Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 10, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 10, 2025
§ 63.11619 - Am I subject to this subpart?

(a) You are subject to this subpart if you own or operate a prepared feeds manufacturing facility that uses a material containing chromium or a material containing manganese and is an area source of emissions of hazardous air pollutants (HAP).

(b) The provisions of this subpart apply to each new and existing prepared feeds manufacturing affected source. A prepared feeds manufacturing affected source is the collection of all equipment and activities necessary to produce animal feed from the point in the process where a material containing chromium or a material containing manganese is added, to the point where the finished animal feed product leaves the facility. This includes, but is not limited to, areas where materials containing chromium and manganese are stored, areas where materials containing chromium and manganese are temporarily stored prior to addition to the feed at the mixer, mixing and grinding processes, pelleting and pellet cooling processes, packing and bagging processes, crumblers and screens, bulk loading operations, and all conveyors and other equipment that transfer the feed materials throughout the manufacturing facility.

(1) A prepared feeds manufacturing affected source is existing if you commenced construction or reconstruction of the facility on or before July 27, 2009.

(2) A prepared feeds manufacturing affected source is new if you commenced construction or reconstruction of the facility after July 27, 2009.

(3) A collection of equipment and activities necessary to produce animal feed at a prepared feeds manufacturing facility becomes an affected source when you commence using a material containing chromium or a material containing manganese.

(c) An affected source is no longer subject to this subpart if the facility stops using materials containing chromium or manganese.

(d) This subpart does not apply to the facilities identified in paragraphs (d)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) Prepared feeds manufacturing facilities that do not add any materials containing chromium or manganese to any product manufactured at the facility.

(2) Research or laboratory facilities as defined in section 112(c)(7) of the Clean Air Act (CAA).

(e) You are exempt from the obligation to obtain a permit under 40 CFR part 70 or 40 CFR part 71, provided you are not otherwise required by law to obtain a permit under 40 CFR 70.3(a) or 40 CFR 71.3. Notwithstanding the previous sentence, you must continue to comply with the provisions of this subpart.

§ 63.11620 - What are my compliance dates?

(a) If you own or operate an existing affected source, you must achieve compliance with the applicable provisions of this subpart by no later than January 5, 2012.

(b) If you own or operate a new affected source, you must achieve compliance with the applicable provisions of this subpart by January 5, 2010, or upon startup of your affected source, whichever is later.

(c) If you own or operate a facility that becomes an affected source in accordance with § 63.11619 after the applicable compliance date in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section, you must achieve compliance with the applicable provisions of this subpart by the date that you commence using a material containing manganese or a material containing chromium.

(d) If the average daily feed production level exceeds 50 tons per day for a calendar year for a facility not complying with the requirement in § 63.11621(e) to install and operate a cyclone to control emissions from pelleting operations, you must comply with § 63.11621(e) and all associated requirements by July 1 of the year following the one-year period.

§ 63.11621 - What are the standards for new and existing prepared feeds manufacturing facilities?

You must comply with the management practices and standards in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section at all times. For pelleting operations at prepared feeds manufacturing facilities with an average daily feed production level exceeding 50 tons per day, you must also comply with the requirements in paragraph (e) of this section at all times if you are a new source, and if you are an existing source, you must also comply with the requirements in paragraph (f) of this section at all times.

(a) In all areas of the affected source where materials containing chromium or manganese are stored, used, or handled, you must comply with the management practices in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) You must perform housekeeping measures to minimize excess dust. These measures must include, but not be limited to, the practices specified in paragraphs (a)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section.

(i) You must use either an industrial vacuum system or manual sweeping to reduce the amount of dust;

(ii) At least once per month, you must remove dust from walls, ledges, and equipment using low pressure air or by other means, and then sweep or vacuum the area;

(iii) You must keep exterior doors in the immediate affected areas shut except during normal ingress and egress, as practicable. This paragraph (a)(1)(iii) does not apply to areas where finished product is stored in closed containers, and no other materials containing chromium or manganese are present.

(2) You must maintain and operate all process equipment in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and in a manner to minimize dust creation.

