Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 75.60 - General provisions.

(a) The designated representative for any affected unit subject to the requirements of this part shall comply with all reporting requirements in this section and with the signatory requirements of § 72.21 of this chapter for all submissions.

(b) Submissions. The designated representative shall submit all reports and petitions (except as provided in § 75.61) as follows:

(1) Initial certifications. The designated representative shall submit initial certification applications according to § 75.63.

(2) Recertifications. The designated representative shall submit recertification applications according to § 75.63.

(3) Monitoring plans. The designated representative shall submit monitoring plans according to § 75.62.

(4) Electronic quarterly reports. The designated representative shall submit electronic quarterly reports according to § 75.64.

(5) Other petitions and communications. The designated representative shall submit petitions, correspondence, application forms, designated representative signature, and petition-related test results in hardcopy to the Administrator. Additional petition requirements are specified in §§ 75.66 and 75.67.

(6) Semiannual or annual RATA reports. If requested in writing (or by electronic mail) by the applicable EPA Regional Office, appropriate State, and/or appropriate local air pollution control agency, the designated representative shall submit a hardcopy RATA report within 45 days after completing a required semiannual or annual RATA according to section 2.3.1 of appendix B to this part, or within 15 days of receiving the request, whichever is later. The designated representative shall report the hardcopy information required by § 75.59(a)(9) to the applicable EPA Regional Office, appropriate State, and/or appropriate local air pollution control agency that requested the RATA report.

(7) Routine appendix E retest reports. If requested in writing (or by electronic mail) by the applicable EPA Regional Office, appropriate State, and/or appropriate local air pollution control agency, the designated representative shall submit a hardcopy report within 45 days after completing a required periodic retest according to section 2.2 of appendix E to this part, or within 15 days of receiving the request, whichever is later. The designated representative shall report the hardcopy information required by § 75.59(b)(5) to the applicable EPA Regional Office, appropriate State, and/or appropriate local air pollution control agency that requested the hardcopy report.

(c) Confidentiality of data. The following provisions shall govern the confidentiality of information submitted under this part.

(1) All emission data reported in quarterly reports under § 75.64 shall remain public information.

(2) For information submitted under this part other than emission data submitted in quarterly reports, the designated representative must assert a claim of confidentiality at the time of submission for any information he or she wishes to have treated as confidential business information (CBI) under subpart B of part 2 of this chapter. Failure to assert a claim of confidentiality at the time of submission may result in disclosure of the information by EPA without further notice to the designated representative.

(3) Any claim of confidentiality for information submitted in quarterly reports under § 75.64 must include substantiation of the claim. Failure to provide substantiation may result in disclosure of the information by EPA without further notice.

(4) As provided under subpart B of part 2 of this chapter, EPA may review information submitted to determine whether it is entitled to confidential treatment even when confidentiality claims are initially received. The EPA will contact the designated representative as part of such a review process.

[58 FR 3701, Jan. 11, 1993, as amended at 60 FR 26538, May 17, 1995; 64 FR 28620, May 26, 1999; 67 FR 40442, June 12, 2002; 73 FR 4356, Jan. 24, 2008; 76 FR 17316, Mar. 28, 2011]
§ 75.61 - Notifications.

(a) Submission. The designated representative for an affected unit (or owner or operator, as specified) shall submit notice to the Administrator, to the appropriate EPA Regional Office, and to the applicable State and local air pollution control agencies for the following purposes, as required by this part.

(1) Initial certification and recertification test notifications. The owner or operator or designated representative for an affected unit shall submit written notification of initial certification tests and revised test dates as specified in § 75.20 for continuous emission monitoring systems, for alternative monitoring systems under subpart E of this part, or for excepted monitoring systems under appendix E to this part, except as provided in paragraphs (a)(1)(iii), (a)(1)(iv) and (a)(4) of this section. The owner or operator shall also provide written notification of testing performed under § 75.19(c)(1)(iv)(A) to establish fuel-and-unit-specific NOX emission rates for low mass emissions units. Such notifications are not required, however, for initial certifications and recertifications of excepted monitoring systems under appendix D to this part.

(i) Notification of initial certification testing and full recertification. Initial certification test notifications and notifications of full recertification testing under § 75.20(b)(2) shall be submitted not later than 21 days prior to the first scheduled day of certification or recertification testing. In emergency situations when full recertification testing is required following an uncontrollable failure of equipment that results in lost data, notice shall be sufficient if provided within 2 business days following the date when testing is scheduled. Testing may be performed on a date other than that already provided in a notice under this subparagraph as long as notice of the new date is provided either in writing or by telephone or other means at least 7 days prior to the original scheduled test date or the revised test date, whichever is earlier.

(ii) Notification of certification retesting, and partial recertification testing. For retesting required following a loss of certification under § 75.20(a)(5) or for partial recertification testing required under § 75.20(b)(2), notice of the date of any required RATA testing or any requred retesting under section 2.3 in appendix E to this part shall be submitted either in writing or by telephone at least 7 days prior to the first scheduled day of testing; except that in emergency situations when testing is required following an uncontrollable failure of equipment that results in lost data, notice shall be sufficient if provided within 2 business days following the date when testing is scheduled. Testing may be performed on a date other than that already provided in a notice under this subparagraph as long as notice of the new date is provided by telephone or other means at least 2 business days prior to the original scheduled test date or the revised test date, whichever is earlier.

(iii) Repeat of testing without notice. Notwithstanding the above notice requirements, the owner or operator may elect to repeat a certification or recertification test immediately, without advance notification, whenever the owner or operator has determined during the certification or recertification testing that a test was failed or must be aborted, or that a second test is necessary in order to attain a reduced relative accuracy test frequency.

(iv) Waiver from notification requirements. The Administrator, the appropriate EPA Regional Office, or the applicable State or local air pollution control agency may issue a waiver from the notification requirement of paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section, for a unit or a group of units, for one or more recertification tests or other retests. The Administrator, the appropriate EPA Regional Office, or the applicable State or local air pollution control agency may also discontinue the waiver and reinstate the notification requirement of paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section for future recertification tests (or other retests) of a unit or a group of units.

