Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 38 - Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief last revised: Feb 11, 2025
§ 64.0 - Purpose and scope.
(a) Purpose. The Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP) program implements the requirements of section 506 of the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010 to provide grants to community-based organizations and local and State government entities to assist veterans who are transitioning from military service to civilian life in rural or underserved communities and families of such veterans.
(b) Scope. This part applies only to the administration of the RVCP, unless specifically provided otherwise.
(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501,523
§ 64.2 - Definitions.
For the purpose of this part and any Notice of Funds Availability issued under this part:
Applicant means an eligible entity that submits an application for an RVCP grant as announced in a Notice of Funds Availability.
Community-based organization means a group that represents a community or a significant segment of a community and is engaged in meeting community needs.
Eligible entity means a community-based organization or local or State government entity. An eligible entity will be identified as the legal entity whose employer identification number is on the Application for Federal Assistance (SF 424), even if only a particular component of the broader entity is applying for the RVCP grant.
Grantee means recipient of an RVCP grant.
Limited access to health care means residing in an area identified by the Health Resources and Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as “medically underserved” or having a “medically underserved population.”
Local government means a county, municipality, city, town, township, or regional government or its components.
Minority group member means an individual who is Asian American; Black; Hispanic; Native American (including American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian); or Pacific-Islander American.
Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) means a Notice published by VA in the Federal Register alerting eligible entities of the availability of RVCP grants and containing important information about the RVCP grant application process in accordance with § 64.8.
Participant means a veteran or a member of a veteran's family who receives services for which an RVCP grant is awarded.
Rural means an area classified as “rural” by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP) refers to the pilot grant program authorized by section 506 of the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010.
State government means any of the fifty States of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, any territory or possession of the United States, or any agency or instrumentality of a State government.
Underserved communities are areas that meet one or more of the following criteria:
(1) Have a high proportion of minority group representation;
(2) Have a high proportion of individuals who have limited access to health care; or
(3) Have no active duty military installation that is reasonably accessible to the community.
VA means the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Veteran means a person who served in active military, naval, or air service, who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.
Veteran who is transitioning from military service to civilian life means a veteran who is separating from active military, naval, or air service in the Armed Forces to return to life as a civilian and such veteran's date of discharge or release from active military, naval, or air service was not more than 2 years prior to the date on which the RVCP grant was awarded.
Veteran's family means those individuals who reside with the veteran in the veteran's primary residence. These individuals include a parent, a spouse, a child, a step-family member, an extended family member, and individuals who reside in the home with the veteran but are not a member of the family of the veteran.
(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501,523
§ 64.4 - RVCP grants—general.
(a) VA will award five RVCP grants to eligible entities as defined in § 64.2.
(b) An eligible entity may receive only one RVCP grant, and only one RVCP grant will be awarded in any one pilot project location (see § 64.12(a)(6)).
(c) RVCP grants will be awarded for a maximum period of 2 years, beginning on the date on which the RVCP grants are awarded. They will not be extended or renewable.
(d) A grantee will not be required to provide matching funds as a condition of receiving an RVCP grant.
(e) No participant will be charged a fee for services provided by the grantee or be required to participate in other activities sponsored by the grantee as a condition of receiving services for which the RVCP grant is made.
(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501,523
§ 64.6 - Permissible uses of RVCP grants.
(a) Grantees must maximize the use of RVCP grants by ensuring that at least 90 percent of funds awarded are used to provide services designed to aid in the adjustment to civilian life in one or more of the following areas:
(1) Increasing coordination of health care and benefits for veterans. Examples include, but are not limited to, identifying sources of community, local, State, and Federal health care and benefits; obtaining necessary applications and assisting veterans in the preparation of applications for such care and benefits; and identifying and eliminating barriers to receiving identified benefits.