(b) You must store any raw materials containing chromium or manganese in closed containers.

(c) The mixer where materials containing chromium or manganese are added must be covered at all times when mixing is occurring, except when the materials are being added to the mixer. Materials containing chromium or manganese must be added to the mixer in a manner that minimizes emissions.

(d) For the bulk loading process where materials containing chromium or manganese are loaded into trucks or railcars, you must lessen fugitive emissions by reducing the distance between the loadout spout and the vehicle being loaded by either paragraph (d)(1) or (d)(2) of this section.

(1) Use a device of any kind at the bulk loadout spout that minimizes the distance to the vehicle being loaded.

(2) Use any other means to minimize the distance between the loadout spout and the vehicle being loaded.

(e) For the pelleting operations at new prepared feeds manufacturing facilities with an average daily feed production level exceeding 50 tons per day, you must capture emissions and route them to a cyclone designed to reduce emissions of particulate matter by 95 percent or greater. You must also comply with the provisions in paragraphs (e)(1) through (3) of this section.

(1) You must demonstrate that the cyclone is designed to reduce emissions of particulate matter by 95 percent or greater using one of the methods specified in paragraphs (e)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section.

(i) Manufacturer specifications;

(ii) Certification by a professional engineer or responsible official; or

(iii) A performance test conducted in accordance with § 63.11623 of this section.

(2) You must establish an inlet flow rate, inlet velocity, pressure drop, or fan amperage range that represents proper operation of the cyclone in accordance with the applicable requirement in paragraphs (e)(2)(i), (ii), or (iii) of this section.

(i) If you demonstrate the cyclone design efficiency using manufacturer specifications in accordance with paragraph (e)(1)(i) of this section, the inlet flow rate, inlet velocity, pressure drop, or fan amperage range that represents proper operation of the cyclone must be provided by the manufacturer.

(ii) If you demonstrate the cyclone design efficiency using certification by a professional engineer or responsible official in accordance with paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of this section, this certification must include calculations to establish an inlet flow rate, inlet velocity, pressure drop, or fan amperage range that represents proper operation of the cyclone.

(iii) If you demonstrate the cyclone design efficiency using a performance test in accordance with paragraph (e)(1)(iii) of this section, you must monitor the inlet flow rate, inlet velocity, pressure drop, or fan amperage during the test and establish a range that represents proper operation of the cyclone based on the data obtained during the test.

(3) You must maintain and operate the cyclone in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. If manufacturer's specifications are not available, you must develop and follow standard maintenance and operating procedures that ensure proper operation of the cyclone.

(f) For the pelleting operations at existing prepared feeds manufacturing facilities with an average daily feed production level exceeding 50 tons per day, you must capture emissions and route them to a cyclone. The cyclone must be maintained in accordance with good air pollution control practices and manufacturer's specifications and operating instructions, if available. If manufacturer's specifications and operating instructions are not available, you must develop and follow standard operating procedures that ensure proper operation and maintenance of the cyclone.

[75 FR 546, Jan. 5, 2010, as amended at 76 FR 80265, Dec. 23, 2011]
§ 63.11622 - What are the monitoring requirements for new and existing sources?

(a) If you own or operate an affected source required by § 63.11621(d) to use a device at the loadout end of a bulk loader that reduces fugitive emissions from a bulk loading process, you must perform monthly inspections of each device to ensure it is in proper working condition. You must record the results of these inspections in accordance with § 63.11624(c)(4) of this subpart.

(b) If you own or operate an affected source required by § 63.11621(e) or (f) to install and operate a cyclone to control emissions from pelleting operations, you must comply with the inspection and monitoring requirements in paragraphs (b)(1) and either (b)(2) or (b)(3) of this section, as applicable.

(1) You must perform quarterly inspections of the cyclone for corrosion, erosion, or any other damage that could result in air in-leakage, and record the results in accordance with § 63.11624(c).

(2) If you own or operate a new source, you must monitor inlet flow rate, inlet velocity, pressure drop, or fan amperage at least once per day when the pelleting process is in operation. You must also record the inlet flow rate, inlet velocity, pressure drop, or fan amperage in accordance with § 63.11624(c)(4).

