Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 10, 2025

Title 39 - Postal Service last revised: Feb 28, 2025
§ 3041.305 - Applicability.

(a) This subpart imposes requirements regarding the addition of negotiated service agreements to the competitive product list. These requirements are in addition to other requirements imposed by part 3035 of this chapter.

(b) The general requirements appearing in § 3041.310 apply to a request to add a negotiated service agreement to the competitive product list unless the request is filed under one of the streamlined, alternative options for competitive negotiated service agreement consideration appearing in §§ 3041.315, 3041.320, and 3041.325.

(c) Section 3041.320 is not applicable to any request to add an included contract to a non-published rates product listed on the competitive product list as of the effective date of this part. Any such request is governed by the terms of the Commission order approving the addition of such non-published rates contract to the competitive product list.

§ 3041.310 - General procedures and filing requirements.

(a) Except as otherwise provided in §§ 3041.315, 3041.320, and 3041.325, in order to add a negotiated service agreement to the competitive product list, a request must be filed with the Commission as provided in this section and § 3035.105 of this chapter.

(b) Each request to add a negotiated service agreement to the competitive product list must include each of the following items:

(1) A copy of the negotiated service agreement;

(2) The rate and class decision of the Postal Service Board of Governors under 39 U.S.C. 3632 relating to the proposed negotiated service agreement and the record of the proceedings in connection with such decision;

(3) A copy of the applicable sections of the Mail Classification Schedule and the proposed changes therein in legislative format;

(4) The name, and class if applicable, of the proposed negotiated service agreement;

(5) A description clearly explaining the operative components of the negotiated service agreement;

(6) An explanation of the reason for initiating the docket and of why the proposed negotiated service agreement is not inconsistent with the applicable requirements of this part and any applicable Commission directives and orders;

(7) An explanation of the reasons why the addition of the product to the competitive product list will not result in a violation of the standards of 39 U.S.C. 3633;

(8) Verification that the change does not classify as competitive a product over which the Postal Service exercises sufficient market power that it can, without risk of losing a significant level of business to other firms offering similar products:

(i) Set the price of such product substantially above costs;

(ii) Raise prices significantly;

(iii) Decrease quality; or

(iv) Decrease output;

(9) Explanation of whether or not the proposed negotiated service agreement is covered by the postal monopoly as reserved to the Postal Service under 18 U.S.C. 1696 subject to the exceptions set forth in 39 U.S.C. 601;

(10) A description of the availability and nature of enterprises in the private sector engaged in the delivery of the proposed negotiated service agreement or substantially similar products;

(11) Any information available on the views of those who use, or will use, the proposed negotiated service agreement on the appropriateness of the proposed negotiated service agreement;

(12) A description of the likely impact of the proposed negotiated service agreement on small business concerns;

(13) The information required by § 3035.105(a) of this chapter;

(14) The information required by § 3035.105(b) of this chapter;

(15) The information required by § 3035.105(c) of this chapter;

(16) All other supporting justification upon which the Postal Service proposes to rely; and

(17) Such other information and data, and such statements of reasons and bases, as are necessary and appropriate to fully inform the Commission of the nature, scope, significance, and impact of the proposed negotiated service agreement.

(c) In order to authorize the addition of a negotiated service agreement to the competitive product list, the Commission must:

(1) Give due regard to:

(i) The availability and nature of enterprises in the private sector engaged in the delivery of the proposed product;

(ii) The views of those who will use the proposed product on the appropriateness of adding the proposed product to the competitive product list; and

(iii) The likely impact of adding the proposed product to the competitive product list on small business concerns; and

(2) Make the following findings:

(i) The proposed negotiated service agreement is a competitive product; and

(ii) The proposed negotiated service agreement is not inconsistent with the standards of 39 U.S.C. 3633.

§ 3041.315 - Procedures and filing requirements for umbrella products.

(a) The procedures described in this section and in § 3035.105(a) of this chapter apply to requests to add an included contract to an umbrella product or to create an umbrella product by adding an included contract to an existing baseline agreement. Requests to add a new negotiated service agreement to the competitive product list for use as a baseline agreement must instead follow the requirements of § 3041.310.

(b) Any of the following negotiated service agreements may function as a baseline agreement:

(1) An active negotiated service agreement, other than an included contract in a non-published rates product, listed on the competitive product list as of the effective date of this part.

(2) An active negotiated service agreement added to the competitive product list following a request pursuant to § 3041.310.

(3) An expired or terminated negotiated service agreement, other than an included contract in a non-published rates product or a standardized distinct product, that the Commission authorized to serve as a baseline agreement before its expiration or termination.

(c) Only the Postal Service is permitted to propose to add an included contract to an umbrella product.