(2) Increasing availability of high quality medical and mental health services. Examples include, but are not limited to, increasing availability of or access to insurance or low- or no-cost public or private health care, including out-patient care, preventive care, hospital care, nursing home care, rehabilitative care, case management, respite care, and home care; providing assistance in accessing or using telehealth services; transporting veterans to medical facilities or transporting medical or mental health providers to veterans; and providing assistance in obtaining necessary pharmaceuticals, supplies, equipment, devices, appliances, and assistive technology.
(3) Providing assistance to families of transitioning veterans. Examples include, but are not limited to, helping obtain medical insurance for family members; helping the family obtain suitable housing; providing job-search assistance or removing barriers for family members seeking employment; assisting the family in identifying and applying to appropriate schools and/or child care programs; securing learning aids such as textbooks, computers and laboratory supplies; and obtaining personal financial and legal services.
(4) Outreach to veterans and families. Examples include, but are not limited to, the provision, development or deployment of various media tools (e.g., Internet, television, radio, flyers, posters, etc.), activity days, program booths, or other strategies to reach transitioning veterans and their families in the target community and assist them with their transition from military service to civilian life. Outreach services may be provided directly by the RVCP grantee or the grantee may engage the outreach services of another entity using RVCP funds.
(b) Grantees may use up to 10 percent of the RVCP grant for indirect costs, i.e., the expenses of doing business that are not readily identified with a particular grant but are necessary for the general operation of the grantee organization and the conduct of activities it performs.
(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501,523
§ 64.8 - Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA).
When funds are available for RVCP grants, VA will publish a NOFA in the Federal Register and in ( The NOFA will identify:
(a) The location for obtaining RVCP grant applications, including the specific forms that will be required;
(b) The date, time, and place for submitting completed RVCP grant applications;
(c) The estimated total amount of funds available and the maximum funds available to a single grantee;
(d) The minimum number of total points and points per category that an applicant must receive to be considered for a grant and information regarding the scoring process;
(e) Any timeframes and manner for payments under the RVCP grant; and
(f) Other information necessary for the RVCP grant application process, as determined by VA, including contact information for the office that will oversee the RVCP within VA.
(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501,523
§ 64.10 - Application.
(a) To apply for an RVCP grant, eligible entities must submit to VA a complete application package. Applications will be accepted only through (
(b) A complete RVCP grant application package includes the following:
(1) A description of the services to be provided and which of the permissible uses for RVCP grants outlined in § 64.6(a) the services are intended to fulfill.
(2) A description, with supporting documentation, of the need for the proposed project in the proposed location, including an estimate, with supporting documentation, of the number of veterans and families that will be provided services by the applicant.
(3) A description, with supporting documentation, of how the proposed project location qualifies as a rural or an underserved community, as defined in this part.
(4) Documentation evidencing the applicant's experience in providing the proposed services, particularly to veterans and their families.
(5) Evidence of a clear, realistic, and measurable program of self-evaluation and monitoring, including a documented commitment to remediate any identified noncompliance.
(6) Documentation of the ability of the applicant to administer the project, including plans to:
(i) Continuously assess and adapt to the needs of participants for services under the RVCP grant;
(ii) Coordinate and customize the provision of services to the identified needs of the participants;
(iii) Comply with and implement the requirements of this part throughout the term of the RVCP grant; and
(iv) Complete and submit timely reports of RVCP grant activities.
(7) A description of any assistance received from or any consultations with VA or Veterans Service Organizations in the development of the proposal being submitted.
(8) Any additional information deemed appropriate by VA and set forth in the NOFA.
(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501,523,4040,4040,4040,4040,4040,and
§ 64.12 - Scoring and selection.
(a) Scoring. VA will score only complete applications received from eligible entities by the established deadline. Applications will be scored using the following criteria:
(1) Background, organizational history, qualifications, and past performance (maximum 10 points). Applicant documents a relevant history of successfully providing the type of services proposed in the RVCP grant application, particularly in the location it plans to serve and/or to veterans and their families.
(2) Need for pilot project (maximum 10 points). Applicant demonstrates the need for the pilot project among veterans and their families in the proposed project location, and provides evidence of the applicant's understanding of the unique needs of veterans and their families in the location to be served.