(3) If you own or operate an existing source, you must perform a weekly visual inspection of the operating cyclone to ensure it is operating consistent with good air pollution control practices.

[75 FR 546, Jan. 5, 2010, as amended at 76 FR 80265, Dec. 23, 2011]
§ 63.11623 - What are the testing requirements?

(a) If you are demonstrating that the cyclone required by § 63.11621(e) is designed to reduce emissions of particulate matter by 95 percent or greater by the performance test option in § 63.11621(e)(1)(iii), you must conduct a test in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section and calculate the percent reduction in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.

(b) You must use Method 5 in Appendix A to part 60 to determine the particulate matter mass rate at the inlet and outlet of the cyclone. You must conduct at least three runs at the cyclone inlet and three runs at the cyclone outlet. Each run must have a sampling time of at least 60 minutes and a sample volume of at least 0.85 dscm (30 dscf).

(c) You must calculate the percent particulate matter reduction using Equation 1.

Where: PM RED = particulate matter reduction, percent; MINLET = Mass of particulate matter at the inlet of the cyclone, dry basis, corrected to standard conditions, g/min; MOUTLET = Mass of particulate matter at the outlet of the cyclone, dry basis, corrected to standard conditions, g/min;
§ 63.11624 - What are the notification, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements?

(a) Notifications. You must submit the notifications identified in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) Initial Notification. If you are the owner of an affected source you must submit an Initial Notification no later than May 5, 2010, or 120 days after you become subject to this subpart, whichever is later. The Initial Notification must include the information specified in paragraphs (a)(1)(i) through (iv) of this section.

(i) The name, address, phone number and e-mail address of the owner and operator;

(ii) The address (physical location) of the affected source;

(iii) An identification of the relevant standard (i.e., this subpart); and

(iv) A brief description of the operation.

(2) Notification of Compliance Status. If you are the owner of an existing affected source, you must submit a Notification of Compliance Status in accordance with § 63.9(h) of the General Provisions on or before May 4, 2012. If you are the owner or operator of a new affected source, you must submit a Notification of Compliance Status within 120 days of initial startup, or by October 18, 2010, whichever is later. If you own or operate an affected source that becomes an affected source in accordance with § 63.11619(b)(3) after the applicable compliance date in § 63.11620 (a) or (b), you must submit a Notification of Compliance Status within 120 days of the date that you commence using materials containing manganese or chromium. This Notification of Compliance Status must include the information specified in paragraphs (a)(2)(i) through (iv) of this section.

(i) Your company's name and address;

(ii) A statement by a responsible official with that official's name, title, phone number, e-mail address and signature, certifying the truth, accuracy, and completeness of the notification and a statement of whether the source has complied with all the relevant standards and other requirements of this subpart;

(iii) If you own or operate a new source required by § 63.11621(e) to install and operate a cyclone to control emissions from pelleting operations, the inlet flow rate, inlet velocity, pressure drop, or fan amperage range than constitutes proper operation of the cyclone determined in accordance with § 63.11621(e)(2).

(iv) If you own or operate an existing source required by § 63.11621(f) to install and operate a cyclone to control emissions from pelleting operations, documentation of what constitutes proper operation of the cyclone determined in accordance with § 63.11621(f).

(v) If you own or operate an affected source that is not subject to a requirement in § 63.11621(e) or (f) to install and operate a cyclone to control emissions from pelleting operations because your initial average daily feed production level was 50 tpd or less, documentation of your initial daily pelleting production level determination.

(b) Annual compliance certification report. You must, by March 1 of each year, prepare an annual compliance certification report for the previous calendar year containing the information specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(6) of this section. You must submit the report if you had any instance described by paragraph (b)(3) or (b)(4) of this section.

(1) Your company's name and address.

(2) A statement by a responsible official with that official's name, title, phone number, e-mail address and signature, certifying the truth, accuracy, and completeness of the notification and a statement of whether the source has complied with all the relevant standards and other requirements of this subpart.

(3) If the source is not in compliance, include a description of deviations from the applicable requirements, the time periods during which the deviations occurred, and the corrective actions taken.