(2) New unit, newly affected unit, new stack, or new flue gas desulfurization system operation notification. The designated representative for an affected unit shall submit written notification: For a new unit or a newly affected unit, of the planned date when a new unit or newly affected unit will commence commercial operation, or becomes affected, or, for new stack or flue gas desulfurization system, of the planned date when a new stack or flue gas desulfurization system will be completed and emissions will first exit to the atmosphere.

(i) Notification of the planned date shall be submitted not later than 45 days prior to the date the unit commences commercial operation or becomes affected, or not later than 45 days prior to the date when a new stack or flue gas desulfurization system exhausts emissions to the atmosphere.

(ii) If the date when the unit commences commercial operation or becomes affected, or the date when the new stack or flue gas desulfurization system exhausts emissions to the atmosphere, whichever is applicable, changes from the planned date, a notification of the actual date shall be submitted not later than 7 days following: The date the unit commences commercial operation or becomes affected, or the date when a new stack or flue gas desulfurization system exhausts emissions to the atmosphere.

(3) Unit shutdown and recommencement of commercial operation. For an affected unit that will be shut down on the relevant compliance date specified in § 75.4 or in a State or Federal pollutant mass emissions reduction program that adopts the monitoring and reporting requirements of this part, if the owner or operator is relying on the provisions in § 75.4(d) to postpone certification testing, the designated representative for the unit shall submit notification of unit shutdown and recommencement of commercial operation as follows:

(i) For planned unit shutdowns (e.g., extended maintenance outages), written notification of the planned shutdown date shall be provided at least 21 days prior to the applicable compliance date, and written notification of the planned date of recommencement of commercial operation shall be provided at least 21 days in advance of unit restart. If the actual shutdown date or the actual date of recommencement of commercial operation differs from the planned date, written notice of the actual date shall be submitted no later than 7 days following the actual date of shutdown or of recommencement of commercial operation, as applicable;

(ii) For unplanned unit shutdowns (e.g., forced outages), written notification of the actual shutdown date shall be provided no more than 7 days after the shutdown, and written notification of the planned date of recommencement of commercial operation shall be provided at least 21 days in advance of unit restart. If the actual date of recommencement of commercial operation differs from the expected date, written notice of the actual date shall be submitted no later than 7 days following the actual date of recommencement of commercial operation.

(4) Use of backup fuels for appendix E procedures. The designated representative for an affected oil-fired or gas-fired peaking unit that is using an excepted monitoring system under appendix E of this part and that is relying on the provisions in § 75.4(f) to postpone testing of a fuel shall submit written notification of that fact no later than 45 days prior to the deadline in § 75.4. The designated representative shall also submit a notification that such a fuel has been combusted no later than 7 days after the first date of combustion of any fuel for which testing has not been performed under appendix E after the deadline in § 75.4. Such notice shall also include notice that testing under appendix E either was performed during the initial combustion or notice of the date that testing will be performed.

(5) Periodic relative accuracy test audits, appendix E retests, and low mass emissions unit retests. The owner or operator or designated representative of an affected unit shall submit written notice of the date of periodic relative accuracy testing performed under section 2.3.1 of appendix B to this part, of periodic retesting performed under section 2.2 of appendix E to this part, and of periodic retesting of low mass emissions units performed under § 75.19(c)(1)(iv)(D), no later than 21 days prior to the first scheduled day of testing. Testing may be performed on a date other than that already provided in a notice under this subparagraph as long as notice of the new date is provided either in writing or by telephone or other means acceptable to the respective State agency or office of EPA, and the notice is provided as soon as practicable after the new testing date is known, but no later than twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the new date of testing.

(i) Written notification under paragraph (a) (5) of this section may be provided either by mail or by facsimile. In addition, written notification may be provided by electronic mail, provided that the respective State agency or office of EPA agrees that this is an acceptable form of notification.

(ii) Notwithstanding the notice requirements under paragraph (a)(5) of this section, the owner or operator may elect to repeat a periodic relative accuracy test, appendix E restest, or low mass emissions unit retest immediately, without additional notification whenever the owner or operator has determined that a test was failed, or that a second test is necessary in order to attain a reduced relative accuracy test frequency.

(iii) Waiver from notification requirements. The Administrator, the appropriate EPA Regional Office, or the applicable State air pollution control agency may issue a waiver from the requirement of paragraph (a)(5) of this section to provide notice to the respective State agency or office of EPA for a unit or a group of units for one or more tests. The Administrator, the appropriate EPA Regional Office, or the applicable State air pollution control agency may also discontinue the waiver and reinstate the requirement of paragraph (a)(5) of this section to provide notice to the respective State agency or office of EPA for future tests for a unit or a group of units. In addition, if an observer from a State agency or EPA is present when a test is rescheduled, the observer may waive all notification requirements under paragraph (a)(5) of this section for the rescheduled test.

(6) Notice of combustion of emergency fuel under appendix D or E. The designated representative of an oil-fired unit or gas-fired unit using appendix D or E of this part shall, for each calendar quarter in which emergency fuel is combusted, provide notice of the combustion of the emergency fuel in the cover letter (or electronic equivalent) which transmits the next quarterly report submitted under § 75.64. The notice shall specify the exact dates and hours during which the emergency fuel was combusted.

(7) Long-term cold storage and recommencement of commercial operation. The designated representative for an affected unit that is placed into long-term cold storage that is relying on the provisions in § 75.4(d) or § 75.64(a), either to postpone certification testing or to discontinue the submittal of quarterly reports during the period of long-term cold storage, shall provide written notification of long-term cold storage status and recommencement of commercial operation as follows:

(i) Whenever an affected unit has been placed into long-term cold storage, written notification of the date and hour that the unit was shutdown and a statement from the designated representative stating that the shutdown is expected to last for at least two years from that date, in accordance with the definition for long-term cold storage of a unit as provided in § 72.2 of this chapter.

(ii) Whenever an affected unit that has been placed into long-term cold storage is expected to resume operation, written notification shall be submitted 45 calendar days prior to the planned date of recommencement of commercial operation. If the actual date of recommencement of commercial operation differs from the expected date, written notice of the actual date shall be submitted no later than 7 days following the actual date of recommencement of commercial operation.

