Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 16, 2024
Table of Contents

§ 63.9580 - What is the purpose of this subpart?

§ 63.9581 - Am I subject to this subpart?

§ 63.9582 - What parts of my plant does this subpart cover?

§ 63.9583 - When do I have to comply with this subpart?


§ 63.9590 - What emission limitations and operating limits must I meet?

§ 63.9591 - What work practice standards must I meet?


§ 63.9600 - What are my operation and maintenance requirements?


§ 63.9610 - What are my general requirements for complying with this subpart?


§ 63.9620 - On which units and by what date must I conduct performance tests or other initial compliance demonstrations?

§ 63.9621 - What test methods and other procedures must I use to demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limits?

§ 63.9622 - What test methods and other procedures must I use to establish and demonstrate initial compliance with the operating limits?

§ 63.9623 - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limitations that apply to me?

§ 63.9624 - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the work practice standards that apply to me?

§ 63.9625 - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the operation and maintenance requirements that apply to me?


§ 63.9630 - When must I conduct subsequent performance tests?

§ 63.9631 - What are my monitoring requirements?

§ 63.9632 - What are the installation, operation, and maintenance requirements for my monitoring equipment?

§ 63.9633 - How do I monitor and collect data to demonstrate continuous compliance?

§ 63.9634 - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limitations that apply to me?

§ 63.9635 - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the work practice standards that apply to me?

§ 63.9636 - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the operation and maintenance requirements that apply to me?

§ 63.9637 - What other requirements must I meet to demonstrate continuous compliance?


§ 63.9640 - What notifications must I submit and when?

§ 63.9641 - What reports must I submit and when?

§ 63.9642 - What records must I keep?

§ 63.9643 - In what form and how long must I keep my records?


§ 63.9650 - What parts of the General Provisions apply to me?

§ 63.9651 - Who implements and enforces this subpart?

§ 63.9652 - What definitions apply to this subpart?

Appendix - Table 1 to Subpart RRRRR of Part 63—Particulate Matter Emission Limits

Appendix - Table 2 to Subpart RRRRR of Part 63—Mercury Emission Limits for Indurating Furnaces

Appendix - Table 3 to Subpart RRRRR of Part 63—Hydrogen Chloride and Hydrogen Fluoride Emission Limits for Indurating Furnaces

Appendix - Table 4 to Subpart RRRRR of Part 63—Applicability of General Provisions to Subpart RRRRR of Part 63

§ 63.9580 - What is the purpose of this subpart?

This subpart establishes national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) for taconite iron ore processing. This subpart also establishes requirements to demonstrate initial and continuous compliance with all applicable emission limitations (emission limits and operating limits), work practice standards, and operation and maintenance requirements in this subpart.

§ 63.9581 - Am I subject to this subpart?

You are subject to this subpart if you own or operate a taconite iron ore processing plant that is (or is part of) a major source of hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions. Your taconite iron ore processing plant is a major source of HAP if it emits or has the potential to emit any single HAP at a rate of 10 tons or more per year or any combination of HAP at a rate of 25 tons or more per year.

[85 FR 73917, Nov. 19, 2020]
§ 63.9582 - What parts of my plant does this subpart cover?

(a) This subpart applies to each new and existing affected source at your taconite iron ore processing plant.

(b) The affected sources are each new or existing ore crushing and handling operation, ore dryer, indurating furnace, and finished pellet handling operation at your taconite iron ore processing plant, as defined in § 63.9652.

(c) This subpart covers emissions from ore crushing and handling emission units, ore dryer stacks, indurating furnace stacks, finished pellet handling emission units, and fugitive dust emissions.

(d) An ore crushing and handling operation, ore dryer, indurating furnace, or finished pellet handling operation at your taconite iron ore processing plant is existing if you commenced construction or reconstruction of the affected source before December 18, 2002.

(e) An ore crushing and handling operation, ore dryer, indurating furnace, or finished pellet handling operation at your taconite iron ore processing plant is new if you commence construction or reconstruction of the affected source on or after December 18, 2002. An affected source is reconstructed if it meets the definition of reconstruction in § 63.2.

§ 63.9583 - When do I have to comply with this subpart?

(a) If you have an existing affected source, you must comply with each emission limitation, work practice standard, and operation and maintenance requirement in this subpart that applies to you no later than October 30, 2006, except as specified in paragraph (f) of this section.

(b) If you have a new affected source and its initial startup date is on or before October 30, 2003, you must comply with each emission limitation, work practice standard, and operation and maintenance requirement in this subpart that applies to you by October 30, 2003, except as specified in paragraph (f) of this section.

(c) If you have a new affected source and its initial startup date is after October 30, 2003, you must comply with each emission limitation, work practice standard, and operation and maintenance requirement in this subpart that applies to you upon initial startup, except as specified in paragraph (f) of this section.

(d) If your taconite iron ore processing plant is an area source that becomes a major source of HAP, the compliance dates in paragraphs (d)(1) and (2) of this section apply to you.

(1) Any portion of the taconite iron ore processing plant that is a new affected source or a new reconstructed source must be in compliance with this subpart upon startup.

(2) All other parts of the taconite iron ore processing plant must be in compliance with this subpart no later than 3 years after the plant becomes a major source.

(e) You must meet the notification and schedule requirements in § 63.9640. Several of these notifications must be submitted before the compliance date for your affected source.

(f) If you have an affected indurating furnace that commenced construction before May 15, 2023, you must comply with the requirements in paragraphs (f)(1) through (7) of this section by March 8, 2027. If you have an affected indurating furnace that commenced construction or reconstruction on or after May 15, 2023, you must comply with the requirements in paragraphs (f)(1) through (7) of this section by March 6, 2024 or the date of initial startup, whichever is later.

(1) All applicable emission limits for mercury, hydrogen chloride, and hydrogen fluoride in tables 2 and 3 to this subpart.

(2) All applicable operating limits in § 63.9590(b)(5) through (8), established in accordance with § 63.9622(g) through (i), for each control device used to comply with the mercury, hydrogen chloride, and hydrogen fluoride emission limits.

(3) All applicable compliance requirements in §§ 63.9600, 63.9610, 63.9623, 63.9625, and 63.9637(a).

(4) The applicable performance testing or continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) requirements for mercury in §§ 63.9620(k), 63.9621(d), and 63.9630.

(5) All applicable performance testing requirements in §§ 63.9620(l), 63.9621(d), and 63.9630.

(6) The requirements to install and maintain monitoring equipment in § 63.6332(g) through (i) and the monitoring requirements in §§ 63.9631, 63.9633, and 63.9634 for each control device used to comply with the mercury, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride emission limits.

(7) The notification, reporting and recordkeeping requirements in §§ 63.9640, 63.9641, 63.9642, and 63.9643 applicable to the mercury, hydrogen chloride, and hydrogen fluoride emission standards.

[89 FR 16424, Mar. 6, 2024]
§ 63.9590 - What emission limitations and operating limits must I meet?

(a) You must meet each emission limit in tables 1 through 3 to this subpart that applies to you by the applicable compliance date specified in § 63.9583.

(b) You must meet each applicable operating limit for control devices in paragraphs (b)(1) through (8) of this section that applies to you by the applicable compliance date specified in § 63.9583. You are not required to establish and comply with operating limits for control devices used to reduce mercury emissions when you are using a CEMS to monitor and demonstrate compliance with the mercury emission limit in table 2 to this subpart.

(1) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, for each wet scrubber applied to meet any particulate matter emission limit in table 1 to this subpart, you must maintain the daily average pressure drop and daily average scrubber water flow rate at or above the minimum levels established in § 63.9622.

(2) On or before January 28, 2022, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, for each dynamic wet scrubber applied to meet any particulate matter emission limit in table 1 to this subpart, you must maintain the daily average scrubber water flow rate and either the daily average fan amperage (a surrogate for fan speed as revolutions per minute) or the daily average pressure drop at or above the minimum levels established during the initial performance test. After January 28, 2022, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, for each dynamic wet scrubber applied to meet any particulate matter emission limit in table 1 to this subpart, you must maintain the daily average scrubber water flow rate and the daily average fan amperage (a surrogate for fan speed as revolutions per minute) at or above the minimum levels established in § 63.9622.

(3) For each dry electrostatic precipitator (ESP) applied to meet any particulate matter emission limit in Table 1 to this subpart, you must meet the operating limits in paragraph (b)(3)(i) or (ii) of this section.

(i) Maintain the 6-minute average opacity of emissions exiting the control device stack at or below the level established during the initial performance test.

(ii) Maintain the daily average secondary voltage and daily average secondary current for each field at or above the minimum levels established during the initial performance test.

(4) For each wet ESP applied to meet any particulate matter emission limit in table 1 to this subpart, you must meet the operating limits in paragraphs (b)(4)(i) through (iii) of this section.

(i) Maintain the daily average secondary voltage for each field at or above the minimum levels established during the initial performance test.

(ii) Maintain the daily average stack outlet temperature at or below the maximum levels established during the initial performance test.

(iii) Maintain the daily average water flow rate at or above the minimum levels established during the initial performance test.

(5) For each wet scrubber and wet ESP used to meet the hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride emission limits in table 3 to this subpart, you must maintain the daily average scrubber water flow rate and pH greater than or equal to the operating limits established for these parameters established in § 63.9622.

(6) For each activated carbon injection (ACI) system used to meet the mercury emission limit in table 2 to this subpart, you must maintain the daily average activated carbon injection rate greater than or equal to the average activated carbon injection rate established during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the applicable emission limit. In addition, you must maintain the daily average carrier gas flow rate greater than or equal to the average carrier gas flow rate established during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the applicable emission limit.

(7) For each dry sorbent injection (DSI) system used to meet the hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride emission limits in table 3 to this subpart, you must maintain the daily average dry sorbent injection rate greater than or equal to the average dry sorbent injection rate established during the most recent performance test. demonstrating compliance with the applicable emission limit. In addition, you must maintain the daily average carrier gas flow rate greater than or equal to the average carrier gas flow rate established during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the applicable emission limit.

(8) If you use any air pollution control device other than a baghouse, wet scrubber, dynamic scrubber, dry ESP, wet ESP, ACI, or DSI, you must submit a site-specific monitoring plan in accordance with § 63.9631(f).

(c) You may petition the Administrator for approval of alternatives to the monitoring requirements in paragraphs (b)(1) through (7) of this section as allowed under § 63.8(f) and as defined in § 63.90.

[68 FR 61888, Oct. 30, 2003, as amended at 85 FR 45492, July 28, 2020; 89 FR 16425, Mar. 6, 2024]
§ 63.9591 - What work practice standards must I meet?

(a) You must prepare, and at all times operate according to, a fugitive dust emissions control plan that describes in detail the measures that will be put in place to control fugitive dust emissions from the locations listed in paragraphs (a)(1) through (6) of this section.

(1) Stockpiles (includes, but is not limited to, stockpiles of uncrushed ore, crushed ore, or finished pellets);

(2) Material transfer points;

(3) Plant roadways;

(4) Tailings basin;

(5) Pellet loading areas; and

(6) Yard areas.

(b) A copy of your fugitive dust emissions control plan must be submitted for approval to the Administrator on or before the applicable compliance date for the affected source as specified in § 63.9583. The requirement for the plant to operate according to the fugitive dust emissions control plan must be incorporated by reference in the operating permit for the plant that is issued by the designated permitting authority under 40 CFR part 70 or 40 CFR part 71.

(c) You can use an existing fugitive dust emissions control plan provided it meets the requirements in paragraphs (c)(1) through (3) of this section.

(1) The plan satisfies the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section.

(2) The plan describes the current measures to control fugitive dust emission sources.

(3) The plan has been approved as part of a State implementation plan or title V permit.

(d) You must maintain a current copy of the fugitive dust emissions control plan onsite, and it must be available for inspection upon request. You must keep the plan for the life of the affected source or until the affected source is no longer subject to the requirements of this subpart.

§ 63.9600 - What are my operation and maintenance requirements?

(a) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, you must always operate and maintain your affected source, including air pollution control and monitoring equipment, according to the provisions in § 63.6(e)(1)(i). After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, at all times, you must always operate and maintain any affected source, including associated air pollution control equipment and monitoring equipment, in a manner consistent with safety and good air pollution control practices for minimizing emissions. The general duty to minimize emissions does not require the owner or operator to make any further efforts to reduce emissions if levels required by the applicable standard have been achieved. Determination of whether such operation and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the Administrator which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, review of operation and maintenance procedures, review of operation and maintenance records, and inspection of the source.

(b) You must prepare, and at all times, operate according to, a written operation and maintenance plan for each control device applied to meet any particulate matter emission limit in table 1 to this subpart, mercury emission limit in table 2 to this subpart, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride emission limit in table 3 to this subpart, and to meet the requirement of each indurating furnace subject to good combustion practices (GCP). Each site-specific operation and maintenance plan must be submitted to the Administrator on or before the compliance date that is specified in § 63.9583 for your affected source. The plan you submit must explain why the chosen practices (i.e., quantified objectives) are effective in performing corrective actions or GCP in minimizing the formation of formaldehyde (and other products of incomplete combustion). The Administrator will review the adequacy of the site-specific practices and objectives you will follow and the records you will keep to demonstrate compliance with your Plan. If the Administrator determines that any portion of your operation and maintenance plan is not adequate, we can reject those portions of the plan, and request that you provide additional information addressing the relevant issues. In the interim of this process, you will continue to follow your current site-specific practices and objectives, as submitted, until your revisions are accepted as adequate by the Administrator. You must maintain a current copy of the operation and maintenance plan onsite, and it must be available for inspection upon request. You must keep the plan for the life of the affected source or until the affected source is no longer subject to the requirements of this subpart. Each operation and maintenance plan must address the elements in paragraphs (b)(1) through (4) of this section.

(1) Preventative maintenance for each control device, including a preventative maintenance schedule that is consistent with the manufacturer's instructions for routine and long-term maintenance.

(2) Corrective action procedures for bag leak detection systems. On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, in the event a bag leak detection system alarm is triggered, you must initiate corrective action to determine the cause of the alarm within 1 hour of the alarm, initiate corrective action to correct the cause of the problem within 24 hours of the alarm, and complete the corrective action as soon as practicable. Corrective actions may include, but are not limited to, the actions listed in paragraphs (b)(2)(i) through (vi) of this section. After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, in the event a bag leak detection system alarm is triggered, you must initiate corrective action to determine the cause of the alarm within 1 hour of the alarm, initiate corrective action to correct the cause of the problem within 24 hours of the alarm, and complete the corrective action as soon as practicable. If the alarm sounds more than 5 percent of the operating time during a 6-month period as determined according to § 63.9634(d)(3), it is considered an operating parameter deviation. Corrective actions may include, but are not limited to, the actions listed in paragraphs (b)(2)(i) through (vi) of this section.

(i) Inspecting the baghouse for air leaks, torn or broken bags or filter media, or any other condition that may cause an increase in emissions.

(ii) Sealing off defective bags or filter media.

(iii) Replacing defective bags or filter media or otherwise repairing the control device.

(iv) Sealing off a defective baghouse compartment.

(v) Cleaning the bag leak detection system probe, or otherwise repairing the bag leak detection system.

(vi) Adjusting the process operation producing the particulate emissions.

(3) Corrective action procedures for continuous parameter monitoring systems (CPMS) for all air pollution control devices except for baghouses. In the event you exceed an established operating limit for an air pollution control device except for a baghouse, you must initiate corrective action to determine the cause of the operating limit exceedance and complete the corrective action within 10 calendar days. The corrective action procedures you take must be consistent with the installation, operation, and maintenance procedures listed in your site-specific CPMS monitoring plan in accordance with § 63.9632(b).

(4) Good combustion practices for indurating furnaces. You must identify and implement a set of site-specific GCP for each type of indurating furnace at your plant. These GCP should correspond to your standard operating procedures for maintaining the proper and efficient combustion within each indurating furnace. Good combustion practices include, but are not limited to, the elements listed in paragraphs (b)(4)(i) through (v) of this section.

(i) Proper operating conditions for each indurating furnace (e.g., minimum combustion temperature, maximum carbon monoxide concentration in the furnace exhaust gases, burner alignment, or proper fuel-air distribution/mixing).

(ii) Routine inspection and preventative maintenance and corresponding schedules of each indurating furnace.

(iii) Performance analyses of each indurating furnace.

(iv) Keeping applicable operator logs.

(v) Keeping applicable records to document compliance with each element.

[68 FR 61888, Oct. 30, 2003, as amended at 85 FR 45492, July 28, 2020; 89 FR 16425, Mar. 6, 2024]
§ 63.9610 - What are my general requirements for complying with this subpart?

(a) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, you must be in compliance with the requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) through (6) of this section at all times, except during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, you must be in compliance with the emission limitations, standards, and operation and maintenance requirements for the particulate matter emission standards in this subpart at all times.

(1) The emission limitations in § 63.9590.

(2) The work practice standards in § 63.9591.

(3) The operation and maintenance requirements in § 63.9600.

(4) The notification requirements in § 63.9640.

(5) The reporting requirements in § 63.9641.

(6) The recordkeeping requirements in § 63.9642.

(b) During the period between the compliance date specified for your affected source in § 63.9583 and the date upon which continuous monitoring systems have been installed and certified and any applicable operating limits have been set, you must maintain a log detailing the operation and maintenance of the process and emissions control equipment. This includes the daily monitoring and recordkeeping of air pollution control device operating parameters as specified in § 63.9590(b).

(c) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, you must develop a written startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan according to the provisions in § 63.6(e)(3). For affected sources, a startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan is not required after January 25, 2021. No startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan is required for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019.