(4) If you own or operate a new source that is subject to § 63.11621(e), you must identify all instances when the daily inlet flow rate, inlet velocity, pressure drop, or fan amperage is outside the range that constitutes proper operation of the cyclone submitted as part of your Notification of Compliance Status. In these instances, include the time periods when this occurred and the corrective actions taken.

(5) If you own or operate an existing source that is subject to § 63.11621(f), you must identify all instances when the cyclone was not operating properly as determined in accordance with § 63.11621(f).

(6) If you own or operate an affected source that is not subject to a requirement in § 63.11621(e) or (f) to install and operate a cyclone to control emissions from pelleting operations because your average daily feed production level was 50 tpd or less, notification if your average daily feed production level for the previous year exceeded 50 tpd.

(7) If you own or operate an affected source that was subject to a requirement in § 63.11621(e) or (f) to install and operate a cyclone to control emissions from pelleting operations, notification if your average daily feed production level for the previous year was 50 tpd or less and that you are no longer complying with § 63.11621(e) or (f).

(c) Records. You must maintain the records specified in paragraphs (c)(1) through (6) of this section in accordance with paragraphs (c)(7) through (9) of this section.

(1) As required in § 63.10(b)(2)(xiv), you must keep a copy of each notification that you submitted to comply with this subpart in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section, and all documentation supporting any Initial Notification or Notification of Compliance Status that you submitted.

(2) You must keep a copy of each Annual Compliance Certification prepared in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.

(3) For each device used to comply with the requirements in § 63.11621(d), you must keep the records of all inspections including the information identified in paragraphs (c)(3)(i) through (iii) of this section.

(i) The date, place, and time of each inspection;

(ii) Person performing the inspection;

(iii) Results of the inspection, including the date, time, and duration of the corrective action period from the time the inspection indicated a problem to the time of the indication that the device was replaced or restored to operation.

(4) If you own or operate a new source that is subject to § 63.11621(e), you must keep the records in paragraphs (c)(4)(i) through (v) of this section.

(i) If you demonstrate that the cyclone is designed to reduce emission of particulate matter by 95 percent or greater by manufacturer's specifications in accordance with § 63.11621(e)(1(i), you must keep the records specified in paragraphs (c)(4)(i)(A) through (C) of this section.

(A) Information from the manufacturer regarding the design efficiency of the cyclone,

(B) The inlet flow rate, inlet velocity, pressure drop, or fan amperage range that represents proper operation of the cyclone,

(C) The operation and maintenance procedures to ensure proper operation of the cyclone.

(ii) If you demonstrate that the cyclone is designed to reduce emissions of particulate matter by 95 percent or greater by certification by a professional engineer in accordance with paragraph § 63.11621(e)(1)(ii), you must keep the records specified in paragraphs (c)(4)(ii)(A) through (C) of this section.

(A) Certification regarding the design efficiency of the cyclone, along with supporting information,

(B) The inlet flow rate, inlet velocity, pressure drop, or fan amperage range that represents proper operation of the cyclone,

(C) The standard maintenance and operating procedures that ensure proper operation of the cyclone.

(iii) If you demonstrate that the cyclone is designed to reduce emissions of particulate matter by 95 percent or greater by a performance in accordance with paragraph § 63.11621(e)(1)(iii), you must keep the records specified in paragraphs (c)(4)(iii)(A) through (C) of this section.

(A) Results of the testing conducted in accordance with § 63.11623,

(B) The inlet flow rate, inlet velocity, pressure drop, or fan amperage range that represents proper operation of the cyclone,

(C) The standard maintenance and operating procedures that ensure proper operation of the cyclone.

(iv) Records of all quarterly inspections including the information identified in paragraphs (c)(4)(iv)(A) through (C) of this section.

(A) The date, place, and time of each inspection;

(B) Person performing the inspection;

(C) Results of the inspection, including the date, time, and duration of the corrective action period from the time the inspection indicated a problem to the time of the indication that the cyclone was restored to proper operation.