(8) Certification deadline date for new or newly affected units. The designated representative of a new or newly affected unit shall provide notification of the date on which the relevant deadline for initial certification is reached, either as provided in § 75.4(b) or § 75.4(c), or as specified in a State or Federal SO2 or NOX mass emission reduction program that incorporates by reference, or otherwise adopts, the monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements of subpart F, G, or H of this part. The notification shall be submitted no later than 7 calendar days after the applicable certification deadline is reached.

(b) The owner or operator or designated representative shall submit notification of certification tests and recertification tests for continuous opacity monitoring systems as specified in § 75.20(c)(8) to the State or local air pollution control agency.

(c) If the Administrator determines that notification substantially similar to that required in this section is required by any other State or local agency, the owner or operator or designated representative may send the Administrator a copy of that notification to satisfy the requirements of this section, provided the ORISPL unit identification number(s) is denoted.

[60 FR 26538, May 17, 1995, as amended at 61 FR 25582, May 22, 1996; 61 FR 59162, Nov. 22, 1996; 64 FR 28620, May 26, 1999; 67 FR 40442, 40443, June 12, 2002; 73 FR 4356, Jan. 24, 2008; 76 FR 17316, Mar. 28, 2011]
§ 75.62 - Monitoring plan submittals.

(a) Submission—(1) Electronic. Using the format specified in paragraph (c) of this section, the designated representative for an affected unit shall submit a complete, electronic, up-to-date monitoring plan file (except for hardcopy portions identified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section) to the Administrator as follows: no later than 21 days prior to the initial certification tests; at the time of each certification or recertification application submission; and (prior to or concurrent with) the submittal of the electronic quarterly report for a reporting quarter where an update of the electronic monitoring plan information is required, either under § 75.53(b) or elsewhere in this part.

(2) Hardcopy. The designated representative shall submit all of the hardcopy information required under § 75.53 to the appropriate EPA Regional Office and the appropriate State and/or local air pollution control agency prior to initial certification. Thereafter, the designated representative shall submit hardcopy information only if that portion of the monitoring plan is revised. The designated representative shall submit the required hardcopy information as follows: no later than 21 days prior to the initial certification test; with any certification or recertification application, if a hardcopy monitoring plan change is associated with the certification or recertification event; and within 30 days of any other event with which a hardcopy monitoring plan change is associated, pursuant to § 75.53(b). Electronic submittal of all monitoring plan information, including hardcopy portions, is permissible provided that a paper copy of the hardcopy portions can be furnished upon request.

(b) Contents. Monitoring plans shall contain the information specified in § 75.53 of this part.

(c) Format. The designated representative shall submit each monitoring plan in a format specified by the Administrator.

(d) On and after April 27, 2011, consistent with § 72.21 of this chapter, a hardcopy cover letter signed by the Designated Representative (DR) shall accompany each hardcopy monitoring plan submittal. The cover letter shall include the certification statement described in § 72.21(b) of this chapter, and shall be submitted to the applicable EPA Regional Office and to the appropriate State or local air pollution control agency. For electronic monitoring plan submittals to the Administrator, a cover letter is not required. However, at his or her discretion, the DR may include important explanatory text or comments with an electronic monitoring plan submittal, so long as the information is provided in an electronic format that is compatible with the other data required to be reported under this section.

[58 FR 3701, Jan. 11, 1993, as amended at 60 FR 26539, May 17, 1995; 64 FR 28621, May 26, 1999; 67 FR 40443, June 12, 2002; 73 FR 4356, Jan. 24, 2008; 76 FR 17316, Mar. 28, 2011]
§ 75.63 - Initial certification or recertification application.

(a) Submission. The designated representative for an affected unit or a combustion source shall submit applications and reports as follows:

(1) Initial certifications. (i) For CEM systems or excepted monitoring systems under appendix D or E to this part, within 45 days after completing all initial certification tests, submit:

(A) To the Administrator, the electronic information required by paragraph (b)(1) of this section. Except for subpart E applications for alternative monitoring systems or unless specifically requested by the Administrator, do not submit a hardcopy of the test data and results to the Administrator.

(B) To the applicable EPA Regional Office and the appropriate State and/or local air pollution control agency, the hardcopy information required by paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

(ii) For units for which the owner or operator is applying for certification approval of the optional excepted methodology under § 75.19 for low mass emissions units, submit, no later than 45 days prior to commencing use of the methodology:

(A) To the Administrator, the electronic low mass emission qualification information required by § 75.53(f)(5)(i) or § 75.53(h)(4)(i) (as applicable) and paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section; and

(B) To the applicable EPA Regional Office and appropriate State and/or local air pollution control agency, the hardcopy information required by § 75.19(a)(2) and § 75.53(f)(5)(ii) or § 75.53(h)(4)(ii) (as applicable), the hardcopy results of any appendix E (of this part) tests or any CEMS data analysis used to derive a fuel-and-unit-specific default NOX emission rate.

(2) Recertifications and diagnostic testing. (i) Within 45 days after completing all recertification tests under § 75.20(b), submit to the Administrator the electronic information required by paragraph (b)(1) of this section. Except for subpart E applications for alternative monitoring systems or unless specifically requested by the Administrator, do not submit a hardcopy of the test data and results to the Administrator.

(ii) Within 45 days after completing all recertification tests under § 75.20(b), submit the hardcopy information required by paragraph (b)(2) of this section to the applicable EPA Regional Office and the appropriate State and/or local air pollution control agency. The applicable EPA Regional Office or appropriate State or local air pollution control agency may waive the requirement to provide hardcopy recertification test and data results. The applicable EPA Regional Office or the appropriate State or local air pollution control agency may also discontinue the waiver and reinstate the requirement of this paragraph to provide a hardcopy report of the recertification test data and results.

(iii) Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraphs (a)(2)(i) and (a)(2)(ii) of this section, for an event for which the Administrator determines that only diagnostic tests (see § 75.20(b)) are required rather than recertification testing, no hardcopy submittal is required; however, the results of all diagnostic test(s) shall be submitted prior to or concurrent with the electronic quarterly report required under § 75.64. Notwithstanding the requirement of § 75.59(e), for DAHS (missing data and formula) verifications, no hardcopy submittal is required; the owner or operator shall keep these test results on-site in a format suitable for inspection.

(b) Contents. Each application for initial certification or recertification shall contain the following information, as applicable:

(1) Electronic. (i) A complete, up-to-date version of the electronic portion of the monitoring plan, according to § 75.53(e) and (f), in the format specified in § 75.62(c).