(d) A proposal to add an included contract to an umbrella product must include:

(1) A copy of the proposed included contract;

(2) The rate and class decision of the Postal Service Board of Governors under 39 U.S.C. 3632 relating to the proposed included contract and the record of the proceedings in connection with such decision;

(3) A statement identifying the applicable baseline agreement;

(4) A copy of the applicable sections of the Mail Classification Schedule and the proposed addition thereto in legislative format;

(5) A description clearly explaining the operative components of the included contract;

(6) An explanation of the reason for initiating the docket and of why the proposed negotiated service agreement is not inconsistent with the applicable requirements of this part and any applicable Commission directives and orders;

(7) An explanation of the reasons why the addition of the included contract to the umbrella product will not result in a violation of the standards of 39 U.S.C. 3633;

(8) A demonstration that the proposed included contract is functionally equivalent to the baseline agreement;

(9) The information required by § 3035.105(a) of this chapter;

(10) The information required by § 3035.105(b) of this chapter;

(11) The information required by § 3035.105(c) of this chapter;

(12) All other supporting justification upon which the Postal Service proposes to rely; and

(13) Such other information and data, and such statements of reasons and bases, as are necessary and appropriate to fully inform the Commission of the nature, scope, significance, and impact of the proposed included contract.

(e) In order to authorize the addition of an included contract to an umbrella product, the Commission must make the following findings:

(1) The proposed included contract is functionally equivalent to the baseline agreement; and

(2) With the addition of the proposed included contract, the umbrella product is not inconsistent with the standards of 39 U.S.C. 3633.

§ 3041.320 - Procedures and filing requirements for non-published rates negotiated service agreements.

(a) A request to add a non-published rates product to the competitive product list must comply with the requirements of this section and the requirements of § 3035.105(a) of this chapter.

(b) A non-published rates product contract template may be proposed at any time during or following the pendency of a streamlined-option rulemaking considering a proposed financial model, minimum rates, and Mail Classification Schedule changes for standardized distinct products and non-published rates products.

(c) A non-published rates product is added to the competitive product list after:

(1) Issuance of a Commission order authorizing the use of an applicable financial model, minimum rates, and Mail Classification Schedule changes in a streamlined-option rulemaking; and

(2) Issuance of a Commission order approving the non-published rates product contract template.

(d) A non-published rates product financial model, minimum rates, and Mail Classification Schedule changes must be, or have been, proposed in a streamlined-option rulemaking.

(e) A proposal for a non-published rates product contract template must include the following information:

(1) The proposed non-published rates product contract template;

(2) The rate and class decision of the Postal Service Board of Governors under 39 U.S.C. 3632 relating to the proposed non-published rates product contract template and the record of the proceedings in connection with such decision;

(3) A copy of the applicable sections of the Mail Classification Schedule and the proposed addition therein in legislative format;

(4) The number of the Commission order approving the use of the financial model associated with the proposed non-published rates product contract template or the number of the docket in which the financial model associated with the proposed non-published rates product contract template is being considered;

(5) A description clearly explaining the operative components of the non-published rates product contract template;

(6) A description of the availability and nature of enterprises in the private sector engaged in the delivery of the postal services involved in the proposed non-published rates product contract template;

(7) A description of the views of those who will use the postal services involved in the proposed non-published rates product contract template on the appropriateness of the proposed non-published rates product contract template;

(8) A description of the likely impact of the proposed non-published rates product contract template on small business concerns;

(9) In lieu of the certified statement required by § 3035.105(c)(2) of this chapter, a sworn statement of a Postal Service executive certifying that the proposed non-published rates product contract template is not inconsistent with the financial model approved, or under consideration by the Commission, in the order or docket identified in paragraph (e)(4) of this section;

(10) All other supporting justification upon which the Postal Service proposes to rely; and

(11) Such other information and data, and such statements of reasons and bases, as are necessary and appropriate to fully inform the Commission of the nature, scope, significance, and impact of the proposed non-published rates product contract template.

(f) A non-published rates product contract template may include optional provisions to be selected by customers, provided that:

(1) The addition of any optional provision in any included contract will not be inconsistent with the standards of 39 U.S.C. 3633;

(2) The addition of any optional provision in any included contract represents a minor change to the included contract; and

(3) Each included contract that could be derived from the contract template is functionally equivalent to every other included contract that could be derived from the contract template.

(g) In order to authorize the addition of a non-published rates product to the competitive product list, the Commission must:

(1) Give due regard to:

(i) The availability and nature of enterprises in the private sector engaged in the delivery of the proposed product;

(ii) The views of those who will use the proposed product on the appropriateness of adding the proposed product to the competitive product list; and

(iii) The likely impact of adding the proposed product to the competitive product list on small business concerns; and

(2) Make the following findings:

(i) The proposed non-published rates product is a competitive product; and

(ii) The proposed non-published rates product contract template is not inconsistent with the standards of 39 U.S.C. 3633.