(v) Records of the daily inlet flow rate, inlet velocity, pressure drop, or fan amperage measurements, along with the date, time, and duration of the correction action period from the time the monitoring indicated a problem to the time of the indication that the cyclone was restored to proper operation.

(5) If you own or operate an existing source that is subject to § 63.11621(f), you must keep the records in paragraphs (c)(5)(i) and (ii) of this section.

(i) Records of all quarterly inspections including the information identified in paragraphs (c)(5)(i)(A) through (C) of this section.

(A) The date, place, and time of each inspection;

(B) Person performing the inspection;

(C) Results of the inspection, including the date, time, and duration of the corrective action period from the time the inspection indicated a problem to the time of the indication that the cyclone was restored to proper operation.

(ii) Records of weekly visual inspections of the operating cyclone, including a record of any corrective action taken as a result of the inspection.

(6) If you own or operate an affected source that is not subject to a requirement in § 63.11621(e) or (f) to install and operate a cyclone to control emissions from pelleting operations because your average daily feed production level is 50 tpd or less, feed production records to enable the determination of the average daily feed production level.

(7) Your records must be in a form suitable and readily available for expeditious review, according to § 63.10(b)(1).

(8) As specified in § 63.10(b)(1), you must keep each record for 5 years following the date of each recorded action.

(9) You must keep each record onsite for at least 2 years after the date of each recorded action according to § 63.10(b)(1). You may keep the records offsite for the remaining 3 years.

(d) If you no longer use materials that contain manganese or chromium after January 5, 2010, you must submit a Notification in accordance with § 63.11619(c) which includes the information specified in paragraphs (d)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) Your company's name and address;

(2) A statement by a responsible official indicating that the facility no longer uses materials that contain chromium or manganese. This statement should also include an effective date for the termination of use of materials that contain chromium or manganese, and the responsible official's name, title, phone number, e-mail address and signature.

[75 FR 546, Jan. 5, 2010, as amended at 75 FR 41994, July 20, 2010; 76 FR 80266, Dec. 23, 2011]
§ 63.11625 - What parts of the General Provisions apply to my facility?

Table 1 of this subpart shows which parts of the General Provisions in §§ 63.1 through 63.16 apply to you.

§ 63.11626 - Who implements and enforces this subpart?

(a) This subpart can be implemented and enforced by EPA or a delegated authority such as your State, local, or Tribal agency. If the EPA Administrator has delegated authority to your State, local, or Tribal agency, then that agency has the authority to implement and enforce this subpart. You should contact your EPA Regional Office to find out if implementation and enforcement of this subpart is delegated to your State, local, or Tribal agency.

(b) In delegating implementation and enforcement authority of this subpart to a State, local, or Tribal agency under 40 CFR part 63, subpart E, the authorities contained in paragraph (c) of this section are retained by the EPA Administrator and are not transferred to the State, local, or Tribal agency.

(c) The authorities that cannot be delegated to State, local, or Tribal agencies are specified in paragraphs (c)(1) through (5) of this section.

(1) Approval of an alternative nonopacity emissions standard under § 63.6(g).

(2) Approval of an alternative opacity emissions standard under § 63.6(h)(9).

(3) Approval of a major change to test methods under § 63.7(e)(2)(ii) and (f). A “major change to test method” is defined in § 63.90.

(4) Approval of a major change to monitoring under § 63.8(f). A “major change to monitoring” is defined in § 63.90.

(5) Approval of a major change to recordkeeping and reporting under § 63.10(f). A “major change to recordkeeping/reporting” is defined in § 63.90.

§ 63.11627 - What definitions apply to this subpart?

Terms used in this subpart are defined in the CAA, in § 63.2, and in this section.