(ii) The results of the test(s) required by § 75.20, including the type of test conducted, testing date, information required by § 75.59, and the results of any failed tests that affect data validation.

(2) Hardcopy. (i) Any changed portions of the hardcopy monitoring plan information required under § 75.53(e) and (f). Electronic submittal of all monitoring plan information, including the hardcopy portions, is permissible, provided that a paper copy can be furnished upon request.

(ii) The results of the test(s) required by § 75.20, including the type of test conducted, testing date, information required by § 75.59(a)(9), and the results of any failed tests that affect data validation.

(iii) [Reserved]

(iv) Designated representative signature certifying the accuracy of the submission.

(c) Format. The electronic portion of each certification or recertification application shall be submitted in a format to be specified by the Administrator. The hardcopy test results shall be submitted in a format suitable for review and shall include the information in § 75.59(a)(9).

(d) Consistent with § 72.21 of this chapter, a hardcopy cover letter signed by the Designated Representative (DR) shall accompany the hardcopy portion of each certification or recertification application. The cover letter shall include the certification statement described in § 72.21(b) of this chapter, and shall be submitted to the applicable EPA Regional Office and to the appropriate State or local air pollution control agency. For the electronic portion of a certification or recertification application submitted to the Administrator, a cover letter is not required. However, at his or her discretion, the DR may include important explanatory text or comments with the electronic portion of a certification or recertification application, so long as the information is provided in an electronic format compatible with the other data required to be reported under this section.

[64 FR 28621, May 26, 1999, as amended at 67 FR 40443, June 12, 2002; 73 FR 4357, Jan. 24, 2008; 76 FR 17317, Mar. 28, 2011]
§ 75.64 - Quarterly reports.

(a) Electronic submission. The designated representative for an affected unit shall electronically report the data and information in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section to the Administrator quarterly, beginning with the data from the earlier of the calendar quarter corresponding to the date of provisional certification or the calendar quarter corresponding to the relevant deadline for initial certification in § 75.4(a), (b), or (c). The initial quarterly report shall contain hourly data beginning with the hour of provisional certification or the hour corresponding to the relevant certification deadline, whichever is earlier. For an affected unit subject to § 75.4(d) that is shutdown on the relevant compliance date in § 75.4(a) or has been placed in long-term cold storage (as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter), quarterly reports are not required. In such cases, the owner or operator shall submit quarterly reports for the unit beginning with the data from the quarter in which the unit recommences commercial operation (where the initial quarterly report contains hourly data beginning with the first hour of recommenced commercial operation of the unit). For units placed into long-term cold storage during a reporting quarter, the exemption from submitting quarterly reports begins with the calendar quarter following the date that the unit is placed into long-term cold storage. For any provisionally-certified monitoring system, § 75.20(a)(3) shall apply for initial certifications, and § 75.20(b)(5) shall apply for recertifications. Each electronic report must be submitted to the Administrator within 30 days following the end of each calendar quarter. Prior to January 1, 2008, each electronic report shall include for each affected unit (or group of units using a common stack), the information provided in paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(8) through (a)(15) of this section. During the time period of January 1, 2008 to January 1, 2009, each electronic report shall include, either the information provided in paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(8) through (a)(15) of this section or the information provided in paragraphs (a)(3) through (a)(15) of this section. On and after January 1, 2009, the owner or operator shall meet the requirements of paragraphs (a)(3) through (a)(15) of this section only. Each electronic report shall also include the date of report generation.

(1) Facility information:

(i) Identification, including:

(A) Facility/ORISPL number;

(B) Calendar quarter and year for the data contained in the report; and

(C) Version of the electronic data reporting format used for the report.

(ii) Location, including:

(A) Plant name and facility ID;

(B) EPA AIRS facility system ID;

(C) State facility ID;

(D) Source category/type;

(E) Primary SIC code;

(F) State postal abbreviation;

(G) County code; and

(H) Latitude and longitude.

(2) The information and hourly data required in § 75.53 and §§ 75.57 through 75.59, excluding the following:

(i) Descriptions of adjustments, corrective action, and maintenance;

(ii) Information which is incompatible with electronic reporting (e.g., field data sheets, lab analyses, quality control plan);

(iii) Opacity data listed in or § 75.57(f), and in § 75.59(a)(8);

(iv) For units with SO2 or NOX add-on emission controls that do not elect to use the approved site-specific parametric monitoring procedures for calculation of substitute data, the information in § 75.58(b)(3);

(v) [Reserved]

(vi) Information required by § 75.57(h) concerning the causes of any missing data periods and the actions taken to cure such causes;

(vii) Hardcopy monitoring plan information required by § 75.53 and hardcopy test data and results required by § 75.59;

(viii) Records of flow monitor and moisture monitoring system polynomial equations, coefficients, or “K” factors required by § 75.59(a)(5)(vi) or § 75.59(a)(5)(vii);

(ix) Daily fuel sampling information required by § 75.58(c)(3)(i) for units using assumed values under appendix D;

(x) Information required by §§ 75.59(b)(1)(vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), and (xiii), and (b)(2)(iii) and (iv) concerning fuel flowmeter accuracy tests and transmitter/transducer accuracy tests;

(xi) Stratification test results required as part of the RATA supplementary records under § 75.59(a)(7);

(xii) Data and results of RATAs that are aborted or invalidated due to problems with the reference method or operational problems with the unit and data and results of linearity checks that are aborted or invalidated due to problems unrelated to monitor performance; and

(xiii) Supplementary RATA information required under § 75.59(a)(7), except that:

(A) The applicable data elements under § 75.59(a)(7)(ii)(A) through (T) and under § 75.59(a)(7)(iii)(A) through (M) shall be reported for flow RATAs at circular or rectangular stacks (or ducts) in which angular compensation for yaw and/or pitch angles is used (i.e., Method 2F or 2G in appendices A-1 and A-2 to part 60 of this chapter), with or without wall effects adjustments;

(B) The applicable data elements under § 75.59(a)(7)(ii)(A) through (T) and under § 75.59(a)(7)(iii)(A) through (M) shall be reported for any flow RATA run at a circular stack in which Method 2 in appendices A-1 and A-2 to part 60 of this chapter is used and a wall effects adjustment factor is determined by direct measurement;

(C) The data under § 75.59(a)(7)(ii)(T) shall be reported for all flow RATAs at circular stacks in which Method 2 in appendices A-1 and A-2 to part 60 of this chapter is used and a default wall effects adjustment factor is applied; and

(D) The data under § 75.59(a)(7)(ix)(A) through (F) shall be reported for all flow RATAs at rectangular stacks or ducts in which Method 2 in appendices A-1 and A-2 to part 60 of this chapter is used and a wall effects adjustment factor is applied.

