ 21.1035 - Legacy review of benefit claims decisions.

(a) A claimant who has filed a Notice of Disagreement with a decision described in § 21.1034(a) that does not meet the criteria of § 21.1034(e) of this chapter has a right to a review under this section. The review will be conducted by the Educational Officer of the Regional Processing Officer, at VA's discretion. An individual who did not participate in the decision being reviewed will conduct this review. Only a decision that has not yet become final (by appellate decision or failure to timely appeal) may be reviewed. Review under this section will encompass only decisions with which the claimant has expressed disagreement in the Notice of Disagreement. The reviewer will consider all evidence of record and applicable law, and will give no deference to the decision being reviewed.

(b) Unless the claimant has requested review under this section with his or her Notice of Disagreement, VA will, upon receipt of the Notice of Disagreement, notify the claimant in writing of his or her right to a review under this section. To obtain such a review, the claimant must request it not later than 60 days after the date VA mails the notice. This 60-day time limit may not be extended. If the claimant fails to request review under this section not later than 60 days after the date VA mails the notice, VA will proceed with the legacy appeal process by issuing a Statement of the Case. A claimant may not have more than one review under this section of the same decision.

(c) The reviewer may conduct whatever development he or she considers necessary to resolve any disagreements in the Notice of Disagreement, consistent with applicable law. This may include an attempt to obtain additional evidence or the holding of an informal conference with the claimant. Upon the request of the claimant, the reviewer will conduct a hearing under the version of § 3.103(c) of this chapter predating Public Law 115-55.

(d) A review decision made under this section will include a summary of the evidence, a citation to pertinent laws, a discussion of how those laws affect the decision, and a summary of the reasons for the decision.

(e) The reviewer may grant a benefit sought in the claim, notwithstanding § 3.105(b) of this chapter. The reviewer may not revise the decision in a manner that is less advantageous to the claimant than the decision under review, except that the reviewer may reverse or revise (even if disadvantageous to the claimant) prior decisions of an agency of original jurisdiction (including the decision being reviewed or any prior decision that has become final due to failure to timely appeal) on the grounds of clear and unmistakable error (see § 3.105(a) of this chapter).

(f) Review under this section does not limit the appeal rights of a claimant. Unless a claimant withdraws his or her Notice of Disagreement as a result of this review process, VA will proceed with the legacy appeal process by issuing a Statement of the Case.

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 5109A and 7105(d)) [84 FR 194, Jan. 18, 2019]
cite as: 38 CFR 21.1030