(h) After a non-published rates product has been approved, the Postal Service may add one or more included contracts to the product without filing a request or otherwise obtaining further approval from the Commission, provided that:

(1) The included contract does not deviate in any way from the non-published rates product contract template;

(2) No rate in any included contract is less than the corresponding minimum rate authorized in the associated streamlined-option rulemaking;

(3) The included contract bears a unique serial number; and

(4) Within 10 days after the effective date of each included contract, the Postal Service:

(i) Notifies the Commission of the effective date and scheduled expiration date of the included contract; and

(ii) Files a version of the applicable financial model updated to include all projected cost, revenue, and volume data specific to the included contract.

(i) Only the Postal Service is permitted to add an included contract to a non-published rates product.

(j) If any included contract is terminated before its scheduled expiration date, the Postal Service must inform the Commission within 7 days after such termination.

(k) If the Commission finds that the Postal Service has failed to comply with any requirements of paragraph (h) or (j) of this section, the Commission may take any of the following actions:

(1) Require the Postal Service to request Commission approval in accordance with such terms as the Commission may specify by order, and obtain such approval, before adding any additional included contracts to non-published rates products; or

(2) Take other appropriate remedial action.

§ 3041.325 - Procedures and filing requirements for standard distinct product negotiated service agreements.

(a) A request to add a standardized distinct product to the competitive product list must comply with the requirements of this section and the requirements of § 3035.105(a) of this chapter.

(b) A standardized distinct product may be proposed at any time during or following the pendency of a streamlined-option rulemaking considering a proposed financial model, minimum rates, and Mail Classification Schedule changes for standardized distinct products and non-published rates products. A single standardized distinct product may include minimum rates and Mail Classification Schedule changes authorized in multiple streamlined-option rulemakings.

(c) A standardized distinct product is added to the competitive product list after:

(1) Issuance of one or more Commission orders authorizing the use of one or more applicable proposed financial models, minimum rates, and Mail Classification Schedule changes in a streamlined-option rulemaking; and

(2) Issuance of a Commission order approving the addition of the standardized distinct product to the competitive product list in an NSA summary proceeding.

(d) In each NSA summary proceeding, the Postal Service shall submit:

(1) A copy of the negotiated service agreement;

(2) The rate and class decision of the Postal Service Board of Governors under 39 U.S.C. 3632 relating to the proposed negotiated service agreement and the record of the proceedings in connection with such decision;

(3) A copy of the applicable sections of the Mail Classification Schedule and the proposed addition therein in legislative format;

(4) The number(s) of the Commission order(s) resolving the streamlined-option rulemaking(s) applicable to the proposed negotiated service agreement;

(5) The planned effective date(s) of the planned rates.

(6) A description clearly explaining the operative components of the negotiated service agreement;

(7) An explanation of the reason for initiating the docket and of why the proposed standardized distinct product is not inconsistent with the applicable requirements of this part and any applicable Commission directives and orders;

(8) An explanation of the reasons why the addition of the standardized distinct product to the competitive product list will not result in a violation of the standards of 39 U.S.C. 3633;

(9) A description of the availability and nature of enterprises in the private sector engaged in the delivery of the postal services that are the subject of the proposed standardized distinct product;

(10) Any information available on the views of those who use, or will use, the proposed standardized distinct product on the appropriateness of the proposed standardized distinct product;

(11) A description of the likely impact of the proposed standardized distinct product on small business concerns;

(12) In lieu of the certified statement required by § 3035.105(c)(2) of this chapter, a sworn statement of a Postal Service executive certifying that the proposed standardized distinct product is not inconsistent with the financial model authorized for use in the applicable Commission order identified in paragraph (e)(4) of this section;

(13) In lieu of the revenue and cost data required by § 3035.105(c)(1) of this chapter, a version of the applicable financial model updated to include all projected cost, revenue, and volume data specific to the proposed product;

(14) All other supporting justification upon which the Postal Service proposes to rely; and

(15) Such other information and data, and such statements of reasons and bases, as are necessary and appropriate to fully inform the Commission of the nature, scope, significance, and impact of the proposed standardized distinct product.

(e) Only the Postal Service is permitted to propose to add a standardized distinct product to the competitive product list.

(f) In order to authorize the addition of a standardized distinct product to the competitive product list, the Commission must:

(1) Give due regard to:

(i) The availability and nature of enterprises in the private sector engaged in the delivery of the proposed product;

(ii) The views of those who will use the proposed product on the appropriateness of adding the proposed product to the competitive product list; and

(iii) The likely impact of adding the proposed product to the competitive product list on small business concerns; and

(2) Make the following findings:

(i) The proposed standardized distinct product is a competitive product; and

(ii) The proposed standardized distinct product is not inconsistent with the standards of 39 U.S.C. 3633.

source: 89 FR 67295, Aug. 20, 2024, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 39 CFR 3041.310