(3) Facility identification information, including:

(i) Facility/ORISPL number;

(ii) Calendar quarter and year for the data contained in the report; and

(iii) Version of the electronic data reporting format used for the report.

(4) In accordance with § 75.62(a)(1), if any monitoring plan information required in § 75.53 requires an update, either under § 75.53(b) or elsewhere in this part, submission of the electronic monitoring plan update shall be completed prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the quarterly electronic data report for the appropriate quarter in which the update is required.

(5) The daily calibration error test and daily interference check information required in § 75.59(a)(1) and (a)(2) must always be included in the electronic quarterly emissions report. All other certification, quality assurance, and quality control information in § 75.59 that is not excluded from electronic reporting under paragraph (a)(2) or (a)(7) of this section shall be submitted separately, either prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the relevant electronic quarterly emissions report. However, reporting of the information in § 75.59(a)(9)(x) is not required until September 26, 2011, and reporting of the information in § 75.59(a)(15), (b)(6), and (d)(4) is not required until March 27, 2012.

(6) The information and hourly data required in §§ 75.57 through 75.59, and daily calibration error test data, daily interference check, and off-line calibration demonstration information required in § 75.59(a)(1) and (2).

(7) Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraphs (a)(4) through (a)(6) of this section, the following information is excluded from electronic reporting:

(i) Descriptions of adjustments, corrective action, and maintenance;

(ii) Information which is incompatible with electronic reporting (e.g., field data sheets, lab analyses, quality control plan);

(iii) Opacity data listed in § 75.57(f), and in § 75.59(a)(8);

(iv) For units with SO2 or NOX add-on emission controls that do not elect to use the approved site-specific parametric monitoring procedures for calculation of substitute data, the information in § 75.58(b)(3);

(v) Information required by § 75.57(h) concerning the causes of any missing data periods and the actions taken to cure such causes;

(vi) Hardcopy monitoring plan information required by § 75.53 and hardcopy test data and results required by § 75.59;

(vii) Records of flow monitor and moisture monitoring system polynomial equations, coefficients, or “K” factors required by § 75.59(a)(5)(vi) or § 75.59(a)(5)(vii);

(viii) Daily fuel sampling information required by § 75.58(c)(3)(i) for units using assumed values under appendix D of this part;

(ix) Information required by §§ 75.59(b)(1)(vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), and (xiii), and (b)(2)(iii) and (iv) concerning fuel flowmeter accuracy tests and transmitter/transducer accuracy tests;

(x) Stratification test results required as part of the RATA supplementary records under § 75.59(a)(7);

(xi) Data and results of RATAs that are aborted or invalidated due to problems with the reference method or operational problems with the unit and data and results of linearity checks that are aborted or invalidated due to problems unrelated to monitor performance;

(xii) Supplementary RATA information required under § 75.59(a)(7)(i) through § 75.59(a)(7)(v), except that:

(A) The applicable data elements under § 75.59(a)(7)(ii)(A) through (T) and under § 75.59(a)(7)(iii)(A) through (M) shall be reported for flow RATAs at circular or rectangular stacks (or ducts) in which angular compensation for yaw and/or pitch angles is used (i.e., Method 2F or 2G in appendices A-1 and A-2 to part 60 of this chapter), with or without wall effects adjustments;

(B) The applicable data elements under § 75.59(a)(7)(ii)(A) through (T) and under § 75.59(a)(7)(iii)(A) through (M) shall be reported for any flow RATA run at a circular stack in which Method 2 in appendices A-1 and A-2 to part 60 of this chapter is used and a wall effects adjustment factor is determined by direct measurement;

(C) The data under § 75.59(a)(7)(ii)(T) shall be reported for all flow RATAs at circular stacks in which Method 2 in appendices A-1 and A-2 to part 60 of this chapter is used and a default wall effects adjustment factor is applied; and

(D) The data under § 75.59(a)(7)(ix)(A) through (F) shall be reported for all flow RATAs at rectangular stacks or ducts in which Method 2 in appendices A-1 and A-2 to part 60 of this chapter is used and a wall effects adjustment factor is applied; and

(xiii) The certification required by section 6.1.2(b) of appendix A to this part and recorded under § 75.57(a)(7).

(8) Tons (rounded to the nearest tenth) of SO2 emitted during the quarter and cumulative SO2 emissions for the calendar year.

(9) Average NOX emission rate (lb/mmBtu, rounded to the nearest thousandth) during the quarter and cumulative NOX emission rate for the calendar year.

(10) Tons of CO2 emitted during quarter and cumulative CO2 emissions for calendar year.

(11) Total heat input (mmBtu) for quarter and cumulative heat input for calendar year.

(12) Unit or stack or common pipe header operating hours for quarter and cumulative unit or stack or common pipe header operating hours for calendar year.

(13) For low mass emissions units for which the owner or operator is using the optional low mass emissions methodology in § 75.19(c) to calculate NOX mass emissions, the designated representative must also report tons (rounded to the nearest tenth) of NOX emitted during the quarter and cumulative NOX mass emissions for the calendar year.

(14) For low mass emissions units using the optional long term fuel flow methodology under § 75.19(c), for each quarter report the long term fuel flow for each fuel according to § 75.58(f)(2).

(15) For units using the optional fuel flow to load procedure in section 2.1.7 of appendix D to this part, report both the fuel flow-to-load baseline data and the results of the fuel flow-to-load test each quarter.

(b) The designated representative shall affirm that the component/system identification codes and formulas in the quarterly electronic reports, submitted to the Administrator pursuant to § 75.53, represent current operating conditions.