(3) Pilot project concept, innovation, and ability to meet VA's objectives (maximum 40 points). Application shows appropriate concept, size, and scope of the project; provides realistic estimates of time, staffing, and material needs to implement the project; and details the project's ability to enhance the overall services provided, while presenting realistic plans to reduce duplication of benefits and services already in place. Application must describe a comprehensive and well-developed plan to meet one or more of the permissible uses set out in § 64.6.
(4) Pilot project evaluation and monitoring (maximum 10 points). Self-evaluation and monitoring strategy provided in application is reasonable and expected to meet requirements of § 64.10(b)(5).
(5) Organizational finances (maximum 10 points). Applicant provides documentation that it is financially stable, has not defaulted on financial obligations, has adequate financial and operational controls in place to assure the proper use of RVCP grants, and presents a plan for using RVCP grants that is cost effective and efficient.
(6) Pilot project location (maximum 20 points). Applicant documents how the proposed project location meets the definition of rural or underserved communities in this part.
(b) Selection of grantees. All complete applications will be scored using the criteria in paragraph (a) and ranked in order from highest to lowest total score. VA will rank all applications that receive at least the minimum number of points indicated in the NOFA. VA will award one RVCP grant to the highest scoring application. VA will award RVCP grants to each successive application, ranked by total score, provided the applicant has not been awarded an RVCP grant for a higher scoring application and the proposed project is not in the same project location as any previously awarded RVCP grant.
(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501,523
§ 64.14 - RVCP grant agreement.
(a) VA will draft an RVCP grant agreement to be executed by VA and the grantee.
(b) The RVCP grant agreement will provide that the grantee agrees to:
(1) Operate the project in accordance with this part and the terms of the agreement;
(2) Abide by the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards under 2 CFR part 200, and 2 CFR parts 25 and 170, if applicable.
(3) Comply with such other terms and conditions, including recordkeeping and reports for project monitoring and evaluation purposes, as VA may establish for purposes of carrying out the RVCP in an effective and efficient manner and as described in the NOFA; and
(4) Provide any necessary additional information that is requested by VA in the manner and timeframe specified by VA.
(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501,523,Feb. 25, 2013, as amended at 80 FR 43323, July 22, 2015]
§ 64.16 - Reporting.
(a) Quarterly reports. All grantees must submit to VA quarterly reports based on the Federal fiscal year, which include the following information:
(1) Record of time and resources expended in outreach activities, and the methods used;
(2) The number of participants served, including demographics of this population;
(3) Types of assistance provided;
(4) A full accounting of RVCP grant funds received from VA and used or unused during the quarter; and
(5) Results of routine monitoring and any project variations.
(b) Submission of reports. Reports must be submitted to VA no later than 15 calendar days after the close of each Federal fiscal quarter.
(c) Additional reports. VA may request additional reports to allow VA to fully assess project accountability and effectiveness.
(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501,523
§ 64.18 - Recovery of funds.
(a) Recovery of funds. VA may terminate a grant agreement with any RVCP grantee that does not comply with the terms of the RVCP agreement. VA may recover from the grantee any funds that are not used in accordance with a RVCP grant agreement. If VA decides to recover funds, VA will issue to the grantee a notice of intent to recover RVCP grant funds, and the grantee will then have 30 days beginning from the date of the notice to submit documentation demonstrating why the RVCP grant funds should not be recovered. If the RVCP grantee does not respond or if the grantee responds but VA determines the documentation is insufficient to establish compliance, VA will make a final determination as to whether action to recover the RVCP grant funds will be taken.
(b) Prohibition of further grants. When VA determines action will be taken to recover grant funds from a grantee, the grantee will be prohibited from receiving any further RVCP grant funds for the duration of the pilot program.
(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501,523
source: 78 FR 12619, Feb. 25, 2013, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 38 CFR 64.4