Animal feed includes: Dehydrated alfalfa meal; alfalfa prepared as feed for animals; cubed alfalfa; prepared animal feed; chopped, crushed, or ground barley feed; prepared bird feed; blended animal feed; bone meal prepared as feed for animals and fowls; cattle feeds, supplements, concentrates, and premixes; prepared chicken feeds; cattle feed citrus pulp; complete livestock feed; custom milled animal feed; dairy cattle feeds supplements, concentrates, and premixes; earthworm food and bedding; animal feed concentrates; animal feed premixes; animal feed supplements; prepared animal feeds; specialty animal (e.g., guinea pig, mice, mink) feeds; fish food for feeding fish; custom ground grains for animal feed; cubed hay; kelp meal and pellets animal feed; laboratory animal feed; livestock feeds, supplements, concentrates and premixes; alfalfa meal; bone meal prepared as feed for animals and fowls; livestock micro and macro premixes; mineral feed supplements; animal mineral supplements; pet food; poultry feeds, supplements, and concentrates; rabbit food; shell crushed and ground animal feed; swine feed; swine feed supplements, concentrates, and premixes; and prepared turkey feeds. Feed products produced for dogs and cats are not considered animal feed for the purposes of this subpart.

Average daily feed production level means the average amount of animal feed products produced each day over an annual period. The initial determination of the average daily feed production level is based on the one-year period prior to the compliance date for existing sources, or the design rate for new sources. The subsequent average daily feed production levels are determined annually and are based on the amount of animal feed products produced in a calendar year divided by the number of days in which the production processes were in operation.

Cyclone means a mechanically aided collector that uses inertia to separate particulate matter from the gas stream as it spirals through the cyclone.

Material containing chromium means a material that contains chromium (Cr, atomic number 24) in amounts greater than or equal to 0.1 percent by weight.

Material containing manganese means a material that contains manganese (Mn, atomic number 25) in amounts greater than or equal to 1.0 percent by weight.

Pelleting operations means all operations that make pelleted animal feed, including but not limited to, steam conditioning, die-casting, drying, cooling, and crumbling, and granulation.

Prepared feeds manufacturing facility means a facility that is primarily engaged in manufacturing animal feed. A facility is primarily engaged in manufacturing animal feed if the production of animal feed comprises greater than 50 percent of the total production of the facility on an annual basis. Facilities primarily engaged in raising or feeding animals are not prepared feed manufacturing facilities. Facilities engaged in the growing of agricultural crops that are used in the manufacturing of feed are not considered prepared feeds manufacturing facilities.

§§ 63.11628-63.11638 - §[Reserved]
Appendix - Table 1 to Subpart DDDDDDD of Part 63—Applicability of General Provisions to Prepared Feeds Manufacturing Area Sources

As required in § 63.11619, you must meet each requirement in the following table that applies to you.

Citation Subject Applies to Subpart DDDDDDD?
63.3Units and AbbreviationsYes.
63.4Prohibited Activities and CircumventionYes.
63.5Preconstruction Review and Notification RequirementsNo.
63.6(a),(b)(1)-(b)(5), (b)(7), (c), (f)(2)-(3), (g), (i), and (j)Compliance with Standards and Maintenance RequirementsYes.
63.6(e)(1), (e)(3), (f)(1), and (h)Startup, shutdown, and malfunction requirements and opacity/visible emission standardsNo. Standards apply at all times, including during startup, shutdown, and malfunction events.
63.7Performance Testing RequirementsYes.
63.8Monitoring RequirementsYes.
63.9(a), (b), (c), (d), (h), (i), and (j)Notification RequirementsYes.
63.9(e), (f), (g)No.
63.10(a),(b)(1), (b)(2)(i)-(iii), (b)(2)(vi)-(xiv), (c), (d)(1), (e), and (f)Recordkeeping and Reporting RequirementsYes.
63.10(b)(2)(iv)-(v), (b)(3), and (d)(2)-(5)Recordkeeping and Reporting RequirementsNo.
63.11Control Device RequirementsNo.
63.12State Authorities and DelegationsYes.
63.14Incorporations by ReferenceYes.
63.15Availability of Information and ConfidentialityYes.
63.16Performance Track ProvisionsYes.
63.1(a)(5), (a)(7)-(9), (b)(2), (c)(3)-(4), (d), 63.6(b)(6), (c)(3), (c)(4), (d), (e)(2), (e)(3)(ii), (h)(3), (h)(5)(iv), 63.8(a)(3), 63.9(b)(3), (h)(4), 63.10(c)(2)-(4), (c)(9)ReservedNo.
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 63.11626