(c) Compliance certification. The designated representative shall submit a certification in support of each quarterly emissions monitoring report based on reasonable inquiry of those persons with primary responsibility for ensuring that all of the unit's emissions are correctly and fully monitored. The certification shall indicate whether the monitoring data submitted were recorded in accordance with the applicable requirements of this part including the quality control and quality assurance procedures and specifications of this part and its appendices, and any such requirements, procedures and specifications of an applicable excepted or approved alternative monitoring method. For a unit with add-on emission controls, the designated representative shall also include a certification, for all hours where data are substituted following the provisions of § 75.34(a)(1), that the add-on emission controls were operating within the range of parameters listed in the monitoring plan and that the substitute values recorded during the quarter do not systematically underestimate SO2 or NOX emissions, pursuant to § 75.34.

(d) Electronic format. Each quarterly report shall be submitted in a format to be specified by the Administrator, including both electronic submission of data and (unless otherwise approved by the Administrator) electronic submission of compliance certifications.

(e) [Reserved]

(f) Method of submission. Beginning with the quarterly report for the first quarter of the year 2001, all quarterly reports shall be submitted to EPA by direct computer-to-computer electronic transfer via EPA-provided software, unless otherwise approved by the Administrator.

(g) At his or her discretion, the DR may include important explanatory text or comments with an electronic quarterly report submittal, so long as the information is provided in a format that is compatible with the other data required to be reported under this section.

[64 FR 28622, May 26, 1999, as amended at 67 FR 40444, June 12, 2002; 73 FR 4357, Jan. 24, 2008; 76 FR 17317, Mar. 28, 2011]
§ 75.65 - Opacity reports.

The owner or operator or designated representative shall report excess emissions of opacity recorded under § 75.57(f) to the applicable State or local air pollution control agency.

[64 FR 28623, May 26, 1999, as amended at 67 FR 40444, June 12, 2002]
§ 75.66 - Petitions to the Administrator.

(a) General. The designated representative for an affected unit subject to the requirements of this part may submit a petition to the Administrator requesting that the Administrator exercise his or her discretion to approve an alternative to any requirement prescribed in this part or incorporated by reference in this part. Any such petition shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements of this section. The designated representative shall comply with the signatory requirements of § 72.21 of this chapter for each submission.

(b) Alternative flow monitoring method petition. In cases where no location exists for installation of a flow monitor in either the stack or the ducts serving an affected unit that satisfies the minimum physical siting criteria in appendix A of this part or where installation of a flow monitor in either the stack or duct is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Administrator to be technically infeasible, the designated representative for the affected unit may petition the Administrator for an alternative method for monitoring volumetric flow. The petition shall, at a minimum, contain the following information:

(1) Identification of the affected unit(s);

(2) Description of why the minimum siting criteria cannot be met within the existing ductwork or stack(s). This description shall include diagrams of the existing ductwork or stack, as well as documentation of any attempts to locate a flow monitor; and

(3) Description of proposed alternative method for monitoring flow.

(c) Alternative to standards incorporated by reference. The designated representative for an affected unit may apply to the Administrator for an alternative to any standard incorporated by reference and prescribed in this part. The designated representative shall include the following information in an application:

(1) A description of why the prescribed standard is not being used;

(2) A description and diagram(s) of any equipment and procedures used in the proposed alternative;

(3) Information demonstrating that the proposed alternative produces data acceptable for use in the Acid Rain Program, including accuracy and precision statements, NIST traceability certificates or protocols, or other supporting data, as applicable to the proposed alternative.

(d) Alternative monitoring system petitions. The designated representative for an affected unit may submit a petition to the Administrator for approval and certification of an alternative monitoring system or component according to the procedure in subpart E of this part. Each petition shall contain the information and data specified in subpart E, including the information specified in § 75.48, in a format to be specified by the Administrator.

(e) Parametric monitoring procedure petitions. The designated representative for an affected unit may submit a petition to the Administrator, where each petition shall contain the information specified in § 75.58(b) for the use of a parametric monitoring method. The Administrator will either:

(1) Publish a notice in the Federal Register indicating receipt of a parametric monitoring procedure petition;, or

(2) Notify interested parties of receipt of a parametric monitoring petition.

(f) [Reserved]

(g) Petitions for emissions or heat input apportionments. The designated representative of an affected unit shall provide information to describe a method for emissions or heat input apportionment under §§ 75.13, 75.16, 75.17, or appendix D of this part. This petition may be submitted as part of the monitoring plan. Such a petition shall contain, at a minimum, the following information:

(1) A description of the units, including their fuel type, their boiler type, and their categorization as Phase I units, substitution units, compensating units, Phase II units, new units, or non-affected units;

(2) A formula describing how the emissions or heat input are to be apportioned to which units;

(3) A description of the methods and parameters used to apportion the emissions or heat input; and

(4) Any other information necessary to demonstrate that the apportionment method accurately measures emissions or heat input and does not underestimate emissions or heat input from affected units.

(h) Partial recertification petition. The designated representative of an affected unit may provide information and petition the Administrator to specify which of the certification tests required by § 75.20 apply for partial recertification of the affected unit. Such a petition shall include the following information:

(1) Identification of the monitoring system(s) being changed;

(2) A description of the changes being made to the system;

(3) An explanation of why the changes are being made; and

(4) A description of the possible effect upon the monitoring system's ability to measure, record, and report emissions.

(i) [Reserved]

(j) Petition for alternative method of accounting for emissions prior to completion of certification tests. The designated representative for an affected unit may submit a petition to the Administrator to use an alternative to the procedures in § 75.4(d)(3), (e)(3), (f)(3) or (g)(3) to account for emissions during the period between the compliance date for a unit and the completion of certification testing for that unit. The designated representative shall include:

(1) Identification of the affected unit(s);

(2) A detailed explanation of the alternative method to account for emissions of the following parameters, as applicable: SO2 mass emissions (in lbs), NOX emission rate (in lbs/mmBtu), CO2 mass emissions (in lbs) and, if the unit is subject to the requirements of subpart H of this part, NOX mass emissions (in lbs); and

(3) A demonstration that the proposed alternative does not underestimate emissions.

(k) Petition for an alternative to the stabilization criteria for the cycle time test in section 6.4 of appendix A to this part. The designated representative for an affected unit may submit a petition to the Administrator to use an alternative stabilization criteria for the cycle time test in section 6.4 of appendix A to this part, if the installed monitoring system does not record data in 1-minute or 3-minute intervals. The designated representative shall provide a description of the alternative criteria.