(d) On and after the applicable compliance date specified in § 63.9583(f), you must be in compliance with all applicable emission limitations for mercury, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride in tables 2 and 3 to this subpart and with the requirements in paragraphs (d)(1) through (6) of this section at all times.

(1) All applicable operating limits in § 63.9590(b)(5) through (8).

(2) All applicable operation and maintenance requirements in § 63.9600 for control devices and monitoring equipment used to comply with the emissions limits.

(3) The requirements in § 63.9631(j), if you use emissions averaging to demonstrate compliance with the mercury standards.

(4) The requirements in § 63.9631(k), if you use continuous emissions monitoring system(s) (CEMS) to demonstrate compliance with the mercury standards.

(5) The requirements in § 63.9634(n), if you elect to adjust the activated carbon injection rate based on the taconite pellet production rate.

(6) The notification, reporting and recordkeeping requirements in §§ 63.9640 through 63.9643.

[68 FR 61888, Oct. 30, 2003, as amended at 71 FR 20470, Apr. 20, 2006; 85 FR 45492, July 28, 2020; 89 FR 16426, Mar. 6, 2024]
§ 63.9620 - On which units and by what date must I conduct performance tests or other initial compliance demonstrations?

(a) For each ore crushing and handling affected source, you must demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart by conducting an initial performance test for particulate matter as specified in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, an initial performance test must be performed on all stacks associated with ore crushing and handling.

(2) Initial performance tests must be completed no later than 180 calendar days after the compliance date specified in § 63.9583. Performance tests conducted between October 30, 2003 and no later than 180 days after the corresponding compliance date can be used for initial compliance demonstration, provided the tests meet the initial performance testing requirements of this subpart.

(b) For each indurating furnace affected source, you must demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart by conducting an initial performance test for particulate matter as specified in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) An initial performance test must be performed on all stacks associated with each indurating furnace.

(2) Initial performance tests must be completed no later than 180 calendar days after the compliance date specified in § 63.9583. Performance tests conducted between October 30, 2003, and no later than 180 days after the corresponding compliance date can be used for initial compliance demonstration, provided the tests meet the initial performance testing requirements of this subpart. For an indurating furnace with multiple stacks, the performance tests for all stacks must be completed within 7 calendar days of commencement of the performance tests, to the extent practicable, and the indurating furnace and associated control device (where applicable) operating characteristics must remain representative and consistent for the duration of the stack tests. If you determine that the performance tests cannot be completed within 7 calendar days, the Administrator must be notified within 24 hours of making that determination.

(c) For each finished pellet handling affected source, you must demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart by conducting an initial performance test for particulate matter as specified in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, an initial performance test must be performed on all stacks associated with finished pellet handling.

(2) Initial performance tests must be completed no later than 180 calendar days after the compliance date specified in § 63.9583. Performance tests conducted between October 30, 2003 and no later than 180 days after the corresponding compliance date can be used for initial compliance demonstration, provided the tests meet the initial compliance testing requirements of this subpart.

(d) For each ore dryer affected source, you must demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart by conducting an initial performance test for particulate matter as specified in paragraphs (d)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) An initial performance test must be performed on all stacks associated with each ore dryer.

(2) Initial performance tests must be completed no later than 180 calendar days after the compliance date specified in § 63.9583. Performance tests conducted between October 30, 2003 and no later than 180 days after the corresponding compliance date can be used for initial compliance demonstration, provided the tests meet the initial compliance testing requirements of this subpart. For ore dryers with multiple stacks, the performance tests for all stacks must be completed within a reasonable period of time, such that the ore dryer operating characteristics remain representative for the duration of the stack tests.

(e) For ore crushing and handling affected sources and finished pellet handling affected sources, in lieu of conducting initial performance tests for particulate matter on all stacks, you may elect to group a maximum of six similar emission units together and conduct an initial compliance test on one representative emission unit within each group of similar emission units. The determination of whether emission units are similar must meet the criteria in paragraph (f) of this section. If you decide to test representative emission units, you must prepare and submit a testing plan as described in paragraph (g) of this section.

(f) If you elect to test representative emission units as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, the units that are grouped together as similar units must meet the criteria in paragraphs (f)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) All emission units within a group must be of the same process type (e.g., primary crushers, secondary crushers, tertiary crushers, fine crushers, ore conveyors, ore bins, ore screens, grate feed, pellet loadout, hearth layer, cooling stacks, pellet conveyor, and pellet screens). You cannot group emission units from different process types together for the purposes of this section.

(2) All emission units within a group must also have the same type of air pollution control device (e.g., wet scrubbers, dynamic wet scrubbers, rotoclones, multiclones, wet and dry ESP, and baghouses). You cannot group emission units with different air pollution control device types together for the purposes of this section.

(3) The site-specific operating limits established for the emission unit selected as representative of a group of similar emission units will be used as the operating limit for each emission unit within the group. The operating limit established for the representative unit must be met by each emission unit within the group.

(g) If you plan to conduct initial performance tests on representative emission units within an ore crushing and handling affected source or a finished pellet handling affected source, you must submit a testing plan for initial performance tests. This testing plan must be submitted to the Administrator or delegated authority no later than 90 days prior to the first scheduled initial performance test. The testing plan must contain the information specified in paragraphs (g)(1) through (3) of this section.

(1) A list of all emission units. This list must clearly identify all emission units that have been grouped together as similar emission units. Within each group of emission units, you must identify the emission unit that will be the representative unit for that group and subject to initial performance testing.

(2) A list of the process type and type of air pollution control device on each emission unit.

(3) A schedule indicating when you will conduct an initial performance test for particulate matter for each representative emission unit.

(h) For each work practice standard and operation and maintenance requirement that applies to you where initial compliance is not demonstrated using a performance test, you must demonstrate initial compliance within 30 calendar days after the compliance date that is specified for your affected source in § 63.9583.

(i) If you commenced construction or reconstruction of an affected source between December 18, 2002 and October 30, 2003 , you must demonstrate initial compliance with either the proposed emission limit or the promulgated emission limit no later than 180 calendar days after October 30, 2003 or no later than 180 calendar days after startup of the source, whichever is later, according to § 63.7(a)(2)(ix).

(j) If you commenced construction or reconstruction of an affected source between December 18, 2002 and October 30, 2003, and you chose to comply with the proposed emission limit when demonstrating initial compliance, you must conduct a second performance test to demonstrate compliance with the promulgated emission limit by 3 years and 180 calendar days after October 30, 2003, or after startup of the source, whichever is later, according to § 63.7(a)(2)(ix).

(k) For each indurating furnace, you must demonstrate initial compliance with the mercury emission limits in table 2 to this subpart in accordance with the procedures specified in either paragraph (k)(1) or (2) of this section.

(1) Complete an initial performance test on all stacks associated with each indurating furnace no later than 180 calendar days after the compliance date specified in § 63.9583(f). Performance tests conducted between March 6, 2024 and 180 days after the corresponding compliance date can be used for initial compliance demonstration, provided the tests meet the initial performance testing requirements of this subpart. For an indurating furnace with multiple stacks, the performance tests for all stacks must be completed within 7 calendar days of commencement of the performance tests, to the extent practicable, and the indurating furnace and associated control device (where applicable) operating characteristics must remain representative and consistent for the duration of the stack tests. If you determine that the performance tests cannot be completed within 7 calendar days, the Administrator must be notified within 24 hours of making that determination.

(2) You may use a 30-day rolling average of the 1-hour arithmetic average CEMS data. You must conduct a performance evaluation of each CEMS within 180 days of installation of the monitoring system. The initial performance evaluation must be conducted prior to collecting CEMS data that will be used for the initial compliance demonstration.

(l) For each indurating furnace, you must demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limits in table 3 to this subpart by conducting initial performance tests for hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride on all stacks associated with each indurating furnace. Initial performance tests must be completed no later than 180 calendar days after the compliance date specified in § 63.9583(f). Performance tests conducted between March 6, 2024 and 180 days after the corresponding compliance date can be used for initial compliance demonstration, provided the tests meet the initial performance testing requirements of this subpart. For an indurating furnace with multiple stacks, the performance tests for all stacks must be completed within 7 calendar days of commencement of the performance tests, to the extent practicable, and the indurating furnace and associated control device (where applicable) operating characteristics must remain representative and consistent for the duration of the stack tests. If you determine that the performance tests cannot be conducted within 7 calendar days, the Administrator must be notified within 24 hours of making that determination.

[68 FR 61888, Oct. 30, 2003, as amended at 85 FR 45492, July 28, 2020; 89 FR 16426, Mar. 6, 2024]
§ 63.9621 - What test methods and other procedures must I use to demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limits?

(a) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, you must conduct each performance test that applies to your affected source according to the requirements in § 63.7(e)(1) and paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section. After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, you must conduct each performance test that applies to your affected source, including the initial performance tests for mercury required in § 63.9620(k)(1) and the initial performance tests for hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride required in § 63.9620(l), under normal operating conditions of the affected source. The owner or operator may not conduct performance tests during periods of malfunction. The owner or operator must record the process information that is necessary to document operating conditions during the test and include in such record an explanation to support that such conditions represent normal operation. Upon request, the owner or operator shall make available to the Administrator such records as may be necessary to determine the conditions of performance tests. You must also conduct each performance test that applies to your affected source according to the requirements in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.

(b) For each ore crushing and handling affected source and each finished pellet handling affected source, you must determine compliance with the applicable emission limit for particulate matter in Table 1 to this subpart by following the test methods and procedures in paragraphs (b)(1) through (3) of this section.

(1) Except as provided in § 63.9620(e), determine the concentration of particulate matter in the stack gas for each emission unit according to the test methods listed in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) through (v) of this section.

(i) EPA Method 1 or 1A in appendix A-1 to part 60 of this chapter to select sampling port locations and the number of traverse points. Sampling ports must be located at the outlet of the control device and prior to any releases to the atmosphere.

(ii) EPA Method 2, 2A, 2C, 2D, or 2F in appendix A-1 to part 60 of this chapter or EPA Method 2G in appendix A-2 to part 60 of this chapter, as applicable, to determine the volumetric flow rate of the stack gas.

(iii) EPA Method 3A or 3B in appendix A-2 to part 60 of this chapter to determine the dry molecular weight of the stack gas. The voluntary consensus standard ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981 (incorporated by reference-see § 63.14) may be used as an alternative to the manual procedures (but not instrumental procedures) in EPA Method 3B.

(iv) EPA Method 4 in appendix A-3 to part 60 of this chapter to determine the moisture content of the stack gas.

(v) EPA Method 5 or 5D in appendix A-3 to part 60 of this chapter or EPA Method 17 in appendix A-6 to part 60 of this chapter to determine the concentration of particulate matter.

(2) Each EPA Method 5, 5D, or 17 performance test must consist of three separate runs. Each run must be conducted for a minimum of 1 hour. If any measurement result is reported as below the method detection limit, use the method detection limit for that value when calculating the average particulate matter concentration. The average particulate matter concentration from the three runs will be used to determine compliance, as shown in Equation 1 of this section.

Where: Ci = Average particulate matter concentration for emission unit, grains per dry standard cubic foot, (gr/dscf); C1 = Particulate matter concentration for run 1 corresponding to emission unit, gr/dscf; C2 = Particulate matter concentration for run 2 corresponding to emission unit, gr/dscf; and C3 = Particulate matter concentration for run 3 corresponding to emission unit, gr/dscf.

(3) For each ore crushing and handling affected source and each finished pellet handling affected source, you must determine the flow-weighted mean concentration of particulate matter emissions from all emission units in each affected source following the procedure in paragraph (b)(3)(i) or (ii) of this section.

(i) If an initial performance test is conducted on all emission units within an affected source, calculate the flow-weighted mean concentration of particulate matter emissions from the affected source using Equation 2 of this section.

Where: Ca = Flow-weighted mean concentration of particulate matter for all emission units within affected source, (gr/dscf); Ci = Average particulate matter concentration measured during the performance test from emission unit “i” in affected source, as determined using Equation 1 of this section, gr/dscf; Qi = Average volumetric flow rate of stack gas measured during the performance test from emission unit “i” in affected source, dscf/hr; and n = Number of emission units in affected source.

(ii) If you are grouping similar emission units together in accordance with § 63.9620(e), you must follow the procedures in paragraphs (b)(3)(ii)(A) through (C) of this section.

(A) Assign the average particulate matter concentration measured from the representative unit, as determined from Equation 1 of this section, to each emission unit within the corresponding group of similar units.

(B) Establish the maximum operating volumetric flow rate of exhaust gas from each emission unit within each group of similar units.

(C) Using the data from paragraphs (b)(3)(ii)(A) and (B) of this section, calculate the flow-weighted mean concentration of particulate matter emissions from the affected source using Equation 3 of this section.

Where: Ca = Flow-weighted mean concentration of particulate matter for all emission units within affected source, gr/dscf; Ck = Average particulate matter concentration measured during the performance test from the representative emission unit in group “k” of affected source “a,” as determined using Equation 1 of this section, gr/dscf; Qk = Sum of the maximum operating volumetric flow rates of stack gas from all similar emission units within group “k” of affected source, dscf/hr; and m = Number of similar emission unit groups in affected source.

(c) For each ore dryer affected source and each indurating furnace affected source, you must determine compliance with the applicable emission limit for particulate matter in table 1 to this subpart by following the test methods and procedures in paragraphs (c)(1) through (2) of this section.

(1) Determine the concentration of particulate matter for each stack according to the test methods listed in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (v) of this section.

(i) EPA Method 1 or 1A in appendix A-1 to part 60 of this chapter to select sampling port locations and the number of traverse points. Sampling ports must be located at the outlet of the control device and prior to any releases to the atmosphere.

(ii) EPA Method 2, 2A, 2C, 2D, or 2F in appendix A-1 to part 60 of this chapter or EPA Method 2G in appendix A-2 to part 60 of this chapter, as applicable, to determine the volumetric flow rate of the stack gas.

(iii) EPA Method 3A or 3B in appendix A-2 to part 60 of this chapter to determine the dry molecular weight of the stack gas. The voluntary consensus standard ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981 (incorporated by reference-see § 63.14) may be used as an alternative to the manual procedures (but not instrumental procedures) in EPA Method 3B.

(iv) EPA Method 4 in appendix A-3 to part 60 of this chapter to determine the moisture content of the stack gas.

(v) EPA Method 5 or 5D in appendix A-3 to part 60 of this chapter to determine the concentration of particulate matter.

(2) Each EPA Method 5 or 5D performance test must consist of three separate runs. Each run must be conducted for a minimum of 1 hour. If any measurement result is reported as below the method detection limit, use the method detection limit for that value when calculating the average particulate matter concentration. The average particulate matter concentration from the three runs will be used to determine compliance, as shown in Equation 1 of this section.

(d) For each indurating furnace subject to the initial performance testing under § 63.9620(k)(1) or (l), you must determine compliance with the applicable emission limits for mercury, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride in tables 2 and 3 to this subpart by following the test methods and procedures in paragraphs (d)(1) through (9) of this section. You are not required to complete the initial performance test for mercury emissions when you are using a CEMS in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section.

(1) The furnace must be operated at or above 90 percent of capacity throughout the duration of the performance testing. If testing cannot be performed at or above 90 percent of capacity, you must provide an explanation for the lower production rate in your performance test plan. The lower production rate must be approved by the Administrator prior to beginning performance testing. For indurating furnaces that comply with the mercury emissions limit in table 2 to this subpart by adjusting the activated carbon injection rate based on the taconite pellet production rate, you must complete the performance testing for mercury in accordance with the provisions in § 63.9634(n).

(2) Use the methods specified in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (iv) of this section to select sampling port locations and the number of traverse points and to determine the volumetric flow rate, dry molecular weight, and moisture content of the stack gas.

(3) Determine the concentration of mercury for each stack using Method 29 or Method 30B in 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, or the voluntary consensus standard ASTM D6784-16 (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14). For Method 29 and ASTM D6784-16, the sample volume must be at least 1.7 dry standard cubic meters (dscm) (60 dry standard cubic feet) per run. For Method 30B, each test run must be at least one hour in duration.

(4) Determine the concentration of hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride for each stack using Method 26A in 40 CFR part 60, appendix A. Each test must consist of three separate runs. The minimum sample volume must be at least 2 dscm per run.

(5) During each stack test run, determine the weight of taconite pellets produced and calculate the emissions rate of each pollutant in pounds of pollutant per long ton (lb/LT) of pellets produced for each test run. The weight of taconite pellets produced must be determined by measurement using weigh hoppers, belt weigh feeders, or weighed quantities in shipments, or calculated using the bulk density and volume measurements. If any measurement result for any pollutant is reported as below the method detection limit, use the method detection limit as the measured emissions level for that pollutant when calculating the emission rate. If the furnace has more than one stack, calculate the total emissions rate for each test run by summing the emissions across all stacks, as shown in Equation 4.

Where: Ef,i = Emissions rate for test run “i” for all emission stacks on indurating furnace “f”, lb/LT of pellets produced, Cs = Emission rate for stack “s” measured during test run “i” on indurating furnace “f”, lb/dscf, Qs = Average volumetric flow rate of stack gas measured at stack “s” during test run “i” on indurating furnace “f”, dscf/hour; Pf = Pellets produced in indurating furnace “f” during the stack test, LT; and n = Number of emissions stacks on furnace “f”.

(6) Calculate the average emissions rate for each furnace using the three test runs, as show in Equation 5 of this section.

