Until further regulations are promulgated, the remainder of the entities within the Executive Office of the President, to the extent that 5 U.S.C. 552 is applicable, shall follow the procedures set forth in the regulations applicable to the Office of Management and Budget (5 CFR Ch. III). Requests for information from these other entities should be submitted directly to such entity.
Freedom of Information regulations for the Office of Management and Budget appear at 5 CFR Ch. III.
Freedom of Information regulations for the National Security Council appear at 32 CFR Ch. XXI.
Freedom of Information regulations for the Council on Environmental Quality appear at 40 CFR Ch. V.
[42 FR 65131, Dec. 30, 1977]
Freedom of Information regulations for the Office of National Drug Control Policy appear at 21 CFR parts 1400-1499.
[55 FR 46037, Nov. 1, 1990]
Freedom of Information regulations for the Office of Science and Technology Policy appear at 32 CFR part 2402.
[55 FR 46037, Nov. 1, 1990]
Freedom of Information regulations for the Office of the United States Trade Representative appear at 15 CFR part 2004.
[55 FR 46037, Nov. 1, 1990]
source: 40 FR 8061, Feb. 25, 1975; 55 FR 46067, Nov. 1, 1990, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 3 CFR 101.6