(l) Any other petitions to the Administrator under this part. Except for petitions addressed in paragraphs (b) through (k) of this section, any petition submitted under this paragraph shall include sufficient information for the evaluation of the petition, including, at a minimum, the following information:

(1) Identification of the affected plant and unit(s);

(2) A detailed explanation of why the proposed alternative is being suggested in lieu of the requirement;

(3) A description and diagram of any equipment and procedures used in the proposed alternative, if applicable;

(4) A demonstration that the proposed alternative is consistent with the purposes of the requirement for which the alternative is proposed and is consistent with the purposes of this part and of section 412 of the Act and that any adverse effect of approving such alternative will be de minimis; and

(5) Any other relevant information that the Administrator may require.

[58 FR 3701, Jan. 11, 1993,as amended at 60 FR 26540, 26569, May 17, 1995; 61 FR 59162, Nov. 20, 1996; 64 FR 28623, May 26, 1999; 67 FR 40444, June 12, 2002; 73 FR 4358, Jan. 24, 2008]
§ 75.67 - Retired units petitions.

(a) [Reserved]

(b) For combustion sources seeking to enter the Opt-in Program in accordance with part 74 of this chapter that will be permanently retired and governed upon entry into the Opt-in Program by a thermal energy plan in accordance with § 74.47 of this chapter, an exemption from the requirements of this part, including the requirement to install and certify a continuous emissions monitoring system, may be obtained from the Administrator if the designated representative submits to the Administrator a petition for such an exemption prior to the deadline in § 75.4 by which the continuous emission or opacity monitoring systems must complete the required certification tests.

[60 FR 17131, Apr. 4, 1995, as amended at 60 FR 26541, May 17, 1995; 62 FR 55487, Oct. 24, 1997]
§ 75.68 - Temporary modifications to otherwise applicable quality-assurance requirements during the COVID-19 national emergency.

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this part, during and following the emergency period defined in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the provisions of this section shall apply for purposes of reporting the data that are required to be reported under this part and completing the tests that are required to be completed under this part.

(1) For purposes of this section, the emergency period begins on March 13, 2020, the date of the declaration of a national emergency concerning the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak by the President of the United States in accordance with 50 U.S.C. 1621,and.S.C. 1622, provided that the emergency period under this section shall not extend past the expiration of the effectiveness of this section.

(2) The provisions of this section shall apply with respect to the following tests that are required to be completed under this part:

(i) Any quality-assurance test of a continuous emission monitoring system required under appendix B to this part or § 75.74(c).

(ii) Any quality-assurance test of a fuel flowmeter required under section 2.1.6 of appendix D to this part or § 75.74(c).

(iii) Any certification or recertification test of a continuous emission monitoring system required under § 75.20 or § 75.70(d).

(iv) Any certification test of a fuel flowmeter required under section 2.1.5 of appendix D to this part or § 75.70(d).

(v) Any periodic analysis of fuel sulfur content, density, or gross calorific value required under section 2.2 or 2.3 of appendix D to this part, provided that there have been no changes in the fuel supply since the most recent previous fuel analysis that would reasonably be expected to cause a change in such fuel characteristics.

(vi) Any periodic retest of NOX emission rates required under section 2.2 of appendix E to this part.

(vii) Any periodic retest of fuel-and-unit-specific NOX emission rates required under § 75.19(c)(4)(i)(D) that is required only because of the passage of time and not because of changes in the fuel supply, physical changes to the unit, changes in the manner of unit operation, or changes to the emission controls.

(3) Following a failure to complete by the applicable deadline (or by the end of any grace period following the deadline) any required quality-assurance test or tests described in paragraph (a)(2)(i) or (ii) of this section for any continuous emission monitoring system or fuel flowmeter under this part, for any subsequent operating hour in the emergency period prior to completion of the test or tests in accordance with paragraph (a)(6)(i) of this section, the owner or operator of an affected unit may continue to report data determined using measurements obtained from the continuous emission monitoring system or fuel flowmeter as valid, provided that the following conditions are met:

(i) But for the failure to complete the quality-assurance test or tests, the data obtained from the monitoring system would be considered valid without the benefit of the provisions of this section;

(ii) The reason for failure to complete each such quality-assurance test is travel, plant access, or other safety restrictions implemented to address the COVID-19 national emergency; and

(iii) The owner or operator creates and maintains the records specified in paragraph (a)(7)(i) of this section and the designated representative submits the notifications required under paragraphs (a)(7)(ii) and (iii) of this section.

(4) Following a failure to complete by the applicable deadline any required certification or recertification test or tests described in paragraph (a)(2)(iii) or (iv) of this section for any continuous emission monitoring system or fuel flowmeter under this part, for any subsequent operating hour in an emergency period prior to completion of the test or tests in accordance with paragraph (a)(6)(i) of this section, the owner or operator of an affected unit may continue to report data determined using measurements obtained from the continuous emission monitoring system or fuel flowmeter as conditionally valid provided that the following conditions are met:

(i) But for the failure to complete the certification or recertification test or tests, the data obtained from the monitoring system would be considered conditionally valid without the benefit of the provisions of this section;

(ii) The reason for failure to complete each such certification or recertification test is travel, plant access, or other safety restrictions implemented to address the COVID-19 national emergency; and

(iii) The owner or operator creates and maintains the records specified in paragraph (a)(7)(i) of this section and the designated representative submits the notifications required under paragraphs (a)(7)(ii) and (iii) of this section.