Where: Ef = Average emission rate for indurating furnace “f”, lb/LT of pellets produced, E1 = Emissions rate for run 1 for indurating furnace “f”, lb/LT of pellets produced, E2 = Emissions rate for run 2 for indurating furnace “f”, lb/LT of pellets produced, and E3 = Emissions rate for run 3 for indurating furnace “f”, lb/LT of pellets produced.

(7) For each indurating furnace constructed or reconstructed on or after May 15, 2023, determine compliance with the applicable mercury emission limit in table 2 to this subpart by calculating the average emissions rate from the three test runs performed on the furnace using Equations 4 and 5 of this section.

(8) For each indurating furnace constructed or reconstructed before May 15, 2023, you must determine compliance with the applicable mercury emission limit in accordance with the procedures specified in either paragraph (d)(8)(i) or (ii) of this section.

(i) Determine compliance with the mercury limit for individual furnaces in table 2 to this subpart by calculating the average mercury emissions rate for each affected indurating furnace using Equations 4 and 5 of this section, or

(ii) Determine compliance with the mercury limit for groups of indurating furnaces in table 2 to this subpart in accordance with the method in § 63.9623(d).

(9) Determine compliance with the applicable hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride emission limits in table 3 to this subpart by calculating the average emissions rate for each indurating furnace for the three test runs performed on the furnace using Equations 4 and 5 of this section.

(e) For each indurating furnace using mercury CEMS to demonstrate compliance with the applicable emission limits for mercury, you must determine compliance with the applicable mercury limit in table 2 to this subpart by using a 30-day rolling average of the 1-hour arithmetic average CEMS data, including CEMS data during startup and shutdown as defined in this subpart. The mercury CEMS must be installed, calibrated, maintained, and operated as accordance with the requirements in § 63.9631(j).

[68 FR 61888, Oct. 30, 2003, as amended at 85 FR 45492, July 28, 2020; 89 FR 16427, Mar. 6, 2024]
§ 63.9622 - What test methods and other procedures must I use to establish and demonstrate initial compliance with the operating limits?

(a) For wet scrubbers subject to performance testing in § 63.9620 and operating limits for pressure drop and scrubber water flow rate in § 63.9590(b)(1), you must establish site-specific operating limits according to the procedures in paragraphs (a)(1) through (3) of this section.

(1) Using the CPMS required in § 63.9631(b), measure and record the pressure drop and scrubber water flow rate every 15 minutes during each run of the particulate matter performance test.

(2) Calculate and record the average pressure drop and scrubber water flow rate for each individual test run. Your operating limits are established as the lowest average pressure drop and the lowest average scrubber water flow rate corresponding to any of the three test runs, except as specified in paragraph (g)(2) of this section.

(3) If a rod-deck venturi scrubber is applied to an indurating furnace to meet any particulate matter emission limit in table 1 to this subpart, you may establish a lower average pressure drop operating limit by using historical average pressure drop data from a certified performance test completed on or after December 18, 2002 instead of using the average pressure drop value determined during the initial performance test, as specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section. If historical average pressure drop data are used to establish an operating limit (i.e., using data from a certified performance test conducted prior to the promulgation date of the final rule), then the average particulate matter concentration corresponding to the historical performance test must be at or below the applicable indurating furnace emission limit, as listed in table 1 to this subpart.

(b) On or before January 28, 2022, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, for dynamic wet scrubbers subject to performance testing in § 63.9620 and operating limits for scrubber water flow rate and either fan amperage or pressure drop in § 63.9590(b)(2), you must establish site-specific operating limits according to the procedures in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section. After January 28, 2022, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, for dynamic wet scrubbers subject to performance testing in § 63.9620 and operating limits for scrubber water flow rate and fan amperage in § 63.9590(b)(2), you must establish site-specific operating limits according to the procedures in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) On or before January 28, 2022, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, using the CPMS required in § 63.9631(b), measure and record the scrubber water flow rate and either the fan amperage or pressure drop every 15 minutes during each run of the particulate matter performance test. After January 28, 2022, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, using the CPMS required in § 63.9631(b), measure and record the scrubber water flow rate and the fan amperage every 15 minutes during each run of the particulate matter performance test.

(2) On or before January 28, 2022, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, calculate and record the average scrubber water flow rate and either the average fan amperage or the average pressure drop for each individual test run. Your operating limits are established as the lowest average scrubber water flow rate and either the lowest average fan amperage or pressure drop value corresponding to any of the three test runs. After January 28, 2022, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, calculate and record the average scrubber water flow rate and the average fan amperage for each individual test run. Your operating limits are established as the lowest average scrubber water flow rate and the lowest average fan amperage value corresponding to any of the three test runs, except as specified in paragraph (g)(2) of this section.

(c) For a dry ESP subject to performance testing in § 63.9620 and operating limits in § 63.9590(b)(3), you must establish a site-specific operating limit according to the procedures in paragraphs (c)(1) or (2) of this section.

(1) If the operating limit for your dry ESP is a 6-minute average opacity of emissions value, then you must follow the requirements in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section.

(i) Using the continuous opacity monitoring system (COMS) required in § 63.9631(d)(1), measure and record the opacity of emissions from each control device stack during the particulate matter performance test.

(ii) Compute and record the 6-minute opacity averages from 24 or more data points equally spaced over each 6-minute period (e.g., at 15-second intervals) during the test runs.

(iii) Using the opacity measurements from a performance test that meets the emission limit, determine the opacity value corresponding to the 99 percent upper confidence level of a normal distribution of the 6-minute opacity averages.

(2) If the operating limit for your dry ESP is the daily average secondary voltage and daily average secondary current for each field, then you must follow the requirements in paragraphs (c)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section.

(i) Using the CPMS required in § 63.9631(d)(2), measure and record the secondary voltage and secondary current for each dry ESP field every 15 minutes during each run of the particulate matter performance test.

(ii) Calculate and record the average secondary voltage and secondary current for each dry ESP field for each individual test run. Your operating limits are established as the lowest average secondary voltage and secondary current value for each dry ESP field corresponding to any of the three test runs.

(d) For a wet ESP subject to performance testing in § 63.9620 and operating limit in § 63.9590(b)(4), you must establish a site-specific operating limit according to the procedures in paragraphs (d)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) Using the CPMS required in § 63.9631(e), measure and record the parametric values in paragraphs (d)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section for each wet ESP field every 15 minutes during each run of the particulate matter performance test.

(i) Secondary voltage;

(ii) Water flow rate; and

(iii) Stack outlet temperature.

(2) For each individual test run, calculate and record the average value for each operating parameter in paragraphs (d)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section for each wet ESP field. Your operating limits are established as the lowest average value for each operating parameter of secondary voltage and water flow rate corresponding to any of the three test runs, and the highest average value for each stack outlet temperature corresponding to any of the three test runs.

(e) If you use an air pollution control device other than a wet scrubber, dynamic wet scrubber, dry ESP, wet ESP, or baghouse, and it is subject to performance testing in § 63.9620, you must submit a site-specific monitoring plan in accordance with § 63.9631(f). The site-specific monitoring plan must include the site-specific procedures for demonstrating initial and continuous compliance with the corresponding operating limits.

(f) You may change the operating limits for any air pollution control device as long as you meet the requirements in paragraphs (f)(1) through (3) of this section.

(1) Submit a written notification to the Administrator of your request to conduct a new performance test to revise the operating limit.

(2) Conduct a performance test to demonstrate compliance with the applicable emission limitation in table 1 to this subpart.

(3) Establish revised operating limits according to the applicable procedures in paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section.

(g) For wet scrubbers and wet ESPs subject to performance testing in § 63.9620(l) and operating limits for scrubber water flow rate and pH in § 63.9590(b)(5), you must establish site-specific operating limits according to the procedures in paragraphs (g)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) Using the CPMS required in § 63.9631(b), measure and record the scrubber water flow rate and pH of the scrubber water effluent every 15 minutes during each run of the performance test for hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride.

(2) Calculate and record the average scrubber water flow rate and average pH of the scrubber water effluent for each individual test run. Your operating limit must be established as the average scrubber water flow rate and average pH of the scrubber water of the three test runs. If a higher average flow rate is measured during the most recent PM performance test, the operating limit for the daily average scrubber water flow rate is the average scrubber water flow rate measured during the most recent PM performance test. If a higher average flow rate is measured during the most recent HCl and HF performance test, the operating limit for the daily average scrubber water flow rate is the average scrubber water flow rate measured during the most recent HCl and HF performance test.

(h) For ACI systems subject to performance testing in § 63.9620(k)(1) and operating limits for activated carbon sorbent injection rate and carrier gas flow rate in § 63.9590(b)(6), you must establish site-specific operating limits according to the procedures in paragraphs (h)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) Using the CPMS required in § 63.9631(b), measure and record the activated carbon injection rate and carrier gas flow rate every 15 minutes during each run of the performance test for mercury.

(2) Calculate and record the average activated carbon injection rate and carrier gas flow rate for each individual test run. Your operating limit must be established as the highest activated carbon injection rate and carrier gas flow rate of the three test runs.

(i) For DSI systems subject to performance testing in § 63.9620(l) and operating limits for sorbent injection rate and carrier gas flow rate in § 63.9590(b)(7), you must establish site-specific operating limits according to the procedures in paragraphs (i)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) Using the CPMS required in § 63.9631(b), measure and record the sorbent injection rate and carrier gas flow rate every 15 minutes during each run of the performance test for hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride.

(2) Calculate and record the average sorbent injection rate and carrier gas flow rate for each individual test run. Your operating limit must be established as the highest average sorbent injection rate and carrier gas flow rate of the three test runs.

[68 FR 61888, Oct. 30, 2003, as amended at 85 FR 45493, July 28, 2020; 89 FR 16428, Mar. 6, 2024]
§ 63.9623 - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limitations that apply to me?

(a) For each affected source subject to an emission limit in tables 1 through 3 to this subpart, you must demonstrate initial compliance by meeting the emission limit requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) through (8) of this section by the compliance date specified in § 63.9583.

(1) For ore crushing and handling, the flow-weighted mean concentration of particulate matter, determined according to the procedures in §§ 63.9620(a) and 63.9621(b), must not exceed the emission limits in table 1 to this subpart.

(2) For indurating furnaces, the flow-weighted mean concentration of particulate matter, determined according to the procedures in §§ 63.9620(b) and 63.9621(c), must not exceed the emission limits in table 1 to this subpart.

(3) For finished pellet handling, the flow-weighted mean concentration of particulate matter, determined according to the procedures in §§ 63.9620(c) and 63.9621(b), must not exceed the emission limits in table 1 to this subpart.

(4) For ore dryers, the flow-weighted mean concentration of particulate matter, determined according to the procedures in §§ 63.9620(d) and 63.9621(c), must not exceed the emission limits in table 1 to this subpart.

(5) For indurating furnaces not using emissions averaging, the mercury emissions determined according to the procedures in §§ 63.9620(k)(1) or (2) and 63.9621(d), must not exceed the applicable emission limit in table 2 to this subpart.

(6) For indurating furnaces that comply with the mercury emissions limit using emissions averaging, the average mercury emissions determined according to the procedures in §§ 63.9620(k)(1) or (2), 63.9621(d) and 63.9634(m), must not exceed the applicable emission limit in table 2 to this subpart.

(7) For indurating furnaces that comply with the mercury emissions limit by adjusting the activated carbon injection rate based on the taconite pellet production rate, the mercury emissions determined according to the procedures in §§ 63.9620(k)(1) or (2), 63.9621(d) or (e), and 63.9634(n), must not exceed the applicable emission limit in table 2 to this subpart.

(8) For indurating furnaces, the hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride emissions determined according to the procedures in §§ 63.9620(l) and 63.9621(d), must not exceed the applicable emission limit in table 3 to this subpart.

(b) For each affected source subject to an emission limit in table 1 to this subpart, you must demonstrate initial compliance by meeting the operating limit requirements in paragraphs (b)(1) through (5) of this section.

(1) For each wet scrubber subject to performance testing in § 63.9620 and operating limits for pressure drop and scrubber water flow rate in § 63.9590(b)(1), you have established appropriate site-specific operating limits and have a record of the pressure drop and scrubber water flow rate measured during the performance test in accordance with § 63.9622(a).

(2) On or before January 28, 2022, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, for each dynamic wet scrubber subject to performance testing in § 63.9620 and operating limits for scrubber water flow rate and either fan amperage or pressure drop in § 63.9590(b)(2), you have established appropriate site-specific operating limits and have a record of the scrubber water flow rate and either the fan amperage or pressure drop value, measured during the performance test in accordance with § 63.9622(b). After January 28, 2022, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, for each dynamic wet scrubber subject to performance testing in § 63.9620 and operating limits for scrubber water flow rate and fan amperage in § 63.9590(b)(2), you have established appropriate site-specific operating limits and have a record of the scrubber water flow rate and the fan amperage value, measured during the performance test in accordance with § 63.9622(b).

(3) For each dry ESP subject to performance testing in § 63.9620 and one of the operating limits in § 63.9590(b)(3), you must meet the requirements in paragraph (b)(3)(i) or (ii) of this section.

(i) If you are subject to the operating limit for opacity in § 63.9590(b)(3)(i), you have established appropriate site-specific operating limits and have a record of the opacity measured during the performance test in accordance with § 63.9622(c)(1).

(ii) If you are subject to the operating limit for secondary voltage and secondary current in § 63.9590(b)(3)(ii), you have established appropriate site-specific operating limits and have a record of the secondary voltage and secondary current measured during the performance test in accordance with § 63.9622(c)(2).

(4) For each wet ESP subject to performance testing in § 63.9620 and operating limits for secondary voltage, water flow rate, and stack outlet temperature in § 63.9590(b)(4), you have established appropriate site-specific operating limits and have a record of the secondary voltage, water flow rate, and stack outlet temperature measured during the performance test in accordance with § 63.9622(d).

(5) For other air pollution control devices subject to performance testing in § 63.9620 and operating limits in accordance with § 63.9590(b)(8), you have submitted a site-specific monitoring plan in accordance with § 63.9631(f) and have a record of the site-specific operating limits as measured during the performance test in accordance with § 63.9622(e).

(c) Except as specified in paragraph (e) of this section, you must demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limits in tables 2 and 3 to this subpart, by meeting the operating limit requirements in paragraphs (c)(1) through (3) of this section.

(1) For each wet scrubber and wet ESP subject to performance testing in § 63.9620(k) and operating limits for scrubber water flow rate and pH in § 63.9590(b)(5), you have established appropriate site-specific operating limits and have a record of the scrubber water flow rate and pH measured during the performance test in accordance with § 63.9622(g).

(2) For each ACI subject to performance testing in § 63.9620(k) and operating limits for activated carbon injection rate and carrier gas flow rate in § 63.9590(b)(6), you have established appropriate site-specific operating limits and have a record of the activated carbon injection rate and carrier gas flow rate measured during the performance test in accordance with § 63.9622(i).(3) For each DSI subject to performance testing in § 63.9620(k) and operating limits for sorbent injection rate and carrier gas flow rate in § 63.9590(b)(7), you have established appropriate site-specific operating limit and have a record of the sorbent injection rate and carrier gas flow rate measured during the performance test in accordance with § 63.9622(h).

(d) If you elect to comply with the mercury limit in table 2 to this subpart using emissions averaging for indurating furnaces constructed or reconstructed before May 15, 2023, you must comply with the requirements in paragraphs (d)(1) through (4) of this section.

(1) Before submitting the implementation plan required in paragraph (d)(3) of this section, you must complete the mercury stack testing required in § 63.9620(k)(1) or install, calibrate, and operate a mercury CEMS pursuant to § 63.9620(k)(2) and paragraph (e) of this section for all indurating furnaces you wish to include in the mercury emission average.

(2) You must develop and submit to the applicable regulatory authority for review and approval, an implementation plan for mercury emission averaging no later than 180 days before the date you intend to demonstrate compliance using the emission averaging option. You must include the information contained in paragraphs (d)(2)(i) through (iii) of this section in your implementation plan.

(i) Identification of all indurating furnaces in the averaging group, including the typical taconite pellet production rate, control technology installed, and types of fuel(s) that will be burned.

(ii) The mercury emission rate for each furnace for each of the fuels identified in paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section.

(iii) The date on which you are requesting emission averaging to commence.

(3) The regulatory authority shall review and approve or disapprove the plan according to the following criteria:

(i) Whether the content of the plan includes all the information specified in paragraph (d)(2) of this section, and

(ii) Whether the plan presents sufficient information to determine that compliance will be achieved and maintained.

(4) The applicable regulatory authority shall not approve an emission averaging implementation plan containing any of the following provisions:

(i) Averaging that includes indurating furnaces constructed or reconstructed on or after May 15, 2023, or

(ii) Averaging between indurating furnaces located at different facilities.

(e) If you elect to demonstrate compliance with the mercury limit in table 2 to this subpart using a mercury CEMS, you must calculate the 30-day rolling average of 1-hour arithmetic average emission concentrations, including CEMS data during startup and shutdown, calculated using equation 19-19 in section 12.4.1 of EPA Reference Method 19 at appendix A-7 of 40 CFR part 60. The 1-hour arithmetic averages for CEMS must be calculated using the data points required under § 63.8(c)(4)(ii).

(f) For each emission limitation and operating limit that applies to you, you must submit a notification of compliance status according to § 63.9640(e)

[68 FR 61888, Oct. 30, 2003, as amended at 85 FR 45494, July 28, 2020;89 FR 16429, Mar. 6, 2024]
§ 63.9624 - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the work practice standards that apply to me?

You must demonstrate initial compliance with the work practice standards by meeting the requirements in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section.

(a) You must prepare a fugitive dust emissions control plan in accordance with the requirements in § 63.9591.

(b) You must submit to the Administrator the fugitive dust emissions control plan in accordance with the requirements in § 63.9591.

(c) You must implement each control practice according to the procedures specified in your fugitive dust emissions control plan.

§ 63.9625 - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the operation and maintenance requirements that apply to me?

For each air pollution control device subject to operating limits in § 63.9590(b), you have demonstrated initial compliance with the operation and maintenance requirements if you meet all of the requirements in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section.

(a) You have prepared the operation and maintenance plan for air pollution control devices in accordance with § 63.9600(b).

(b) You have operated each air pollution control device according to the procedures in the operation and maintenance plan.

(c) You have submitted a notification of compliance status according to the requirements in § 63.9640(e).

(d) You have prepared a site-specific monitoring plan in accordance with § 63.9632(b).

[68 FR 61888, Oct. 30, 2003, as amended at 85 FR 45494, July 28, 2020]
§ 63.9630 - When must I conduct subsequent performance tests?

(a) You must conduct subsequent performance tests to demonstrate continued compliance with the ore crushing and handling emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart according to the schedule developed by your permitting authority and shown in your title V permit. If a title V permit has not been issued, you must submit a testing plan and schedule, containing the information specified in paragraph (e) of this section, to the permitting authority for approval.

(b) You must conduct subsequent performance tests on all stacks associated with indurating furnaces to demonstrate continued compliance with the indurating furnace emission limits in tables 1 through 3 to this subpart according to the schedule developed by your permitting authority and shown in your title V permit, but no less frequent than twice per 5-year permit term. If a title V permit has not been issued, you must submit a testing plan and schedule, containing the information specified in paragraph (e) of this section, to the permitting authority for approval. For an indurating furnace with multiple stacks, the performance tests for all stacks must be conducted within 7 calendar days of commencement of the performance tests, to the extent practicable, and the indurating furnace and associated control device (where applicable) operating characteristics must remain representative and consistent for the duration of the stack tests. If you determine that the performance tests cannot be completed within 7 calendar days, the Administrator must be notified within 24 hours of making that determination. Performance testing for mercury is not required for furnaces using CEMS to demonstrate compliance with the mercury emission limits in table 2 to this subpart.

(c) You must conduct subsequent performance tests to demonstrate continued compliance with the finished pellet handling emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart according to the schedule developed by your permitting authority and shown in your title V permit. If a title V permit has not been issued, you must submit a testing plan and schedule, containing the information specified in paragraph (e) of this section, to the permitting authority for approval.

(d) You must conduct subsequent performance tests on all stacks associated with ore dryers to demonstrate continued compliance with the ore dryer emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart according to the schedule developed by your permitting authority and shown in your title V permit. If a title V permit has not been issued, you must submit a testing plan and schedule, containing the information specified in paragraph (e) of this section, to the permitting authority for approval. For ore dryers with multiple stacks, the performance tests for all stacks associated with an ore dryer must be conducted within a reasonable period of time, such that the ore dryer operating characteristics remain representative for the duration of the stack tests.

(e) If your plant does not have a title V permit, you must submit a testing plan for subsequent performance tests as required in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section. This testing plan must be submitted to the Administrator on or before the compliance date that is specified in § 63.9583. The testing plan must contain the information specified in paragraphs (e)(1) and (2) of this section. You must maintain a current copy of the testing plan onsite, and it must be available for inspection upon request. You must keep the plan for the life of the affected source or until the affected source is no longer subject to the requirements of this subpart.

(1) A list of all emission units.

(2) A schedule indicating when you will conduct subsequent performance tests for particulate matter, mercury, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride for each of the emission units.

[68 FR 61888, Oct. 30, 2003, as amended at 89 FR 16431, Mar. 6, 2024]
§ 63.9631 - What are my monitoring requirements?

(a) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, for each baghouse applied to meet any particulate matter emission limit in Table 1 to this subpart, you must install, operate, and maintain a bag leak detection system to monitor the relative change in particulate matter loadings according to the requirements in § 63.9632(a), and conduct inspections at their specified frequencies according to the requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) through (8) of this section. After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, for each baghouse applied to meet any particulate matter emission limit in Table 1 to this subpart, you must install, operate, and maintain a bag leak detection system to monitor the relative change in particulate matter loadings according to the requirements in § 63.9632(a), and conduct inspections at their specified frequencies according to the requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) through (6) and (8) of this section. For each baghouse applied to meet any particulate matter emission limit in Table 1 to this subpart that is not required by § 63.9632(a) to be equipped with a bag leak detection system, you must conduct inspections at their specified frequencies according to the requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) through (8) of this section.

(1) Monitor the pressure drop across each baghouse cell each day to ensure pressure drop is within the normal operating range.

(2) Confirm that dust is being removed from hoppers through weekly visual inspections or other means of ensuring the proper functioning of removal mechanisms.

(3) Check the compressed air supply of pulse-jet baghouses each day.

(4) Monitor cleaning cycles to ensure proper operation using an appropriate methodology.

(5) Check bag cleaning mechanisms for proper functioning through monthly visual inspections or equivalent means.

(6) Make monthly visual checks of bag tension on reverse air and shaker-type baghouses to ensure that bags are not kinked (kneed or bent) or lying on their sides. You do not have to make this check for shaker-type baghouses that have self-tensioning (spring-loaded) devices.

(7) Confirm the physical integrity of the baghouse through quarterly visual inspections of the baghouse interior for air leaks.

(8) Inspect fans for wear, material buildup, and corrosion through quarterly visual inspections, vibration detectors, or equivalent means.

(b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, for each wet scrubber subject to the operating limits for pressure drop and scrubber water flow rate in § 63.9590(b)(1), you must install, operate, and maintain a CPMS according to the requirements in § 63.9632(b) through (e) and monitor the daily average pressure drop and daily average scrubber water flow rate according to the requirements in § 63.9633.

(c) On or before January 28, 2022, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, for each dynamic wet scrubber subject to the scrubber water flow rate and either the fan amperage or pressure drop operating limits in § 63.9590(b)(2), you must install, operate, and maintain a CPMS according to the requirements in § 63.9632(b) through (e) and monitor the daily average scrubber water flow rate and either the daily average fan amperage or the daily average pressure drop according to the requirements in § 63.9633. After January 28, 2022, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, for each dynamic wet scrubber subject to the scrubber water flow rate and the fan amperage operating limits in § 63.9590(b)(2), you must install, operate, and maintain a CPMS according to the requirements in § 63.9632(b) through (e) and monitor the daily average scrubber water flow rate and the daily average fan amperage according to the requirements in § 63.9633.

(d) For each dry ESP subject to the operating limits in § 63.9590(b)(3), you must follow the monitoring requirements in paragraph (d)(1) or (2) of this section.

(1) If the operating limit you choose to monitor is the 6-minute average opacity of emissions in accordance with § 63.9590(b)(3)(i), you must install, operate, and maintain a COMS according to the requirements in § 63.9632(f) and monitor the 6-minute average opacity of emissions exiting each control device stack according to the requirements in § 63.9633.

(2) If the operating limit you choose to monitor is average secondary voltage and average secondary current for each dry ESP field in accordance with § 63.9590(b)(3)(ii), you must install, operate, and maintain a CPMS according to the requirements in § 63.9632(b) through (e) and monitor the daily average secondary voltage and daily average secondary current according to the requirements in § 63.9633.

(e) For each wet ESP subject to the operating limits in § 63.9590(b)(4), you must install, operate, and maintain a CPMS according to the requirements in § 63.9632(b) through (e) and monitor the daily average secondary voltage, daily average stack outlet temperature, and daily average water flow rate according to the requirements in § 63.9633.

(f) For each wet scrubber and wet ESP subject to the operating limits in § 63.9590(b)(5), you must install, operate, and maintain a CPMS according to the requirements in § 63.9632(g) and monitor the daily average scrubber water flow rate and pH of the scrubber water effluent.

(g) For each ACI system subject to the operating limits in § 63.9590(b)(6), you must install, operate, and maintain a CPMS according to the requirements in § 63.9632(h) and (i) and monitor the daily average activated carbon injection rate and carrier gas flow rate.

(h) For each DSI system subject to the operating limits in § 63.9590(b)(7), you must install, operate, and maintain a CPMS according to the requirements in § 63.9632(h) and (i) and monitor the daily average sorbent injection rate and carrier gas flow rate.

(i) If you use any air pollution control device other than a baghouse, wet scrubber, dry ESP, wet ESP, DSI, or ACI, you must submit a site-specific monitoring plan that includes the information in paragraphs (i)(1) through (4) of this section. The monitoring plan is subject to approval by the Administrator. You must maintain a current copy of the monitoring plan onsite, and it must be available for inspection upon request. You must keep the plan for the life of the affected source or until the affected source is no longer subject to the requirements of this subpart.

(1) A description of the device.

(2) Test results collected in accordance with § 63.9621 verifying the performance of the device for reducing emissions of particulate matter, mercury, hydrogen chloride, and hydrogen fluoride to the atmosphere to the levels required by this subpart.

(3) A copy of the operation and maintenance plan required in § 63.9600(b).

(4) Appropriate operating parameters that will be monitored to maintain continuous compliance with the applicable emission limitation(s).

(j) If you elect to comply with the mercury limit in table 2 to this subpart using emissions averaging in accordance with an implementation plan approved under the provisions in § 63.9623(d) or you elect to adjust the activated carbon injection rate based on the taconite pellet production rate in accordance with the procedures in § 63.9634(n), you must determine and record the mass of taconite pellets produced each month by each furnace included in the emissions averaging group. The weight of taconite pellets produced must be determined by measurement using weigh hoppers, belt weigh feeders, or weighed quantities in shipments, or calculated using the bulk density and volume measurements.

(k) If you elect to demonstrate compliance with the mercury emissions limits in table 2 to this subpart using a CEMS to measure mercury emissions, you must comply with the requirements in (k)(1) through (5).

(1) Notify the Administrator one month before starting use of the CEMS and notify the Administrator 180-days before ceasing use of the CEMS.

(2) Each CEMS must be installed, certified, calibrated, and maintained according to the requirements of performance specifications 6 and 12A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix B, and quality assurance procedure 6 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix F.

(3) Operate the mercury CEMS in accordance with performance specification 12A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix B. The duration of the performance test must be 30 operating days. For each day in which the unit operates, you must obtain hourly mercury concentration data, and stack gas volumetric flow rate data.

(4) You must complete the initial performance evaluation of the CEMS within 180 days after notifying the Administrator and before starting to use the CEMS data in lieu of performance testing and monitoring operating parameters to demonstrate compliance.

(5) Collect CEMS hourly averages for all operating hours on a 30-day rolling average basis. The one-hour arithmetic averages, expressed in units of lb/LT, must be used to calculate 30-day rolling average emissions to determine compliance with the applicable emission limit in table 2 to this subpart.

[68 FR 61888, Oct. 30, 2003, as amended at 85 FR 45494, July 28, 2020; 89 FR 16431, Mar. 6, 2024]
§ 63.9632 - What are the installation, operation, and maintenance requirements for my monitoring equipment?

(a) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, for each negative pressure baghouse or positive pressure baghouse equipped with a stack, applied to meet any particulate emission limit in Table 1 to this subpart, you must install, operate, and maintain a bag leak detection system for each exhaust stack according to the requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) and (a)(4) through (9) of this section. After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, for each negative pressure baghouse or positive pressure baghouse equipped with a stack, applied to meet any particulate emission limit in Table 1 to this subpart, you must install, operate, and maintain a bag leak detection system for each exhaust stack according to the requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) through (9) of this section.

(1) The system must be certified by the manufacturer to be capable of detecting emissions of particulate matter at concentrations of 10 milligrams per actual cubic meter (0.0044 grains per actual cubic foot) or less.

(2) The system must provide output of relative changes in particulate matter loadings.

(3) The bag leak detection system must be equipped with a device to continuously record the output signal from the sensor.

(4) The system must be equipped with an alarm that will sound when an increase in relative particulate loadings is detected over the alarm level set point established according to paragraph (a)(5) of this section. The alarm must be located such that it can be heard by the appropriate plant personnel.

(5) For each bag leak detection system, you must develop and submit to the Administrator for approval, a site-specific monitoring plan that addresses the items identified in paragraphs (a)(5)(i) through (v) of this section. The monitoring plan shall be consistent with the manufacturer's specifications and recommendations contained in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) guidance document, “Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection Guidance” (EPA-454/R-98-015) (incorporated by reference—see § 63.14). You must operate and maintain the bag leak detection system according to the site-specific monitoring plan at all times. The plan shall describe all of the items in paragraphs (a)(5)(i) through (v) of this section.

(i) Installation of the bag leak detection system.

(ii) Initial and periodic adjustment of the bag leak detection system including how the alarm set-point will be established.

(iii) Operation of the bag leak detection system including quality assurance procedures.

(iv) How the bag leak detection system will be maintained including a routine maintenance schedule and spare parts inventory list.

(v) How the bag leak detection system output shall be recorded and stored.

(6) To make the initial adjustment of the system, establish the baseline output by adjusting the sensitivity (range) and the averaging period of the device. Then, establish the alarm set points and the alarm delay time (if applicable).

(7) Following initial adjustment, do not adjust sensitivity or range, averaging period, alarm set point, or alarm delay time, without approval from the Administrator except as provided for in paragraph (a)(7)(i) of this section. In no event may the sensitivity be increased more than 100 percent or decreased by more than 50 percent over a 365-day period unless such adjustment follows a complete baghouse inspection that demonstrates the baghouse is in good operating condition.

(i) Once per quarter, you may adjust the sensitivity or range of the bag leak detection system to account for seasonal effects, including temperature and humidity, according to the procedures identified in the site-specific monitoring plan required under paragraph (a)(5) of this section.

(ii) [Reserved]

(8) Where multiple detectors are required, the system's instrumentation and alarm may be shared among detectors.

(9) The bag leak detector sensor must be installed downstream of the baghouse and upstream of any wet scrubber.

(b) For each CPMS required in § 63.9631, you must develop and make available for inspection upon request by the permitting authority a site-specific monitoring plan that addresses the requirements in paragraphs (b)(1) through (7) of this section.

(1) Installation of the CPMS sampling probe or other interface at a measurement location relative to each affected emission unit such that the measurement is representative of control of the exhaust emissions (e.g., on or downstream of the last control device).

(2) Performance and equipment specifications for the sample interface, the parametric signal analyzer, and the data collection and reduction system.

(3) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, performance evaluation procedures and acceptance criteria (e.g., calibrations). After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, performance evaluation procedures, a schedule for performing such procedures, and acceptance criteria (e.g., calibrations), as well as corrective action to be taken if a performance evaluation does not meet the acceptance criteria. If a CPMS calibration fails, the CPMS is considered to be inoperative until you take corrective action and the system passes calibration.

(4) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, ongoing operation and maintenance procedures in accordance with the general requirements of § 63.8(c)(1), (3), (4)(ii), (7), and (8). After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, ongoing operation and maintenance procedures and a schedule for preventative maintenance procedures, in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practices and in accordance with the general requirements of § 63.8(c)(1)(ii), (c)(3), (c)(4)(ii), and (c)(7) and (8).

(5) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, ongoing data quality assurance procedures in accordance with the general requirements of § 63.8(d). After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, ongoing data quality assurance procedures in accordance with the general requirements of § 63.8(d)(1) and (2). The owner or operator shall keep these written procedures on record for the life of the affected source or until the affected source is no longer subject to the provisions of this part, to be made available for inspection, upon request, by the Administrator. If the performance evaluation plan is revised, the owner or operator shall keep previous (i.e., superseded) versions of the performance evaluation plan on record to be made available for inspection, upon request, by the Administrator, for a period of 5 years after each revision to the plan.

(6) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, ongoing recordkeeping and reporting procedures in accordance with the general requirements of § 63.10(c), (e)(1), and (e)(2)(i). After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, ongoing recordkeeping and reporting procedures in accordance with the general requirements of § 63.10(c)(1) through (14), (e)(1), and (e)(2)(i).

(7) Corrective action procedures that you will follow in the event an air pollution control device, except for a baghouse, exceeds an established operating limit as required in § 63.9600(b)(3).

(c) Unless otherwise specified, each CPMS must meet the requirements in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) Each CPMS must complete a minimum of one cycle of operation for each successive 15-minute period and must have valid data for at least 95 percent of every daily averaging period.

(2) Each CPMS must determine and record the daily average of all recorded readings.

(d) You must conduct a performance evaluation of each CPMS in accordance with your site-specific monitoring plan.

(e) You must operate and maintain the CPMS in continuous operation according to the site-specific monitoring plan.

(f) For each dry ESP subject to the opacity operating limit in § 63.9590(b)(3)(i), you must install, operate, and maintain each COMS according to the requirements in paragraphs (f)(1) through (4) of this section.

(1) You must install each COMS and conduct a performance evaluation of each COMS according to § 63.8 and Performance Specification 1 in appendix B to 40 CFR part 60.

(2) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, you must develop and implement a quality control program for operating and maintaining each COMS according to § 63.8. At a minimum, the quality control program must include a daily calibration drift assessment, quarterly performance audit, and annual zero alignment of each COMS. After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, you must develop and implement a quality control program for operating and maintaining each COMS according to § 63.8(a) and (b), (c)(1)(ii), (c)(2) through (8), (d)(1) and (2), and (e) through (g) and Procedure 3 in appendix F to 40 CFR part 60. At a minimum, the quality control program must include a daily calibration drift assessment, quarterly performance audit, and annual zero alignment of each COMS.