(5) Following a failure to complete by the applicable deadline any required periodic analysis of fuel characteristics under appendix D to this part described in paragraph (a)(2)(v) of this section or any required periodic NOX emission rate testing under appendix E to this part or § 75.19 described in paragraph (a)(2)(vi) or (vii) of this section, for any subsequent operating hour during the emergency period prior to completion of the analysis or testing in accordance with paragraph (a)(6)(i) of this section, the owner or operator of an affected unit using the methodology in appendix D may continue to report data determined using the fuel characteristics authorized for use under the regulations following the most recent previous analysis for that fuel, the owner or operator of an affected unit using the methodology in appendix E may continue to report data determined using the correlation curve developed from the most recent previous appendix E NOX emission rate testing, and the owner or operator of an affected unit using a fuel-and-unit-specific emission rate under the LME methodology in § 75.19(c)(1)(iv) may continue to report data determined using the fuel-and-unit-specific emission rate developed from the most recent previous LME NOX emission rate testing, provided that the following conditions are met:

(i) But for the failure to complete the appendix D fuel analysis or the appendix E or LME NOX emission rate testing, the data obtained from the appendix D, appendix E, or LME monitoring methodology would be considered valid without the benefit of the provisions of this section;

(ii) The reason for failure to complete each such appendix D fuel analysis or appendix E or LME NOX emission rate test is travel, plant access, or other safety restrictions implemented to address the COVID-19 national emergency; and

(iii) The owner or operator creates and maintains the records specified in paragraph (a)(7)(i) of this section and the designated representative submits the notifications required under paragraphs (a)(7)(ii) and (iii) of this section.

(6)(i) Each quality-assurance test, certification or recertification test, appendix D fuel analysis, and appendix E or LME NOX emission rate test required under this part that was not completed for a unit by the applicable deadline (or by the end of any grace period following the deadline) must be completed as soon as practicable following the end of travel, plant access, or other safety restrictions implemented to address the COVID-19 national emergency that affect that unit or the personnel or supplies required to complete the analysis or testing for that unit, but in no event later than the conclusion of the emergency period as defined in paragraph (a)(1) of this section.

(ii) If a test or analysis for which a deadline is established under paragraph (a)(6)(i) of this section is not completed by that deadline, the test or analysis shall be completed as soon as practicable thereafter, and for each operating hour following that deadline until completion of the test or analysis, the owner or operator shall report substitute data as if the originally applicable deadline for the test or analysis were the deadline under paragraph (a)(6)(i) of this section.

(iii) For purposes of determining the applicable deadline for the next quality-assurance test, appendix D fuel analysis, or appendix E or LME NOX emission rate test required under this part after a delayed quality-assurance test, appendix D fuel analysis, or appendix E or LME NOX emission rate test is completed or due to be completed in accordance with paragraph (a)(6)(i) of this section, the delayed test or analysis shall be considered to have been completed in a timely manner as of the date on which such delayed test or analysis was actually completed or, if earlier, the deadline for completion of the delayed test or analysis under paragraph (a)(6)(i) of this section.

(7) The following recordkeeping and reporting requirements shall apply to any use of the procedures under paragraphs (a)(3) through (6) of this section:

(i) The owner or operator of an affected unit reporting data under paragraph (a)(3), (4), or (5) of this section shall maintain records documenting the reasons for failure to complete by the applicable deadline each test or analysis referenced in such paragraph and demonstrating that such failure is caused by travel, plant access, or other safety restrictions implemented to address the COVID-19 national emergency. The owner or operator shall also maintain records documenting when any such travel, plant access, or other safety restrictions impairing the ability to complete testing or analyses for that unit ceased to apply. The records shall be maintained on site at the source in a form suitable for inspection for a period of three years from the date of each record.

(ii) By five business days after the applicable deadline for a test or analysis referenced in paragraph (a)(3), (4), or (5) of this section, the designated representative shall submit to the Administrator, by email transmitted to [email protected], a notification containing the following information:

(A) Facility ID (ORIS);

(B) Facility name;

(C) Monitoring location ID and/or unit ID;

(D) Identification of the quality-assurance test, certification or recertification test, appendix D fuel analysis, or appendix E or LME NOX emission rate test for which the notification is being submitted;

(E) Identification of the applicable deadline for the test or analysis under part 75 (not including any applicable grace period);

(F) A detailed explanation of the reason for failure to complete the test or analysis by the applicable deadline under part 75, including an explanation of how such failure is caused by travel, plant access, or other safety restrictions implemented to address the COVID-19 national emergency;

(G) The certification statements in § 72.21(b)(1) and (2) of this chapter.

(iii) By five business days after the completion in accordance with paragraph (a)(6)(i) or (ii) of this section of a delayed test or analysis referenced in paragraph (a)(3), (4), or (5) of this section, the designated representative shall submit to the Administrator, by email transmitted to [email protected], a notification containing the following information:

(A) Facility ID (ORIS);

(B) Facility name;

(C) Monitoring location ID and/or unit ID;

(D) Identification of the quality-assurance test, certification or recertification test, appendix D fuel analysis, or appendix E or LME NOX emission rate test for which the notification is being submitted;

(E) Identification of the date as of which travel, plant access, or other safety restrictions previously impairing the ability to complete the delayed test or analysis for the unit no longer applied;

(F) Identification of the date as of which the test or analysis was completed in accordance with paragraph (a)(6)(i) or (ii) of this section; and

(G) The certification statements in § 72.21(b)(1) and (2) of this chapter.

(iv) With respect to any test or analysis of a type that is required to be performed more frequently than once per unit operating quarter, a series of such required tests or analyses may be treated as a single test or analysis for purposes of a notification submitted under paragraph (a)(7)(ii) or (iii) of this section, with the notification under paragraph (a)(7)(ii) to be submitted by five business days after the first failure to perform such a test or analysis by the applicable deadline and the notification under paragraph (a)(7)(iii) to be submitted by five business days after the first completion of such a test or analysis in accordance with paragraph (a)(6)(i) or (ii) of this section.

(v) A notification submitted under paragraph (a)(7)(ii) or (iii) of this section may include information for more than one required test for a given unit or monitoring location, provided that each item of information required to be included in such notification pursuant to paragraphs (a)(7)(ii)(D) through (F) of this section or paragraphs (a)(7)(iii)(D) through (F) of this section is provided separately for each required test included in the notification.

(vi) No claim of confidentiality may be asserted with respect to any information included in a notification submitted under paragraph (a)(7)(ii) or (iii) of this section.

(vii) Notwithstanding the deadlines for submission of notifications in paragraphs (a)(7)(ii), (iii), and (iv) of this section, no such notification from any owner or operator shall be due less than 30 days after the effective date of this section.

(b) The requirements of this section are effective from April 22, 2020 and, except for those in paragraphs (a)(6)(ii) and (iii) and (a)(7)(i) of this section, shall cease to have effect October 19, 2020.

[85 FR 22372, Apr. 22, 2020]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q and 7651k note
source: 58 FR 3701, Jan. 11, 1993, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 75.62