(3) You must operate and maintain each COMS according to § 63.8(e) and your quality control program. You must also identify periods the COMS is out of control, including any periods that the COMS fails to pass a daily calibration drift assessment, quarterly performance audit, or annual zero alignment audit.

(4) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, you must determine and record the 6-minute average opacity for periods during which the COMS is not out of control. After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, you must determine and record the 6-minute average opacity for periods during which the COMS is not out of control. All COMS must complete a minimum of one cycle of sampling and analyzing for each successive 10-second period and one cycle of data recording for each successive 6-minute period.

(g) For each pH measurement device, in addition to the requirements in paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section, you must meet the requirements in paragraphs (g)(1) through (4) of this section.

(1) The minimum accuracy of the pH measurement device must be ±0.2 pH units.

(2) Locate the pH sensor in a position that provides a representative measurement of scrubber effluent pH.

(3) Ensure the sample is properly mixed and representative of the fluid to be measured.

(4) Check the pH meter's calibration on at least two points every 8 hours of process operation.

(h) For each mass flow rate monitor used for measuring the sorbent or activated carbon injection rate, in addition to the requirements in paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section, you must meet the requirements of (h)(1) through (4) of this section.

(1) The minimum accuracy of the mass flow rate monitor must be ±5 percent over the normal range of flow measured.

(2) Locate the device in a position(s) that provides a representative measurement of the total sorbent injection rate.

(3) Install and calibrate the device in accordance with manufacturer's procedures and specifications.

(4) At least annually, conduct a performance evaluation of the injection rate monitoring system in accordance with your monitoring plan.

(i) For each carrier gas flow rate monitor, in addition to the requirements in paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section, you must meet the requirements of (i)(1) through (4) of this section.

(1) The minimum accuracy of the gas flow rate monitor must be ±5 percent over the normal range of flow measured or 280 liters per minute (10 cubic feet per minute), whichever is greater.

(2) Locate the device in a position(s) that provides a representative measurement of the carrier gas flow rate.

(3) Install and calibrate the device in accordance with manufacturer's procedures and specifications.

(4) At least annually, conduct a performance evaluation of the carrier gas flow rate monitoring system in accordance with your monitoring plan.

[68 FR 61888, Oct. 30, 2003, as amended at 85 FR 45494, July 28, 2020; 89 FR 16432, Mar. 6, 2024]
§ 63.9633 - How do I monitor and collect data to demonstrate continuous compliance?

(a) Except for monitoring malfunctions, out of control periods, associated repairs, and required quality assurance or control activities (including as applicable, calibration checks and required zero and span adjustments), you must monitor continuously (or collect data at all required intervals) at all times an affected source is operating.

(b) You may not use data recorded during monitoring malfunctions, out of control periods, associated repairs, and required quality assurance or control activities in data averages and calculations used to report emission or operating levels, or to fulfill a minimum data availability requirement. You must use all the data collected during all other periods in assessing compliance.

(c) A monitoring malfunction is any sudden, infrequent, not reasonably preventable failure of the monitoring system to provide valid data. Monitoring failures that are caused in part by poor maintenance or careless operation are not considered malfunctions.

[68 FR 61888, Oct. 30, 2003, as amended at 85 FR 45496, July 28, 2020]
§ 63.9634 - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limitations that apply to me?

(a) For each affected source subject to an emission limit in table 1 to this subpart, you must demonstrate continuous compliance by meeting the requirements in paragraphs (b) through (h) of this section.

(b) For ore crushing and handling affected sources and finished pellet handling affected sources, you must demonstrate continuous compliance by meeting the requirements in paragraphs (b)(1) through (3) of this section.

(1) The flow-weighted mean concentration of particulate matter for all ore crushing and handling emission units and for all finished pellet handling emission units must be maintained at or below the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart.

(2) You must conduct subsequent performance tests for emission units in the ore crushing and handling and finished pellet handling affected sources following the schedule in your title V permit. If a title V permit has not been issued, you must conduct subsequent performance tests according to a testing plan approved by the Administrator or delegated authority.

(3) For ore crushing and handling and finished pellet handling emission units not selected for initial performance testing and defined within a group of similar emission units in accordance with § 63.9620(e), the site-specific operating limits established for the emission unit selected as representative of a group of similar emission units will be used as the operating limit for each emission unit within the group. The operating limit established for the representative unit must be met by each emission unit within the group.

(c) For ore dryers and indurating furnaces, you must demonstrate continuous compliance by meeting the requirements in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) The flow-weighted mean concentration of particulate matter for all stacks from the ore dryer or indurating furnace must be maintained at or below the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart.

(2) For ore dryers, you must conduct subsequent performance tests following the schedule in your title V permit. For indurating furnaces, you must conduct subsequent performance tests following the schedule in your title V permit, but no less frequent than twice per 5-year permit term. If a title V permit has not been issued, you must conduct subsequent performance tests according to a testing plan approved by the Administrator or delegated authority.

(d) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, for each baghouse applied to meet any particulate emission limit in Table 1 to this subpart, you must demonstrate continuous compliance by completing the requirements in paragraphs (d)(1) and (2) of this section. After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, for each baghouse applied to meet any particulate emission limit in Table 1 to this subpart, you must demonstrate continuous compliance by completing the requirements in paragraphs (d)(1) through (3) of this section.

(1) Maintaining records of the time you initiated corrective action in the event of a bag leak detection system alarm, the corrective action(s) taken, and the date on which corrective action was completed.

(2) Inspecting and maintaining each baghouse according to the requirements in § 63.9631(a) and recording all information needed to document conformance with the requirements in § 63.9631(a). If you increase or decrease the sensitivity of the bag leak detection system beyond the limits specified in your site-specific monitoring plan, you must include a copy of the required written certification by a responsible official in the next semiannual compliance report.

(3) Each bag leak detection system must be operated and maintained such that the alarm does not sound more than 5 percent of the operating time during a 6-month period. Calculate the alarm time as specified in paragraphs (d)(3)(i) through (iii) of this section.

(i) If inspection of the fabric filter demonstrates that no corrective action is required, no alarm time is counted.

(ii) If corrective action is required, each alarm time (i.e., time that the alarm sounds) is counted as a minimum of 1 hour.

(iii) If it takes longer than 1 hour to initiate corrective action, each alarm time is counted as the actual amount of time taken to initiate corrective action.

(e) Except as provided in paragraph (f) of this section, for each wet scrubber subject to the operating limits for pressure drop and scrubber water flow rate in § 63.9590(b)(1), you must demonstrate continuous compliance by completing the requirements of paragraphs (e)(1) through (4) of this section.

(1) Maintaining the daily average pressure drop and daily average scrubber water flow rate at or above the minimum levels established during the initial or subsequent performance test.

(2) Operating and maintaining each wet scrubber CPMS according to § 63.9632(b) and recording all information needed to document conformance with these requirements.

(3) Collecting and reducing monitoring data for pressure drop and scrubber water flow rate according to § 63.9632(c) and recording all information needed to document conformance with these requirements.

(4) If the daily average pressure drop or daily average scrubber water flow rate is below the operating limits established for a corresponding emission unit or group of similar emission units, you must then follow the corrective action procedures in paragraph (l) of this section.

(f) On or before January 28, 2022, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, for each dynamic wet scrubber subject to the operating limits for scrubber water flow rate and either the fan amperage or pressure drop in § 63.9590(b)(2), you must demonstrate continuous compliance by completing the requirements of paragraphs (f)(1) through (4) of this section. After January 28, 2022, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, for each dynamic wet scrubber subject to the operating limits for scrubber water flow rate and the fan amperage in § 63.9590(b)(2), you must demonstrate continuous compliance by completing the requirements of paragraphs (f)(1) through (4) of this section.

(1) On or before January 28, 2022, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, maintaining the daily average scrubber water flow rate and either the daily average fan amperage or the daily average pressure drop at or above the minimum levels established during the initial or subsequent performance test. After January 28, 2022, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, maintaining the daily average scrubber water flow rate and the daily average fan amperage at or above the minimum levels established during the initial or subsequent performance test.

(2) Operating and maintaining each dynamic wet scrubber CPMS according to § 63.9632(b) and recording all information needed to document conformance with these requirements.

(3) On or before January 28, 2022, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, collecting and reducing monitoring data for scrubber water flow rate and either fan amperage or pressure drop according to § 63.9632(c) and recording all information needed to document conformance with the requirements in § 63.9632(c). After January 28, 2022, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, collecting and reducing monitoring data for scrubber water flow rate and fan amperage according to § 63.9632(c) and recording all information needed to document conformance with the requirements in § 63.9632(c).

(4) On or before January 28, 2022, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, if the daily average scrubber water flow rate, daily average fan amperage, or daily average pressure drop is below the operating limits established for a corresponding emission unit or group of similar emission units, you must then follow the corrective action procedures in paragraph (l) of this section. After January 28, 2022, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, if the daily average scrubber water flow rate or daily average fan amperage, is below the operating limits established for a corresponding emission unit or group of similar emission units, you must then follow the corrective action procedures in paragraph (l) of this section.

(g) For each dry ESP subject to operating limits in § 63.9590(b)(3), you must demonstrate continuous compliance by completing the requirements of paragraph (g)(1) or (2) of this section.

(1) If the operating limit for your dry ESP is a 6-minute average opacity of emissions value, then you must follow the requirements in paragraphs (g)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section.

(i) Maintaining the 6-minute average opacity of emissions at or below the maximum level established during the initial or subsequent performance test.

(ii) Operating and maintaining each COMS and reducing the COMS data according to § 63.9632(f).

(iii) If the 6-minute average opacity of emissions is above the operating limits established for a corresponding emission unit, you must then follow the corrective action procedures in paragraph (l) of this section.

(2) If the operating limit for your dry ESP is the daily average secondary voltage and daily average secondary current for each field, then you must follow the requirements in paragraphs (g)(2)(i) through (iv) of this section.

(i) Maintaining the daily average secondary voltage or daily average secondary current for each field at or above the minimum levels established during the initial or subsequent performance test.

(ii) Operating and maintaining each dry ESP CPMS according to § 63.9632(b) and recording all information needed to document conformance with these requirements.

(iii) Collecting and reducing monitoring data for secondary voltage or secondary current for each field according to § 63.9632(c) and recording all information needed to document conformance with these requirements.

(iv) If the daily average secondary voltage or daily average secondary current for each field is below the operating limits established for a corresponding emission unit, you must then follow the corrective action procedures in paragraph (l) of this section.

(h) For each wet ESP subject to the operating limits for secondary voltage, stack outlet temperature, and water flow rate in § 63.9590(b)(4), you must demonstrate continuous compliance by completing the requirements of paragraphs (h)(1) through (4) of this section.

(1) Maintaining the daily average secondary voltage and daily average scrubber water flow rate for each field at or above the minimum levels established during the initial or subsequent performance test. Maintaining the daily average stack outlet temperature at or below the maximum levels established during the initial or subsequent performance test.

(2) Operating and maintaining each wet ESP CPMS according to § 63.9632(b) and recording all information needed to document conformance with these requirements.

(3) Collecting and reducing monitoring data for secondary voltage, stack outlet temperature, and water flow rate according to § 63.9632(c) and recording all information needed to document conformance with these requirements.

(4) If the daily average secondary voltage, stack outlet temperature, or water flow rate does not meet the operating limits established for a corresponding emission unit, you must then follow the corrective action procedures in paragraph (l) of this section.

(i) For each affected indurating furnace subject to a hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride emission limit in table 3 to this subpart, you must demonstrate continuous compliance by meeting the requirements in paragraphs (i)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) For each wet scrubber and wet ESP subject to the operating limits for scrubber water flow rate and pH in § 63.9590(b)(5), you must demonstrate continuous compliance by completing the requirements of paragraphs (i)(1)(i) through (iv) of this section.

(i) Maintaining the daily average scrubber water flow rate and daily average pH of the scrubber water effluent at or above the minimum level established during the most recent performance test. If a higher average flow rate is measured during the last PM performance test, the operating limit for daily average scrubber water flow rate is the highest average scrubber water flow rate measured during the last PM performance test.

(ii) Operating and maintaining each of the CPMS used to measure scrubber water flow rate and pH according to § 63.9632(g) and recording all information needed to document conformance with these requirements.

(iii) Collecting and reducing monitoring data for scrubber water flow rate and pH according to § 63.9632(c) and recording all information needed to document conformance with these requirements.

(iv) If the daily average scrubber water flow rate or daily average pH is below the operating limits established for control device, you must follow the corrective action procedures in paragraph (l) of this section.

(2) For each DSI subject to the operating limits for sorbent injection rate and carrier gas flow rate in § 63.9590(b)(7), you must demonstrate continuous compliance by completing the requirements of paragraphs (i)(2)(i) through (iv) of this section.

(i) Maintain the daily average sorbent injection rate and carrier gas flow rate at or above the minimum level established during the most recent performance test.

(ii) Operate and maintain each CPMS used to measure the sorbent injection rate according to § 63.9632(h) and the carrier gas flow rate according to § 63.9632(i) and recording all information needed to document compliance with these requirements.

(iii) Collect and reduce monitoring data for the sorbent injection rate and carrier gas flow rate according to § 63.9632(c) and recording all information needed to document compliance with these requirements.

(iv) If the daily average the sorbent injection rate or carrier gas flow rate is below the operating limit established for the control device, you must follow the corrective action procedures in paragraph (l) of this section.

(j) For each affected indurating furnace using ACI to comply with the mercury emission limit in table 2 to this subpart, you must demonstrate continuous compliance by meeting the requirements of paragraphs (j)(1) or (2) of this section.

(1) If you use CEMS to demonstrate compliance, you must comply with the requirements in paragraphs (j)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section.

(i) You must operate a mercury CEMS in accordance with performance specification 12A at 40 CFR part 60, appendix B; these monitoring systems must be quality assured according to procedure 5 of 40 CFR 60, appendix F. You must demonstrate compliance with the mercury emissions limit using a 30-day rolling average of these 1-hour mercury concentrations or mass emissions rates, including CEMS data during startup and shutdown as defined in this subpart, calculated using equation 19-19 in section 12.4.1 of EPA Reference Method 19 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7 of this part.

(ii) Owners or operators using a mercury CEMS to determine mass emission rate must install, operate, calibrate and maintain an instrument for continuously measuring and recording the mercury mass emissions rate to the atmosphere according to the requirements of performance specification 6 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix B and conducting an annual relative accuracy test of the continuous emission rate monitoring system according to section 8.2 of performance specification 6.

(2) If you do not use CEMS to demonstrate compliance, you must demonstrate continuous compliance by meeting the requirements of paragraphs (j)(2)(i) through (iv) of this section.

(i) Maintain the daily average activated carbon injection rate and carrier gas flow rate at or above the minimum level established during the most recent performance test.

(ii) Operate and maintain each CPMS used to measure the activated carbon injection rate according to § 63.9632(h) and the carrier gas flow rate according to § 63.9632(i), and record all information needed to document compliance with these requirements.

(iii) Collect and reduce monitoring data for the activated carbon injection rate and carrier gas flow rate according to § 63.9632(c) and record all information needed to document conformance with these requirements.

(iv) If the daily average of the activated carbon injection rate or carrier gas flow rate is below the operating limit established for the control device, you must follow the corrective action procedures in paragraph (l) of this section.

(k) If you use an air pollution control device other than a wet scrubber, dynamic wet scrubber, dry ESP, wet ESP, DSI, ACI, or baghouse, you must submit a site-specific monitoring plan in accordance with § 63.9631(f). The site-specific monitoring plan must include the site-specific procedures for demonstrating initial and continuous compliance with the corresponding operating limits.

(l) If the daily average operating parameter value for an emission unit or group of similar emission units does not meet the corresponding established operating limit, you must then follow the procedures in paragraphs (l)(1) through (4) of this section.

(1) You must initiate and complete initial corrective action within 10 calendar days and demonstrate that the initial corrective action was successful. During any period of corrective action, you must continue to monitor, and record all required operating parameters for equipment that remains in operation. After the initial corrective action, if the daily average operating parameter value for the emission unit or group of similar emission units meets the operating limit established for the corresponding unit or group, then the corrective action was successful and the emission unit or group of similar emission units is in compliance with the established operating limits.

(2) If the initial corrective action required in paragraph (l)(1) of this section was not successful, then you must complete additional corrective action within 10 calendar days and demonstrate that the subsequent corrective action was successful. During any period of corrective action, you must continue to monitor, and record all required operating parameters for equipment that remains in operation. If the daily average operating parameter value for the emission unit or group of similar emission units meets the operating limit established for the corresponding unit or group, then the corrective action was successful, and the emission unit or group of similar emission units is in compliance with the established operating limits.

(3) If the second attempt at corrective action required in paragraph (l)(2) of this section was not successful, then you must repeat the procedures of paragraph (l)(2) of this section until the corrective action is successful. If the third attempt at corrective action is unsuccessful, you must conduct another performance test in accordance with the procedures in § 63.9622(f) and report to the Administrator as a deviation the third unsuccessful attempt at corrective action.

(4) After the third unsuccessful attempt at corrective action, you must submit to the Administrator the written report required in paragraph (l)(3) of this section within 5 calendar days after the third unsuccessful attempt at corrective action. This report must notify the Administrator that a deviation has occurred and document the types of corrective measures taken to address the problem that resulted in the deviation of established operating parameters and the resulting operating limits.

(m) If you elect to comply with the mercury limit in table 2 to this subpart using emissions averaging in accordance with an implementation plan approved under the provisions in § 63.9623(d), you must comply with the requirements in paragraphs (m)(1) through (5) of this section.

(1) For furnaces included in the emissions averaging group that do not use mercury CEMS, you must comply with the requirements in paragraph (m)(1)(i) or (ii) as applicable.

(i) For furnaces equipped with ACI systems, you must comply with the requirements in paragraph (j) of this section.

(ii) For furnaces equipped with a mercury control device or method other than ACI, you must comply with your site-specific monitoring plan in accordance with the requirements in paragraph (k) of this section.

(2) For furnaces included in the emissions averaging group that use mercury CEMS, you must comply with the requirements in paragraph (i)(1) of this section.

(3) Calculate the monthly production-weighted average emission rate using either the mercury CEMS data or mercury emission rate determined during the last performance test and the actual taconite pellet production data for each furnace included in the emissions averaging option, as shown in Equation 6 of this section.

Where: Eg = Monthly production-weighted average mercury emission rate for month “g” for the group of indurating furnaces, lb/LT of pellets produced, Ef = Average mercury emission rate for furnace “f”, as determined using either mercury CEMS data or the emission rate determined during the last compliance stack test and calculated using Equation 5 of § 63.9621(d)(7)(i), lb/LT of pellets produced, Pf = Total monthly production of finished taconite pellets for furnace “f”, in LT, and n = Number of furnaces in the averaging group.

(4) Until 12 monthly weighted average emission rates have been accumulated, the monthly weighted average emissions rate, calculated as shown in paragraph (m)(3) of this section, must not exceed the mercury emission limit in table 3 of this subpart in any calendar month.

(5) After 12 monthly weighted average emission rates have been accumulated, for each subsequent calendar month, you must use Equation 7 of this section to calculate the 12-month rolling average of the monthly weighted average emission rates for the current month and the previous 11 months. The 12-month rolling weighted average emissions rate for the furnaces included in the group must not exceed the mercury emission limit in table 3 of this subpart.

Where: Eavg = 12-month rolling average emission rate, lb/LT. Ei = Monthly weighted average for month “i” calculated as shown in Equation 6 of this section.

(n) You may elect to demonstrate continuous compliance with the mercury limit in table 2 to this subpart by adjusting the activated carbon injection rate based on the taconite pellet production rate. You must comply with the requirements in paragraphs (n)(1) through (7) of this section.

(1) Measure the activated carbon injection and mercury emissions rate at a minimum of three different production levels corresponding to the maximum, minimum and median finished taconite pellet production rates, using the methods specified in § 63.9620(k).

(2) Develop a correlation curve by plotting the production rate and corresponding carbon injection rate for the maximum, median and minimum production rates. Use only data where the mercury emission rate is below the applicable mercury emissions standard in table 2 to this subpart. Plot the production rates as the independent (or x) variable and the activated carbon injection rate as the dependent (or y) variable for each pellet production rate. Construct the graph by drawing straight line segments between each point plotted.

(3) You must develop and submit to the applicable regulatory authority for review and approval, an implementation plan no later than 180 days before the date you intend to demonstrate compliance by adjusting the activated carbon injection rate based on the taconite pellet production. You must include the information listed in paragraphs (n)(3)(i) through (iv) of this section in your implementation plan.

(i) Identification of the indurating furnace, including the typical maximum and minimum taconite pellet production rate, mercury control technology installed, and types of fuel(s) that will be burned.

(ii) The mercury emissions and activated carbon injection rates at maximum, median and minimum taconite pellet production rates, and the methods used to measure the mercury emissions, activated carbon injection rate and taconite pellet production.

(iii) The correlation curve developed in paragraph (n)(2) of this section.

(iv) The date on which you are requesting to commence adjusting the activated carbon rate based on the taconite production rate.

(4) Install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a CPMS to monitor and record the activated carbon injection rate and taconite pellet production rate.

(5) Maintain the carbon injection rate at or above the rate established by the correlation curve corresponding to the taconite pellet production rate. If the taconite pellet production rate drops below the minimum rate established in paragraph (n)(3) of this section, you must maintain the activated carbon injection rate at or above the rate established for the minimum taconite pellet production rate.

(6) Keep records of the activated carbon injection rate and taconite pellet production rate for each hour of operation in order to demonstrate that the activated carbon injection rate remains in compliance with paragraph (n)(5) of this section.

(7) Establish a new correlation curve at least twice per 5-year permit term.

[68 FR 61888, Oct. 30, 2003, as amended at 85 FR 45496, July 28, 2020; 89 FR 16432, Mar. 6, 2024]
§ 63.9635 - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the work practice standards that apply to me?

(a) You must demonstrate continuous compliance with the work practice standard requirements in § 63.9591 by operating in accordance with your fugitive dust emissions control plan at all times.

(b) You must maintain a current copy of the fugitive dust emissions control plan required in § 63.9591 onsite and it must be available for inspection upon request. You must keep the plan for the life of the affected source or until the affected source is no longer subject to the requirements of this subpart.

§ 63.9636 - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the operation and maintenance requirements that apply to me?

(a) For each control device used to comply with an emission standard in § 63.9590(a), you must demonstrate continuous compliance with the operation and maintenance requirements in § 63.9600(b) by completing the requirements of paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this section.

(1) Performing preventative maintenance for each control device in accordance with § 63.9600(b)(1) and recording all information needed to document conformance with these requirements;

(2) Initiating and completing corrective action for a bag leak detection system alarm in accordance with § 63.9600(b)(2) and recording all information needed to document conformance with these requirements;

(3) Initiating and completing corrective action for a CPMS when you exceed an established operating limit for an air pollution control device except for a baghouse in accordance with § 63.9600(b)(3) and recording all information needed to document conformance with these requirements; and

(4) Implementing and maintaining site-specific good combustion practices for each indurating furnace in accordance with § 63.9600(b)(4) and recording all information needed to document conformance with these requirements.

(b) You must maintain a current copy of the operation and maintenance plan required in § 63.9600(b) onsite, and it must be available for inspection upon request. You must keep the plan for the life of the affected source or until the affected source is no longer subject to the requirements of this subpart.

[68 FR 61888, Oct. 30, 2003, as amended at 89 FR 16435, Mar. 6, 2024]
§ 63.9637 - What other requirements must I meet to demonstrate continuous compliance?

(a) Deviations. You must report each instance in which you did not meet each emission limitation in tables 1 through 3 to this subpart that applies to you. You also must report each instance in which you did not meet the work practice standards in § 63.9591 and each instance in which you did not meet each operation and maintenance requirement in § 63.9600 that applies to you. These instances are deviations from the emission limitations, work practice standards, and operation and maintenance requirements in this subpart. These deviations must be reported in accordance with the requirements in § 63.9641.

(b) Startups, shutdowns, and malfunctions. For existing sources and for new or reconstructed sources which commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, on or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, consistent with §§ 63.6(e) and 63.7(e)(1), deviations that occur during a period of startup, shutdown, or malfunction are not violations if you demonstrate to the Administrator's satisfaction that you were operating in accordance with § 63.6(e)(1). The Administrator will determine whether deviations that occur during a period of startup, shutdown, or malfunction are violations, according to the provisions in § 63.6(e). After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, the exemptions for periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction in § 63.6(e) no longer apply.

[85 FR 45497, July 28, 2020, as amended at 89 FR 16435, Mar. 6, 2024]
§ 63.9640 - What notifications must I submit and when?

(a) You must submit all of the notifications in §§ 63.7(b) and (c), 63.8(f)(4), and 63.9(b) through (h) that apply to you by the specified dates.

(b) As specified in § 63.9(b)(2), if you start up your affected source before October 30, 2003, you must submit your initial notification no later than 120 calendar days after October 30, 2003, or no later than 120 days after the source becomes subject to this subpart, whichever is later.

(c) As specified in § 63.9(b)(3), if you start up your new affected source on or after October 30, 2003, you must submit your initial notification no later than 120 calendar days after you become subject to this subpart.

(d) If you are required to conduct a performance test, you must submit a notification of intent to conduct a performance test at least 60 calendar days before the performance test is scheduled to begin, as required in § 63.7(b)(1).

(e) If you are required to conduct a performance test or other initial compliance demonstration, you must submit a notification of compliance status according to § 63.9(h)(2)(ii). The initial notification of compliance status must be submitted by the dates specified in paragraphs (e)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) For each initial compliance demonstration that does not include a performance test, you must submit the notification of compliance status before the close of business on the 30th calendar day following completion of the initial compliance demonstration.

(2) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, for each initial compliance demonstration that does include a performance test, you must submit the notification of compliance status, including the performance test results, before the close of business on the 60th calendar day following the completion of the performance test according to § 63.10(d)(2). After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, for each initial compliance demonstration that does include a performance test, you must submit the notification of compliance status, including the performance test results, before the close of business on the 60th calendar day following the completion of the performance test according to § 63.10(d)(2). If the performance test results have been submitted electronically in accordance with § 63.9641(f), the process unit(s) tested, the pollutant(s) tested, and the date that such performance test was conducted may be submitted in the notification of compliance status report in lieu of the performance test results. The performance test results must be submitted to the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI) by the date the notification of compliance status report is submitted.

(f) If you elect to use CEMS to demonstrate compliance with the mercury standards in table 2 to this subpart, you must submit a notification of intent to use CEMS at least one month prior to making the change. If you are currently using CEMS to demonstrate compliance with the mercury standards, you must submit a notification of intent to cease using CEMS to demonstrate compliance at least 180 days prior to making the change.

(g) If you elect to use the mercury emissions averaging compliance option, you must submit a notification of intent at least 180 days prior to making the change. If you are currently using the mercury emissions averaging compliance option, you must submit a notification of intent to cease using emissions averaging at least 30 days prior to making the change.

[68 FR 61888, Oct. 30, 2003, as amended at 85 FR 45497, July 28, 2020; 85 FR 73917, Nov. 19, 2020; 89 FR 16435, Mar. 6, 2024]
§ 63.9641 - What reports must I submit and when?

(a) Compliance report due dates. Unless the Administrator has approved a different schedule, you must submit a semiannual compliance report to your permitting authority according to the requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) of this section.

(1) The first compliance report must cover the period beginning on the compliance date that is specified for your affected source in § 63.9583 and ending on June 30 or December 31, whichever date comes first after the compliance date that is specified for your source in § 63.9583.

(2) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, the first compliance report must be postmarked or delivered no later than July 31 or January 31, whichever date comes first after your first compliance report is due. After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, the first compliance report must be electronically submitted, postmarked or delivered no later than July 31 or January 31, whichever date comes first after your first compliance report is due.

(3) Each subsequent compliance report must cover the semiannual reporting period from January 1 through June 30 or the semiannual reporting period from July 1 through December 31.

(4) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, each subsequent compliance report must be postmarked or delivered no later than July 31 or January 31, whichever date comes first after the end of the semiannual reporting period. After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, each subsequent compliance report must be electronically submitted, postmarked or delivered no later than July 31 or January 31, whichever date comes first after the end of the semiannual reporting period.

(5) For each affected source that is subject to permitting regulations pursuant to 40 CFR part 70 or 40 CFR part 71, and if the permitting authority has established dates for submitting semiannual reports pursuant to 40 CFR 70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) or 40 CFR 71.6(a)(3)(iii)(A), you may submit the first and subsequent compliance reports according to the dates the permitting authority has established instead of according to the dates in paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this section.

(b) Compliance report contents. Each compliance report must include the information in paragraphs (b)(1) through (8) of this section, as applicable.

(1) Company name and address.

(2) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, statement by a responsible official, with the official's name, title, and signature, certifying the truth, accuracy, and completeness of the content of the report. After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, statement by a responsible official, with the official's name, title, and signature, certifying the truth, accuracy, and completeness of the content of the report. If your report is submitted via CEDRI, the certifier's electronic signature during the submission process replaces the requirement in this paragraph (b)(2).

(3) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, date of report and beginning and ending dates of the reporting period. After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, date of report and beginning and ending dates of the reporting period. You are no longer required to provide the date of report when the report is submitted via CEDRI.

(4) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, if you had a startup, shutdown, or malfunction during the reporting period and you took actions consistent with your startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan, the compliance report must include the information in § 63.10(d)(5)(i). A startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan and the information in § 63.10(d)(5)(i) is not required after January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and is not required after July 28, 2020, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019.

(5) If there were no deviations from the continuous compliance requirements in §§ 63.9634 through 63.9636 that apply to you, then provide a statement that there were no deviations from the emission limitations, work practice standards, or operation and maintenance requirements during the reporting period.

(6) If there were no periods during which a continuous monitoring system (including a CPMS, COMS, or CEMS) was out-of-control as specified in § 63.8(c)(7), then provide a statement that there were no periods during which a continuous monitoring system was out-of-control during the reporting period.

(7) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, for each deviation from an emission limitation in Table 1 to this subpart that occurs at an affected source where you are not using a continuous monitoring system (including a CPMS or COMS) to comply with an emission limitation in this subpart, the compliance report must contain the information in paragraphs (b)(1) through (4) of this section and the information in paragraphs (b)(7)(i) and (ii) of this section. This includes periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, for each deviation from an emission limitation in Table 1 to this subpart that occurs at an affected source where you are not using a continuous monitoring system (including a CPMS or COMS) to comply with an emission limitation in this subpart, the compliance report must contain the information in paragraphs (b)(7)(i) and (ii) of this section.

(i) The total operating time in hours of each affected source during the reporting period.

(ii) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, information on the number, duration, and cause of deviation (including unknown cause) as applicable, and the corrective action taken. After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, information on the affected sources or equipment, the emission limit deviated from, the start date, start time, duration in hours, and cause of each deviation (including unknown cause) as applicable, an estimate of the quantity in pounds of each regulated pollutant emitted over an emission limit and a description of the method used to estimate the emissions, and the corrective action taken.

(8) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, for each deviation from an emission limitation occurring at an affected source where you are using a continuous monitoring system (including a CPMS or COMS) to comply with the emission limitation in this subpart, you must include the information in paragraphs (b)(1) through (4) of this section and the information in paragraphs (b)(8)(i) through (xi) of this section. This includes periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, for each deviation from an emission limitation occurring at an affected source where you are using a continuous monitoring system (including a CPMS, COMS, or CEMS) to comply with the emission limitation in this subpart, you must include the information in paragraphs (b)(1) through (4) of this section and the information in paragraphs (b)(8)(i) through (xi) of this section.

(i) The date and time that each malfunction started and stopped.

(ii) The start date, start time, and duration in hours (or minutes for COMS) that each continuous monitoring system was inoperative, except for zero (low-level) and high-level checks.

(iii) The start date, start time, and duration that each continuous monitoring system was out-of-control, including the information in § 63.8(c)(8).

(iv) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, for each affected source or equipment, the date and time that each deviation started and stopped, the cause of the deviation, and whether each deviation occurred during a period of startup, shutdown, or malfunction or during another period. After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, for each affected source or equipment, the date and time that each deviation started and stopped, the cause of the deviation, and whether each deviation occurred during a period of malfunction or during another period

(v) The total duration of all deviations for each Continuous Monitoring System (CMS) during the reporting period, the total operating time in hours of the affected source during the reporting period, and the total duration as a percent of the total source operating time during that reporting period.

(vi) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, a breakdown of the total duration of the deviations during the reporting period including those that are due to startup, shutdown, control equipment problems, process problems, other known causes, and other unknown causes. After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, a breakdown of the total duration of the deviations during the reporting period including those that are due to control equipment problems, process problems, other known causes, and other unknown causes.

(vii) The total duration of continuous monitoring system downtime for each continuous monitoring system during the reporting period, the total operating time in hours of the affected source during the reporting period, and the total duration of continuous monitoring system downtime as a percent of the total source operating time during the reporting period.

(viii) A brief description of the process units.

(ix) The monitoring equipment manufacturer and model number and the pollutant or parameter monitored.

(x) The date of the latest continuous monitoring system certification or audit.

(xi) A description of any changes in continuous monitoring systems, processes, or controls since the last reporting period.

(c) Submitting compliance reports electronically. Beginning on January 25, 2021, submit all subsequent compliance reports to the EPA via CEDRI, which can be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) ( The EPA will make all the information submitted through CEDRI available to the public without further notice to you. Do not use CEDRI to submit information you claim as confidential business information (CBI). Anything submitted using CEDRI cannot later be claimed to be CBI. You must use the appropriate electronic report template on the CEDRI website ( for this subpart. The report must be submitted by the deadline specified in this subpart, regardless of the method in which the report is submitted. Although we do not expect persons to assert a claim of CBI, if persons wish to assert a CBI claim, submit a complete report, including information claimed to be CBI, to the EPA. The report must be generated using the appropriate form on the CEDRI website. Clearly mark the part or all of the information that you claim to be CBI. Information not marked as CBI may be authorized for public release without prior notice. Information marked as CBI will not be disclosed except in accordance with procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2. Submit the file following the procedures in paragraph (c)(1) or (2) of this section. The same file with the CBI omitted must be submitted to the EPA via the EPA's CDX as described earlier in this paragraph (c). All CBI claims must be asserted at the time of submission. Furthermore, under CAA section 114(c) emissions data is not entitled to confidential treatment, and EPA is required to make emissions data available to the public. Thus, emissions data will not be protected as CBI and will be made publicly available. On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, if you had a startup, shutdown, or malfunction during the reporting period that is not consistent with your startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan you must submit an immediate startup, shutdown and malfunction report according to the requirements in § 63.10(d)(5)(ii). After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, an immediate startup, shutdown, and malfunction report is not required.

(1) The preferred method to receive CBI is for it to be transmitted electronically using email attachments, File Transfer Protocol, or other online file sharing services. Electronic submissions must be transmitted directly to the OAQPS CBI Office at the email address [email protected], and as described above, should include clear CBI markings and be flagged to the attention of the Taconite Iron Ore Processing Sector Lead. If assistance is needed with submitting large electronic files that exceed the file size limit for email attachments, and if you do not have your own file sharing service, please email [email protected] to request a file transfer link.

(2) If you cannot transmit the file electronically, you may send CBI information through the postal service to the following address: U.S. EPA, Attn: OAQPS Document Control Officer and Taconite Iron Ore Processing Sector Lead, Mail Drop: C404-02, 109 T.W. Alexander Drive, P.O. Box 12055, RTP, NC 27711. The mailed CBI material should be double wrapped and clearly marked. Any CBI markings should not show through the outer envelope.

(d) Part 70 monitoring report. If you have obtained a title V operating permit for an affected source pursuant to 40 CFR part 70 or 40 CFR part 71, you must report all deviations as defined in this subpart in the semiannual monitoring report required by 40 CFR 70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) or 40 CFR 71.6(a)(3)(iii)(A). If you submit a compliance report for an affected source along with, or as part of, the semiannual monitoring report required by 40 CFR 70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) or 40 CFR 71.6(a)(3)(iii)(A), and the compliance report includes all the required information concerning deviations from any emission limitation or operation and maintenance requirement in this subpart, submission of the compliance report satisfies any obligation to report the same deviations in the semiannual monitoring report. However, submission of a compliance report does not otherwise affect any obligation you may have to report deviations from permit requirements for an affected source to your permitting authority.

(e) Immediate corrective action report. If you had three unsuccessful attempts of applying corrective action as described in § 63.9634(l) on an emission unit or group of emission units, then you must submit an immediate corrective action report. Within 5 calendar days after the third unsuccessful attempt at corrective action, you must submit to the Administrator a written report in accordance with § 63.9634(l)(3) and (4). This report must notify the Administrator that a deviation has occurred and document the types of corrective measures taken to address the problem that resulted in the deviation of established operating parameters and the resulting operating limits.

(f) Performance tests. After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, within 60 days after the date of completing each performance test required by this subpart, you must submit the results of the performance test following the procedures specified in paragraphs (f)(1) through (3) of this section.

(1) Data collected using test methods supported by the EPA's Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) as listed on the EPA's ERT website ( at the time of the test. Submit the results of the performance test to the EPA via CEDRI, which can be accessed through the EPA's CDX ( The data must be submitted in a file format generated through the use of the EPA's ERT. Alternatively, you may submit an electronic file consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on the EPA's ERT website.

(2) Data collected using test methods that are not supported by the EPA's ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT website at the time of the test. The results of the performance test must be included as an attachment in the ERT or an alternate electronic file consistent with the XML schema listed on the EPA's ERT website. Submit the ERT generated package or alternative file to the EPA via CEDRI.

(3) Confidential business information (CBI).

(i) The EPA will make all the information submitted through CEDRI available to the public without further notice to you. Do not use CEDRI to submit information you claim as CBI. Although we do not expect persons to assert a claim of CBI, if you wish to assert a CBI claim for some of the information submitted under paragraph (f)(1) or (2) of this section, you must submit a complete file, including information claimed to be CBI, to the EPA.

(ii) The file must be generated using the EPA's ERT or an alternate electronic file consistent with the XML schema listed on the EPA's ERT website.

(iii) Clearly mark the part or all of the information that you claim to be CBI. Information not marked as CBI may be authorized for public release without prior notice. Information marked as CBI will not be disclosed except in accordance with procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2.

(iv) The preferred method to receive CBI is for it to be transmitted electronically using email attachments, File Transfer Protocol, or other online file sharing services. Electronic submissions must be transmitted directly to the OAQPS CBI Office at the email address [email protected], and as described above, should include clear CBI markings and be flagged to the attention of the Group Leader, Measurement Policy Group. If assistance is needed with submitting large electronic files that exceed the file size limit for email attachments, and if you do not have your own file sharing service, please email [email protected] to request a file transfer link.

(v) If you cannot transmit the file electronically, you may send CBI information through the postal service to the following address: U.S. EPA, Attn: OAQPS Document Control Officer and Measurement Policy Group Lead, Mail Drop: C404-02, 109 T.W. Alexander Drive, P.O. Box 12055, RTP, NC 27711. The mailed CBI material should be double wrapped and clearly marked. Any CBI markings should not show through the outer envelope.

(vi) All CBI claims must be asserted at the time of submission. Anything submitted using CEDRI cannot later be claimed CBI. Furthermore, under CAA section 114(c), emissions data is not entitled to confidential treatment, and the EPA is required to make emissions data available to the public. Thus, emissions data will not be protected as CBI and will be made publicly available.

(vii) You must submit the same file submitted to the CBI office with the CBI omitted to the EPA via the EPA's CDX as described in § 63.9(k).

(g) Claims of EPA system outage. After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, if you are required to electronically submit a report through CEDRI in the EPA's CDX, you may assert a claim of EPA system outage for failure to timely comply with the reporting requirement. To assert a claim of EPA system outage, you must meet the requirements outlined in paragraphs (g)(1) through (7) of this section.

(1) You must have been or will be precluded from accessing CEDRI and submitting a required report within the time prescribed due to an outage of either the EPA's CEDRI or CDX systems.

(2) The outage must have occurred within the period of time beginning five business days prior to the date that the submission is due.

(3) The outage may be planned or unplanned.

(4) You must submit notification to the Administrator in writing as soon as possible following the date you first knew, or through due diligence should have known, that the event may cause or has caused a delay in reporting.

(5) You must provide to the Administrator a written description identifying:

(i) The date(s) and time(s) when CDX or CEDRI was accessed and the system was unavailable;

(ii) A rationale for attributing the delay in reporting beyond the regulatory deadline to EPA system outage;

(iii) Measures taken or to be taken to minimize the delay in reporting; and

(iv) The date by which you propose to report, or if you have already met the reporting requirement at the time of the notification, the date you reported.

(6) The decision to accept the claim of EPA system outage and allow an extension to the reporting deadline is solely within the discretion of the Administrator.

(7) In any circumstance, the report must be submitted electronically as soon as possible after the outage is resolved.

(h) Claims of force majeure. After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, if you are required to electronically submit a report through CEDRI in the EPA's CDX, you may assert a claim of force majeure for failure to timely comply with the reporting requirement. To assert a claim of force majeure, you must meet the requirements outlined in paragraphs (h)(1) through (5) of this section.

(1) You may submit a claim if a force majeure event is about to occur, occurs, or has occurred or there are lingering effects from such an event within the period of time beginning five business days prior to the date the submission is due. For the purposes of this section, a force majeure event is defined as an event that will be or has been caused by circumstances beyond the control of the affected facility, its contractors, or any entity controlled by the affected facility that prevents you from complying with the requirement to submit a report electronically within the time period prescribed. Examples of such events are acts of nature (e.g., hurricanes, earthquakes, or floods), acts of war or terrorism, or equipment failure or safety hazard beyond the control of the affected facility (e.g., large scale power outage).

(2) You must submit notification to the Administrator in writing as soon as possible following the date you first knew, or through due diligence should have known, that the event may cause or has caused a delay in reporting.

(3) You must provide to the Administrator:

(i) A written description of the force majeure event;

(ii) A rationale for attributing the delay in reporting beyond the regulatory deadline to the force majeure event;

(iii) Measures taken or to be taken to minimize the delay in reporting; and

(iv) The date by which you propose to report, or if you have already met the reporting requirement at the time of the notification, the date you reported.

(4) The decision to accept the claim of force majeure and allow an extension to the reporting deadline is solely within the discretion of the Administrator.

(5) In any circumstance, the reporting must occur as soon as possible after the force majeure event occurs.

(i) Use of CEMS for mercury. If you use CEMS to demonstrate compliance with the mercury emissions limits in table 2 to this subpart, you must submit the results of the performance evaluation following the procedure specified in either paragraph (i)(1) or (2) of this section within 60 days after the date of completing each CEMS performance evaluation (as defined in § 63.2).

(1) For performance evaluations of continuous monitoring systems measuring relative accuracy test audit (RATA) pollutants that are supported by the EPA's ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT website at the time of the evaluation, you must submit the results of the performance evaluation to the EPA via the CEDRI. Performance evaluation data must be submitted in a file format generated through the use of the EPA's ERT or an alternate file format consistent with the XML schema listed on the EPA's ERT website. If you claim that some of the performance evaluation information being transmitted is CBI, you must submit a complete file generated through the use of the EPA's ERT or an alternate electronic file consistent with the XML schema listed on the EPA's ERT website, including information claimed to be CBI, on a compact disc, flash drive, or other commonly used electronic storage media to the EPA. The electronic media must be clearly marked as CBI and mailed to U.S. EPA/OAQPS/CORE CBI Office, Attention: Group Leader, Measurement Policy Group, MD C404-02, 4930 Old Page Rd., Durham, NC 27703. The same ERT or alternate file with the CBI omitted must be submitted to the EPA via the EPA's CDX as described earlier in this section.

(2) For any performance evaluations of continuous monitoring systems measuring RATA pollutants that are not supported by the EPA's ERT as listed on the ERT website at the time of the evaluation, you must submit the results of the performance evaluation to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in § 63.13.

[68 FR 61888, Oct. 30, 2003, as amended at 85 FR 45498, July 28, 2020; 89 FR 16435, Mar. 6, 2024]
§ 63.9642 - What records must I keep?

(a) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, you must keep the records listed in paragraphs (a)(1) through (3) of this section. After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, you must keep the records listed in paragraphs (a)(1) through (6) of this section.

(1) A copy of each notification and report that you submitted to comply with this subpart, including all documentation supporting any initial notification or notification of compliance status that you submitted, according to the requirements in § 63.10(b)(2)(xiv).

(2) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, the records in § 63.6(e)(3)(iii) through (v) related to startup, shutdown, and malfunction. After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, a startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan is not required.

(3) Records of performance tests and performance evaluations as required in § 63.10(b)(2)(viii).

(4) In the event that an affected unit fails to meet an applicable standard, record the number of failures. For each failure record the date, time, the cause and duration of each failure.

(5) For each failure to meet an applicable standard, record and retain a list of the affected sources or equipment, an estimate of the quantity of each regulated pollutant emitted over any emission limit and a description of the method used to estimate the emissions.

(6) Record actions taken in accordance with the general duty requirements to minimize emissions in § 63.9600(a) and any corrective actions taken to return the affected unit to its normal or usual manner of operation.

(b) For each COMS and CEMS, you must keep the records specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (5) of this section.

(1) Records described in § 63.10(b)(2)(vi) through (xi).

(2) Monitoring data for COMS during a performance evaluation as required in § 63.6(h)(7)(i) and (ii).

(3) On or before January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, previous (that is, superseded) versions of the performance evaluation plan as required in § 63.8(d)(3). After January 25, 2021, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction on or before September 25, 2019, and after July 28, 2020, or upon start-up, which ever date is later, for affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 25, 2019, previous (that is, superseded) versions of the performance evaluation plan as required in § 63.9632(b)(5), with the program of corrective action included in the plan required under § 63.8(d)(2).

(4) Records of the date and time that each deviation started and stopped, and whether the deviation occurred during a period of startup, shutdown, or malfunction or during another period.

(5) If you use mercury CEMS to demonstrate compliance with the mercury emission standard in table 2 of the subpart in accordance with § 63.9623(e), records of requests for alternatives to the relative accuracy test for CEMS as required in § 63.8(f)(6)(i).

(c) You must keep the records required in §§ 63.9634 through 63.9636 to show continuous compliance with each emission limitation, work practice standard, and operation and maintenance requirement that applies to you.

(d) If you elect the mercury emissions averaging compliance alternative pursuant to § 63.9623(d), you must keep a copy of the emission averaging implementation plan required in § 63.9623(d)(2), records of the taconite pellet production rate for each furnace included in the averaging, and all calculations required under § 63.9634(m).

(e) If you elect to adjust the activated carbon injection rate based on the taconite pellet production rate in accordance with the provisions in § 63.9634(n), you must keep a copy of the activated carbon injection implementation plan and records of the taconite pellet production rate and activated carbon injection rate.

(f) If you use CEMS to demonstrate compliance with the mercury emissions limits in table 2 to this subpart, you must keep records of the notifications required in § 63.9642(f).

[68 FR 61888, Oct. 30, 2003, as amended at 85 FR 45500, July 28, 2020; 89 FR 16437, Mar. 6, 2024]
§ 63.9643 - In what form and how long must I keep my records?

(a) Your records must be in a form suitable and readily available for expeditious review, according to § 63.10(b)(1).

(b) As specified in § 63.10(b)(1), you must keep each record for 5 years following the date of each occurrence, measurement, maintenance, corrective action, report, or record.

(c) You must keep each record on site for at least 2 years after the date of each occurrence, measurement, maintenance, corrective action, report, or record according to § 63.10(b)(1). You can keep the records offsite for the remaining 3 years.

§ 63.9650 - What parts of the General Provisions apply to me?

Table 4 to this subpart shows which parts of the General Provisions in §§ 63.1 through 63.16 apply to you.

[89 FR 16437, Mar. 6, 2024]
§ 63.9651 - Who implements and enforces this subpart?

(a) This subpart can be implemented and enforced by us, the EPA, or a delegated authority such as your State, local, or tribal agency. If the EPA Administrator has delegated authority to your State, local, or tribal agency, then that agency has the authority to implement and enforce this subpart. You should contact your EPA Regional Office to find out if this subpart is delegated to your State, local, or tribal agency.

(b) In delegating implementation and enforcement authority of this subpart to a State, local, or tribal agency under subpart E of this part, the authorities contained in paragraph (c) of this section are retained by the Administrator of the EPA and are not transferred to the State, local, or tribal agency.

(c) The authorities that will not be delegated to state, local, or tribal agencies are specified in paragraphs (c)(1) through (5) of this section.

(1) Approval of non-opacity emission limitations and work practice standards under § 63.6(h)(9) and as defined in § 63.90.

(2) Approval of major alternatives to test methods under § 63.7(e)(2)(ii) and (f) and as defined in § 63.90.

(3) Approval of major alternatives to monitoring under § 63.8(f) and as defined in § 63.90.

(4) Approval of major alternatives to recordkeeping and reporting under § 63.10(f) and as defined in § 63.90.

(5) Approval of an alternative to any electronic reporting to the EPA required by this subpart.

[68 FR 61888, Oct. 30, 2003, as amended at 85 FR 45501, July 28, 2020]
§ 63.9652 - What definitions apply to this subpart?

Terms used in this subpart are defined in the Clean Air Act, in § 63.2, and in this section as follows.

Activated carbon injection (ACI) system means an add-on air pollution control system in which activated carbon or brominated activated carbon is injected into the flue gas steam upstream of a particulate matter control device to adsorb mercury in the exhaust stream. The absorbed mercury remains absorbed to the activated carbon and is collected in a primary or secondary particulate matter control device.

Affected source means each new or existing ore crushing and handling operation, ore dryer, indurating furnace, or finished pellet handling operation, at your taconite iron ore processing plant.

Bag leak detection system means a system that is capable of continuously monitoring relative particulate matter (dust) loadings in the exhaust of a baghouse to detect bag leaks and other upset conditions. A bag leak detection system includes, but is not limited to, an instrument that operates on triboelectric, light scattering, light transmittance, or other effect to continuously monitor relative particulate matter loadings.

Crusher means a machine used to crush taconite ore and includes feeders or conveyors located immediately below the crushing surfaces. Crushers include, but are not limited to, gyratory crushers and cone crushers.

Deviation means any instance in which an affected source subject to this subpart, or an owner or operator of such a source:

(1) Fails to meet any requirement or obligation established by this subpart, including but not limited to any emission limitation (including operating limits) or operation and maintenance requirement; or

(2) Fails to meet any term or condition that is adopted to implement an applicable requirement in this subpart and that is included in the operating permit for any affected source required to obtain such a permit.

Dry sorbent injection (DSI) system means an add-on air pollution control system that injects dry alkaline sorbent (dry injection) or sprays an alkaline sorbent (spray dryer) to react with and neutralize acid gas in the exhaust stream forming a dry powder material that is collected by a primary or secondary particulate matter control device.

Dynamic wet scrubber means an air emissions control device which utilizes a mechanically powered fan to cause contact between the process exhaust gas stream and the scrubbing liquid which are introduced concurrently into the fan inlet.

Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) means a device that removes suspended particulate matter from flue exhaust by applying a high-voltage electrostatic charge to the particles, which are then attracted to and collected on a grounded plate. In a dry ESP, the particles are dislodged from the plate by rapping and are collected in a hopper positioned below the plate. In a wet ESP, particulates are removed from the plate by washing with water.

Emission limitation means any emission limit, opacity limit, or operating limit.

Finished pellet handling means the transfer of fired taconite pellets from the indurating furnace to the finished pellet stockpiles at the plant. Finished pellet handling includes, but is not limited to, furnace discharge or grate discharge, and finished pellet screening, transfer, and storage. The atmospheric pellet cooler vent stack and gravity conveyor gallery vents designed to remove heat and water vapor from the structure are not included as a part of the finished pellet handling affected source.

Fugitive dust emission source means a stationary source from which particles are discharged to the atmosphere due to wind or mechanical inducement such as vehicle traffic. Fugitive dust sources include, but are not limited to:

(1) Stockpiles (includes, but is not limited to, stockpiles of uncrushed ore, crushed ore, or finished pellets);

(2) Material transfer points;

(3) Plant roadways;

(4) Tailings basins;

(5) Pellet loading areas; and

(6) Yard areas.

Grate feed means the transfer of unfired taconite pellets from the pelletizer into the indurating furnace.

Grate kiln indurating furnace means a furnace system that consists of a traveling grate, a rotary kiln, and an annular cooler. The grate kiln indurating furnace begins at the point where the grate feed conveyor discharges the green balls onto the furnace traveling grate and ends where the hardened pellets exit the cooler. The atmospheric pellet cooler vent stack is not included as part of the grate kiln indurating furnace.

Indurating means the process whereby unfired taconite pellets, called green balls, are hardened at high temperature in an indurating furnace. Types of indurating furnaces include straight grate indurating furnaces and grate kiln indurating furnaces.

Ore crushing and handling means the process whereby dry taconite ore is crushed and screened. Ore crushing and handling includes, but is not limited to, all dry crushing operations (e.g., primary, secondary, and tertiary crushing), dry ore conveyance and transfer points, dry ore classification and screening, dry ore storage and stockpiling, dry milling, dry cobbing (i.e., dry magnetic separation), and the grate feed. Ore crushing and handling specifically excludes any operations where the dry crushed ore is saturated with water, such as wet milling and wet magnetic separation.

Ore dryer means a rotary dryer that repeatedly tumbles wet taconite ore concentrate through a heated air stream to reduce the amount of entrained moisture in the taconite ore concentrate.

Pellet cooler vent stacks means atmospheric vents in the cooler section of the grate kiln indurating furnace that exhaust cooling air that is not returned for recuperation. Pellet cooler vent stacks are not to be confused with the cooler discharge stack, which is in the pellet loadout or dumping area.

Pellet loading area means that portion of a taconite iron ore processing plant where taconite pellets are loaded into trucks or railcars.

Responsible official means responsible official as defined in § 63.2.

Rod-deck venturi scrubber means a wet scrubber emission control device in which the inlet air flows through a bed of parallel metal pipes spaced apart to produce a series of parallel venturi throats.

Screen means a device for separating material according to size by passing undersize material through one or more mesh surfaces (screens) in series and retaining oversize material on the mesh surfaces (screens).

Storage bin means a facility for storage (including surge bins and hoppers) of taconite ore or taconite pellets prior to further processing or loading.

Straight grate indurating furnace means a furnace system that consists of a traveling grate that carries the taconite pellets through different furnace temperature zones. In the straight grate indurating furnace a layer of fired pellets, called the hearth layer, is placed on the traveling grate prior to the addition of unfired pellets. The straight grate indurating furnace begins at the point where the grate feed conveyor discharges the green balls onto the furnace traveling grate and ends where the hardened pellets drop off of the traveling grate.

Taconite iron ore processing means the separation and concentration of iron ore from taconite, a low-grade iron ore, to produce taconite pellets.

Taconite ore means a low-grade iron ore suitable for concentration of magnetite or hematite by fine grinding and magnetic or flotation treatment, from which pellets containing iron can be produced.

Tailings basin means a natural or artificial impoundment in which gangue or other refuse material resulting from the washing, concentration or treatment of ground taconite iron ore is confined.

Wet scrubber means an air pollution control device that removes particulate matter and acid gases from the waste gas stream of stationary sources. The pollutants are removed primarily through the impaction, diffusion, interception and/or absorption of the pollutant onto droplets of liquid. Wet scrubbers include venturi scrubbers, marble bed scrubbers, or impingement scrubbers. For purposes of this subpart, wet scrubbers do not include dynamic wet scrubbers.

[68 FR 61888, Oct. 30, 2003, as amended at 85 FR 45501, July 28, 2020; 89 FR 16437, Mar. 6, 2024]
Appendix - Table 1 to Subpart RRRRR of Part 63—Particulate Matter Emission Limits

As required in § 63.9590(a), you must comply with each applicable particulate matter emission limit in the following table:

If your affected source is . . . and the affected source is categorized as . . . then you must comply with the flow-weighted mean concentration of particulate matter discharged to the atmosphere from the affected source, as determined using the procedures in § 63.9621(b), such that you must not exceed . . .
1. Ore crushing and handling emission unitsExisting0.008 grains per dry standard cubic foot (gr/dscf).
New0.005 gr/dscf.
2. Straight grate indurating furnace processing magnetiteExisting
0.01 gr/dscf.
0.006 gr/dscf.
3. Grate kiln indurating furnace processing magnetiteExisting
0.01 gr/dscf.
0.006 gr/dscf.
4. Grate kiln indurating furnace processing hematiteExisting
0.03 gr/dscf.
0.018 gr/dscf.
5. Finished pellet handling emission unitsExisting
0.008 gr/dscf.
0.005 gr/dscf.
6. Ore dryerExisting
0.052 gr/dscf.
0.025 gr/dscf.
[68 FR 61888, Oct. 30, 2003, as amended at 89 FR 16438, Mar. 6, 2024]
Appendix - Table 2 to Subpart RRRRR of Part 63—Mercury Emission Limits for Indurating Furnaces

Table 2 to Subpart RRRRR of Part 63—Mercury Emission Limits for Indurating Furnaces

[As required in § 63.9590(a), you must comply with each applicable mercury emission limit in the following table:]

For . . . You must meet the following emission limits . . .
1. Indurating furnaces constructed or reconstructed before May 15, 2023Either:
(1) Mercury emissions from each furnace must not exceed 1.4 × 10−5 lb/LT of taconite pellets produced, or
(2) Production-weighted average mercury emissions for a group of indurating furnaces, calculated according to Equation 6 in § 63.9634(m)(3), must not exceed 1.3 × 10−5 lb/LT.
2. Indurating furnaces constructed or reconstructed on or after May 15, 2023Mercury emissions from each furnace must not exceed 2.6 × 10−6 lb/LT.
[89 FR 16438, Mar. 6, 2024]
Appendix - Table 3 to Subpart RRRRR of Part 63—Hydrogen Chloride and Hydrogen Fluoride Emission Limits for Indurating Furnaces

Table 3 to Subpart RRRRR of Part 63—Hydrogen Chloride and Hydrogen Fluoride Emission Limits for Indurating Furnaces

[As required in § 63.9590(a), you must comply with each applicable hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride emission limit in the following table:]

For . . . You must meet the following emission limits . . .
1. Indurating furnaces constructed or reconstructed before May 15, 2023Hydrogen chloride emissions must not exceed 4.6 × 10−2 lb/Long Ton of taconite pellets produced.
Hydrogen fluoride emissions must not exceed 1.2 × 10−2 lb/Long Ton of taconite pellets produced.
2. Indurating furnaces constructed or reconstructed on or after May 15, 2023Hydrogen chloride emissions must not exceed 4.4 × 10−4 lb/Long Ton of taconite pellets produced
Hydrogen fluoride emissions must not exceed 3.3 × 10−4 lb/Long Ton of taconite pellets produced.
[89 FR 16438, Mar. 6, 2024]
Appendix - Table 4 to Subpart RRRRR of Part 63—Applicability of General Provisions to Subpart RRRRR of Part 63

Table 4 to Subpart RRRRR of Part 63—Applicability of General Provisions to Subpart RRRRR of Part 63

[As required in § 63.9650, you must comply with the requirements of the NESHAP General Provisions (40 CFR part 63, subpart A) shown in the following table:]

Citation Summary of requirement Am I subject to this requirement? Explanations
§ 63.1(a)(1)-(4)ApplicabilityYes
§ 63.1(a)(5)[Reserved]No
§ 63.1(a)(6)ApplicabilityYes
§ 63.1(a)(7)-(9)[Reserved]No
§ 63.1(a)(10)-(14)ApplicabilityYes
§ 63.1(b)(1)Initial Applicability DeterminationYes
§ 63.1(b)(2)[Reserved]No
§ 63.1(b)(3)Initial Applicability DeterminationYes
§ 63.1(c)(1)-(2)Applicability After Standard Established, Permit RequirementsYes
§ 63.1(c)(3)-(4)[Reserved]No
§ 63.1(c)(5)Area Source Becomes MajorYes
§ 63.1(c)(6)ReclassificationYes
§ 63.1(d)[Reserved]No
§ 63.1(e)Equivalency of Permit LimitsYes
§ 63.2DefinitionsYes
§ 63.3(a)-(c)Units and AbbreviationsYes
§ 63.4(a)(1)-(2)Prohibited ActivitiesYes
§ 63.4(a)(3)-(5)[Reserved]No
§ 63.4(b)-(c)Circumvention, FragmentationYes
§ 63.5(a)(1)-(2)Construction/Reconstruction, ApplicabilityYes
§ 63.5(b)(1)Construction/Reconstruction, ApplicabilityYes
§ 63.5(b)(2)[Reserved]No
§ 63.5(b)(3)-(4)Construction/Reconstruction, ApplicabilityYes
§ 63.5(b)(5)[Reserved]No
§ 63.5(b)(6)ApplicabilityYes
§ 63.5(c)[Reserved]No
§ 63.5(d)(1)-(4)Application for Approval of Construction or ReconstructionYes
§ 63.5(e)Approval of Construction or ReconstructionYes
§ 63.5(f)Approval Based on State ReviewYes
§ 63.6(a)Compliance with Standards and Maintenance RequirementsYes
§ 63.6(b)(1)-(5)Compliance Dates for New/Reconstructed SourcesYes
§ 63.6(b)(6)[Reserved]No
§ 63.6(b)(7)Compliance Dates for New/Reconstructed SourcesYes
§ 63.6(c)(1)-(2)Compliance Dates for Existing SourcesYes
§ 63.6(c)(3)-(4)[Reserved]No
§ 63.6(c)(5)Compliance Dates for Existing SourcesYes
§ 63.6(d)[Reserved]No
§ 63.6(e)(1)(i)Operation and Maintenance Requirements—General Duty to Minimize EmissionsYes, on or before the compliance date specified in § 63.9600(a). No, after the compliance date specified in § 63.9600(a)See § 63.9600(a) for general duty requirement.
§ 63.6(e)(1)(ii)Operation and Maintenance Requirements—Requirement to Correct Malfunction as Soon as PossibleNo
§ 63.6(e)(1)(iii)Operation and Maintenance Requirements—EnforceabilityYes
§ 63.6(e)(2)[Reserved]No
§ 63.6(e)(3)Startup, Shutdown, Malfunction (SSM) PlanYes, on or before the compliance date specified in § 63.9610(c). No, after the compliance date specified in § 63.9610(c)
§ 63.6(f)(1)SSM exemptionNoSee § 63.9600(a).
§ 63.6(f)(2)-(3)Methods for Determining ComplianceYes
§ 63.6(g)(1)-(3)Alternative Nonopacity StandardYes
§ 63.6(h), except (h)(1)Compliance with Opacity and Visible Emission (VE) StandardsNoOpacity limits in subpart RRRRR are established as part of performance testing in order to set operating limits for ESPs.
§ 63.6(h)(1)Compliance except during SSMNoSee § 63.9600(a).
§ 63.6(i)(1)-(14)Extension of ComplianceYes
§ 63.6(i)(15)[Reserved]No
§ 63.6(i)(16)Extension of ComplianceYes
§ 63.6(j)Presidential Compliance ExemptionYes
§ 63.7(a)(1)-(2)Applicability and Performance Test DatesNoSubpart RRRRR specifies performance test applicability and dates.
§ 63.7(a)(3)-(4)Performance Testing RequirementsYes
§ 63.7(b)NotificationYes
§ 63.7(c)Quality Assurance/Test PlanYes
§ 63.7(d)Testing FacilitiesYes
§ 63.7(e)(1)Conduct of Performance TestsNoSee § 63.9621.
§ 63.7(e)(2)-(4)Conduct of Performance TestsYes
§ 63.7(f)Alternative Test MethodYes
§ 63.7(g)Data AnalysisYesExcept this subpart specifies how and when the performance test results are reported.
§ 63.7(h)Waiver of TestsYes
§ 63.8(a)(1)-(2)Monitoring RequirementsYes
§ 63.8(a)(3)[Reserved]No
§ 63.8(a)(4)Additional Monitoring Requirements for Control Devices in § 63.11NoSubpart RRRRR does not require flares.
§ 63.8(b)(1)-(3)Conduct of MonitoringYes
§ 63.8(c)(1)(i)Operation and Maintenance of CMSYes, on or before the compliance date specified in § 63.9632(b)(4). No, after the compliance date specified in § 63.9632(b)(4)See § 63.9632 for operation and maintenance requirements for monitoring. See § 63.9600(a) for general duty requirement.
§ 63.8(c)(1)(ii)Spare parts for CMS EquipmentYes
§ 63.8(c)(1)(iii)SSM Plan for CMSYes, on or before the compliance date specified in § 63.9632(b)(4). No, after the compliance date specified in § 63.9632(b)(4)
§ 63.8(c)(2)-(3)CMS Operation/MaintenanceYes
§ 63.8(c)(4)Frequency of Operation for CMSNoSubpart RRRRR specifies requirements for operation of CMS.
§ 63.8(c)(5)-(8)CMS RequirementsYesCMS requirements in § 63.8(c)(5) and (6) apply only to COMS for dry ESPs.
§ 63.8(d)(1)-(2)Monitoring Quality ControlYes
§ 63.8(d)(3)Monitoring Quality ControlNoSee § 63.9632(b)(5).
§ 63.8(e)Performance Evaluation for CMSYes
§ 63.8(f)(1)-(5)Alternative Monitoring MethodYes
§ 63.8(f)(6)Relative Accuracy Test Alternative (RATA)YesOnly if using continuous emission monitoring systems to demonstrate compliance with Table 2 to this subpart.
§ 63.8(g)(1)-(g)(4)Data ReductionYes
§ 63.8(g)(5)Data That Cannot Be UsedNoSubpart RRRRR specifies data reduction requirements.
§ 63.9Notification RequirementsYesAdditional notifications for CMS in § 63.9(g) apply to COMS for dry ESPs.
§ 63.9(k)Electronic reporting proceduresYesOnly as specified in § 63.9(j)
§ 63.10(a)Recordkeeping and Reporting, Applicability and General InformationYes
§ 63.10(b)(1)General Recordkeeping RequirementsYes
§ 63.10(b)(2)(i)Records of SSMNoSee § 63.9642 for recordkeeping when there is a deviation from a standard.
§ 63.10(b)(2)(ii)Recordkeeping of Failures to Meet a StandardNoSee § 63.9642 for recordkeeping of (1) date, time and duration; (2) listing of affected source or equipment, and an estimate of the quantity of each regulated pollutant emitted over the standard; and (3) actions to minimize emissions and correct the failure.
§ 63.10(b)(2)(iii)Maintenance RecordsYes
§ 63.10(b)(2)(iv)Actions Taken to Minimize Emissions During SSMNo
§ 63.10(b)(2)(v)Actions Taken to Minimize Emissions During SSMNo
§ 63.10(b)(2)(vi)Recordkeeping for CMS MalfunctionsYes
§ 63.10(b)(2)(vii)-(xii)Recordkeeping for CMSYes
§ 63.10(b)(2)(xiii)Records for Relative Accuracy TestNo
§ 63.10(b)(2)(xiv)Records for NotificationYes
§ 63.10(b)(3)Applicability DeterminationsYes
§ 63.10(c)(1)-(6)Additional Recordkeeping Requirements for Sources with CMSYes
§ 63.10(c)(7)-(8)Records of Excess Emissions and Parameter Monitoring Exceedances for CMSSubpart RRRRR specifies recordkeeping requirements.
§ 63.10(c)(9)[Reserved]No
§ 63.10(c)(10)-(14)CMS RecordkeepingYes
§ 63.10(c)(15)Use of SSM PlanNo
§ 63.10(d)(1)-(2)General Reporting RequirementsYesExcept this subpart specifies how and when the performance test results are reported.
§ 63.10(d)(3)Reporting opacity or VE observationsNoSubpart RRRRR does not have opacity and VE standards that require the use of EPA Method 9 of appendix A-4 to 40 CFR part 60 or EPA Method 22 of appendix A-7 to 40 CFR part 60.
§ 63.10(d)(5)SSM ReportsYes, on or before the compliance date specified in § 63.9641(b)(4). No, after the compliance date specified in § 63.9641(b)(4)See § 63.9641 for malfunction reporting requirements.
§ 63.10(e)Additional Reporting RequirementsYes, except a breakdown of the total duration of excess emissions due to startup/shutdown in63.10(e)(3)(vi)(I) is not required and when the summary report is submitted through CEDRI, the report is not required to be titled “Summary Report-Gaseous and Opacity Excess Emission and Continuous Monitoring System Performance.”The electronic reporting template combines the information from the summary report and excess emission report with the Subpart RRRRR compliance report.
§ 63.10(f)Waiver for Recordkeeping or ReportingYes
§ 63.11Control Device and Work Practice RequirementsNoSubpart RRRRR does not require flares.
§ 63.12(a)-(c)State Authority and DelegationsYes
§ 63.13(a)-(c)State/Regional AddressesYes
§ 63.14(a)-(t)Incorporation by ReferenceYes
§ 63.15(a)-(b)Availability of Information and ConfidentialityYes
§ 63.16Performance Track ProvisionsYes
[89 FR 16438, Mar. 6, 2024]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 63.9580